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DEO Grade F and E

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office of t4! comp*otter & Auditor Generat *^ifr!

,lrlrorlrLooD and not
to be quoted or published elsewhere)

CircularNo.05 - Staff (App l)12019

No. 89 - Staff (App r)lt6-201s
Dated: 17 .01.2020
1. A11the Heads of Departrnent in the IA&AD
2. The Director General (Exam) !.
3. The Pr. Director (Commercial)
4. The Pr. Director (IR & Training)
5. The Director (P) \

Subject: Recruitment Rules for the posts of Data Entry Operator Grade 'F' (Level 8)
and I)ata Entry Operator Grade 'E' (Level 7) in Indian Audit and Accounts
I am.to enclose a copy of Recruitment Rules for the posts of Data Entry Operator Grade
'F' and Data Entry Operator Grade 'E' in Indian Audit and Accounts Departrqent, notified in
Gazette of lndia, Part II Section 3 Sub-Section (i) vide GSRNo. 372 dated 10.12.2019 published
in Gazette of India on04.01.2020.
2. As per Column 11 of the Schedule of the Recruitment Rules, the eligibility criteria for
promotion to the posts of Data Entry Operator Grade 'F', is Data Entry Operator Grade 'E' in
level 7 of pay matrix (Rs 44,900-1,42,400) with two years regular service in the grade and
having successfiJly completed four weeks of training in relevant area as prescribed by the
Department from time to time.
3. As per Column 11 of the Schedule of the Recruitment Rules, the eligibility criteria for
promotion to the posts of Data Entry Operator Grade 'E', is Data Entry Operator Grade 'D' in
level 6 of pay matrix (Rs 35,400-1,12,400) with five years regular service in the grade and
having successfully completed four weeks of training in relevant area as prescribed by the
Department from time to time.
4. Accordingly, the Cadre Controlling Offices are requested to take up the issue regarding
training plan/module for training of eligible Data Entry Operator Grade 'E' and Data Entry
Operator Grade 'D' with the Training Wing of Headquarters' Office zurd trained them so that they
can be considered for promotion to the posts of Data Entry Operator, Grade 'F' and Data Entry
Operator, Grade 'E' as per revised Recruitment Rules.
5. Further, the Cadre Controlling Offices are also requested to ensure that officials holding
the posts of Data Entry Operator Grade 'F' and Grade 'E' on deputation basis fulfil the eligibility
criteria and possess the education qualification as prescribed in Column 11 of the Schedule of the
Recruitment Rules to the post.
6. The receipt of this circular may be acknowledged.
Yours faithfully.

(V. S. Venkatanathari)
Assistant Comptroller and Auditor General (N)
<Fr€ {. ff .(r{. tqE) 04/oooz/2003--{s REGp. NO. p. L. (N) 04/0007/20OH5



Ohe 6dz, ette S.fr.-S.rra.-{T.-1 50 1 20 20-215405

of Sndio
CG-DL-W- 1 5012020 -215 405

unrrfiR + rfirr[rfr

d. szt Ttfrffi,fuqr 29,2019-qffift A,2o2o,erfrqrdFfrqpfrq 14,1941


Eq rrrrT t frr< gq riqr A qrfr t ffi fo' ?16 y{*. ri*-tr{ * sq d rqr qr s*
Separate Paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation

t{Fr II-Eus a-sq-Erue (i)

PART Il-Section 3-Sub-section (i)

$rnir rrtun + ffi (rqn fiFm qt +.s+,r) *r *Aq arffi ({q {rq t{ cvndf tfr *.sq,t) anr tqfu * effia
q{rq {q *{ qrfr toq .Tq HETRgT viFqftr*' f{qc ( ffi ETerr{ur rrmr * oqq1, 3q-f{qq qG qficfud t )
General Statutory Rules (Including Orders, Bye-laws etc. of a general character) issued by the Ministries of the
Government of India (other than the Ministry of Defence) and by the Central Authorities (other than the
Administrations of Union Territories)

a-€ftffi, to fuq<, zotg
sr.+r.ft.gzz .- {frerm h q-{-i&E t+a h <is (5) dr<r r(f, efiffi +r rfrq q.G gq rrrc+ } ft-{Tfi qi
rqrffiet+ trgqft t q<rqet h qqr( qr.fr-q ter c-ftm ei-{ nqr furFr t erar ifr ffi-t vt6 ffi 'q' efr{ erer tfr
ffi-{ ffi'.e qfr m rrfi fi qafr m AF-ffi{ q.{+ h ftq ffifur ftTq {flt {; u-+tq:-
1. {fuu qrc *< yrrrq.- (1) qt frqfr 6r {f}s q-1q rrcfrq ffiq-r *( tw G}rr, (srct tfi ffi-r ffi '{
*< crcr tfr ffiEi ffi 's' sq6 'E[' TO Tfi p-qq, zot s { r

