in co-operation with
Diamant Building
80, Blvd Auguste Reyers
1030 Brussels - Belgium
Compiled by: PRO ELECTRON, Brussels (Belgium)
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm or any
other means without written permission of the publisher and of PRO ELECTRON.
The PRO ELECTRON system is the European type designation and registration system for
active components ,such as electronic tubes and cathode ray tubes, semiconductors,
liquid crystal displays, sensor devices, etc. providing concise and unambiguous type
designations. The system provides integrity of the designations, and creates transparent
and unique product identification, thus preventing confusion in the market place.
All PRO ELECTRON type numbers consist of a prefix followed by a serial number. The
prefix, generally two or three letters, clearly classifies the devices into categories with a
sub-classification into classes, series or families.
The serial number is a registration number and identifies a particular device in a class,
series, or family.
1.4 Background
A common type nomenclature code for receiving tubes was introduced by a number of
manufacturers in the 1930s, followed in the 1950s by a common code for semiconductor
devices. Later, as more and more manufacturers realized the advantage of the use of a
common type numbering code and became interested in using the system, it was decided
to found a separate organization to administer the allocation and registration of type
numbers. So in 1966 the pan-European organisation “PRO ELECTRON” was set up in
Brussels to perform this function. On 1st January 1983 Pro Electron merged with the
European Electronic Component Manufacturers Association (EECA) and pursued its
activities under the name of “Pro Electron Registration Office, and EECA Agency”.
For TV picture tubes, for monitor tubes and for oscilloscope tubes, PRO ELECTRON in
Europe, the Electronic Industries Alliance of the United States of America, the Japan
Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association and the Electronic
Industries Association of Korea, maintain jointly one World-wide type Designation Code
System (WTDS). This part of the PRO ELECTRON system is administered by registration
offices, PRO ELECTRON in Europe, EDEREC in Tokyo, Japan, ECRC in Seoul, Korea and
ECA/EIA in Arlington, VA, USA.
Diamant Building
80, Blvd Auguste Reyers
1030 Brussels
Tel : +32 2 706 86 03
Fax : +32 2 706 86 05
2.1.4 The type numbers allocated are not the property of the sponsor; other manufacturers
may use type numbers allocated by PRO ELECTRON if the data of their products are
equivalent to the data registered with PRO ELECTRON by the original sponsor. It will be
the responsibility of such manufacturer to ensure that his device and that of the original
sponsor are equivalent.
2.1.5 Type numbers allocated by PRO ELECTRON should be used without any change or
additions. Type numbers for variants and existing type numbers with a version
letter are subject to the allocation, reservation and registration procedures. If a
member intends to add information, he shall separate it from the PRO ELECTRON
designation ( including a version letter or a suffix) by a slash after the P.E.
2.1.6 The services rendered by the PRO ELECTRON secretariat and the Office to the
Members, including reservation and registration of type numbers, are free of charge.
2.2 Allocation and reservation of type numbers
In the rules for the reservation of type numbers as listed below, no difference is made
between basic types, variants and associated types. In the case of large IC-families,
however, the whole family of at least 50 basic type numbers will be reserved as one
block, as these IC-families usually take years to grow.
General rules
Type numbers and families may be reserved by any means of communication, be it by
letter, telefax, telephone or email. Each reservation has to be confirmed by FDE by
Email, or Fax, and in exceptional circumstances by letter. In order to avoid having
reservations of many years' standing, the sponsor should take the initiative to cancel any
reservation of a type of which the production will become unlikely.
2.3.1 The application for the registration of a type number must be initiated by the
manufacturer of the device.
2.3.2 When registering a type number the manufacturer has to complete the relevant
application form or any agreed form of correspondence.
These are:
2.3.4 The application forms have to be accompanied by the following information:
2.3.5 The information received at the PRO ELECTRON/FDE office will be kept strictly
confidential at the specific request of the applicant only. The confidential period ends
automatically after the public announcement of the type of device by the sponsor or by
another member-manufacturer.
2.3.6 Following the confidential period the sponsor confirms or amends the minimum
mandatory requirement she originally submitted to PRO ELECTRON/FDE for
2.3.7 Data shown on commercial data sheets must be in exact agreement with the minimum
mandatory requirements submitted to PRO ELECTRON/FDE for registration.
