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The Perfect Cure For Covid-19 Virus 01

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What Is COVID-19 4

The Perfect Ingredients To Cure COVID-19 5

How To Use The Perfect Ingredient To
Cure Covid-19

Author’s Page 22


What Is COVID-19 3

The Perfect Ingredients To Cure COVID-19 4

How To Use The Perfect Ingredient To
Cure Covid-19

Author’s Page 21

What Is COVID-19

The COVID-19 virus also known as coronavirus, is an infectious disease

caused by a new virus. It emanated from china in 2019 and as of today, it
has spread to almost all parts of the world killing over 64000 people. The
numbers of infected people are increasing rapidly. It is not a respecter of
age, gender and status. The disease causes respiratory illness like flu with
symptoms such as cough, fever and breathing difficulty. It spreads primarily
through contact with an infected person when they cough, sneeze or touch
a surface that has the virus on it, then touch the eyes, nose or mouth.
COVID-19 can be prevented by frequently washing of hands, avoiding
touching of the face and close contact with unwell people.

This virus has caused economic locked down. Businesses are closed
indefinitely, financial markets have crashed causing inflation in price and
scarcity of goods. There is a restriction of movement all over the world to
suppress the spread of the virus. This has caused pandemonium all over the
world. It’s hard for most people to make ends meet with the restriction of
movements. The government is trying so hard to cater to its people but to
what extent will they make provisions? This has led to increased anxiety and
isolation from the routine.

The Perfect Ingredients To Cure COVID-19

Scientists have researched and still researching drugs that will cure the COVID-
19 virus. Some speculated the use of chloroquine to suppress the symptoms of
COVID-19. Well, little did they know that they can get the cure from African
finest of herbs. These herbs are grown in Africa and other parts of the world.
They are;

1, Boundary Tree Botanical name (Newbouldia laevis)

Boundary Tree is a monotypic genus comprising the species Newbouldia laevis. It

is called ewe Akoko by Yoruba people of West Africa, and we know it for various
medicinal uses. The tree, especially the bark, is widely used in traditional medicine
in Africa. The bark is analgesic and stomachic. A decoction is used in the treatment
of diarrhoea, coughs, and dysentery. It is also given to children for treating
convulsions and epilepsy. When mixed with chillies, it is used to treat chest pains.
The dried bark and young twigs are pounded together with spices such as Xylopia
sp to treat dysmenorrhoea, uterine, colic. The bark is given in the form of an
enema as a treatment for piles and constipation. One or two sniffs of a snuff made
of the sun-dried bark ground up and combined with palm salt (K2CO3) and the
fruits of Piper guineense are taken in the treatment of headache, head-colds and

The bark is said to cure a range of skin conditions including septic wounds,
abscesses, ulcers, and is also used to treat snake-bite. When heated in a little
boiling water, it is patted on the head as a treatment for headache. When
pulped up to a paste, it is applied to rheumatic joints to cure arthritis. The soft
inner bark is put into the ear as a treatment for ear-ache and a decoction of the
leaves is used to treat conjunctivitis ophthalmia, etc. The leaves are cooked in
the palm-oil soup and taken by pregnant women to effect easy delivery and,
after parturition, to promote rich milk supply. The leaf-ash, mixed with salt, is
taken as a remedy for pain over the heart. A decoction of the leaves, combined
with those of Psidium guajava, is taken in the treatment of dysentery and
diarrhoea. The chewed-up leaves are applied to the wound of a snake bite,
which is then sucked to draw out the venom. A decoction of the pounded roots
is used in the treatment of intestinal problems and syphilis. A macerate or
decoction of the roots is taken by mouth as a vermifuge to rid the body of
roundworm and is also used to treat syphilis and hernia. When applied
externally, it is used as a poultice to treat aching limbs. In refractory cases of
arthritis, where walking has become impossible, various parts of Trichilia
prieuriana are added to an aqueous infusion of the roots for internal and
external use. The roots and leaves are often used together. They are a familiar
remedy for scrotal elephantiasis, or any form of orchitis, a decoction being
drunk or the materials pounded up together and applied hot. They are also
credited with aphrodisiac properties.