(2) t rqqt q gq+ *fi'IeFr ft drft'q fr Ttd Si I

6571 GU2019 {1731)

t738 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : JANUARY 4,20201PAUSHA 14, l94l IPARr II-SEC. 3(i)l

2. qr.Lt{r.iftqq, {affitsqFra rffi}qiq (1) fr frft'fuqfrq<orLdtr

3. {dftriqr,qrflq"<orqti+il{iBffitffi.-.rd fi qqr, sq-+rcrflq-<ur, *{+ildtBwtemidt, frqr
Fqfr t gqwa ru{fr + Ritr (2) t Fdrr (+) t ftftHu { r

4. Ttr ff raR, qrg-ffqr, qffi ilft.-rrtr ff rdfr, Bng-frfl, rffi *( sst €"diftrfr sr;q sr+ a €Fft fr
ffii5++ 3r-flfrhkirr (5)t (rg)+frftffist r

5. 6.6il.4qqfu,
W qm l6srr vR'qr ffi qfr fift( t, Gs'r{ ftqr Q w fr+r6 ft gG-Er fi t;qr
(6) Grs+
(e) trrst BTc+ cft vr' sTrft Tft * fifrd'<qt gq Fffi qfr t E-{r{ frqr { +r ft+r{ ft {ftEr fi t;
sifi cE qr ft{ft 6l qm rS ehr,
*.< ffi rrrc+ h ft-iiTn \,tf rOiMrr+ fr rq vrrerm A qrar' t fr W fr+rt ss qfu *( fr+r{ h ilq
s*n'r< fr crt sftq frft * q?ft{ w1.iq t ft E{r +,fi * ftq,rq srerR t fr +q Effi qft fr qs ft+q h r+dq t We ?
qhrrr \
o. Rrftq s€ ft eTf$.- s-{i r+rre } friTfi qzt rilffierfi ft T{ {rq t ft qqr 6'(ilr BTrq{q cF qr (Ift'*-'{ t, {{t
T{ sqh frq m or<or t, sQ AE-e-d +-G, trn {q frs t{r Bnftr t qrqei +G,, 6t ffi'+
Grft sqd?T fr G.fr ef qr
r+{t* qfum ft erdtr, qr?er trru felft{ 6( s+rrr r

7. qrgR.- r;r ffi fi tr{ era, tt Blr<erut, urg-fr{r i R-a efu rq ffi .r( c$iltt i-fr eftft, mmr tffq
qtrr< arr {s ritier fr vlm-qqq qr qrt frq rrq sreeir * ergffi Brff{d wffi, q-{ffi{ q-i-qrM, Wf.{ frffi *(
arq frqls r+{t + qRFfr h ftq sFiE +rrr qiffo t r

qE fr'l"frTq q( fr iitqr Trff+,{ur Aila. trfitr q Ed{ qT{ q{ 3reHf ** Tfi tuq qr+
qErqT tla {rn qfrfi } ftq
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
t.sra i1fr 93' srerr<urh;ftq Fda -8,
qq?r {t-,Ii-€rA-{r
Bfqt-(e-16 fr41,11qE'u'
(201e) , (r.47600-
ffi'q' . +rfrrnh e[re]T( {rqcF-(, 151100)
qqqMrftqrw Brf,{qF{ftq

fit Tfi frq qri Trt ft* Tfi fuq sli qrn cftfiefl ft Brqf*, qR rtr ft qaft rrff: ftfr $ft qr
qffi + ftq 3Tq|Em qffii h ftq fr-qu q.'= 6rS A ffiar<r qrcfrftgftrrertfi
*1Pgq utt q-q q-ffi GIti qtk+ q-€ilq fi-f,fr am ilfi frfuf, Tdffi ar<r rft
qRFfr fi <qn t ert dft wi Trfrfi:Rtfrftcftqrf,dr
(7) (8) (e) (10)
il-,Ii-frfi-dr il.Ii-€r erdr il-.Ii-ff d-dr ffi ara, Grqh r fr e+fr qi'
ffi qr sftffi qr qri'c+ ETrr. q-fi fi <qn ti
ffi: +a-r +E* i rar-z ({ 44900-142400) t ercr ifr ffie }g 's' ii fI4S fi ffi( n-{r fi e} d-< frrr,T dRr
[rTrir II-q!-s 3(i)] elTtH mT{T"rrr.r:qf,{fr 4,20201t'rq't+, tg+t r139

