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Day To Day

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Day-to-Day at a Glance

Week Day Block 1 Block 2

Word of the Week (1): Kindness
- Students will use the word of the week to guide their daily 5, word-work centers. I will also present students
with varying books depending on the word of the week that will help them gain a deeper understanding of
the term and how it relates to the unit as a whole. Discussions throughout the week will also focus around
the word of the week to connect it back with our essential questions

What is Kindness? Daily 5 Centers- This is a daily literacy block that

Today we will be introduced to the unit and begin talking we have built into the classroom routine. Students
about what kindness is. Students will gain a basic have been doing this since the beginning of the year,
understanding of why it is important to be kind and discuss and they have and understanding of the routine.
what we know already. This will be the same structure each day we have the
Activities/Assessment: Daily 5 block. See below for an explanation of each
- At the top of class, we will brainstorm what we center:
think we know about kindness already. This will be Read to Self (R)- Students have the opportunity to
added on to a word cloud program and saved for choose any book that they would like to read, and
later. (pre-assessment) they will read to self. Students can choose a book
- Students will participate in class discussion as we from our bins, the themed shelf (various books
read the book, talking about how we see kindness in about kindness) or a book they have taken from the
the story. We will also watch the short film, “Lou,” library.
and students will use a think-pair-share to discuss Work on Writing (W)- Students have the
the connections to their own lives and things they opportunity to free write in their regular writing
have heard/seen. notebooks. There will be a weekly prompt,
- As we discuss, we will add more words to the word encouraging students to reflect upon something in
cloud, which we will build up with all of the words their lives, or something in school. They can choose
we think of when we think kindness. This will be to do this or write about something of their choice.
printed off and placed in our classroom for quick Word Word (WW)- Students will practice high-
reference through the unit (formative) frequency words, explore spelling patterns. Students
- At the end of the class, students will complete an will explore words, word families, spelling patterns,
1M entry in their kindness journal. They will answer the etc. to spark their curiosity about new and
question: What is Kindness? They can complete the unfamiliar words.
sentence stem: Kindness is ________. Or write Read to Someone (RS)- students will read out loud
freely. to a peer, or to me in small groups. This helps
Reading/Resources: students develop fluency, accuracy, comprehension,
- What Does it Mean to be Kind? by Rana DiOrio and prosody.
- “Lou” Disney short film Listen to Reading (L)- This provides fluency models
SLOs: to the merging readers in the room. Gives a new
- 1.1.1, 1.2.1, 2.2.5 aspect to reading and comprehension.
GLO: 2 (hits many SLOs depending on which
activity is chosen)
Day Block 1 Block 2
Bucket Filling 101 Daily 5
Students will be introduced to the McCloud book, Have you Filled a Bucket Today? This will help to
reinforce aspects of kindness that students will need to know throughout the unit and give them
something tangible to understand how our actions of kindness (or lack of) affect those around us.
The book also helps introduce students to various things they can do to be a “bucket filler” or a
“bucket dipper.”
- Students will participate in a depth discussion surrounding the book. This will help
2T students to imprint onto the lessons being taught through the use of the book. GLO 2
- Through discussion we will create an anchor chart that gives examples of what a “Bucket
Filling Classroom” looks like, sounds like, and feels like.
- Students will then be invited to complete a sorting activity with their table groups and
decide if various actions fit into the happy bucket, or the sad bucket. (formative)
Reading/ Resources:
- Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids by Carol McCloud
- 1.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.2.2
Wonder- Introductory Class Daily 5
Today students will be introduced to our novel for this unit. I will start the class with a book talk
style introduction and tell students a bit about the book. We will begin reading the book today and GLO 2
engage in discussion throughout the reading so students can gain a deeper understanding. This
novel is meant for grade 3, but with substantial discussion and connection to our essential
questions, students will be able to successfully engage with the text. We will also watch the movie
trailer as a part of the introductory activities so students can visualize who Auggie is.
- Class discussion and think aloud throughout the book. We will talk through some of the
connections from the text to our own lives, or things we have read about before.
3W - Character Map- this will be done as a class, as we read, we will keep a character map of the
main characters we meet throughout. This will help students when they complete their
Wonder Poster towards the end of the unit. This will be used throughout the unit as we
get deeper into the novel. (formative)
- Students will then respond to a prompt for their kindness journal: How does the book we
are reading relate to Kindness? They can use sentence starters or free write.
