Egazette CSM Engl PDF
Egazette CSM Engl PDF
Egazette CSM Engl PDF
MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES (xxiii) Pondicherry Civil Service, Group ‘B’.
AND PENSIONS (xxiv) Pondicherry Police, Service, Group ‘B’
(Department of Personnel and Training) 1. The examination will be conducted by the Union
NOTIFICATION Public Service Commission in the manner prescribed in
New Delhi, the 7th February, 2018 Appendix I to these rules.
RULES The dates on which and the places at which the
Preliminary and Main Examinations will be held shall be fixed
F. No. 13018/10/2017-AIS(I).—The rules for a by the Commission.
competitive examination—Civil Services Examination—to be
held by the Union Public Service Commission in 2018 for the 2. (1) A Candidate shall be required to mandatorily
purpose of filling vacancies in the following services/posts indicate order of preferences only for those services
are, with the concurrence of the Ministries concerned and participating in the Civil Services Examination for the year,
the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in respect of the for which he is interested to be allocated to, in the application
Indian Audit and Accounts Service, published for general form for Main Examination.
information :— (2) In case of recommendation of his name by UPSC for
(i) Indian Administrative Service. service allocation, the candidate shall be considered for
allocation to one of those services by the Government for
(ii) Indian Foreign Service. which he shall indicate his preference subject to fulfilment of
(iii) Indian Police Service. other conditions. No change in preferences of services once
(iv) Indian P&T Accounts and Finance Service, Group indicated by a candidate would be permitted.
‘A’. (3) A candidate who wishes to be considered for Indian
(v) Indian Audit and Accounts Service, Administrative Service or Indian Police Service shall be
Group ‘A’. required to indicate in his application form for the Main
Examination his order of preferences for various Zones and
(vi) Indian Revenue Service (Customs & Central
Cadres for which he would like to be considered for allotment
Excise) Group “A”.
in case he is appointed to the Indian Administrative Service
(vii) Indian Defence Accounts Service, Group ‘A’. or Indian Police Service and no change in preference of Zone
(viii) Indian Revenue Service (Income Tax) Group ‘A’. and Cadre once indicated by a candidate would be permitted.
(ix) Indian Ordnance Factories Service, Group ‘A’. Note 1 : The candidates are advised to be very careful
(Asstt. Works Manager—Administration). while indicating preferences for various services or posts. In
(x) Indian Postal Service, Group ‘A’. this connection, attention is also invited to clause (i) of
rule 19.
(xi) Indian Civil Accounts Service, Group ‘A’.
Note 2 : The candidates are advised to visit Department
(xii) Indian Railway Traffic Service, Group ‘A’. of Personnel and Training website for
(xiii) Indian Railway Accounts Service, Group ‘A’. information or details about service allocation, Cadre allotment
(xiv) Indian Railway Personnel Service, Group ‘A’. and service profile.
(xv) Post of Assistant Security Commissioner, Group Note 3 : The candidates who wishes to indicate
‘A’ in Railway Protection Force. IAS/IPS as their Service preference are advised to indicate all
the Zones and Cadres in the order of preference in their
(xvi) Indian Defence Estates Service, Group ‘A’.
Detailed Application Form as per the extant Cadre Allocation
(xvii) Indian Information Service, Junior Grade Group Policy applicable for Civil Services Examination, 2018.
3. The number of vacancies to be filled on the result of
(xviii) Indian Trade Service, Group ‘A’ (Gr. III). the examination will be specified in the Notice issued by the
(xix) Indian Corporate Law Service, Group ‘A’. Commission.
(xx) Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service, Group Reservation will be made for candidates belonging to
‘B’ (Section Officer’s Grade). the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward
(xxi) Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Classes and candidates belonging to Persons with Benchmark
Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Disability in respect of vacancies as may be fixed by the
Haveli Civil Service, Group ‘B’. Government.
(xxii) Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 4. Every candidate appearing at the examination who is
Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar otherwise eligible, shall be permitted six attempts at the
Haveli Police Service, Group ‘B’. examination :
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Provided that this restriction on the number of attempts A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is
will not apply in the case of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled necessary may be admitted to the examination but the offer
Tribes candidates who are otherwise eligible : of appointment may be given only after the necessary
Provided further that the number of attempts eligibility certificate has been issued to him/her by the
permissible to candidates belonging to Other Backward Government of India.
Classes, who are otherwise eligible, shall be nine. The
6. (a) A candidate must have attained the age of 21
relaxation will be available to the candidates who are eligible
years and must not have attained the age of 32 years on
to avail of reservation applicable to such candidates :
the 1st of August, 2018 i.e., he must have been born not
Provided futher that candidates belonging to persons earlier than 2nd August, 1986 and not later than 1st August,
with benchmark disability will get as many attempts as are 1997. Necessary action to make corresponding changes in
available to candidates other than persons with benchmark respective Rules/Regulations pertaining to various services
disability of his or her community, subject to the condition is being taken separately.
that a candidate of person with benchmark disability
belonging to the General Category shall be eligible for nine (b) The upper age-limit prescribed above will be
attempts. Necessary action to make corresponding changes relaxable:
in respective Rules/regulations pertaining to various servcies
(i) up to a maximum of five years if a candidate
is being taken separately. The relaxation will be available to
belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe;
the candidate of persons with benchmark disability who are
eligible to avail of reservation applicable to such candidates. (ii) up to a maximum of three years in the case of
Note :— candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes
(I) An attempt at a Preliminary Examination shall be who are eligible to avail of reservation applicable
deemed to be an attempt at the Civil Services to such candidates;
Examination. (iii) up to a maximum of three years in the case of
(II) If a candidate actually appears in any one paper Defence Services Personnel, disabled in
in the Preliminary Examination, he/she shall be operations during hostilities with any foreign
deemed to have made an attempt at the country or in a disturbed area and released as a
Examination. consequence thereof;
(III) Notwithstanding the disqualification/cancella-
(iv) up to a maximum of five years in the case of ex-
tion of candidature, the fact of appearance of the
servicemen including Commissioned Officers and
candidate at the examination will count as an
ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five
years Military Service as on 1st August, 2018
5. (1) For Indian Administrative Service and Indian and have been released;
Police Service, a candidate must be a citizen of India.
(2) For other Services, a candidate must be either— (a) on completion of assignment (including
those whose assignment is due to be
(a) a citizen of India, or
completed within one year from 1st August,
(b) a subject of Nepal, or 2018 otherwise than by way of dismissal or
(c) a subject of Bhutan, or discharge on account of misconduct or
(d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before inefficiency; or
the 1st January, 1962 with the intention of (b) on account of physical disability attributable
permanently settling in India, or to Military Service; or
(e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from
Pakistan, Burma (Myanmar), Sri Lanka, East (c) on invalidment.
African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United
(v) up to a maximum of five years in the case of ECOs/
Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and
SSCOs who have completed an initial period of
Ethiopia or Vietnam with the intention of
assignment of five years of Military Service as
permanently settling in India :
on 1st August, 2018 and whose assignment has
Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), been extended beyond five years and in whose
(c), (d) and (e) shall be a person in whose favour a certificate case the Ministry of Defence issues a certificate
of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India : that they can apply for civil employment and that
Provided further that candidates belonging to they will be released on three months notice on
categories (b), (c) and (d) above will not be eligible for selection from the date of receipt of offer of
appointment to the Indian Foreign Service. appointment.
(vi) up to a maximum of 10 years in the case of (a) The expression Matriculation/Higher Secondary
blindness and low vision; (b) deaf and hard of Examination Certificate in this part of the Instruction include
hearing; (c) locomotor disability including cerbral the alternative certificates mentioned above.
palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims Note 1:—Candidate should note that only the date of
and muscular dystrophy; (d) autism, intellectual birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination
disability, specific learning disability and mental certificate or an equivalent certificate on the date of
illness; (e) multiple disabilities from amongst submission of application will be accepted by the Commission,
person under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf- and no subsequent request for its change will be considered
blindness.” or granted.
Note I :—Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Note 2:—Candidates should also note that once a
Castes and the Scheduled Tribes and the Other Backward date of birth has been claimed by them and entered in the
Classes who are also covered under any other clauses of records of the Commission for the purpose of admission to
Rule 6(b) above, viz. those coming under the category of an Examination, no change will be allowed subsequently or
Ex-servicemen, (a) blindness and low vision; (b) deaf and at any other Examination of the Commission on any grounds
hard of hearing; (c) locomotor disability including cerbral whatsoever.
palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and 7. A candidate must hold a degree of any of the
muscular dystrophy; (d) autism, intellectual disability, specific Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State
learning disability and mental illness; (e) multiple disabilities Legislature in India or other educational institutions
from amongst person under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf- established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed
blindness.” will be eligible for grant of cumulative age- as a University under Section 3 of the University Grants
relaxation under both the categories. Commission Act, 1956 or possess an equivalent qualification.
Note II :—The term Ex-servicemen will apply to the Note I:—Candidates who have appeared at an
persons who are defined as Ex-servicemen in the examination the passing of which would render them
Ex-servicemen (Re-employment in Civil Services and Posts) educationally qualified for the Commission’s examination but
Rules, 1979, as amended from time to time. have not been informed of the result as also the candidates
who intend to appear at such a qualifying examination will
Note III :—The age concession under Rule 6(b)(v) and also be eligible for admission to the Preliminary Examination.
(vi) will not be admissible to Ex-servicemen and Commissioned
Officers including ECOs/SSCOs, who are released on own All candidates who are declared qualified by the
request. Commission for taking the Civil Services (Main) Examination
will be required to produce proof of passing the requisite
Note IV :—Notwithstanding the provision of age- examination along with their application for the Main
relaxation under Rule 6(b)(vi) above, Candidates of Persons Examination failing which such candidates will not be admitted
with Benchmark Disability will be considered to be eligible to the Main Examination.
for appointment only if he/she (after such physical Note II:—In exceptional cases the Union Public Service
examination as the Government or appointing authority, as Commission may treat a candidate who does not have any of
the case may be, may prescribe) is found to satisfy the the foregoing qualification as a qualified candidate provided
requirements of physical and medical standards for the that he has passed examination conducted by other institution
concerned Services/Posts to be allocated to the Candidates the standard of which in the opinion of the Commission
of Persons with Benchmark Disability by the Government. justifies his admission to the examination.
Save as provided above, the age-limits prescribed can Note III:—Candidates possessing professional and
in no case be relaxed. technical qualifications which are recognised by Government
as equivalent to professional and technical degree would
The date of birth, accepted by the Commission is that also be eligible for admission to the examination.
entered in the Matriculation or Secondary School Leaving
Certificate or in a certificate recognised by an Indian University Note IV:—Candidates who have passed the final
as equivalent to Matriculation or in an extract from a Register professional M.B.B.S or any other Medical Examination but
of Matriculates maintained by a University which extract must have not completed their internship by the time of submission
be certified by the proper authority of the University or in the of their applications for the Civil Services (Main) Examination,
Higher Secondary or an equivalent examination certificate. will be provisionally admitted to the Examination provided
These certificates are required to be submitted only at the time they submit along with their application a copy of certificate
of applying for the Civil Services (Main) Examination. No other from the concerned authority of the University/Institution
document relating to age like horoscopes, affidavits, birth that they had passed the requisite final professional medical
extracts from Municipal Corporation, Service records and the examination. In such cases, the candidates will be required
like will be accepted. to produce at the time of their interview original degree or a
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certificate from the concerned competent authority of the 12. No candidate will be admitted to the Preliminary/
University/Institution that they had completed all require- Main Examination unless he holds a certificate of admission
ments (including completion of internship) for the award of for the Examination.
the Degree.
13. No request for withdrawal of candidature received
8. A candidate who is appointed to the Indian from a candidate after he has submitted his application will be
Administrative Service or the Indian Foreign Service on the entertained under any circumstances.
results of an earlier examination and continues to be a member
14. A candidate who is or has been declared by the
of that service will not be eligible to compete at this
Commission to be guilty of :—
In case such a candidate is appointed to the IAS/IFS (i) Obtaining support for his candidature by the
after the Preliminary Examination of Civil Services following means, namely :—
Examination, 2018 is over and he/she continues to be a (a) offering illegal gratification to; or
member of that service, he/she shall not be eligible to appear
in the Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2018 (b) applying pressure on; or
notwithstanding his/her having qualified in the Preliminary (c) blackmailing, or threatening to blackmail
Examination, 2018. any person connected with the conduct of
Also provided that if such a candidate is appointed to the examination; or
IAS/IFS after the commencement of the Civil Services (Main) (ii) impersonation; or
Examination, 2018 but before the result thereof and continues
(iii) procuring impersonation by any person; or
to be a member of that service, he/she shall not be considered
for appointment to any service/post on the basis of the result (iv) submitting fabricated documents or documents
of this examination viz. Civil Services Examination, 2018. which have been tampered with; or
8.1 A candidate who is appointed to the Indian Police (v) making statements which are incorrect or false or
Service on the results of an earlier examination and continues suppressing material information; or
to be a member of that service shall not be eligible to opt for
the Indian Police Service in Civil Services Examination 2018. (vi) resorting to the following means in connection
with his candidature for the examination,
9. Candidates must pay the fees prescribed in the namely :—
Commission’s Notice.
(a) obtaining copy of question paper through
10. All candidates in Government service, whether in a
improper means;
permanent or in temporary capacity or as work charged
employee, other than casual or daily rated employees or those (b) finding out the particulars of the persons
serving under Public Enterprises will be required to submit connected with secret work relating to the
an undertaking that they have informed in writing their Head examination;
of Office/Department that they have applied for the (c) influencing the examiners; or
Examination. Candidates should note that in case a
communication is received from their employer by the (vii) using unfair means during the examination; or
Commission withholding permission to the candidates (viii) writing obscene matter or drawing obscene
applying for appearing at the examination, their applications sketches in the scripts; or
will be liable to be rejected/candidature will be liable to be
(ix) misbehaving in the examination hall including
tearing of the scripts, provoking fellow examinees
11. The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility to boycott examination, creating a disorderly
or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the examination scene and the like; or
shall be final.
(x) harassing or doing bodily harm to the staff
The candidates applying for the examination should
employed by the Commission for the conduct of
ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility conditions for admission
their examination; or
to the Examination. Their admission at all the stages of
examination for which they are admitted by the Commission (xi) being in possession of or using any mobile phone,
viz. Preliminary Examination, Main (Written) Examination and (even in switched off mode), pager or any
Interview Test will be purely provisional, subject to their electronic equipment or programmable device or
satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on verification storage media like pen drive, smart watches etc.
at any time before or after the Preliminary Examination, Main or camera or bluetooth devices or any other
(Written) Examination and interview Test, it is found that they equipment or related accessories either in working
do not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature or switched off mode capable of being used as a
for the examination will be cancelled by the Commission. communication device during the examination; or
(xii) violating any of the instructions issued to (a) The candidates, opting for Indian Language medium
candidates along with their admission certificates for the written part of the Civil Services (Main) Examination,
permitting them to take the examination; or may choose either the same Indian Language or English or
(xiii) attempting to commit or, as the case may be, Hindi as the medium for the interview.
abetting the commission of all or any of the acts (b) The candidates, opting to write the Civil Services
specified in the foregoing clauses; (Main) Examination in English, may choose as the medium
may in addition to rendering himself liable to for interview either English, or Hindi, or any other Indian
criminal prosecution, be liable :— Language opted by them for the compulsory Indian Language
Paper in the written part of the Civil Services (Main)
(a) to be disqualified by the Commission from
Examination. However, the candidates, who are exampted from
the Examination for which he is a candidate;
the compulsory Indian Language Paper, will have to choose
either English or Hindi as medium of Interview for Personality
(b) to be debarred either permanently or for a Test.
specified period :—
16. (1) After interview, the candidates will be arranged
(i) by the Commission, from any examination
by the Commission in the order of merit as determined by the
or selection held by them;
aggregate marks finally awarded to each candidate in the
(ii) by the Central Government from any Main Examination. Thereafter, the Commission shall, for the
employment under them; and purpose of recommending candidates against unreserved
(c) if he is already in service under Government vacancies, fix a qualifying mark (hereinafter referred to as
to disciplinary action under the appropriate general qualifying standard) with reference to the number of
rules : unreserved vacancies to be filled up on the basis of the Main
Provided that no penalty under this rule shall Examination. For the purpose of recommending reserved
be imposed except after :— category candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and candidates
(i) giving the candidate an opportunity of
belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability against
making such representation in writing as
reserved vacancies, the Commission may relax the general
he may wish to make in that behalf; and
qualifying standard with reference to number of reserved
(ii) taking the representation, if any, vacancies to be filled up in each of these categories on the
submitted by the candidate within the basis of the Main Examination :
period allowed to him into consideration.
Provided that the candidates belonging to the
15. (1) Candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and the Other
marks in the General Studies Paper-I of Prelimiary Examination Backward Classes who have not availed themselves of
as may be fixed by the Commission at their discretion and a any of the concessions or relaxations in the eligibility or
minimum of 33% marks in General Studies Paper-II of Civil the selection criteria, at any stage of the examination and
Services (Preliminary) Examination shall be admitted to the who after taking into account the general qualifying
Main Examination. The candidates who obtain such minimum standards are found fit for recommendation by the
qualifying marks in the Main Examination (Written) as may Commission shall not be recommended against the
be fixed by the Commission at their discretion shall be invited vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes
by them for an interview for personality test: and the Other Backward Classes.
Provided that candidates belonging to the Scheduled (2) While making service allocation, the candidates
Castes or Scheduled Tribes or Other Backward Classes or belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes or
candidates of persons with Benchmark Disability may be the Other Backward Classes recommended against
invited for an interview for a personality test by the unreserved vacancies may be adjusted against reserved
Commission by applying relaxed standards in the General vacancies by the Government, if by this process they get a
Studies Paper-I of the Preliminary Examination as well as Main service of higher choice in the order of their preference.
Examination (Written) if the Commission is of the opinion
that sufficient number of candidates belonging to these (3) The Commission may further lower the qualifying
categories are not likely to be invited for interview for a standards to take care of any shortfall of candidates for
personality test on the basis of the general standard in order appointment against unreserved vacancies and any surplus of
to fill up vacancies reserved for them. candidates against reserved vacancies arising out of the provisions
of this rule, the Commission may make the recommendations in
15(2). Candidates are required to indicate in relevant
the manner prescribed in sub-rules (4) and (5).
column of the Detailed Application Form for Civil Service
(Main) Examination about the language medium in which they (4) While recommending the candidates, the
would like to be interviewed at the time of interview for Commission shall, in the first instance, take into account the
Personality Test as below:- total number of vacancies in all categories. This total number
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of recommended candidates shall be reduced by the number of (Main) Examination, 2018. The appointment to various
candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled services will also be governed by the Rules/Regulations in
Tribes and the Other Backward Classes who acquire the merit force as applicable to the respective Services at the time of
at or above the fixed general qualifying standard without appointment.
availing themselves of any concession or relaxation in the
(ii) The Cadre allotment to candidates’ appointment to
eligibility or selection criteria in terms of the proviso to sub-
IAS/IPS will be governed by the policy of cadre allotment in
rule (1). Along with this list of recommended candidates, the
force at the time of allotment of cadre. Due consideration will
Commission shall also maintain a consolidated reserve list of
be given at the time of making allocation on the results of the
candidates which will include candidates from general and
examination to the preferences expressed by a candidate for
reserved categories ranking in order of merit below the last
various Zones and Cadres there under at the time of his/her
recommended candidate under each category. The reserve list
application for Civil Services (Main) 2018.
so maintained shall be treated as confidential till the process of
recommendations(s) in terms of sub-rule (5) is finally concluded 20. Success in the examination confers no right to
by the Commission. The number of candidates in each of these appointment unless Government is satisfied after such
categories will be equal to the number of reserved category enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate,
candidates who were included in the first list without availing having regard to his character and antecedents and certificates
of any relaxation or concession in eligibility or selection criteria produced by him during the course of examination for the purpose of
as per proviso to sub-rule (1). Amongst the reserved categories, eligibility as well as claiming any kind of benefit for reservation is
the number of candidates from each of the Scheduled Caste, suitable in all respects for appointment to the Service. The
the Scheduled Tribe and the Other Backward Class categories decision of the Government in this regard shall be final.
in the reserve list will be equal to the respective number of 21. A candidate must be in good mental and bodily
vacancies reduced initially in each category. health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with
(5) The candidates recommended in terms of the the discharge of his duties as an officer of the service. A
provisions of sub-rule (4), shall be allocated by the candidate who after such medical examination as Government
Government to the services and where certain vacancies still or the appointing authority, as the case may be, may prescribe,
remain to be filled up, the Government may forward a is found not to satisfy these requirements will not be appointed.
requisition to the Commission requiring it to recommend, in Any candidate called for the Personality Test by the
order of merit, from the reserve list, the same number of Commission may be required to undergo medical examination.
candidates as requisitioned for the purpose of filling up the The medical examination shall be conducted by the
unfilled vacancies in each category. Government in Delhi in the hospitals as to be decided as per
requirement. The decision of the Government regarding the
17. The minimum qualifying marks as specified under
date, venue and suitability of the candidate for appointment
rules 15 and 16 may be relaxable at the discretion of the
to a service shall be final. No fee shall be payable to the Medical
Commission in favour of Candidates belonging to Persons
Board by the candidate for the medical examination including
with Benchmark Disability in order to fill up the vacancies
the case of appeal :
reserved for them :
Provided further that Government may constitute a
Provided that where a Candidates belonging to Person
special Medical Board with experts in the area for conducting
with Benchmark Disability obtains the minimum qualifying
the medical examination of Persons with Benchmark
marks in his own merit in the requisite number for General, or
the Scheduled Caste or the Scheduled Tribe or the Other
Backward Class category candidates, then, the extra Candidates Note :—In order to prevent disappointment, candidates
belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability, i.e., more are advised to have themselves examined by a Government
than the number of vacancies reserved for them shall be Medical Officer of the standing of a Civil Surgeon, before
recommended by the Commission on the relaxed standards applying for admission to the examination. Particulars of the
and consequential amendments in the rules will be notified in nature of the medical test to which candidates will be
due course. subjected before appointment and of the standards required
18. The form and manner of communication of the results are given in Appendix III to these Rules. For the disabled ex-
of the examination to individual candidates shall be decided Defence Services Personnel, the standards will be relaxed
by the Commission in their discretion and the Commission consistent with the requirements of the Service(s).
will not enter into correspondence with them regarding the 22. The eligibility for availing reservation against the
results. vacancies reserved for the Persons with Benchmark Disability
19. (i) Due consideration will be given at the time of shall be the same as prescribed in “The Rights of Persons
making allocation of service on the results of the examination with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPwD Act, 2016)” :
in order of preference expressed by a candidate in respect of Provided further that the Persons with Benchmark
services at the time of his/her application for Civil Services Disability shall also be required to meet special eligibility
criteria in terms of Functional Classification and Physical communities issued by the Central Government. If a candidate
Requirements (abilities/disabilities) (FC&PR) consistent with indicates in his/her application form for Civil Services
requirements of the identified service/post as may be (Preliminary) Examination that he/she belongs to General
prescribed by its cadre controlling authority. A list of Services category but subsequently writes to the Commission to change
identified suitable for Persons with Benchmark Disability his/her category to a reserved one, such request shall not be
along with the Functional Classifications and Physical entertained by the Commission. Similar principle will be
Requirements is at Appendix-IV. followed for persons with benchmark disability categories also.
The Functional Classification and Physical Requirements While the above principle will be followed in general,
(FC&PR) can, for example, be one or more of the following : there may be a few cases where there was a gap not more than
3 months between the issuance of a Government Notification
CODE PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS enlisting a particular community in the list of any of the
S Sitting reserved communities and the date of submission of the
application by the candidate. In such cases the request of
ST Standing
change of category from general to reserved may be
W Walking considered by the Commission on merit. In case of a candidate
SE Seeing unfortunately becoming a Candidate belonging to Person with
H Hearing/Speaking Benchmark Disability during the course of the examination
RW Reading and Writing process, the candidate should produce valid document
showing him acquiring a disability to the extent of 40% or
C Communication
more as defined under the RPwD Act, 2016 to enable him to
MF Manipulation by Finger get the benefits of reservation as available to the persons
PP Pushing & Pulling with benchmark disability (PwBD).
L Lifting 24. Candidates seeking reservation/relaxation benefits
KC Kneeling and Croutching available for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/Ex-servicemen must ensure
BN Bending that they are entitled to such reservation/relaxation as per
eligibility prescribed in the Rules/Notice. They should also be
OH Orthopaedically Handicapped
in possession of all the requisite certificates in the prescribed
VH Visually Handicapped format in support of their claim as stipulated in the Rules/
OA One Arm Notice for such benefits, and these certificates should be dated
OL One Leg earlier than the due date (closing date) of the application of
BA Both Arms Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2018.
BL Both Legs 25. The closing date fixed for the receipt of the
BH Both Hands application will be treated as the date for determining the
OBC status (including that of creamy layer) of the candidates.
MW Muscular Weakness
26. No person—
OAL One Arm One Leg
(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage
BLA Both Legs and Arms
with a person having a spouse living, or
BLOA Both Legs One Arm
(b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into
LV Low Vision or contracted a marriage with any person,
B Blind
shall be eligible for appointment to Service :
D Deaf
Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied
HH Hard of Hearing that such marriage is permissible under the personal law
M Movement applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage
CP Cerebral Palsy and there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person
LC Leprosy Cured from the operation of this rule.
DW Dwarfism 27. Candidates are informed that some knowledge of
Hindi prior to entry into service would be of advantage in
CL Climbing
passing departmental examinations which candidates have
JU Jumping to take after entry into service.
Note : The above list is subject to revision. 28. Brief particulars relating to the Services/Posts to
23. A candidate will be eligible to get the benefit of which recruitment is being made through this examination
community reservation only in case the particular caste to are given in Appendix II.
which the candidates belong is included in the list of reserved ASHISH MADHAORAO MORE, Dy. Secy.
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from the Languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the compulsory for candidates hailing from the States of Arunachal
Constitution). 300 Marks Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim.
Paper-B (iv) The paper A on Indian Language will not, however, be
English 300 Marks compulsory for Candidates belonging to Persons with
Benchmark Disability (only Hearing Impairment sub-category)
Papers to be counted for merit provided that they have been granted such exemption from
Paper-I 2nd or 3rd language courses by the concerned education
Essay 250 Marks Board/University. The candidate needs to provide an
undertaking/self declaration in this regard in order to claim
Paper-II such an exemption to the Commission.
General Studies-I 250 Marks (v) Marks obtained by the candidates for the Paper I-VII
(Indian Heritage and Culture, History and only will be counted for merit ranking. However, the Commis-
Geography of the World and Society) sion will have the discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or
Paper-III all of these papers.
General Studies -II 250 Marks (vi) For the Language medium/literature of languages, the
scripts to be used by the candidates will be as under :—
(Governance, Constitution, Polity,
Social Justice and International relations) Language Script
Assamese Assamese
Bengali Bengali
General Studies -III 250 Marks Gujarati Gujarati
(Technology, Economic Development, Hindi Devanagari
Bio-diversity, Environment, Security Kannada Kannada
and Disaster Management) Kashmiri Persian
Paper-V Konkani Devanagari
General Studies -IV 250 Marks Malayalam Malayalam
(Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude) Manipuri Bengali
Marathi Devanagari
Nepali Devanagari
Optional Subject - Paper 1 250 Marks Odia Odia
Paper-VII Punjabi Gurumukhi
Optional Subject - Paper 2 250 Marks Sanskrit Devanagari
Sub Total (Written test) 1750 Marks Sindhi Devanagari or Arabic
Tamil Tamil
Personality Test 275 Marks
Telugu Telugu
Grand Total 2025 Marks Urdu Persian
Candidates may choose any one of the optional subjects from Bodo Devanagari
amongst the list of subjects given in para 2 below :— Dogri Devanagari
NOTE : Maithilli Devanagari
(i) The papers on Indian languages and English (Paper A Santhali Devanagari or Olchiki
and paper B) will be of Matriculation or equivalent standard Note : For Santhali language, question paper will be printed
and will be of qualifying nature. The marks obtained in these in Devanagari script; but candidates will be free to
papers will not be counted for ranking. answer either in Devanagari script or in Olchiki.
(ii) Evaluation of the papers, namely, 'Essay', 'General 2. List of optional subjects for Main Examination :
Studies' and Optional Subject of all the candidates would be (i) Agriculture
done simultaneously along with evaluation of their qualifying
(ii) Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
papers on ‘Indian Languages’ and ‘English’ but the papers on
Éssay', General Studies and Optional Subject of only such (iii) Anthropology
candidates will be taken cognizance who attain 25% marks in (iv) Botany
‘Indian Language’ and 25% in English as minimum qualifying (v) Chemistry
standards in these qualifying papers. (vi) Civil Engineering
(iii) The paper A on Indian Language will not, however, be (vii) Commerce and Accountancy
¹Hkkx Iµ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 135
One eyed 6/6 F.C. at 1 ft to 30% 3. The interview test is not intended to be a test either
person nil of the specialised or general knowledge of the candidates
which has been already tested through their written papers.
Note (3) : For availing of the concession admissible to a
Candidates are expected to have taken an intelligent interest
blind candidate, the candidate concerned shall produce a
not only in their special subjects of academic study but also
certificate in the prescribed proforma from a Medical Board
in the events which are happening around them both within
constituted by the Central/State Governments along with their
and outside their own State or Country as well as in modern
application for the Main Examination.
currents of thought and in new discoveries which should
Note (4) : The concession admissible to blind candidates rouse the curiosity of well educated youth.
shall not be admissible to those suffering from Myopia.
(ii) The Commission have discretion to fix qualifying
marks in any or all the subjects of the examination. SYLLABI FOR THE EXAMINATION
(iii) If a candidate’s handwriting is not easily legible, a NOTE : Candidates are advised to go through the
deduction will be made on this account from the total marks Syllabus published in this Section for the Preliminary
otherwise accruing to him. Examination and the Main Examination, as periodic revision
(iv) Marks will not be allotted for mere superficial of syllabus has been done in several subjects.
knowledge. Part A—Preliminary Examination
(v) Credit will be given for orderly, effective and exact Paper I - (200 marks) Duration : Two hours
expression combined with due economy of words in all
• Current events of national and international importance.
subjects of the examination.
(vi) In the question papers, wherever required, SI • History of India and Indian National Movement.
units will be used. • Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic
(vii) Candidates should use only International form of Geography of India and the World.
Indian numerals (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc.) while answering question • Indian Polity and Governance-Constitution, Political
papers. System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues,
(viii) Candidates will be allowed the use of Scientific etc.
(Non-Programmable type) Calculators at the conventional • Economic and Social Development-Sustainable
(Essay) type examination of UPSC. Programmable type Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social
calculators will however not be allowed and the use of such Sector Initiatives, etc.
calculators shall tantamount to resorting to unfair means by
• General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity
the candidates. Loaning or interchanging of calculators in the
and Climate Change - that do not require subject
Examination Hall is not permitted.
It is also important to note that candidates are not
permitted to use calculators for answering objective type • General Science.
papers (Test Booklets). They should not therefore bring the Paper II-(200 marks) Duration : Two hours
same inside the Examination Hall. • Comprehension;
C. Interview Test • Interpersonal skills including communication skills;
The candidate will be interviewed by a Board who will
• Logical reasoning and analytical ability;
have before them a record of his career. He will be asked
questions on matters of general interest. The object of the • Decision making and problem solving;
interview is to assess the personal suitability of the candidate • General mental ability;
for a career in public service by a Board of competent and • Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of
unbiased observers. The test is intended to judge the mental magnitude, etc.) (Class X level), Data interpretation
calibre of a candidate. In broad terms this is really an (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. — Class X
assessment of not only his intellectual qualities but also social level);
traits and his interest in current affairs. Some of the qualities
to be judged are mental alertness, critical powers of Note 1 : Paper-II of the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examina-
assimilation, clear and logical exposition, balance of tion will be a qualifying paper with minimum qualify-
judgement, variety and depth of interest, ability for social ing marks fixed at 33%.
cohesion and leadership, intellectual and moral integrity. Note 2 : The questions will be of multiple choice, objective
2. The technique of the interview is not that of a strict type.
cross-examination but of a natural, though directed and Note 3 : It is mandatory for the candidate to appear in both
purposive conversation which is intended to reveal the mental the Papers of Civil Services (Prelim) Examination for
qualities of the candidate. the purpose of evaluation. Therefore a candidate will
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be disqualified in case he/she does not appear in Indian Languages papers in English and the respective Indian
both the papers of Civil Services (Prelim) Examination. language (except where translation is involved).
Part B—Main Examination PAPER-I
The main Examination is intended to assess the overall Essay : Candidates may be required to write essays on multiple
intellectual traits and depth of understanding of candidates topics. They will be expected to keep closely to the subject of
rather than merely the range of their information and memory. the essay to arrange their ideas in orderly fashion, and to
write concisely. Credit will be given for effective and exact
The nature and standard of questions in the General
Studies papers (Paper II to Paper V) will be such that a well-
educated person will be able to answer them without any PAPER-II
specialized study. The questions will be such as to test a General Studies-I : Indian Heritage and Culture, History and
candidate’s general awareness of a variety of subjects, which Geography of the World and Society.
will have relevance for a career in Civil Services. The questions
• Indian culture will cover the salient aspects of Art Forms,
are likely to test the candidate’s basic understanding of all
literature and Architecture from ancient to modern times.
relevant issues, and ability to analyze, and take a view on
conflicting socio-economic goals, objectives and demands. • Modern Indian history from about the middle of the
The candidates must give relevant, meaningful and succinct eighteenth century until the present- significant events,
answers. personalities, issues.
The scope of the syllabus for optional subject papers • The Freedom Struggle — its various stages and
(Paper VI and Paper VII) for the examination is broadly of the important contributors/contributions from different
honours degree 1evel i.e. a level higher than the bachelors’ parts of the country.
degree and lower than the masters’ degree. In the case of • Post-independence consolidation and reorganization
Engineering, Medical Science and law, the level corresponds within the country.
to the bachelors’ degree.
• History of the world will include events from 18th century
Syllabi of the papers included in the scheme of Civil such as industrial revolution, world wars, redrawal of
Services (Main) Examination are given as follows :— national boundaries, colonization, decolonization,
QUALIFYING PAPERS ON INDIAN LANGUAGES AND political philosophies like communism, capitalism,
ENGLISH socialism etc.— their forms and effect on the society.
• Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India.
The aim of the paper is to test the candidates's ability to
read and understand serious discursive prose, and to express • Role of women and women’s organization, population
his ideas clearly and correctly, in English and Indian language and associated issues, poverty and developmental
concerned. issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies.
The pattern of questions would be broadly as follows : • Effects of globalization on Indian society.
(i) Comprehension of given passages. • Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism &
(ii) Precis Writing.
• Salient features of world’s physical geography.
(iii) Usage and Vocabulary.
• Distribution of key natural resources across the world
(iv) Short Essays. (including South Asia and the Indian sub-continent);
Indian Languages :— factors responsible for the location of primary,
secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts
(i) comprehension of given passages. of the world (including India).
(ii) Precis Writing. • Important Geophysical phenomena such as
(iii) Usage and Vocabulary. earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclone etc.,
geographical features and their location-changes in
(iv) Short Essays. critical geographical features (including water-bodies
(v) Translation from English to the Indian Language and and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of
vice-versa. such changes.
