8) ESRI Paper Swapnil Kamble
8) ESRI Paper Swapnil Kamble
8) ESRI Paper Swapnil Kamble
ESRI India User Conference 2010
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11th ESRI India User Conference 2010
About 50% of the world’s population lives in coastal areas, a figure which will probably rise to 75% during
this century (Finkl 1994). India has a long coastline of over 8000 km. Indiscriminate releases of untreated or
partially treated wastes without considering the assimilative capacity of the waste receiving water body have
resulted in pockets of polluted environment with depleted coastal resources, public health risks and loss of
biodiversity. Over 300 million people living in the coastal zone of India are considered to generate 1.11 x 1010
m3 of sewage annually, where sewage collection network exists, enters the marine waters (Zingde 1999).
The increased human aggression in the form release of sewage and industrial wastes, dumping of solid waste
garbage in the creeks caused stress on the ecosystem (Quadros et. al., 2004).
The objective of the present paper is to assess the water quality of west coast and creeks of Mumbai. The
application of GIS is used to assess the spatial and temporal distribution of water quality during low and high
tides and compared with SW II standards (CPCB 1993).
Study Area:
Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra state, located at the west coast of India. The study area lies between
180 52’ to 190 20’ N latitude and 720 48’ to 730 05’ E longitude with an area 438 sq. km and population of
over 13 million. Many parts of the city lie just above sea level, with elevations ranging from 10 m to 15 m
(Krishnamoorthy 2006). City receives around 3400 MLD water supply from different sources situated 80
km to 160 km away from the city namely Vihar, Tulsi, Tansa, Vaitarna i.e. Modak Sagar, Upper Vaitarna and
Bhatsa lake. City generates about 2700 million liters per day (MLD) of sewage from seven service zones
namely Colaba, Lovegrove (Worli), Bandra, Malad, Versova, Bhandup and Ghatkopar. Wastewater is collected
and transported through various pumping stations to the wastewater treatment facilities and discharges it
into the adjoining west coast and creeks namely Malad, Marve and Thane in the Arabian Sea (Vyas L. and
Vyas S., 2007). Water quality impacts on west coast and creek waters around the city are the most
important considerations for future planning of marine environment. Tidal currents which advect disperse and
dilute the effluent in the coastal environment (Gupta I. et. al., 2004).
Methodology is divided into two phases. Phase I comprises the sampling locations, collection and preservation
of samples and analytical techniques. Phase II comprises interface between water quality data and GIS for
the assessment of spatio-temporal water quality parameters in west coast and creeks.
(i) Phase I - Sample Collection and Analysis: A well designed program was prepared to generate
data on water quality status and impact of sewage/wastewater discharges on marine environment.
The water quality study was conducted during winter in January 2007 and samples were identified
in the physical environment using GPS (Trimble 2007). Total 109 water samples were collected,
of which 48 samples were from coastal region, 33 from Thane creek, 11 from Marve, Malad, Mahim
creeks and 17 samples were from seafronts and beaches. The collected samples were preserved
and analysed for various physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters as described by standard
methods (APHA 2005). Water quality parameters were selected based on the receiving water
body standards SW II.
(ii) Phase II - GIS based Analysis: The analytical results were taken on the GIS environment for
further analysis. The analytical attributes considered are based on regulatory guidelines and
standards for coastal waters. Using ArcGIS 9.3 (ESRI 2008), water quality maps were generated
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for Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Fecal Coliform (FC) and
classified for spatial and temporal analysis.
The samples were analysed in the laboratory for physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters and
compared with SW II standards (Table 1).
Table 1
Primary Water Quality Criteria for Class SW-II Waters
(For Bathing, Contact Water Sports and Commercial Fishing)
Sr. No Parameter Standards
1. pH range 6.5 - 8.5
2. Turbidity 30 NTU (Nephelo Turbidity Unit)
3. DO 4.0 mg/L
4. BOD (3 days at 27°C) 3 mg/L
5. Fecal Coliform 100/100 ml (MPN)
(i) West Coast: pH was always within the prescribed limit of standards. The SW II standard for
turbidity of 30 NTU exceeded only in limited samples in the impact zone of Marve creek during high
tide. The discharge of wastewater with turbidity in the range of 140 to 200 NTU through outfalls at
Worli and Bandra gets adequately diluted resulting turbidity of 10 to 30 NTU. DO was observed
more than 4 mg/L (SW II standard) in all the samples in coastal waters during low and high tides
indicating favourable conditions for aquatic life. The concentration of DO was increasing with the
distance from the shoreline. Another indicator of water quality is BOD, a measure of pollution due
to biodegradable organic matter (Dhage et. al., 2006). Though the BOD values were satisfying
SW II standard at majority of locations, the impact of sewage discharges was observed upto 3 km
seaward distance. Due to non-point discharges in the west coast and discharges from ocean
outfalls, it was observed that the bacteriological quality in terms of FC showed non compliance of
SW II standards at all the locations in west coast and creeks.