(q-q-ffiq rr< qqT *r t qn s.rr{ fi cfilwur vwm1fu gr frqr A

frRd {riTil I

ftqo1 ;- q-{r t-i-mft's qMi h {dq t, frr.e+ qq-fi .r-&-6 qT qrrdT i-sr Tfr ni fr t, ffi h frq ft-qr frqr sr rfl
A, s-dT e-{+ Ets qftfr * ftiq t fr G-{R ftqr qrrnr q<g qq a.q wr ft tss+ arcr fi Tt W a-f+ +r q-ra-m t+r,
3rffkd'qf6 qT cratr t{r il qr} fr ulaq t qr ir qf +, {d-n t s} fr +-q-*, sq"a' E} Brt{ s-c+ 3rc+ tt sftE qRFt'i
s'E(, ftr€Ti W q-€6 qT qr1(T A-fl- c-& fr Tfr +.i fi t, erffi sqil ffi t ffi + frq Brq-fi cfrfieil fr 3l-{tq
s-rq-dr$6rfrwfit] r

(s) (i) q) Tfqr+ fr.r€a qT G-lnr t ftrfr-d BIIart T{ r1sl c< em,rT ft',ir WTI t, Tr
(ii) 6rsr qr frrrFT t +ili-+trtr i rm-7 (r.44900-142400) qr qq+ qq-sqr t fr"qfr-fr tsIIeIrt q(
frr.di qa' ffi
h q*nn Eq ffi + fr sf fi i-{r fi e}; qt{
(q) qI ffi"rfua'qterFr+ *TfrTq vt qr-a rret qt:-
(i) r6q61-yre fr,afr'qrd-q / {e-m }
5t,qa1 3r-{s*rr / qa61ffifr'fin-rqzr frilT t qrtTr Brfi; qr ftffr qrqrT
sn-r ftuGqrq-q ri Tiprrn't 5rq61 -fiffirT / saq-r fr-a-m I r,rq"dr Sdtft-fi / +-rq-t fr-r-m at tfiffiq/
a+mffirficfi.f. qrf,r. a+ t

(ii) frfi"qrqmrflT €erm t flt'frq.rT / T.+.rft Ganr + (s.ri d" / cFqfi t-sr srm-q / F{frr F-flq / +rtn fi"+rq
tfr+f mr q{TE I

ftqq 1'- crs-s !-{,t + tt Aq6= 3rfHt, sr ffi fr ftefi .if i t, cfrffi' qa fr.{ft + ftq G-{a fr-q ili +
rrr a-fr Anr q* o5rt qRfr"$F qft; ffi artr. ftqfr + frq fr-na ftq ili h qra q-fr fir
ftcqur !;- cfrffi fi q-qfB, frq'+ 3rT{fd i-frq q1-flT + .3'fi qr fr-ffi *q qq-aa q-r frr1pq fr eq ffi t f,rfi .r{t
en'fud ffi 3rar st"ea qril T{ qr qfrfr-{ft fi q-dB t qrtrrtoriffir 3 {+ + grf*6 n-fr er{frr

&q g:- sfrffi Erir fr-{fr, + frq 3rlem-ilq urg frfl-qlim nT {,G fi dfrc 66= +i s0 ef t 3rfB-6 a-€r d-fir
qR furrrftq ffi qFrft t fr sfl€f {{il{r rrfiqrittftTqfrRrminTiq
t'rfr tfl-qTc]rT t qrqqi fr{r
(12) (1 3)

wf€'q fuff{ftq ffi qftfr (ffi + dEir{ + fr{R 6-G + frql ftsn ffifuc {q qt6 i-fl Bnq}'{T t T<tqqi
+ffi sTr{s{6 n-s tr
t. Tiqii fr-{i?uf qfffi + q-fr + q-eftesrfi / sFrin"qanqt6'R I qater+r< / i-er
hcrmfrtsrfi -sISqqT

