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Ground water is the only alternate source to cater to domestic, irrigation and industrial needs when
surface water gets exhausted or unavailable. Due to various natural and anthropogenic factors the
ground water is getting contaminated, therefore it is essential to assess the quality of ground water
before using for any specific purpose. Remote Sensing & GIS integrated with other collateral
data not only act as powerful tool for efficient management of existing water resources but also
provide solution to the problems related to water quality. Assessment of ground water quality is
also an integral part of environmental management. In the present study, an effort was made to
assess the quality of ground water by determining water quality index of Patancheru area of
Hyderabad city by analyzing ground water samples collected from existing bore-wells.
Thematic map showing the spatial distribution of ground water quality data was developed
using Arc GIS. Ground water quality was analyzed to identify the different zones that are
vulnerable to ground water pollution in and around the study area due to different land use land
cover patterns.
Degradation of urban environmental quality is increasing beyond saturation levels and it has
detrimental effects and increased pressure on existing natural resources, people and other living
organisms and infrastructure facilities. Groundwater, the substitute to surface water is necessary
for survival of life on the planet and the assessment of water quality is always a significant
component of environmental quality management. Socio-Economic development, recharge of
surface & ground water and the survival of life on Earth will depend on the availability of
fresh water. Ground water is considered to be relatively pure than surface water due to
presence of natural purification mechanisms embedded in the soil. Effluents from industries
and urban areas leach into the soil there by contaminating the ground water. Most of these
effluents arenon-biodegradable, toxic, carcinogenic, also contain huge amounts of chemicals
posing a major threat and leading to serious health hazards to the living world.
The objective of the present study was to identify environmentally sensitive areas around
Patancheru area with respect to ground water quality using RS and GIS techniques. The
development of thematic map is mainly based on land use land cover prepared from
interpretation of satellite data and point source data of water quality. The study involves the
suitability assessment and mapping of groundwater quality for Patancheru area. Around 15
samples were collected from various stations with in the region and are overlaid on the
satellite image. Buffer zones are created for which the water quality index is computed for
each water sample. The area of influence is then drawn considering the sampling station as
Grround Water Qu
uality Assessmen
nt using RS and GIS – A Case Study of… 7811
Wateer Quality Ind dex: Water quality index (WQ QI) helps in undderstanding thee general waterr
qualitty status of a water
w source annd hence it has been appliedd for both surfaace and groundd
waterr quality assesssment all arounnd the world siince last few decades.
d Weigghted arithmeticc
waterr quality index method classiffied the water quality
q accordin
ng to the degreee of purity byy
using the most comm monly measuredd water quality variables. The method has beeen widely usedd
by maany scientists annd calculation of
o WQI was made by using thee following equaation:
782 3rd Internation
nal Conference on
o Environmentaal Management (ICEM 2017)
is estimated conceentration of ith parameter
p in thee analysed wateer
is the ideal value of this parameter in pure waterr
= 0 (except pH =77.0 and DO = 144.6 mg/l)
is recommended
r s
standard o ith parameter
value of
Thhe unit weight (Wi)
( for each water
w quality paarameter is calcculated by usingg the followingg
= proportionality
p c
constant and cann also be calcullated by using th
he following eqquation:
pH: pH value of samples varied from 4 to 7.8. The sample collected at Chitkul is having
the highest pH value of 7.8 while the sample collected at Bacchigudem had the lowest pH
of 4. The residential area Bacchigudem is very near to the confluence point of
Pamalavagu and Nakkavagu both of which carry effluents.
Sources of pH: Huge concentrations of effluents from Common Effluent Treatment Plant
and other industries are the major sources.
TDS: TDS values for the study area were in the range of 325 – 1550 mg/L. The ground
water sample collected in Ramachandrapuram was having the highest TDS. This area is
adjacent to stagnant water body Rayasamudram.
Sources of TDS: Industrial, domestic effluents and sewage are the main sources.
Presence of TDS leads to depletion of DO, distress to livestock, displeasing color, odor
and taste.
Nitrates: The concentrations of nitrates for the study area varied from 6 – 30 mg/L. High
nitrate concentrations in the ground water can pose health risks, especially if the levels
exceed 10 mg/L. High nitrate concentrations were detected in the areas of
Kacchireddypalli, Mutangi and Bacchigudem. The stagnant water bodies which receive
high amounts of untreated effluents and sewage from leaking sewage pipes may
contribute to high concentration of nitrates in ground water. Nitrates are particularly
dangerous to pregnant women and infants less than 6 months old causing blue baby
syndrome – Methamoglobinemia.
784 3rd International Conference on Environmental Management (ICEM 2017)
Fig. 2 Satellite Image for Patancheru Area - IRS – 1D – LISS III - With Locations of Ground Water
Sampling Stations.
786 3rd International Conference on Environmental Management (ICEM 2017)
One of the greatest lacunae in urban planning of Hyderabad is the absence of efficient and
reliable field data and detailed land use survey. This has an adverse effect on the environment
and the conditions cannot be improved unless the source and causes which are responsible for
the environmental quality are investigated. GIS techniques coupled with environmental
quality data would greatly facilitate design of water quality monitoring program and would
allow early detection of contamination of ground water.
The study provides an insight of the impact of urbanization and industrialization on ground
water quality. Application of GIS techniques can be useful for identification of residential
areas vulnerable to environmental degradation.
The available data enabled only a limited survey of urban and industrial impacts on ground
water quality. Further investigations, should be carried out at micro level to ascertain the
variation of ground water quality with depth, the aerial extent of impact and identification of
exact source contributing to water pollution. Only then it is possible to suggest effective
measures to safe guard the environment especially water resources. Urban planners and
authorities should realize that a multi disciplinary approach is needed and cooperation of local
bodies and participation of stakeholders is essential for sustainable development in
maintaining ground water quality.
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