Note 1 : The papers on Indian Languages and English will be PAPER-III
of Matriculation or equivalent standard and will be of General Studies- II: Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social
qualifying nature only. The marks obtained in these papers Justice and International relations.
will not be counted for ranking.
• Indian Constitution—historical underpinnings,
Note 2 : The candidates will have to answer the English and
evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions • Important International institutions, agencies and fora-
and basic structure. their structure, mandate.
• Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the PAPER-IV
States, issues and challenges pertaining to the federal General Studies-III: Technology, Economic Development, Bio
structure, devolution of powers and finances up to local diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management
levels and challenges therein.
• Indian Economy and issues relating to planning,
• Separation of powers between various organs dispute mobilization, of resources, growth, development and
redressal mechanisms and institutions. employment.
• Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with • Inclusive growth and issues arising from it.
that of other countries.
• Government Budgeting.
• Parliament and State legislatures—structure,
functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges • Major crops-cropping patterns in various parts of the
and issues arising out of these. country, - different types of irrigation and irrigation
systems storage, transport and marketing of agricultural
• Structure, organization and functioning of the Executive produce and issues and related constraints; e-
and the Judiciary—Ministries and Departments of the technology in the aid of farmers.
Government; pressure groups and formal/informal
associations and their role in the Polity. • Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and
minimum support prices; Public Distribution System-
• Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act. objectives, functioning, limitations, revamping; issues
• Appointment to various Constitutional posts, powers, of buffer stocks and food security; Technology
functions and responsibilities of various Constitutional missions; economics of animal-rearing.
Bodies. • Food processing and related industries in India- scope’
• Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies. and significance, location, upstream and downstream
• Government policies and interventions for development requirements, supply chain management.
in various sectors and issues arising out of their design • Land reforms in India.
and implementation. • Effects of liberalization on the economy, changes in
• Development processes and the development industry industrial policy and their effects on industrial growth.
—the role of NGOs, SHGs, various groups and • Infrastructure: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways
associations, donors, charities, institutional and other etc.
• Investment models.
• Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the
population by the Centre and States and the performance • Science and Technology- developments and their
of these schemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions and applications and effects in everyday life.
Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of • Achievements of Indians in science & technology;
these vulnerable sections. indigenization of technology and developing new
• Issues relating to development and management of technology.
Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, • Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers,
Human Resources. robotics, nano-technology, bio-technology and issues
• Issues relating to poverty and hunger. relating to intellectual property rights.
• Important aspects of governance, transparency and • Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation,
accountability, e-governance- applications, models, environmental impact assessment.
successes, limitations, and potential; citizens charters, • Disaster and disaster management.
transparency & accountability and institutional and • Linkages between development and spread of
other measures. extremism.
• Role of civil services in a democracy. • Role of external state and non-state actors in creating
• India and its neighborhood- relations. challenges to internal security.
• Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements • Challenges to internal security through communication
involving India and/or affecting India’s interests. networks, role of media and social networking sites in
• Effect of policies and politics of developed and internal security challenges, basics of cyber security;
developing countries on India’s interests, Indian money-laundering and its prevention.
diaspora. • Security challenges and their management in border
¹Hkkx Iµ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 139
areas - linkages of organized crime with terrorism. Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources,
• Various Security forces and agencies and their mandate. their sustainable management and conservation. Physical and
social environment as factors of crop distribution and
PAPER-V production. Agro ecology; cropping pattern as indicators of
General Studies- IV: Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude environments. Environmental pollution and associated hazards
This paper will include questions to test the candidates’ to crops, animals and humans. Climate change—International
attitude and approach to issues relating to integrity, probity conventions and global initiatives. Green house effect and
in public life and his problem solving approach to various global warming. Advance tools for ecosystem analysis—
issues and conflicts faced by him in dealing with society. Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems
Questions may utilise the case study approach to determine (GIS).
these aspects. The following broad areas will be covered : Cropping patterns in different agro-climatic zones of
the country. Impact of high-yielding and short-duration
• Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, determinants and
varieties on shifts in cropping patterns. Concepts of various
consequences of Ethics in-human actions; dimensions
cropping, and farming systems. Organic and Precision farming.
of ethics; ethics - in private and public relationships.
Package of practices for production of important cereals, pulses,
Human Values - lessons from the lives and teachings of
oil seeds, fibres, sugar, commercial and fodder crops.
great leaders, reformers and administrators; role of family
society and educational institutions in inculcating Important features, and scope of various types of
values. forestry plantations such as social forestry, agro-forestry, and
natural forests : Propagation of forest plants. Forest products.
• Attitude: content, structure, function; its influence and
Agro-forestry and value addition. Conservation of forest flora
relation with thought and behaviour; moral and political
and fauna.
attitudes; social influence and persuasion.
Weeds, their characteristics, dissemination and
• Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Service,
association with various crops; their multiplications; cultural,
integrity, impartiality and non-partisanship, objectivity,
biological, and chemical control of weeds.
dedication to public service, empathy, tolerance and
compassion towards the weaker-sections. Soil—physical, chemical and biological properties.
Processes and factors of soil formation. Soils of India. Mineral
• Emotional intelligence-concepts, and their utilities and and organic constituents of soils and their role in maintaining
application in administration and governance. soil productivity. Essential plant nutrients and other beneficial
• Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from elements in soils and plants. Principles of soil fertility, soil
India and world. testing and fertiliser recommendations, integrated nutrient
• Public/Civil service values and Ethics in Public management Biofertilizers. Losses of nitrogen in soil, nitrogen-
administration: Status and problems; ethical concerns use efficiency in submerged rice soils, nitrogen fixation in
and dilemmas in government and private institutions; soils. Efficient phosphoruse and potassium use. Problem soils
laws, rules, regulations and conscience as sources of and their reclamation. Soil factors affecting green house gas
ethical guidance; accountability and ethical governance; emission.
strengthening of ethical and moral values in governance; Soil conservation, integrated watershed management.
ethical issues in international relations and funding; Soil erosion and its management. Dry land agriculture and its
corporate governance. problems. Technology for stabilising agriculture production
in rainfed areas.
• Probity in Governance: Concept of public service;
Philosophical basis of governance and probity; Water-use efficiency in relation to crop production,
Information sharing and transparency in government, criteria for scheduling irrigations, ways and means of reducing
Right to Information, Codes of Ethics, Codes of Conduct, run-off losses of irrigation water. Rainwater harvesting. Drip
Citizen’s Charters, Work culture, Quality of service and sprinkler irrigation. Drainage of water-logged soils, quality
delivery, Utilization of public funds, challenges of of irrigation water, effect of industrial effluents on soil and
corruption. water pollution. Irrigation projects in India.
• Case Studies on above issues. Farm management, scope, importance and
characteristics, farm planning. Optimum resource use and
budgeting. Economics of different types of farming systems.
Optional Subject Papers I & II Marketing management strategies for development, market
Candidate may choose any optional subject from intelligence. Price fluctuations and their cost; role of co-
amongst the List of Optional Subjects given in Para 2. operatives in agricultural economy; types and systems of
farming and factors affecting them. Agricultural price policy.
Crop Insurance.
PAPER-I Agricultural extension, its importance and role, methods
of evaluation of extension programmes, socio-economic Diagnosis of pests and diseases of field crops,
survey and status of big, small and marginal farmers and vegetables, orchard and plantation crops and their economic
landless agricultural labourers; Training programmes for importance. Classification of pests and diseases and their
extension workers. Role of Krishi Vigyan Kendra’s (KVK) in management. Intergrated pest and diseases management.
dissemination of Agricultural technologies. Non-Government Storage pests and their management. Biological control of
Organisation (NGO) and self-help group approach for rural pests and diseases. Epidemiology and forecasting of major
development. crop pests and diseases. Plant quarantine measures. Pesticides,
PAPER-II their formulation and modes of action.
Cell structure, function and cell cycle. Synthesis, Food production and consumption trends in India. Food
structure and function of genetic material. Laws of heredity. security and growing population—vision 2020. Reasons for
Chromosome structure, chromosomal aberrations, linkage and grain surplus. National and International food policies.
cross-over, and their significance in recombination breeding. Production, procurement, distribution constraints. Availability
Polyploidy, euploids and aneuploids. Mutation—and their of foodgtrains, per capita expenditure on food. Trends in
role in crop improvement. Heritability, sterility and poverty, Public Distribution System and Below Poverty Line
incompatibility, classification and their application in crop population, Targeted Public Distribution System (PDS), policy
improvement. Cytoplasmic inheritance, sex-linked, sex- implementation in context to globalization. Processing
influenced and sex-limited characters. constraints. Relation of food production to National Dietary
Guidelines and food consumption pattern. Food based dietary
History of plant breeding. Modes of reproduction, approaches to eliminate hunger. Nutrient deficiency—Micro
selfing and crossing techniques. Origin, evolution and nutrient deficiency : Protein Energy Malnutrition or Protein
domestication of crop plants, center of origin, law of Calorie Malnutrition (PEM or PCM), Micro nutrient deficiency
homologous series, crop genetic resources—conservation and HRD in context of work capacity of women and children.
and utilization. Application of principles of plant breeding, Food grain productivity and food security.
improvement of crop plants. Molecular markers and their
application in plant improvement. Pure-line selection, pedigree, ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND VETERINARY SCIENCE
mass and recurrent selections, combining ability, its PAPER-I
significance in plant breeding. Heterosis and its exploitation. 1. Animal Nutrition :
Somatic hybridization. Breeding for disease and pest
resistance. Role of interspecific and intergeneric hybridization. 1.1 Partitioning of food energy within the animal. Direct
Role of genetic engineering and biotechnology in crop and indirect calorimetry. Carbon—nitrogen balance
improvement Gernetically modified crop plants. and comparative slaughter methods. Systems for
expressing energy value of foods in ruminants, pigs
Seed production and processing technologies. Seed and poultry. Energy requirements for maintenance,
certification, Seed testing and storage. DNA finger printing growth, pregnancy, lactation, egg, wool, and meat
and seed registration. Role of public and private sectors in production.
seed production, and marketing. Intellectual Property Rights
(IPR) issues, WTO issues and its impact on Agriculture. 1.2 Latest advances in protein nutrition. Energy protein
inter-relationships. Evaluation of protein quality. Use
Principles of Plant Physiology with reference to plant of NPN compounds in ruminant diets. Protein
nutrition, absorption, translocation and metabolism of requirements for maintenance, growth, pregnancy,
nutrients. Soil-water-plant relationship. lactation, egg, wool and meat production.
Enzymes and plant pigments; photosynthesis—modern 1.3 Major and trace minerals—Their sources,
concepts and factors affecting the process, aerobic and physiological functions and deficiency symptoms.
anaerobic respiration; C 3, C4 and CAM mechanisms. Toxic minerals. Mineral interactions. Role of
Carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Growth and fatsoluble and water—soluble vitamins in the body,
development; photoperiodism and vernalization. Plant growth their sources and deficiency symptoms.
substances and their role in crop production. Physiology of
seed development and germination; dormancy. Stress 1.4 Feed additives—methane inhibitors, probiotics,
physiology—draught, salt and water stress. enzymes, antibiotics, hormones, oligosaccharides,
antioxidants, emulsifiers, mould inhibitors, buffers
Major fruits, plantation crops, vegetables, spices and etc. Use and abuse of growth promoters like
flower crops. Package practices of major horticultural crops. harmones and antibiotics—latest concepts.
Protected cultivation and high tech horticulture. Post-harvest
technology and value addition of fruits and vegetables. 1.5 Conservation of fodders. Storage of feeds and feed
Landscaping and commercial floriculture. Medicinal and ingredients. Recent advances in feed technology and
aromatic plants. Role of fruits and vegetables in human feed processing. Anti-nutritional and toxic factors
nutrition. present in livestock feeds. Feed analysis and quality
control. Digestibility trials—direct, indirect and
¹Hkkx Iµ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 141
indicator methods. Predicting feed intake in grazing postnatal growth, maturation, growth curves,
animals. measures of growth, factors affecting growth,
1.6 Advances in ruminant nutrition. Nutrient conformation, body composition, meat quality.
requirements. Balanced rations. Feeding of calves, 2.8 Physiology of Milk Production, Reproduction and
pregnant, work animals and breeding bulls. Strategies Digestion.—Current status of hormonal control of
for feeding milch animals during different stages of mammary development, milk secretion and milk
lactation cycle. Effect of feeding on milk composition. ejection. Male and Female reproductive organs, their
Feeding of goats for meat and milk production. components and functions. Digestive organs and
Feeding of sheep for meat and wool production. their functions.
1.7 Swine Nutrition. Nutrient requirements. Creep, starter, 2.9 Environmental Physiology.—Physiological relations
grower and finisher rations. Feeding of pigs for lean and their regulation; mechanisms of adaptation,
meat production. Low cost rations for swine. environmental factors and regulatory mechanisms
1.8 Poultry nutrition. Special features of poultry nutrition. involved in animal behaviour, climatology—various
Nutrient requirements for meat and egg production. parameters and their importance. Animal ecology.
Formulation of rations for different classes of layers Physiology of behaviour. Effect of stress on health
and broilers. and production.
2. Animal Physiology : 3. Animal Reproduction :
2.1 Physiology of blood and its circulation, respiration; Semen quality.—Preservation and Artificial
excretion. Endocrine glands in health and disease. Insemination—Components of semen, composition
of spermatozoa, chemical and physical properties of
2.2 Blood constituents.—Properties and functions-blood ejaculated semen, factors affecting semen in vivo
cell formation—Haemoglobin synthesis and and in vitro. Factors affecting semen production and
chemistry-plasma proteins production, classification quality, preservation, composition of diluents, sperm
and properties, coagulation of blood; Haemorrhagic concentration, transport of diluted semen. Deep
disorders—anti-coagulants—blood groups—Blood freezing techniques in cows, sheep, goats, swine and
volume—Plasma expanders-Buffer systems in blood. poultry. Detection of oestrus and time of insemination
Biochemical tests and their significance in disease for better conception. Anoestrus and repeat
diagnosis. breeding.
2.3 Circulation.—Physiology of heart, cardiac cycle, 4. Livestock Production and Management :
heart sounds, heart beat, electrocardiograms. Work
and efficiency of heart—effect of ions on heart 4.1 Commercial Dairy Farming.—Comparison of dairy
function-metabolism of cardiac muscle, nervous and farming in India with advanced countries. Dairying
chemical regulation of heart, effect of temperature under mixed farming and as specialized farming,
and stress on heart, blood pressuer and economic dairy farming. Starting of a dairy farm,
hypertension, osmotic regulation, arterial pulse, Capital and land requirement, organization of the
vasomotor regulation of circulation, shock. Coronary dairy farm. Opportunities in dairy farming, factors
and pulmonary circulation, Blood-Brain barrier determining the efficiency of dairy animal. Heard
Cerebrospinal fluid-circulation in birds. recording, budgeting cost of milk production, pricing
policy; Personnel Management. Developing Practical
2.4 Respiration.—Mechanism of respiration, Transport and Economic rations for dairy cattle; supply of
and exchange of gases-neural control of respiration- greens throughout the year, feed and fodder
Chemo-receptors-hypoxia-respiration in birds. requirements of Dairy Farm. Feeding regimes for
2.5 Excretion.—Structure and function of kidney- young stock and bulls, heifers and breeding animals;
formation of urine-methods of studying renal new trends in feeding young and adult stock; Feeding
function-renal regulation of acid-base balance : records.
physiological constituents of urine-renal failure- 4.2 Commercial meat, egg and wool production.—
passive venous congestion-Urinary secretion in Development of practical and economic rations for
chicken-Sweat glands and their function. Bio- sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits and poultry. Supply of
chemical test for urinary dysfunction. greens, fodder, feeding regimes for young and mature
2.6 Endocrine glands.—Functional disorders—their stock. New trends in enhancing production and
symptoms and diagnosis. Synthesis of hormones, management. Capital and land requirements and
mechanism and control of secretion—hormonal socio-economic concept.
receptors-classification and function. 4.3 Feeding and management of animals under drought,
2.7 Growth and Animal Production.—Prenatal and flood and other natural calamities.
5. Genetics and Animal Breeding : structure of cell organells and inclusions; cell
5.1 History of animal genetics. Mitosis and Meiosis : division-cell types—Tissues and their classification-
Mendelian inheritance; deviations to Mendelian embryonic and adult tissues—Comparative
genetics; Expression of genes; Linkage and crossing histology of organs—Vascular, Nervous, digestive,
over; Sex determination, sex influenced and sex respiratory, musculo-skeletal and urogenital
limited characters; Blood groups and polymorphism; systems—Endocrine glands—Integuments—sense
Chromosome aberrations; Cytoplasmic inheritance, organs.
Gene and its structure; DNA as a genetic material; 1.2 Embryology.—Embryology of vertebrates with
Genetic code and protein synthesis; Recombinant special reference to aves and domestic mammals
DNA technology. Mutations, types of mutations, gametogenesis-fertilization-germ layers-foetal
methods for detecting mutations and mutation rate, membranes and placentation-types of placenta in
Transgenesis. domestic mammals-Teratology-twins and twinning-
organogenesis-germ layer derivatives-endodermal,
5.2 Population Genetics applied to Animal Breeding—
mesodermal and ectodermal derivatives.
Quantitative Vs. Qualitative traits; Hardy Weinberg
Law; Population Vs. Individual; Gene and genotypic 1.3 Bovine Anatomy.—Regional Anatomy : Paranasal
frequency; Forces changing gene frequency; sinuses of OX— surface anatomy of salivary glands.
Random drift and small populations; Theory of path Regional anatomy of infraorbital, maxillary, mandi-
coefficient; Inbreeding, methods of estimating buloalveolar, mental and cornnal nerve block.
inbreeding coefficient, systems of inbreeding; Regional anatomy of paravertebral nerves, pudental
Effective population size; Breeding value, estimation nerve, median, ulnar and radial nervestibial, fibular
of breeding value, dominance and epistatic deviation; and digital nerves—Cranial nerves-structures
Partitioning of variation; Genotype X environment involved in epidural anaesthesia-superficial lymph
correlation and genotype X environment interaction; nodes-surface anatomy of visceral organs of thoracic,
role of multiple measurements; Resemblance between abdominal and pelvic cavities-comparative-features
relatives. of locomotor apparatus and their application in the
biomechanics of mammalian body.
5.3 Breeding Systems.—Breeds of livestsock and
Poultry. Heritability, repeatability and genetic and 1.4 Anatomy of Fowl.—Musculo-skeletal system-
phenotypic correlations, their methods of estimation functional anatomy in relation to respiration and
and precision of estimates; Aids to selection and flying, digestion and egg production.
their relative merits; Individual, pedigree, family and 1.5 Pharmacology and therapeutics drugs.—Cellular
within family selection; Pregnency testing; Methods level of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.
of selection; Construction of selection indices and Drugs acting on fluids and electrolyte balance. Drugs
their uses; Comparative evaluation of genetic gains acting on Autonomic nervous system. Modern
through various selection methods; Indirect concepts of anaesthesia and dissociative
selection and correlated response; Inbreeding, out anaesthetics. Autocoids. Antimicrobials and
breeding, upgrading, cross-breeding and synthesis principles of chemotherapy in microbial infections.
of breeds; Crossing of inbred lines for commercial Use of hormones in therapeutics—chemotherapy of
production; Selection for general and specific parasitic infections. Drug and economic concerns in
combining ability; Breeding for threshold characters. the Edible tissues of animals—chemotherapy of
Sire index. Neoplastic diseases. Toxicity due to “insecticides,
6. Extension : plants, metals, non-metals, zootoxins and
Basic philosophy, objectives, concept and principles
1.6 Veterinary Hygiene with reference to water, air and
of extension. Different Methods adopted to educate
habitation.—Assessment of pollution of water, air
farmers under rural conditions. Generation of
and soil—Importance of climate in animal health—
technology, its transfer and feedback. Problems and
effect of environment on animal function and
constraints in transfer of technology. Animal
performance relationship between industrialisation
husbandry programmes for rural development.
and animal agriculture—animal housing requirements
PAPER-II for specific categories of domestic animals viz.
1. Anatomy, Pharmacology and Hygiene : pregnant cows and sows, milking cows, broiler
birds—stress, strain and productivity in relation to
1.1 Histology and Histological Techniques : Paraffin
animal habitation.
embedding technique of tissue processing and H.E.
staining—Freezing microtomy—Microscopy Bright 2. Animal Diseases :
field microscope and electron microscope. Cytology- 2.1 Etiology, epidemiology pathogenesis, symptoms,
¹Hkkx Iµ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 143
post-moretem lesions, diagnosis, and control of for the milk plant equipment.
infectious diseases of cattle, sheep and goat, horses, 4.2 Milk Products Technology.—Selection of raw
pigs and poultry. materials, processing, storing, distributing and
2.2 Etiology, epidemiology, symptoms, diagnosis, marketing milk products such as Cream, Butter, Ghee,
treatment of production diseases of cattle, horse, Khoa, Channa, Cheese, condensed, evaporated, dried
pig and poultry. milk and baby food, lce cream and Kulfi; by-products,
2.3 Deficiency diseases of domestic animals and birds. whey products, butter milk, lactose and casein.
Testing, grading, judging milk products—BIS and
2.4 Diagnosis and treatment of non-specific conditions
Agmark specifications, legal standards, quality
like impaction, Bloat, Diarrhoea, Indigestion,
control nutritive properties. Packaging processing
dehydration, stroke, poisioning.
and operational control. Costing of dairy products.
2.5 Diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.
5. Meat Hygiene and Technology :
2.6 Principles and methods of immunisation of animals 5.1 Meat Hygiene
against specific diseases—hard immunity—disease
free zones—‘zero’ disease concept— 5.1.1 Ante mortem care and management of food animals,
chemoprophylaxis. stunning, slaughter and dressing operations; abattoir
requirements and designs; Meat inspection
2.7 Anaesthesia.—local, regional and general-
procedures and judgement of carcass meat cuts—
prenesthetic medication. Symptoms and surgical
grading of carcass meat cuts—duties and functions
interference in fractures and dislocation. Hernia,
of Veterinarians in wholesome meat production.
choking abomassal displacement—Caesarian
operations. Rumenotomy—Castrations. 5.1.2 Hygienic methods of handling production of meat.—
Spoilage of meat and control measures—Post-
2.8 Disease investigation techniques.—Materials for
slaughter physicochemical changes in meat and
laboratory investigation—Establishment. Animal
factors that influence them—Quality improvement
Health Centres—Disease free zone.
methods—Adulteration of meat and detection—
3. Veterinary Public Health : Regulatory provisions in Meat trade and Industry.
3.1 Zoonoses.—Classification, definition, role of animals 5.2 Meat Technology
and birds in prevalence and transmission of zoonotic
5.2.1 Physical and chemical characteristics of meat.—
diseases—occupational zoonotic diseases.
Meat emulsions—Methods of preservation of
3.2 Epidemiology.—Principle, definition of meat—Curing, canning, irradiation, packaging of meat
epidemiological terms, application of epidemiological and meat products, processing and formulations.
measures in the study of diseases and disease control.
5.3 By-products.—Slaughter house by-products and
Epidemiological features of air, water and food borne
their utilisation—Edible and inedible by products—
infections. OIE regulation, WTO, sanitary and
Social and economic implications of proper utilisation
phytosanitary measures.
of slaughter house by-products—Organ products
3.3 Veterinary Jurisprudence.—Rules and Regulations for food and pharmaceuticals.
for improvement of animal quality and prevention of
5.4 Poultry Products Technology.—Chemical
animal diseases—State and Central Rules for
composition and nutritive value of poultry meat, pre-
prevention of animal and animal product borne
slaughter care and management. Slaughtering
diseases—S.P. C.A.—Veterolegal cases—
techniques, inspection, preservation of poultry meat
Certificates—Materials and Methods of collection
and products. Legal and BIS standards.
of samples for veterolegal investigation.
Structure composition and nutritive value of eggs
4. Milk and Milk Products Technology :
Microbial spoilage. Preservation and maintenance.
4.1 Market Milk.—Quality, testing and grading of raw Marketing of poultry meat, eggs and products.
milk. Processing, packaging, storing, distribution,
5.5 Rabbit/Fur Animal farming.—Rabbit meat
marketing defects and their control. Preparation of
production. Disposal and utilization of fur and wool
the following milks : Pasteurized, standardized, toned,
and recycling of waste by products. Grading of wool.
double toned, sterilized, homogenized, reconstituted,
recombined and flavoured milks. Preparation of ANTHROPOLOGY
cultured milks, cultures and their management, PAPER-I
yoghurt, Dahi, Lassi and Srikhand. Preparation of
1.1 Meaning, Scope and development of Anthropology.
flavoured and sterilized milks. Legal standards.
Sanitation requirement for clean and safe milk and 1.2 Relationships with other disciplines : Social Sciences,
behavioural Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical
(British, German and American) (d) Genetic imprints in human disease, genetic
(c) Functionalism (Malinowski); Structural— screening, genetic counseling, human DNA
Functionlism (Radcliffe-Brown) profiling, gene mapping and genome study.
9.5 Race and racism, biological basis of morphological
(d) Structuralism (L’evi-Strauss and E. Leach)
variation of non-metric and characters. Racial criteria,
(e) Culture and personality (Benedict, Mead, racial traits in relation to heredity and environment;
Linton, Kardiner and Cora-du Bois) biological basis of racial classification, racial
(f) Neo—evolutionism (Childe, White, Steward, differentiation and race crossing in man.
Sahlins and Service)
9.6 Age, sex and population variation as genetic marker :
(g) Cultural materialism (Harris) ABO, Rh blood groups, HLA Hp, transferring, Gm,
(h) Symbolic and interpretive theories (Turner, blood enzymes. Physiological characteristics-Hb
Schneider and Geertz) level, body fat, pulse rate, respiratory functions and
(i) Cognitive theories (Tyler, Conklin) sensory perceptions in different cultural and socio-
ecomomic groups.
(j) Post-modernism in anthropology.
7. Culture, Language and Communication : 9.7 Concepts and methods of Ecological Anthropology :
Bio-cultural Adaptations—Genetic and Non-genetic
Nature, origin and characteristics of language; verbal
factors. Man’s physiological responses to
and non-verbal communication; social contex of
environmental stresses: hot desert, cold, high altitude
language use.
8. Research methods in Anthropology :
9.8 Epidemiological Anthropology : Health and disease.
(a) Fieldwork tradition in anthropology Infectious and non-infectious diseases, Nutritional
(b) Distinction between technique, method and deficiency related diseases.
methodology 10. Concept of human growth and Development : Stages
(c) Tools of data collection : observation, interview, of growth—pre-natal, natal, infant, childhood,
schedules, questionnaire, case study, genealogy, adolescence, maturity, senescence.
life-history, oral history, secondary sources of
—Factors affecting growth and development genetic,
information, participatory methods.
environmental, biochemical, nutritional, cultural and
(d) Analysis, interpretation and presentation of data. socio-economic.
9.1 Human Genetics : Methods and Application : —Ageing and senescence. Theories and
Methods for study of genetic principles in man-family observations
study (pedigree analysis, twin study, foster child,
co-twin method, cytogenetic method, chromosomal —Biological and chronological longevity. Human
and karyo-type analysis), biochemical methods, physique and somatotypes. Methodologies for
immunological methods, D.N.A. technology and growth studies.
recombinant technologies. 11.1 Relevance of menarche, menopause and
9.2 Mendelian genetics in man-family study, single other bioevents to fertility. Fertility patterns and
factor, multifactor, lethal, sub-lethal and polygenic differentials.
inheritance in man. 11.2 Demographic theories-biological, social and cultural.
9.3 Concept of genetic polymorphism and selection, 11.3 Biological and socio-ecological factors influencing
Mendelian population, Hardy-Weinberg law; causes fecundity, fertility, natality and mortality.
and changes which bring down frequency-mutation, 12. Applications of Anthropology : Anthropology of
isolation, migration, selection, inbreeding and genetic sports, Nutritional anthropology, Anthroplogy in
drift. Consanguineous and non-consanguineous designing of defence and other equipments, Forensic
mating, genetic load, genetic effect of consanguineous Anthroplogy, Methods and principles of personal
and cousin marriages. identification and reconstruction, Applied human
9.4 Chromosomes and chromosomal aberrations in man, genetics—Paternity diagnosis, genetic counselling
methodology. and eugenics, DNA technology in diseases and
(a) Numerical and structural aberrations (disorders). medicine, serogenetics and cytogenetics in
(b) Sex chromosomal aberration- Klinefelter (XXY), reproductive biology.
Turner (XO), Super female (XXX), intersex and PAPER-II
other syndromic disorders. 1.1 Evolution of the Indian Culture and Civilization—
(c) Autosomal aberrations- Down syndrome, Patau, Prehistoric (Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and
Edward and Cri-du-chat syndromes.
their ecological and economic importance. Techniques of cell biology. Prokaryotic and
3. Phanerogams : eukaryotic cells—structural and ultrastructural
details; Structure and function of extracellular matrix
Gymnosperms : Concept of Progymnosperms. (cell wall) and membranes-cell adhesion, membrane
Classification and distribution of gymnosperms. transport and vesicular transport; Structure and
Salient features of Cycadales, Ginkgoales, Coniferales function of cell organelles (chloroplasts,
and Gnetales, their structure and reproduction. mitochondria, ER, dictyosomes ribosomes,
General account of Cycadofilicales, Bennettitales and endosomes,lysosomes, peroxisomes; Cytoskelaton
Cordiaitailes; Geological time scale; Type of fossils and microtubules; Nucleus, nucleolus, nuclear pore
and their study techniques. complex; Chromatin and nucleosome; Cell signalling
Angiosperms : Systematics, anatomy, embryology, and cell receptors; Signal transduction Mitosis and
palynology and phylogency. meiosis; molecular basis of cell cycle. Numerical and
Taxonomic hierarchy; International Code of Botanical structural variations in chromosomes and their
Nomenclature; Numerical taxomomy and significance; Chromatin organization and packaging
chemotaxomomy; Evidence from anatomy, of genome; Polytene chromosomes; B-
embryology and palynology. chromosomes—structure, behaviour and
Origin and evolution of angiosperms; Comparative
account of various systems of classification of 2. Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution :
angiosperms; Study of angiospermic families— Development of genetics, and gene versus allele
Mangnoliaceae, Ranunculaceae, Brassicaceae, concepts (Pseudoalleles); Quantitative genetics and
Rosaceae, Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Malvaceae, multiple factors; Incomplete dominance, polygenic
Dipterocarpaceae, Apiaceae, Asclepiadaceae, inheritance, multiple alleles; Linkage and crossing
Verbenaceae, Solanaceae, Rubiaceae, Cucurbitaceae, over of gene mapping including molecular maps (idea
Asteraceae, Poaceae, Arecaceae, Liliaceae, of mapping, function); Sex chromosomes and sex-
Musaceae and Orchidaceae. linked inheritance; sex determination and molecular
Stomata and their types; Glandular and non-glandular basis of sex differentiation; Mutations (biochemical
trichomes; Unusual secondary growth; Anatomy of and molecular basis); Cytoplasmic inheritance and
C3 and C4 plants; Xylem and phloem differentiation; cytoplasmic genes (including genetics of male
Wood anatomy. sterility).
Development of male and female gametophytes, Structure and synthesis of nucleic acids and
pollination, fertilization; Endosperm—its proteins; Genetic code and regulation of gene
development and function. Patterns of embryo expression; Gene silencing; Multigene families;
development; Polyembroyony, apomixes; Organic evolution-evidences, mechanism and
Applications of palynology; Experimental theories.
embryology including pollen storage and test-tube Role of RNA in origin and evolution.
fertilization. 3. Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Biostatistics :
4. Plant Resource Development : Methods of plant breeding—introduction, selection
Domestication and introduction of plants; Origin of and hybridization (pedigree, backcross, mass
cultivated plants, Vavilov’s centres of origin. Plants selection, bulk method); Mutation, polyploidy, male
as sources for food, fodder, fibres, spices, beverages, sterility and heterosis breeding. Use of apomixes in
edible oils, drugs, narcotics, insecticides, timber, plant breeding; DNA sequencing; Genetic
gums, resins and dyes; latex, cellulose, starch and engineering—methods of transfer of genes;
its products; Perfumery; Importance of Ethnobotany Transgenic crops and biosafety aspects;
in Indian context; Energy plantations; Botanical Development and use of molecular markers in plant
Gardens and Herbaria. breeding; Tools and techniques—probe, southern
5. Morphogenesis : blotting, DNA fingerprinting, PCR and FISH.
Standard deviation and coefficient of variation (CV).
Totipotency, polarity, symmetry and differentiation; Tests of significance (Z-test, t-test and chi-square
Cell, tissue, organ and protoplast culture. Somatic tests). Probability and distributions (normal, binomial
hybrids and Cybrids; Micropropagation; Somaclonal and Poisson). Correlation and regression.
variation and its applications; Pollen haploids,
embryo rescue methods and their applications. 4. Physiology and Biochemistry :
PAPER-II Water relations, mineral nutrition and ion transport,
mineral deficiencies. Photosynthesis—photochemical
1. Cell Biology :
reactions, photophosphorylation and carbon fixation Molecular orbital theory (LCAO method); bonding
pathways; C3, C4 and CAM pathways; Mechanism H2 +, H2 He2 + to Ne2, NO, CO, HF, CN , Comparison
of pholem transport, Respiration (anerobic and of valence bond and molecular orbital theories, bond
aerobic, including fermentation)—electron transport order, bond strength and bond length.
chain and oxidative phosphorylation; 3. Solid State :
Photorespiration; Chemiosmotic theory and ATP
synthesis; Lipid metabolism; Nitrogen fixation and Crystal systems; Designation of crystal faces, lattice
nitrogen metabolism. Enzymes, coenzymes; Energy structures and unit cell; Bragg's law; X-ray diffraction
transfer and energy conservation. Importance of by crystals; Close packing, radius ratio rules,
secondary metabolites. Pigments as photoreceptors calculation of some limiting radius ratio values;
(plastidial pigments and phytochrome). Plant Structures of NaCl, ZnS, CsCl, CaF2; Stoichiometric
movements; Photoperiodism and flowering, and nonstoichiometric defects, impurity defects,
vernalization, senescence; Growth substances—their semi-conductors.
chemical nature, role and applications in agri- 4. The Gaseous State and Transport Phenomenon :
horticulture; growth indices, growth movements. Equation of state for real gases, intermolecular
Stress physiology (heat, water, salinity, metal); Fruit interactions, and critical phenomena and liquefaction
and seed physiology. Dormancy, storage and of gases; Maxwell’s distribution of speeds,
germination of seed. Fruit ripening—its molecular intermolecular collisions, collisions on the wall and
basis and manipulation. effusion; Thermal conductivity and viscosity of ideal
5. Ecology and Plant Geography : gases.
Concept of ecosystem; Ecological factors. Concepts 5. Liquid State :
and dynamics of community; Plant succession. Kelvin equation; Surface tension and surface enercy,
Concepts of biosphere; Ecosystems; Conservation; wetting and contact angle, interfacial tension and
Pollution and its control (including phytoreme- capillary action.
diation); Plant indicators; Environment (Protection)
Act. 6. Thermodynamics :
Forest types of India—‘Ecological and ecomomic Work, heat and internal energy; first law of
importance of forests, afforestation, deforestation thermodynamics.
and social forestry; Endangered plants, endemism Second law of thermodynamics; entropy as a state
IUCN categories, Red Data Books; Biodiversity and function, entropy changes in various processes,
its conservation; Protected Area Network; entropy-reversibility and irreversibility, Free energy
Convention of Biological Diversity, Farmers’ Rights; functions; Thermodynamic equation of state;
and Intellectual Property Rights; Concept of Maxwell relations; Temperature, volume and pressure
Sustainable Development; Biogeochemical cycles. dependence of U, H, A, G, Cp and Cv, α and β ; J-T
Global warming and climatic change; Invasive effect and inversion temperature; criteria for
species; Environmetal Impact Assessment; equilibrium, relation between equilibrium constant
Phytogeographical regions of India. and thermodynamic quantities; Nernst heat theorem,
CHEMISTRY introductory idea of third law of thermodynamics.