- Wonder by R.J. Palacio
- “Wonder” Movie trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngiK1gQKgK8
- 1.1.1, 1.2.2, 2.2.5
How do we Show Kindness? Daily 5
Students will begin to dig deeper into various aspects of kindness throughout the unit. Today will
give students the opportunity to explore and connect various ways in which we can show kindness GLO 2
to ourselves, and those around us. We will be using the You Hold Me Up by Monique Gray Smith
and Danielle Daniel to show the variety of kind acts. This also highlights Indigenous ways of being Students will
and allows us to explore the importance of kindness in the community. We will begin brainstorming do Daily 5 for
ideas for our initiative (this will be introduced as a project tomorrow). 20 minutes,
Activities/Assessment: and we will
- Students will have one copy of the book at each of their table groups. They will be asked read our novel
to find 3 ways that characters show kindness. They will be asked to share with the class for 15 min.
which things they chose as a group.
- We will have a class discussion about these things and highlight how every page of the
book explores a different way we can show kindness.
- We will start brainstorming ways we can bring more kindness into our school community.
- You Hold Me Up by Monique Gray Smith and Danielle Daniel
- 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 2.2.5
What is an Initiative? Only 1 ELA
Students will be introduced to their final project for this unit, the kindness initiative. We will pull on block on
their previous knowledge from the last week about what kindness is, and how we show it. Students Fridays- no
will take this period to brainstorm ways we can bring kindness into our school. We will formulate Daily 5
good inquiry questions, as well as use various resources to start developing our initiative. We will
also spend some time discussing where we can find the information we need.
- Students will engage in class discussion and research to push along the development of our
kindness initiative within our school.
- Students will be asked to log their thoughts and ideas about the initiative in their kindness
journal. Students should also choose one question to log as well. Students have the option
to fee write or use sentence starters. The prompt will be on the white board for students to
reference as they write.
- Various books from the shelf about ways to show kindness
- https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/tag/kindness/
- https://www.kidzsearch.com/
- Sofia Valdez, Future Prez by Andrea Beaty
- 3.1.3, 3.2.1, 3.3.3
Word of the Week (2): Friendship
Donuts and Kindness Daily 5
During this class we will be looking at another book that looks at the importance of relationships
and kindness. This book explores a brother and sister who are quite mean to each other but begin GLO 2
working together to help cheer up their elderly neighbour. We will look at this book and then create
Kindness sprinkles to display in our hallway. Students will
Activities/Assessment: do Daily 5 for
- We will read the book and discuss the aspects of kindness shown throughout the book. 20 minutes,
We will discuss how our relationships with people are important, and talk about the and we will
growth of the brother/sister relationship through the expression of kindness read our novel
- Students will use their kindness journals to reflect on how they will show kindness and for 15 min.
reflect on what kindness means to them. They will have time to record a couple of ideas,
which will be used for their sprinkle activity tomorrow. (formative)
- The Jelly Donut Difference: Sharing Kindness with the World by Maria Dismondy
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc6WW1GGjbk doing good, feels good video. Start
at 0:20 to 1:03
- 2.2.5, 2.2.9, 5.2.2
I Can Sprinkle Kindness… Daily 5
During this class, students will continue their activity from yesterday. We will recap what we learned
yesterday about how they will show kindness, and what kindness means to each of them. Students GLO 2
will then do some hands-on art to create a unique sprinkle that will be put on display in our grade 2
hallway. Students will
2 Activities/Assessment: do Daily 5 for
- Class discussion to recap what we learned yesterday. Students can work on expanding their 20 minutes,
ideas. and we will
- We will be doing shaving cream painting to create our unique sprinkles. Each student will read our novel
have a small pan of shaving cream on their desks, and a variety of coloured paints in the for 15 min.
middle of their table groups. Students will choose 2-3 colours that represent who they are
and add the paint into the shaving cream and swirl it around with a popsicle stick. Students
will then place their sprinkle on top of the shaving cream and gently press down. Students
will leave their sprinkle in the pan for the time being and go wash up. As students finish, I
will remove their sprinkles and take away excess shaving cream and allow these to dry. I
will take the rest out once students are in music class.
- Students will then come back together to begin writing the good copy of their sprinkle
labels. They will complete the following sentences using their journal notes from yesterday:
“I can sprinkle kindness by ____,” and “Being kind means _______” (Summative)
o This will be assessed with a checklist that is posted on the white board for
students to reference while they work.
