Factors Associated With Quality of Life in Patients With Systemic Arterial Hypertension
Factors Associated With Quality of Life in Patients With Systemic Arterial Hypertension
Factors Associated With Quality of Life in Patients With Systemic Arterial Hypertension
2020; 33(2):133-142
Factors Associated with Quality of Life in Patients with Systemic Arterial Hypertension
Gustavo O. Silva,1 Aluísio Andrade-Lima,2 Antônio Henrique Germano-Soares,3 Dalton de Lima-Junior,4
Sergio L. C. Rodrigues,5 Raphael M. Ritti-Dias,1 Breno Q. Farah5
Universidade Nove de Julho,1 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Universidade Federal de Sergipe,2 Aracaju, SE - Brazil
Universidade de Pernambuco,3 Recife, PE - Brazil
Universidade Federal da Paraíba,4 João Pessoa, PB - Brazil
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco,5 Recife, PE - Brazil
Background: Hypertensive patients present, in addition to worse cardiovascular health, lower health-related quality
of life compared to normotensive subjects. Factors such as functional capacity, functional status, pain, participation
in social activities, mental and emotional health, fatigue and energy level, along with perception of general health,
seem to be relevant for evaluation in this population. However, evidence is unclear in hypertensive patients.
Objective: To analyze the factors associated with quality of life in hypertensive patients.
Methods: Forty-five patients were recruited. The dependent variables of the present study are the quality of life
domains. Demographic data and clinical conditions were considered independent variables. The Medical Outcomes
Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) questionnaire was used to measure quality of life. Handgrip strength, blood
pressure and anthropometric indicators were evaluated. Crude and adjusted linear regression analysis was used.
Results: It was verified that education level, body mass index and muscle strength were associated with the
functional capacity domain (p < 0,05), whereas systolic blood pressure was associated with the physical domain
(p < 0,05). Women presented lower quality of life on the pain domain compared to men and educational level was
associated with the social domain (p < 0,05).
Conclusion: Hypertensive patients with lower levels of body mass index, higher levels of education and muscle
strength presented a better quality of life on the physical domain, while the social aspects presented a positive
relationship with education level. Women presented a worse quality of life on the pain domain compared to men.
(Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020; 33(2):133-142)
Keywords: Cardiovascular Diseases/physiopathology; Hypertension; Vital capacity; Exercise; Quality of Life;
Risk Factors.
DOI: 10.5935/2359-4802.20190092 Manuscript received on September 20, 2018, revised manuscript on June 05, 2019, accepted on June 10, 2019.
Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020; 33(2):133-142 Silva et al.
Original Article Factors associated with quality of life 134
normotensives, mainly in the parameters related to the patients. Indeed, the influence of the factors associated
physical domain. However, the quality-of-life concept is with quality of life can predict long-term functional
extended, once it refers to personal satisfaction, defined in independence, adherence to anti-hypertensive therapy
relation to the daily life, which is influenced by individual and incidence of survival in hypertensives.16-18 Previous
evaluation of physical, psychological, social and spiritual studies have suggested that clinical aspects directly affect
well-being.6,7 The World Health Organization defines the quality of life in hypertensive individuals,19 such as
quality of life as “an individual’s perception of their comorbidities (heart failure, acute myocardial infarction
position in life in the context of the culture and value and angina pectoris),20 medication,21,22 disease knowledge
systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, level and blood pressure values.22
expectations, standards and concerns.” On the other hand, it is unknown whether physical
In this context, different parameters can directly fitness and demographic characteristics are related
affect the quality of life of these patients. Among these to quality of life in hypertensive individuals. Studies
parameters, the physical aspect, for example, evaluated with other population subgroups have demonstrated
through the physical limitations in daily activities, that increases in muscle strength and body weight
dissatisfaction with functional capacity and mobility, reduction, for example, have been constantly related to
can negatively reflect the quality of life.8 Additionally, an improvement in daily activities in healthy elderly
the frequency with which an hypertensive patient feels individuals,23,24 leading to greater functional independence
body pain or discomforts can interfere with the execution and physical fitness, which lead to better quality of life.
of daily living activities.9 Thus, these limitations, caused Indeed, it is known that older individuals, consequently
by health, physical or emotional problems related to with worse physical fitness, present reduced quality-of-
hypertension, must be better understood for a greater life indicators — due to decreased mass — of strength and
understanding of the quality of life of these individuals.10 muscle resistance, leading to increased fatigue during the
Beyond the physical aspects, deterioration of an performance of daily activities.25
individual’s mental health, as a reflection of hypertension, Therefore, identifying factors related to quality of life,
can lead to reduced frequency of participation in relevant such as physical fitness, may help health professionals
social activities for the individual’s personal life, for to propose interventions. Thus, the aim of the present
example.11 In fact, the emotional aspects can be related to study was to analyze the factors associated with quality
damages to one of the four main dimensions of mental of life in hypertensive individuals. Our hypothesis is that
health (anxiety, depression, loss of behavioral or emotional physical fitness is the main component associated with
control and physiological well-being).12 Another aspect
quality of life in hypertensive individuals.
