Intelligent Methods For Intrusion Detection in Local Area Networks
Intelligent Methods For Intrusion Detection in Local Area Networks
Intelligent Methods For Intrusion Detection in Local Area Networks
1 Introduction
Today machine learning and neural network methods has a quite wide application area and come more and more popular.
Of course, most important results made in image processing and there convolutional neural networks play a great role.
However, it is also interesting to try application of such methods in different areas, such as information security, and
particular in intrusion detection and classification. Then intrusion detection systems (IDS) try to apply neural network to
intrusion classification problem we see that there exist a problem, that number of examples of intrusion classes is quite
different and classifier need to be trained taking this into consideration.
Researchers can develop different intrusion classifiers, based on different approach. There exist approaches based on:
– signatures of intrusions [1], [2];
– protected system state analysis [3];
– scenario graphs and attack graphs [4], [5];
– expert systems [6], [7];
– multivariate adaptive regression splines [8];
– support vector machines [9], [10], [11];
– immune networks and genetic algorithms [12];
Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
– neural networks, including recurrent [13], [14], [15], convolutional [16], [17], [18] and others [19], [20], [21], [22].
Most of these works use a KDD99 intrusion dataset that is quite old and has no modern examples of intrusions.
However, today exists large set of publically available labeled datasets with intrusions examples. We use UNSW-NB15
Table 1 – Comparison of training part of NSL-KDD with respect to KDD CUP 99 [24]
In 2012, the UNB ISCX 2012 Intrusion Detection Evaluation Data Set [26] was created and announced at the Canadian
Institute for Cybersecurity (CIC). This dataset, as well as KDD99, contains information about network connections, but also
offers records of all traffic. Traffic was received within 7 days from a test computer network (6 local subnets, NAT server,
main and secondary server, traffic monitoring tools), under various attack scenarios. Includes 2450324 connections (about
90GB of traffic), of which 68792 are attacks. CIC continue works on this dataset and, in 2017, the UNB ISCX 2017 (known
also as CICIDS2017) dataset was announced. Dataset containing the latest attack scenarios. A tool for traffic analysis was
also presented [27]. This dataset was used in [28] for training of different types of neural network classifiers. It is shown
that recurrent neural networks like LSTM or GRU achieve a good results (accuracy >97%).
In 2015, the UNSW-NB15 dataset [29] was created at the Australian Center for Cyber Security. Dataset contains both
records about network connections, and the traffic itself (about 100GB) from the test computer network (3 servers). Dataset
contains 9 types of attacks: Fuzzers, Analysis, Backdoors, DoS, Exploits, Generic, Reconnaissance, Shellcode, Worms.
Each records contains 47 fields - information about network connections and 2 fields - information about the type of
intrusion (or normal packets). The total number of records is about 2 million. Information about network connections is
divided into 4 text files (csv format). Files for training and testing of classifiers, containing respectively 175341 and 82332
records, are separately presented. We will use this dataset in our work. Records amount and description of used intrusions
are shown in Table 2 [29].
It is important to note, than mostly intrusion features, measured in the UNSW-NB15 dataset are comparable with ones in
the NSL-KDD dataset, so combinations of these datasets can be used for increasing of amount of available data.
Comprehensive comparison of another existing dataset can be found in [30].
Also it can be mention about ADFA dataset from Australian Defense Force Agency which works in different principle, it
consist not from records about network traffic, but from information about running processes on host machine, so can be
used in host-based intrusion detection systems, which is beyond of our work now.
Table 2 – Statistics of UNSW-NB15 dataset [29]
This review based on IEEEXPLORE publications search engine on the July 2019.
Table 3 – Comparison of intrusion detection methods over UNSW-NB15 dataset [34].
In 2016 researches apply genetic search to select appropriate features to each class and use Support Vector Machine to
classify intrusions with such features [41]. They achieve high accuracy, more than 90% for all classes except of “Exploits”
(~80%), and false positive rates less then 0.1%.
In 2018 quite interesting approach was introduced in [42]. Authors use multiscale wavelet transform and perceptron-like
neural network with Hebbian learning for anomaly detection in records with HTTP protocol. They achieve Mean Accuracy
93.56% (wherein Mean TPR is 73.55%, Mean FPR is 4.46%, Mean TNR is 95.53%, Mean FNR: is 26.44%).
Creators of UNSW-NB15 continues their work and propose a Collaborative Anomaly Detection Framework, which is
based on modification of Gaussian Mixture Model [43]. This system installed on each node of cloud network and each node
in training phase create a statistical model of normal data by approximation of probability distribution function using
Gaussian Mixture Model. Then, in testing phase, such model can be used to detect an anomaly, which is interpreted as
intrusion. Such approach can be applied only to detection but not to classification of intrusion. Authors achieve results 96%
in accuracy and detection rate and 4-9% in false positive rate. Similar approaches but with Hidden Markov Models also was
applied in [44], with Beta Mixture Model in [45], with Dirichlet Mixture Mechanism in [46].