2, Indian Lilac, Botanical name (Azadirachta indica)

Azadirachta indica, commonly known as Neem trees or Indian lilac, is one of two
species in the genus Azadirachta and is native to the Indian subcontinent. Products
made from neem trees have been used in India for over two millennia for their
medicinal properties. Neem products are anthelmintic, antifungal, sedative,
contraceptive, and antibacterial. It is considered a major component in Siddha
medicine, Ayurvedic and Unani medicine. It is prescribed for skin diseases and also
used for healthy hair to improve liver function, detoxify the blood, and balance
blood sugar levels. Neem leaves have also been used to treat skin diseases like
psoriasis, eczema and chickenpox. The tree has a cure or treatment for more than
forty different diseases and medical conditions. The bark has a bitter taste. It is tonic
and astringent used in the treatment of infections and diseases.
The fresh juice of the leaves is administered with salt to treat intestinal worms and
with honey for jaundice and skin diseases. A hot infusion of the leaves is used for
fomenting swollen glands, bruises and sprains, and appears to be anodyne. The
fruits act as a purgative and an emollient. They are useful in the control of intestinal
worms, piles and urinary tract diseases. The dry seeds possess almost the same
properties as the oil when brushed and mixed with water or other liquids.

The seed oil is the most important medicinal product. It is antiseptic and has
proven to be useful in treating skin diseases, ulcers, sprains and rheumatism. The
oil saponifies readily and is used in the manufacture of a medicinal soap because
of its antiseptic properties. This soap is very effective for washing sores and
general uses similar to those of carbolic soap.

3, Onion, Botanical name (Allium cepa)

The onion, also known as the bulb onion or common onion, is a vegetable that
is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium.
Onions are cultivated and used around the world. As a food item, they are
usually served cooked, as a vegetable or part of a prepared savoury dish, but can
also be eaten raw or used to make pickles or chutneys. They are pungent when
chopped and contain certain chemical substances which irritate the eyes. They
are excellent sources of vitamin C, sulphuric compounds, flavonoids and

Phytochemicals are naturally occurring compounds in fruits and vegetables that can
react with the human body to trigger healthy reactions. Flavonoids are responsible for
pigments in many fruits and vegetables. They may help reduce the risk of Parkinson’s
disease, stroke and cardiovascular disease.
A particularly valuable flavonoid in onions is quercetin, which acts as an antioxidant
that may be linked to preventing cancer, relaxing airway muscles and provides relief
of asthma symptoms. It prevents plaque buildup in the arteries, which reduces the
risk of heart attack and stroke. Quercetin may especially inhibit cancer cells in “breast,
colon, prostate, ovarian, endometrial, and lung tumours.

Onions encourage a healthy heart in many ways. It lowers blood pressure and heart
attack risk. Onions increase oxylipins that help regulate blood fat levels and levels of
Eating between one and seven servings of onions per week may help reduce the risk
of colorectal, laryngeal and ovarian cancer. Eating several servings of onions a day
may help decrease the risk of oral and oesophagal cancer.
Consuming fresh yellow onion helped lessen insulin resistance and hyperglycemia in
breast cancer patients undergoing a form of chemotherapy known to cause insulin
The fibre in onions promotes good digestion and helps keep you regular. Onions
contain a special type of soluble fibre called oligo-fructose, which promotes good
bacteria growth in your intestines. The phytochemicals in onions that scavenge free
radicals may also reduce your risk of developing gastric ulcers.

The chromium in onions help regulate blood sugar. The sulfur in onions helps lower
blood sugar by triggering increased insulin production.
Daily consumption of onions improves bone density in women who are going through
or have finished menopause. Women who ate onions frequently had a 20 percent
lower risk of hip fracture than those who never ate onions.

4, Forest Anchomanes Blumes, Botanical name
(Anchomanes difformis)

Anchorman difformis is a rhizome used for medicinal purposes in Africa.