- No reading for this block
- 1.1.1, 2.2.5, 5.2.2

Writing Workshop #1: Introduction (formative) Daily 5

During this class, students will participate in a writing workshop that will have them exploring
various ways to write an introduction. This will connect with the initiative planning that students GLO 2
will be completing. We need to learn how to introduce a topic in order to prime our audience. This Students will
will also be carried through their writing notebooks and kindness journal entries. do Daily 5 for
Activities/Assessment: 20 minutes,
- Students will be guided through a minilesson at the top of class about how to write an and we will
introduction. We will look at a few mentor texts that have good introductions, as well as read our novel
introductions in TV and music. I have chosen to include the introduction to a Paw Patrol for 15 min.
as an example of a good intro because students are familiar with it; we will talk about how
the introduction shows us exactly who the characters are and tells us a bit about them. We
will talk about how a good introduction tells us what we will see/hear/read, without giving
anything away. Students will look at various books in our classroom and find good
introductions in those as well. We will also look back at Wonder’s introduction.
- Students will be given a variety of sentence starters to paste into their writer’s notebook.
They will be given some time to practice writing an introduction about various topics of
their choosing (listed on the board… various things including weather, pets, school, video
games, etc.)
- After students’ practice, they will be asked to look back in their writer’s notebook and add
an introduction to something they have written before.
- Paw Patrol intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue
- Various classroom texts from our book bins
- 2.4.1, 3.3.2, 4.1.2
Kindness Looks Like… Daily 5
This lesson will build upon previous knowledge from the unit and explore what kindness looks like
in another way. We will read a book that has beautiful illustrations to depict how kindness looks GLO 2
(beyond the physicality of doing something) and have a discussion about what it looks like when we
are kind. Students will
Activities/Assessment: do Daily 5 for
- Students will participate in class discussion about how kindness looks both to us when we 20 minutes,
are being kind, and to other people. We will use some examples such as a smile, a hug, and and we will
other ways we show kindness. Students will also be prompted to think about what read our novel
kindness looks like, beyond actually doing something (this will be facilitated through the for 15 min.
use of Joy by Corrine Averiss)
- Students will be asked to create a 3-line poem, with the starting prompt “Kindness looks
like…” (formative)
o We have written this type of theme poem before, so students are familiar with the
o We will brainstorm a list, and students can choose 3 off the board, or come up
with their own if they have more ideas.
- Joy by Corrine Averiss
- Examples from past 3-line poems we have written to prime the students
- 1.1.1, 2.4.1, 4.1.9
What is a Random Act of Kindness?
This lesson will help students to frame kindness outside of the classroom/school. We will look at
the worldwide phenomenon of “Random Acts of Kindness,” and look at kindness in the news. We
will explore the initiative behind RAoK and students will be prompted to choose a book they would
like to share with seniors at the Bethany Care Center across the street from our school. Students will
spend time with the seniors and read a book with them.
- We will look at kindness in the news, we will explore various news articles that I have
selected prior to class (these will be based on what is going on in current events at the
time) and see how kindness is being enacted throughout the greater community
- We will take a look at the Random Acts of Kindness initiative and look at how they are
spreading their message- this will be helpful for our own initiative.
- Students will then be prompted to choose a book from the classroom that they would like
to share with a senior at the Bethany Care Center on Monday. Students will also be invited
to craft a kind message for the senior they will be reading with.
- Various news stories about kindness in the community (these will be chosen that week
based on what is happening in our community)
- https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/ (they also have various videos of RAoK to show
students if there aren’t news stories)
- 2.2.5, 5.2.2, 5.2.5
Word of the Week (3): Care
Random Act of Kindness Day Daily 5
During this class, students will walk to the Bethany Care Center across the street from the school
and spend time with a group of seniors. We will spend some time reading and visiting. How do we GLO 2
care for our community?
Activities/Assessment: Students will
- Students will take the books they chose, and the cards they created on Friday to go visit do Daily 5 for
with seniors 20 minutes,
- After we return to school, students will be asked to reflect on the experience in their and we will
Kindness Journals. Students will be asked to talk about how they felt, and how they think read our novel
the seniors felt because of the kindness we showed. for 15 min.
- No class wide readings; students chose their own books for the Bethany visit
- 1.1.2, 3.4.1, 5.2.2
Let’s Get Planning! Daily 5
This class will be spent furthering our inquiry into creating an initiative within our school. We will
spend time looking back at our previous work on different ways we can show kindness within our GLO 2
school community. This class will be mostly discussion based, and we will work towards having a
solid idea of exactly what we will be doing and how we want to do it. Students will
Activities/Assessment: do Daily 5 for
- We will begin the class by reading Say Something by Peter H. Reynolds, which talks about 20 minutes,
how important our voices are, no matter how big or small. Students will learn the and we will
importance/power behind their own voices. read our novel
- Students will work together to make some basic decisions about our kindness program. for 15 min.