(ii) Seafronts and Beaches: Observed pH values were with the range indicating neither pollution
threat for biological life nor for skin-eye irritation problems during contact water sports. The
turbidity was observed in the range of 8-95 NTU. About 35 % of total samples were exceeded SW
II standard (30 NTU). The highest turbidity were observed at Gorai following Manori, Girgaon and
Marve beaches having values 95, 75, 65 and 55 NTU respectively. DO was observed more than 4
mg/L (SW II standard) in about 85% samples except Mahim where it was practically zero because
of heavy sewage/wastewater discharge from Mithi River. Marginal low DO was observed at Colaba,
Manori and Marve beaches. About 60 % of the samples containing BOD were found to be within the
prescribed limit of 3 mg/L (SW II standard). Rest of the samples was showing marginal increase
and worst at Mahim and Dadar where it was 38 and 18.8 mg/L respectively. The FC count
observed in the range 1.2 x 102 to 4.1 x 107 CFU/100 ml at all beaches and seafronts were
exceeding SW II standards because of the non point discharges of sewage/wastewater.
(iii) Thane, Malad, Marve and Mahim Creeks: pH values were within the range of SW II standards.
The turbidity was observed in the range of 10 – 150 NTU. Only 20% samples were found above the
prescribed SW II standards. Marginal increase in the turbidity at Malad creek during low tide was
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observed. The highest turbidity was found at upper stretch of Thane creek with 150 NTU during
high tide. As per observed DO, the condition of Malad creek is alarming as no DO in the creek
during low tide. At Marve and Mahim creeks, the alarming condition was also observed as DO was
in the range of 0 to 2 mg/L during low tide. During high tide the condition was slightly better as
marginal increase in DO than prescribed SW II standards. The condition at Thane creek is not good
as about 85% DO samples were below prescribed limit during low and high tides indicating
unfavorable conditions for commercial fishing. The BOD was observed higher than prescribed SW II
standards in Marve, Malad and Mahim creeks and in upper stretch of Thane creek during low tide.
Marginal increase in BOD values compared to SW II standards were observed at Marve and Malad
creek during high tide. All the creeks were heavily contaminated with FC and vulnerable in terms of
bacterial pollution.
(iv) GIS based Analysis: The spatial and temporal distribution of DO, BOD and FC in coastal and
creeks waters during low and high tides are depicted in Figure 1 through Figure 3. Colour coding
has been adopted as per SW II standards. Lighter to darker shades of blue represent acceptable
water quality and the shades from Lighter to darker red colour representing higher concentration of
pollution exceeding the standards. Distribution of DO showed Marve, Malad, Mahim and upper
stretch of Thane creek with DO 0 to 2 mg/L indicating pollution and not complying with stipulated
standards during low tide. The condition improves in Marve and Malad creek during high tide as
compared to Mahim creek and middle and upper stretches of Thane creek. Like wise BOD
distribution indicates poor condition at Marve, Malad, Mahim and middle portion of Thane creek
with BOD upto 15 mg/L during low tide. BOD was increased slightly higher than SW II at impacts
zone of Worli and Bandra outfalls due to sewage discharges. Distribution of FC indicates bacterial
pollution in west coast, creeks, beaches and seafronts due to point and non point discharge of
sewage. Even effect can be visualized up to 7 km seaward distance.
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11th ESRI India User Conference 2010
Analytical results and spatio temporal distribution of water quality assess the impact of sewage and
wastewater in the coast, creeks and beaches. Water quality in terms of DO and BOD satisfies the compliance
level in west coast and outer region of Thane creek due to dilution. Water quality in Malad, Marve and upper
stretch of Thane creek is worstly affected by influx of domestic and industrial waste in terms of non point
pollution. Absence of DO and presence of high BOD warrants urgent mitigation measures in the creeks.
Similarly beaches and seafronts are polluted due to non point sources. Mahim is worstly affected beach.
Deterioration of environmental quality in the beaches requires remedial measures to improve recreation
value. Bacterial water quality in terms of FC was worst and not complying standards at any location. Since,
there is no treatment for FC and continuous discharges of sewage in the creeks and through ocean outfalls,
water quality of waste coast and creeks are deteriorating. Spatio temporal study revealed that there is a dire
need of suggestive measures to mitigate coastal and creeks water pollution and improvement in water
quality. Measures include identification of non point sources and connected through city sewerage system,
improvement in existing collection system, appropriate level of treatment and proper disposal may achieve
designated water quality standards for the coastal and creek water environment.
Authors are thankful to the Director, NEERI for providing encouragement, support, and kind permission for
publishing the research article. The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai is acknowledged for providing
the financial support to carry out this study.
1. APHA (2005), Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 19th edition,
American public Health Association, Washington
2. CPCB (1993) Criteria for classification and zoning of coastal waters (sea waters SW) - A coastal
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3. Dhage S. S., Chandorkar A. A., Kumar R., Srivastava A., Gupta I., (2006), “Marine water quality
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4. ESRI 2008, ArcMap 9.3, Environmental System Research Institute, Redland, California, Available
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7. Krishnamoorthy B., (2006), “Environmental Management: Text And Cases 2nd Ed”, Prentice Hall of
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Journal of Coastal Development, Volume 7, Number 2, pp. 71-78
9. Trimble 2007 Trimble Juno ST, TerraSync Software, Getting Started Guide, Trimble navigation
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10. Vyas L. and Vyas S., (2007), “Simulation models for the dispersion of sewage outfalls along the
west coast of Mumbai, India”, Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on
Simulation, Modeling and Optimization, Beijing, China, Pages 503-508
11. Zingde M. D., (1999), Marine Pollution - What are we heading for? In: Ocean Science Trends and
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