It have been shown to elicit antimalarial, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, antimicrobial,
anti-inflammatory, anti-onchocercal and gastroprotective properties.
Anchorman’s deforms leaves are used in bacterial diseases. They are primarily used
for shooter tubers in respiratory diseases, sexual systems, and abdominal pain. The
active ingredients contained in the leaves of this plant have been shown to have
antibacterial, including anti-inflammatory, antibiotic-resistant, and anaesthetic
effects. The liquid got after cooking the crushed leaves with other drug-plants is
drunk as a cough-cure. Both the rhizome and the leaves are considered being
galactagogue. The rhizomes are used to make alterative for internal medication,
but care has to be exercised on account of the caustic nature of the sap. Externally,
the rhizomes are used to make rubefacients and vesicants but care has to be
exercised on account of the caustic nature of the sap. The root, pulped with
potter’s clay, applies to maturate abscesses. The root, stems and leaves, are
considered being a powerful purgative and used to treat difficult child-birth, and as
a strong diuretic for treating urethral discharge, kidney-pains and jaundice.

5, Aridan Fruit, Botanical name (Tetrapleura

Tetrapleura tetraptera (locally known as Aridan) is used as a spice, a medicine

and as a dietary supplement rich in vitamins. Its bark is used for medicinal
purposes. The major constituents are tannins, flavonoids and starch.
In West Africa, the plant Tetrapleura tetraptera Aridan is highly valuable
because it contains a high amount of essential phytochemicals and nutrients
that are vital for the healthy functioning of the body. It is an excellent source of
potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, flavonoids, phosphorous, tannins, alkaloids,
saponins, steroids and phenolic compounds.
Saponin and ethanol extract from the stem and bark of this plant has an
inhibitory effect on luteinizing hormone released by the pituitary gland. This
suggests why this plant equally serves as a contraceptive.
The aqueous extract of this plant exhibits anticonvulsant activities and this
confirms its inhibitory effects on the central nervous system. Studies reveal that
aridan can be used for treating leprosy.

The extract of this plant is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, and this
suggests its inhibitory impacts against certain human pathogens. As a result, it
can be used for reducing inflammation of the body, arthritic pains and
rheumatoid pains.
Aridan supports the cardiovascular system because of its constituents of
essential phytochemical and can be used for preventing and treating heart

Studies reveal that the aqueous extracts from the stalk, leaves, stem, bark and
roots of the aridan plant contain molluscicidal properties. This suggests why this
plant acts as a pesticide for fighting against molluscs and pests. Aridan is
normally used in gardening, planting and agriculture for offering protections and
control against gastropod pests, especially snails and slugs that feed on/damage
crops and other valuable plants in the farmland.
The fruit can be dried and blended into powdered form for producing
dermatological products such as soap. The great attention drawn towards the
use of this plant for manufacturing soap is because of its high antimicrobial and
antibacterial properties.
It is worthy to note that the aridan plant helps to promote soap foaming
To make soap with aridan, the dried powdered herbs can be combined with shea
butter, palm kernel oil or any other bases of choice. Soaps produced with these
three key ingredients have superior qualities unlike those with an individual
The stem and bark can be used for preventing and treating hypertension.
Researchers agree that Tetrapleura tetraptera is effective for preventing high
blood pressure and for improving the oxidative position in a salt model of
hypertension patients.
Being an excellent source of key vitamins such as potassium, iron, calcium,
magnesium and zinc, ardian helps to strengthen our immune system.

Iron helps to regenerate lost blood, zinc offers protection against viruses,
especially those that can cause respiratory tract infections while calcium and
potassium help to manage, prevent and control bones and muscles disorders.
Aidan pod is traditionally used for preparing special soups for newborn mothers
immediately they put to bed in other to avoid post-partum contraction.
Although aridan can be used alone for this sort of postnatal soup preparation,
however, it can be used together with piper guineese, gongronema
latifolium and scotch bonnet pepper for superior action. Using this spice for
post-partum care is attributed to its high constituents of calcium, iron and
potassium, which are very important for new mothers. It helps to restore and
replenish lost blood for new mothers and promotes lactation.

Aridan pods contain essential chemical compounds such as flavonoids,

triterpenoid glycoside (aridanin) and phenols, which have been reported
effective for healing wounds. Antioxidants help to protect our body from
oxidative damage by scavenging for free radicals, preventing peroxidation. It is
important to note that free radicals and reactive oxygen species formed during
the oxidation process contribute immensely to diseases such as cardiovascular
diseases, cancer, diabetes and ageing. Aridan fruit has a remarkable chemo
diversity because of its constituents of polyphenols. It also has a strong radical
reducing and scavenging abilities.

