EgzonaFida (Ef26398 - SWLcase - II)
EgzonaFida (Ef26398 - SWLcase - II)
EgzonaFida (Ef26398 - SWLcase - II)
Professor: Student:
Prof. Dr. Blerta Abazi Egzona Fida (ID: 126398)
January 2020
Chapter Four Part I - SWL Team Tasks
Requirements Modeling
1. When Rick Williams met with Meredith Rider in the human resources department,
he asked for copies of actual reports and forms that contained confidential
information, but Meredith declined to provide them. Rick has asked you to suggest
a reasonable compromise between confidentiality requirements and the need for
analysts to review actual records, instead of fictitious data. Think about this, and
write a message to Rick with your views.
Unless the data on a report are not classified, at that point, it is clearly ideal if system analysts
are provided with copy of actual documents. However, when data on a report are
confidential, in that case, the data should be treated with great care. Data reports provided to
a system analyst to keep, study, duplicate, and incorporate system documentation should not
contain current confidential information. In this case, the provision of simulated documents
or realistically reproduced data that is intended for analysis purposes is better. As a system
analyst needs to be reliable. And of course, in this context a system analyst should be allowed
to see a report containing classified real data as to verify that the data in the simulated
documents matched. If this happens, then the system analyst would not need copies of
current reports. Although there is a classification of confidential data, handling all
confidential material equally, with the highest respect would be the most appropriate solution
for a system analyst.
2. Assume that you were with Rick at the meeting with Linda DeMarco. Review the
fact statement, then write an interview summary that documents the main topics
that Rick and Linda discussed.
BIS developed the GAPP, for Generalized Automated Payroll Program, which currently is
being used to process SWL's payroll, GAPP was modified the package significantly over the
years. BIS does not plan to make further changes to the program and will use GAPP for
payroll processing only for the next year or two.
BIS is developing a new payroll system called CHIPS, for Comprehensive High-powered
Interactive Payroll System. BIS plans to switch all companies over to CHIPS beginning late
next year. The monthly fee for CHIPS would not increase more than 30 percent above the
current GAPP charges.
CHIPS will not handle a combination of weekly and monthly deduction processing. BIS
could develop a special add-on module, once CHIPS was up and running, BIS could do that
kind of job on a contract basis.
Linda will keep us informed on progress on CHIPS. She will meet with members of SWL’s
payroll department, to explain plans for GAPP and CHIPS and the impact of these plans to
3. Rick asked you to design a questionnaire that would measure employee satisfaction with
the current payroll deduction system. Review the sample questionnaire in the chapter, and
prepare a draft for Rick. Rick also wants you to suggest various sampling methods so he
can make a choice. Include a brief description of various methods, and be sure to include
your recommendation and reasons.
Payroll Deduction System Questionnaire
A. Your Observations
B. Your Suggestions
Please be specific and give examples if possible.
1) In the current payroll deduction system, what changes to the form would you
(if necessary, please attach another sheet)
Sampling methods
Sampling techniques include systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and random sampling.
Suppose you have a list of 200 employee, and you want to review a representative sample of 20
employee. A systematic sample would select every tenth employee for review. If you want to
ensure that the sample is balanced geographically, however, you could use a stratified sample to
select five employees from each of four zip codes. Another example of stratified sampling is to
select a certain percentage of transactions from each zip code, rather than a fixed number.
Finally, a random sample selects any 20 employees.
You also should consider sampling when using interviews or questionnaires. Rather than
interviewing everyone or sending a questionnaire to the entire group, you can use a sample of
participants. You must use sound sampling techniques to reflect the overall population and
obtain an accurate picture.
4. Rick wants you to interview several employees to learn more about their levels of
satisfaction with the current system. Prepare a set of interview questions, and be sure to
include at least examples of open-ended, closed-ended, and range-of-response questions.
If possible, conduct role-play interviews with other students.
Interview Questions
1. Who performs each of the procedures within the system?
Are the correct people performing the activity?
Could other people perform the tasks more effectively?