2. stq sc raaqm-rttfresr=F/sc q-ai-qravvsrrqd h qrwTer+

uq frtird -S{EI
3. slss sq q-ilaqtqTvfrt rs/Bc q-artqrfirlsc fr|rr+ -T]-{FT

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

2. srar Ffr 123. flgrrcq a-f,rq km ftrffi q qTq 30s$tBrffna-S r

ffi.r €116


ffi'-g' (201e) frEp, qq6'€', R(-7,. ftvqu1 l;- :fifiq W.$rr il17
* ffir15q h irscBi-, (e'.44900-
Trr3r-(rrq qt qrfr ft-q .r'T
q-Sqfr qr qr?qfr t wgvr<
a-r-1vffi'+ 142400)t {<qTt nT+1+ ftq s ES il6

qF:+{T frin qr
flelfq-qfiqrt-+-fit r
fucqu1 l;- qrg-ftqr erqffift{
6-ii + frq Ms-6 ilftq
rTr.il t t
Braqfffr qrlr+ yrs
st} il frq ftq-d fi'G .ftq
d'ffi'q er{ft (r fr qE il0-q s}
errq, +Trf,q, ercunqq gtqt,
fuitrc-, q.rftg{, ilr{Trd's,

fu{r, frEq, qq-qqfrq

{-sq * q{rGr qu-s, Gqrs-{
ctsr h er+E Btti €frfr frrA
arr qqr-ffq q. Trrfr rrGrs,
q=-qm 3ik ft-qirqTr frq qr
CQ( fi G tr)

qlqdTqTs qt rtplr t +'qx Br-{ffiT / qa61 Iqr>yr E-affifr c"r-€-r Eft <qmfrqr
qrqilrq-rn frqGqrc-q qt +ft't-rq't lrrqa-t Tfrffiq / TET-{ fr-a-m I sa=Tzr ltitftfr / sEq-r fr'rm O. ifrffiq
/ qq6 mdifi-fi) fi.t.ffi.t-+ r

ftEqur 1:- u-ffi u-;+u-i gffi 3rrqfffr fr <qn q s4 arnrT + frq qr i-qea ftq sTq Tiq slm i-fl' qTq]-q-+ Gn-+r{qR
flrf,rE6q56ffi| r

frcwr 2:- qlqa q-afr q-f{i (31-fu) r+ *rr-rir h frT t'r nE-{-d frq fiq €q qtfi tfl- Brrqtir + Cn-+r{s'R q-{ffi-d
ilfr-fi +{ q-fiR-{ wa-fltrf } q+qfffi fi esn i a-a f}rf,:-E fr qr qa-f,i t wq qq-r-6 ftffi elns q{ iqq q}-fi +fl- qT+{r
fi qe ns t fr s-t} frq qTrfti-ftfui di q-{+ h ftr 3{.tf-eT{ er{lT-{ {q+ +ri s-d q-irfr + q}qffff h TqtH fufi t
srt"rder A+ fi €rrr+{r I

(8) (e) (10)

qrg:n-S r frfr Tfi fr-q wi at aq66 h ftq A ffi arr, Frqh r A s-ni w. qfrft.gft
qterFrdfr{Tilr: T€t aSt alrr frrq+ riimln q-eq-+rk+ {G-qr ,ft t
Tfi ftq fli
fttqu1;- freft srt q-ffif h (q€ qq & fil qt< ffif + r q}r+i q< frft
frq qrmr+ xriqm cfe-Im,rt Xq rr+r T+ rfirrcr t

f+ir+eil-t t

(1 1)

ffi: it-t +la+q h Fet -6 (8.35400-1 12400) t e'rfl'Efr qtqti{ }g 's, t cfs 4f + ffio tqr fi E} Bi-i Arrrrr Er(].
Trrrq-qrrq .r{ qq-r frEa gdqd *{ i qr< s-rr{ +r cfs}H'r vmvrargfu aa frqr A I
[]Trir 11-qvs 3(i)] $l-t((6-f nq-q1: qaffi 4,2020tfis t+, tg+t t]4r
ftcqq ;- s-{t E-t sftE qffii h ftiq if , ft-.eii qq+ 3r-€{ qT srr(T fr-sr [A 6{ fi t, effi h frq G-fla fuqr qr.{ d,
qftt'i h {dq i, fr G-{a frqr-qTql-{r r((. qE ftr st{ ft sq+ arrT fi.ri tfr r$+ w qrra'r ter, ertflH-il
e-{i B-{+ Ets
1frt<fiq] r

cfrftgfu Frq+ BiildT {qflfrd {ifr<r fr t (qrt qs & fi):

ifftq vr*r-< / rrvq {.mrt I frqB{.r{I / Trqra-rq-rg etcr Tiren{ I qEa-* iTda gq-mt'f / 3{$H-.drfr fl-{fr qr cqrTfl TiiT6{
h Brfra. {t erf}+rfr, :