Studies reveal that aridan can be used for treating schistosomiasis. This is an
infection that is also known as snail fever or bilharziasis caused by parasitic
flukes of the genus Schistosoma. This infection occurs mainly in the tropical
regions and eastern Asia and is mostly transmitted to humans through snails or
faecal-contaminated fresh water. Common symptoms of schistosomiasis include
anaemia, pain, fever and breakdown of the infected organs. The fruit can be
used for treating gastrointestinal disorders such as stomach pain, diarrhoea,
vomiting because of its constituents of phytochemicals. Researchers also
revealed that water extracts and an alcoholic mixture of the aridan fruit can
inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. The presence of glycosides and
tannins in ethanolic and water extracts of aridan have been proven effective in
inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

6, African Pepper, Botanical name (Xylopia

Xylopia aethiopica is an evergreen aromatic tree of the Annonaceae

family that can grow up to 20m high. It is a native to the lowland
rainforest and moist fringe forests in the savanna zones of Africa.
The dried fruits of X. aethiopica are used as a spice and herbal
The plant’s bark is used to make doors and partitions. The wood is
known to be resistant to termite attack and is used in hut construction:
posts, scantlings, roof-ridges and joists. The wood is also used for boat
construction: masts, oars, paddles and spars. In Togo and Gabon, wood
was traditionally used to make bows and crossbows for hunters and
An infusion of the plant’s bark or fruit has been useful in the treatment
of bronchitis and dysenteric conditions, or as a mouthwash to treat
toothaches. It has also been used as a medicine for biliousness and
febrile pains. The bark, when steeped in palm wine, is used to treat
asthma, stomach-aches and rheumatism.
Negro pepper can be crushed and mixed with the roots of Annona senegalensis,
Strychos insignia, Uvaria chamae and Gardenia centifolia for preparing herbal
tonic for treating coughs, fever, flu and cold. Negro pepper is used together
with piper guineense, utazi leaves and pepper for preparing local soup such as
nsala soup served to newborn mothers immediately after childbirth. These
spices help to boost the healing and recovery process of wounds after delivery.
The bark of the Negro pepper tree can be soaked in palm wine and used for
treating respiratory system diseases such as bacterial pneumonia, asthma and
Dried Negro peppers are usually used in folk medicine for increasing the
menstrual blood flow. It can also be used for treating amenorrhea, which is an
abnormal absence of menstruation.
Negro pepper seeds can be crushed and applied topically on the skin for treating
boils, itches and skin eruptions. Negro pepper contains antimalarial properties
thus can be used for making herbal drugs for preventing and treating malaria.
Some researchers reveal the possibility of the anti-fertility abilities of negro
pepper. Anti-fertility substances are contraceptives capable of reducing or
destroying fertility. As a contraceptive, some women prepare a herbal
concoction with uda seeds, which they take immediately after sexual activities to
reduce the chances of falling pregnant. The bark of uda tree can be soaked in
palm wine and taken for treating rheumatism, arthritic pain and other
inflammatory health conditions. This is because of the anti-arthritic, antipyretic
and anti-inflammatory properties of this spice and its constituent of nimbidin
compound. Researchers reveal that Negro pepper possesses antimicrobial
effects against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and can be used for
fighting against microbes. Negro pepper contains anti-spirochetal properties
thus might destroy pathogens capable of causing syphilis, relapsing fever, yaws,
and other related diseases. Negro pepper is an excellent source of antioxidants,
which are substances capable of removing free radicals and oxidizing agents in a
living being. Due to the anti-oxidizing properties of this spice, it can be used for
preventing and destroying cancerous tumours.