Some comparison of machine learning approaches for intrusion classification over UNSW-NB15 dataset are made in
[47]. Authors compare Support Vector Machine, Multilayer Perceptron, Restricted Boltzmann Machine, Sparse
Autoencoder and deep learning architecture with embedding (like word2vec approach). They show that deep learning
approach is better in average than others, but, unfortunately, does not provide information about performance on each
classes for UNSW-NB15 dataset. Autoencoders is also interesting approach to intrusion detection, in [48] authors present a
two stage approach with autoencoders then second stage uses a results (score – output of classification unit) from first stage.
Such approach shows follow results: 89.134% in accuracy and a 0.7495% in FAR for the UNSW-NB15 dataset.
Combination of deep autoencoder, Support Vector Machine and Artificial Bee Colony searching method was used in [49]
and show detection accuracy about 90% and FAR about 5%.
In [50] authors provide using a Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) neural network, which is a type of Recurrent Neural
Network, for intrusion detection over UNSW-NB15 dataset. They achieve quite high results (Precision=98.02%;
Accuracy=99.41%; TPR=97.97%; TNR=99.53%, FNR=2.03%, and FPR=0.47%) in detection and show that such approach
works better than, for example, Support Vector Machine. Bidirectional LSTM was used in [51] and show average 85% in
precision and 88% in recall metrics. It is also shown that some classes are not recognized at all, due to imbalance amount of
In [52] deep learning architecture (16 layers, including fully connected with ReLU activation, dropout, and batch
normalization layers) was created and tested on various intrusion datasets, including UNSW-NB15. Results not so high as
in previous researches, but this architecture in used for large set of different datasets, and clearly show a problem of
imbalanced classes.
Authors of [53] provide a set of techniques (Bootstrap Aggregation, Synthetic Minority Over-sampling, Under-sampling,
and Class Balancer) to deal with imbalanced classes in intrusion detection system. They show minor advantages in term of
area under ROC-curve to whole dataset, but, unfortunately, did not provide any information for classes.
Latest article [54] use a multiple-layer approach consisting of a coarse layer and a fine layer, in which the coarse layer
with the deep convolutional neural network model focuses on identification of N abnormal classes and a normal class.
While in the fine layer, an improved model based on gcForest (caXGBoost) further classifies the abnormal classes into N-1
subclasses. The proposed framework has been compared with the existing deep learning models using dataset NBC, a
combination of UNSW-NB15 and CICIDS2017 including 101 classes. The experimental results show that method
outperforms other single deep learning methods in terms of accuracy, detection rate and FAR and works well with
imbalanced classes.
yj=∑i (xi*wi,j)+w0,j
Schematically this is shown in Fig.1 (bottom).
Comparing convolutional and fully connected layers we can understand that convolutional layer is some particular case
of fully connected one with some weights equal to zero and some weights in different neurons are the same (shared between
neurons). Example of such equivalence for small layer is shown in Fig.1. Convolutional layer uses less number of weights
but still able to perform complex transformation from input to output.
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
y1 y2 y3
Convolution layer
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
w1 0 0
w2 w1 0
w3 w2 w1
0 w3 w2
0 0 w3
w0 w0 w0
y1 y2 y3
neuron 1 neuron 2 neuron 3
Fig. 1 – Example of equivalence of convolutional (top) and fully connected (bottom) layers with 5 inputs and 3 outputs.
‘x’ – multiplication, ‘+’ – addition.
Activation layer performs some nonlinear transformation from its inputs to outputs. Both, convolutional and fully
connected layers perform, as we can see, a linear transformation of inputs. Because of this, if we use two of such layers
sequentially, this equivalent to use only one layer (linear transformation of linear transformation is a linear transformation).
Therefore, in practice, convolutional or fully connected layers alternates with activation layers. Activation layers apply
some activation function to inputs. For example, so called ‘sigmoid’ calculates each output y as y=1/(1+e -x), x – input.
Piecewise linear activation function ReLU calculates output as a maximum between 0 and input x. ‘Softmax’ activation
function calculates output yj as yj=exp(xj)/[∑i exp(xi)] , xi - i-th input. There are exist large number of different activation
functions. Overall, convolutional neural network consists of alternated convolutional and activation layers and has some
number of fully connected layers at the end, also alternated with activation.
Structure of network, which we use in our work, is shown in Fig.2. It consist from 5 convolutional layers with ‘sigmoid’
activations and 3 fully connected layers, first and second with ‘sigmoid’ and last with ‘softmax’ activation. Number of
inputs – 190 (see Section IV), number of outputs – 10 (number of classes, 9 intrusions and Normal).
To use chosen dataset we need preprocess data to be suitable to neural network. We made it in three stage: choosing of
relevant features, coding of nonnumeric data and scaling of numeric data.
Firstly, we need to drop some irrelevant features. UNSW-NB15 has 47 features field, some of them relates only to that
computer network which used for dataset collection. Namely, we drop following 7 fields from dataset:
- ‘srcip’ (source IP address),
- ‘dstip’ (destination IP address),
- ‘sport’ (source port number),
- ‘dsport’ (destination port number),
- ‘stime’ (record start time),
- ‘ltime’ (record last time),
-‘res_bdy_len’ because this field does not change in dataset.
