Childrens Depression Inventory 2 Cdi-2
Childrens Depression Inventory 2 Cdi-2
Childrens Depression Inventory 2 Cdi-2
Stratified to match age, and 292 girls) + 206 and 596 girls + 272
sex, race/ethnicity, and additional additional
geography of
n= 319 boys and girls, No new clinical cases No new clinical cases
aged 7 to 17 were collected were collected
Total Score
No significant effect of sex was Sex significantly affected the Total No significant effects
observed in either full- or short- Score and Functional Problems on sex or age
Overall sample:
266 youths Scores were strong between CDI 2 scores and the
scores from the Connors Comprehensive Behavior
Rating Scales
both test utilizes the comprehensive coverage of
the symptoms of MDD
214 youths 52 youths Scores were moderate between CDI 2 scores and the
(standardization (clinical sample) Beck Youth Inventory
sample) Youth version of the BDI only has partial coverage
of the symptoms of major depression and
Conclusion and Recommendations
Pros Cons
Aids in the early Translations of CDI 2 present a
identification of depressive potential inequity issue
symptoms The samples were only
Features specific scales for selected within the United
Emotional and Functional
Does not accurately
problems along with sub-
represent other countries
with different social and
Overall, good reliability and cultural backgrounds
validity Limitation of self-reported data
Thank You!