Me6703 Cim PDF
Me6703 Cim PDF
Me6703 Cim PDF
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and
PO1 an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
PO2 problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and
engineering sciences.
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
PO3 system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the
public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods
PO4 including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to
provide valid conclusions.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
PO5 engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
PO6 health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
engineering practice.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
PO7 societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
PO8 engineering practice.
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse
PO9 teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
PO10 community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and
design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
PO11 management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to
manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
PO12 independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
To create excellent professionals in the field of Mechanical Engineering and to uplift the quality of
technical education on par with the International Standards.
Department Mission
1. To understand the basic concept of various mechanical engineering field such as design,
manufacturing, thermal and industrial engineering.
2. To apply the knowledge in advanced mechanical system and processes by using design and
analysis techniques.
3. To develop student’s professional skills to meet the industry requirements and entrepreneurial
skills for improving nation’s economy stronger.
C403.2 determine the planning and control of production cost , inventory, material
requirement ,shop floor and enterprise resource
C403.3 construct the part family’s, classification and coding and Machine cell design and
explain the concept of production flow analysis
apply the concepts of adaptable systems in production planning and control and
automated guidance system
explain the control systems in robots and develop programming skill based on
various applications
To understand the application of computers in various aspects of Manufacturing viz., Design,
Proper planning, Manufacturing cost, Layout & Material Handling system.
Brief introduction to CAD and CAM – Manufacturing Planning, Manufacturing control- Introduction
to CAD/CAM – Concurrent Engineering-CIM concepts – Computerised elements of CIM system –
Types of production - Manufacturing models and Metrics – Mathematical models of Production
Performance – Simple problems – Manufacturing Control – Simple Problems – Basic Elements of an
Automated system – Levels of Automation – Lean Production and Just-In-Time Production
1. Mikell.P.Groover “Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing”,
Prentice Hall of India, 2008..
2. Radhakrishnan P, Subramanyan S.and Raju V., “CAD/CAM/CIM”, 2nd Edition, New
AgeInternational (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2000.
1. Kant Vajpayee S, “Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing”, Prentice Hall India, 2003.
2. Gideon Halevi and Roland Weill, “Principles of Process Planning – A Logical Approach”
Chapman & Hall, London, 1995.
3. Rao. P, N Tewari &T.K. Kundra, “Computer Aided Manufacturing”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company, 2000.
Brief introduction to CAD and CAM – Manufacturing Planning, Manufacturing control- Introduction to
CAD/CAM – Concurrent Engineering-CIM concepts – Computerized elements of CIM system –Types of
production - Manufacturing models and Metrics – Mathematical models of Production Performance – Simple
problems – Manufacturing Control – Simple Problems – Basic Elements of an Automated system – Levels of
Automation – Lean Production and Just-In-Time Production
CO Mapping : C703.1
Q.No. Questions Competence PO
1 List any two reasons for using a CAD system BTL-1 Remembering PO5
2 What are the components of CAD systems? BTL-1 Remembering PO5
3 What are the drawing features of CAD package? BTL-1 Remembering PO3
4 What are the advantages of CAD modeling? BTL-1 Remembering PO5
5 What is meant by and topology? BTL-1 Remembering PO1
6 List any four rules of dimensioning? BTL-1 Remembering PO1
Distinguish between reflection and scaling
7 BTL-4 Analyzing PO4
8 What is sculptured surface? BTL-1 Remembering PO1
What are the advantages to be gained by the adoption
9 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
of CAD?
Measure the range of applications for which typical
10 BTL-5 Evaluating PO1
geometric modeling information is used.
11 Explain CIM BTL-2 Understanding PO5
12 What are the components of CIM? BTL-1 Remembering PO5
13 What are the steps involved in designing and BTL-1 Remembering PO3
manufacturing a product?
14 What is the role of CIM in manufacturing? BTL-1 Remembering PO5
What are important applications of CIM in
15 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
manufacturing planning?
What are the important applications of CIM in
16 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
manufacturing control?
17 What is cim management? BTL-1 Remembering PO6
List out the tasks for the managers in effective BTL-1 Remembering
18 PO6
What are the major communications used in
19 BTL-1 Remembering PO10
manufacturing industry?