Suppose that you are working with Rick and Carla when a new systems request comes in. SWL’s
vice president of marketing, Amy Neal, wants to change the catalog mailing program and
provide a reward for customers who use the Internet.
Amy’s plan specifies that customers will remain on SWL’s mailing list if they either requested a
catalog, ordered from SWL in the last two years, or signed the guest register on SWL’s new Web
site. To encourage Internet visitors, customers who register on the Web site also will receive a
special discount certificate.
To document the requirements, Rick wants you to design a decision table. Initially, it appears to
have eight rules, but you notice that some of those rules are duplicates, or might not be realistic
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Requested a catalog Y Y Y Y N N N N
Ordered in past two years Y Y N N Y Y N N
Signed Web site register Y N Y N Y N Y N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Requested a catalog - Y - Y - - - N
Ordered in past two years - - - - - Y - N
Signed Web site register Y N Y N Y N Y N
Finally, based on the analysis described in Step 2, the original eight rules can be combined
into just four rules, as follows:
1 2 3 4
Requested a catalog - Y - N
Ordered in past two years - - Y N
Signed Web site register Y N N N
N Remove from mailing list
4. Create a set of structured English statements that accurately describes the policy.
Structured English
1. Rick is interested in your views on the future of object-oriented analysis and design.
He is scheduled to make a presentation on the topic next week at a meeting of IT
professionals. He asked you to do some research, using the Internet and industry
publications, and send him an e-mail message describing the current use of object-
oriented analysis and trends for the future.
Object-oriented analysis
The purpose of any analysis activity in the software life-cycle is to create a model of the system's
functional requirements that is independent of implementation constraints.
The main difference between object-oriented analysis and other forms of analysis is that by the
object-oriented approach we organize requirements around objects, which integrate both
behaviors (processes) and states (data) modeled after real world objects that the system interacts
with. In other or traditional analysis methodologies, the two aspects: processes and data are
considered separately. For example, data may be modeled by ER diagrams, and behaviors by
flow charts or structure charts.
The primary tasks in object-oriented analysis (OOA) are:
- Find the objects
- Organize the objects
- Describe how the objects interact
- Define the behavior of the objects
- Define the internals of the objects
Object-oriented design
During object-oriented design (OOD), a developer applies implementation constraints to the
conceptual model produced in object-oriented analysis. Such constraints could include the
hardware and software platforms, the performance requirements, persistent storage and
transaction, usability of the system, and limitations imposed by budgets and time. Concepts in
the analysis model which is technology independent, are mapped onto implementing classes and
interfaces resulting in a model of the solution domain, i.e., a detailed description of how the
system is to be built on concrete technologies.
Important topics during OOD also include the design of software architectures by applying
architectural patterns and design patterns with object-oriented design principles.
2. As a team member, you know how important it can be to have a well-organized
object model. The team has asked you to handle this task. How will you go about it?
3. When you worked on the class diagrams, you had to understand and apply the
concept of cardinality. How would you explain this concept to a new team member?
Class Diagrams
A class diagram shows the object classes and relationships involved in a use case. Like a
DFD, a class diagram is a logical model, which evolves into a physical model and finally
becomes a functioning information system. In structured analysis, entities, data stores,
and processes are transformed into data structures and program code. Similarly, class
diagrams evolve into code modules, data objects, and other system components.
In a class diagram, each class appears as a rectangle, with the class name at the top,
followed by the class’s attributes and methods.
The class diagram also includes a concept called cardinality, which describes how
instances of one class relate to instances of another class. Cardinality describes the
numeric relationship between two entities and shows how instances of one entity relate to
instances of another entity. For example, consider the relationship between two entities:
CUSTOMER and ORDER. One customer can have one order, many orders, or none, but
each order must have one and only one customer. An analyst can model this interaction
by adding cardinality notation, which uses special symbols to represent the relationship.
4. List all the different types of diagrams you used to create the object model, with a
brief explanation of each diagram.
Class Diagrams
Class diagrams organize elements into objects and classes. They are structural diagrams
that are useful for identifying relationships between objects and for categorizing objects
in an accessible and coherent manner.