that deserves attention is related to vitality as energy
level and fatigue, which can support the evaluation of the
subjective well-being of hypertensive individuals.13 Lastly,
evaluating the individual’s general health perception can
This is a correlational cross-sectional study that
be interesting, considering the impact of the presence of
analyzed the initial data of an interventional study that
diseases and its complications in the individual’s health.10
analyzed the effects of isometric handgrip training in the
Therefore, questionnaires that aim to analyze quality blood pressure of hypertensive individuals.26
of life are necessary, such as the 36-item Short Form
All individuals were recruited by flyers in Universidade
Health Survey (SF-36),14 which consists of 36 items,
de Pernambuco in the Santo Amaro Campus, public
one of which measures the health transition, and the
hospitals, or through media advertisements (online
other 35 are grouped into scales and divided into eight
journals and social media) in the city of Recife and
domains: functional capacity, physical aspects, pain,
metropolitan region. The project was approved by the
general health, vitality, social aspects, emotional aspects
Research Ethics committee of Universidade de Pernambuco
and mental health. These eight domains can also be
and all patients signed an informed consent form.
aggregated in summary: measurements of physical and
emotional factors.15
In this context, some studies have investigated the
factors associated with quality of life in hypertensive The inclusion criteria of the study were: a) use of
individuals, given its relevance to the health of those anti-hypertensive medication; b) age above 18 years;
Silva et al. Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020; 33(2):133-142
135 Factors associated with quality of life Original Article
c) absence of any other chronic disease; d) not having performed three times, for each arm, with a 1-minute
performed physical exercise in the last six months. interval between each try and the highest value found
Subjects that did not adequately answer the quality-of-life was considered the result. This procedure showed an
questionnaire were excluded from the study. intraclass correlation coefficient (test and retest with a
1-week interval) from 0,986 to 0,989.29
Data collection
Clinical blood pressure
The data collection occurred between August 2015 and
August 2016. The dependent variables of the study are the Clinical blood pressure was obtained in an Omron
quality-of-life domains. Demographic data and clinical HEM 742 device. All the procedures followed the
conditions were considered as independent variables. recommendations of the 7th Brazilian Guidelines of
Hypertension 30 and showed good reproducibility
We evaluated the patients’ sex, age and educational
indicators.31 The intraclass correlation coefficient for
level, as well as health history (time of hypertension and
systolic blood pressure was 0,85 and, for diastolic blood
medications). Before all cardiovascular evaluations, the
pressure, 0,92.31
patients were instructed to a) have a light meal before
arriving at the laboratory; b) avoid physical activities of
moderate to vigorous intensity for at least 24h before Statistical analysis
the laboratory visit; and c) avoid smoking, caffeine and To analyze the factors associated with quality of life,
alcohol consumption for at least 12h. In the laboratory, we performed the crude and adjusted linear regression
the subjects initially remained in the supine position for analysis. Initially, the crude analysis was performed to
a period of rest of 10 min to perform the measurements establish the variables included in the multiple models.
with a controlled temperature between 22 and 24ºC. Therefore, only the variables that showed p ≤ 0.30 were
included. The significance level adopted and the criteria
Quality of life for the variable to remain in the model was p < 0.05.
Quality of life was measured through the SF-36 Multicollinearity analysis was performed to identify
questionnaire27 after an individual interview with the the existence of a strong correlation between two (or
hypertensive subjects by a trained researcher. For each more) independent variables, which could affect the
of the SF-36 domains (functional capacity, physical relationship with the dependent variable. Thus, Variance
aspects, pain, general health, vitality, social aspects, Inflation Factors (VIF) lower than five were assumed with
emotional aspects and mental health), the respective tolerance lower than 0.20. All analyses were performed
scores were calculated, which varied from 0 to 100, where in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS),
0 corresponds to the worst health status and 100 to the version 20, and the data are presented as mean±standard
best health status. deviation and relative frequency.
Anthropometric measurements
Body mass, height and waist circumference were Table 1 shows the general characteristics of the
obtained. Body mass was measured in a digital scale, hypertensive patients included in the study.
Filizola brand, with 0,1 kg precision and height was Tables 2 and 3 show the relationship between the
determined in a stadiometer coupled to the scale with demographic, clinical and physical fitness variables with
0,1 cm precision. Waist circumference was obtained the quality of life of hypertensives in the physical and
using the umbilical scar as reference.28 The body mass emotional domains.
index was calculated by dividing body mass by square
Figure 1 shows the variables that presented a statistically
height in meters.
significant relationship. It was found that individuals with
lower educational level, higher body mass index and
Muscle strength lower muscle strength showed the worse quality of life in
Muscle strength was measured through a digital the functional capacity domain (p < 0.05 for all). Higher
hand dynamometer (CAMRY, United States) adjustable systolic blood pressure was related to higher values in
and calibrated with a 0 to 100 kg/f scale. The test was the physical aspects domain (p < 0.05). Women presented
Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020; 33(2):133-142 Silva et al.