We will discuss what we want to do, how often we will do it, who will be involved, and
how we want to present it.
- Students can use books, magazines, the Chromebooks, or anything else in the library to
gather ideas and information about how to implement our kindness program.
3 Readings/Resources:
- Say Something by Peter H. Reynolds
- 1.2.3, 3.1.3, 3.2.1
Workshop #2: Middle (formative) Daily 5
This class will focus on developing the ideas that students introduced in the last writer’s workshop.
We will have a minilesson about how to develop ideas and talk about them. Students will be given GLO 2
access to various resources which will help them do some guided research about their topic.
Students will be expected to format the middle/development of their writing/presenting in Students will
following lessons. do Daily 5 for
Activities/Assessment: 20 minutes,
- Students will be led through a mini lesson about how to develop your ideas and write the and we will
middle of a text. I will show students some examples of sentence stems that will help them read our novel
to develop their middle. We will also look at various books in our classroom as well as for 15 min.
other media texts to highlight the various different ways to write the “middle.”
- Students will be given a sheet of sentence stems they can add to their writer’s notebook.
They will then be invited to engage in a few minutes of research to help develop their
previously chosen topic. They will then be asked to write at least 2 sentences for the
middle of their writing.
- If students finish early, they can go back to some of their previous writing and see how
they wrote a middle previously.
- The resources for this lesson depend on the topics chosen by students in the previous
workshop. It will likely be various books and resources from the library, as well as some
online resources found through “Kidzsearch”
- We will also use a variety of books within our classroom.
- 2.4.1, 3.3.2, 4.1.2
A Day for the Books: Part 1 (Summative) No Daily 5
Today and tomorrow (day 14 & 15), students will be given the opportunity to explore some new
books that talk about various aspects of kindness. They will be asked to produce a “Book Talk” type
of presentation. Students will have the opportunity to practice presenting their thoughts and ideas in
front of peers, to help prepare them for presenting the initiative. This will be formatted similar to a
“reader’s chair” activity. Students have seen this modelled throughout the unit, as when I do a mini
book talk when I add a new book to the shelf or present a new story to them.
- The class will begin with a brief introduction to the activity, and explanation of exactly
what we will be doing. Students will be invited to share their thoughts and ideas about how
books can help us gain more understanding about a topic.
- Students will be working in pairs or groups of 3 for this activity. They will be invited to
choose from a variety of books in our school library that have been curated by the librarian
and myself. These books will all explore various aspects of kindness.
- Students will prepare a 1-minute book talk to present to their peers that will introduce the
title of the book, discuss how kindness is represented in the text, and how the characters
- Various texts that explore kindness in many different forms, these have been chosen with
the help of the school librarian.
- 1.1.1, 2.2.5, 5.2.1
A Day for the Books: Part 2 (Summative)
During class, students will bring together everything they did yesterday to prepare for their book
talks. Students will present their book talks in a talking circle format.
- Students will spend the first few minutes of class reacquainting themselves with their text
and the notes they made for presenting yesterday.
- We will come together as a group in a talking circle format, and students (groups) will
share their book talk with the class. After presentations are finished, students will be
15F invited to do a self-evaluation of their work.
- At the end of the class, students will take a few minutes to write in their kindness journals
and reflect on the books they heard about. They should respond using the sentence stem:
My favorite book about kindness was _______, because ______.
- These will be the same books as the day before. They are dependent on which books the
students choose.
- 1.1.3, 3.3.2, 3.4.1
Word of the Week (4): Empathy
Workshop #3: Conclusion (Formative) Daily 5
During this lesson, students will have a workshop on writing a conclusion. We will look at a variety
of texts, and online news articles to highlight the importance of writing a conclusion to wrap-up our GLO 2
thoughts. This will contribute to the initiative presentation that we will be doing next week.
Activities/Assessments: Students will
- We will begin the class with a minilesson on conclusion writing. We will look at various do Daily 5 for
other texts and discuss what makes a conclusion good. It will be highlighted that a 20 minutes,
conclusion should wrap-up the writing, and leave the reader wanting more. and we will
- Students will then be given a sheet of conclusion sentence starters to put into their writer’s read our novel
notebooks. Students will be invited to try writing a conclusion to the paragraph that they for 15 min.
have been working on for the past 2 workshops. Students will then be given the
4 opportunity to share what they have written.
