Zero-Area Single Photon Pulses
Zero-Area Single Photon Pulses
Zero-Area Single Photon Pulses
effectively generates zero-area single-photon pulses. This is a clear signature of strong transient
coupling between single broadband (THz-level) light quanta and atoms, with intriguing fundamental
implications and possible new applications to the storage of quantum information.
Single photons are privileged carriers of quantum in- two-level atoms and an effective single lorentzian profile
formation because of their little interaction with the envi- for the resonance line of the sample is enough to convey
ronment and among themselves. However, when it comes all the main features of the phenomenon.
to storing and manipulating information, it would be use- If the atomic transition is sufficiently narrow, the ab-
ful for them to interact strongly with some atomic system sorbed pulse energy can be almost negligible even in the
in order to convert their quantum state into a stationary case of high optical depths, but dispersion may still cause
quantum state of matter [1]. Since atomic systems, either a dramatic re-shaping of the temporal pulse envelope. In
made of cold and ultracold atoms or of hot vapors, have accordance to the pulse area theorem [16–18], the electric
absorption linewidths in the Hz to GHz range, the main field amplitude of the pulse rapidly develops a series of
road to enhance the atom-photon interaction has always lobes of alternating signs that make the pulse area ap-
been that of using sufficiently narrowband quantum pho- proach zero. Once formed, a 0-area pulse is remarkably
tonic states, either produced in cavity-enhanced para- robust and propagates without further losses.
metric down-conversion sources [2–5], or directly from Although most studies concentrated on the effects of
cold [6–9] or hot [10, 11] atomic samples. In general, ul- propagation on the shape of the optical pulse itself, it
trashort single photons with bandwidths much broader has also been pointed out that 0-area pulses can signifi-
than the atomic bandwidth are therefore not considered cantly enhance the transient excitation of the atoms [19],
useful for this task because they are thought to interact even though the final excitation left in the medium af-
only very weakly with the atoms. This is not necessarily ter the passage of the pulse is negligible. This tran-
true. sient excitation, however, can be mapped into a final,
Resonant interaction between ultrashort classical non-negligible excitation of a different atomic level by
pulses and atomic media has long been investigated, to- means of a second ultrashort field acting on the excited
gether with some of its most peculiar effects. Two-photon state during the transient [19], indicating its possible use
transitions, for example, are well known to involve the for storage of information. All previous experimental
whole bandwidth of an ultrashort pulse and to bene- studies of broadband pulse interaction with narrowband
fit considerably from the broad shaping of its spectral atomic ensembles were carried out with weak classical
profile [12, 13]. The formation of zero-area pulses is light pulses (see, for example, [15, 20–22]). However, the
another spectacular consequence of the propagation of formation of 0-area single-photon (SP) pulses has also
weak ultrashort pulses in the dispersive medium around been predicted [23] and viewed as a possible way to en-
an atomic resonance [14, 15]. Considering a laser pulse gineer quantum states using time-dependent effects and
whose description in frequency space is initially given by for time-domain quantum information processing [24].
E(ω, 0), propagation through a distance l in the resonant
Here we present the first experimental demonstration
medium modifies it to:
of 0-area pulse formation within the wavepacket tempo-
ral mode of a single photon. We propagate ultrashort
−α0 l
E(ω, l) = E(ω, 0) exp , (1) heralded photons with a broad bandwidth centered at
1 − i(ω − ωa )T2
780 nm through a cell containing resonant hot rubidium
where α0 is the optical density of the medium, ωa is the vapor and find that, despite a negligibly small absorp-
atomic resonance frequency, and T2 is the upper level tion, the transmitted SP wavepackets acquire the strong
lifetime. This approximate expression, which considers temporal modulation characteristic of 0-area pulses. We
use our recently developed techniques of ultrafast, mode- i.e., a mixture of vacuum and SP Fock states in the mode
selective, time-domain, homodyne detection [25] to mea- defined by the homodyne LO. The global efficiency η de-
sure the coherently modulated SP profiles and to verify pends upon several factors: limited state preparation effi-
that the quantum character of the input states is not ciency, limited quantum efficiency of the homodyne pho-
degraded upon transformation of the mode. todiodes, optical losses, electronic noise, and dark counts
in the APD. Above all, however, it depends on the mode
HT mismatch between the heralded state and the LO. Spa-
Mode-locked laser
BHD tial matching is simply obtained by means of lens combi-
nations after pinhole spatial filtering. Spectro-temporal
shaper BS mode-matching can be achieved by shaping the spectral
amplitude and phase of the LO by means of a liquid-
LBO crystal pixelated spatial light modulator in a 4-f, zero-
dispersion, configuration [25, 27]. Using an optimized
SEED spatiotemporal LO mode, we routinely measure SP frac-
Rb tions up to η ≈ 62% in our setup for the freely propagat-
ing conditions.