7, Bitter Leaf, Botanical name (Vernonia

Bitter leaf is a common leaf in Africa used for cooking various dishes and
delicacies, but not everyone is aware of its many health benefits. Bitter leaf
detoxifies the blood, thereby preventing sicknesses. It is one thing to put it in
your meals, but washing the leaf and extracting its raw, bitter juice is your best
bet for getting all its benefits. Bitter leaf juice helps in curing those suffering
from insomnia. Take two glasses of bitter leaf juice every night, and your body
system would be so calm you would sleep easy. The kidney is a very important
organ in the body. If the kidney breaks down it would affect the workings of the
entire body. Bitter leaf does an excellent job of taking proper care of the kidney
and liver. Bitter leaf is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals that detoxify the
whole body and helps improve the Immune system. The juice prevents diseases
such as malaria, due to a component known as Natural Quinine. It cures sexually
transmitted diseases (STD), helps treats Hepatitis B, cures intestinal parasitic
infections and treats skin diseases such as ringworm, eczema and so on. It also
cures cough, and toothaches. Due to the presence of nutrients especially ß-
carotene, it controls the synthesis of female gender hormones. This allows
women to stay active, young, and healthy for a longer period.

Bitter leaf juice increases milk production in lactating mothers and is also used
for the contraction of the uterus during labour. It also improves appetite. Bitter
leaf is useful in protecting the body against pollutants that come from cigarette
smoke and other dangerous gas. Bitter leaf juice cures memory loss, even
though it could be a symptom of diabetes or another sickness of its own. Still,
bitter leaf is very good for treating this. Drinking Bitter leaf juice is a well-known
remedy for stomach-aches. It brings immediate relief and helps indigestion.
Bitter leaf is very good for curing prostate cancer. This form of cancer is common
among men who are older than 40 and its symptoms include difficult and painful
urination amongst others. Bitter leaf juice increases the flow of urine and
reduces the pain, and it regulates the spread of the cell. The Tongue use cold
concoctions of this plant as a treatment for malaria, intestinal parasites,
diarrhoea, and stomach upset. For many African ethnic groups, a concoction of
this plant is also a prescribed treatment for malarial fever, schistosomiasis,
amoebic dysentery, and several other intestinal parasites and stomach aches. In
Nigeria, twigs and sticks from this plant are used as a chewing stick for dental
hygiene, and the stems are used for soap in Uganda. In Ghana, the young leaves,
rather than the old, has gained credence for its potent anti-diabetic and anti-
inflammatory activity; and have been proven using animal models. Bitter leaf has
also been used traditionally for management of fever, especially in poor
countries with a lack of access to essential medications such as the antipyretics.
Fever can be lethal in babies where it can lead to irreversible brain damage or
more. This makes bitter leaf indispensable as a life-saver. Its antipyretic actions
are due to the presence of several flavonoid compounds that help to modulate
central temperature regulation.

Digestive parasites may hibernate inconspicuously for years while they slowly
leach nutrients from their host, gradually leading to a state of chronic
malnutrition. This is why it is important to regularly schedule an anti-parasitic
treatment or if unavailable, to take advantage of natural alternatives such as a
bitter leaf. Its anti-parasitic actions target both adult and larval stages of parasites
making it a great comprehensive treatment option for people who cannot afford
conventional medicine or where clinics may not be available. Helps reduce cancer
risk: Bitter leaf is interesting in the sense that it can help to reduce the risk of
having cancer and also treat cancers, though it is best employed early after
detection. It is a melting pot of natural compounds which exert anti-oxidant and
tumour-suppressing actions which enhance the immune system’s natural cancer
treatment functions. While more studies need to be undertaken to confirm its
potential in treating cancer on a larger scale, natives of areas where it can be
found abundantly growing to attest to its efficacy. Supports breast milk
production: Bitter leaf appears to be a mother’s best friend. In addition to helping
get the baby out, it also stimulates the natural production of breast milk. Its
galactagogue properties are especially useful to new mothers who may
experience difficulty with lactating for the first time. It is a handy tool in your
quest to achieve weight loss as well. For instance, a bitter leaf can help to
suppress your appetite, which equates to reduced caloric intake for the day. It
assists in blood glucose management which facilitates enhanced fat utilisation.
Lowers blood pressure: Bitter leaf contains potassium as an electrolyte mineral
that plays roles in balancing salt and water concentration in blood and extra-
cellular fluid; it also possesses vasodilatory properties. It can help regulate the
flexibility of blood vessels in response to changes in blood volume. It is helpful in
the detoxification of the kidneys and liver, the main organs which facilitate the
removal of waste material by the body.