Original Article Factors associated with quality of life 136
Table 2 - Factors associated with quality of life in the physical domain in hypertensive individuals
b p b p b p b p b p b p b p b p
Sex (%
0.229 0.047 ns ns 0.208 0.072 ns ns -0.233 0.043 -0.243 0.043 -0.169 0.149 ns ns
Age (years) -0.040 0.732 - - 0.008 0.944 0.043 0.717 -0.126 0.291 ns ns
0.183 0.135 0.231 0.044 0.011 0.932 -0.107 0.387 0.101 0.417
level (years)
-0.071 0.549 - - 0.056 0.638 -0.164 0.165 ns ns 0.003 0.980
time (years)
-0.016 0.890 - - -0.191 0.105 ns ns -0.019 0.875 -0.080 0.509
SBP (mmHg) -0.074 0.539 - - 0.282 0.017 0.282 0.017 -0.146 0.226 ns ns 0.025 0.838
DBP (mmHg) 0.093 0.440 - - 0.137 0.254 ns ns -0.157 0.191 ns ns -0.003 0.981
strength 0.236 0.042 0.290 0.011 0.184 0.114 ns ns -0.189 0.104 ns ns -0.202 0.085 ns ns
Body mass
index -0.302 0.007 -0.390 0.001 -0.134 0.243 ns ns 0.175 0.126 ns ns 0.193 0.095 ns ns
B: pattern regression coefficient; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; Ns: non significant; 1r = 0.486; r² = 0.236, F = 6.583,
p = 0.001. 2r = 0.486; r² = 0.236, p = 0.001; 3r = 0.243; r² = 0.059, F = 4.254, p = 0.001.
individuals may present benefits from interventions to of life of hypertensive individuals. Similarly, Awotidebe
increase muscle mass and strength, and consequently, et al.,44 observed that all quality-of-life domains were
quality of life. Additionally, it is noteworthy that Trosclair worse in hypertensive individuals with higher body
et al.,42 demonstrated the relationship between grip mass. Psychological and psychosocial problems
strength and global strength, which reinforces the grip related to higher body mass index are probably factors
strength test measurement, mainly due to its ease of associated with a decrease in the quality of life of those
application and reproducibility.29 Also, the relationship individuals.45,46 Indeed, obesity has been widely related
between muscle strength and the functional capacity to anxiety and depression, which increases dissatisfaction
domain may be explained by greater efficiency in the levels, causes loss of interest and lack of enjoyment,
performance of moderate and vigorous daily activities. negatively affecting quality of life. Besides, higher body
Thereby, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, walking long mass can also lead to negative consequences related to
distances and performing domestic activities more easily general mobility, mortality and health costs, which can
and vigorously can positively influence the quality of life also directly affect the perception of quality of life.47
of those patients.43 Contrary to expectations, systolic blood pressure
In the present study, hypertensive individuals with showed a positive association with the physical aspects
lower body mass index showed lower scores in the of quality of life, disagreeing with other results found in
functional capacity domain; in other words, overweight the literature.22,48,49 Indeed, a previous study50 observed
and obesity impair daily activities, reducing the quality that patients with higher blood pressure have a lower
Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020; 33(2):133-142 Silva et al.
Original Article Factors associated with quality of life 138
Table 3 - Factors associated with quality of life in the emotional domain in hypertensive individuals
b p b p b p b P b p b p b p b P
Sex (%
0.121 0.300 ns ns 0.093 0.426 0.034 0.773 -0.073 0.535
Age (years) 0.017 0.885 -0.013 0.916 0.120 0.308 0.174 0.141 ns ns
0.150 0.227 ns ns 0.344 0.004 0.332 0.006 0.036 0.770 -0.027 0.829
level (years)
-0.079 0.507 0.153 0.196 ns ns -0.076 0.253 ns ns 0.023 0.848
time (years)
-0.107 0.371 -0.121 0.306 -0.179 0.130 ns ns -0.115 0.335
SBP (mmHg) 0.030 0.807 -0.030 0.805 0.136 0.259 ns ns 0.061 0.617
DBP (mmHg) -0.041 0.735 -0.042 0.730 -0.082 0.497 -0.035 0.771
strength 0.073 0.537 0.053 0.649 ns ns 0.017 0.886 -0.162 0.167 ns ns
Body mass
index 0.067 0.565 0.131 0.253 -0.067 0.559 -0.208 0.069 ns ns
B: pattern regression coefficient. SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure, ns: non significant. ¹r = 0.344; r² = 0.118, F = 8.832,
p = 0.004.