Signal cell In order to preliminarily test the system and optimize
APD Trigger
the homodyne detection of modulated SP wavepackets,
Idler we first make use of the intense stimulated emission that
SMF takes place in the output signal mode of the paramet-
ric crystal when seeded by intense synchronized 780 nm
FIG. 1: (Color online) Experimental setup. Heralded single- pulses in the input idler mode. Emission of this intense
photon pulses interact with a resonant Rb vapor and are an-
alyzed by a balanced homodyne detector (BHD). A seed co-
classical radiation is known to take place into a mode
herent pulse is used to provide reference classical pulses in that closely matches that of the heralded photons [28]. A
the same spatiotemporal mode of the single photons. HT is temperature-stabilized 8-cm long cell containing natural
a high-transmission beam-splitter, LBO is a lithium triborate abundance Rb is placed in the common path of the clas-
crystal for second harmonic generation. All other symbols are sical and SP wavepackets. Figure 2 shows the visibility of
defined in the text. the interference fringes measured at one exit of the homo-
dyne beam-splitter between such classical pulses and un-
The master light source for our experiment (see Fig.1) modulated LO pulses as a function of the relative delay
is a mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser, emitting a train of for different values of the cell temperature. Starting from
100-fs, 780-nm, pulses at a repetition rate of 80 MHz. a single peak at zero delay, this linear cross-correlation
Most of the laser emission is frequency-doubled to pro- curve develops growing lobes at higher temperatures that
duce the pump pulses for generating single photons in clearly testify the formation of classical 0-area pulses.
a traveling wavepacket mode from heralded spontaneous The seed idler pulses are then blocked to perform ho-
parametric down-conversion (SPDC) in a 300-µm thick modyne measurements of the modulated SP wavepack-
crystal of type-I β-barium borate (BBO). Frequency- ets. When the Rb cell is first inserted in the path of the
degenerate signal and idler photons are emitted along a heralded single photons at room temperature, the only
cone; the detection of an idler photon in a fiber-coupled effect is a slight decrease in the global efficiency η due to
avalanche photodiode (APD) placed after narrow spec- residual losses in the anti-reflection coated cell windows.
tral and spatial filters (a 1 nm FWHM interference filter, However, increasing the temperature of the cell has the
F, and the APD single-mode fiber, SMF) heralds the gen- effect of rapidly degrading the measured global efficiency
eration of pure broadband single photons resonant with if the LO mode is left unchanged. In these situations,
the 5S1/2 − 5P3/2 D2 transition of Rb in the conjugated we expect the SP temporal mode to start being heavily
signal mode. Previous investigations [25] have shown modulated by atomic dispersion, so that the homodyne
that our setup is able to generate SP pulses in a quasi- detector sees larger and larger fractions of vacuum in the
transform-limited wavepacket mode with a duration of original LO mode as the temperature (and the atomic
about 100 fs. density) increases.