PAPER-I 7. Phase Equilibria and Solutions :
1. Atomic Structure : Clausius-Clapeyron equation; phase diagram for a
pure substance; phase equilibria in binary systems,
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle Schrodinger wave
partially miscible liquids—upper and lower critical
equation (time independent); Interpretation of wave
solution temperatures; partial molar quantities, their
function, particle in one- dimensional box, quantum
significance and determination; excess
numbers, hydrogen atom wave functions; Shapes of
thermodynamic functions and their determination.
s, p and d orbitals.
8. Electrochemistry :
2. Chemical bonding :
Debye-Huckel theory of strong electrolytes and
Ionic bond, characteristics of ionic compounds,
Debye-Huckel limiting Law for various equilibrium
lattice energy, Born-Haber cycle; covalent bond and
and transport properties.
its general characteristics, polarities of bonds in
molecules and their dipole moments; Valence bond Galvanic cells, concentration cells; electrochemical
theory, concept of resonance and resonance energy; series, measurement of e.m.f. of cells and its
applications fuel cells and batteries.
¹Hkkx Iµ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 149
Processes at electrodes; double layer at the interface; with metal—metal bonds and metal atom clusters.
rate of charge transfer, current density; overpotential; 14. Main Group Chemistry:
electroanalytical techniques : amperometry, ion
selective electrodes and their use. Boranes, borazines, phosphazenes and cyclic
phosphazene, silicates and silicones, Interhalogen
9. Chemical Kinetics: compounds; Sulphur—nitrogen compounds,
Differential and integral rate equations for zeroth, noble gas compounds.
first, second and fractional order reactions; Rate 15. General Chemistry of ‘f’ Block Element:
equations involving reverse, parallel, consecutive
and chain reactions; Branching chain and Lanthanides and actinides: separation, oxidation
explosions; effect of temperature and pressure on states, magnetic and spectral properties;
rate constant. Study of fast reactions by stop-flow lanthanide contraction.
and relaxation methods. Collisions and transition PAPER-II
state theories. 1. Delocalised Covalent Bonding :
10. Photochemistry: Aromaticity, anti-aromaticity; annulenes, azulenes,
Absorption of light; decay of excited state by tropolones, fulvenes, sydnones.
different routes; photochemical reactions between 2. (i) Reaction mechanisms : General methods (both
hydrogen and halogens and their quantum yields. kinetic and non-kinetic) of study of mechanisms
11. Surface Phenomena and Catalysis: or organic reactions : isotopies, mathod cross-
Adsorption from gases and solutions on solid over experiment, intermediate trapping,
adsorbents; Langmuir and B.E.T. adsorption stereochemistry; energy of activation;
isotherms; determination of surface area, thermodynamic control and kinetic control of
characteristics and mechanism of reaction on reactions.
heterogeneous catalysts. (ii) Reactive intermediates : Generation, geometry,
12. Bio-inorganic Chemistry: stability and reactions of carboniumions and
carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, benzynes and
Metal ions in biological systems and their role in nitrenes.
ion-transport across the membranes (molecular
mechanism), oxygen-uptake proteins, cytochromes (iii) Substitution reactions :—SN 1, SN 2, and SN i,
and ferrodoxins. mechanisms ; neighbouring group participation;
electrophilic and nucleophilic reactions of aromatic
13. Coordination Chemistry : compounds including heterocyclic compounds—
(i) Bonding in transition of metal complexes. Valence pyrrole, furan, thiophene and indole.
bond theory, crystal field theory and its (iv) Elimination reactions :—E1, E2 and E1cb
modifications; applications of theories in the mechanisms; orientation in E2 reactions—
explanation of magnetism and elctronic spectra Saytzeff and Hoffmann; pyrolytic syn
of metal complexes. elimination—acetate pyrolysis, Chugaev and
(ii) Isomerism in coordination compounds; IUPAC Cope eliminations.
nomenclature of coordination compounds; (v) Addition reactions :—Electrophilic addition to
stereochemistry of complexes with 4 and 6 C=C and C≡C; nucleophilic addition to C=O, C≡N,
coordination numbers; chelate effect and conjugated olefins and carbonyls.
polynuclear complexes; trans effect and its
theories; kinetics of substitution reactions in (vi) Reactions and Rearrangements :—(a) Pinacol-
square-planar complexes; thermodynamic and pinacolone, Hoffmann, Beckmann, Baeyer-Villiger,
kinetic stability of complexes. Favorskii, Fries, Claisen, Cope, Stevens and
Wagner—Meerwein rearrangements.
(iii) EAN rule, Synthesis structure and reactivity of
metal carbonyls; carboxylate anions, carbonyl (b) Aldol condensation, Claisen condensation,
hydrides and metal nitrosyl compounds. Dieckmann, Perkin, Knoevenagel, Witting,
Clemmensen, Wolff-Kishner, Cannizzaro and
(iv) Complexes with aromatic systems, synthesis, von Richter reactions; Stobbe, benzoin and
structure and bonding in metal olefin complexes, acyloin condensations; Fischer indole
alkyne complexes and cyclopentadienyl synthesis, Skraup synthesis, Bischler-
complexes; coordinative unsaturation, oxidative Napieralski, Sandmeyer, Reimer-Tiemann and
addition reactions, insertion reactions, fluxional Reformatsky reactions.
molecules and their characterization; Compounds
3. Pericyclic reactions :—Classification and
Collection and disposal in rural and urban Income Tax: Definitions. Basis of charge; Incomes
contexts, management of long-term ill-effects. which do not form part of total income. Simple
problems of Computation of Income (of individuals
5. Environmental pollution : only) under various heads, i.e., Salaries, Income
Sustainable development. Radioactive wastes and from House Property, Profits and Gains from
disposal. Environmental impact assessment for Business or Profession, Capital Gains, Income from
thermal power plants, mines, river valley projects. other sources, Income of other Persons included
Air pollution. Pollution control acts. in Assessee’s Total Income.
COMMERCE AND ACCOUNTANCY Set-off and Carry forward of Loss.
PAPER-I Deductions from Gross Total Income.
Accounting and Finance Salient Features/Provisions Related to VAT and
Accounting, Taxation & Auditing Services Tax.
1. Financing Accounting : 4. Auditing :
Accounting as a financial information system; Company Audit: Audit related to Divisible Profits,
Impact of behavioural sciences. Accounting Dividends, Special investigations, Tax audit.
Standards e.g., Accounting for Depreciation, Audit of Banking, Insurance, Non-Profit
Inventories, Research and Development Costs, Organization and Charitable Societies/Trusts/
Long-term Construction Contracts, Revenue Organizations.
Recognition, Fixed Assets, Contingencies, Financial Management, Financial Institutions
Foreign Exchange Transactions, Investments and and Markets
Government Grants, Cash Flow Statement,
Earnings per Share. 1. Financial Management :
Accounting for Share Capital Transactions Finance Function : Nature, Scope and Objectives
including Bonus Shares, Right Shares. of Financial Management : Risk and Return
Emplyees Stock Option and Buy-Back of
Securities. Tools of Financial Analysis: Ratio Analysis,
Funds-Flow and Cash-Flow Statement.
Preparation and Presentation of Company Final
Accounts. Capital Budgeting Decisions: Process, Procedures
and Appraisal Methods. Risk and Uncertainty
Amalgamations, Absorption and Reconstruction Anlysis and Methods.
of Companies.
Cost of Capital : Concept, Computation of Specific
2. Cost Accounting : Costs and Weighted Average Cost of Capital.
(a) Marshallian and Varrasiam Approaches to Price (vi) BOP, adjustments and Policy Coordination in
determination. open economy macromodel.
(v) Broad factors determining National Income and waves. Transmission lines : travelling and standing waves,
distribution, Measures of poverty, Trends in poverty impedance matching, Smith chart.
and inequality.
4. Analog Electronics :
B. The Post-Liberalization Era :
Characteristics and equivalent circuits (large and small-
(i) New Economic Reform and Agriculture : Agriculture signal) of Diode, BJT, JFET and MOSFET. Diode circuits :
and WTO, Food processing, subsidies, Agricultural Clipping, clamping, rectifier. Biasing and bias stability. FET
prices and public distribution system, Impact of public amplifiers. Current mirror; Amplifiers : single and multi-stage,
expenditure on agricultural growth. differential, operational feedback and power. Analysis of
(ii) New Economic Policy and Industry : Strategy of amplifiers; frequency-response of amplifiers. OPAMP circuits.
industrialization, Privatization, Disinvestments, Role Filters; sinusoidal oscillators : criterion for oscillation; single-
of foreign direct investment and multinationals. transistor and OPAMP configurations. Function generators
and wave-shaping circuits. Linear and switching power
(iii) New Economic Policy and Trade : Intellectual supplies.
property rights : Implications of TRIPS, TRIMS, GATS
and new EXIM policy. 5. Digital Electronics :
(iv) New Exchange Rate Regime : Partial and full Boolean algebra; minimisation of Boolean functions;
convertibility, Capital account convertibility. logic gates; digital IC families (DTL, TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS).
Combinational circuits : arithmetic circuits, code converters,
(v) New Economic Policy and Public Finance : Fiscal multiplexers and decoders. Sequential circuits: latches and
Responsibility Act, Twelfth Finance Commission and flip-flops, counters and shift-registers. Comparators, timers,
Fiscal Federalism and Fiscal Consolidation. multivibrators. Sample and hold circuits, ADCs and DACs.
(vi) New Economic Policy and Monetary System. Role Semiconductor memories. Logic implementation using
of RBI under the new regime. programmable devices (ROM, PLA, FPGA).
(vii) Planning : From central Planning to indivative 6. Energy Conversion :
planning, Relation between planning and markets
Principles of electromechanical energy conversion :
for growth and decentralized planning : 73rd and 74th
Torque and emf in rotating machines. DC machines :
Constitutional amendments.
characteristics and performance analysis; starting and speed
(viii) New Economic Policy and Employment : Employment control of motors. Transformers : principles of operation and
and poverty, Rural wages, Employment Generation, analysis; regulation, efficiency; 3-phase transformers.
Poverty alleviation schemes, New Rural, Employment 3-phase induction machines and synchronous machines :
Guarantee Scheme. characteristics and performance analysis; speed control.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 7. Power Electronics and Electric Drives :
PAPER-I Semi-conductor power devices : diode, transistor,
1. Circuits—Theory : thyristor, triac, GTO and MOSFET-static characteristics and
principles of operation; triggering circuits; phase control
Circuit components; network graphs; KCL, KVL; Circuit rectifiers; bridge converters : fully-controlled and half-
analysis methods : nodal analysis, mesh analysis; basic controlled; principles of thyristor choppers and inverters; DC-
network theorems and applications; transient analysis : RL, DC converters; Switch mode inverter; basic concepts of speed
RC and RLC circuits; sinusoidal steady state analysis; resonant control of dc and ac motor drives applications of variable-
circuits; coupled circuits; balanced 3-phase circuits. Two-port speed drives.
8. Analog Communication :
2. Signals and Systems :
Random variables : continuous, discrete; probability,
Representation of continuous-time and discrete-time probability functions. Statistical averages; probability models;
signals and systems; LTI systems; convolution; impulse Random signals and noise : white noise, noise equivalent
response; time-domain analysis of LTI systems based on bandwidth; signal transmission with noise; signal to noise
convolution and differential/difference equations. Fourier ratio. Linear CW modulation : Amplitude modulation : DSB,
transform, Laplace transform, Z-transform, Transfer function. DSB-SC and SSB. Modulators and Demodulators; Phase and
Sampling and recovery of signals DFT, FFT Processing of Frequency modulation : PM & FM signals; narrows band
analog signals through discrete-time systems. FM; generation & detection of FM and PM, Deemphasis,
3. E.M. Theory : Preemphasis. CW modulation system : Superhetrodyne
receivers, AM receivers, communication receivers, FM
Maxwell’s equations, wave propagation in bounded receivers, phase locked loop, SSB receiver Signal to noise
media. Boundary conditions, reflection and refraction of plane ratio calculation or AM and FM receivers.
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 157
1. Control Systems :
Elements of control systems; block-diagram Physical Geography :
representations; open-loop & closed-loop systems; principles
1. Geomorphology : Factors controlling landform
and applications of feed-back. Control system components. development; endogenetic and exogenetic forces;
LTI systems : time-domain and transform-domain analysis. Origin and evolution of the earth’s crusts;
Stability : Routh Hurwitz criterion, root-loci, Bode-plots and Fundamentals of geomagnetism; Physical conditions
polor plots, Nyquist’s criterion; Design of lead-lad of the earth’s interior; Geosynclines; Continental drift;
compensators. Proportional, PI, PID controllers. State-variable Isostasy; Plate tectonics; Recent views on mountain
representation and analysis of control systems. building; Volcanicity; Earthquakes and Tsunamis;
Concepts of geomorphic cycles and Land scape
2. Microprocessors and Microcomputers :
development; Denudation chronology; Channel
PC organisation; CPU, instruction set, register settiming morphology; Erosion surfaces; Slope development;
diagram, programming, interrupts, memory interfacing, I/O Applied Geomorphology; Geomorphology, economic
interfacing, programmable peripheral devices. geology and environment.
2. Climatology : Temperature and pressure belts of the
3. Measurement and Instrumentation : world; Heat budget of the earth; Atmospheric
circulation; Atmospheric stability and instability.
Error analysis; measurement of current voltage, power, Planetary and local winds; Monsoons and jet
energy, power-factor, resistance, inductance, capacitance and streams; Air masses and fronto; Temperate and
frequency; bridge measurements. Signal conditioning circuit; tropical cyclones; Types and distribution of
Electronic measuring instruments : multimeter, CRO, digital precipitation; Weather and Climate; Koppen’s
voltmeter, frequency counter, Q-meter, spectrum-analyser, Thornthwaite’s and Trewar Tha’s classification of
distoration-meter. Transducers : thermocouple, thermistor, world climate; Hydrological cycle; Global climatic
LVDT, strain-guage, piezo-electric crystal. change, and role and response of man in climatic
changes Applied climatology and Urban climate.
4. Power Systems: Analysis and Control :
3. Oceanography : Bottom topography of the Atlantic,
Steady-state performance of overhead transmission Indian and Pacific Oceans; Temperature and salinity
lines and cables; principles of active and reactive power of the oceans; Heat and salt budgets, Ocean deposits;
transfer and distribution; per-unit quantities; bus admittance Waves, currents and tides; Marine resources; biotic,
and impedance matrices; load flow; voltage control and power mineral and energy resources; Coral reefs coral
factor correction; economic operation; symmetrical bleaching; Sea-level changes; Law of the sea and
components, analysis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical marine pollution.
faults. Concepts of system stability : swing curves and equal 4. Biogeography : Genesis of soils; Classification and
area criterion. Static VAR system. Basic concepts of HVDC distribution of soils; Soil profile; Soil erosion, Degrada-
transmission. tion and conservation; Factors influencing world
distribution of plants and animals; Problems of
5. Power System Protection : deforestation and conservation measures; Social
forestry, agro-forestry; Wild life; Major gene pool
Principles of overcurrent, differential and distance centres.
protection. Concept of solid state relays. Circuit brakers.
5. Environmental Geography : Principle ecology;
Computer aided protection : introduction; line, bus, generator,
Human ecological adaptations; Influence of man on
transformer protection; numeric relays and application of DSP
ecology and environment; Global and regional
to protection.
ecological changes and imbalances; Ecosystem their
6. Digital Communication : management and conservation; Environmental
degradation, management and conservation;
Pulse code modulation (PCM), defferential pulse code Biodiversity and sustainable development;
modulation (DPCM), delta modulation (DM), Digital Environmental policy; Environmental hazards and
modulation and demodulation schemes : amplitude, phase and remedial measures; Environmental education and
frequency keying schemes (ASK, PSK, FSK). Error control legislation.
coding : error detection and correction, linear block codes, Human Geography :
convolation codes. Information measure and source coding. 1. Perspectives in Human Geography : Areal
Data networks, 7-layer architecture. differentiation; Regional synthesis; Dichotomy and
dualism; Environmentalism; Quantitative revolution 2. Resources : Land, surface and ground water,
and locational analysis; Radical, behavioural, human energy, minerals, biotic and marine resources, Forest
and welfare approaches; Languages, religions and and wild life resources and their conservation;
secularisation; Cultural regions of the world; Human Energy crisis.
development indix. 3. Agriculture : Infrastructure: irrigation, seeds,
2. Economic Geography : World economic fertilizers, power; Institutional factors; land holdings,
development: measurement and problems; World land tenure and land reforms; Cropping pattern,
resources and their distribution; Energy crisis; the agricultural productivity, agricultural intensity, crop
limits to growth; World agriculture: typology of combination, land capability; Agro and social-
agricultural regions; Agricultural inputs and forestry; Green revolution and its socio-economic
productivity; Food and nutritions problems; Food and ecological implications; Significance of dry
security; famine: causes, effects and remedies; World farming; Livestock resources and white revolution;
industries: location patterns and problems; Patterns Aqua-culture; Sericulture, Agriculture and poultry;
of world trade. Agricultural regionalisation; Agro-climatic zones;
3. Population and Settlement Geography : Growth and Agro-ecological regions.
distribution of world population; Demographic 4. Industry : Evolution of industries; Locational factors
attributes; Causes and consequences of migration; of cotton, jute, textile, iron and steel, aluminium,
Concepts of over-under-and optimum population; fertiliser, paper, chemical and pharmaceutical,
Population theories, world population problems and automobile, cottage and ago-based industries;
policies, Social well-being and quality of life; Industrial houses and complexes including public
Population as social capital. sector underkings; Industrial regionalisation; New
Types and patterns of rural settlements; industrial policy; Multinationals and liberalisation;
Environmental issues in rural settlements; Hierarchy Special Economic Zones; Tourism including
of urban settlements; Urban morphology; Concept ecotourism.
of primate city and rank-size rule; Functional 5. Transport, Communication and Trade : Road, railway,
classification of towns; Sphere of urban influence; waterway, airway and pipeline net works and their
Rural-urban fringe; Satellite towns; Problems and complementary roles in regional development;
remedies of urbanization; Sustainable development Growing importance of ports on national and foreign
of cities. trade; Trade balance; Trade Policy; Export
4. Regional Planning : Concept of a region; Types of processing zones; Developments in communication
regions and methods of regionalisation; Growth and information technology and their impacts on
centres and growth poles; Regional imbalances; economy and society; Indian space programme.
Regional development strategies; Environmental 6. Cultural Setting : Historical Perspective of Indian
issues in regional planning; Planning for sustainable Society; Racial linguistic and ethnic diversities;
development. religious minorities; Major tribes, tribal areas and
5. Models, Theories and Laws in Human Geography : their problems; Cultural regions; Growth, distribution
System analysis in Human geography; Malthusian, and density of population; Demographic attributes:
Marxian and demographic transition models; Central sex-ratio, age structure, literacy rate, work-force,
Place theories of Christaller and Losch; Perroux and dependency ratio, longevity; migration (inter-
Boudeville; Von Thunen’s model of agricultural regional, interaregional and international) and
location; Weber’s model of industrial location; associated problems; Population problems and
Ostov’s model of stages of growth. Heart-land and policies; Health indicators.
Rimland theories; Laws of international boundaries
7. Settlements : Types, patterns and morphology of
and frontiers.
rural settlements; Urban developments; Morphology
PAPER II of Indian cities; Functional classification of Indian
GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA cities; Conurbations and metropolitan regions; Urban
1. Physical Setting : Space relationship of India with sprawl; Slums and asssociated problems; Town
neighbouring countries; Structure and relief; planning; Problems of urbanisation and remedies.
Drainage system and watersheds; Physiographic 8. Regional Development and Planning: Experience of
regions; Mechanism of Indian monsoons and rainfall regional planning in India; Five Year Plans; Integrated
patterns; Tropical cyclones and western rural development programmes; Panchayati Raj and
disturbances; Floods and droughts; Climatic decentralised planning; Command area development;
regions; Natural vegetation, Soil types and their Watershed management; Planning for backward
distributions. area, desert, drought-prone, hill tribal area
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 159
development; Multi-level planning; Regional Strain markers in deformed rocks. Behaviour of minerals and
planning and development of island territories. rocks under deformation conditions. Folds and faults
9. Political Aspects : Geographical basis of Indian classification and mechanics; Structural analysis of folds,
federalism; State reorganisation; Emergence of new foliations, lineations, joints and faults, unconformities; Time-
states; Regional consciousness and inter-state relationship between crystallization and deformation.
issues; International boundary of India and related 4. Paleontology :
issues; Cross-border terrorism; India’s role in world
Species—definition and nomenclature; Megafossils and
affairs; Geopolitics of South Asia and Indian Ocean
Microfossils. Modes of preservation of fossils; Different kinds
of microfossils; Application of microfossils in correlation,
10. Contemporary Issues : Ecological issues: petroleum exploration, paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic
Environmental hazards: landslides, earthquakes, studies; Evolutionary trend in Hominidae, Equidae and
Tsunamis, floods and droughts, epidemics; Issues Proboscidae. Siwalik fauna.
related to environmental pollution; Changes in
Gondwana flora and fauna and its importance; Index
patterns of land use; Principles of environmental
fossils and their significance.
impact assessment and environmental management;
Population explosion and food security; 5. Indian Stratigraphy :
Environmental degradation; Deforestation, Classification of stratigraphic sequences: lithostrati-
desertification and soil erosion; Problems of agrarian graphic, biostratigraphic, chrono-stratigraphic and
and industrial unrest; Regional disparities in magnetostratigraphic and their interrelationships; Distribution
economic development; Concept of sustainable and classification of Precambrian rocks of India; Study of
growth and development; Environmental awareness; stratigraphic distribution and lithology of Phanerozoic rocks
Linkage of rivers; Globalisation and Indian economy.
of India with reference to fauna, flora and economic
NOTE : Candidates will be required to answer one importance. Major boundary problems—Cambrian/
compulsory map question pertinent to subjects Precambrian, Permian/Triassic, Cretaceous/Tertiary and
covered by this paper. Pliocene/Pleistocene; Study of climatic conditions,
GEOLOGY paleogeography and igneous activity in the Indian sub-
continent in the geological past. Tectonic framework of India.
Evolution of the Himalayas.
1. General Geology : 6. Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology :
The Solar System, meteorites, origin and interior of the Hydrologic cycle and genetic classification of water;
earth and age of earth; Volcanoes—causes and products, Movement of subsurface water; Springs; Porosity,
Volcanic belts. Earthquakes—causes, effects, seismic of zone
permeability, hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity and
of India; Island arcs, trenches and mid-ocean ridges;
storage coefficient, classification of aquifers; Water-bearing
Continental drift; Seafloor spreading, plate tectonics. Isostasy.
characteristics of rocks; Groundwater chemistry. Salt water
2. Geomorphology and Remote Sensing : intrusion. Types of wells. Drainage basin morphometry;
Basic concepts of geomorphology. Weathering and soil Exploration for groundwater; Groundwater recharge;
formations; Landforms, slopes and drainage. Geomorphic Problems and management of groundwater; Rainwater
cycles and their interpretation. Morphology and its relation harvesting; Engineering properties of rocks; Geological
to structures and lithology; Coastal geomorphology; investigations for dams, tunnels highways, railway and
Applications of geomorphology in mineral prospecting, civil bridges; Rock as construction material; Landslides causes,
engineering; hydrology and environmental studies; prevention and rehabilitation; Earthquake-resistant structures.
Geomorphology of Indian sub-continent. PAPER II
Aerial photographs and their interpretation—merits and 1. Mineralogy :
limitations; The Electromagnetic spectrum. Orbiting
Classification of crystals into systems and classes of
Satellites and Sensor Systems. Indian Remote Sensing
Satellites. Satellite data products; Applications of remote symmetry; International system of crystallographic notation;
sensing in geology; The Geographic Information System Use of projection diagrams to represent crystal symmetry;
(GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS)—its applications. Elements of X-ray crystallography.
9. Early State and Society in Eastern India, Deccan and South 15. The Thirteenth Century:
India: — Establishment of the Delhi Sultanate: The Ghurian
Kharavela, The Satavahanas, Tamil States of the Sangam invasions - factors behind Ghurian success.
Age; Administration, Economy, land grants, coinage, trade
— Economic, Social and cultural consequences.
guilds and urban centres; Buddhist centres; Sangam literature
and culture; Art and architecture. — Foundation of Delhi Sultanate and early Turkish Sultans.
10. Guptas, Vakatakas and Vardhanas: — Consolidation: The rule of Iltutmish and Balban.
Polity and administration, Economic conditions, Coinage 16. The Fourteenth Century:
of the Guptas, Land grants, Decline of urban centres, Indian — “The Khalji Revolution”.
feudalism, Caste system, Position of women, Education and
educational institutions; Nalanda, Vikramshila and Vallabhi, — Alauddin Khalji: Conquests and territorial expansion,
Literature, scientific literature, art and architecture. agrarian and economic measure.
11. Regional States during Gupta Era: — Muhammad Tughluq: Major projects, agrarian measures,
bureaucracy of Muhammad Tughluq.
The Kadambas, Pallavas, Chalukyas of Badami; Polity
and Administration, Trade guilds, Literature; growth of — Firuz Tugluq: Agrarian measures, achievements in civil
Vaishnava and Saiva religions. Tamil Bhakit movement, engineering and public works, decline of the Sultanate,
Shankaracharya; Vedanta; Institutions of temple and temple foreign contacts and Ibn Battuta's account.
architecture; Palas, Senas, Rashtrakutas, Paramaras, Polity and 17. Society, Culture and Economy in the Thirteenth and
administration; Cultural aspects. Arab conquest of Sind; Fourteenth Centuries:
Alberuni, The Chaluky as of Kalyana, Cholas, Hoysalas,
Pandyas; Polity and Administration; Local Government; — Society: composition of rural society, ruling classes,
Growth of art and architecture, religious sects, Institution of town dwellers, women, religious classes, caste and
temple and Mathas, Agraharas, education and literature, slavery under the Sultanate, Bhakti movement, Sufi
economy and society. movement.
12. Themes in Early Indian Cultural History: — Culture: Persian literature, literature in the regional
languages of North India, literaute in the languages of
Languages and texts, major stages in the evolution of
art and architecture, major philosophical thinkers and schools, South India, Sultanate architecture and new structural
ideas in Science and Mathematics. forms, painting, evolution of a composite culture.
13. Early Medieval India, 750-1200: — Economy: Agricultural Production, rise of urban
economy and non-agricultural production, trade and
— Polity: Major political developments in Northern India commerce.
and the peninsula, origin and the rise of Rajputs.
18. The Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century-Political
— The Cholas: administration, village economy and
Developments and Economy:
society “Indian Feudalism”.
— Rise of Provincial Dynasties : Bengal, Kashmir (Zainul
— Agrarian economy and urban settlements.
Abedin), Gujarat.
— Trade and commerce.
— Malwa, Bahmanids.
— Society: the status of the Brahman and the new social
order. — The Vijayanagara Empire.
— Indian science and technology. — Mughal Empire, first phase : Babur, Humayun.
14. Cultural Traditions in India, 750-1200: — The Sur Empire : Sher Shah’s administration.
— Philosophy: Skankaracharya and Vedanta, Ramanuja and — Portuguese colonial enterprise, Bhakti and Sufi
Vishishtadvaita, Madhva and Brahma-Mimansa. Movements.
— Religion: Forms and features of religion, Tamil devotional 19. The Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century- Society and
cult, growth of Bhakti, Islam and its arrival in India, culture:
Sufism. — Regional cultures specificities.
— Literature: Literature in Sanskrit, growth of Tamil — Literary traditions.
literature, literature in the newly developing languages,
Kalhan's Rajtarangini, Alberuni's India . — Provincial architectural.
— Art and Architecture: Temple architecture, sculpture, — Society, culture, literature and the arts in Vijayanagara
painting. Empire.
— Nature of the Mughal State. The Early administrative structure; From diarchy to
direct contol; The Regulating Act (1773); The Pitt's India
— Late Seventeenth Century crisis and the revolts.
Act (1784); The Charter Act (1833); The Voice of free
— The Ahom kingdom. trade and the changing character of British colonial rule;
— Shivaji and the early Maratha Kingdom. The English utilitarian and India.
22. Economy and society, in the 16th and 17th Centuries: 4. Economic Impact of British Colonial Rule:
— Population Agricultural and craft production. (a) Land revenue settlements in British India; The Permanent
— Towns, commerce with Europe through Dutch, English Settlement; Ryotwari Settlement; Mahalwari Settlement;
and French companies : a trade revolution. Economic impact of the revenue arrangements;
Commercialization of agriculture; Rise of landless
— Indian mercantile classes. Banking, insurance and credit
agrarian labourers; Impoverishment of the rural society.
— Conditions of peasants, Condition of Women. (b) Dislocation of traditional trade and commerce; De-
industrialisation; Decline of traditional crafts; Drain of
— Evolution of the Sikh community and the Khalsa Panth wealth; Economic transformation of India; Railroad and
23. Culture during Mughal Empire: communication network including telegraph and postal
services; Famine and poverty in the rural interior;
— Persian histories and other literature
European business enterprise and its limitations.
— Hindi and religious literatures.
5. Social and Cultural Developments:
— Mughal architecture.
The state of indigenous education, its dislocation;
— Mughal painting.
Orientalist-Anglicist controversy, The introduction of
— Provincial architecture and painting. western education in India; The rise of press, literature
— Classical music. and public opinion; The rise of modern vernacular
literature; Progress of Science; Christian missionary
— Science and technology.
activities in India.
24. The Eighteenth Century:
6. Social and Religious Reform Movements in Bengal and
— Factors for the decline of the Mughal Empire. Other Areas:
— The regional principalities: Nizam’s Deccan, Bengal,
Ram Mohan Roy, The Brahmo Movement;
Devendranath Tagore; Iswarchandra Vidyasagar; The
— Maratha ascendancy under the Peshwas. Young Bengal Movement; Dayanada Saraswati; The
— The Maratha fiscal and financial system. social reform movements in India including Sati, widow
remarriage, child marriage etc.; The contribution of
— Emergence of Afghan power Battle of Panipat, 1761. Indian renaissance to the growth of modern India;
— State of, political, cultural and economic, on eve of the Islamic revivalism-the Feraizi and Wahabi Movements.
British conquest.
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 163
7. Indian Response to British Rule: 14. Caste and Ethnicity after 1947; Backward Castes and
Tribes in post-colonial electoral politics; Dalit
Peasant movement and tribal uprisings in the 18th and movements.
19th centuries including the Rangpur Dhing (1783), the
Kol Rebellion (1832), the Mopla Rebellion in Malabar 15. Economic development and political change; Land
reforms; the politics of planning and rural reconstruction;
(1841-1920), the Santal Hul (1855), Indigo Rebellion
Ecology and environmental policy in post-colonial
(1859-60), Deccan Uprising (1875) and the Munda
India; Progress of Science.
Ulgulan (1899-1900); The Great Revolt of 1857 —Origin,
character, casuses of failure, the consequences; The 16. Enlightenment and Modern ideas:
shift in the character of peasant uprisings in the post- (i) Major Ideas of Enlightenment : Kant, Rousseau.
1857 period; the peasant movements of the 1920s and (ii) Spread of Enlightenment in the colonies.
(iii) Rise of socialist ideas (up to Marx); spread of Marxian
8. Factors leading to the birth of Indian Nationalism; Socialism.
Politics of Association; The Foundation of the Indian 17. Origins of Modern Politics :
National Congress; The Safety-valve thesis relating to
(i) European States System
the birth of the Congress; Programme and objectives of
Early Congress; the social composition of early (ii) American Revolution and the Constitution
Congress leadership; the Moderates and Extremists; (iii) French Revolution and Aftermath, 1789-1815
The Partition of Bengal (1905); The Swadeshi Movement (iv) American Civil War with reference to Abraham Lincoln
in Bengal; the economic and political aspects of and the abolition of slavery.
Swadeshi Movement; The beginning of revolutionary
(v) British Democratic politics, 1815-1850 : Parliamentary
extremism in India.
Reformers, Free Traders, Chartists.
9. Rise of Gandhi; Character of Gandhian nationalism; 18. Industrialization :
Gandhi's popular appeal; Rowlatt Satyagraha; the
Khilafat Movement; the Non-cooperation Movement; (i) English Industrial Revolution : Causes and Impact on
National politics from the end of the Non-cooperation Society.
movement to the beginning of the Civil Disobedience (ii) Industrialization in other countries : USA, Germany,
Movement; the two phases of the Civil Disobedience Russia, Japan.
Movement; Simon Commission; The Nehru Report; the (iii) Industrialization and Globalization.
Round Table Conferences; Nationalism and the Peasant
19. Nation-State System :
Movements; Nationalism and Working class
movements; Women and Indian youth and students in (i) Rise of Nationalism in 19th century.
Indian politics (1885-1947); the election of 1937 and the (ii) Nationalism : State-building in Germany and Italy.
formation of ministries; Cripps Mission; the Quit India (iii) Disintegration of Empires in the face of the emergence
Movement; the Wavell Plan; The Cabinet Mission. of nationalities across the World.
10. Constitutional Developments in the Colonial India 20. Imperialism and Colonialism :
between 1858 and 1935. (i) South and South-East Asia.
11. Other strands in the National Movement. (ii) Latin America and South Africa.
The Revolutionaries: Bengal, the Punjab, Maharashtra, (iii) Australia.
U.P. the Madras Presidency, Outside India. (iv) Imperialism and free trade: Rise of neo-imperialism.
The Left; The Left within the Congress: Jawaharlal 21. Revolution and Counter-Revolution :
Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, the Congress Socialist
(i) 19th Century European revolutions.
Party; the Communist Party of India, other left parties.
(ii) The Russian Revolution of 1917-1921.
12. Politics of Separatism; the Muslim League; the Hindu
(iii) Fascist Counter-Revolution, Italy and Germany.
Mahasabha; Communalism and the politics of partition;
Transfer of power; Independence. (iv) The Chinese Revolution of 1949.
13. Consolidation as a Nation; Nehru's Foreign Policy; India 22. World Wars :
and her neighbours (1947-1964); The linguistic (i) 1st and 2nd World Wars as Total Wars : Societal
reorganisation of States (1935-1947); Regionalism and implications.
regional inequality; Integration of Princely States; (ii) World War I : Causes and Consequences.
Princes in electoral politics; the Question of National
(iii) World War II : Causes and Consequences.
23. The World after World War II: 9. Services under the Union and the States:
(i) Emergence of Two power blocs. (a) Recruitment and conditions of services;
(ii) Emergence of Third World and non-alignment Constitutional safeguards; Administrative
(iii) UNO and the global disputes.