20 What is videoconferencing? BTL-1 Remembering PO1
21 Define automation BTL-1 Remembering PO5
What are the goals of automation in manufacturing
22 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
What are the functions of automated manufacturing
23 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
24 List the classification of automation. BTL-1 Remembering PO5
25 What are the benefits of automation? BTL-1 Remembering PO5
26 What are the capabilities of computer control? BTL-1 Remembering PO1
27 Explain the types of interlocks BTL-2 Understanding PO1
28 What is MAP? BTL-1 Remembering PO5
29 What are the approaches of physical distributions? BTL-1 Remembering PO6
30 Define lean manufacturing BTL-1 Remembering PO4
1 Discuss the applications of computers for design. BTL-6 Creating PO1
2 Explain the drawing features of CAD. BTL-2 Understanding PO5
3 Name the types of modeling of CAD? Explain about BTL-1 Remembering PO5
any one of them.
4 Discuss about operator input devices used at the BTL-6 Creating PO1
graphics workstation.
Explain about the following types of transformations BTL-2,
5 Understanding PO1
with example. (i) Translation (ii) scaling (iii) rotation BTL-5
Explain the short notes on 3D scaling and 3D BTL-2,
6 Understanding PO5
shearing geometric transformation BTL-5
13 What are the methods available for solving BTL-1 Remembering PO3
problems in GT?
14 Explain the two categories of attributes of BTL-2 Understanding PO5
15 List out the premises for the developed of BTL-1 Remembering PO5
DCLASS code.
16 What is PFA? BTL-1 Remembering PO5
17 What is the weakness of PFA? BTL-1 Remembering PO6
18 What are the applications of GT? BTL-1 Remembering PO6
19 What is FMS? BTL-1 Remembering PO10
20 What is Process planning? BTL-1 Remembering PO1
21 What are the results of Process Planning? BTL-1 Remembering PO5
What are the steps involved in Process
22 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
What are the factors should be considered in
23 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
selection of tooling?
What are the principles should adhere while
24 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
determining the efficient sequence?
What arc the prerequisites for process
25 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
26 What are the approaches the CAPP will BTL-1 Remembering PO1
Why CAPP systems are called as variant
27 BTL-1 Remembering PO1
List the main component of generative CAPP
28 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
What arc the benefits of CAPP over manual
29 BTL-1 Remembering PO6
30 Define agile manufacturing BTL-1 Remembering PO4
Q.No. Questions Competence PO5
1 Explain the open system interconnection BTL-2 Understanding PO3
architecture (OSI ) formulated by ISO
3 Explain the important of CIM. Also write the BTL-2 Understanding PO1
reasons for implementing CIM
Explain and compare the different types of BTL-2 Understanding
4 PO1
network topologies. BTL-5 Evaluating
5 What is mean by mono code and poly codes BTL-1 Remembering PO6
6 List out the technique available for formation BTL-1 Remembering PO6
of cell in GT.
What is the main difference between
7 hierarchical codes and attribute codes BTL-1 Remembering PO10
8 What is CMPP system? BTL-1 Remembering PO1
9 Explain Opitz coding system BTL-2 Understanding PO5
10 Define Group technology. BTL-1 Remembering PO5
List the major objectives of a Production
11 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
Management Systems (PMS).
12 Define SFC. BTL-1 Remembering PO5
13 What are the primary function of SFC? BTL-1 Remembering PO5
14 What are the phases of SFC? BTL-1 Remembering PO1
15 What is the purpose of FDS? BTL-1 Remembering PO1
CO Mapping : C703.4
Q.No. Questions Competence PO
List any two methods used to collect data from the
1 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
shop floor.
2 list any two applications of FMS BTL-1 Remembering PO5
Explain the functions of computer control system
3 BTL-2 Understanding PO3
of FMS.
4 List the different stages of shop floor control. BTL-1 Remembering PO5
Compare the dedicated FMS and random order
5 BTL-5 Evaluating PO1
Name the purpose of primary and secondary
6 BTL-1 Remembering PO1
material handling system
Compare the on line and off line data collecting
7 BTL-5 Evaluating PO4
List some important advantages of implementing
8 BTL-1 Remembering PO1
list the importance of shop floor control system
9 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
10 What are the inputs and output of MRP? BTL-1 Remembering PO1
Which is ideal state in computer based
11 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
manufacturing applications?