An amendment agreed by all members supplying the device shall result in their amending
or re-issuing the minimum mandatory requirements for the type.
2.5 Re-registration
2.6.1 If a reserved type number is cancelled, the Secretariat is free to allocate this number to
a different device. For that reason the manufacturer who is cancelling a reservation,
should state that the device concerned will never be produced under the originally
reserved type number again, and will never be sold under the same number, neither by
his company nor by resalers, distributors or setmakers. When a member has resigned
from membership all the reservations will be cancelled after one year.
2.6.2 Any registered type number which is cancelled by the sponsor, will never be used again
for any other device.
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 This chapter prescribes the administrative procedures for the orderly assignment of type
designations and registration of TV Picture Tubes (consumer type), Monitor Tubes,
Oscilloscopes, and their possible neck components, in the World-wide Type Designation
3.1.2 The term "type designation" may be applied to the original assignment of a new family or
to an assignment within an existing family.
3.1.3 The purpose of the type designation and registration system is to ensure that type
designations accurately distinguish one type from another in performance characteristics
or physical dimensions.
3.1.4 Registration consists of assigning a type designation in accordance with the established
rules, recording the assignment and its defining data, and disseminating the information
to the electronics industry. Tube type assignment and registration procedures are
established jointly by four agencies:
(2) PRO ELECTRON (PE) in Europe,
(3) EDEREC/JEITA in Japan and
(4) ECRC/EIAK in Korea.
In any event, these agencies neither assume liability for nor endorse the use of any
product which bears their authorized registration numbers. The agencies have as their
primary objective the development of recommended standards. An effective registration
procedure is considered basic to the achievement of that end.
3.1.5 Registered type numbers are not the property of the sponsor; other manufacturers may
use registered type numbers if the data of their products are equivalent to the data
registered by the original sponsor. It is the responsibility of such manufacturer to ensure
that his device and the device of the original sponsor are equivalent.
3.2.2 Any request for a type designation assignment should be made in writing by the
manufacturer of the tube to the relevant agency:
Type Administrator
Electronic Components, Assemblies, & Materials Association (ECA) /Electronic
Industries Alliance (EIA)
2500 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201 3834 (U.S.A.)
The applicant must supply the applicable data required on the registration format. Data
may be submitted on commercial data sheets as long as all format requirements are met.
If a data sheet is used for registration, only format items are considered to be part of the
3.2.3 Registration format forms and type assignment guidelines are available from any of the
four agencies.
3.2.4 Type numbers may be reserved by letter, telefax, or telephone: however, if written data is
not received within thirty (30) days, the reservation may be cancelled. The Type
Administrator will inform the applicant if this action is to be taken.
3.2.5 All type assignments must be made by one of the above four agencies even if the new
type is another member of an existing family (whereby only the fourth symbol and/or the
sixth symbol changes).
3.2.6 It is the responsibility of the applicant to state whether a new family code (third symbol)
is required or if a new number of an existing family is being requested. If only a new
number in an existing family is being requested, the applicant must give the existing
family code (third symbol) and the desired variant.
3.2.7 Upon receipt of a request, the Type Administrator determines the adequacy of the data
and makes an assignment of the third symbol if one is in order. If the sponsor has not
specified the fourth and sixth (if applicable) symbols, the Type Administrator will assign
these also. Written notice of the assignment is sent to the applicant.
3.2.8 Once a new third symbol (family code) is assigned to an applicant, it will be reserved for
that sponsor for future assignments of other types within the same size or for other sizes
having the same family relationship. However, with permission of the original sponsor,
other manufacturers may specify assignments in the same family.
3.2.9 Manufacturers sometimes add prefix or suffix letters to type designations on their tubes
or in their commercial literature. Prefixes or suffixes are not part of the designation. The
agencies assume no responsibility for the use or meaning of such additions.
3.2.10 The registration data received by any of the four agencies shall be kept strictly
confidential until the sponsor is ready to release it. This confidential registration period
shall not exceed six (6) months from the date of the assignment unless the sponsor
requests in writing a six-month extension (allowed one time only). If the need for a type
assignment ceases to exist, the sponsor should cancel it and no further use of the type
designation will be made. The confidential period ends automatically after public
announcement of the type by the sponsor or by another member or manufacturer.