Among other fields, dataset contains 3 categorical (string) fields:
- ‘proto’ (transaction protocol), has 129 different values (‘udp’, ‘tcp’, arp’ etc.);
- ‘servis’, has 8 values (‘http’, ‘ftp’, ‘smtp’, ‘ssh’, ‘dns’, ‘ftp-data’, ‘ir and '-‘ if not used);
- ‘state’, depend on transaction protocol and has 16 values (ACC, CLO, CON, ECO, ECR, FIN, INT, MAS, PAR, REQ,
RST, TST, TXD, URH, URN and ‘-‘ if not applicable).
We code this categorical fields using one-hot encoding scheme then a sparse vector with ‘0’ and only one ‘1’ show the
value of fields. Therefore, for categorical fields we have output vector of 153 (129+8+16) length. 15 of 37 numerical fields
scaled by division to appropriate value to make range almost equal and remaining 22 fields unchanged.
Input: 190 elements
Convolution layer 1, 64 kernels of size 1*5
Output: 186*64
Activation layer 1, sigmoid
Convolution layer 2, 32 kernels of size 1*5
Output: 182*32
Activation layer 2, sigmoid
Convolution layer 3, 16 kernels of size 1*5
Output: 178*16
Activation layer 3, sigmoid
Convolution layer 4, 8 kernels of size 1*5
Output: 174*8
Activation layer 4, sigmoid
Convolution layer 5, 4 kernels of size 1*5
Output: 170*4
Activation layer 5, sigmoid
Fully connected layer 1, 256 neurons
Activation layer 6, sigmoid
Fully connected layer 2, 64 neurons
Activation layer 7, sigmoid
Fully connected layer 3, 10 neurons
Activation layer 8, softmax
Output: 10 elements
Fig. 2 – Structure of used neural network.
5 Class-balanced training
Desired outputs of neural network classifier is 10-dimensional vectors showed class of input data. We have 9 classes of
intrusions (‘Fuzzers’, ‘Analysis’, ‘Backdoors’, ‘DoS’, ‘Exploits’, ‘Generic’, ‘Reconnaissance’, ‘Shellcode’, ‘Worms’) and
one class of normal packets (‘Normal’). The same one-hot encoding scheme used for outputs.
Neural network trained using ‘RMS-prop’ [55] method, which is one of the modification of gradient-based method
realized in ‘keras’ [28] library. Training is an iterative process in which loss-function minimizes. On each iteration,
examples of inputs and corresponding desired outputs processed in neural network.
Common choice for large datasets is to use so called ‘batches’ – combination of inputs\outputs of some length. This
batches varies in each iteration and random input\output examples taken to a batch (see Fig.3 top).
In our work, we show that for situations then amount of examples in classes is very different better to use another
approach for batch forming, namely predefine amount of examples of each class in batch (see Fig.3 bottom). For example,
if batch size is 300 and we have 10 classes then we can form a batch that consist of 30 random examples of each class.
Training data
Random choice
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... N
BATCH without class‐balance
... Class К
Class 1 Class 2
Training data
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... N
Fig. 4. Confusion matrix on train and test sets for random (‘direct’) batch forming and class-balanced (‘generator’) one.
a) b)
Fig.5 – a) Accuracy and b) loss-function values on test set for random (‘direct’) batch forming and class-balanced
(‘generator’) one.
Analyzing the results we can see that class-balanced approach to batch forming can improve recognition performance of
classes with small number of examples. Without such balance it is possible that some classes will be absolutely ignored by
neural network (‘worms’, ‘backdoors’ in our experiment). In addition, we can see that better accuracy (and loss) does not
guaranteed that classification will be better (see Fig.4 and 5 that shows that accuracy is better for random batch forming but
some classes does not recognized at all).
But it is need to understand that better recognition of classes with small number of examples achieved at the expense of
worse recognition of classes with large number of examples (compare ‘Normal’ and ‘Exploits’ for both cases). Therefore,
such approach allow to control, is some degree, recognition performance of different classes and can be used in systems
with different importance of classes. Note also that usage of class-balanced approach is not a guarantee of good recognition
and only a one means to increasing of such recognition (see for example on class ‘Analysis’ which is not recognized nor by
random batch forming nor by class-balanced one).
7 Conclusion
In this work we show that for intrusion detection tasks it is a common situation then amount of examples of data of various
classes is quite different. In this case training process of neural networks for intrusion recognition need to be modified to
achieve better recognition of classes with small amount of examples. We describe an approach of class-balanced batch
forming and show in experiment that it can improve recognition performance of classes with small number of examples by
the expense of decreased recognition performance of classes with large number of examples.
Approach can be enlarged to control relative importance of classes by varying proportion of classes presented in batch.
Previously reported UNSW-NB15 dataset were used to support this study and it is available at
10.1080/19393555.2015.1125974, and can be downloaded from
cyber/cybersecurity/ADFA-NB15-Datasets/ .These prior studies (and datasets) are cited at relevant places within the text as
references [29].
8 Acknowledgement
Support from the Basic Research Program of the National Research University Higher School of Economics is gratefully
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