quality of life, which is a reflection of greater impairments such as blood pressure, occurred later (over 12 weeks
in the physical aspects of these individuals, due to the from the intervention).55
disease.51,52 A possible explanation for the association Women showed worse quality of life in the pain
found in the present study is the fact that patients domain compared to men. These results are similar to
with higher blood pressure may be aware of their a previous epidemiological study with 4,506 adults that
status and look for alternatives besides medication or observed that muscle pain, headache and pain perception
exercise in order to improve their blood pressure levels, in the SF-36 were worse in women than in men.56 To
such as nutritional interventions, smoking cessation, explain this relationship, the literature indicates that the
improvements in sleep quality and stress control. This pain perception is influenced by complex interactions
behavior could have affected the relationships due to the between biological variables (sexual hormones, genetics,
fact that they are strategies recommended in literature,53 pain pathways and variations in the central nervous
which could improve their physical aspect without system) and psychosocial variables (depression, anxiety,
improving blood pressure levels initially. Interestingly, depreciation on the job market, gender role expectations,
when hypertensive individuals were submitted to social learning factors and importance given to pain),
exercise training programs, aspects related to the quality where women are more susceptible to the symptoms,
of life improved in 6 to 10 weeks after the beginning of especially in advanced age due to menopause and
the program,54 while modifications in biological variables, hormonal dysfunctions.56,57
Silva et al. Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020; 33(2):133-142
139 Factors associated with quality of life Original Article
This study presents some limitations that must be generalizability of the findings to other hypertensive
considered. The sample of the present study was composed individuals, especially those with other associated
of medicated hypertensive individuals that enrolled in an pathologies (cardiac or cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes)
exercise intervention aiming to reduce their cardiovascular or even to resistant hypertensive individuals, since only
risk, then the specific sample characteristics limit the one patient presented this characteristic. The sample
Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020; 33(2):133-142 Silva et al.
Original Article Factors associated with quality of life 140
size did not allow us to perform stratified analysis by Ritti-Dias RM, Farah BQ. Acquisition of data: Silva GO,
medication class. Lastly, the fact that this study presents an Rodrigues SLC, Farah BQ. Analysis and interpretation
associative nature makes it impossible to inflict causality of the data: Silva GO, Andrade-Lima A, Germano-
to the observed associations. Soares AH, Lima-Junior D, Rodrigues SLC, Ritti-Dias
RM, Farah BQ. Statistical analysis: Silva GO, Andrade-
Perspectives Lima A, Germano-Soares AH, Ritti-Dias RM, Farah BQ.
Obtaining financing: Rodrigues SLC, Ritti-Dias RM,
The perception of quality of life has been established
Farah BQ. Writing of the manuscript: Silva GO, Andrade-
as an efficient form of predicting cardiovascular events
Lima A, Germano-Soares AH, Lima-Junior D, Rodrigues
and survival rate in hypertensive patients.16 The results of
SLC, Ritti-Dias RM, Farah BQ. Critical revision of the
the present study showed that some modifiable factors,
manuscript for intellectual content: Silva GO, Andrade-
such as muscle strength, body mass index, educational
level and blood pressure influence the quality of life Lima A, Germano-Soares AH, Lima-Junior D, Rodrigues
of these patients, and that has not been sufficiently SLC, Ritti-Dias RM, Farah BQ.
investigated in the literature. Thus, in practical terms,
interventions such as physical exercise and nutritional Potential Conflict of Interest
monitoring that promote previous control of these
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article
variables may positively affect the quality of life of
was reported.
hypertensive individuals. Additionally, it is suggested to
carry out further studies to evaluate a broader sample of
hypertensive patients, including individuals with other Sources of Funding
morbidities such as diabetes and dyslipidemia, and This study was funded by Fundação de Amparo à
longitudinal studies evaluating quality of life, as well as Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Pernambuco (FACEPE –
its influence, for longer periods. APQ : 1177-4. 09/14).
Study Association
In conclusion, it was verified that hypertensive This study is not associated with any thesis or
individuals with lower body mass index, higher dissertation work.
educational level and muscle strength presented a better
quality of life in the physical domain, while the social
Ethics approval and consent to participate
aspects have a positive relationship with educational
level. Women report worse quality of life in the pain This study was approved by the Ethics Committee
domain compared to men. of the Universidade de Pernambuco (CEP-UPE) under
the protocol number 30806014.0.0000.5207. All the
Author contributions procedures in this study were in accordance with the
1975 Helsinki Declaration, updated in 2013. Informed
Conception and design of the research: Andrade-Lima consent was obtained from all participants included
A, Germano-Soares AH, Lima-Junior D, Rodrigues SLC, in the study.
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