Sequence Diagrams
A sequence diagram is a dynamic model of a use case, showing the interaction among
classes during a specified time period. A sequence diagram graphically documents the
use case by showing the classes, the messages, and the timing of the messages. Sequence
diagrams include symbols that represent classes, lifelines, messages, and focuses.
Activity Diagram
An activity diagram resembles a horizontal flowchart that shows the actions and events as
they occur. Activity diagrams show the order in which the actions take place and identify
the outcomes. Activity diagrams also can display multiple use cases in the form of a grid,
where classes are shown as vertical bars and actions appear as horizontal arrows.
Chapter Seven Part I - SWL Team Tasks
Development Strategies
1. Although the presentation was successful, Rick and Carla ask you to create a
checklist of presentation dos and don’ts that would be helpful for IT staff people
who deliver presentations.
2. Rick and Carla also want you to review the DFDs that they prepared to see if you
have any suggestions for improvement. If you have access to a copier, make a copy
of the DFDs shown in Chapter 5 and then write your notes directly on the diagrams.
In my opinion the overall diagrams were good, but they could be a bit simpler to read, maybe
add a few more levels to it. They didn’t use the learned text or abbreviations set forth in this
book. No matter how much time you put into one diagram it can always be improved upon,
especially as you learn new information. By constantly leaving room for improvement you
will have a system that is able to grow without set limitation but your diagrams.
3. Michael Jeremy, vice president of finance, was interested in the financial analysis
tools that Rick and Carla used in the presentation. Rick has asked you to write a
memo to Mr. Jeremy explaining each tool, with a specific description of how it is
used, and what results can be obtained. Before you do this, you should review the
material in Part C of the Systems Analyst’s Toolkit.
Financial analysis tools
Mr. Jeremy, there are several there are several companies that can be used here I will explain
three main cost analysis tools: payback analysis, return on investment (ROI), and net present
value (NPV).
Payback analysis determines how long it takes an information system to pay for itself through
reduced costs and increased benefits. The time it takes to recover the system’s cost is called the
payback period. To perform a payback analysis, you carry out the following steps:
When you plot the system costs over the potential life of the system, you typically see a curve.
After the system is operational, costs decrease rapidly and remain relatively low for a period of
time. Eventually, as the system requires more maintenance, costs begin to increase. The period
between the beginning of systems operation and the point when operational costs are rapidly
increasing is called the economically useful life of the system.
Return on investment (ROI) is a percentage rate that measures profitability by comparing the
total net benefits (the return) received from a project to the total costs (the investment) of the
project. ROI is calculated as follows:
Return on investment analysis considers costs and benefits over a longer time span than payback
analysis. ROI calculations usually are based on total costs and benefits for a period of five to
seven years.
In many organizations, projects must meet or exceed a minimum ROI. This minimum ROI can
be an estimate of the return the organization would receive from investing its money in other
investment opportunities such as treasury bonds, or it can be a higher rate that the company
requires for all new projects. If a company requires a minimum ROI of 15%, for example, then
both Projects A and B would meet the criterion.
Critics of return on investment analysis raise two points. First, ROI measures the overall rate of
return for the total period, and annual return rates can vary considerably. Two projects with the
same ROI might not be equally desirable if the benefits of one project occur significantly earlier
than the benefits of the other project. The second criticism is that the ROI technique ignores the
timing of the costs and benefits. This concept is called the time value of money, and is explained
in the section on the present value analysis method.
The net present value (NPV) of a project is the total value of the benefits minus the total value
of the costs, with both costs and benefits adjusted to reflect the point in time at which they occur.
Everyone knows that a dollar you have today is worth more than a dollar you do not receive until
one year from today. If you have the dollar now, you can invest it and it will grow in value. For
example, would you rather have $100 right now or a year from now? The answer should be
obvious. If you receive the $100 now, you can invest it in a mutual fund that has an annual return
of 8%. One year from now, you will have $108 instead of $100.