(6) (i)q}W flsr q frt1s F-n-.n qE ar{E ftq 6q Er;

(ii) Gr-dt {e fl=a qr frrlrq t A'ili-+Bffi *'rm-o (8.35400-1 12400) qr eqh q'q-dqr ffiT Giretr{ rrr ffi h q*rm
Eq ffifrqtErs,fi+n fi e.] t

BTefl-{ fifr Tfi frq il-+ eft qRFqT * frq qtfkn 3i-fu Btt{ frEa. Br{T{
(r*)ftrt+ trrq ki"ir (7) h t I

fucqur l;- frrrn r+rt + W Gq-.ft-q qfffi, fi sffi fi *eft.jfr fr t, cfrffi qa frqfr il ftq tr-{rt frq qri +
nz a-$ €rnr cfr q-nr qfrfi-{tr qfr effi artr. Fqfr + frq B-+ra ftq il-+ * qrz a-fr drir
ftcqur 2:- Tfrfr-{fr fi 3i-{ft, Grq+ qn-{fd }-frq rt+r< h sfi qr G;fi r;q' rirr-5fl'zn ftitr-.T fr qq ffi + efi q-dt
qrft( ffi 3rq sre{ crEI qE q-t qfrfi-1fr fi s{f} { rrenlrrn-+r 3 Et' + erfh+ a-fr e.ffir
ftqq t;- sfrffi arir fr.gfr + frq 3rf-Frm-irq urg frrr qrtr+ yrr +-<+ fi qftq rrfr-q +f so Ef t Brf*fr a-S tfir

(12) (13)
sq6'q'ftrrr{ftq ffi'sftfr (ffi + ftitr i R-{R 6G + ftql Crqil'ffifue ws fteft rt6 ftq-1qr+r €r n-+

St:- {q Fil-fr i-{r BnfrrT t crq'ei

1. {T{t ftriTur qflffi +.ifr }'qilft}qrfi tqerm T{rir*rfia I rai-qre-n / 6{rfl'3Ir{S+F tl
sar{ frtrrd -B{Eqs
2. stg sq rrdia-qrfrra / fr?qr+ / . T qatqr6r/ cslrrr * r{rrqrprd
* frtrr+ -q{€r
3. stg sq q-{r+qrqTr / fiqr+ tw rui-effiR I w -q-{Erfrtqr+
(ft lMq ir*fr HfrR( gE + + frqR aFG + ftq; trrst ffikd
'q' Tiai?r Efn:-
1. {qf frIi?q. qtffi + q-fr h qflfttsrd / cqrr quiqr+-r< / qErtqffiR /
qetr{frerrfi -3Ieqs
2. stg sq q-il+qrqr / frtqrr I s,r ratqrflT / ssilqr h iTr.qla-fi
uqft'trrr - q{FI
3. sls sc q-{itor+.R 7 fr?rr+ / sc q-{T'+or6R/sq fiqr+ -qeier

tw.{. g- 1 201 8/01 /201 6-t.frI

fttrilt{, wqfr{ €fi)
(Department of Expenditure)
New Delhi, the 1Oth December, 2019
G.S.R. 372 .-ln exercise of the powers conferred by clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution, the President after
consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, hereby makes the following rules regulating the method of
recruitment to the posts of Data Entry Operator Grade 'F' and Data Entry Operator Grade 'E' in the headquarters and field
otlices of the Indizut Audit and Accounts Department, namely:-
1. Short title and commenssmsnf.- (1) These rules may be catled the Indiiur Audit and Accounts Department (Data
Entry Operator Grade 'F' and Data Entry Operator Grade 'E'), Group 'B' Posts Recruitment Rules, 2019.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Offlcial Gazette.
2. Application.-These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column (1) of Schedule annexed to these rules.
3. Number of posts, classification, level in pay matrix.-The number of said posts, their classiflcation zmil level in
the pay matrix attached thereto shall be as specified in columns (2) to (4) of the said Schedule.
4. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications, etc.- The method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications and
other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns (5) to (l 3) of the aforesaid Schedule.
5. Disqualification.-No person-,