- If students finish early, they can go back in their notebook and add conclusions to their
previous writing.
- We will discuss how using introductions, middles, and conclusions make our writing
better. Students will be encouraged to set a goal for themselves regarding using this writing
- No specific reading for this class. We will have a variety of texts that will be used for their
conclusion. I will choose these based on student interest.
- 1.1.6, 3.3.2, 3.4.1
#BeKind Poster (Summative) Daily 5
This class will focus on students using their knowledge of our novel, as well as the other lessons up GLO 2
to this point, and create a kindness poster. Students will be asked to bring together their knowledge
about kindness in various forms and combine that with their knowledge of Wonder. The posters will Students will
be created using various prompts to guide students writing and representing. do Daily 5 for
Activities/Assessments: 20 minutes,
- We will begin the class by looking over our notes about Wonder and recapping the book’s and we will
main themes and events up to this point. We will also have a priming discussion about read our novel
kindness to get students ready to create their kindness poster. for 15 min.
- Students will draw an outline of Auggie’s head (similar to what is on the cover). Students
will fill the head with words and drawings to represent their understanding of kindness
throughout the book. They will have various aspects of the novel included: what was your
favorite part of the book? Who is the kindest character? Who is your favorite character?
Why is kindness important?
o Students should be prepared to tell my why they chose what they did to represent
their answers.
- Wonder by R.J. Palacio
- We’re All Wonders by R.J. Palacio
- 1.1.3, 1.2.2, 4.1.3
Planning Day! Daily 5
Students will continue planning from day 12. We will do a recap of what we decided on for our
initiative, and break students into groups which will each focus on a different aspect of bringing the GLO 2
initiative together. By the end of this class, students will have a solid grasp on exactly what we are
doing on what we need to accomplish our goal. Students will
Activities/Assessment: do Daily 5 for
- Students will be broken into various groups to help bring the project together. One group 20 minutes,
will be responsible for the presentation of our initiative, one group will be responsible for and we will
searching out the resources we will need. Within their groups, students will also work on read our novel
creating a written script that will be edited and revised as a class. for 15 min.
- This period will mostly be a work period. At the end of the period students will sign up for
18W jobs relating to presenting our initiative to the school, the jobs will include, but are not
limited to: speakers for admin presentation, speakers for school presentation, students to
present/give out/show whatever we end up doing, students to create images, students to
create the backdrop, etc.
- At the end of class, students will be given a few minutes to reflect on this process in their
kindness journals. They will be asked to answer the following question: How does creating
this initiative make you feel?
- We will likely use the Chromebooks, but resources and readings are dependent on what we
end up choosing as our initiative.
- 1.2.1, 3.4.1, 5.2.1
How Does Kindness Feel? Daily 5
This class will be a mix of ELA and art. Students will be focusing on the representing strand and
create an art piece that reflects how kindness feels. We will focus on looking at how kindness feels GLO 2
when we are kind to someone, and when someone is kind to us. We will recall various texts that we
have read throughout the unit and look at the colours and images associated with kindness. We will Students will
also look at Trudy Ludwig’s book, The Invisible Boy, to see how the illustrator uses colour to highlight do Daily 5 for
the feelings brought to Brain by kindness. 20 minutes,
Activities/Assessment: and we will
- We will focus on discussion for the first 10 minutes of the class; students will engage in read our novel
looking through various texts we have explored throughout the unit. We will talk about for 15 min.
how colors are associated with feelings and determine what feelings exist when kindness is
involved in our lives. These notes will be recorded on the white board for students to view
as they work.
- Students will use a variety of materials to create a mixed media representation of how
kindness feels for them. Students should choose words, colors, or images to include on
their piece that they can justify. Students will spend the class working on this, and they will
speak about their artwork tomorrow.
- The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig
- Various texts we have already explored throughout the unit
- https://kinderart.com/art-lessons/painting/emotion/
- 1.1.1, 2.2.5, 4.1.9
Gallery Walk- Celebration of Kindness
Students will participate in a gallery walk style presentation. Students will each be given a minute to
speak about their artwork and tell the class about their feelings associated with kindness and how
they chose to represent them.
- Students will display their artwork around the room, and as the class moves from piece to
piece, students will be asked to talk about their art, and how they chose to represent the
feelings of kindness.