Under stressful conditions, enzymes produced by these organs may become
elevated in turn leading to inflammatory processes. Bitter leaf assists with the
homeostasis of these organs and can support their optimal functioning. Bitter leaf
has also been used traditionally for management of kidney stones as it promotes
urine flow. It can also prevent the development of the fatty liver disease. Owing
to the many traits of bitter leaf, it is not surprising to discover that it can be used
in the management of skin conditions. For instance, consumption and localised
applications of the bitter leaf made into a paste can soothe eczematous rashes,
reduce psoriatic flare-ups (itchy skin eruptions) and even help to prevent
infections of deep wounds.

8, Sulphur

Sulfur (S) is a nonmetallic chemical element belonging to the oxygen

group, one of the most reactive of the elements. Pure sulfur is a
tasteless, odourless, brittle solid that is a pale yellow, a poor conductor
of electricity, and insoluble in water. It reacts with all metals except
gold and platinum, forming sulfides; it also forms compounds with
several nonmetallic elements. Millions of tons of sulfur are produced
each year, mostly for manufacturing sulfuric acid, which is widely used
in the industry.

The greatest commercial use of the element is the production of sulfuric acid
for sulfate and phosphate fertilizers and other chemical processes. The
element sulfur is used in matches, insecticides, and fungicides. Many sulfur
compounds are odoriferous, and the smells of odorized natural gas, skunk
scent, grapefruit, and garlic are because of organosulfur compounds. Hydrogen
sulfide gives the characteristic odour to rotting eggs and other biological
Sulfur is an essential element for all life, but almost always in the form of
organosulfur compounds or metal sulfides. Three amino acids (cysteine,
cystine, and methionine) and two vitamins (biotin and thiamine) are
organosulfur compounds. Many cofactors also contain sulfur, including
glutathione, thioredoxin, and iron-sulfur proteins. Disulfides, S–S bonds, confer
mechanical strength and insolubility of the protein keratin, found in the outer
skin, hair, and feathers. Sulfur is one of the core chemical elements needed for
biochemical functioning and is an elemental macronutrient for all living
Sulfur is so widely used in industrial processes that its consumption often is
regarded as a reliable indicator of industrial activity and the state of the
national economy. Approximately six-sevenths of all the sulfur produced is
converted into sulfuric acid, for which the largest single use is in the
manufacture of fertilizers (phosphates and ammonium sulfate). Other
important uses include the production of pigments, detergents, fibres,
petroleum products, sheet metal, explosives, and storage batteries; hundreds
of other applications are known. Sulfur not converted to sulfuric acid is used in
making paper, insecticides, fungicides, dyestuffs, and many other products.

 Place sliced onions in room corners and also place them under your feet in
worn socks. This will absorb the fungi and bacteria in the body.

 Take a handful of Forest anchomanis blooms, slice it, and put in a clean keg
with cover. Add alkaline water, lime and clean water or palm wine into the
sliced blooms in the keg. Shake it and take a shot cup once per day.

 Take a handful of Bitterleaf, Sulphur, Tetrapleura tetraptera, African pepper.

Pound these materials together with a mortar, and pestle, preferably. After
pounding for 20 minutes, spread into the air for it to dry off to make incense.
The Incense is called Turari in the Yoruba language. Prepare a lump of hot coal
in a metal plate and put a portion of the incense product into. The smoke will
destroy the viruses in the environment.

 Put the remaining incense into hot water in an enclosed place. Wrap yourself
with a blanket in it to heat the body. Inhale and exhale for 20 minutes.

 Take the bitter leaf and pound it, mix it with hot water, extract the hot water
with a sieve and drink it.

 Take the boundary tree leaves and India lilac, pound them together, then mix
with your bathing soap. Bath with it early in the morning.

Thousands of people in Africa have tried these methods, and they worked. When
you do these daily, you boost not only your immune system but shields it from the
COVID-19 virus. If you know any COVID-19 patient, tell him or her to try these
steps and thank me later.

About The Author

Babatunde Ajiwokewu is a freelance writer and

a digital marketer. He wrote this book based on
a research that was carried out on the use of
African herbs during Covid-19


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