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or
(b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person,
shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts:
Provided that the Comptroller and Auditor General of India may, if satisfied that such mariage is permissible under
the personal law applicable to such person and the other pafiy to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing,
exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
6. Power to relax.-Where the Comptroller and Auditor General of India is of the opinion that it is necessary or
expedient so to do. he may, by order, zurd for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Union Public
Service Commission, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons.
l. Saving.- Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation, relaxation of age limit and other concessions required to be
provided for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, ex-sen'icemen and other special categories of persons in
accordance with the orders issued by the Govemment of India from time to time in this regard.

Name of post Number of post Classification Level in Pay Whether Age limit for direct
Matrix selection post or recruits
1 (2) (J,, (4) (5) (6)
1. Data Entry *93 (2019) General Central Level 8 (Rs. Selection Not applicable
Operator Grade +Subject to Service Group 'B', 47600-15r 100)
'F' variation Gazetted,
dependent on Non-Ministerial

Educational and other Whether age and educational Period of probation, if any Method of recruitment
qualifications required for qualifications prescribed for whether by direct
direct recruits direcl recruits will apply in recruitment or by promotion
the case of promotees or by deputation/absorption
and percentage of the
vacancies to be fil1ed by
various methods
(7) (8) (e) (10)
Not applicable I{ot applicable Not applicable By promotion failing which
by deputation.

[rTrrr tr-qr-e 3(0] rlT(ff 6T qqqr : sn-{fr 4, 20201 qtq t+, t g+t t743

In case of recruitment by If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists, what is its Circumstances in which
promotion or deputation or composition. Union Public Service
absorption, grades from which Commission to be
promotion or deputation or consulted in making
absorption to be made. recruitment.
l1 (t2) ( l3)
Promotion: Group 'B' Departmental Promotion Committee (for Consultation with Union
Data Entry Operator Grade 'E' considering promotion) consisting of :- Public Service
in Level - 7 in Pay Matrix (Rs. (1) Cadre Controlling Officer in the rank of Director General Commission not
44900-142400) with two years / Principal Accountant General/Accountant General/ necessary.
regular service in the grade and Principal Director of Audit - Chairman
have successfully completed (2) Senior Deputy Accountant GeneraVDirector/Deputy
four weeks of training in Accountant GeneraL/Deputy Director in-charge of
relevant area as prescribed by administration - Member
the department from time to (3) Senior Deputy Accountant General / Director /Deputy
time. Accountant General / Deputy Director - Member
Note :
Where juniors who have
completed their qualifying or
eligibility service are being
considered for promotion, their
seniors would also be
considered provided they are
not short of the requisite
qualifying or eligibility service
by more than half of such
qualitying or eligibiLity service.
or two years, whichever is less.
and have successfully
completed their probation
period for promotion to the next
higher grade along with their
juniors who have already
completed such qualifying or
eligibility service.
Officers under the Central
(A) (I) Holding analogous posts
on regular basis in the parent
cadre or department
(II) two years' service in the
grade rendered after
appointment thereto on a
regular basis in Level-7 in Pay
Matrix (Rs. 44900-142400) or
equivalent in the parent
cadre/department; and
(B) possessing the following
educational qualifications and
(l) Master's Degree in
Computer Applications/
Information Technology/
Computer Science of a
recosnised University/ Institute;

B.E./B.Tech Computer
Engineering/ Computer
S cience/ Computer Technology/

Computer Science and

Engineering/ Information
Technology from a recognized
University/ Institute,
(II) two years experience of
Programming/ lnformation
System in a Government
office/Public Sector
Undertaking/ autonomous
body/statutory body or in any
recognised institution.
Note 1: The departmental
officers in the feeder category
who are in the direct line of
promotion shall not be eligible
for consideration for
appointmenton deputation.
the deputationists
shall not be eligible for
consideration for appointment
by promotion.
Note 2: The period of
deputation including the period
of deputation in another ex-
cadre post held immediately
preceding this appointment in
the same or some other
organisation/ departmentof the
Central Government shall
ordinarily not to exceed three
Note 3: The maximum age limit
for appointment by deputation
shall be not exceeding fifty-six
years as on the closing date of
receipt of

(1) (2\ (3) (4) (s) (6)