12 Construct the simple E-R diagram. BTL-2 Understanding PO5
13 What are the types of IDEF models? BTL-1 Remembering PO3
14 Explain about CIMOSA. BTL-2 Understanding PO5
15 How CIMOSA separates functions? BTL-1 Remembering PO5
16 Explain about MRR BTL-2 Understanding PO5
What is the role of process planning in CIM
17 BTL-1 Remembering PO6
18 What is dispatching? BTL-1 Remembering PO6
19 What about shop-floor information? BTL-1 Remembering PO10
20 Explain PDM. BTL-2 Understanding PO1
List different types of production monitoring
21 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
22 What are the inputs to MRP system? BTL-1 Remembering PO5
23 Write down three phases of shop floor control BTL-1 Remembering PO5
24 What is meant by procurement lead time? BTL-1 Remembering PO5
25 What is meant by fixed order quantity model? BTL-1 Remembering PO5
26 What is foreign key? BTL-1 Remembering PO1
27 What is normalization? BTL-1 Remembering PO1
28 Show the different levels of data modeling. BTL-1 Remembering PO5
29 What is Network Data Model? BTL-1 Remembering PO6
30 What is Hierarchical Data Model? BTL-1 Remembering PO4
Explain various components of FMS? And list out PO9,
1 applications, advantages, disadvantages of FMS BTL-2 Understanding PO5,
What is shop floor control? And what are the
2 BTL-1 Remembering PO5
functions of SFC? Explain various phases of SFC
Explain the FMS Layout and its application and PO1,P
3 benefits. BTL-2 Understanding
Explain about FMS workstation PO5,
4 BTL-2 Understanding
Discuss the technology behind automated data
5 BTL-6 Creating PO5
collection system
6 Explain the FMS Layout and SFC flow control. BTL-2 Understanding O5
Brief introduction to CAD and CAM – Manufacturing Planning, Manufacturing control- Introduction to
CAD/CAM – Concurrent Engineering-CIM concepts – Computerized elements of CIM system –Types of
production - Manufacturing models and Metrics – Mathematical models of Production Performance – Simple
problems – Manufacturing Control – Simple Problems – Basic Elements of an Automated system – Levels of
Automation – Lean Production and Just-In-Time Production
1. List any two reasons for using a CAD system. (Nov/Dec 2011)
(i) To increase the productivity of the designer
(ii) To improve the quality of the design.
(iii) To improve the communications.
2. What are the components of CAD systems? (Nov/Dec 2011)
1. Geometric modeling.
2. Design analysis and optimization,
3. Design review and evaluation and
4. Documentation and drafting
10.Specify the range of applications for which typical geometric modeling information is used.(Nov/Dec
Surface modeling can be used generally to model exterior shell objects like sheet metals works and thin molded
plastic parts. Other areas of applications of surface modeling are:
Body panels of passenger cars, structural components of aircraft and marine structures.
Plastic containers, telephones, impellers of pump and turbine, development of surface for cutting shoe
leather, glass marking.
13. What are the steps involved in designing and manufacturing a product?
Steps involved in designing and manufacturing a product.
Definition of product
Design analysis
Pilot production
Conceptual design
Material and process selection
Production, Quality assurance and Final product
14. What is the role of CIM in manufacturing?
CIM is most closely associated with functions in manufacturing engineering such a process planning and
numerical control (NC) part programming.
15. What are important applications of CIM in manufacturing planning?
The applications of CIM can be divided into two broad categories.
1) Manufacturing planning
2) Manufacturing control
16. What are the important applications of CIM in manufacturing control?
The applications of computer process control are pervasive today in automated production systems.
Quality control includes a variety of approaches to ensure the highest possible quality levels in the
manufactured product.
Shop floor control refers to production management techniques.
17. What is management?
Management is the process of making decisions and directing the activities of personnel to achieve stated
objective. The objectives are successfully met when efforts are organized by communicating appropriate
information for control and readjustment.
1. Describe the applications of computers for design. (Nov/dec 2011)
Refer: “Radhakrishnan.P, Subramaniyan.S andRaju.V “Cad/Cam/Cim”, New Age International (P) Limited,
3rd Edition, 2008.”, Page No:9
Refer: “Mikell P.Groover, “Automation,Production Systems,and CIM”, Prentice- Hall, 1987”, Page No from 6
to 7 and from 10 to 11.