3.2.11 Corrections or changes in the registration data may be submitted during the confidential
Each agency will establish its own registration release procedures; however, at the end
of the confidential period each agency will send the completed registration data to the
other three agencies.
3.4 Re-registration
3.4.2 Re-registrations should be used only for changes or additions which will not affect
unilateral interchangeability with the original version. However, re-registration may be
proposed even though unilateral interchangeability may be affected if the proposal is
accompanied by information indicating that user interests will not be adversely affected
by the re-registration.
3.5.1 The Type Administrators will act upon all requests for new type assignments without
making a search of the existing type assignments to determine if there is already one
identical to the new request.
3.5.2 The third symbol letters are allocated in blocks to the four assignment agencies as
EAA through HZZ PRO ELECTRON (Europe)
JAA through MZZ EDEREC/JEITA (Japan)
QAA through TZZ ECRC/EIAK ( Korea)
The remaining unused blocks of letters will be assigned by mutual agreement to each
assigning agency when required.
3.5.3 Type Administrators for ECA/EIA, PRO ELECTRON, EDEREC/JEITA and ECRC/EIAK
will assign the third symbol family code in alphabetical sequence; however, the sponsors
have the option of requesting any unassigned numbers in any order for the fourth and
sixth symbols. This enables the sponsors to encode tube families, within the established
rules, to meet their own particular needs. The fourth and sixth symbols may even have
the same meaning for all sizes of tubes within the same family.
3.5.4 Referral registrations are allowed only within a family (types having the same third
3.6.1 Unless described differently in Chapter 3, the procedural rules of Chapter 2 apply also to
the world-wide system. This provision applies in particular to articles 2.3.2, 2.4 and 2.6,
which are not repeated in Chapter 3.
3.6.2 The details of the world-wide code system and how it is to be used are contained in
Chapter 4 (4.6.1 and 4.6.2).
4.1.1 The first letter gives information about the material used for the active part of the
A - Germanium or other material with band gap of 0,6 - 1,0 eV
B - Silicon or other material with band gap of 1,0 - 1,3 eV
C - Gallium-arsenide or other material with band gap of 1,3 eV or more
D - Ceramic
R - Compound materials (e.g. Cadmium sulphide)
4.1.2 The second letter indicates the function for which the device is primarily designed 1).
The same letter could be used for multi-chips devices with similar elements.
A Diode Signal, low power 2)
B Diode Variable capacitance
C Transistor Low power, audio frequency
D Transistor Power, audio frequency
E Diode Tunnel
F Transistor Low power, high frequency
K Capacitor
G Multiple devices Miscellaneous Devices 3)
H Diode Magnetic sensitive
L Transistor Power, high frequency
M Mixer
N Photo coupler
Q Radiation generator Light emitting diode LED, Laser )
R Control or switching Low power
device (e.g. Thyristors, Diacs, Triacs, Uni-
junction transistors (UJT),
Programmable uni-junction
transistors (PUT), Silicon
bidirectional switch (SBS) or Opto-
triacs) )
S Transistor Low power, switching
T Control or switching device Power (e.g. Thyristors or Triacs) )
U Transistor Power, switching
V Antennas
W Surface acoustic wave device
X Diode Multiplier (e.g. Varactor, step recovery)
Y Diode Rectifying, booster voltage reference or
Z Diode Transient voltage suppressor diode )
1) Low power type = R thjc > 15°C/W; Power type = R thjc < 15°C/W
2) See Pro Electron Colour Code for small signal diodes at the end of 4.1.6
3) With special third letter: see under "Serial Number", 4.1.3.
4.1.3 The serial number may be either:
• A four digit number, running from 0001 to 9999, assigned by Pro Electron, or
• One letter (Z, Y, X, etc.) and a three digit number, running from 001 to 999, assigned
by Pro Electron.
This letter has no fixed meaning, with the following exceptions:
A - for triacs after second letter "R" or "T"
B - for HBT transistor (bipolar)
F - for emitters and receivers in fibre-optic communication, after second
letter "G", "P" or "Q" 4)
H - for HEMT transistor
L - for lasers in non-fibre-optic applications, after second letter "G" or "Q"
M - for transistor drivers, after second letter "R"
O - for opto-triacs after second letter "R"
R - for semiconductor resistor network, after second letter "C"
T - for tri-state bicolour LEDs after second letter "Q".