24. Liberation from Colonial Rule : (b) Union Public Service Commission and State
Public Service Commissions—Power and
(i) Latin America-Bolivar.
(ii) Arab World-Egypt.
(c) Election Commission—Power and functions.
(iii) Africa-Apartheid to Democracy.
10. Emergency provisions.
(iv) South-East Asia-Vietnam.
11. Amendment of the Constitution.
25. Decolonization and Underdevelopment :
12. Principle of Natural Justice—Emerging trends and
(i) Factors constraining Development ; Latin America,
judicial approach.
26. Unification of Europe : 13. Delegated legislation and its constitutionality.
(i) Post War Foundations ; NATO and European 14. Separation of powers and constitutional
Community. governance.
(ii) Consolidation and Expansion of European Community 15. Judicial review of administrative action.
(iii) European Union. 16. Ombudsman: Lokayukta, Lokpal etc.
27. Disintegration of Soviet Union and the Rise of the Unipolar International Law :
World : 1. Nature and Definition of International Law.
(i) Factors leading to the collapse of Soviet Communism 2. Relationship between International Law and
and Soviet Union, 1985-1991. Municipal Law.
(ii) Political Changes in East Europe 1989-2001. 3. State Recognition and State Succession.
(iii) End of the Cold War and US Ascendancy in the World 4. Law of the sea: Inland Waters, Territorial Sea,
as the lone superpower. Contiguous Zone, Continental Shelf, Exclusive
Economic Zone and High Seas.
LAW 5. Individuals: Nationality, statelessness; Human
PAPER-I Rights and procedures available for their
Constitutional and administrative Law : enforcement.
1. Constitution and Constitutionalism:The 6. Territorial jurisdiction of States, Extradition and
distinctive features of the Constitution. Asylum.
2. Fundamental Rights—Public interest litigation; 7. Treaties : Formation, application, termination and
Legal Aid; Legal services authority. reservation.
3. Relationship between Fundamental rights, 8. United Nations : Its principal organs, powers
Directive principles and Fundamental duties. and functions and reform.
4. Constitutional Position of the President and 9. Peaceful settlement of disputes—different modes.
relation with the Council of Ministers.
10. Lawful recourse to force : aggressions, self-
5. Governor and his powers. defence, intervention.
6. Supreme Court and the High Courts: 11. Fundamental principles of international
(a) Appointments and transfer. humanitarian law—International conventions and
(b) Powers, functions and jurisdiction. contemporary developments.
7. Centre, States and local bodies: 12. Legality of the use of nuclear weapons; ban on
(a) Distribution of legislative powers between the testing of nuclear weapons; Nuclear non-
Union and the States. proliferation treaty, CTST.
(b) Local Bodies. 13. International Terrorism, State sponsored terrorism,
(c) Administrative relationship among Union, Hijacking, International Criminal Court.
State and Local Bodies. 14. New International Economic Order and Monetary
(d) Eminent domain-State property-common Law : WTO, TRIPS, GATT, IMF, World Bank.
property-community property. 15. Protection and Improvement of the Human
8. Legislative powers, privileges and immunities. Environment : International Efforts.
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 165
(d) Development of literary criticism in Assamese. 1. The chronological track from Proto Indo-European to
(e) Periods of the literary history of Assam from the Bangla (Family tree with branches and approximate
earliest beginnings, i.e. from the period of the dates).
charyyageeta with their socio-cultural background : 2. Historical stages of Bangla (Old, Middle, New) and their
the proto Assamese Pre-Sankaradeva— linguistic features.
Sankaradeva—Post-Sankaradeva—Modern period 3. Dialects of Bangla and their distinguishing
(from the coming of the Britishers)—Post- characteristics.
Independence period. Special emphasis is to be given 4. Elements of Bangla Vocabulary.
on the Vaisnavite period, the gonaki and the post- 5. Forms of Bangla Literary Prose—Sadhu and Chalit.
independence periods. 6. Processes of language change relevant for Bangla :
PAPER II Apinihiti (Anaptyxis), Abhishruti (umlaut),
This paper will require first-hand reading of the texts Murdhanyibhavan (cerebralization), Nasikyibhavan
prescribed and will be designed to test the candidate’s critical (Nasalization), Samibhavan (Assimilation), Sadrishya
ability. (Analogy), Svaragama (Vowel insertion) —Adi
Svaragama, Madhya Svaragama or Svarabhakti, Antya
[Answers must be written in Assamese]
Svaragama, Svarasangati (Vowel harmony), y—shruti
Section A and w—shruti.
Râmâyana (Ayodhyâ Kânda —by Madhava Kandali only) 7. Problems of standardization and reform of alphabet and
Pârijât-Harana —by Sankaradeva. spelling, and those of transliteration and Romanization.
Râsakrîdâ —by Sankaradeva (From 8. Phonology, Morphology and Syntax of Modern Bangla.
Kirtana Ghosa) (Sounds of Modern Bangla, Conjuncts; word formations,
Bârgeet —by Madhavadeva. compounds; basic sentence patterns.)
Râjasûya —by Madhavadeva. Section B : Topics from the History of Bangla Literature.
Kathâ-Bhâgavata —by Baikurthanath 1. Periodization of Bangla Literature : Old Bangla and
(Books I and II) Bhattacharyya. Middle Bangla.
Gurucarit-Kathâ —ed. by Maheswar Neog. 2. Points of difference between modern and pre-modern
(Sankaradeva’s Part only) Bangla Literature.
SECTION B 3. Roots and reasons behind the emergence of modernity
Mor Jeevan Soñwaran —by Lakshminath in Bangla Literature.
Bezbaroa. 4. Evolution of various Middle Bangla forms ; Mangal
Kripâbar Borbaruâr —by Lakshminath Kavyas, Vaishnava lyrics, Adapted narratives
Kakatar Topola Bezbaroa. (Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavata) and religious
Pratimâ —by Chandra Kumar biographies.
Agarwalla. 5. Secular forms in middle Bangla literature.
Gâonburhâ —by Padmanath Gohain 6. Narrative and lyric trends in the nineteenth century
Barua. Bangla poetry.
Manomatî —by Rajanikanta 7. Development of prose.
Bordoloi. 8. Bangla dramatic literature (nineteenth century, Tagore,
Purani Asamîyâ Sâhitya —by Banikanta Kakati. Post-1944 Bangla drama).
Kârengar Ligirî —by Jyotiprasad 9. Tagore and post-Tagoreans.
Agarwalla 10. Fiction, major authors :
Jeevanar Bâtat —by Bina Barva Bankimchandra, Tagore, Saratchandra, Bibhutibhusan,
(Birinchi Tarasankar, Manik ).
Kumar Barua) 11. Women and Bangla literature : creators and created.
Mrityunjoy —by Birendrakumar PAPER II
Bhattacharyya Prescribed texts for close study
Samrât —by Navakanta Barua [Answers must be written in Bengali]
PAPER 1 1. Vaishnava Padavali (Calcutta University)
History of Language and Literature. Poems of Vidyapati, Chandidas, Jnanadas, Govindadas
and Balaramdas.
[Answers must be written in Bengali]
2. Chandimangal Kalketu episode by Mukunda (Sahitya
Section A : Topics from the History of Bangla language Akademi).
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 167
3. John Milton : Paradise Lost, I, II, IV, IX. – The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.
4. Alexander Pope. The Rape of the Lock. – Journey of the Magi.
5. William Wordsworth. The following poems : – Burnt Norton.
– Ode on Intimations of Immortality. 3. W.H. Auden. The following poems :
– Partition
– Tintern Abbey.
– Musee des Beaux Arts
– Three years she grew.
– In Memory of W.B. Yeats
– She dwelt among untrodden ways.
– Lay your sleeping head, my love
– Michael. – The Unknown Citizen
– Resolution and Independence. – Consider
– The World is too much with us. – Mundus Et Infans
– Milton, thou shouldst be living at this hour. – The Shield of Achilles
– Upon Westminster Bridge. – September 1, 1939
6. Alfred Tennyson : In Memoriam. – Petition
4. John Osborne : Look Back in Anger.
7. Henrik Ibsen : A Doll’s House
5. Samuel Beckett. Waiting for Godot.
Section B
6. Philip Larkin. The following poems :
1. Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels.
– Next
2. Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice. – Please
3. Henry Fielding. Tom Jones. – Deceptions
4. Charles Dickens. Hard Times. – Afternoons
5. George Eliot. The Mill on the Floss. – Days
6. Thomas Hardy. Tess of the d’Urbervilles. – Mr. Bleaney
7. Mark Twain. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 7. A.K. Ramanujan. The following poems :
– Looking for a Cousin on a Swing
– A River
(Answers must be written in English)
– Of Mothers, among other Things
Texts for detailed study are listed below. Candidates will also – Love Poem for a Wife 1
be required to show adequate knowledge of the following topics
– Small-Scale Reflections on a Great House
and movements :
– Obituary
Modernism; Poets of the Thirties; The stream-
(All these poems are available in the anthology Ten
of-consciousness Novel; Absurd Drama; Colonialism and Twentieth Century Indian Poets, edited by
Post-Colonialism; Indian Writing in English; Marxist, R. Parthasarthy, published by Oxford University
Psychoanalytical and Feminist approaches to literature; Post- Press, New Delhi).
Modernism. Section B
Section A 1. Joseph Conrad. Lord Jim.
1. William Butler Yeats. The following poems : 2. James Joyce. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
– Easter 1916. 3. D.H. Lawrence. Sons and Lovers.
– The Second Coming. 4. E.M. Forster. A Passage to India.
– A Prayer for my daughter. 5. Virginia Woolf. Mrs. Dalloway.
– Sailing to Byzantium. 6. Raja Rao. Kanthapura.
– The Tower. 7. V.S. Naipaul. A House for Mr. Biswas.
– Among School Children. GUJARATI
– Leda and the Swan.
(Answers must be written in Gujarati)
– Meru.
Section A
– Lapis Lazuli.
Gujarati Language : Form and History
– The Second Coming. (1) History of Gujarati Language with special
– Byzantium. reference to New Indo-Aryan i.e. last one
2. T.S. Eliot. The following poems : thousand years.
Section B PAPER II
2. History of Hindi Literature (Answers must be written in Hindi)
I. The relevance and importance of Hindi literature The paper will require first-hand reading of the
and tradition of writing History of Hindi Literature. prescribed texts and will test the critical ability of the
II. Literary trends of the following four periods of candidates.
history of Hindi Literature. Section A
A : Adikal—Sidh, Nath and Raso Sahitya. 1. Kabir : Kabir Granthawali, Ed. Shyam
Prominent poets—Chandvardai, Khusaro, Sundar Das (First hundred Sakhis)
Hemchandra, Vidyapati.
2. Soordas : Bhramar Geetsar, Ed. Ramchandra
B : Bhaktikal—Sant Kavyadhara, Sufi Kavyadhara,
Shukla (First hundred Padas)
Krishna Bhaktidhara and Ram Bhaktidhara.
Prominent Poets—Kabir, Jayasi, Sur & Tulsi. 3. Tulsidas : Ramcharit Manas (Sundar Kand)
C : Ritikal—Ritikavya, Ritibaddhkavya & Riti Mukta Kavitawali (Uttarkand)
Kavya. Prominent Poets—Keshav, Bihari, 4. Jayasi : Padmawat Ed. Shyam Sundar Das
Padmakar and Ghananand. (Sinhal Dwip Khand &
D : Adhunik Kal— Nagmativiyog Khand)
a. Renaissance, the development of Prose, 5. Bihari : Bihari Ratnakar Ed. Jagnnath
Bharatendu Mandal. Prasad Ratnakar (First 100 Dohas)
b. Prominent Writers—Bharatendu, Bal Krishna 6. Maithili Sharan : Bharat Bharati
Bhatt & Pratap Narain Mishra. Gupta
c. Prominent trends of modern Hindi Poetry: 7. Prasad : Kamayani (Chinta and Shraddha
Chhayavad, Pragativad, Prayogvad, Nai Kavita, Sarg)
Navgeet and Contemporary poetry and Janvadi 8. Nirala : Rag-Virag, Ed. Ram Vilas Sharma
Kavita. (Ram Ki Shakti Pooja & Kukurmutta)
Prominent Poets—Maithili Sharan Gupta, 9. Dinkar : Kurukshetra
Prasad, Nirala, Mahadevi, Dinkar, Agyeya,
Muktibodh, Nagarjun. 10. Agyeya : Angan Ke Par Dwar (Asadhya
3. Katha Sahitya
11. Muktiboth : Brahm Rakhashas
12. Nagarjun : Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha Hai, Akal
A : Upanyas & Realism
Ke Bad, Harijan Gatha.
B : The origin and development of Hindi Novels.
Section B
C : Prominent Novelists—Premchand, Jain-
endra, Yashpal, Renu and Bhism Sahani. 1. Bharatendu : Bharat Durdasha
D : The origin and development of Hindi short story. 2. Mohan Rakesh : Ashadh Ka Ek Din
E : Prominent Short Story Writers—Premchand, 3. Ramchandra : Chintamani (Part I) (Kavita Kya
Prasad, Agyeya, Mohan Rakesh & Krishna Shukla Hai, Shraddha Aur Bhakti)
Sobti. 4. Dr. Satyendra : Nibandh Nilaya—Bal Krishna
4. Drama & Theatre Bhatt, Premchand, Gulab Rai,
Hajari Prasad Dwivedi, Ram Vilas
A : The Origin & Development of Hindi Drama. Sharma, Agyeya, Kuber Nath Rai.
B : Prominent Dramatists—Bharatendu, Prasad, 5. Premchand Godan, Premchand ki
Jagdish Chandra Mathur, Ram Kumar Verma, Sarvashreshtha Kahaniyan, Ed.
Mohan Rakesh. Amrit Rai/Manjusha—Prem
C : The development of Hindi Theatre. Chand ki Sarvashreshtha
5. Criticism Kahaniyan. Ed. Amrit Rai.
A : The origin and development of Hindi criticism : 6. Prasad : Skandgupta
Saiddhantik, Vyavharik, Pragativadi. 7. Yashpal : Divya
Manovishleshanvadi & Nai Alochana.
8. Phaniswar Nath : Maila Anchal
B : Prominent critics—Ramchandra Shukla, Hajari Renu
Prasad Dwivedi, Ram Vilas Sharma & Nagendra.
9. Mannu Bhandari : Mahabhoj
6. The other form of Hindi prose—Lalit Nibandh,Rekhachitra,
Sansmaran, Yatra-vrittant. 10. Rajendra Yadav : Ek Dunia Samanantar (All Stories)
PAPER-I A. Old Kannada Literature
(Answers must be written in Kannada)
1. Vikramaarjuna Vijaya of Pampa (Cantos 12 & 13),
Section A (Mysore University Pub.)
A. History of Kannada Language
2. Vaddaraadhane (Sukumaraswamyia Kathe,
What is Language ? General characteristics of Language. Vidyutchorana Kathe)
Dravidian Family of Languages and its specific features.
Antiquity of Kannada Language. Different phases of B. Medieval Kannada Literature
its Development. 1. Vachana, Kammata, Ed. K. Marulasiddappa K.R.
Dialects of Kannada Language : Regional and Social. Nagaraj (Bangalore University Pub.)
Various aspects of developments of Kannada Language:
phonological and Semantic changes. Language borrowing. 2. Janapriya Kanakasamputa, Ed. D. Javare Gowda
(Kannada and Culture Directorate, Bangalore)
B. History of Kannada Literature
Ancient Kannada literature : Influence and Trends, Poets for 3. Nambiyannana Ragale, Ed., T.N. Sreekantaiah (Ta.
study : Specified poets from Pampa to Ratnakara Varni Vem. Smaraka Grantha Male, Mysore)
are to be studied in the light of contents, form and 4. Kumaravyasa Bharata : Karna Parva (Mysore
expression : Pampa, Janna, Nagachandra.
Medieval Kannada literature : Influence and Trends.
5. Bharatesha Vaibhava Sangraha Ed Ta. Su. Shama Rao
Vachana Literature : Basavanna, Akka Mahadevi.
(Mysore University)
Medieval Poets : Harihara, Raghavanka, Kumara-Vyasa.
Section B
Dasa literature : Purandara and Kanaka.
Sangataya : Ratnakarvarni A. Modern Kannada Literature
C. Modern Kannada literature : Influence, trends and 1. Poetry : Hosagannada Kavite, Ed. G.H. Nayak
ideologies, Navodaya, Pragatishila, Navya, Dalita and (Kannada Saahitya Parishattu,
Bandaya. Bangalore)
Section B 2. Novel : Bettada Jeeva—Shivarama Karanta
A. Poetics and Literary Criticism Madhavi—Anupama Niranjana
Definition and concepts of poetry; Word, Meaning, Odalaala-Deva-nuru Mahadeva
Alankara, Reeti, Rasa, Dhwani, Auchitya.
3. Short Story : Kannada Sanna Kathegalu, Ed. G.H.
Interpretations of Rasa Sutra. Modern Trends of literary
criticism : Formalist, Historical, Marxist, Feminist, Post- Nayak (Sahitya Academy, New Delhi)
colonial criticism. 4. Drama : Shudra Tapaswi—Kuvempu.
B. Cultural History of Karnataka Tughalak—Girish Karnad.
Contribution of Dynasties to the culture of Karnataka: 5. Vichara : Devaru—A.N. Moorty Rao (Pub: D.V.K.
Chalukyas of Badami and Kalyani, Rashtrakutas,
Sahitya : Moorty, Mysore.)
Hoysalas, Vijayanagara rulers, in literary context.
Major religions of Karnataka and their cultural B. Folk Literature :
contribution. 1. Janapada Swaroopa—Dr. H.M. Nayak. (Ta. Vem.
Arts of Karnataka ; Sculpture, Architecture, Painting, Smaraka Grantha Male, Mysore.)
Music, Dance—in the literary context.
2. Janpada Geetaanjali—Ed. D. Javare Gowda.
Unification of Karnataka and its impact of Kannada (Pub : Sahitya Academy, New Delhi).
3. Kannada Janapada Kathegalu—Ed. J.S.
Paramashiviaah (Mysore University).
(Answers must be written in Kannada)
4. Beedi Makkalu Beledo. Ed. Kalegowda Nagavara
The Paper will require first-hand reading of the Texts (Pub : Bangalore University).
prescribed and will be designed to test the critical ability of
the candidates. 5. Savirada Ogatugalu—Ed. S.G. Imrapura.
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 173
PAPER-I 1. An analytical study of the short story in Kashmiri.
(Answers must be written in Kashmiri) (i) Afsana Majmu’a, published by the Deptt. of
Section A Kashmiri, University of Kashmir.
1. Genealogical relationship of the Kashmiri language: (ii) Kashur Afsana Az, published by the Sahitya Akademi.
various theories. (iii) Hamasar Kashur Afsana, published by the Sahitya
2. Areas of occurence and dialects (geographical/social) Akademi.
3. Phonology and grammar: The following short story writers only : Akhtar Mohi-ud Din,
i. Vowel and consonant system; Kamil, Hari Krishan Kaul, Hraday Kaul Bharti, Bansi Nirdosh,
ii. Nouns and pronouns with various case inflections; Gulshan Majid.
iii. Verbs: various types and tenses. 2. Novel in Kashmiri :
4. Syntactic structure: (i) Mujrim by G. N. Gowhar
i. Simple, active and declarative statements; (ii) Marun—Ivan Ilyichun, (Kashmiri version of
ii. Coordination; Tolstoy’s) The Death of Ivan Ilyich (published by
Kashmiri Deptt.)
iii. Relativisation.
3. Drama in Kashmiri :
Section B
1. Kashmiri literature in the 14th century (Socio-cultural (i) Natuk Kariv Band by Hari Krishan Kaul
and intellectual background with special reference to (ii) Qk Angy Natuk, ed. Motilal Keemu, published by
Lal Dyad and Sheikhul Alam). the Sahitya Akademi.
2. Nineteenth century Kashmiri literature (development of (iii) Razi Oedipus, tr. Naji Munawar, published by the
various genres : vatsun; ghazal and mathnavi. Sahitya Akademi.
3. Kashmiri literature in the first half of the twentieth century 4. Kashmiri Folk Literature :
(with special reference to Mahjoor and Azad; various (i) Kashur Luki Theatre by Mohammad Subhan Bhagat,
literary influences). published by the Deptt. of Kashmiri, University of
4. Modern Kashmiri literature (with special reference to Kashmir.
the development of the short story, drama, novel and (ii) Kashiry Luki Beeth (all volumes) published by the
J&K Cultural Akademy.
(Answers must be written in Kashmiri)
(Answers must be written in Konkani)
Section A
Section A
1. Intensive study of Kashmiri poetry up to the nineteenth
History of the Konkani Language :
century :
(i) Origin and development of the language and
(i) Lal Dyad,
influences on it.
(ii) Sheikhul Aalam
(ii) Major variants of Konkani and their linguistic
(iii) Habba Khatoon features.
2. Kashmiri poetry : 19th Century (iii) Grammatical and lexicographic work in Konkani,
(i) Mahmood Gami (Vatsans) including a study of cases, adverbs, indeclinables
(ii) Maqbool shah (Gulrez) and voices.
(iii) Rasool Mir (Ghazals) (iv) Old Standard Konkani, New Standard and
(iv) Abdul Ahad Nadim (N’at) Standardisation problems.
(v) Krishanjoo Razdan (Shiv Lagun) Section B
(vi) Sufi Poets (Test in Sanglaab, published by the Deptt. History of Konkani Literature
of Kashmiri, University of Kashmir) Candidates would be expected to be well-acquainted with
3. Twentieth Century Kashmiri poetry (text in Azich Kashir Konkani literature and its social and cultural background and
Shairi, published by the Deptt. of Kashmiri, University consider the problems and issues arising out of them.
of Kashmir). (i) History of Konkani literature from its probable
4. Literary criticism and research work : development and source to the present times, with emphasis on its
various trends. major works, writers and movements.
(ii) Social and cultural background of the making of 2. Origin and development of Maithili language. (Sanskrit,
Konkani literature from time to time. Prakrit, Avhatt, Maithili)
(iii) Indian and Western influences on Konkani litera- 3. Periodic division of Maithili Language. (Beginning,
ture, from the earliest to modern times. Middle era, Modern era).
(iv) Modern literary trends in the various genres and 4. Maithili and its different dialects.
regions including a study of Konkani folklore. 5. Relationship between Maithili and other Eastern
PAPER-II languages (Bengali, Asamese, Oriya)
(Answers must be written in Konkani) 6. Origin and Development of Tirhuta Script.
Textual Criticism of Konkani Literature 7. Pronouns and Verbs in Maithili Language.
The paper will be designed to test the candidate’s critical PART B
and analytical abilities. Candidates would be expected to be
History of Maithili Literature
well-acquainted with Konkani Literature and required to have
first-hand reading of the following texts : 1. Background of Maithili Literature (Religious, Economic,
Section A : Prose Social, Cultural).
1. (a) Konkani Mansagangotri (excluding poetry) ed. 2. Periodic division of Maithili literature.
by Prof : Olivinho Gomes. 3. Pre-Vidyapati Literature.
(b) Old Konkani language and literature—the 4. Vidyapati and his tradition.
Portuguese Role 5. Medieval Maithili Drama (Kirtaniya Natak, Ankia Nat,
2. (a) Otmo Denvcharak—a novel by A. V. da Cruz. Maithili dramas written in Nepal).
(b) Vadoll ani Varem—a novel by Antonio Pereira. 6. Maithili Folk Literature (Folk Tales, Folk Drama, Folk
(c) Devache Kurpen—a novel by V.J.P. Saldanha. Stories, Folk Songs).
3. (a) Vajralikhani—Shenoy goem-bab-An anthology- 7. Development of different literary forms in modern era :
ed. by Shantaram Varde Valavalikar. (a) Prabandh-kavya
(b) Konkani Lalit Niband—Essays-ed. by Shyam (b) Muktak-kavya
Verenkar. (c) Novel
(c) Teen Dasakam—An anthology—ed. by
(d) Short Story
Chandrakant Keni.
(e) Drama
4. (a) Demand—Drama-by Pundalik Naik.
(f) Essay
(b) Kadambini: A Miscellany of Modern Prose—ed.
by Prof. O.J.F. Gomes and Smt. P.S. Tadkodkar. (g) Criticism
(c) Ratha Tujeo Ghudieo—by Smt. Jayanti Naik. (h) Memoirs
Section B : Poetry (i) Translation
1. (a) Ev ani Mori : Poetry by Eduardo Bruno de Souza. 8. Development of Maithili Magazines and Journals.
(b) Abravanchem Yadnyadan—by Luis Mascarenhas. PAPER -II
2. (a) Godde Ramayan—ed. by R.K. Rao. (Answers must be written in Maithili)
(b) Ratnahar I and II—collection of poems—ed. R. V. The paper will require first-hand reading of the prescribed
Pandit. texts and will test the critical ability of the candidates.
3. (a) Zayo Zuyo—poems- Manohar L. Sardessai. PART A
(b) Kanadi Mati Konkani Kavi—Anthology of Poetry
Poems—ed. Pratap Naik. 1. Vidyapati Geet-Shati—Publisher : Sahitya Akademi, New
4. (a) Adrushatache Kalle—Poems by Pandurang Delhi (Lyrics— 1 to 50)
Bhangui. 2. Govind Das Bhajanavali—Publisher : Maithili Acadamy,
(b) Yaman—Poems by Madhav Borkar. Patna (Lyrics— 1 to 25)
MAITHILI 3. Krishnajanm—Manbodh
PAPER I 4. Mithilabhasha Ramayana—Chanda Jha (only Sunder-
ITS LITERATURE 5. Rameshwar Charit Mithila Ramayan—Lal Das (only
(Answers must be written in Maithili) Bal-kand)
PART A 6. Keechak-Vadh—Tantra Nath Jha.
History of Maithili Language 7. Datta-Vati—Surendra Jah ‘Suman’ (only 1st and 2nd
1. Place of Maithili in Indo-European Language family. Cantos).
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 175
Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs—Tense markers and case (3) Tirukkural Porutpal : Arasiyalum Amaichiyalum
markers in Tamil. (from Iraimatchi to Avaianjamai).
Borrowing of words from other languages into Tamil— Part 2 : Epic Literature
Regional and social dialects—difference between literary and (1) Silappadikaram : Madhurai Kandam only.
spoken Tamil.
(2) Kambaramayanam : Kumbakarunan Vadhai
Part 2 : History of Tamil Literature Padalam.
Tolkappiyam-Sangam Literature—The division of Akam Part 3 : Devotional Literature
and Puram—The secular characteristics of Sangam
(1) Tiruvasagam : Neetthal Vinnappam
Literature—The development of Ethical literature—
Silappadikaram and Manimekalai. (2) Tiruppavai : (Full Text).
Part 3 : Devotional Literature (Alwars and Nayanamars) Section B
The bridal mysticism in Alwar hymns—Minor literary Modern Literature
forms (Tutu, Ula, Parani, Kuravanji). Part 1 : Poetry
Social factors for the development of Modern Tamil (1) Bharathiar : Kannan Pattu
Literature; Novel, Short Story and New Poetry—The impact (2) Bharathidasan : Kudumba Vilakku
of various political ideologies on modern writings.
(3) Naa. Kamarasan : Karappu Malarkal
Section B
Part 1 : Recent trends in Tamil Studies
(1) Mu. Varadharajanar : Aramum Arasiyalum
Approaches to criticism : Social, psychological,
(2) C. N. Annadurai : Ye! Thazhntha Tamilagame.
historical and moralistic—the use of criticism—the various
techniques in literature; Ullurai, Iraicchi, Thonmam (Myth) Part 2 : Novel, Short Story and Drama
Otturuvagam (allegory), Angadam (Satire), Meyappadu, (1) Akilon ; Chittairappavai
Padimam (image), Kuriyeedu (Symbol), Irunmai (Ambiguity)— (2) Jayakanthan : Gurupeedam
The concept of comparative literature-the principle of
(3) Cho : Yaurkkum Vetkamillai
comparative literature.
Part 3 : Folk Literature
Part 2 : Folk literature in Tamil
(1) Muthuppattan kathai Edited by Na. Vanamamalai,
Ballads, Songs, proverbs and riddles—Sociological
(Publication : Madurai Kamaraj University).
study of Tamil folklore. Uses of translation—Translation of
Tamil works into other languages-Development of journalism (2) Malaiyaruvi, Edited by Ki. Va Jagannathan
in Tamil. (Publication : Saraswathi Mahal, Thanjavur).
Part 3 : Cultural Heritage of the Tamils TELUGU
Concept of Love and War—Concept of Aram-the ethical PAPER I
codes adopted by the ancient Tamils in their warfare-customs Answer must be written in Telugu
beliefs, rituals, modes of worship in the five Thinais. Section A : Language
The Cultural changes as revealed in post sangam 1. Place of Telugu among Dravidian languages and its
literature—cultural fusion in the medieval period (Janism and antiquity—Etymological History of Telugu,Tenugu and
Buddhism). The development of arts and architecture through Andhra.
the ages (Pallavas, later Cholas, and Nayaks). The impact of
2. Major linguistic changes in phonological,
various political, social, religious and cultural movements on
morphological, grammatical and syntactical levels, from
Tamil Society. The role of mass media in the cultural change
Proto-Dravidian to old Telugu and from old Telugu to
of contemporary Tamil society.
Modern Telugu.
3. Evolution of spoken Telugu when compared to classical
Answers must be written in Tamil Telugu-Formal and functional view of Telugu
The paper will require first-hand reading of the text language.
prescribed and will be designed to test the critical ability of 4. Influence of other languages and its impact on Telugu.
the candidate.
5. Modernization of Telugu language :
Section A
(a) Linguistic and literary movements and their role in
Part 1 : Ancient Literature modernization of Telugu.
(1) Kuruntokai (1—25 poems) (b) Role of media in modernization of Telugu (News-
(2) Purananuru (182—200 poems) papers, Radio, TV etc.)
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 185
(c) Problems of terminology and mechanisms in 2. Tikkana-Sri Krishna Rayabaramu (Udyoga parva-3rd
coining new terms in Telugu in various discourses Canto verses 1—144).
including scientific and technical. 3. Srinath-Guna Nidhi Katha (Kasikhandam, 4th Canto,
6. Dialects of Telugu—Regional and social variations and verses 76—133).
problems of Standardization. 4. Pingali Surana-sugatri Salinulakatha (Kalapurno-
7. Syntax—Major divisions of Telugu sentences—simple, dayamu 4 Canto verses, 60—142).
complex and compound sentences—Noun and verb 5. Molla-Ramayanamu (Balakanda including avatarika).
predications—Processes of nominalization and 6. Kasula Purushothama Kavi—Andhra Nayaka Satakamu.
relativization—Direct and indirect reporting-conversion
Section B
7. Gurajada Appa Rao—Animutyalu (Short stories).
8. Translation—Problems of translation, cultural, social
and idiomatic—Methods of translation—Approaches 8. Viswanatha Satyanarayana—Andhra prasasti.
to translation—Literary and other kinds of translation— 9. Devulapalli Krishna Sastry—Krishnapaksham
Various uses of translation. (excluding Uravsi and Pravasam).
Section B : Literature 10. Sri Sri-Maha prastanam.
1. Literature in Pre-Nannaya Period—Marga and Desi poetry. 11. Jashuva-Gabbilam (Part I).
2. Nannaya Period—Historical and literary background of 12. C. Narayana Reddy—Karpuravasanta rayalu.
Andhra Mahabharata. 13. Kanuparti Varalakshmamma—Sarada lekhalu (Part I).
3. Saiva poets and their contribution—Dwipada, Sataka, 14. Atreya—N.G.O.
Ragada, Udaharana. 15. Racha Konda Viswanatha Sastry—Alpajaeevi.
4. Tikkana and his place in Telugu literature. URDU
5. Errana and his literary works—Nachana Somana and PAPER I
his new approach to poetry. Answer must be written in Urdu
6. Srinatha and Potana—Their works and contribution. Section A
7. Bhakti poets in Telugu literature—Tallapaka Annamayya, Development of Urdu Language
ramadasu, tyagayya. (a) Development of Indo-Aryan
8. Evolution of prabandhas—Kavya and prabandha. (i) Old Indo-Aryan
9. Southern school of Telugu literature-raghunatha (ii) Middle Indo-Aryan
Nayaka, chemakura vankatakavi and women poets- (iii) New Indo-Aryan.
Literary forms like yakshagana, prose and padakavita. (b) Western Hindi and its dialects Brij Bhasha Khadi
10. Modern Telugu Literature and literary forms—Novel, Boli, Haryanavi, Kannauji, Bundeli—
Short Story, Drama, Playlet and poetic forms. Theories about the origin of Urdu language.
11. Literary Movements : Reformation, Nationalism, (c) Dakhani Urdu—origin and development, its
Neo-classisicism, Romanticism and Progressive, significant linguistic features.
Revolutionary movements. (d) Social and Cultural roots of Urdu language— and its
12. Digambarakavulu, feminist and dalit Literature. distinctive features.
13. Main divisions of folk literature—Performing folk arts. Script, Phonology, Morphology, Vocabulary.
PAPER II Section B
Answer must be written in Telugu (a) Genres and their development :
This paper will require first hand reading of the (i) Poetry: Ghazal, Masnavi, Qasida, Marsia, Rubai
prescribed texts and will be designed to test the candidate’s Jadid Nazm.
critical ability, which will be in relation to the following (ii) Prose : Novel, Short Story, Dastan, Drama, Inshaiya,
approaches :— Khutoot, Biography.
(i) Aesthetic approach—Rassa, Dhawani, Vakroti and (b) Significant feaures of : (i) Deccani, Delhi and Lucknow
Auchitya—Formal and Structural-Imagery and schools, (ii) Sir Syed movement, Romantic movement,
Symbolism. Progressive movement, Modernism.
(ii) Sociological, Historical, Ideological, Psychological (c) Literary Criticism and its development with reference
approaches. to Hali, Shibli, Kaleemuddin Ahmad, Ehtisham Hussain,
Section A Ale-Ahmad Suroor.
1. Nannaya-Dushyanta Chritra (Adiparva 4th Canto (d) Essay writing (covering literary and imaginative
verses 5—109). topics).
Riemann’s definition of definite integrals; Indefinite Rings, subrings and ideals, homomorphisms of rings;
integrals; Infinite and improper integral; Double and triple Integral domains, principal ideal domains, Euclidean domains
integrals (evaluation techniques only); Areas, surface and and unique factorization domains; Fields, quotient fields.
volumes. (2) Real Analysis :
(3) Analytic Geometry : Real number system as an ordered field with least upper
Cartesian and polar coordinates in three dimensions, bound property; Sequences, limit of a sequence, Cauchy
second degree equations in three variables, reduction to sequence, completeness of real line; Series and its
Canonical forms; straight lines, shortest distance between convergence, absolute and conditional convergence of series
two skew lines, Plane, sphere, cone, cylinder, paraboloid, of real and complex terms, rearrangement of series. Continuity
ellipsoid, hyperboloid of one and two sheets and their and uniform continuity of functions, properties of continuous
properties. functions on compact sets.
(4) Ordinary Differential Equations : Riemann integral, improper integrals; Fundamental
theorems of integral calculus.
Formulation of differential equations; Equations of
first order and first degree, integrating factor; Orthogonal Uniform convergence, continuity, differentiability and
trajectory; Equations of first order but not of first degree, integrability for sequences and series of functions; Partial
Clairaut’s equation, singular solution. derivatives of functions of several (two or three) variables,
maxima and minima.