- Students will complete a self-assessment and be asked to write about their representation
in their kindness journals. (summative)
- No specific readings or resources for this class
- 1.1.3, 3.4.1, 3.4.2,
Word of the Week (5): Kindness
- We are circling back to the first WotW for the final week of the unit to bring things back to together for
students. We will spend some time talking about how all the other terms fit into the umbrella of kindness
and discuss how important all these aspects are to the overall essential question.
Why is it Important to be Kind? Daily 5
During this class, we will look at some of the current events happening within our community and
the world that show the importance of kindness. Students will gain a deeper understanding of, and GLO 2
appreciation for the importance of kindness- no matter how big or how small the act is.
Activities/Assessment: Students will
- Students will participate in class discussion about the importance of showing kindness. We do Daily 5 for
will talk about how acts of kindness can be big or small, but they are all important. 20 minutes,
- Students will engage with some current events in the news that show various acts of and we will
kindness within the community. We will compare things like making large donations to read our novel
charities, or simply helping a neighbor carry in their groceries, and find out that regardless for 15 min.
of the size, kindness is valued in any form.
21M - Students will be asked to reflect in their kindness journals about what they feel to be the
most important part of kindness.
- Various current events relating to kindness in the community, including, but not limited to:
o https://siouxlandnews.com/news/local/siouxlanders- spread-kindness-one-
o https://www.keremeosreview.com/community/penticton -youth-spreading-
o https://globalnews.ca/news/4713591/airdrie-kindergarten-class-bo-levi-
- 1.1.2, 1.2.1, 5.1.4
Workshop #4: Presenting (Summative) Daily 5
During this class, students will be led through a workshop on good presenting skills. Students will
spend some time practicing presenting the writing they have been working on, to a small group of GLO 2
their classmates in preparation for later in the week when we present our initiative to administration
and then to the rest of the school. Students will
Activities/Assessment: do Daily 5 for
- At the top of class, we talk about how we can be better presenters, and talk about ways we 20 minutes,
see other people presenting information. We will talk about some tips and tricks for and we will
presenting to a group and allow students to brainstorm some ways they have seen people read our novel
22T do presentations. for 15 min.
- Students will then practice reciting some writing that they have done and present it to a
small group of their peers using a strategy or two that we discussed at the beginning of
class. This will help prepare students for the next couple of days.
- Teacher resource for public speaking: https://publicspeakingpower.com/teach-public-
- No specific readings for students
- 1.1.1, 3.4.1, 4.3.3
Wrap-Up Day! Daily 5
Students will engage in a wrap-up activity for the unit, in which we will read the wordless picture
book, I Walk with Vanessa by Kerascoët, and make connections between what we have learned and GLO 2
what we see in the book. Students will also have time to come together and practice their jobs for
tomorrow when we present our initiative to administration. Students will
Activities/Assessments: do Daily 5 for
- Students will participate in class discussion revolving around the wordless picture book, I 20 minutes,
Walk with Vanessa, in order to culminate everything, we know about how kindness looks and we will
and feels. This will be a discussion-based activity to help students bring together their read our novel
thoughts and feelings revolving around the book. for 15 min.
- We will look back at our word cloud that we made during the first class and see how our
ideas of kindness have changed over the course of the unit.
- Students will then have some time to practice their parts for the presentation tomorrow.
Students will then be asked to reflect on their worries or excitements for tomorrow.
Readings/ Resources:
- I Walk with Vanessa by Kerascoët
- 1.1.3, 2.1.1, 2.2.5

Present to Admin & Revising Daily 5

During this class, students will present the initiative to our school’s administration team. Students
will do this as a sort of practice run and as a way to get feedback from someone else other than me. GLO 2
Students will then spend some time revising and editing our presentation, so it is completely
polished and ready for the assembly tomorrow. Students will
Activities/Assessment: do Daily 5 for
- Students will present our initiative to administration. Students all have a job they have 20 minutes,
signed up for, so they will be practicing before the final presentation tomorrow. and we will
- After the presentation we will come back to the classroom and revise and polish our read our novel
presentation for the next day. for 15 min.
- Nothing specific for this day
- 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 5.2.1
Present Kindness Initiative to the School (Summative)
This is the final say of our unit. Students will be presenting our kindness initiative during our school
pep rally during this block.
- Students will present the initiative to the school community; they will follow their roles and
help ensure a smooth presentation of our initiative.
- Once the pep rally is finished, students will be invited to reflect upon their experiences of
25F presenting the initiative to the school, and answer our essential questions: What is
- Nothing specific for this day
- 3.3.2, 3.4.1, 5.2.1

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