W - for transient voltage suppressor diodes after second letter "Z"
For Photocouplers: One letter and the serial number (even if the serial number is a
combination of figures and letters) of an existing company type designation of the
Examples of basic type numbers:
AA112 Germanium, low power signal diode,
ACY32 Germanium, low power AF transistor,
BD232 Silicon, power AF transistor,
To a basic number may be added:
4.1.4 The version letter(s): One or two letters, indicating a minor variant of the basic type
either electrically or mechanically. The letters never have a fixed meaning, except letter
R, indicating reverse polarity, letter W, for Surface Mounted Devices (SMD)
4.1.5 A suffix: Sub-classification may be used for devices supplied in a wide range of variants
called associated types. Following sub-coding suffixes are in use:
4) In the case of second letter "G", the first letter ought to be defined in accordance with the material of the
main optical device.
14 Transient voltage suppressor diodes:
The number indicates the depletion layer in µm. The resolution is indicated by a version
Example: BPX10-2A.
The number indicates how many basic devices are assembled into the array.
Example: BPW50-6, BPW50-9, BPW50-12.
4.1.6 Colour codes for small signal diodes
4.2 Integrated Circuits
The first two letters (FA...FZ, GA...GZ, HA...HZ, PA...PZ) identify the family.
Note: A Survey of the basic characteristics (such as supply voltage, power consumption, propagation delay
time, noise immunity) of several digital families is given in table 2. Microprocessors
The first two letters identify microprocessors and correlated circuits as follows:
MA - Micro computer, Central processing unit
MB - Slice processor
MD - Correlated memories
ME - Other correlated circuits (Interface, clock, peripheral controller, etc).
Note - With “slice processor” is meant a functional slice of microprocessor.
4.2.2 The third letter indicates the operating ambient temperature range.
The letters "A" through "M" give information about the temperature:
5) Former system of package-outline style, see Annex D, for reference purpose only
6) Optionally manufacturers may add a second letter, to indicate a minor variant of the package outline style,
according to their internal system.
Table 2 - Digital IC families allocated by PRO ELECTRON
Table 2 - Digital IC families allocated by PRO ELECTRON (Contd.)
4.3 Liquid Crystal Displays
The type designation code for liquid crystal displays consists of:
4.3.1 Three letters followed by a serial number and a version letter (The suffix is optional)
4.3.3 The third letter denotes the display lay-out and construction:
A - Loose alpha-numerical display
B - Loose multifunctional display
D - Loose segment display
E - TV display module
F - TV display glass only
G - PB module: Dot matrix display
H - Datagraphic display module
J - Datagraphic display glass only
K - Projection Light Valve module
L - Projection Light Valve glass only
M - PB module: Segment display
N - PB module: Alpha-numeric display
P - PB module: Multifunctional display
Q - Interactive Module
R - On glass module: Segment display
S - On glass module: Alpha-numerical display
T - On glass module: Dot matrix display
U - On glass module: Multifunctional display
V - On foil module: Multifunctional display
W - On foil module: Dot matrix display
Z - Shutter
Note – A multifunctional display is a display showing a number of different functions.
For examples: Speedometer, clock, date, temperature symbols for oil, gasoline.
The construction can be segmented, raster, symbols or a mix of these elements.
4.3.4 The serial number consists of three figures without specific meaning.
10 - Commercial grade
20 - Extended grade
This type designation code applies to all sensor devices, including special semiconductor
devices and integrated circuits.
4.4.1 The first letter indicates the type of device. (See Note).
K - Sensor.
Note - Some devices may also be coded as semiconductor devices or as integrated circuits.
4.5 Receiving Tubes
The type nomenclature for receiving tubes applies to tubes primarily designed for use in
reproducing and recording equipment such as radio and television receivers, record
players, tape recorders, etc.
4.5.1 The first letter classifies the tubes into series, which can be used in the same type of
E - Tubes with heater voltage 6,3 V for parallel or series connection.
P - Tubes for series connection with heater current 300 mA
4.5.2 The second letter gives information about the function for which the tube is intended.
For multiple tubes i.e. tubes with two or more electrode systems, two or three letters may
be combined.