Second and higher order liner equations with constant
(3) Complex Analysis :
coefficients, complementary function, particular integral and
general solution. Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations,
Cauchy's theorem, Cauchy's integral formula, power series,
Section order linear equations with variable coefficients,
representation of an analytic function, Taylor’s series;
Euler-Cauchy equation; Determination of complete solution
Singularities; Laurent’s series; Cauchy’s residue theorem;
when one solution is known using method of variation of
Contour integration.
(4) Linear Programming :
Laplace and Inverse Laplace transforms and their
properties, Laplace transforms of elementary functions. Linear programming problems, basic solution, basic
Application to initial value problems for 2nd order linear feasible solution and optimal solution; Graphical method and
equations with constant coefficients. simplex method of solutions; Duality.
(5) Dynamics and Statics : Transportation and assignment problems.
Rectilinear motion, simple harmonic motion, motion in (5) Partial Differential Equations :
a plane, projectiles; Constrained motion; Work and energy, Family of surfaces in three dimensions and formulation
conservation of energy; Kepler’s laws, orbits under central of partial differential equations; Solution of quasilinear partial
forces. differential equations of the first order, Cauchy’s method of
Equilibrium of a system of particles; Work and characteristics; Linear partial differential equations of the
potential energy, friction, Common catenary; Principle of second order with constant coefficients, canonical form;
virtual work; Stability of equilibrium, equilibrium of forces Equation of a vibrating string, heat equation, Laplace
in three dimensions. equation and their solutions.
(6) Numerical Analysis and Computer Programming :
(6) Vector Analysis :
Numerical methods: Solution of algebraic and
Scalar and vector fields, differentiation of vector field
transcendental equations of one variable by bisection, Regula-
of a scalar variable; Gradient, divergence and curl in
Falsi and Newton-Raphson methods, solution of system of
cartesian and cylindrical coordinates; Higher order
linear equations by Gaussian Elimination and Gauss-Jorden
derivatives; Vector identities and vector equation.
(direct), Gauss-Seidel (iterative) methods. Newton’s (forward
Application to geometry : Curves in space, curvature and backward) and interpolation, Lagrange’s interpolation.
and torsion; Serret-Furenet's formulae.
Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rule,
Gauss and Stokes’ theorems, Green's indentities. Gaussian quadrature formula.
PAPER II Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations :
(1) Algebra : Eular and Runga Kutta methods.
Groups, subgroups, cyclic groups, cosets, Lagrange’s Computer Programming : Binary system; Arithmetic and
Theorem, normal subgroups, quotient groups, homomorphism logical operations on numbers; Octal and Hexadecimal
of groups, basic isomorphism theorems, permutation groups, Systems; Conversion to and from decimal Systems; Algebra
Cayley’s theorem. of binary numbers.
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 189
Elements of computer systems and concept of memory; Non-conventional machining-EDM, ECM, ultrasonic,
Basic logic gates and truth tables, Boolean algebra, normal water jet machining etc.; application of lasers and plasmas;
forms. energy rate calculations.
Representation of unsigned integers, signed integers Forming and welding processes-standard processes.
and reals, double precision reals and long integers. Metrology-concept of fits and tolerances; tools and
Algorithms and flow charts for solving numerical guages; comparators; inspection of length; position; profile
analysis problems. and surface finish.
(7) Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics : 4.2 Manufacturing Management :
Generalised coordinates; D’Alembert’s principle and System design: factory location—simple OR models;
Lagrange’s equations; Hamilton equations; Moment of inertia; plant layout-methods based; applications of engineering
Motion of rigid bodies in two dimensions. economic analysis and break-even analysis for product
selection, process selection and capacity planning;
Equation of continuity; Euler’s equation of motion for
predetermined time standards.
inviscid flow; Stream-lines, path of a particle; Potential flow;
Two-dimensional and axisymmetric motion; Sources and sinks, System planning; forecasting methods based on
vortex motion; Navier-Stokes equation for a viscous fluid. regression and decomposition, design and blancing of multi
model and stochastic assembly lines; inventory management-
probablistic inventory models for order time and order
PAPER I quanitity determination; JIT systems; strategic sourcing;
1. Mechanics : managing inter plant logistics.
1.1 Mechanics of Rigid Bodies : System operations and control: Scheduling algorithms
for job shops; applications of statistical methods for product
Equations of equilibrium in space and its application;
and process quality control applications of control charts for
first and second moments of area; simple problems on friction;
mean, range, percent defective, number of defectives and
kinematics of particles for plane motion; elementary particle
defects per unit; quality cost systems; management of
resources, organizations and risks in projects.
1.2 Mechanics of Deformable Bodies :
System improvement: Implementation of systems, such
Generalized Hooke’s law and its application; design as total quality management, developing and managing
problems on axial stress, shear stress and bearing stress; flexible, lean and agile Organizations.
material properties for dynamic loading; bending shear and
stresses in beams; determination of principle stresses and
strains-analytical and graphical; compound and combined 1. Thermodynamics, Gas Dynamics Turbine :
stresses; bi-axial stresses-thin walled pressure vessel; 1.1 Basic concept of First-law and Second law of
material behaviour and design factors for dynamic load; Thermodynamics; concept of entropy and reversibility;
design of circular shafts for bending and torsional load only; availability and unavailability and irreversibility.
deflection of beam for statically determinate problems; theories
1.2 Classification and properties of fluids;
of failure.
incompressible and compressible fluids flows; effect of Mach
2. Engineering Materials : number and compressibility; continuity momentum and
Basic concepts on structure of solids, common ferrous energy equations; normal and oblique shocks; one
and non-ferrous materials and their applications; heat- dimensional isentropic flow; flow or fluids in duct with
treatment of steels; non-metalsplastics, cermics, composite frictions that transfer.
materials and nano-materials. 1.3 Flow through fans, blowers and compressors; axial
3. Theory of Machines : and centrifugal flow configuration; design of fans and
compressors; single problems compresses and turbine
Kinematic and dynamic analysis of plane mechanisms. cascade; open and closed cycle gas turbines; work done in
Cams, Gears and empicyclie gear trains, flywheels, governors, the gas turbine; reheat and regenerators.
balancing of rigid rotors, balancing of single and multicy-
linder engines, linear vibration analysis of mechanical systems 2. Heat Transfer :
(single degree of freedom), Critical speeds and whirling of 2.1 Conduction heat transfer—general conduction
shafts. equation-Laplace, Poisson and Fourier equations; Fourier
law of conduction; one dimensional steady state heat
4. Manufacturing Science :
conduction applied to simple wall, solid and hollow cylinder
4.1 Manufacturing Process: and spheres.
Machine tool engineering - Merhant’s force analysis: 2.2 Convection heat transfer—Newton’s law of
Taylor’s tool life equation; conventional machining; NC and convection; free and forces convection; heat transfer during
CNC machining process; jigs and fixtures. laminar and turbulent flow of an incompressible fluid over a
bronchogenic carcinoma, carcinoma breast, oral cancer, broncho— pneumonias, kernicterus. IMNCI classification
cancer cervix, leukemia, Etiology, pathogenesis and and management, PEM grading and management. ARI and
histopathology of—cirrhosis liver, glomerulonephritis, Diarrhea of under five and their management.
tuberculosis, acute osteomyelitis. 3. Dermatology
5. Microbiology : Psoriasis, Allergic dermatitis, scabies, eczema, vitiligo,
Humoral and cell mediated immunity. Stevan Johnson’s syndrome, Lichen Planus.
Diseases caused by and laboratory diagnosis of — 4. General Surgery
* Meningococcus, Saimonella Clinical features, causes, diagnosis and principles
* Shigella, Herpes, Dengue, Polio of management of cleft palate, harelip.
* HIV/AIDS, Malaria, E. Histolytica, Giardia Laryngeal tumour, oral and esophageal tumours.
* Candida, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus. Peripheral arterial diseases, varicose veins, coarctation
6. Pharmacology : of aorta.
Mechanism of action and side effects of the following Tumours of Thyroid, Adrenal, Glands.
drugs : Abscess cancer, fibroadenoma and adenosis of breast.
* Antipyretics and analgesics, Antibiotics, Bleeding peptic ulcer, tuberculosis of bowel, ulcerative
* Antimalaria, Antikala-azar, Antidiabetics, colitis, cancer stomach.
* Antihypertensive, Antidiuretics, General and cardiac Renal mass, cancer prostatie.
vasodilators, Antiviral, Antiparasitic, Antifungal, Haemothorax, stones of Gall bladder, Kidney, Ureter
Immunosuppressants, and Urinary Bladder.
* Anticancer. Management of surgical conditions of Rectum, Anus
7. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology and Anal canal, Gall bladder and Bile ducts.
Forensic examination of injuries and wounds; Splenomegaly, cholecystitis, portal hypertension, liver
Examination of blood and seminal stains; Poisoning, sedative abscess, peritonitis, carcinoma head of pancreas.
overdose, hanging, drowning, burns, DNA and finger print Fractures of spine, Colles’ fracture and bone tumors.
study. Endoscopy.
PAPER-II Laprascopic Surgery.
1. General Medicine 5. Obstetrics and Gynaecology including Family
Etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and principles of Planning
management (including prevention) of—Typhoid, Rabies, Diagnosis of pregnancy.
AIDS, Dengue, Kala-azar, Japanese Encephalitis.
Labour management, complications of 3rd stage,
Etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and principles of Antepartum and postpartum hemorrhage, resuscitation of the
management of : newborn, Management of abnormal life and difficult labour.
Ischaemic heart disease, pulmonary embolism. Management of small for date or premature newborn.
Bronchial asthma. Diagnosis and management of anemia. Preeclampsia
Pleural effusion, tuberculosis, Malabsorption and Toxaemias of pregnancy, Management of Post-
syndromes; acid peptic diseases, Viral hepatitis and cirrhosis menopausal Syndrome.
of liver. Intra-uterine devices, pills, tubectomy and vasectomy.
Glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, renal failure, Medical termination of pregnancy including legal aspects.
nephrotic syndrome, renovascular hypertension, Cancer cervix.
complications of diabetes mellitus, coagulation disorders, Leucorrhoea, pelvic pain; infertility, dysfunctional
leukaemia, Hypo and hyper thyrodism, meningitis and uterine bleeding (DUB), amenorrhoea, Fibroid and prolapse
encephalitis. of uterus.
Imaging in medical problems, ultrasound, echo- 6. Community Medicine (Preventive and Social Medicine)
cardiogram, CT scan, MRI.
Principles, methods approach and measurements of
Anxiety and Depressive Psychosis and schizophrenia Epidemiology.
and ECT.
Nutrition, nutritional diseases/diorders and Nutrition
2. Paediatrics Programmes.
Immunization, Baby friendly hospital, congenital Health information Collection, Analysis and
cyanotic heart disease, respiratory distress syndrome, Presentation.
Objectives, components and critical analysis of 14. Schools of Buddhism : Prat Ityasamutpada;
National programmes for control/eradication of : Ksanikavada, Nairatmyavada.
Malaria, Kala-azar, Filaria and Tuberculosis, 15. Nyaya—Vaiesesika : Theory of Categories; Theory
HIV/AIDS, STDs and Dengue. of Appearance; Theory of Pramana; Self, Liberation;
God; Proofs for the Existence of God; Theory of
Critical appraisal of Health care delivery system. Causation; Atomistic Theory of Creation.
Health management and administration; Techniques, 16. Samkhya; Prakrit; Purusa; Causation; Liberation.
Tools, Programme Implementation and Evaluation.
17. Yoga; Citta; Cittavrtti; Klesas; Samadhi; Kaivalya.
Objectives, Components, Goals and Status of
18. Mimamsa: Theory of Knowlegde.
Reproductive and Child Health, National Rural Health Mission
and Millennium Development Goals. 19. Schools of Vedanta : Brahman; Isvara; Atman; Jiva;
Management of hospital and industrial waste. Jagat; Maya; Avida; Adhyasa; Moksa;
Aprthaksiddhi; Pancavidhabheda.
20. Aurobindo: Evolution, Involution; Integral Yoga.
History and Problems of Philosophy
Socio-Political Philosophy
1. Plato and Aristotle : Ideas; Substance; Form and
Matter; Causation; Actuality and Potentiality. 1. Social and Political ldeals : Equality, Justice, Liberty.
2. Rationalism (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz); Cartesian 2. Sovereignty : Austin, Bodin, Laski, Kautilya.
Method and Certain Knowledge; Substance; God; 3. Individual and State : Rights; Duties and
Mind-Body Dualism; Determinism and Freedom. Accountability.
3. Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume) : Theory of 4. Forms of Government : Monarchy; Theocracy and
Knowledge; Substance and Qualities; Self and God; Democracy.
5. Political Ideologies: Anarchism; Marxism and
4. Kant: Possibility of Synthetic a priori Judgments; Socialism.
Space and Time; Categories; Ideas of Reason;
6. Humanism; Secularism; Multi-culturalism.
Antinomies; Critique of Proofs for the Existence of
God. 7. Crime and Punishment : Corruption, Mass Violence,
5. Hegel : Dialectical Method; Absolute Idealism. Genocide, Capital Punishment.
6. Moore, Russell and Early Wittgenstein : Defence of 8. Development and Social Progress.
Commonsense; Refutation of Idealism; Logical 9. Gender Discrimination : Female Foeticide, Land and
Atomism; Logical Constructions; Incomplete Property Rights; Empowerment.
Symbols; Picture Theory of Meaning; Sying and 10. Caste Discrimination : Gandhi and Ambedkar.
Philosophy of Religion
7. Logical Positivism : Verification Theory of Meaning;
Rejection of Metaphysics; Linguistic Theory of 1. Notions of God : Attributes; Relation to Man and
Necessary Propositions. the World. (Indian and Western).
8. Later Wittgenstein : Meaning and Use; Language- 2. Proofs for the Existence of God and their Critique
games; Critique of Private Language. (Indian and Western).
9. Phenomenology (Husserl): Method; Theory of 3. Problem of Evil.
Essences; Avoidance of Psychologism. 4. Soul : Immortality; Rebirth and Liberation.
10. Existentialism (Kierkegaard, Sarte, Heidegger): 5. Reason, Revelation and Faith.
Existence and Essence; Choice, Responsibility and
6. Religious Experience : Nature and Object (Indian
Authentic Existence; Being-in-the-world and
and Western).
7. Religion without God.
11. Quine and Strawson : Critique of Empiricism; Theory
of Basic Particulars and Persons. 8. Religion and Morality.
12. Carvaka : Theory of Knowlegde; Rejection of 9. Religious Pluralism and the Problem of Absolute
Transcendent Entities. Truth.
13. Jainism : Theory of Reality; Saptabhanginaya; 10. Nature of Religious Language : Analogical and
Bondage and Liberation. Symbolic; Cognitivist and Non-cognitive.
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Laws of motion; conservation of energy and momentum, Production and detection of linearly and circularly
polarized light; Double refraction, quarter wave plate; Optical
applications to rotating frames, centripetal and Coriolis
activity; Principles of fibre optics, attenuation; Pulse
accelerations; Motion under a central force; Conservation of
dispersion in step index and parabolic index fibres; Material
angular momentum, Kepler’s laws; Fields and potentials;
dispersion, single mode fibers; Lasers-Einstein A and B
Gravitational field and potential due to spherical bodies, Gauss
coefficients. Ruby and He-Ne lasers. Characteristics of laser
and Poisson equations, gravitational self-energy; Two-body
light-spatial and temporal coherence; Focusing of laser beams.
problem; Reduced mass; Rutherford scattering; Centre of mass
Three-level scheme for laser operation; Holography and simple
and laboratory reference frames. applications.
(b) Mechanics of Rigid Bodies : 3. Electricity and Magnetism :
System of particles; Centre of mass, angular momentum, (a) Electrostatics and Magnetostatics :
equations of motion; Conservation theorems for energy,
momentum and angular momentum; Elastic and inelastic Laplace and Poisson equations in electrostatics and
their applications; Energy of a system of charges, multipole
collisions; Rigid Body; Degrees of freedom, Euler’s theorem,
expansion of scalar potential; Method of images and its
angular velocity, angular momentum, moments of inertia,
applications. Potential and field due to a dipole, force and
theorems of parallel and perpendicular axes, equation of motion
torque on a dipole in an external field; Dielectrics, polarisation.
for rotation; Molecular rotations (as rigid bodies); Di and tri-
Solutions to boundary-value problems-conducting and
atomic molecules; Precessional motion; top, gyroscope.
dielectric spheres in a uniform electric field; Magnetic shell,
(c) Mechanics of Continuous Media : uniformly magnetised sphere; Ferromagnetic materials,
Elasticity, Hooke’s law and elastic constants of isotropic hysteresis, energy loss.
solids and their inter-relation; Streamline (Laminar) flow, (b) Current Electricity :
viscosity, Poiseuille’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation, Stokes’ Kirchhoff's laws and their applications. Biot-Savart law,
law and applications. Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law, Lenz’ law. Self-and mutual-
(d) Special Relativity : inductances; Mean and rms values in AC circuits; DC and AC
circuits with R, L and C components; Series and parallel
Michelson-Morely experiment and its implications;
resonance; Quality factor; Principle of transformer.
Lorentz transformations length contraction, time dilation,
addition of relativistic velocities, aberration and Doppler effect, 4. Electromagnetic Waves and Blackbody Radiation :
mass-energy relation, simple applications to a decay process. Displacement current and Maxwell’s equations; Wave
Four dimensional momentum vector; Covariance of equations equations in vacuum, Poynting theorem; Vector and scalar
of physics. potentials; Electromagnetic field tensor, covariance of
2. Waves and Optics : Maxwell’s equations; Wave equations in isotropic dielectrics,
reflection and refraction at the boundary of two dielectrics;
(a) Waves : Fresnel’s relations; Total internal reflection; Normal and
Simple harmonic motion, damped oscillation, forced anomalous dispersion; Rayleigh scattering; Blackbody
oscillation and resonance; Beats; Stationary waves in a string; radiation and Planck ’s radiation law- Stefan-Boltzmann law,
Pulses and wave packets; Phase and group velocities; Wien’s displacement law and Rayleigh-Jeans law.
Reflection and refraction from Huygens’ principle. 5. Thermal and Statistical Physics :
(b) Geometrial Optics : (a) Thermodynamics :
Laws of reflection and refraction from Fermat’s principle; Laws of thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible
Matrix method in paraxial optic-thin lens formula, nodal planes, processes, entropy; Isothermal, adiabatic, isobaric, isochoric
system of two thin lenses, chromatic and spherical aberrations. processes and entropy changes; Otto and Diesel engines,
(c) Interference : Gibbs’ phase rule and chemical potential; Van der Waals
equation of state of a real gas, critical constants; Maxwell-
Interference of light -Young’s experiment, Newton’s
Boltzmann distribution of molecular velocities, transport
rings, interference by thin films, Michelson interferometer;
phenomena, equipartition and virial theorems; Dulong-Petit,
Multiple beam interference and Fabry Perot interferometer. Einstein, and Debye’s theories of specific heat of solids;
(d) Diffraction : Maxwell relations and application; Clausius-Clapeyron
Fraunhofer diffraction - single slit, double slit, diffraction equation. Adiabatic demagnetisation, Joule-Kelvin effect and
grating, resolving power; Diffraction by a circular aperture and liquefaction of gases.
(b) Statistical Physics : effect, Josephson junctions and applications; Elementary ideas
Macro and micro states, statistical distributions, about high temperature super-conductivity.
Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors- p-n-p and n-p-n
Distributions, applications to specific heat of gases and transistors; Amplifiers and oscillators. Op-amps; FET, JFET
blackbody radiation; Concept of negative temperatures. and MOSFET; Digital electronics-Boolean identities, De
PAPER-II Morgan’s laws, Logic gates and truth tables. Simple logic
circuits; Thermistors, solar cells; Fundamentals of
1. Quantum Mechanics : microprocessors and digital computers.
Wave-particle duality; Schroedinger equation and POLITICAL SCIENCE AND INTERNATIONAL
expectation values; Uncertainty principle; Solutions of the
one-dimensional Schroedinger equation for free particle
(Gaussian wave-packet), particle in a box, particle in a finite PAPER- I
well, linear harmonic oscillator; Reflection and transmission Political Theory and Indian Politics :
by a step potential and by a rectangular barrier; Particle in a
1. Political Theory: meaning and approaches.
three dimensional box, density of states, free electron theory
of metals; Angular momentum; Hydrogen atom; Spin half 2. Theories of state : Liberal, Neo-liberal, Marxist, Pluiralist,
particles, properties of Pauli spin matrices. post-colonial and Feminist.
2. Atomic and Molecular Physics : 3. Justice : Conceptions of justice with special reference
to Rawl’s theory of justice and its communitarian
Stern-Gerlach experiment, electron spin, fine structure
of hydrozen atom; L-S coupling, J-J coupling; Spectroscopic
notation of atomic states; Zeeman effect; Franck-Condon 4. Equality : Social, political and economic; relationship
principle and applications; Elementary theory of rotational, between equality and freedom; Affirmative action.
vibrational and electronic spectra of diatomic molecules; Raman 5. Rights : Meaning and theories; different kinds of rights;
effect and molecular structure; Laser Raman spectroscopy; Concept of Human Rights.
Importance of neutral hydrogen atom, molecular hydrogen
6. Democracy : Classical and contemporary theories;
and molecular hydrogen ion in astronomy. Fluorescence and
different models of democracy—representative,
Phosphorescence; Elementary theory and applications of
participatory and deliberative.
NMR and EPR; Elementary ideas about Lamb shift and its
significance. 7. Concept of power : hegemony, ideology and legitimacy.
3. Nuclear and Particle Physics : 8. Political Ideologies : Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism,
Fascism, Gandhism and Feminism.
Basic nuclear properties-size, binding energy, angular
momentum, parity, magnetic moment; Semi-empirical mass 9. Indian Political Thought: Dharamshastra, Arthashastra
formula and applications. Mass parabolas; Ground state of a and Buddhist Traditions; Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Sri
deuteron, magnetic moment and non-central forces; Meson Aurobindo, M. K. Gandhi, B. R. Ambedkar, M. N. Roy.
theory of nuclear forces; Salient features of nuclear forces; 10. Western Political Thought : Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli,
Shell model of the nucleus - success and limitations; Violation Hobbes, Locke, John S. Mill, Marx, Gramsci, Hannah
of parity in beta decay; Gamma decay and internal conversion; Arendt.
Elementary ideas about Mossbauer spectroscopy; Q-value Indian Government and Politics
of nuclear reactions; Nuclear fission and fusion, energy
production in stars. Nuclear reactors. 1. Indian Nationalism :
Classification of elementary particles and their (a) Political Strategies of India’s Freedom Struggle :
interactions; Conservation laws; Quark structure of hadrons : Constitutionalism to mass Satyagraha, Non-
Field quanta of electroweak and strong interactions; cooperation, Civil Disobedience; Militant and
Elementary ideas about unification of forces; Physics of Revolutionary Movements, Peasant and Workers
neutrinos. Movements.
4. Solid State Physics, Devices and Electronics : (b) Perspectives on Indian National Movement; Liberal,
Socialist and Marxist; Radical Humanist and Dalit.
Crystalline and amorphous structure of matter; Different
crystal systems, space groups; Methods of determination of 2. Making of the Indian Constitution : Legacies of the
crystal structure; X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission British rule; different social and political perspectives.
electron microscopies; Band theory of solids—conductors, 3. Salient Features of the Indian Constitution : The Preamble,
insulators and semi-conductors; Thermal properties of solids, Fundamental Rights and Duties, Directive Principles;
specific heat, Debye theory; Magnetism: dia, para and Parliamentary System and Amendment Procedures;
ferromagnetism; Elements of super-conductivity, Meissner Judicial Review and Basic Structure doctrine.
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4. (a) Principal Organs of the Union Government : Envisaged 5. Approaches to the Study of International Relations :
role and actual working of the Executive, Legislature Idealist, Realist, Marxist, Functionalist and Systems
and Supreme Court. theory.
(b) Principal Organs of the State Government : Envisaged 6. Key Concepts in International Relations : National
role and actual working of the Executive, Legislature interest, security and power; Balance of power and
and High Courts. deterrence; Transational actors and collective security;
World capitalist economy and globalisation.
5. Grassroots Democracy : Panchayati Raj and Municipal
Government; Significance of 73rd and 74th 7. Changing International Political Order :
Amendments; Grassroot movements. (a) Rise of super powers; Strategic and ideological
6. Statutory Institutions/Commissions : Election Bipolarity, arms race and cold war; Nuclear threat;
Commission, Comptroller and Auditor General, Finance (b) Non-aligned Movement : Aims and achievements.
Commission, Union Public Service Commission, National
(c) Collapse of the Soviet Union; Unipolarity and
Commission for Scheduled Castes, National Commission
American hegemony; Relevance of non-alignment
for Scheduled Tribes, National Commission for Women;
in the contemporary world.
National Human Rights Commission, National
Commission for Minorities, National Backward Classes 8. Evolution of the International Economic System : From
Commission. Brettonwoods to WTO; Socialist economies and the
CMEA (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance); Third
7. Federalism : Constitutional provisions; changing nature
World demand for new international economic order;
of centre-state relations; integrationist tendencies and
Globalisation of the world economy.
regional aspirations; inter-state disputes.
9. United Nations : Envisaged role and actual record;
8. Planning and Economic development : Nehruvian and
Specialized UN agencies—aims and functioning; need
Gandhian perspectives; Role of planning and public
for UN reforms.
sector; Green Revolution, land reforms and agrarian
relations; liberalization and economic reforms. 10. Regionalisation of World Politics : EU, ASEAN, APEC,
9. Caste, Religion and Ethnicity in Indian Politics.
11. Contemporary Global Concerns : Democracy, human
10. Party System : National and regional political parties, rights, environment, gender justice terrorism, nuclear
ideological and social bases of parties; Patterns of proliferation.
coalition politics; Pressure groups, trends in electoral
behaviour; changing socio-economic profile of India and the World
Legislators. 1. Indian Foreign Policy : Determinants of foreign policy;
11. Social Movement : Civil liberties and human rights the institutions of policy-making; Continuity and
movements; women’s movements; environmentalist change.
movements. 2. India’s Contribution to the Non-Alignment Movement
PAPER-II Different phases; Current role.
Comparative Politics and International Relations 3. India and South Asia :
Comparative Political Analysis and International Politics : (a) Regional Co-operation : SAARC-past performance
1. Comparative Politics : Nature and major approaches; and future prospects.
Political economy and political sociology perspectives; (b) South Asia as a Free Trade Area.
Limitations of the comparative method.
(c) India’s “Look East” policy.
2. State in Comparative Perspective : Characteristics and
changing nature of the State in capitalist and socialist (d) Impediments to regional co-operation : River water
economies, and advanced industrial and developing disputes; illegal cross border migration; Ethnic
societies. conflicts and insurgencies; Border disputes.
3. Politics of Representation and Participation : Political 4. India and the Global South : Relations with Africa and
parties, pressure groups and social movements in Latin America; Leadership role in the demand for NIEO
advanced industrial and developing societies. and WTO negotiations.
4. Globalisation : Responses from developed and 5. India and the Global Centres of Power : USA, EU, Japan,
developing societies. China and Russia.
6. India and the UN System: Role in UN Peace-keeping; 6. Learning : Concepts and theories of learning
Demand for Permanent Seat in the Security Council. (Behaviourists, Gestaltalist and Information processing
models). The processes of extinction, discrimination and
7. India and the Nuclear Question : Changing perceptions generalisation. Programmed learning, probability learning, self
and policy. instructional learning, concepts, types and the schedules of
8. Recent developments in Indian Foreign Policy : India’s reinforcement, escape, avoidance and punishment, modelling
position on the recent crises in Afghanistan, Iraq and and social learning.
West Asia, growing relations with US and Isreal; Vision 7. Memory : Encoding and remembering; Shot-term
of a new world order. memory, Long-term memory, Sensory memory, Iconic memory,
Echoic memory: The Multistore model, levels of processing;
PSYCHOLOGY Organization and Mnemonic techniques to improve memory;
PAPER-I Theories of forgetting: decay, interference and retrieval failure:
Metamemory; Amnesia: Anterograde and retrograde.
Foundations of Psychology
8. Thinking and Problem Solving : Piaget’s theory of
1. Introduction : Definition of Psychology; Historical cognitive development; Concept formation processes;
antecedents of Psychology and trends in the 21st centrury; Information processing, Reasoning and problem solving,
Psychology and scientific methods; Psychology in relation Facilitating and hindering factors in problem solving, Methods
to other social sciences and natural sciences; Application of of problem solving: Creative thinking and fostering creativity;
Psychology to societal problems. Factors influencing decision making and judgement; Recent
2. Methods of Psychology : Types of research :
Descriptive, evaluative, diagnostic and prognostic; Methods 9. Motivation and Emotion : Psychological and
physiological basis of motivation and emotion; Measurement
of Research : Survey, observation, case-study and
of motivation and emotion; Effects of motivation and emotion
experiments; Characteristics of experimental design and non-
on behaviour; Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation; Factors
experimental designs; quasi-experimental designs; Focussed influencing intrinsic motivation; Emotional competence and
group discussions, brain storming, grounded theory approach. the related issues.
3. Research methods : Major steps in psychological 10. Intelligence and Aptitude : Concept of intelligence
research (problem statement, hypothesis formulation, research and aptitude, Nature and theories of intelligence-Spearman,
design, sampling, tools of data collection, analysis and Thurstone, Gulford Vernon, Sternberg and J.P. Das; Emotional
interpretation and report writing); Fundamental versus applied Intelligence, Social intelligence, measurement of intelligence
research; Methods of data collection (interview, observation, and aptitudes, concept of I Q deviation I Q, constancy of I Q;
questionnaire and case study). Research Designs (Ex-post Measurement of multiple intelligence; Fluid intelligence and
facto and experimental). Application of statistical techniques crystallized intelligence.
(t-test, two-way ANOVA, correlation and regression and factor 11. Personality : Definition and concept of personality;
analysis) item response theory. Theories of personality (psychoanalytical, socio-cultural,
interpersonal, developmental, humanistic, behaviouristic, trait
4. Development of Human Behaviour : Growth and
and type approaches); Measurement of personality (projective
development; Principles of development, Role of genetic and tests, pencil-paper test); The Indian approach to personality;
environmental factors in determining human behaviour; Training for personality development; Latest approaches like
Influence of cultural factors in socialization; Life span big 5 factor theory; The notion of self in different traditions.
development—Characteristics, development tasks, promoting
12. Attitudes, Values and Interests : Definitions of
psychological well-being across major stages of the life span.
attitudes, values and interests; Components of attitudes;
5. Sensation, Attention and Perception : Sensation: Formation and maintenance of attitudes. Measurement of
concepts of threshold, absolute and difference thresholds, attitudes, values and interests. Theories of attitude changes,
signal-detection and vigilance; Factors influencing attention strategies for fostering values. Formation of stereotypes and
including set and characteristics of stimulus; Definition and prejudices; Changing other’s behaviour, Theories of
concept of perception, biological factors in perception; attribution; Recent trends.
Perceptual organization-influence of past experiences, 13. Language and Communication : Human language—
perceptual defence-factor influencing space and depth Properties, structure and linguistic hierarchy, Language
perception, size estimation and perceptual readiness; The acquisition—predispotion, critical period hypothesis;
plasticity of perception; Extrasensory perception; Culture and Theories of Language development—Skinner and Chomsky;
perception, Subliminal perception. Process and types of communication—effective commu-
nication training.
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 197
14. Issues and Perspectives in Modern Contemporary challenged persons including old persons. Rehabilitation of
Psychology : Computer application in the psychological persons suffering from substance abuse, juvenile delinquency,
laboratory and psychological testing; Artificial intelligence; criminal behaviours. Rehabilitation of victims of violence.
Psychocybernetics; Study of consciousnessleep-wak Rehabilitation of HIV/AIDS victims, the role of social agencies.
schedules; dreams, stimulus deprivation, meditation, hypnotic/ 8. Application of Psychology to disadvantaged groups :
drug induced states; Extrasensory perception; Intersensory
perception; Simulation studies. The concepts of disadvantaged, deprivation social,
physical, cultural and economic consequences of
disadvantaged and deprived groups. Educating and
Psychology : Issues and applications
motivating the disadvantaged towards development; Relative
1. Psychological Measurement of Individual and prolonged deprivation.
Differences :
9. Psychological problem of social integration :
The nature of individual differences. Characteristics
and construction of standardized psychological tests. Types The concept of social integration. The problem of caste,
of psychological tests. Use, misuse and limitation of class, religion and language conflicts and prejudice. Nature
psychological tests. Ethical issues in the use of psychological and manifestation of prejudice between the ingroup and
tests. outgroup. Casual factors of such conflicts and prejudices.
2. Psychological well being and Mental Disorders : Psychological strategies for handling the conflicts and
Concept of health-ill health positive health, well being prejudices. Measures to achieve social integration.
casual factores in Mental disorders (Anxiety disorders, mood 10. Application of Psychology in Information Technology
disorders; schizophrenia and delusional disorders; personality and Mass Media :
disorders, substance abuse disorders). Factors influencing The present scenario of information technology and
positive health, well being; lifestyle and quality of life; the mass media boom and the role of psychologists. Selection
Happiness disposition
and training of Psychology professionals to work in the field
3. Therapeutic Approaches : of IT and mass media. Distance learning through IT and mass
Psychodynamic therapies. Behaviour therapies. Client media. Entrepreneurship through e-commerce. Multilevel
centered therapy. Cognitive therapies. Indigenous therapies marketing. Impact of TV and fostering value through IT and
(Yoga, Meditation). Biofeedback therapy. Prevention and mass media. Psychological consequences of recent
rehabilitation of the mentally ill; Fostering mental health. developments in Information Technology.
4. Work Psychology and Organisational Behaviour :
11. Psychology and Economic development :
Personnel selection and training. Use of Psychological
tests in the industry. Training and human resource Achievement motivation and economic development.
development. Theories of work motivation. Herzberg, Maslow, Characteristics of entrepreneurial behaviour. Motivating and
Adam Equity theory, Porter and Lawler, Vroom; Leadership Training people for entrepreneurship and economic
and participatory management; Advertising and marketing; development; Consumer rights and consumer awareness,
Stress and its management; Ergonomics; consumer Government policies for promotion of entrepreneurship among
psychology; Managerial effectiveness; Transformational youth including women entreprenures.
leadersip; Senitivity training; Power and politics in 12. Application of Psychology to environment and related
fields :
5. Application of Psychology to Educational Field :
Environmental Psychology effects of noise, pollution
Psychological principles underlying effective teaching-
and crowding. Population Psychology : Psychological
learning process. Learning styles. Gifted, retarded, learning
disabled and their training. Training for improving memory consequence of population explosion and high population
and better academic achievement. Personality development density. Motivating for small family norms. Impact of rapid
and value education. Educational, vocational guidance and scientific and technological growth on degradation of
Career counselling. Use of Psychological tests in educational environment.
institutions; Effective strategies in guidance programmes. 13. Application of psychology in other fields :
6. Community Psychology : (a) Military Psychology
Definition and concept of Community Psychology. Use Devising psycological tests for defence personnel for
of small groups in social action. Arousing Community
use in selection, Training, counseling; training psychologists
consciousness and action for handling social problems. Group
decision making and leadership for social change. Effective to work , with defence personnel in promoting positive health;
strategies for social change. Human engineering in defence.