2. Data Entry *123 (2019) General Central LevelT Selection Not exceeding 30 years.
Operator Grade'E' *Subject to Service Group 'B', (Rs.44900- Note-l: Relaxable for
variation Gazetted, Non- 142400) Government servants
dependent on Ministerial upto five years in
workload accordance with the
instructions or orders
issued by the Central
Note-2: The crucial date
for determining the age
limit shall be the closing
date for receipt of
applications fiom
candidates in India, and
[errir fltl-qre 3(i)] ET(il6rlsl-rl.r: qilEt 4,20201qts l+, lgat t745

not the closing date

prescribed. for those in
Assam, Meghalaya,
Arunachal Pradesh,
Mizoram, Manipur,
Nagaland, Tripura,
Sikkim, Ladakh Division
of Jammu and Kashmir
State. Lahaul and Spiti
District and Pangi Sub-
Division of Chamba
District of Himachal
Pradesh, Andaman
Nicobar Islands or

(7) (8) (e) (10)

Possessing Master's Degree in Age:No Two years for direct By promotion failing which
Computer Applications/ Information Educational recruits. by deputation including short
Technology/ Computer Science from qualification: No Note: term contract (ISTC) and
a recognised university/ i nstitute: Mandatory Induction iailing both. by direct
or Training for DR. recruitment.
B.E./B.Tech. (Computer
Engineering/ Computer Science/
Computer Technology/ Computer
Science and Engineering/ Information
Technology) from a recognised
university/ institute.
Note 1:- Qualifications are relaxable
at the discretion of the Union Public
Service Commission, for reasons to be
recorded in writing, in the case of
candidates otherwise well qualified.
Note 2: The qualification(s) regarding
experience is/ are relzxable at the
discretion of the Union Public Service
Commission. fbr reasons to be
recorded in writing in the case of
candidates belonging to Scheduled
Castes or Scheduled Tribes if at any
stage of selection the Union Public
Service Commission is of the opinion
that sufficient number of candidates
from these communities possessing
the requisite experience are not likely
to be available to fill up the vacancies
reserved lbr them.

11 (r2) (13)
Promotion: Group 'B' Departmental Promotion Committee (for Consultation with
Data Entry Operator, Grade 'D' in considering promotion) consisting of :- Union Public Service
Level - 6 in Pay Matrix (Rs. 35400- (1) Cadre Controlling Officer in the rank of Director Commission
ll2409), with five years regular General /Principai Accountant General/Accountant necessary while
service in the grade and have General / Principal Director of Audit -Chairperson making direct
successfully completed four weeks (2) Senior Deputy Accountant General / Director /Deputy recruitment.
t746 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : JANUARY 4,2020/PAUSHA 14, 1941 [PART II-SEC. 3(i)]
of training in relevant area as Accountant GeneraL/Deputy Director in-charge of
prescribed by the department from administration Member
time to time. (3) Senior Deputy Accountant General / Director /Deputy
Note: Accountant General / Deputy Director -Member
Where juniors who haye completed
their qualifying or eligibility service Group'B' Departmental Confirmation Committee (for
are being considered for promotion, considering confirmation) consisting of :-
their seniors would also be (1) Cadre Controlling Officer in the rank of Director
considered provided they are not General / Principal Accountant General / Accountant
short of the requisite qualifying or General / Principal Director of Audit - Chairperson
eligibility service by more than half (2) Senior Deputy Accountant General / Director / Deputy
of such qualifying or eligibility Accountant General / Deputy Director in-charge of
service or two years, whichever is administration Member
less, and have successfully (3) Senior Deputy Accountant General / Director / Deputy
completed their probation period for Accountant General / Deputy Director -Member
promotion to the next higher grade
alongwith their juniors who have
already completed such qualifying or
eligibility service.
Deputation including short term
contract (ISTC):
Officers under the CentraUState
Governments/universiti es/reco gnized
research institutes/public sector
undertakin gs/semi-Government
Statutory or autonomous
organizations :