A - Low power diode
B - Double diode with common cathode (rectifier diode excluded)
C - Triode (excluding power output triodes)
D - Power output triode
E - Tetrode (excluding power output tetrodes)
F - Pentode (excluding power output pentodes)
H - Hexode, heptode (of hexode type)
K - Octode, heptode (of octode type)
L - Power output tetrode/pentode
M - Tuning indicator
Y - Half-wave rectifier diode
Z - Full-wave rectifier diode
4.5.3 The serial number consists of three figures. The first figure gives information on the
type of base.
1 - Miscellaneous base types
2 - Miniature 10-pin base (JEDEC F10-61)
3 - Octal base (I.E.C. 67-1-5a)
5 - Novar/magnoval base (JEDEC E9-75 and E9-23)
8 - Noval base (I.E.C. 67-1-12a)
9 - Miniature 7-pin base (I.E.C. 67-1-10a)
E L 8 02
E. Heater voltage 6,3 V L. Output pentode 8. Noval base 02. Serial number
4.6.1 World Wide Code for TV picture and Monitor tubes (4:3 and 16:9 tubes)
The type designation for TV picture tubes for consumer applications and Monitor tubes
shall consist of six symbols of alternating groups of letters and numbers
23 The first symbol defines the application category of the tube and shall consist of a
single letter.
a. For TV Picture tubes:
4:3 tube letter A
16:9 tubes letter W
b. For Monitor tubes (direct-view, raster-scan display tubes for applications:
4:3 tubes letter M
16:9 tubes letter S
c. For Projection tubes letter P
d. For Electrostactic deflection letter D The second symbol defines the minimum viewable screen diagonal and shall consist
of a two-digit number or when needed, in case of viewable screen diagonal over
100 cm, may have three digits.
This number shall be determined by the glass panel design-centre value in centimetres
of the minimum viewable screen diagonal. A tube having its screen diagonal within plus
or minus one-half centimetre shall be assigned that integer. The third symbol (family code) defines the tube types having specific mechanical and
electrical characteristics and shall consist of three letters, excluding the letters I and
O. The third symbol is assigned independent of the first symbol.
For tube variations that require a new third symbol 7 see Annexes A and B, "Guidelines
for Assigning a New Type Number".
The third symbol is assigned by the type administrator in alphabetical sequence from
left to right (AAA, AAB, AAC, ... AZZ, BAA,...BZZ,...ZZZ).8
Once a combination has been assigned to a sponsor for a particular tube type, that
combination shall be reserved for future assignments to the original sponsor. In this
way the same combination will be available to a sponsor so that the family relationship
may be maintained for different sizes. The four categories of tubes covered by this
system - colour TV picture tubes, colour monitor tubes, monochrome TV picture tubes,
and monochrome monitor tubes - shall be assigned third symbols in one continuous
alphabetical sequence. Where the characteristics are identical, the same family code
may be assigned for monitor and TV picture tubes at the option of the sponsor. The fourth symbol (member of family) defines specific tube types within the family
specified by the third symbol. In case of:
4:3 tubes the 4 symbol consists of: a two-digit number (from 00 to 99) 9)
or when needed,
a three-digit number (from 000 to 999)
16:9 tubes the 4 symbol consists always of:a three-digit number (from 000 to 999)
7) At the option of the sponsor, a new third symbol may be assigned for any tube variation.
8) Series reserved for PRO ELECTRON use: EAA through HZZ
9) Previously, the fourth symbol consisted of a one-digit number from 0 to 9 for monochrome tubes.
Type designations assigned under the previous rule shall remain valid.
24 The fifth symbol defines the phosphor category,
For colour TV picture tubes, the phosphor is defined by the letter X or the letters XX.
For colour monitor tubes, the phosphor (usually tricolour) may be defined by:
the letter(s) X, XX or some other two-letter 10) , or
three-letter combination , excluding the letters I and O.
For monochrome TV picture tubes, the phosphor is defined by the letters WW .
For monochrome monitor tubes, the phosphor may be defined by the letters WW or
some other two-letter ) or three-letter combination 11), excluding the letters I and O.
Normally one or more of the following must be satisfied for a new phosphor family to
be registered separately from a pre-existing phosphor family:
For instance, a phosphor proposed for registration which differs in color by 0,015 in X
or Y and has similar other properties to an existing registered family of phosphor
10) Single-letter colour phosphor assignments were made prior to the adoption of the two-letter code.
