The RCMAS-2 is a 49-item self-report questionnaire that measures anxiety in children ages 6-19. It assesses overall anxiety levels as well as physiological, worry, social, and defensive anxiety. Administration and scoring requires level C qualification. It takes 10-15 minutes to complete and has good reliability and validity for evaluating anxiety, monitoring progress, and determining eligibility for special services.
The RCMAS-2 is a 49-item self-report questionnaire that measures anxiety in children ages 6-19. It assesses overall anxiety levels as well as physiological, worry, social, and defensive anxiety. Administration and scoring requires level C qualification. It takes 10-15 minutes to complete and has good reliability and validity for evaluating anxiety, monitoring progress, and determining eligibility for special services.
The RCMAS-2 is a 49-item self-report questionnaire that measures anxiety in children ages 6-19. It assesses overall anxiety levels as well as physiological, worry, social, and defensive anxiety. Administration and scoring requires level C qualification. It takes 10-15 minutes to complete and has good reliability and validity for evaluating anxiety, monitoring progress, and determining eligibility for special services.
The RCMAS-2 is a 49-item self-report questionnaire that measures anxiety in children ages 6-19. It assesses overall anxiety levels as well as physiological, worry, social, and defensive anxiety. Administration and scoring requires level C qualification. It takes 10-15 minutes to complete and has good reliability and validity for evaluating anxiety, monitoring progress, and determining eligibility for special services.
A brief self-report measure designed to be useful in To assess the level and nature of anxiety understanding and intervention of anxiety problems Figure out one's social/performance anxiety that students experience Diagnose anxiety for determining eligibility for special 49 yes-or-no questions education services Takes 10-15 minutes to complete Teachers can use it to determine levels of anxiety in Can be administered individually or in a group their students Items are written to be understood by anyone Can be used to individualize intervention strategies with a 2nd grade reading level or above Ideal for routine screening and progress monitoring ADMINISTRATION AND $146 for online version and paper version The first 10 questions are the short-form of the SCORING assessment Level C qualification for administration and scoring Items the assessment measures: TARGET AUDIENCE Defensiveness (DEF) 6-19 years old Indicates whether the respondent is willing Different scoring for different age groups to admit to everyday imperfections that are 6-8 years old commonly experienced 9-14 years old Total anxiety (TOT) 15-19 years old High total score indicates high overall anxiety level Physiological anxiety (PHY) KEY PSYCHOMETRICS High score suggests that the child experiences the physiological responses Total score reliability: 0.92 that often accompany anxiety Scale score reliability: 0.75-0.86 Worry (WOR) Validity scores should be relatively stable across High score suggests the respondent is time afraid, nervous, or in some manner There is no validity for the short-form version oversensitive to environmental pressures Norms are based on an ethnically diverse sample Social anxiety (SOC) of over 2,300 individuals High score indicates concern about self in regard to other people