7. Rehabilitation Psychology : (b) Sports Psychology
Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention Psychological interventions in improving performance
programmes—role of psychologists. Organising of services of athletes and sports. Persons participating in Individual and
for rehabilitation of physically, mentally and socially Team Games.
(c) Media influences on pro and anti-social behaviour. Ecology and administration; Riggsian models and their
(d) Psychology of Terrorism. critique.
14. Psychology of Gender : 8. Development Dynamics :
4. Organisations :
Theories systems, contingency; Structure and forms:
Indian Administration
Ministries and Departments, Corporations, Companies; Boards 1. Evolution of Indian Administration :
and Commissions; Ad hoc, and advisory bodies; Headquar- Kautilya Arthashastra; Mughal administration; Legacy
ters and Field relationships; Regulatory Authorities; Public- of British rule in politics and administration Indianization of
Private Partnerships. Public services, revenue administration, district Administra-
5. Accountability and Control : tion, local self Government. .
Concepts of accountability and control; Legislative, 2. Philosophical and Constitutional framework of
Executive and judicial control over administration; Citizen and Government :
Administration; Role of media, interest groups, voluntary or- Salient features and value premises; Constitutionalism;
ganizations; Civil society; Citizen’s Charters; Right to Infor- Political culture; Bureaucracy and democracy; Bureaucracy
and development.
mation; Social audit.
3. Public Sector Undertakings :
6. Administrative Law : Public sector in modern India; Forms of Public Sector
Meaning, scope and significance; Dicey on Undertakings; Problems of autonomy, accountability and con-
Administrative law; Delegated legislation; Administrative Tri- trol; Impact of liberalization and privatization.
bunals. 4. Union Government and Administration :
Executive, Parliament, Judiciary-structure, functions,
7. Comparative Public Administration :
work processes; Recent trends; Intra-governmental relations;
Historical and sociological factors affecting administra- Cabinet Secretariat; Prime Minister’s Office; Central Secre-
tive systems; Administration and politics in different coun- tariat; Ministries and Departments; Boards; Commissions;
tries; Current status of Comparative Public Administration; Attached offices; Field organizations.
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 199
(iv) Politics and Society : moment generating function, characteristic function, inver-
sion theorem, Linderberg and Levy forms of central limit theo-
(a) Nation, democracy and citizenship.
rem, standard discrete and continuous probability distribu-
(b) Political parties, pressure groups, social and political tions.
2. Statistical Inference:
(c) Regionalism and decentralization of power. Consistency, unbiasedness, efficiency, sufficiency, com-
(d) Secularization. pleteness, ancillary statistics, factorization theorem, exponen-
tial family of distribution and its properties, uniformly mini-
(v) Social Movements in Modern India :
mum variance unbiased (UMVU) estimation, Rao Blackwell
(a) Peasants and farmers movements. and Lehmann-Scheffe theorems, Cramer-Rao inequality for
single Parameter. Estimation by methods of moments, maxi-
(b) Women’s movement.
mum likelihood, least squares, minimum chisquare and modi-
(c) Backward classes & Dalit movements. fied minimum chisquare, properties of maximum likelihood and
other estimators, asymptotic efficiency, prior and posterior
(d) Environmental movements.
distributions, loss function, risk function, and minimax esti-
(e) Ethnicity and Identity movements. mator. Bayes estimators.
(vi) Population Dynamics : Non-randomised and randomised tests, critical function,
MP tests, Neyman-Pearson lemma, UMP tests, monotone like-
(a) Population size, growth, composition and
lihood ratio: similar and unbiased tests, UMPU tests for single
distribution. paramet likelihood ratio test and its asymptotic distribution.
(b) Components of population growth: birth, death, Confidence bounds and its relation with tests.
migration. Kolmogorov’s test for goodness of fit and its consis-
(c) Population Policy and family planning. tency, sign test and its optimality. Wilcoxon signedranks test
and its consistency, Kolmogorov-Smirnov two sample test,
(d) Emerging issues: ageing, sex ratios, child and infant run test, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and median test, their
mortality, reproductive health. consistency and asymptotic normality.
(vii) Challenges of Social Transformation :
Wald’s SPRT and its properties, Oc and ASN
(a) Crisis of development : displacement, environmental functions for tests regarding parameters for Bernoulli, Pois-
problems and sustainability. son, normal and exponential distributions. Wald’s fundamen-
(b) Poverty, deprivation and inequalities. tal identity.
3. Linear Inference and Multivariate Analysis :
(c) Violence against women.
(d) Caste conflicts. Linear statistical models, theory of least squares and
analysis of variance, Gauss-Markoff theory, normal equations,
(e) Ethnic conflicts, communalism, religious revivalism. least squares estimates and their precision, test of signifi-
(f) Illiteracy and disparities in education. cance and interval estimates based on least squares theory in
oneway, two-way and three-way classified data, regression
STATISTICS analysis, linear regression, curvilinear regression and orthogo-
PAPER–I nal polynomials, multiple regression, multiple and partial cor-
relations, estimation of variance and covariance components,
1. Probability : multivariate normal distribution, Mahalanobis’s D2 and
Sample space and events, probability measure and Hotelling’s T2 statistics and their applications and properties,
probability space, random variable as a measurable function. discriminant analysis, canonical correlations, principal com-
distribution function of a random variable, discrete and con- ponent analysis.
tinuous-type random variable, probability mass function, prob- 4. Sampling Theory and Design of Experiments :
ability density function, vector-valued random variable, mar-
ginal and conditional distributions, stochastic independence An outline of fixed-population and super-population
of events and of random variables, expectation and moments approaches, distinctive features of finite population sampling,
of a random variable, conditional expectation, convergence of propability sampling designs, simple random sampling with
a sequence of random variable in distribution, in probability, and without replacement, stratified random sampling, sys-
in path mean and almost everywhere, their criteria and inter- tematic sampling and its efficacy, cluster sampling, twostage
relations, Chebyshev’s inequality and Khintchine’s weak law and multi-stage sampling, ratio and regression methods of
of large numbers, strong law of large numbers and estimation involving one or more auxiliary variables, two-phase
Kolmogoroffs theorems, probability generating function, sampling, probability proportional to size sampling with and
without replacement, the Hansen-Hurwitz and the Horvitz- 3. Quantitative Economics and Official Statistics:
Thompson estimators, non-negative variance estimation with
reference to the Horvitz-Thompson estimator, non-sampling Determination of trend, seasonal and cyclical
errors. components, Box-Jenkins method, tests for stationary series,
ARIMA models and determination of orders of autoregressive
Fixed effects model (two-way classification) random and and moving average components, fore-casting.
mixed effects models (two-way classification with equal ob-
servation per cell), CRD, RBD, LSD and their analyses, incom- Commonly used index numbers - Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s
plete block designs, concepts of orthogonality and balance, and Fisher’s ideal index numbers, cham-base index number,
BIBD, missing plot technique, factorial experiments and 24 uses and limitations of index numbers, index number of
and 32, confounding in factorial experiments, split-plot and wholesale prices, consumer price, agricultural production and
simple lattice designs, transformation of data Duncan’s industrial production, test fot index numbers -proportionality,
multiple range test. time-reversal, factor-reversal and circular.
PAPER II General linear model, ordinary least square and
generalized least squares methods of estimation, problem of
1. Industrial Statistics multi-collinearity, consequences and solutions of multi-
Process and product control, general theory of control collinearity, autocorrelation and its consequences,
charts, different types of control charts for variables and heteroscedasticity of disturbances and its testing, test for
attributes, X, R, s, p, np and charts, cumulative sum chart. independence of disturbances concept of structure and model
Single, double, multiple and sequential sampling plans for for simultaneous equations, problem of identification-rank and
attributes, OC, ASN, AOQ and ATI curves, concepts of order conditions of identifiability, two-stage least sauare
producer’s and consumer’s risks, AQL, LTPD and AOQL, method of estimation.
Sampling plans for variables, Use of Dodge-Romin tables. Present official statistical system in India relating to
population, agriculture, industrial production, trade and prices,
Concept of reliability, failure rate and reliability functions,
methods of collection of official statistics, their reliability and
reliability of series and parallel systems and other simple
limitations, principal publications containing such statistics,
configurations, renewal density and renewal function,
various official agencies responsible for data collection and
Failure models: exponential, Weibull, normal, lognormal.
their main functions.
Problems in life testing, censored and truncated experiments
for exponential models. 4. Demography and Psychometry :
2. Optimization Techniques : Demographic data from census, registration, NSS other
surveys, their limitations. and uses, definition, construction
Different types of models in Operations Research, their
and uses of vital rates and ratios, measures of fertility,
construction and general methods of solution,
reproduction rates, morbidity rate, standardized death rate,
simulation and Monte-Carlo methods formulation of
complete and abridged life tables, construction of life tables
Linear Programming (LP) problem, simple LP model and its
from vital statistics and census returns, uses of life tables,
graphical solution, the simplex procedure, the two-phase
logistic and other population growth curves, fitting a logistic
metbod and the M-technique with artificial variables, the du-
curve, population projection, stable population, quasi-stable
ality theory of LP and its economic interpretation, sensitivity
population, techniques in estimation of demographic
analysis, transpotation and assignment problems, rectangu-
parameters, standard classification by cause of death, health
lar games, two-person zerosum games, methods of solution
surveys and use of hospital statistics.
(graphical and algebraic).
Replacement of failing or deteriorating items, group and Methods of standardisation of scales and tests,
individual replacement policies, concept of scientific inven- Z-scores, standard scores, T-scores, percentile scores,
tory management and analytical structure of inventory prob- intelligence quotient and its measurement and uses, validity
lems, simple models with deterministic and stochastic demand and reliability of test scores and its determination, use of factor
with and without lead time, storage models with particular analysis and path analysis in psychometry.
reference to dam type. ZOOLOGY
Homogeneous discrete-time Markov chains, transition PAPER–I
probability matrix, classification of states and ergodic theo- 1. Non-chordata and Chordata :
rems, homogeneous continuous-time Markov chains, Pois-
(a) Classification and relationship of various phyla up
son process, elements of queuing theory, M/MI, M/M/K, G/
to subclasses: Acoelomate and Coelomate,
M/l and M/G/1 queues.
Protostomes and Deuterostomes, Bilateria and
Solution of statistical problems on computers using well- Radiata; Status of Protista, Parazoa, Onychophora
known statistical software packages like SPSS. and Hemichordata; Symmetry.
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 203
Dearness allowance will be admissible in accordance (g) The pay of a Government servant who held a
with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to permanent post other than a tenure post in a
time under the All India Services (Dearness Allowance) substantive capacity prior to his appointment as
Rules, 1972. probationer
A probationer will start on the junior time scale and be
will however, be regulated subject to the provisions of
permitted to count the period spent on probation towards
F.R. 22 (b) (i).
leave pension or increment in the time scale.
(f) to (i) As in clauses (f), (g), (h) and (i) for the Indian 5. Indian Audit and Accounts Service .—(a) Appoint-
Administrative Service. ment will be made on probation for a period of 2 years provided
4. Indian P and T Accounts and Finance Service .— that this period may be extended if the officer on probation
(a) Appointments will be made on probation for a period of 2 has not qualified for confirmation by passing the prescribed
years including the Foundational Course, provided that this departmental examination, repeated failures to pass the
period may be extended if the officer on probation has not departmental examination within a period of three years will
qualified for confirmation by passing the prescribed
involve loss of appointment or as the case may be reversion
to the permanent post on which he holds a lien under the rules
(b) If, in the opinion of Government, the work and
conduct of an officer on probation is unsatisfactory, or shows applicable to him prior to his appointment to the service.
that he is unlikely to become efficient, the Government may (b) If in the opinion of Government or the Comptroller
discharge him forthwith or, as the case may be, revert to the and Auditor General, as the case may be, the work or conduct
management post on which he holds a lien under the rules of an officer on probation is unsatisfactory or shows that he
applicable to him prior to his appointment to the service. is unlikely to become efficient. Government may
(c) On the conclusion of his period of probation discharge him forthwith or as the case may be revert him to
Government may confirm the officer in his appointment or if the permanent post on which he holds a lien under the rules
his work or conduct has in the opinion of the Government
applicable to him prior to his appointment to the service.
been unsatisfactory. Government may either discharge him
from the service or may extend his period of probation for (c) On the conclusion of his period of probation
such further period as Government may think fit or may revert Government or the Comptroller and Auditor General, as the
him to his substantive post, if any. case may be, may confirm the officer in his appointment or if
(d) “The Department of Posts is one of the constituent his work or conduct has in the opinion of Government or the
department serviced (by the Service) as per Indian Posts and Comptroller and Auditor General, as the case may be, been
Telecommunications Accounts and Finance Service Gr. “A” unsatisfactory Government may either discharge him from the
Recruitment Rules, 2001. The Recruitment to posts in the service or may extend his period of probation for such further
Department of Telecom and in the Department of Posts would
period as Government may think fit, provided that in respect
be made through UPSC.”
of appointments to temporary vacancies there will be no claim
(e) The Indian P&T Accounts and Finance Service
carries with it a definite liability for service in any part of India. to confirmation.
(f) Scales of Pay (d) In view of the possibility of the separation of Audit
(i) Junior Time Scale.— Level-10 in the Pay Matrix from Accounts and other reforms the constitution of the
(Rs. 56,100 - 1,77,500/-) Indian Audit and Accounts Service is liable to undergo
(ii) Senior Time Scale.— Level-11 in the Pay Matrix changes and any candidate selected for that Service will have
(Rs. 67,700 - 2,08,700/-) no claim for compensation in consequence of any such
(iii) Junior Administrative Level-12 in the Pay Matrix changes and will be liable to xserve either in the separated
Grade (Rs. 78,800 - 2,09,200/-) Accounts Offices under the Central or State Governments or
in the Statutory Audit Offices under the Comptroller and
(iv) Selection Grade in Junior Level-13 in the Pay Matrix
Administrative Grade (Rs. 1,18,500 - 2,14,100/-) Auditor General and to be absorbed finally if the exigencies of
service required it in the cadre on which posts in the separated
(v) Senior Administrative Level-14 in the Pay Matrix
Grade (Rs. 1,44,200 - 2,18,200/-) Accounts offices under the Central or State Governments may
be borne.
(vi) Higher Administrative Level-15 in the Pay Matrix
Grade (Rs. 1,82,200 - 2,24,100/-) (e) The Indian Audit and Accounts Service carries with
it a definite liability for service in any part of India as well as
(vii) Higher Administrative Level-16 in the Pay Matrix
Grade+ (Rs. 2,05,400 - 2,24,400/-) for field service in or out of India.
(viii) Apex Level Level-17 in the Pay Matrix NOTE 1.—Probationary Officers will start on the
Minimum of the time scale of I.A. and A.S. and will count their
(Rs. 2,25,000/-)
service for increments from the date of joining.
(f) Scales of Pay :—
Indian Audit and Accounts Service
Name of the posts Pre-revised Scales Revised Pay Structure
[As per CCS (Revised Pay)
Rules, 2016]
Pay Pay Scale Grade Pay Level Corresponding Pay
Bands (in Rs.) Scales (in Rs.)
Junior Time Scale PB-3 15600-39100 5400 10 56100 - 177500
Senior Time Scale PB-3 15600-39100 6600 11 67700 - 208700
Junior Administrative Grade PB-3 15600-39100 7600 12 78800 - 209200
Non-functional Selection Grade of JAG PB-4 37400-67000 8700 13 123100 - 215900
Sr. Administrative Grade PB-4 37400-67000 10000 14 144200 = 218200
Pr. AG/DG HAG 67000 (annual Nil 15 182200 - 224100
increment @
Addl. Deputy C & AG HAG+ 75500 (annual Nil 16 205400 - 224400
Scale increment @
Deputy C & AG Apex Scale 80000 (fixed) Nil 17 225000
NOTE 2.—The Officers on probation may be granted (a) Appointments will be made on probation for a period
the first increment with effect from the date of passing Part I of of 2 years provided that this period may be extended if the
the departmental examination or on completion of one years’s officer on probation has not qualified for confirmation by
service which ever is earlier. The second increments may be passing the prescribed departmental examinations. Repeated
granted with effect from the date of passing Part II of the failures to pass the departmental examination within a period
departmental examination or on completion of two years service of two years will involve loss of appointment or as the case
whichever is earlier. The third increment raising the pay to Rs.
may be, reversion to the permanent post on which he holds a
8825 per month will be granted only on the completion of 3
lien under the rules applicable to him prior to his appointment
years’ service and subject to satisfactory completion of the
specified period of probation or such other conditions as may to the service.
be laid down. (b) If in the opinion of the Government the work or
NOTE 3.—The pay of a Government servant who held conduct of an officer on probation is unsatisfactory or
a permanent post other than a tenure post, in a substantive shows that he is unlikely to become efficient. Government
capacity prior to his appointment as probationer will however may discharge him forthwith or as the case may be revert
be regulated subject to the provision of F.R. 22-B (I). him to the permanent post on which he holds a lien under
NOTE 4.—I A & AS carries with it a definite liability to the rules applicable to him prior to his appointment to the
serve anywhere in India or abroad. service.
6. Indian Revenue Service (Customs & Central Excise) (c) On the conclusion of his/her period of probation
Group “A” Government may confirm the officer in his/her appointment or
Scales of pay (Pre-revised) : if his/her work or conduct has in the opinion of Government
Assistant Commissioner of Customs and Central Excise been unsatisfactory Government may either discharge him/
PB-3, Rs. 15,600-39,100+G.P. Rs. 5,400 (JTS) her from the service or may extend his/her period of probation
Deputy Commissioner of Customs and Central Excise for such further period as Government may think fit or may
PB-3, Rs. 15,600-39,100+G.P. Rs. 6,600 (STS) revert him to his substantive post, if any provided that in
Joint Commissioner of Customs and Central Excise respect of appointments to temporary vacancies there will be
PB-3, Rs. 15,600-39,100+G.P. Rs. 7,600 (JAG) no claim to confirmation.
Additional Commissioner of Customs and Central Excise (d) The Indian Revenue Service (Customs & Central
PB-4, Rs. 37,400-67,000+G.P. Rs. 8,700 [JAG (NFSG)]
Excise) Group “A” carries with it a definite liability for service in
Commissioner of Customs and Central Excise any part of India.
PB-4, Rs. 37,400-67,000+G.P. Rs. 10,000 (SAG )
Principal Commissioner of Customs and Central Excise
NOTE 1.—A probationary officer will start at the
Rs. 67,000-79,000 (HAG) minimum of the time scale of pay of Rs. 8000-275-13500 and
Chief Commissioner/Director General Rs. 75,500-80,000
will count his/her service for increments from the date of joining.
(HAG+) NOTE 2.—The pay of a Government servant who held
Principal Chief Commissioner/Principal Director General a permanent post other than a tenure post in a substantive
Rs. 80,000 [(Fixed)(Apex)] capacity prior to his appointment as probationer in the Indian
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 209
Revenue Service (Customs & Central Excise) Group “A” will 3. Appointments will be made on probation for a period
be regulated subject to the provisions of F.R. 22-B(1). of two years, during which the Probationers will have to qualify
for confirmation by passing the prescribed Departmental
NOTE 3.—During the period of probation, an officer
Examinations. This period may be extended by the Government
will undergo departmental training at the Directorate of Training
upto a total of four years, if considered necessary. Repeated
(Customs and Central Excise) New Delhi and also fundamental
failure to pass the probation (including extension thereof) will
course training at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy
result in termination of service. Extension of probation beyond
of Administration Mussoorie. He/She will have to pass Part I
the normal period of two years may entail loss of seniority.
and Part II of the Departmental Examination. The increments
Further, if during the period of probation, if any of the
of the Probationers will be regulated as under :
probationers are held to be unsuitable in any, manner for
“The first increment raising the pay to Rs. 8275 will be employment in the Indian Defence Accounts Service, their
granted with effect from the date of passing of one of services may be terminated by the Government without notice.
the two parts of the departmental examination or on The appointment is subject to any change in the Constitution
completion of one year’s service, whichever is earlier. of the Indian Defence Accounts Service, which the
The second increment raising the pay to Rs. 8550 will be Government of India may think it proper to name and that you
granted with effect from the date of passing the second will have no claim for any compensation in consequence of
part of examination or on completion of two years’ such change.
service whichever is earlier. The third increment raising
4. Seniority of person recruited on the basis of results
pay to Rs. 8825 will however, be granted only on
of Civil Services Examination conducted by the Commission
completion of 3 years’ service and subject to satisfactory in any year to the posts in the Junior Time Scale shall be fixed
completion of probation and any other period specified
in accordance with the rules and orders on the subject and
in that behalf and any other condition which may be
with reference to their merit position as recommended by the
prescribed by the Government.”
Union Public Service Commission based on the Competitive
NOTE 4.—It should be clearly understood by the Examination. Provided that any probationer appointed on the
probationers that the appointment would be subject to any basis of earlier selection shall rank above the persons
change in the constitution of the Indian Revenue Service appointed on the basis of subsequent selection.
(Customs & Central Excise) Group “A” which the Government 5. The acceptance of this appointment in the Indian
of India may think proper to make from time to time and that Defence Accounts Service involves a definite liability for field
they would have no claim for compensation in consequence service in or out of India as well as for service in any part of
of any such change. the country.
7. Indian Defence Accounts Service 6. During the period of probation the officers will
1. Scale of pay : undergo training in three phases : (1) Foundation course at
Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration,
(a) Junior Time Scale (Assistant Controller of Defence Mussoorie or any other equivalent Academy (duration—three
Accounts and equivalent)—Pay Level 10 months), (2) A certificate course in MBA (Finance) at the
(b) Senior Time Scale (Deputy Controller of Defence National Institute of Financial Management, Faridabad
Accounts and equivalent)—Pay Level 11 (duration—10 months), and (3) Departmental training at
National Academy of Defence Financial Management, Pune
(c) Junior Administrative Grade (Joint Controller of
(duration—10 months).
Defence Accounts and equivalent)—Pay Level 12
7. At the end of the training period the officers will be
(d) Junior Administrative Grade (Selecton Grade)
posted as Assistant Controller of Defence Accounts/Assistant
(Additional Controller of Defence Accounts and
Controller of Finance and Accounts (Factories) and equivalent
equivalent)—Pay Level 13
to any one of the following organisations :—
(e) Senior Administrative Grade (Controller of Defence (1) Principal Controller/Controller of Defence Accounts
Accounts and equivalent)—Pay Level 14 (Army Commands).
(f) Principal Controller of Defence Accounts and (2) Principal Controller/Controller of Defence Accounts
equivalent—Pay Level 15 (Air Force).
(g) Additional Controller General of Defence Accounts (3) Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Navy).
and equivalent) Pay Level 16
(4) Principal Controller/Controller of Defence Accounts
(h) Controller General of Defence Accounts (Head of the (Pensions).
Department)—Pay Level 17
(5) Principal Controller Accounts (Ordnance Factories).
2. A Probationary Officer will start at the minimum of (6) Principal Controller/Controller of Defence Accounts
the Time Scale of Pay of Rs. 56,100 at level 10 of pay matrix. (Research and Development).
(7) Principal Controllor/Controller of Defence Accounts shall be restricted to thirty per cent. of senior duty pots in
(Border Roads). the cadre, that is posts in “Level 11 in the Pay Matrix Rs
(8) Integrated Financial Advisors (Army/Navy/Air Force/ 67700-208700” and above. There shall be no increase in the
Border Road/Coast Guard/R & D). overall strength of the cadre and the number of posts to be
(9) Any other Principal Controllor/Controller Officer. operated in the ‘Non-functional Selection’ shall not exceed
8. Indian Revenue Service (I.T.) Group A— the number of posts available in the Junior Administrative
(a) Appointments will be made on probation for a period Grade.”
of 2 years provided that this period may be extended if the During the period of probation an officer will undergo
officer on probation has not qualified for a confirmation by training at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of
passing the prescribed departmental examinations. Repeated Administration, Mussoorie and the National Academy of
failures to pass the departmental examinations within a period Direct Taxes, Nagpur. At the end of the training at Mussoorie,
of 3 years will involve loss of appointment or reversion to his he/she will have to pass the end-of-course test. In addition
substantive post, if any. departmental examination will also have to be passed during
(b) If in the opinion of Government the work or conduct the period of probation. On completion of one year of service
of an officer on probation is unsatisfactory or shows that he his/her pay will be raised to Rs. 8275. On passing the single
is unlikely to become an efficient Income-tax Officer the departmental examination the pay will be raised to Rs. 8550.
Government may discharge him forthwith or may revert him to The pay beyond the stage of Rs. 8550 will not be allowed
its substantive post, if any. unless he/she is confirmed and has completed 3 years of
(c) On the conclusion of his period of probation service subject to such other condition as may be found
Government may confirm the officer in his appoinment or if necessary.
his work or conduct has in the opinion of Government been In case he/she does not pass the end-of-the course test
unsatisfactory. Government may either discharge him from at the Academy, the first increment will be postponed by one
the service or may extend his period of probation for such year from the date on which he/she would have drawn it or up
further period as Government may think fit provided that in to the date on which under the departmental regulations, the
respect of appoinment to temporary vacancies there will be second increment accrues, whichever is earlier.
no claim to confirmation. (1) The seniority amongst direct recruits, inter-se shall
(d) If the power to make appointment in the service is be determined on the basis of performance in the Civil Services
delegated by Government to any officer, that officer may Examination conducted by the Union Public Service
exercise any of the powers of Government described in the Commission, in the Foundational Course and in the
above clauses. Professional Training conducted in the National Academy of
(e) Level in the Pay Matrix or Pay Scale. Direct Taxes, Nagpur and the weightage to be given in such
Sl. Grade Level in the Pay Matix performances would be as indicated in the parenthesis—Civil
No. Services Examination (76.67%), Foundational Course (8.33%)
(1) (2) (3) and Professional Training (15%).
(i) Principal Chief Commissioner of 17 (Rs. 2,25,000) Note.—It should clearly be understood by probationer
Income-tax/Principal Director
that their appointment would be subject to any change in the
General of Income-tax
(ii) Chief Commissioner of Income- 16 (Rs. 2,05,400-2,24,400) constitution of the Indian Revenue Service Group ‘A’ which
tax/Director General of the Government of India may think proper to make from time
Income-tax to time and that they would have no claim for compensation
(iii) Principal Commissioner of 15 (Rs. 1,82,200-2,24,100)
in consequences of any such changes.
Income-tax/Principal Director
of Income-tax 9. Indian Ordnance Factories Service.—Group ‘A’
(iv) Commissioner of Income-tax/ 14 (Rs. 1,44,200-2,18,200) (Administration).—
Director of Income-tax
(v) Additional Commissioner of 13 (Rs. 1,18,500-2,14,100) (a) Selected candidates will be appointed on probation
Income-tax/Additional for a period of 2 years. The period of probation may
Director of Income-tax* be reduced or extended by the Government on the
(vi) Joint Commissioner of 12 (Rs. 78,800-2,09,200)
Income-tax/Joint Director of
recommendation of Director General, Factories/
Income-tax Chairman Ordnance Factory Board. Probationer will
(vii) Deputy Commissioner of 11 (Rs. 67,700-2,08,700) undergo such training as shall be provided by the
Income-tax/Deputy Director Government and are required to pass departmental
of Income-tax
and language test as Government may prescribe.
(viii) Assistant Commissioner of 10 (Rs. 56,100-1,77,500)
Income-tax/Assistant Director The language test will be a test in Hindi. On the
of Income-tax conclusion of period of probation Government
*Note : The number of Posts in 'Non-functional Selection will confirm the officer in his appointment.
Grade' in the “Level 13 in the Pay Matrix Rs. 118500-214100” If, however, during or at the end of the period
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 211
of probation his work or conduct has in the she wishes to resign from the service within a period
opinion of Government been unsatisfactory, of five years from the date of expiry of his/her training/
Government may either discharge him or extend his probation or if he/she withdraws from training/
period of probation for such period as Government probation. A bond to that effect shall be executed by
may think fit. the probationer at the time of appointment.
(b) (i) Selected Candidates shall if so required, be (f) Indian Ordnance Factories Service—Group ‘A’
liable to serve as Commissioned Officers in the consists of the posts or grades or time scales
Armed Forces for a period of not less than four mentioned in 9(c) and comprises of the following
years including the period spent on training, if any categories of officers, namely :—
provided that such persons : (i) shall not be (i) Engineers (Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics and
required to serve as aforesaid after the expiry of ten Telecommunications/Civil)
years from the date of appointment and (ii) shall
(ii) Chemical Engineering
not ordinarily be required to serve as aforesaid after
attaining the age of forty years. (iii) Metallurgical Engineering
(ii) The candidates shall also be subject to (iv) Leather Technologists
Civilians in Defence Services (Field Liability) Rules, (v) Clothing Technicians
1957 published under No. S.R.O. 92 dated (vi) Administrative Officers.
9th March, 1957 as amended. They will be medically
NOTE .—The Administrative Officers are ordinarily recruited
examined in accordance with medical standard laid
through Civil Services, Examination (CSE).
down therein.
Engineers at Sl. No. (i) are ordinarily recruited
(c) The following are the rates of pay admissible :— through Engineering Services. Examination (ESE),
Jr. Time Scale Level-10 in the Pay Matrix Sl. No. (ii) to (v) are recruited through specialist
(Rs. 56,100 - 1,77,500/-) Examination and/or interview conducted by UPSC.
Sr. Time Scale Level-11 in the Pay Matrix 10. Indian Postal Service.—(a) Candidates appointed
(Rs. 67,700 - 2,08,700/-) to the Indian Postal Service will be on probation for a period
Sr. Time Scale (NF) Level-12 in the Pay Matrix of two years.
(Rs. 78,800 - 2,09,200/-) (b) The controlling officer may extend the period of
Jr. Admn. Grade (F) Level-13 in the Pay Matrix probation in accordance with the instructions issued by the
(Rs. 1,23,100 - 2,15,900/-) Government from time to time.
Sr. Admn. Grade Level-14 in the Pay Matrix
(c) Any decision for extension of the probation period
(Rs. 1,44,200 - 2,18,200/-)
shall be taken ordinarily within eight weeks after the expiry of
Sr.GM/Sr. DDG/HAG Level-15 in the Pay Matrix the previous probationary period and communicated in writing
(Rs. 1,82,200 - 2,24,100/-) to the officer concerned together with the reasons for so doing
Addl. DGOF/Member Level-16 in the Pay Matrix within the said period.
(OFB) (Rs. 2,05,400 - 2,24,400/-)
(d) On completion of the probation or any extension
DGOF/Chairman OFB Level-17 in the Pay Matrix
thereof, officer shall, if, considered fit, for permanent
(Rs. 2,25,000/-)
appointment, be retained in his appointment on regular basis
NOTE.—The pay of Government servant who held a and be confirmed in due course against the available
permanent post other than a tenure post in a substantive vacancy, as the case may be.
substantive capacity to his appointment as a
(e) If, during the period of probation or any extension
probation will be regulated as admissible under
thereof, as the case may be, Government is of the opinion that
the rules.
an officer is not fit for permanent appointment, Government
(d) The probationer will draw pay in the prescribed pay in may discharge or revert the officer to the post held by him
Level-10 of the Pay Matrix (i.e. Rs. 56,100-1,77,500/-). prior to his appointment in the service, as the case may be.
During the period of probation, they will be required
(f) During the period of probation or any extension
to undergo training in various branches of Department
thereof, candidate may be required by the Government to
of National Academy of Defence Production Ambajhari,
undergo such courses of training and instructions and to
Nagpur and/or at Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy of
pass examination and tests (including examination in Hindi)
Administration, Mussoorie, or any other institute
as the Government may deem fit, as a condition to satisfactory
identified by DOP&T for that purpose in a foundational
completion of the probation.
course of training.
(g) As regards other matters relating to probation, the
(e) A probationer shall be liable to refund the entire cost
candidates shall be governed by the orders or instructions
of his/her training and any other payments made to
issued by the Government from time to time in this regard.
him/her during the period of training/probation, if he/
(h) Officers appointed to the Service are liable to serve 11. Indian Civil Accounts Service.—(a) Appointment
anywhere, including field service and in the Army Postal will be made on probation for a period of 2 years provided that
Service, in or outside of India. this period may be extended if the officer on probation has not
(i) Details of Sanctioned Posts in Indian Postal Service, qualified for confirmation by passing the prescribed
Group 'A' are as follows : departmental examinations. Repeated failure to pass the
Sl. Grade No. of Level in the Pay Matrix
departmental examinations within a period of four years will
No. Posts involve loss of appointment.
i. Director General Postal 1 17 (Rs. 2,25,000) (b) If in the opinion of Government, the works or
Services, Apex Scale conduct of an officer on probation is unsatisfactory, or shows
ii. Higher Administrative 7 16 (Rs. 2,05,400-2,24,400) that he is unlikely to become efficient, Government may
Grade + [ Members of discharge him forthwith or may revert him to his substantive
the Postal Services
Board/ Additional post, if any.
Director General (c) On the conclusion of his period of probation
(Coordination)] Government may confirm the officer in his appointment or if
iii. Higher Administrative 27 15 (Rs. 1,82,200 - 2,24,100)
his work or conduct has, in the opinion of Government been
iv. Senior Administrative 78 14 (Rs. 1,44,200 - 2,18,200) unsatisfactory. Government may, either discharge him from
Grade the service or may extend his period of probation for such
v. Junior Administrative 13 (Rs. 1,18,500 - 2,14,100) further period as Government may think fit, provided that in
Grade (NFSG) respect of appointments to temporary vacancies there will be
vi. Junior Administrative 109 12 (Rs. 78,800 - 2,09,200) no claim to confirmation.
vii. Senior Time Scale 102 11 (Rs. 67,700 - 2,08,700) (d) It should be clearly understood by the Officer in
viii. Junior Time Scale 151 10 (Rs. 56,100 - 1,77,500) probation that the appointment would be subject to any
ix. Reserves change in the Constitution of the Indian Civil Accounts
Deputation Reserve 51 Service, which the Government of India may think proper to
Training Reserve 30 make from time to time and that they would have no claim for
Leave Reserve 05 compensation in consequence of any such changes.
(e) Scales of pay :—
Sl. Post Grade Scale Corresponding
No. 7th CPC
Pay Level
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. Controller General of Accounts Apex Scale Rs. 26,000 (Fixed) Level-17
2. Additional Controller General of Accounts Higher Administrative Grade+ Rs. 24,050-650-26,000 Level-16
3. Principal Chief Controller of Accounts Higher Administrative Grade Rs. 24,000-525-24,500 Level-15
4. Jt. Controller General of Accounts/ Senior Administrative Grade Rs. 18,400-500-22,400 Level-14
Chief Controller of Accounts
5. Dy. Controller General of Accounts/ Selection Grade (Non-functional)in the Rs. 14,300-400-18,300 Level-13
Controller of Accounts Junior Administrative Grade (NFSG)
6. Dy. Controller General of Accounts/ Junior Administrative Grade Rs. 12,000-375-16,500 Level-12
Controller of Accounts
7. Assistant Controller General of Accounts/ Senior Time Scale Rs. 10,000-325-15,200 Level-11
Dy. Controller of Accounts
8. Assistant Controller of Accounts Junior Time Scale Rs. 8,000-275-13,500 Level-10
NOTE 1.—Probationary officer will start on the minimum 12. Indian Railway Traffic Service :
of the level in the pay matrix of ICAS and will count their 13. Indian Railway Accounts Service :
service for increments from the date of joining.