Although these single-letter assignments are valid, each one has been assigned a corresponding two-
letter code as follows:
A (DA), B (DB), C (DC), D (XB), E (DD), F (XC), G (DE), X (XX), and Y (XY).
11 .Designation of "Phosphor screens". This Code for phosphor screens is also followed by ECA/EIA-
USA, EIAK-Korea and JEITA-JAPAN, since the World Wide Code for TV and Monitor tubes has been
The main characteristics of phosphor screens are indicated by:
One, two or three letters following the serial number
The first letter denotes the colour of the fluorescence (or phosphorescence in the case of long or very
long persistence screens) according to the regions of the Kelly Chart in Fig. 1; the fluorescent colour is
that seen during continuous or pulsating excitation (e.g. raster display) and the phosphorescent colour is
that seen after excitation has ceased.
The second letter (or the 2nd + 3rd letters) denotes other specific differences in screen properties.
For other applications of cathode ray tubes the persistence is a second important characteristic of the
phosphor screen. A long persistence is usually of prime importance in radar applications, since the aerial
sweep is slow, and the picture must be retained for relatively long periods. On the other hand a very
short persistence is required for flying-spot scanners.
A summary of the registered phosphor screens is given in table 4. Differences of the colour in the same
region and/or the time of persistence are indicated by a second letter.
The various levels of persistence are described in table 3:
would be assigned the first two letters of the original phosphor in that family plus a
third letter sequentially assigned which further identifies that particular phosphor. The sixth symbol is only assigned to tubes having integral neck components. It
defines the characteristics of these components and their adjustments.
In case of: 4:3 tubes / 16:9 tubes the sixth symbol consists of:
a two-digit number (from 01 to 99)
or, when needed,
a three-digit number (from 001 to 999)
000 First tube in "EFB" family
XX Tricolour phosphors
001 Integral yoke
4.6.2 World Wide Code for Oscilloscope tubes 12
The type designation for Oscilloscope tubes shall consist of six symbols of alternating
groups of letters and numbers The first symbol defines the application category of the tube and shall consist of the
single letter D . The second symbol defines the minimum viewable screen diagonal measurement and
shall consist of a two-digit number. The third symbol (family code) defines the tube types having specific mechanical and
electrical characteristics and shall consist of three letters, excluding the letter I and O.
For tube variations that require a new third symbol 13 see Annex C the "Guidelines for
assigning a New Type Number".
The third symbol is assigned by the type administrator in alphabetical sequence from
left to right (AAA, AAB, AAC,... AZZ, BAA,...BZZ ... ZZZ) 14
Once a combination has been assigned to a sponsor for a particular tube type, that
combination shall be reserved for future assignments to the original sponsor. In this
way the same combination will be available to a sponsor so that the family relationship
may be maintained for different sizes. The fourth symbol (member of family) defines specific tube types within the family
specified by the third symbol. The fourth symbol consists of a three-digit number
from 000 to 999. The fifth symbol defines a phosphor category. The phosphor may be defined by a two-
letter or three-letter combination, excluding letters I and O. 15 The sixth symbol is only assigned to tubes having accessory(ies) (connection lead,
correction coil(s),...).The sixth symbol consists of a two-digit number from 01 to 99. The first letter indicates the primary application of the tube:
F - Radar display tube
L - Storage display tube
P - Other display tubes for professional applications and projection tubes
Q - Flying spot scanner
R - Recording tube with fibre optic output. The first number indicates the approximate overall diameter or diagonal of the glass
envelope in centimetres. The second number is a serial number consisting of three figures. The number end in a
zero for a basic type. The zero changes into one of the figures 1 to 9 for variants of the
basic type.
Note - Definitions of "Variants", A variant of a basic type is a tube with similar mechanical and electrical
data and similar picture performance.
Variants are not necessarily interchangeable. (This means, that tubes with different electrical or mechanical
data or with a difference in picture performance, must get other basic type numbers). The letter(s) following this number give(s) information about the characteristics of the
phosphor screen
Note - See note 2 of
F 31 - 130 LH Suffixes
For Cathode Ray Tubes with integral graticule, the Secretariat of PRO ELECTRON may
allocate a suffix consisting of two or more figures, following the type designation and
separated from it by an oblique stroke.