You might decide to approach ROI from a different direction. For example, instead of asking,
“How much will my $100 be worth a year from now?” you can ask, “How much do I need to
invest today, at 8%, in order to have $100 a year from now?” This concept is known as the time
value of money, and it is the basis of the technique called present value analysis.
Most companies require a rate of return that is higher than the discount rate because of the
degree of risk in any project compared with investing in a bond. Companies often reject projects
that seem attractive because the risk is not worth the potential reward. To help you perform
present value analysis, adjustment factors for various interest rates and numbers of years are
calculated and printed in tables called present value tables.
In theory, any project with a positive NPV is economically feasible because the project will
produce a larger return than would be achieved by investing the same amount of money in a
discount rate investment. Remember that risks are associated with any project, however, and
management typically insists on a substantially higher return for high-risk projects.
Net present value also can be used to compare and rank projects. All things being equal, the
project with the highest net present value is the best investment.
Present value analysis provides solutions to the shortcomings of payback analysis and return on
investment analysis. Even so, companies often use all three methods to get more input for
making decisions. Sometimes a project will score higher on one method of analysis and lower on
4. Although SWL decided to develop the ESIP system in-house, Ann Hon, director of
information technology, has requested a report on the trend toward outsourcing
software development. Perform Internet research to get up-to-date information
about this topic, and prepare a memo for Ms. Hon. Be sure to cite your sources of
Ms. Hon, there are several companies that offer outsourcing of software development. PineHouse
( is one such company. They offer two options which could help our overall
development. The first option is the entire product outsourcing for which they are responsible for
the entire process and will continue to offer support as the program grows and changes might
need to be made. The other option is partial product outsourcing. We might already have a
finished product but need a staff that is ready to stand behind it and offers the spot fixes to us.
Nothing is static in the tech industry. Software developers are continuously coming up with new
solutions and innovations. With that said, the trends that you adopted and gave you success in the
previous years may not have the same impact on your business going forward. SWL could
benefit from recommended company in context of their affordable prices for services and the
support they provide.
You have been asked to manage SWL’s new information system project. One of your most
important activities will be to identify project tasks and determine when they will be performed.
Before you begin, you should review the SWL case in this chapter. Then list and analyze the
tasks, as follows:
LIST THE TASKS Start by listing and numbering at least 10 tasks that the SWL team needs to
perform to fulfill the objectives of this chapter. Your list can include SWL Team Tasks and any
other tasks that are described in this chapter. For example, Task 3 might be to Identify people to
interview, and Task 6 might be to Conduct interviews.
ANALYZE THE TASKS Now study the tasks to determine the order in which they should be
performed. First identify all concurrent tasks, which are not dependent on other tasks. In the
example shown in Figure 4-43, Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are concurrent tasks, and could begin at
the same time if resources were available. Other tasks are called dependent tasks, because they
cannot be performed until one or more earlier tasks have been completed. For each dependent
task, you must identify specific tasks that need to be completed before this task can begin. For
example, you would need to identify the people to interview before you conducted the
interviews, so Task 6 cannot begin until Task 3 is completed, as Figure 4-43 shows.
Task List
- Observation
- Internet research
- Conduct Interviewers
- Requirement Analysis
- Economic Feasibility
Task List
- Experiment with object-oriented analysis
- Collaboration and sharing idea with a programmer
- Identify the actors
- Reviewing the earlier collected data
- Adding new decisions
- Draw a Use Case Diagram
- Create a Class Diagram
- Create a Sequence Diagram
- Create a State Transition diagram
- Create an Activity Diagram
Task List
- Purchased and installed Visible Analyst (supports logical and physical modeling)
- Attending workshop to learn how to use the new model
- Evaluate system requirements
- Purchasing and developing the ESIP system in-house
- Agreement between departments
- Prepare the RFP
- Meeting with the top management and presentation
- Top management support for the proposal of the ESIP system
- Negotiate a contract with Pacific Software Solutions
- Begin the system design for the ESIP
A sample list of concurrent and dependent tasks follows:
I will upload the Microsoft Project file as well, so you can check there the Gantt Chart and all the