14. Indian Railway Personnel Service :
NOTE 2.—The pay of Government servant who held a
permanent post other than a tenure post in a substantive 15. Group ‘A’ Posts in the Railway Protection Force :
capacity prior to his appointment as probationer will however (a) Probation.—Candidates recruited to IRTS and IRPS
be regulated in accordance to provisions under Central Civil will be on probation for a period of three years during which
Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 213
they will undergo training for 1½ years and put in a minimum Such notice is not, however, required in cases
of 1½ year’s probation in a working post. If the period of of dismissal or removal as a disciplinary
training has to be extended in any case due to the training measure after compliance with the provisions
having not been completed satisfactorily the total period of of clause (2) of Article 311 of the Constitution
probation will be correspondingly extended. Even if the work and compulsory retirement due to mental or
during the period of probation in the working is found not to physical incapacity. The Government,
be satisfactory, the total period of probation will be extended however, reserve the right to terminate the
as considered. services forthwith.
However, the candidates recruited to the Indian Railway (ii) If in the opinion of the Government, the work
Accounts Service Indian Railway Personnel Service will be or conduct of a probationer is unsatisfactory
appointed as Probationers for a period of 2 years during which
or shows that he is unlikely to become
they will undergo training. If the period of training has to be
efficient. Government may discharge him
extended in any case, due to the training having not been
forthwith or may revert him to his substantive
completed satisfactorily the total period of probation will also
post, if any.
be correspondingly extended.
(b) Training.—All the probationers will be required to (iii) Failure to pass the departmental examinations
undergo training for a period of 1.5 years in accordance with may result in termination of services. Failure
the prescribed training syllabus for the particular Service/post to pass the examination in Hindi or an approved
at such places and in such manner and pass such examination standard within the period of probation shall
during this period as the Government may determine from involve liability to termination of services.
time to time.
(d) Confirmation.—On the satisfactory completion of
(c) Termination of appointment.— the period of probation and on passing all the prescribed
(i) The appointment of probationers can be department and Hindi examinations, the probationer will be
terminated by three months notice in writing confirmed in the Junior Scale of the Service if they are
on either side during the period of probation. considered fit for appointment in all respects.
(e) Scale of pay.—Indian Railway Traffic Service/Indian Railway Accounts Services/Indian Railway Personnel Service
Sl. No. Grade Name of Pay Corresponding Corresponding
Band/Scale Scale Grade Pay
1. Junior Scale PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 Rs. 5400
2. Senior Scale PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 Rs. 6600
3. Junior Administrative Grade PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 Rs. 7600
4. Senior Administrative Grade PB-4 Rs. 37400-67000 Rs. 10000
5. Higher Administrative Grade — Rs. 67000–79000 —
In addition there are supertime scale post carrying pay between Rs. 37400 and Rs. 80000 to which the officers of the above
service are eligible.
Sl. No. Grade Name of Pay Corresponding Corresponding
Band/Scale Scale Grade Pay
1. Junior Scale PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 Rs. 5400
2. Senior Scale PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 Rs. 6600
3. Senior Commandant HQs PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 Rs. 7600
4. Deputy Inspector General PB-4 Rs. 37400-67000 Rs. 8900
5. Inspector General PB-4 Rs. 37400-67000 Rs. 10000
A probationer will start on the minimum of Junior Scale Failure to pass the departmental and other examinations
and will be permitted to count the period spent on probation during the period of probation may result in stoppage or
towards leave, pension and increments in time scale. postponement of increments.
Dearness and other allowances will be admissible in (f) Refund of the Cost of Training.—If for any reason,
accordance with the orders issued by the Government of India which, in the opinion of the Government, are not beyond the
from time to time. control of the probationers, a probationer, wishes to withdraw
from training or probation he shall be liable to refund any discretion, either discharge him from service or if the
moneys paid to him, including the pay and allowances, circumstances of the case so warrant, extend the period of
travelling expenses to join appointment and all expenses that probation for such period as Government may consider fit.
shall or may have been incurred by the Central Government
for the Probationery Training. For this purpose Probationers (iii) On the conclusion of the period of probation
will be required to execute a bond, a copy of which will be Government may confirm an officer in his appointment, or if
enclosed along with their offers of appointment. The
his work or conduct has, in the opinion of Government been
Probationers permitted to apply for appointment to Indian
Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service etc. will not unsatisfactory, Government may either discharge him after
however, be required to refund the cost of training. apprising him of the grounds on which it is proposed to do so
and after giving him an opportunity to show cause in writing
(g) Leave.—Officers of the Service will be eligible for
leave in accordance with the Leave Rules in force from time to before such order is passed or extends the period of probation
time. for such further period Government may consider fit.
(h) Medical attendance.—Officers will be eligible for (d) No annual increment which may become due will be
medical attendance and treatment in accordance with the Rules admissible to a member of the service during his probation
in force from time to time.
unless he has passed the departmental examination. An
(i) Passes and Privilege Ticket Order.—Officers will increment which was not thus drawn will be allowed from the
be eligible for free Railway Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders date of passing of the departmental examination.
in accordance with the Rules in force from time to time.
(j) Provident Fund and Pension.—Candidates recruited (e) In case any of the Probationer does not pass the
to the Service will be governed by the Railway Pension Rules ‘end-of-the-course test’ at Lal Bahadur Shastri National
and shall subscribe to the State Railway Provident Fund (Non- Academy of Administration, Mussorie/National Academy of
contributory) under the rules of that Fund as in force from Direct Taxes, Nagpur/SVP National Police Academy,
time to time. Hyderabad his first increment will be postponed by one year
(k) Candidates recruited to the Service/post are liable from the date on which he would have drawn it or up to the
to serve in any Railway or Project in or out of India. date on which under the departmental regulations, the second
increment accrues whichever is earlier.
NOTE.— Candidates recruited to the Railway Protection
Force will in addition to be governed by the provisions (f) The scale of pay are as under : (Pre-revised)—
contained in the R.P.F. Act, 1957 and the R.P.F. Rules, 1959. Director General Rs. 80,000 [(fixed)(Apex)]
of Defence Estates
16. Indian Defence Estates Service, Group ‘A’.—
(a) (i) A candidate selected for appointment shall be required Principal Director & Equivalent Rs. 67,000-79,000
to be on probation for a period which shall not ordinarily posts, Higher Administrative
exceed 2 years. During this period he shall be required to Grade
undergo such course of training as may be prescribed by Senior Administrative Grade Rs. 37,400-67000 +
Government. G.P. 10,000
Junior Administrative Grade Rs. 37,400-67000 +G.P. 87,00
(ii) The pay of a Government servant who held a
permanent post other than a tenure post in a substantive (Selection Grade)
capacity prior to his appointment as probationer will however Junior Administrative Grade Rs.15,600-39,100+G.P. 7,600
be regulated subject to the provisions of F.R. 22-B(i). (Ordinary)
(b) During the period of probation a candidate will be Senior Time Scale Rs.15,600-39,100+G.P. 6,600
required to pass the prescribed departmental examination. Junior Time Scale Rs.15,600-39,100+G.P. 5,400
(g) (i) In the Junior Time Scale, officers will be normally
(c) (i) If in the opinion of Government, the work or
appointed as Chief Executive Officers in Cantonments notified
conduct of any Officer on probation is unsatisfactory or shows
under the Cantonments Act, 2006/Defence Estates Officers/
that he is unlikely to become efficient, Government may
Staff appointments etc.
discharge him after apprising him the grounds on which it is
proposed to do so and after giving him an opportunity to (ii) In the Senior Time Scale, the officers will either be
show cause in writing before such order is passed. appointed as Chief Exectutive Officers/Defence Estates
Officers of a Circle OR in the Staff appointments etc.
(ii) If at the conclusion of the period of probation an
Officer has not passed the Departmental Examination (h) All promotions from Junior Time Scale to higher
mentioned in sub-para (b) above. Government may, in its scales will be done in accordance with Indian Defence Estates
Service Rules, 1985 as amended from time to time.
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 215
(i) The Indian Defence Estates Service carries with it a (d) (i) Direct recruits to the Junior Grade will be on
definite liability for Service in any part of India as well as for probation for two years. During probation, they will be given
Field Service in India. professional training in the Indian Institute of Mass
Communication, New Delhi for a period of 9 months. The period
(j) A candidate appointed to the service shall be
and nature of training will be liable to alteration by Government.
governed by the Indian Defence Estates Service (Group ‘A’)
During the training, they will have to pass departmental test(s).
Rules, 1985 as amended from time to time.
Failure to pass the departmental test(s) during the training
17. The Indian Information Service, Junior Grade period involves liability to discharge from service or reversion
(Gr. A).—(a) The Indian Information Service consists of posts to substantive post, if any, on which the candidate may hold
all over India including a few abroad in various media lien.
organisations (like Press Information Bureau, Doordarshan.
(ii) On the conclusion of period of probation,
All India Radio, Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity,
Government may confirm the direct recruits in their
Directorate of Field Publicity, etc.) of the Ministry of
appointments in accordance with the rules in force. If the
Information and Broadcasting/Ministry of Defence
work or conduct of an officer on probation is unsatisfactory
(Directorate of Public Relations) requiring management skills
he will be discharged from service or his period of probation
and competency in dealing with the information and its
extended for such period as the Government may deem fit. If
dissemination for and on behalf of the Government so as to
his work or his conduct is such as to show that he is unlikely
educate, motivate and inform the people through different
to become an efficient officer of the service, he may be
media on Government policies and programmes and their
discharged forthwith.
implementation for the social and economic upliftment of the
general masses. The Central Information Service which was (iii) Officers on probation shall start on the minimum of
constituted with effect from 1st March, 1960 has been renamed the time scale of Junior Grade Group A and will count their
as the Indian Information Service in 1987 vide Ministry of service for increment from the date of joining.
I&B’s notification No. G.S.R. 153, dated 7-3-1987.
(e) Government may post an officer to hold a field post
(b) The service has at present the following grades : in any organisation under the Ministry of Information and
Grade Scale of Pay Broadcasting/Ministry of Defence (Directorate of Public
(Pre-revised) Relations).
I.I.S. Group ‘A’ (f) As regards leave, pension and other conditions of
service Officers of the Indian Information Service will be
(i) Higher Grade Rs. 80,000 fixed
treated like other Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ Officers.
(ii) Selection Grade Rs. 67,000-79,000 (Annual
18. The Indian Trade Service, Group ‘A’ —(a)
increment @ 3%).
Appointment to the service will be made on probation for a
(iii) Senior Administrative Rs. 37,400-67000 + period of 2 years which may be extended or curtailed subject
Grade G.P. 10,000 to the conditions. Successful candidates will be required to
undergo prescribed training and instructions and to pass such
(iv) Junior Administrative Rs. 37,400-67000 +
examinations and test (including examination in Hindi) as a
Grade (Non-Functional- G.P. 8,700 condition to satisfactory completion of probation at such place
Selection Grade)
and in such manner during the period of probation as the
Central Government may determine.
(v) Junior Administrative Rs.15,600-39,100+G.P. 7,600
(b) If in the opinion of Government the work or conduct
Grade of a probationer is unsatisfactory or shows he is unlikely to
(vi) Senior Time Scale Rs.15,600-39,100+G.P. 6,600 become efficient, Government may discharge him forthwith or
as the case be, revert him to the permanent post if any to
(vii) Junior Time Scale Rs.15,600-39,100+G.P. 5,400 which he holds the lien or would hold a lien had it not been
suspended under the rules applicable to him prior to his
appointment to the service or such orders as they think fit.
(c) “The remaining vacancies in the Grade and also
vacancies in the Higher Grade, Selection Grade, Senior (c) On satisfactory completion of his period of
Administrative Grade, Junior Administrative Grade and Senior probation, Government may confirm the officer in the service
Grade are filled up by promotion by selection from amongst if his work or conduct has in the opinion of Government been
officers holding duty posts in the next lower grade”. unsatisfactory, Government may either, discharge him from
the service or extend the period of probation for such further
period subject to certain conditions as Government may think (d) An officer appointed to the JTS of the Service shall
fit : be liable to service anywhere in India or outside. Officers if
Provided that in cases where it is proposed to extend deputed shall be liable to serve in any other Ministry or
the period of probation, the Government shall give notice in Department of the Government of India or Corporation and
writing of its intention to do so to the officer. Industrial Undertaking of Government.
3. Non-Functional Selection Grade Pay Band-4 Rs. 37,400-67,000+G.P. 8,700 (NFSG) & Level-13 (NFSG) &
(NFSG)/Junior Administrative Grade (JAG)/ Pay Band-3 Rs. 15,600-39,100 +G.P. 7,600 (JAG) Level-12 (JAG)
(Joint Director General of Foreign Trade)
4. Senior Time Scale (STS) Pay Band-3 Rs. 15,600-39,100+G.P. 6,600 Level-11
(Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade)/
Under Secretary
5. Junior Time Scale (JTS) Pay Band-3 Rs. 15,600-39,100 +G.P. 5,400 Level-10
(Assistant Director General of Foreign Trade)
The service in all the five grades is controlled by the Ministry (g) Provident Funds—Officers appointed in the Grade
of Commerce. The Directorate General of Foreign Trade, New III of Indian Trade Service shall be eligible to join the General
Delhi which is an attached office of the Ministry of Commerce, Provident Fund (Central Services) and shall be governed by
Government of India, is the user organisation of the service. the rules in force regulating the Fund.
Officers belonging to JTS of ITS of the service will (h) Leave—Officer appointed to the JTS of ITS of Indian
normally be heads of Sections while officers of STS of ITS will Trade Services will be governed by the CCS (Leave) Rules,
normally by in charge of branches consisting of one or more 1972 as amended from time-to-time.
Sections. (i) Medical Attendance—Officers of the JTS of ITS of
Officers belonging to JTS of ITS of the service will be Indian Trade Service will be governed by the Civil Service
eligible for promotion to STS of ITS of the service in (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 as amended from time-to-
accordance with the rules in force time-to-time. time.
Officers belonging to STS of ITS of the service will be (j) Retirement benefits—Officers of the JTS of ITS of
eligible for appointment to JAG of ITS of the service or to Indian Trade Service will be governed by the CCS (Pension)
other higher administrative posts in the Central Government Rules, 1972 as amended from time-to-time.
or in Corporation/Undertaking of the Government.
(k) Central Government Employees Group Insurance
Officers belonging to JAG of ITS of the service will be Scheme, 1980—Officers appointed to the JTS of ITS of Indian
eligible for appointment to non-functional Selection Grade Trade Service will be governed by the Central Government
and for promotion to Sr. Administrative Grade (Addl. DGFT) Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980.
in accordance with the rules in force from time-to-time.
19. Indian Corporate Law Service.—(a) Appointments
(f) Direct Recruitment to JTS of ITS of the service is will be made on probation for a period of two years which may
made to fill 50 per cent permanent vacancies in that Grade in be extended subject to certain conditions.Successful
accordance with the Recruitment Rules for the service through candidates will be required to undergo prescribed training at
Combined Civil Services Examination conducted by UPSC. such places and in such manner and pass such examination
The remaining 50% vacancies are filled through promotion
from amongst feeder grades.
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 217
during the period of probation as the Central Government 20. The Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service, Section
may determine. Officers, Grade, Group B.
(b) If in the opinion of Govemment, the work or (a) Upon recruitment, the officers will be under probation
conduct of a probationer is unsatisfactory or shows that he is for a period of two years. During the period of probation, or
unlikely to become efficient, Government may discharge him any extension thereof, officers may be required to undergo
forthwith or, as the case may be, revert to the permanent post, such courses of training and instructions and to pass such
on which he holds a lien or would hold a lien had it not been examination and tests, as it may deem fit, as a condition to
suspended under the rules applicable to him prior to his satisfactory completion of the probation, (Rule 10-I (4) of
appointment to the Service. AFHQ Civil Service Rules, 2001).
(c) On satisfactory completion of his period of (b) For any other matter relating to probation, the number
probation, Government may confirm the officer in the
of the service shall be governed by the instructions issued by
Service or if his work or conduct has, in the opinion of
the government in this regard from time to time (Rule 10-I (5)
Government, been unsatisfactory, Government may either,
of AFHQ Civil Service Rules, 2001).
discharge him from the Service or may extend his period of
probation for such further period, subject to certain (c) The officers of AFHQ Civil Service will be posted in
conditions as Government may think fit. Integrated Headquarter of the Ministry of Defence (Army,
(d) An officer belonging to the Indian Corporate Law Navy and Air), Integrated Defence Staff Headquarters, the
Service will be liable to serve anywhere in India or abroad Inter-Service Organisations under the Ministry of Defence
under the Central Government. and the Secretariat of the Ministry of Defence. The officers
will also be posted in the establishments related to defence,
(e) Scales of pay :—
which are located outside Delhi.
Grade Scale of Pay
(d) Grades and Scales of Pay :—
(i) Junior Time Scale Rs.15,600-39,100+
G.P. 5,400 Sl. Grade of the Service Service Level in the
No. Classification Pay Matrix
(ii) Senior Time Scale Rs.15,600-39,100+
G.P. 6,600 1. Principal Director Group A Level-14
(iii) Junior Administrative Grade Rs.15,600-39,100+ 2. Director Group A Level-13
G.P. 7,600
3. Joint Director Group A Level-12
(iv) Junior Administrative Grade Rs. 37,400-67000 +
4. Deputy Director Group A Level-11
(Non Functional Selection Grade) G.P. 8,700
(iv) Senior Administrative Grade Rs. 37,400-67000 + Non-Functional Scale Level-10 (on Comple-
tion of 4 years of
G.P. 10,000
approved service
(v) Higher Administrative Grade Rs. 67,000-79,000 (Annual subject to vigilance
increment @ 3%). clearance)
Dearness allowance will be admissible in accordance 5. Section Officer Group B Gazetted Level-8
with the orders issued by the Central Government from time- (e) The Section Officer grade is classified as Central
Civil Service Group ‘B’ Gazetted post. Further, the posts of
A probationer will start on the junior time scale and be Principal/Director, Director, Joint Director and Deputy Director
permitted to count the period spent on probation towards are classified as Central Civil Service Group ‘A’ posts and
leave, pension or increment in the time scale. belong to Armed Force Headquarters Civil Service (Group
(f) The conditions of service of the members of the ‘A’.
Service will be regulated in accordance with the Indian (f) As regards Leave, Pension and other conditions of
Corporate Law Service Rules, 2015. The conditions of service service, officers of the Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service
of the members of the Service in respect of matters for which
will be governed by the rules, regulations and orders in force
no provision has been made in the Indian Corporate Law
from time to time in respect of civilian officers paid from Defence
Service Rules, 2008 shall be the same as are applicable from
Service Estimates.
time to time, to the Group ‘A’ Officers of the Central Civil
(e) Section Officers Grade will be eligible for promotion 21. NCT of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
to the Grade of Deputy Directors in accordance with the rules Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli
in force from time to time in this behalf. Civil Service—Group-B
(f) Deputy Directors of the Armed Forces Headquarters (a) Appointments will be made on probation for a period
Civil Service will be eligible for appointment to the Joint of two years, which may be extended at the discretion
Director Grade of the Service and to other administrative post of the competent authority. Candidates appointed on
in accordance with the rules in force from time-to-time in this probation will be required to undergo such training
behalf. and pass such departmental tests as the Central
(g) Joint Directors of the Armed Forces Headquarters Government may prescribe.
Civil Service will be eligible for appointment to the post of (b) If in the opinion of the Government, the work or
Director of the Service and to other administrative posts in conduct of an Officer appointed to the Service on
accordance with the rules in force from time-to-time in this probation is found unsatisfactory or shows that he is
behalf. unlikely to become an efficient Government servant,
(h) Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service has four the Central Government may discharge him forthwith
posts of Principal Director [Group ‘A’, PB-4, 37400-67000, without assigning any reasons.
Grade Pay Rs. 10000 (Pre-revised Rs. 18400-500-22400) above (c) An officer who has been declared to have satisfactorily
the level of Director. These four posts are filled by promotions completed the period of his probation shall be
from amongst Directors with three years approved service. confirmed in the Service. However, if his work or
(i) As regards leave, pension and other conditions of conduct has, in the opinion of the Central Government,
service officers of the Armed Forces Headquarters Civil been found unsatisfactory, the Central Government
Service will be governed by the rules, regulations and orders may either discharge him from the service or may extend
in force from time to time in respect of civilians paid from his period of probation for such further period as it
Defence Service Estimates. may think fit.
An officer recruited on the results of the Competitive allowances at the rates as may be prescribed by the
Examination shall, on appointment to the Entry Grade of the Central Government from time to time.
Service, draw pay at the minimum of the scale prescribed for
initial appointment to the said grade : (f) Officers appointed to the Service shall be governed
by the provisions of the NCT of Delhi, Andaman and
Provided that if he held a post, other than a tenure Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and
post, under the Central Government or the State Dadra and Nagar Haveli Civil Service Rules, 2003 and
Governments prior to his appointment to the Service, such other regulations or instructions as may be
his pay shall be regulated under the provisions of the issued by the Central Government from time to time
Fundamental Rules. for the purpose of giving effect to these Rules. In
(e) Officers of the Service are entitled to get Dearness regard to matters not specifically covered by the
Pay, Dearness Allowance, City Compensatory aforesaid Rules or Regulations and Orders, they shall
Allowance, House Rent Allowance and such other be governed by the Rules or Regulations and Orders
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 219
An officer recruited on the results of the Competitive governed by the Rules, Regulations and Orders
Examination shall, on appointment to the Entry Grade of the applicable to corresponding officers serving in
Service, draw pay at the minimum of the scale prescribed for connection with the affairs of the Union.
initial appointment to the said grade :
23. Pondicherry Civil Service, Group B
Provided that if he held a post, other than a tenure
(a) Appointments will be made on probation for a period
post, under the Central Government or the State
of two years, which may be extended at the discretion
Governments prior to his appointment to the Service,
of the competent authority. Candidates appointed on
his pay shall be regulated under the provisions of the
probation will be required to undergo such training
Fundamental Rules.
and pass such departmental tests as the administrator
(e) Officers of the Service are entitled to get Dearness of the Union Territory of Pondicherry may prescribe.
Pay, Dearness Allowance, City Compensatory
(b) If in the opinion of the administrator, the work or
Allowance, House Rent Allowance and such other
conduct of an Officer on probation is unsatisfactory
allowances at the rates as may be prescribed by the or shows that he is unlikely to become efficient, the
Central Government from time to time.
administrator may discharge him forthwith or may
(f) Officers appointed to the Service shall be governed by revert him to his substantive post, if any.
the provisions of the NCT of Delhi, Andaman and
(c) The officer who has been declared to have
Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman and
satisfactorily completed the period of his probation
Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli Police Service Rules,
may be confirmed in the Service. If his work or conduct
2003 and such other regulations or instructions as
has in the opinion of the administrator been
may be issued by the Central Government from time to unsatifactory, he may either discharge him from the
time for the purpose of giving effect to these Rules. In
Service or may extend his period of probation for such
regard to matters not specifically covered by the
further period as the administrator may think fit.
aforesaid Rules or Regulations or Orders, they shall be
(d) A person recruited on the results of competitive of India. Rule 21 of these rules provide that a candidate must
examination shall on appointment to the Service draw be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical
pay at the minimum of the scale of pay Rs. 6500-200- defect likely to interfere with the discharge of his duties as an
10500. officer of the service. A candidate, who after such medical
examination as the Central Government or the Appointing
(e) Scales of pay (Pre-revised) :—
Authority, as the case may be, may prescribe, is found not to
(i) On initial appointment —Rs. 6500-200-10500 satisfy these requirements, will not be appointed. A candidate
called for the Personality Test by the Commission is required
(ii) On fulfilling the —Rs. 8000-275-13500
to undergo medical examination. Thus Medical examination is
residence requirement
one of the most important factors for allocation of service and
of 4 years
therefore completion of medical examination expeditiously is
(iii) On fulfilling the —Rs. 10000-325-15200 essential for timely and smooth service allocation.
residence requirement
1.2. These regulations relating to the physical examinations
of 8 years
of candidates are published for the convenience of candidates
(iv) On fulfilling the —Rs. 12000-375-16500 and to enable them to ascertain for themselves their
residence requirement possessing the required physical standard. These regulations
of 13 years are also intended to provide guidelines to the medical examiners
conducting the medical examination.
(v) On fulfilling the —Rs. 14300-400-18300
residence requirement 1.3. All kinds of notices and information relating to the
of 18 years medical exanimation would be posted on the dedicated web
page of the DoPT and of the candidate concerned on the
A person recruited on the results of the Competitive
DoPT web site. The candidate is advised to check this webpage
Examination shall, on appointment to the Service, draw pay
frequently to get uptodate information on various matters
in the entry grade scale of pay only :
related to medical examination for the CSE.
Provided that if he held a permanent post other than a
2. The Medical Examination shall be conducted by the
tenure post in a substantive capacity prior to his appointment
Government in New Delhi in the hospitals as to be decided as
to the Service, his pay during the period of his probation in
per requirement. The decision of the Government regarding
Service shall be regulated under the provisions of sub-rule (1)
the date, venue and suitability of the Candidate for
of Rule 22-B of the Fundamental Rules. The pay and
appointment to a service shall be final.
increments in the case of other persons appointed to the
Service shall be regulated in accordance with the Fund- 2.1. Designated Hospitals to conduct Medical Test would
amental Rules. be conducted in viz. Safdarjung Hospital, Dr. Ram Manohar
Lohia Hospital, Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital,
(f) Officers of the Service are eligible for promotion to
Sucheta Kriplani Hospital, Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, Deen
posts in the senior scale of the Indian Administrative
Dayal Upadhyay Hospital, B.R. Ambedkar Hospital, AIIMS,
Service in accordance with the Indian Administrative
New Delhi, etc. The decision of the Government regarding the
Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations,
date, venue and suitability of the Candidate for appointment
to a service shall be final.
(g) Officers of the Service are governed by Pondicherry
2.2. Lady candidates may be examined in any of the above
Civil Service Rules, 1967 and such other regulations
mentioned hospitals.
as may be made or instruction issued by Administrator
for the purpose of giving effect to those rules. 2.3. Candidates belonging to Persons with Benchmark
Disability as per their application for Civil Services Preliminary
Note : Nature of duties in the participating Services varies
Examination (CSPE) would be examined in any of the above
with the post held by the officer, i.e. assignments are
Hospitals mentioned Hospitals (para 2.1)
different for different post held by the officer.
2.4. Candidates requiring Appellate Specialized Medical
Board for eye conditions may be sent to Guru Nanak Eye
3. General Guidelines for all Candidates
1. Introduction
3.1. Candidates will be intimated to present themselves before
Civil Services Examination is conducted in terms of the the Central Standing Medical Board (CSMB) constituted for
provisions of Civil Services Examination (CSE) Rules notified the purpose of conducting medical examination for
by Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), Government determination of his/her mental and physical status and on
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 221
the basis of this determination a candidate will be given time and date. Leaving the medical examination
recommended as fit/unfit for all services or temporarily unfit incomplete would render the candidate liable for cancellation
or unfit for technical services. The following instructions are of his/her candidature. The candidate should leave the medical
to be kept in mind by the candidate while approaching the examination only after obtaining a relieving letter in the
CSMB: prescribed format (Annexure-I) to be issued by the Chairman,
CSMB or his authorised representative and is required to keep
3.1.1. Before approaching the CSMB for medical examination,
this in his/her possession as a proof of his/her completing the
candidates are expected to prepare themselves well in advance
Medical Examination.
to avoid any adverse consequences as per instructions
detailed below: 3.1.3. A candidate’s medical examination report along with
the recommendations is also to be published in the dedicated
a. Candidate should come fasting for 10 hours or more
webpage of the candidate which is accessible only to the
on the day of Medical Examination.
candidate concerned through his/her password on DoPT’s
b. Candidate should come without taking any medicine website within 7 (seven) working days from the date of receipt
on the day of Medical Examination. of medical reports from the hospital to DoPT.
c. Candidate should bring along the spectacles, if any, 3.1.4. In case of dissatisfaction/disagreement with the
being used by him/her along with the prescription report of the medical examination/medical test and its
for the same. recommendations, the candidate may prefer an appeal to DoPT
online to reach DOPT within 7 (seven) working days from the
d. Candidate using Contact Lenses should stop using date of publication of his/her medical report on the website.
them at least 48 hours before the day of medical Candidate filing an appeal against the decision of the CSMB
examination. may, if he/she likes enclose medical certificate in support of
e. Candidate should bring along Hearing Aid, if any, his/her claim of being fit through his registerd email. The
being used by him/her and its latest audiometry Medical Examination by the Appellate Medical Board would
report. be arranged at Delhi only and no travelling allowance or daily
allowance or any allowance for lodging or boarding etc., will
f. Candidate belonging to Persons with Benchmark be admissible for the journeys performed in connection with
Disability category is advised to bring along the the medical examination etc. No fee will be charged for filing
appliances being used by him/her for his/her an appeal against the findings of the CSMB.
3.1.5. Candidate filing an appeal will be assigned an
g. Candidate should bring along prescription for any Appellate Medical Board by the DoPT and he /she will have
kind of medicine being taken by him/her on regular to present him/her before this Board on the date and time
basis. indicated in the notice for the same which will be uploaded in
h. Candidate should bring along records of any surgical the website on the dedicated page for the candidate concerned.
procedure he/she has undergone in the past. No separate notice by post or mail would be sent. Failure to
appear before the Appellate Medical Board on the appointed
i. Candidate should bring along the ‘Disability day would amount to forfeiture of the opportunity of appeal
Certificate’, if any, issued to him/her by any Disability for the candidate and as a consequence the recommendation
Medical Board in the past. of CSMB would be final. The recommendation of this Appellate
j. Any other relevant record a candidate may like to Medical Board would be final and no appeal would lie against
bring to the notice of the Central Standing Medical the opinion of this Appellate Medical Board.
Board. 3.1.6. As at 3.1.3 above, a candidate’s appellate medical
k. The candidate will be required to make a statement examination report along with the recommendations could be
as per format provided at para-18 prior to his/her made available to the candidate after the medical examination
Medical Examination and must sign the Declaration is also to be published in the dedicated webpage which is
appended thereto. accessible only to the candidate concerned through his/her
password on DoPT’s website within 7 (seven) working days
l. Candidate should submit to the Chairman of the from the date of receipt of his/her medical reports from the
Medical Board ten passport size photographs with hospital to DoPT.
white background
4. General Guidelines for Persons with Benchmark
3.1.2. Candidate is expected to participate and cooperate Disability category
with the procedure of medical examination as advised by the
Physical and mental standards essential for various
medical examiner during the course of his/her physical
posts under civil services in case of candidate with physical/
examination. If advised by the medical examiner, he/she has to
mental infirmity are governed by the notifications under RPwD
present himself/herself before any other Medical Board on a
Act, 2016 by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. Lodging allowance, etc. will be admissible for the
The following guidelines may be kept in mind by a candidate journeys performed in connection with the medical
belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability category: examination. No fee will be charged for filing an appeal
(i) A Candidate would be eligible to apply against services against the findings of the CSMB.
reserved for PH category who suffers permanently from (vi) Candidate filing an appeal will be assigned an Appellate
not less than 40 percent of relevant benchmark disability. Disability Medical Board by the DoPT and he /she will
A candidate who wants to avail the benefit of reservation have to present him/her before this Board on the date
would have to apply in the prescribed format (Annexure- and time indicated in the notice for the same which will
II) to the competent authority for issue of a ‘Certificate be uploaded in the website on the dedicated page for
of Disability’ as per the procedure mentioned in Rights the candidate concerned. No separate notice by post
of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017 and related would be sent. Failure to appear before the Appellate
guidelines of the Government amended from time to Disability Medical Board on the appointed day would
time. A candidate holding such a certificate of disability amount to forfeiture of the opportunity of appeal for the
would be eligible to apply for Preliminary Examination candidate and as a consequence the recommendation
under CSE, 2018. of CSMB would be final. The recommendation of this
(ii) Candidates holding a certificate of disability issued by Appellate Disability Medical Board would be final and
a competent authority would be advised to present no appeal would lie against the opinion of this Appellate
themselves before the Central Standing Medical Disability Medical Board.
Boards(CSMB) of the hospital to be decided by 5. Categories of Services
Government for their medical examination under these
Regulations. The services within the Civil Services Examination have
been grouped into Technical and Non-Technical categories
(iii) The Medical Board shall, after due examination, give a as shown below:—
permanent certificate of disability in cases of permanent
A. TECHNICAL SERVICES : Following services are
disability. A candidate’s medical examination report along
treated as Technical Services requiring special medical status
with the recommendations could be made available to
in terms of vision, height, chest, chest expansion etc:-
the candidate after the medical examination which is
also to be published in the dedicated webpage which is (1) Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS), Group-A’
accessible only to the candidate concerned through
(2) Indian Police Service (IPS), Group-’A’
his/her password on DoPT’s website within 7 (seven)
working days from the date of receipt of his/her medical (3) Delhi Andaman and Nicobar Police Service (DANIPS),
reports from the hospital. Group-’B’
(iv) No refusal of ‘Certificate of Disability’ shall be made (4) Pondicherry Police Service (PONDIPS), Group-’B’
unless an opportunity of ‘being heard’ is given to the (5) Railway Protection Force (RPF), Group-A’.
candidate. On representation by the Person with
Benchmark Disability applicant, the CSMB concerned (6) Indian Ordnance Factory Service (IOFS), Group ‘A’
may review its decision having regard to all the facts B. NON-TECHNICAL SERVICES
and circumstances of the case and pass such orders in
the matter as it thinks fit. Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Group-‘A’, Indian
Foreign Service (IFS) , Group-‘A’, Indian Audit & Accounts
(v) In case of dissatisfaction/disagreement with the report Service ( IA&AS) , Group-‘A’, Indian Revenue Service
of the medical examination/medical test and its (Customs and Central Excise) , Group-‘A’, Indian Civil
recommendations, the candidate may prefer an appeal Accounts Service, Group-‘A’, Indian Railway Accounts
to DoPT online to reach DoPT within 7 (seven) working Service, Group-‘A’, Indian Railway Personnel Service,
days from the date of publication of his/her medical Group-‘A’, Indian Defence Accounts Service, Group-‘A’,
report in the website. Candidates filing an appeal against Indian Revenue Service (Income Tax), Group-‘A’, Indian Postal
the decision of the CSMB may, if they like enclose Service, Group-‘A’, Indian Defence Estates Service Group ‘A’,
medical certificate in support of their claim of being fit, Indian Postal & Telegraph Accounts and Finance Service,
may send this certificate through registerd email. The Group A, Indian Corporate Law Services, Group-‘A’, Indian
Medical Examination by the Appellate Medical Board Information Service, Group-‘A’, Indian Trade Service, Group- ‘A’,
would be arranged at Delhi only and no travelling DANICS, Group -‘B’, PONDICS, Group-‘B’, Armed Forces
allowance or daily allowance or any kind of Boarding or Headquarters (AFHQ) Civil Service, Group-‘B’.