(A) (I) holding analogous posts on

regular basis in the parent cadre or
(II) five years' service in the grade
rendered after appointment thereto
on a regular basis in lrvel-6.in Pay
Matrix (Rs. 35400-112400) or
equivalent in the parent cadrel
department; and
(B) possessing the educational
qualifications and experience
prescribed for direct recruits under
coltmn (7).
Note 1: The departmental officers in
the feeder category who are in the
direct line of promotion will not be
eligible for consideration for
appointment on deputation (ISTC).
Similarly, the deputationists shall not
be eligible for consideration for
appointment by promotion.
Note 2: Period of deputation
including period of deputation in
another ex-cadrg post held
immediately preceding this
appointment in the same or some
other organisation/department of the
Central Government shall ordinarily
pot to exceed three years.
Note 3: The maximum age limit for
ITFT Il-qu-s 3(0] $rrril sr {qq? : qn-{fr 4, 2020t fis t+, t g+t r741

appointment by deputation (ISTC)

shall be not exceeding fifty-six years
as on the closing date of receipt of

lF. No. A-tz0t8l0l 1201 6-EGl


FrrPur dT qft{r{ sqrur {'Tr{q

Tt fr-d, 27 Rmq<, zotg
qr.s'r.fr.373 .- trqffi, Tifrem h eI-{-+E 309 h qT.EiF dm, elffit fl-Tfr{r wct Eq qk
Ftrp;q sR{rt ir-(,q-rur {'zrqq; i+rftq BftsB
ft frqfirilr, (m.fru T{l-il-fi)q{g'T['T(hqfi
fr-Tq, 2o1s fr, vtr {rdt h frETq srBfii< +'G gq trrQ tt BTtsfrqq-t frqr rr-Tr t m +-G sr frq fr{f
rTqI t, EqT€q 3It{ qkflT sFzlTul riTTFlq, EqI€?.q f-fl-q-dfrAalTirq + a-fiq qM* s-frqa-rfl-+t{-f,ril t
mfts rfrrrqrrcr rcrirfi h cE "r{ Tfi fi qffi mr frRqqq +,G h ffifua ftTq q-i-rt {, srvt+:-
1. {fts qrq ei-( Yi{rr .- (1) qq Mi fl {f*s q-rq fuT q6freqTTtrq, A-fi-q 3M* s-frqsnqt
frqs-[ilr, +frs rfrrrerrfl' tr{rirfi, (trlE'rr' qE) rfi fr'q-q, zo t I

t rr+rfr ttqq-.r t s{+ s"ilsFr fi Trfr-q fr q< €itr

T+fi{qr, qrffq-<ur, tffitER frw<qr /.- r* fi srrr
rire{, +rflm-<ut-, +ild tFtr ii wq
qT +ilffit-{ * E}} q} qq Mf t {qd Br-fl+ + kiq t €q (4) t frftHe {r
3. $rfi fi raR, wg-firr, qfu
Br-R.- Tfi rafr', eng-frrr, w€TIq B{t{ ggt Ttdfe]-d- q.q eft }
Ar.ft s} f{tn q-gg* + Eirr (s) t (13) fi frfrtu
4. reilr.-T{6q.ft-
(6) ffi N qm t RffiT qfr qr Grn-6r fifr-{ t, G-{r{ fr-fi t; m Gqe fi {rEEr fr A}
(e) Grqt 3Tvt q-fr qi sTTdT c-fr h fiB-.r gq Gffi qfr t fr-{E frqr t, E-{-{ fi HfrET fi E}
si' qE qr 6gfr
srr sTE}TT,
,.< ffi
id?T TtrF11 6I TA { wrm Eqr G-{E W zqfr BIt{ G-sr{ + Fq qrf,rr qil
t fr
oqr+fi-q frts + effir w{-iq { Brt{ + Rq {F{ Bnar{ t a} eE Grfi qfr fr rq fr-fi + e-s-{-{ t q-c
e qaTTftl

5. f$fumsGft ffi.-a-{i {trrr< fi qO {rq B fr Effi m.-ra-t q{qqc['q1sffiq t, T6f 16 ssh

frq * 6'r<or {, s.t tq{d +-G, Mt h Gffi uqdcr +1frffi ffi qr q-ii + qRFt'i h €dq t qrtqr arn
flrR-f, ql qa;rftr
6. qrEfr.-E{ ffi fi, qrr, Eft qrmoii, etrg-tq, t q-- qt< w;q .1M. r( sqlzr a-{t srtfi,
G!-mra-fiq $cfl-q Errf {tta it wrrr-Tl-rfir q< qrfr frq .rq qrtqit h wgvr< q-ffq-d qft'q}, q-Wtrq-d
qqqrffii, Waf A-ffi er.q frqts rE i + qftqi + frq sq"i$ rycqr qtfg-r tr

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