2. Explain the drawing features of CAD. (Nov/dec 2011)
Refer: “Radhakrishnan.P, Subramaniyan.S andRaju.V “Cad/Cam/Cim”, New Age International (P) Limited,
3rd Edition, 2008.”, Page No:9
3 .Name the types of modeling of CAD? Explain about any one of them. (Nov/dec 2011)
Refer: “Radhakrishnan.P, Subramaniyan.S andRaju.V “Cad/Cam/Cim”, New Age International (P) Limited,
3rd Edition, 2008.”, Page No:9
4. Describe about operator input devices used at the graphics workstation. (May/june2012)
Refer: “Radhakrishnan.P, Subramaniyan.S andRaju.V “Cad/Cam/Cim”, New Age International (P) Limited,
3rd Edition, 2008.”, Page No:9
5. Explain about the following types of transformations with example. (Nov/dec2012)
(i) Translation (ii) scaling (iii) rotation
Refer: “Radhakrishnan.P, Subramaniyan.S andRaju.V “Cad/Cam/Cim”, New Age International (P) Limited,
3rd Edition, 2008.”, Page No:9
6. Write the short notes on 3D scaling and 3D shearing geometric transformation. (May/june 2013)
Refer: “Radhakrishnan.P, Subramaniyan.S andRaju.V “Cad/Cam/Cim”, New Age International (P) Limited,
3rd Edition, 2008.”, Page No:9
7.What is the main difference between hierarchical codes and attribute codes structures?(May/June 2013)
In hierarchical structure, the interpretation of each symbol in the sequence depends on the value of preceding
symbols. Whereas in attributes/polycode structure, the interpretation of each symbol in the sequence does not
depend on the value of preceding symbols.
8. What is CMPP system? (May/June 2013)
The CMPP stands for computer managed process planning. It is a commercial generative process planning
system capable of automatically making process decisions.
9. Explain Opitz coding system.
The Opitz coding system uses alpha numeric symbols to represent the various attributes of a part.
The Opitz coding scheme uses the following digit sequence: 12345 6789 ABCD
The first five digits (12345) code the major design attributes of a part and are called the “form
code”. The next four digits (6789) are for coding manufacturing related attributes and are called
the “supplementary code”. The letters (ABCD) code the production operation and sequence and
sequence and are referred to as the “secondary code”.
1. Explain various components of FMS? And list out applications, advantages, disadvantages of FMS.
(Nov/dec2011, May/June2012)
Refer: “Radhakrishnan.P, Subramaniyan.S andRaju.V “Cad/Cam/Cim”, New Age International (P) Limited,
3rd Edition, 2008.”, Page No:9
Refer: “Mikell P.Groover, “Automation,Production Systems,and CIM”, Prentice- Hall, 1987”, Page No from 6
to 7 and from 10 to 11.
2. What is shop floor control? And what are the functions of SFC? Explain various phases of SFC.
Refer: “Mikell P.Groover, “Automation,Production Systems,and CIM”, Prentice- Hall, 1987”, Page No from 6
to 7 and from 10 to 11.
3. Explain the FMS Layout and its application and benefits. (Nov/dec2012, Nov/dec2013)
Refer: “Mikell P.Groover, “Automation,Production Systems,and CIM”, Prentice- Hall, 1987”, Page No from 6
to 7 and from 10 to 11.
4.Explain about FMS workstation.(May/June2012)
Refer: “Radhakrishnan.P, Subramaniyan.S andRaju.V “Cad/Cam/Cim”, New Age International (P) Limited,
3rd Edition, 2008.”, Page No:9
5. Discuss the technology behind automated data collection system. (Nov/dec2013)
Refer: “Radhakrishnan.P, Subramaniyan.S andRaju.V “Cad/Cam/Cim”, New Age International (P) Limited,
3rd Edition, 2008.”, Page No:9
6. Explain the FMS Layout and SFC flow control. (Nov/dec2011)
Refer: “Radhakrishnan.P, Subramaniyan.S andRaju.V “Cad/Cam/Cim”, New Age International (P) Limited,
3rd Edition, 2008.”, Page No:9.