A smaller portion (about 8 mW) of the laser emis- The first series of measurements consists of acquir-
sion serves as the local oscillator (LO) for heralded, time- ing phase-averaged quadrature distributions and extract-
domain, homodyne detection [26] after mixing with the ing the global SP efficiency η of Eq.2 as a function
signal on a 50% beam-splitter (BS). When analyzing her- of the delay τ between the modulated SP pulse and
alded single photons, we measure a state which can be the un-modulated LO. This results in a sort of cross-
generally written as correlation measurement, similar to the classical one de-
scribed above, but now performed with the exceptional
ρ̂meas = η |1iLOh1| + (1 − η) |0iLOh0| (2) sensitivity typical of homodyne detection. Figure 3 shows
1 .0 1
0 .8
0 .6 ρ
- 3 1 2
( c m ) = 1 . 7 x 1 0
T = 1 0 0 ° C
T = 8 5 ° C
0 .4 R b
0 .2 0 .1
0 1 2 3
0 .0
0 .0 1
1 .0
0 .8 1
0 .6 1 0 0 ° C 4 . 8 x 1 0
1 2
0 .4 T = 1 1 5 ° C
H o m o d y n e e ffic ie n c y
0 .2 0 .1
0 .0
0 .0 1
F r in g e v is ib ility
0 .8
0 .6 1 3
1 1 5 ° C
0 .4 1 . 2 x 1 0
T = 1 3 0 ° C
0 .2 0 .1
0 .0
0 .0 1
0 .6
0 .4 1 3 0 ° C 2 . 9 x 1 0
1 3
0 .2 T = 1 4 5 ° C
0 .1
0 .0
0 .6 0 .0 1
0 .4 1 4 5 ° C 6 . 5 x 1 0
1 3
0 1 2 3
0 .2
D e l a y ( p s )
0 .0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
D e l a y τ ( p s ) FIG. 3: (Color online) Measured homodyne efficiency curves
(in logarithmic scale) as a function of the delay between the
un-modulated LO pulses and heralded single photons that in-
FIG. 2: (Color online) Experimental visibility of the interfer- teracted with the Rb atoms in the cell. The temporal mode of
ence fringes as a function of the delay (linear cross-correlation) the single photons is heavily distorted at sufficiently high cell
between an un-modulated LO pulse of ≈ 100 fs FWHM du- temperatures. Theoretical intensity curves calculated with
ration and classical pulses passing through the resonant Rb the same parameters of Fig.2 are shown in the insets.
cell. At higher temperatures, corresponding to higher esti-
mated Rb densities, the pulses are seen to acquire a typical
0-area shape extending over several picoseconds. Solid black
tually contains a smaller SP fraction than the first sec-
curves are field amplitudes calculated according to Eq.1, with
optical depths α0 l = 70, 180, 440, 1000, 2200 (from top to bot- ondary lobe (see last curve of Fig.3).
tom), and using for T2 the Doppler inhomogeneous lifetimes Dropping peak efficiencies might suggest that the orig-
(between 280 and 260 ps) at the measured temperatures. inal, relatively-pure, single photons have been irremedia-
bly lost and converted to classical mixtures with vacuum
after passing through hot resonant atomic vapors with
several plots of η(τ ) for different temperatures of the Rb optical depths in excess of 2000. However, the absorption
cell. At low temperatures, a single peak of high efficiency by the narrow (of the order of GHz) atomic resonance is
is observed, because the LO mode reproduces well the not to be blamed for this, due to the much larger SP
almost unperturbed SP mode. At higher densities, the bandwidth (of the order of THz). In fact, the generated
efficiency curves are seen to acquire strong modulations single photons are only lost from the homodyne detection
at increasing delays while the maximum efficiency in the mode defined by the un-modulated LO.
main lobe drops. In these cases, the short LO is no longer In order to recover high homodyne efficiency and
well overlapped to the heavily modulated SP, and only a verify the generation of highly non-classical 0-area SP
fraction of the latter is detected in the LO mode at any wavepackets, one has to measure them in the right mode.
delay. This is done by properly shaping the spectrotemporal
The red (light gray in the grayscale version) exper- profile of the reference LO by means of the pulse shaper.
imental data points of Fig.4 correspond to the maxi- A preliminary tuning of the LO shape is performed, for
mum efficiencies of these curves, and clearly illustrate each cell temperature, by maximizing the fringe visibility
the rapid loss of the SP component from the LO mode as at zero delay between the shaped LO and the classical
the optical depth increases with temperature. The non- 0-area pulses. These shaper settings then serve as the
monotonous behavior of the data at higher temperatures starting point for LO mode optimization in the homo-
is easily explained by the fact that, in these conditions, dyne setup to detect the shaped single photons. The dif-
the SP mode gets so distorted that the main pulse ac- ferent measurement scenarios are pictorially illustrated
in Fig.4, with the different levels of matching between This work was partially supported by the EU under
the (shaded) LO shape and the modulated single-photon the ERA-NET CHIST-ERA project QSCALE, and by
wavepacket. the Brazilian agencies CNPq and CAPES.
The blue (dark gray) data points in Fig.4 correspond
to the peak efficiencies obtained with properly shaped
LO modes. It is evident that a matched LO is much
more effective in detecting the modulated single photons,
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