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 223
6. Medical Boards- Constitution & Function pointing Authority as the case may be that he/she has
no disease, constitutional affliction, or infirmity of body
I. The Central Government shall constitute Central
or mind, making him/her unfit or likely to make him/her
Standing Medical Boards (CSMB) in the seven unfit for that Service.
designated hospitals for conduct of medical examination
of candidates in CSE. iii. It should be understood that the question of fitness
involves the future as well as present and that one of
II. In case of doubt regarding health of a candidate the the main objectives of medical examinations is to secure
Chairman of the CSMB may consult a suitable Hospital continuous effective service, and in the case of
Specialist in the designated hospital to decide the issue candidates for permanent appointment, to prevent early
of fitness or unfitness of the candidate for Government pension or payments in case of pre-mature death. It is at
Service e.g. if a candidate is suspected to be suffering the same time to be noted that the question is one of the
from any mental defect or aberration, the Chairman of likelihood of continuous effective service and the
the Board may consult a Psychiatrist, Psychologist, etc. rejection of a candidate need not be advised on account
in the designated hospital. of the presence of a defect which in only a small
III. When any defect is found it must be noted in the proportion of cases is found to interfere with continuous
certificate and the medical examiner should state his effective service.
opinion whether or not it is likely to interfere with the iv. A Lady Doctor will be co-opted as a member of the
efficient performance of the duties which will be required Medical Board whenever a woman candidate is to be
of the candidate. examined.
IV. The decision of the Chairman of the Central Standing v. In case where a candidate is declared unfit for appoint-
Medical Board (conducting the medical examination of ment in the Government Service the ground for rejec-
the concerned candidate) about the fitness of the tion may be communicated to the candidate and a copy
candidate shall be final. of the complete report may be provided to the candi-
date under receipt, through DOPT.
V. In case, the candidate is not satisfied with the findings
of the CSMB he/she may file an appeal in which case vi. In case where a Medical Board considers that a tempo-
the Appellate Medical Board (AMB) will conduct the rary disability disqualifying a candidate for Government
medical examination in case of the concerned candidate. Service can be cured by treatment (medical or surgical)
a statement to the effect should be recorded by the
VI. Appellate Medical Board (AMB) will comprise members
Medical Board. There is no objection to a candidate
who would generally be higher in rank and position vis-
being informed of the Board’s opinion to the effect by
a-vis those included in Central Standing Medical Boards
the DoPT and when a cure has been effected it will be
and the same would invariably be headed by HOD.
open to the DoPT to ask for another Medical Board.
VII. Government shall constitute CSMB in the designated
vii. In the case of candidate who is to be declared ‘Tempo-
hospitals prescribed in para 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 of these rarily Unfit’, the period specified for re-examination
regulations to issue the Certificate of Disability in the should not ordinarily exceed six months at the maxi-
prescribed form to candidates with Benchmark Disability mum. On re-examination after the specified period, the
in designated hospitals and also to conduct the regular said candidate should not be declared temporarily unfit
medical examination of candidates with Benchmark
for a further period but a final decision in regard to his/
Disability in terms of these regulations.
her fitness for appointment or otherwise should be given.
VIII. Government would also constitute Appellate Disability viii. CSMB during Medical Examination may refer to any
Medical Board (ADMB) for examination of PH other Specialty Department for opinion, if required.
candidates on their appeal.
ix. For Ophthalmic conditions candidate will be referred to
7. General Guidelines for Medical Boards:- Special Ophthalmic Board.
(a) The following intimation is made for the guidance of the x. Candidates having Certificate of disability and who have
Medical Examination :— applied against Physically Handicapped (PH) Category
will be referred to the respective “Specialized Disability
i. The standard of physical fitness to be adopted should
Medical Board.”
make due allowance for the age and length of service, if
any, of the candidate concerned. xi. Final opinion will be provided by Chairman of CSMB
after taking inputs from any Specialty Department/Spe-
ii. No person will be deemed qualified for admission to the
cialized Medical Board on case to case basis.
Civil Service who shall not satisfy Government or Ap-
xii. In case a Candidate is not satisfied with the opinion of Police Services and Group ‘A’ Post in Railway Protection Force.
the Chairman of the CSMB, he may appeal to DOPT as Men —160 cms.
per laid down existing procedure. Women —145 cms.
xiii. Such Candidates going into Appeal may be referred to 8. The candidate’s height will be measured as follows:
the Appellate Medical/ Specialized Disability Medical He/she will remove his/her shoes and be placed against
Board of a designated Hospital other than the one in the standard with his/her feet together and the weight thrown
which previous Medical Examination was conducted. on the heels and not on the toe or other sides of the feet. He/
xiv. On receiving the Appeal the MS of the Hospital will get she will stand erect without rigidity and with heels calves
the Candidate examined by Standing Specialized Medi- buttocks and shoulder touching the standard; the chin will be
cal Board of the particular specialty for which the candi- depressed to bring the vertex of the head level under the
date was made ‘Unfit’ in the previous Hospital, through horizontal bar and the height will be recorded in centimeters
Chairman of the CSMB of the Hospital. and parts of a centimeter more than half would be rounded off
to one and less than half to zero.
xv. Report as submitted by the Chairman of the CSMB will 9. The candidate’s chest will be measured as follows:
be forwarded to DOPT by the MS of the Hospital.
He/she will be made to stand erect with his/her feet
(b) In the matter of co-relation of age, height and chest together and to raise arms over his/her head. The tape will be
girth of candidates of India (including Anglo-Indian race), it is so adjusted arround the chest that its upper edge touches the
left to the CSMB to use whatever correlation figure are inferior angles of the shoulder blades behind and lies in the
considered most suitable as a guide in the examination of the same horizontal plane when the tape is taken round the chest.
candidates. If there be any disproportion with regard to height, The arms will then be lowered to hang loosely by the side and
weight and chest girth, the candidates should be hospitalized care will be taken that the shoulders are not thrown upwards
for investigation and X-ray of the chest taken and examined or backwards so as to displace the tape. The candidate will
before a medical opinion regarding the candidate is given then be directed to take a deep inspiration several times and
with respect to his/her fitness. the maximum expansion of the chest will be carefully noted
(c) However, for certain services minimum standard for and the minimum and maximum will then be recorded in
height and chest girth without which candidates cannot be centimeters 84-89, 86-93.5 etc. In recording the measurements
accepted, are as follows: of fractions of less than half a centimeter should be rounded
off to zero and more than half to one.
Height Chest Expansion N.B.-The height and chest of the candidates should be
girth fully measured twice before coming to a final decision.
10. The candidate’s weight will be measured as follows:
(1) (2) (3) (4)
The candidate will also be weighed and his weight re-
(1) Indian Railway 152 cm* 84 cm 5 cm (for men)
Traffic Service(s)
corded in kilograms. Fractions of half a kilogram should be
150 cm* 79 cm 5 cm (for women) rounded off to zero and more than half a kilogram should be
rounded off to one.
(2) Indian Police 165 cm ** 84 cm 5 cm (for men)
11. The candidate’s eye-sight will be tested in accordance
Service, Group ‘A’
Post in Railway with the following rules.
Protection Force (a) The result of each test would be recorded.
and other Central 150 cm** 79 cm 5 cm (for women)
Police Services (i) General—The candidate’s eyes will be submitted to a
Group ‘A’ & general examination directed to the detection of any
Group ‘B’ disease or abnormality. The candidate will be rejected if
he suffers from any morbid conditions of eye, eyelids or
* The following relaxed minimum height is prescribed in the
contiguous structure of such a sort as to render or are
case of candidates belonging to Schedule Tribes and to races
likely at future date to render him unfit for service.
such as Gorkhas, Garhwalis, Assamese, Kumaonis, Nagaland
Tribal etc. whose average height is distinctly lower. (ii) Visual Acuity—The examination for determining the
acuteness of vision includes two tests—one for distant
Men —150 cms the other for near vision. Each eye will be examined
Women —148 cms separately.
**The following relaxed minimum height standard in case of (b) There shall be no limit for maximum naked eye vision
candidates belonging to the Scheduled Tribes and to the races but the naked eye vision of the candidates shall however be
such as Gorkhas, Assamese, Kumaonis, Nagaland are recorded by the CSMB or other medical authority in every
applicable to Indian Police Service and Group ‘A,’ Group ‘B’ case, as it will furnish the basic information in regard to the
condition of the eye.
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 225
(c) The following standards are prescribed for distant and near (ii) For cases of myopia up to 6D fundus examination
vision with or without glasses for different types of services. should be done and if the candidate is having only
(i) The candidates who have Myopia of more than 6.00 D peripheral degenerative changes which can be treated
including spherical & cylindrical error should be referred then the candidate should be declared temporarily un-
to Special Ophthalmic Board. The SOB will examine the fit till the candidate gets treated. However if degenera-
candidate for degenerative changes in retina (indirect tive changes are only in periphery and require no treat-
ophthalmoscopy as well as direct ophthalmoscopy and
ment then the candidate should be declared fit. This is
if the macular area is healthy then the candidate should
for both technical services and non-technical services.
be declared fit. If the candidate is having only peripheral
degenerative changes which can be treated then the (d) Field of Vision: The field of vision shall be tested in
candidate should be declared temporarily unfit till the respect of all services by the confrontation method. When
candidate gets treated. However if degenerative changes such test gives unsatisfactory or doubtful result the field of
are only in periphery and require no treatment then the vision should be determined on the perimeter.
candidate should be declared fit.
Table — Standards for distant and near Vision for Class of Service
1. Distant vision 6/6 or 6/9 6/12 or 6/9 6/6 or 6/9 6/18 to Nil or 6/12
3. Types of corrections Spectacles, CL and Refractive surgery* Spectacles, CL and Refractive surgery like Lasik,
permitted like Lasik, ICL, IOL etc. ICL, IOL etc.
4. Limits of refractive error permitted No limit However the candidates who have No limit However the candidates who have
Myopia of more than 6.00 D including spherical Myopia of more than 6.00 D including spherical
& cylindrical error should be referred to special & cylindrical error should be referred to special
Myopia Board. The board will examine the Myopia Board. The board will examine the
candidate for degenerative changes in retina candidate for degenerative changes in retina
(indirect ophthalmoscopy as well as direct (indirect ophthalmoscopy as well as direct
ophthalmoscopy) and if the macular area is ophthalmoscopy) and if the macular area is
healthy then the candidate should be declared healthy then the candidate should be declared fit.
fit. If the candidate is having only peripheral If the candidate is having only peripheral
degenerative changes which can be treated then degenerative changes which can be treated then
the candidate should be declared temporarily unfit the candidate should be declared temporarily unfit
till the candidate gets treated. However if till the candidate gets treated. However if
degenerative changes are only in periphery and degenerative changes are only in periphery and
require no treatment then the candidate should require no treatment then the candidate should
be declared fit. be declared fit.
The candidates who have myopia up to 6.00 D The candidates who have myopia up to 6.00 D
without any involvement of macular area of without any involvement of macular area of
retina then these candidates are fit and those retina then these candidates are fit and those
who have macular degenerative changes will be who have macular degenerative changes will be
declared unfit. declared unfit.
(e) Night Blindness : If Night Blindness is detected on (f) Colour Vision : Colour Vision will be examined with the
History and Fundus examination in any candidate he/she help of following two techniques :—
should be examined by the Special Ophthalmic Board. 1. Edrige Green’s Lantern technique:
Condition should be confirmed by Electroretinography (ERG). Colour perception should be graded into higher and
Night Blindness will be a ground for making a candidate ‘Unfit’ lower grade depending upon the size of aperture in the lantern
for Technical Services. as described in the table below :—
Medical Board feels necessary, further specific tests can be (b) Doppler for peripheral vascular diseases (Arterial)
done after admission of the candidate. Candidate will be (c) TMT- if required
declared ‘Fit’ only if he/she is free from any complication of
Hypertension. (d) ECHO- if required
(b) Method of taking Blood Pressure: Standard ISI Candidate will be declared ‘Fit’ only if he/she is free
marked BP instrument should be used as a rule. The from any complication of Diabetes Mellitus.
measurement should not be taken within fifteen minutes of 15. Candidate’s hearing ability :—The candidate’s hearing
any exercise or excitement. Provided the patient and in each ear should be good and there should be no sign of
particularly his arm is relaxed he may be either lying or sitting. disease of the ear. In case it is defective the candidate should
The arm is supported comfortably at the patient’s side in a be examined by the ear specialist; provided that if the defect
more or less horizontal position. The arm should be freed from in hearing is remediable by operation or by use of a hearing
the cloth to the shoulder. The cuff completely deflated should aid a candidate cannot be declared unfit on that account
be applied with the middle of the rubber over the inner side of provided he/she has no progressive disease in the ear. This
the arm and its lower edge an inch or two above the bend of provision is not applicable in the case of Railway Services.
the elbow. The following returns of cloth bandage should
spread evenly over the bag to avoid bulging during inflation. The following are the guidelines for the medical
examining in this regard :—
The brachial artery is located by palpation at the bend
of the elbow and the stethoscope is then applied lightly and (1) Marked or total deafness Fit for non-technical jobs
centrally over it below but not in contact with the cuff. The in one ear, other ear if the deafness is up to 30
cuff is inflated to about 200 mm. Hg. and then slowly deflated. being normal. Decibel in higher fre-
The level at which soft successive sounds are heard, quency.
represents the Systolic Pressure. When more air is allowed to
(2) Perceptive deafness in Fit in respect of both tech-
escape the sound will be heard to increase in intensity. The
both ears in which some nical and non-technical
level at which the well heard clear sound changes to soft improvement is possible jobs if the deafness is up to
muffed fading sounds represents the diastolic pressure. The by a hearing aid. 30 Decibel in speech
measurements should be taken in a fairly brief period of time frequencies of 1000-
as prolonged pressure of the cuff is irritating to the patient 4000 Hz.
and will vitiate the reading. Rechecking if necessary should
(3) Perforation of tympanic (i) One ear normal other
be done only a few minutes after complete deflation of the
membrane of central ear perforation of tympa-
cuff. Sometimes as the cuff is deflated sounds are heard at a
or marginal type. nic membrance present.
certain level, they may disappear as pressure falls and reappear
Temporarily unfit. Under
at a still lower level. This silent Gap may cause error in readings. improved conditions of
14. Diabetes Mellitus : Ear Surgery, a candidate
All candidates should be subjected to Fasting Blood with marginal or other per-
Sugar and HbA1C after 8-10 hours/overnight fasting to rule foration in both ears
out presence of Diabetes Mellitus. If a candidate is found to should be given a chance
be having above normal levels of Blood Glucose and/or by declaring him tempo-
HbA1C, he/she will be subjected to following biochemical rarily unfit and then he
and radiological tests for evaluation of micro and macro may be considered under
vascular complications of Diabetes Mellitus: 4(ii) below.
(a) Fasting Blood Sugar with 8-10 hours/overnight (ii) In candidates where
Fasting and 2 hours OGTT after 75 gm of Glucose. Marginal or attic
perforation is present in
(b) Haemogram
both ears, if after operation
(c) Lipid Profile hearing improves to
(d) KFT serviceable level (up to 30
For Micro Vascular changes: dB air conduction
(a) Nephropathy- Micro albuminuria. threshold in speech
frequencies i.e. 1000-4000
(b) Retinopathy-Fundus examination and if required Hz in the better ear with or
FFA without hearing aid) they
(c) Neuropathy- On clinical examination. should be declared ‘Fit’.
(d) Ultra Sound whole abdomen- if required. (iii) Central perforation
For Macro Vascular changes: both ears—Temporarily
(a) ECG Unfit.
(4) Ears with mastoid cavity (i) Either ear normal hear- (b) that the chest is well formed and his/her chest expansion
subnormal hearing on one ing other ear mastoid ca- is sufficient and that the heart and lungs are sound;
side/on both sides. vity—Fit for both techni- (c) that there is no evidence of any abdominal disease;
cal and non-technical
(d) that his/her limbs, hands and feet are well formed and
developed and that there is free and perfect motion of
(ii) Candidates having all joints;
Mastoid cavity in both
(e) that there is no congenital malformation or defect;
sides having serviceable
hearing even in one ear, (f) that he/she does not bear traces of acute or chronic
with or without hearing disease pointing to an impaired constitution;
aid, should be declared (g) that he/she bears marks of efficient vaccination;
‘Fit’ for non-technical (h) that he/she is free from communicable disease. How?
services. (Temporary Unfit?)
(5) Persistently discharging Fit only for non-technical
(i) Grade-I Haemorrhoids should be declared ‘Fit’.
ear operated/un-operated services if hearing is
serviceable. (j) absence of one Testis in the scrotum should be declared
‘Fit’. However possibility of undescended testis is to
(6) Chronic Inflammatory Hoarseness of voice of
be ruled out.
conditions of tonsils severe degree if present
and/or Larynx. then Temporarily unfit* (k) candidate with varicose veins would be declared
temporarily unfit for technical services
(7) Benign or locally (i) Benign tumours—Fit
Malignant tumours of (ii) Malignant Tumours— (l) diseases such as Hernia, Hydrocele, Varicose Veins,
the E.N.T. To be decided on case to Hemorrhoids etc, which can be cured by surgical means
case basis depending on should be declared only ‘Temporarily Unfit’ and should
site and stage of the be declared ‘Fit’ after successful surgery.
tumour. (m) all candidates with malignancies detected at the time of
(8) Otosclerosis If the hearing is within 30 entry into service should be declared ‘Unfit’.
Decibels after operation (n) all candidates having transplanted organs should be
or with the help of hearing declared ‘Unfit’ except corneal Transplant.
18. Candidate’s statement and declaration:
(9) Congenital defects of (i) If not interfering with
ear, nose or throat. functions—Fit. The Candidate must make the statement required below
prior to his Medical Examination and must sign the Declaration
(ii) Stuttering of severe
appended thereto. His attention is specially invite to the
warning contained in the Note below:
(11) Nasal/polyp Fit.
*Hoarseness of voice can be tested subjectively by Speech 1. Name in full (in block letters as provided in the
Language Pathologist with the help of Consensus Auditory application for CSE)
Perceptual Evaluation of Voice (CAPE-V) and objectively, if 2. (a) Date of birth, Age and place of birth
required by Dr. Speech/Vaghmi/Computerised Speech Lab ..........................................................
(CSL)/Harmonic to Noise (H/N) ratio/Glottogram etc.
(b) Do you belong to races such as Gorkhas, Garhwalis,
**Stuttering can be tested subjectively by Speech Language Assamese, Nagaland Tribes etc. Answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Pathologist and if required, objectively by Percent dysfluency If the answer is ‘Yes’ state the name of the race
(syllable, word, phrase repetitions) and duration of dysfluency. ................................................................................................
16. All candidates with pregnancy will be Temporarily 3. Have you ever undergone any Refractive / Ocular
‘Unfit’/‘Fit’ for all types of services which require mandatory surgery? Yes/No
physical training. They mandatory will be declared ‘Fit’ after
(i) If answer is “Yes”, what type of surgery and when?
4. Have you ever had any prolonged illness or accident
17. The following additional points should be observed:—
requiring hospitalization? Yes/No
(a) that his/her teeth are in good order and that he/she is
(i) If answer to above is yes give details ...................
provided with dentures where necessary for effective
mastication (well filled teeth will be considered as sound); 5. When were you last vaccinated?
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 229
6. Have you ever suffered from Hypertension, Diabetes 19. Report of the Medical Board
Mellitus, Tuberculosis, HIV, any form of convulsions/ PROFORMA
seizures (fits) or prolonged breathlessness? Yes/No.
Part- A:-
(i) If answer to above is yes give details Identification details of the candidate as per application for
7. Furnish the following particulars concerning your CSE. (to be taken from detailed application form (DAF) ........
family:- Part- B:-
Physical Examination :
Father’s age Father’s age No. of brothers No. of brothers
and state of at death and living and their dead, their age, 1. General development : Good ................... Fair .................
(health if cause of death age and state of and causes of Poor ...............
living) health death
Nutrition : Thin ...................... Average ......................
1 2 3 4 Obese ...................... Height ......................
Weight : Best Weight .................. When ....................
Any recent changes in weight ......................
BMI: (BMI >30 temporarily unfit)
Temperature ......................
Mother’s age Mother’s age at No. of sisters No. of brothers Girth of chest : (1) After full inspiration ......................
and state health death and cause living and their dead, their age, (2) After full expiration ......................
(if living) of death age and state of and causes of
health death 2 Skin : (Any obvious disease) ....................................
3. Eyes:
1 2 3 4
(a) Any disease
(b) Night blindness
(c) Defect in colour vision
3. (d) Field of vision
8. Have you been examined by a Medical Board before? (e) Visual acuity
(f) Fundus examination -
(i) If answer to the above is “Yes”, please state what
service/services you were examined for? (g) Any refractive surgery done and when ..................
9. Who was the examining authority? Acuity of vision Naked eye With glasses Strength of
glass Sph.
10. When and where was the Medical Board held? Cyl. Axix
11. Result of the Medical Board’s examination if 1 2 3 4
communicated to you or if known.
Distant vision
12. The above information, to the best of my knowledge RE
and belief, are true and correct and I shall be liable for action LE
under any relevant law for the time being in force for any
Near vision
material infirmity in the information furnished by me or
suppression of relevant material information. The furnishing RE
of false information or suppression of any factual information LE
would be a disqualification and is likely to render me unfit for Hypermetropia
employment under the Government. If the fact that false (Manifest)
information has been furnished or that there has been RE
suppression of any factual information comes to notice at any LE
time during my service, my services would be liable to the
4. Ears—Inspection......................................................
Hearing :
Candidate’s signature Right Ear ...................................
Signed in my presence Left Ear ...................................
Signature of the Chairman of the Board 5. Glands.............................. Thyroid............................
Annexure - I
Ref. No.
New Delhi, Dated :
Mr./Ms. ............................................... Roll No. ............................................... (Rank No. ............................................... ) in Civil Services
Examination, 2018 has been medically examined in this Hospital on ....................................................and after completion of all
requisite medical tests, he/she has been relieved.
(Signature of the Chairman or his
representative of the Central Standing
Medical Board)
Annexure - II
[See rule 17(1)]
1. Name ....................... ....................... .......................
(Surname) First name (Middle name)
2. Father’s name ........................................................ Mother’s name .......................................................
3. Date of Birth : ....................... ....................... .......................
(date) (month) (year)
4. Age at the time of application : ......................................... (years)
5. Sex : Male/Female .................................
6. Address :
(a) Permanent address (b) Current Address (i.e. for communication)
...................................................................... .................................................................................
...................................................................... .................................................................................
(c) Period since when residing at current address
7. Educational Status (Please tick as applicable)
(I) Post Graduate
(II) Graduate
(III) Diploma
(IV) Higher Secondary
(V) High School
(VI) Middle
(VII) Primary
(VIII) Non-literate
8. Occupation ..............................................................................................................................................................
9. Identification marks (i) ................................ (ii) .....................................
Certificate of Disability
(In cases of amputation or complete permanent paralysis of limbs of dwarfism and in cases of blindness)
[See rule 18(1)]
Recent PP size
Attested Photograph
(Showing face only)
of the person with
impression of the
person in whose
favour certificate of
disability is issued
Certificate of Disability
(In cases of multiple disabilities)
[See rule 18(1)]
1. Locomotor disability @
2. Muscular Dystrophy
3. Leprosy cured
4. Dwarfism
5. Cerbral Palsy
6. Acid attack Victim
7. Low vision #
8. Blindness #
9. Deaf £
10. Hard of Hearing £
11. Speech and Language disability
12. Intellectual Disability
13. Specific Learning Disability
14. Autism Spectrum Disorder
15. Mental illness
16. Chronic Neurological Conditions
17. Multiple sclerosis
18. Parkinson’s disease
19. Haemophilia
20. Thalasemia
21. Sickle Cell disease
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 235
(B) In the light of the above, his/her over all permanent physical impairment as per guidelines (...........number and date of issue
of the guidelines to be specified), is as follows :—
3. Reassessment of disability is :
(i) not necessary,
(ii) is recommended/after ........................... years ........................... months, and therefore this certificate shall be valid
till ............. ............. .............
(DD) (MM) (YY)
@ e.g. Left/Right/both arms/legs
# e.g. single eye/both eyes
Name and Seal of Member Name and Seal of Member Name and Seal of Chairperson
impression of
the person in
whose favour
certificate of
is issued
Certificate of Disability
(In cases other than those mentioned in Forms V and VI)
[See rule 18(1)]
1. Locomotor disability @
2. Muscular Dystrophy
3. Leprosy cured
4. Cerbral Palsy
5. Acid attack Victim
6. Low vision #
7. Deaf £
8. Hard of Hearing £
9. Speech and Language disability
10. Intellectual Disability
11. Specific Learning Disability
12. Autism Spectrum Disorder
13. Mental illness
14. Chronic Neurological Conditions
15. Multiple sclerosis
16. Parkinson’s disease
17. Haemophilia
18. Thalasemia
19. Sickle Cell disease
(Please strike out the disabilities which are not applicable)
2. The above condition is progressive/non-progressive/likely to improve/not likely to improve.
3. Reassessment of disability is :
(i) not necessary,
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 237
(ii) is recommended/after ........................... years ........................... months, and therefore this certificate shall be valid
till ............. ............. .............
(DD) (MM) (YY)
@ e.g. Left/Right/both arms/legs
# e.g. single eye/both eyes
£ e.g. Left/Right/both ears
4. The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence :—
Nature of Document Date of Issue Details of authority issuing certificate
[Countersignature and seal of the Chief Medical Officer/
Medical Superintendent/Head of Government Hospital,
in case the certificate is issued by a medical authority
who is not a Government servant (with seal)]
Signature/thumb impression of the
person in whose favour certificate
of disability is issued
Note : In case this certificate is issued by a medical authority who is not a Government servant, it shall be valid only if countersigned
by the Chief Medical Officer of the District.
(Intimation of Rejection of Application for Certificate of Disability)
[See rule 18(4)]
No. .............................................. Dated :
(Name and address of applicant
for Certificate of Disability)
Sub. : Rejection of Application for Certificate of Disability
Please refer to your application dated .......................................... for issue of a Certificate of Disability for the following
disability : ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Pursuant to the above application, you have been examined by the undersigned/Medical Board on .....................
and I regret to inform that, for the reasons mentioned below, it is not possible to issue a certificate of disability in your favour :
3. In case you are aggrieved by the rejection of your application, you may represent to ...............................................
requesting for review of this decision.
Yours faithfully,
A list of Services Identified suitable for Persons with Benchmark Disability along with the Functional Classifications and
Physical Requirements
1. Indian (i) Locomotor disability including OA, OL, BA, BH, MW, S, ST, W, SE, H, RW, C
Administrative Cerabral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, OAL, Cerebral Palsy,
Service Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism,
Acid Attack Victims
(ii) Blindness and Low Vision LV MF, PP, S, ST, W, L,C, RW,
B MF, PP, S, ST, W, L,C, RW,
(in braille/software), H, KC,
(iii) Deaf and Hard of Hearing FD, HH PP, S, ST, W, L, C, RW, KC,
2. Indian Foreign (i) Locomotor disability including OA, OL, OAL S, ST, W, RW, C, MF
Service Dwarfism and Acid Attack Victims
(ii) Visual Impairment LV SE, RW
(iii) Hearing Impairment PD H
(iv) Multiple disability including All mentioned in above rows All mentioned in above rows
only above three sub-categories
3. Indian Revenue (i) Locomotor Disability One Arm (OA), One Leg (OL), ⎫
Service One Arm One Leg (OAL) ⎬ S, ST, W, SE, RW, C
(Customs and Both Legs (BL) S, SE, RW, C
Central Excise Cerebral Palsy S, W, SE, RW, C
Gr. A) Leprosy Cured S, ST, W, SE, RW, C
Dwarfism S, ST, W, SE, RW, C
Acid Attack Victims S, ST, W, SE, RW, C
Muscular Dystrophy S, SE, RW, C
(ii) Visual Impairment Low Vision MF, PP, L, KC, BN, ST, W,
H, RW, C
Blindness MF, PP, L, KC, BN, ST, W,
H, C
(iii) Hearing Impairment Hard of Hearing MF, PP, L, KC, BN, ST, W,
H, RW, C
Deaf MF, PP, L, KC, BN, ST, W,
(iv) Multiple Disabilities Amongst person under S, C, MF
(i) to (iii) above including
deaf blindness in the posts
identified for each disabilities.
4. Indian P and T (i) Locomotor Disability OA, OL, OAL, S, W, SE, RW, C, BN, ST, H,
Accounts and Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy L, KC, MF, PP
Finance Service Cured, Dwarfism, Acid
Gr. 'A' Attack Victims
BA, BH S, W, SE, RW, C, BN, ST, H,
BL, MW S, SE, RW, C, BN, H, L, KC,
(ii) Visual Impairment Blindness S, W, C, BN, ST, H, L, KC,
MF, PP, RW (in Braille/
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 239
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
5. Indian Audit (i) Locomotor Disability including One leg affected (R or L),
and Accounts Cerabral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, or one arm affected (R or L)
Service, Gr. 'A' Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims Leprosy Cured (LC), S, ST, W, BN, SE,
Dwarfism (DW), Acid Attack RW, C
Victims (AAV)
(ii) Hard of Hearing Hard of Hearing (HH) As above
6. Indian Defence (i) Locomotor Disability including One Arm (OA), S, ST, W, BN, SE, RW, C,
Accounts Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism and Acid One Leg (OL), MF, PP, L, KC, H
Service, Gr. 'A' Attack Victims
(ii) Visual Impairment Low Vision (LV) As above
(iii) Hearing Impairment Hard of Hearing (HH) As above
(iv) Multiple Disabilities amongst (i) OA, LV (ii) OL, LV As above
the above three categories (iii) OA, HH (iv) OL, HH
(v) LV, HH
9. Indian Postal (i) Locomotor Disability including OA, OL S, ST, W, BN, RW, SE, H, C
Service, Gr. 'A' Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy
Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims and Cured, Dwarfism, Acid
Muscular Dystrophy. Attack Victims
(ii) Blindnes and Low Vision LV S, ST, W, BN, RW, SE, H, C
(iii) Deaf and Hard of Hearing HH S, ST, W, BN, RW, SE, H, C
(iv) Multiple Disabilities from LV, HH, OA, OL, S, ST, W, BN, RW, SE, H, C
amongst persons under clauses Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy
(i) to (iii) including deaf-blind- Cured, Dwarfism, Acid
ness in the posts identified for Attack Victims
each disabilities
10. Indian Civil (i) Locomotor Disability including One Arm (OA) S, ST, W, SE, H, RW, C, MF,
Accounts Cerebral Palsy PP, L, KC, BN
Service One Leg (OL) S, SE, H, RW, C, MF, PP, L
Both Arm (BA) S, ST, W, SE, H, C, KC, BN
Both Legs (BL) S, SE, H, RW, C, MF, PP, L
Both Hands (BH) S, ST, W, SE, H, C, KC, BN
Muscular Weakness (MW) S, SE, H, RW, C, MF
One Arm One Leg (OAL) S, SE, H, RW, C, MF, PP, L
Both Legs & Arms (BLA) S, SE, H, RW, C
Both Legs One Arm (BLOA) S, SE, H, RW, C, MF, PP, L
Leprosy Cured S, ST, W, SE, H, RW, C, MF,
Dwarfism S, ST, W, SE, H, RW, C, MF,
Acid Attack Victims S, ST, W, SE, H, RW, C, MF,
(ii) Blindness and Low Vision Low Vision (LV) S, ST, W, H, RW, C, MF, PP,
(iii) Deaf and Hard of Hearing Hard of Hearing S, ST, W, SE, RW, C, MF, PP,
11. Indian Railways (i) Locomotor Disability OA, OL, OAL, BL, S, ST, BN, W, SE, MF, C,
Accounts Leprosy Cured, Acid RW, H
Service Attack Victims
(ii) Visual Impairment Low Vision (LV) S, ST, BN, W, SE, MF, C,
(iii) Hearing Impairment HH S, ST, BN, W, SE, MF, C,
RW, H (Acceptable with
Hearing Aids)
12. Indian Railways (i) Locomotor Disability OA, OL, S, ST, BN, W, SE, MF, C,
Personnel Leprosy Cured, RW, H
Service Acid Attack Victims
(ii) Visual Impairment LV S, ST, BN, W, SE, MF, C,
(iii) Hearing Impairment HH S, ST, BN, W, SE, MF, C,
RW, KC, CL, JU, H,
(Acceptable with Hearing
13. Indian Railways (i) Locomotor Disability OA, OL S, ST, BN, W, SE, MF, C,
Traffic Service Leprosy Cured, Acid RW, PP, H
Attack Victims
¹Hkkx Iμ[k.M 1º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 241
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
15. Indian Information (i) Locomotor Disability BL, BLOA S, RW, SE, H, C
Service, Gr. 'A' including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy BLA S, SE, H, C
Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims, BA, BH S, ST, W, SE, H
Muscular Dystrophy OL, OA, MW, OAL S, ST, W, SE, H, RW, C
(ii) Blind and Low Vision LV MF, PP, L, KC, BN, ST, W,
H, RW, C, SE
B MF, PP, L, KC, BN, ST, W,
H, C
(iii) Deaf and Hard of Hearing HH MF, PP, L, KC, BN, ST, W,
H, RW, C
FD MF, PP, L, KC, BN, ST, W,
(iv) Multiple disabilities from All the above mentioned in categories (i) to (iii) above
amongst persons under clauses
(i) to (iii) above including deaf
blindness in the posts identified
for each disabilities
18. Armed Forces (i) Locomotor Disability including OA, OL, MW, OAL, Cerebral ⎫
S, ST, W, BN, MF, SE, RW,
Headquarters Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism,⎬
Civil Service, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims Acid Attack Victims ⎭ H, C
Gr. 'B' (Section BLOA, BL S, SE, H, RW, C
Officers' Grade) (ii) Blindness and Low Vision B S, ST, W, BN, MF, RW
(in braille/software), H, C
LV S, ST, W, BN, MF, RW, H, C
(iii) Deaf and Hard of Hearing FD, HH S, ST, W, BN, MF, SE, RW, C
19. Delhi, Andaman (i) Locomotor disability including OA, OL, BA, BH, MW, S, ST, W, SE, H, RW, C
and Nicobar Cerabral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, OAL, Cerebral Palsy,
Islands, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism,
Lakshadweep, Acid Attack Victims
Daman and Diu BLA, BLOA, BL S, SE, H, RW, C
and Dadra and (ii) Blindness and Low Vision LV MF, PP, S, ST, W, L, C,
Nagar Haveli Civil RW, H, KC, BN
Service, Gr. 'B' B MF, PP, S, ST, W, L, C,
RW (in braille/software),
H, KC, BN|
(iii) Deaf and Hard of Hearing FD, HH PP, S, ST, W, L, C, RW,
20. Pondicherry (i) Locomotor Disability including OA, OL, BA, BH, MW, ⎫
⎬ S, ST, W, SE, H, RW, C
Civil Service, Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, OAL, CP, LC, DW, AAV ⎭
Gr. 'B' Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims BLA, BLOA, BL S, SE, H, RW, C
(ii) Blindness and Low Vision LV MF, PP, S, ST, W, L, C, RW,
B MF, PP, S, ST, W, L, C, RW
(in Braille/software), H, KC,
(iii) Deaf and Hard of Hearing FD, HH PP, S, ST, W, L, C, RW, KC,
D Dwarfism
AAV Acid Attack Victims
MDy Muscular Dystrophy
MD Multiple Disabilities
Physical Requirements S Sitting
ST Standing
W Walking
SE Seeing
H Hearing/Speaking
RW Reading and Writing
C Communication
MF Manipulation by Finger
PP Pushing & Pulling
L Lifting
KC Kneeling and Croutching
BN Bending
JU Jumping
M Mobility
CL Climbing
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