Fig. 1 - Kelly Chart of colour designation
(Ref: The ISCC/NBS 16 method of designating colours and a dictionary of colour names. NBS-
Circular n°553 of Nov. 1955)
4.6.4 Survey of the phosphor designations registered until december 1999.
Phosphor Colour CIE co-ordinates Persistence ECA/EIA
designations (1) (10%) Designations
before 1982
Table 4 - Phosphor designations registered until December 1999 (Contd.)
Phosphor Colour CIE co-ordinates Persistence ECA/EIA
designations (1) (10%) Designations
before 1982
Table 4 Phosphor designations registered until December 1999 (Contd.)
Phosphor Colour CIE co-ordinates Persistence ECA/EIA
designations (1) (10%) Designations
before 1982
Table 4 - Phosphor designations registered until December 1999 (Contd.)
Phosphor Colour CIE co-ordinates Persistence ECA/EIA
designations (1) (10%) Designations
before 1982
Table 4 - Phosphor designations registered until December 1999 (Contd.)
Phosphor Colour CIE co-ordinates Persistence ECA/EIA
designations (1) (10%) Designations
before 1982
Table 4 - Phosphor designations registered until December 1999 (Contd.)
Phosphor Colour CIE co-ordinates Persistence ECA/EIA
designations (1) (10%) Designations
before 1982
Notes to table 4:
1 CIE = Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage.
2 1st layer.
3 2nd layer.
4 High brightness.
5 Low brightness.
6 If "G" runs out, "H" will be used for the green region.
7 Approximate.
8 Persistence 10s.
9 Persistence 5s.
10 The designation V should always be associated with another letter which defines the specific characteristics.
11 In dark body configuration for better contrast performance.
12 Rare earth; high burning resistive.
13 Composition Phosphor: ZnS:Ag, (ZnCd)S:CuAL.
14 Composition Phosphor: ZnS:Ag, (ZnCd)S:CuAL, Zn2Si04:MnAs.
15 Composition Phosphor: ZnS:Ag, Zn2SiO4:MnAs, Zn3(P04)2:Mn.
16 Composition Phosphor: ZnS:Ag, Zn2SiO4:MnAs, (ZnCd)S:Cu,Al,Ga.
17 Composition Phosphor: ZnS:Ag, Zn2SiO4:MnAs, Zn3(P04)2:Mn, (ZnCd)S:Cu,Al.
18 Tri-colour screens with different characteristics, except voltage/current dependent ones, will be indicated by
other single-letter codes, excluding the letters I, 0 and W. (See, fifth symbol: colour monitor tubes).
19 Used for traffic control radar.
20 Composition Phosphor: Zn2SiO4:Mn, Zn3(P04)2:Mn
21 Composition Phosphor: InB03:Tb, InB03:Eu
22 Composition Phosphor: Cd5CL(P04)3:Mn, Zn2Si04:Mn,As
General Notes:
a. Each phosphor designation refers to a Relative Spectral Energy Distribution Curve, held by each of the three type
administration agencies.
b. A few phosphors have designations which do not correspond exactly with the present Kelly Chart; these were
allocated using the former Kelly Chart and cannot be changed.
4.7 Professional Tubes
The type designation code for professional electronic tubes applies to tubes designed for
use in transmitting-, navigational-, or communications equipment, or for industrial
The type designation consists of two letters followed by a serial number
4.7.1 The first letter classifies the tubes into the following groups:
X - High vacuum electro-optical devices
Y - High vacuum transmitting and microwave tubes
Z - Gas filled tubes
4.7.2 The second letter indicates the function or the operation of the tube:
XM - Character generating cathode ray tube
XP - Photomultiplier tube
XQ - Camera tube
XR - Monoscope
XS - Cathode ray charge storage tube signal/signal
XT - Memory display tube
XV - Infrared detector
XW - Infrared imaging device
XX - Image converter, image intensifier
YA - Diode
YD - Transmitting or industrial triode
YG - Electrometer tube, vacuum gauge
YH - Travelling wave tube
YJ - Magnetron
YK - Klystron
YL - Transmitting or industrial tetrode or pentode
YN - Backward wave oscillator
YP - Electron multiplier
YR - Crossed field amplifier
YT - Pulse modulator tube
YY - High vacuum rectifier
4.7.4 For Camera tubes the following may be added to the basic number: The first letter gives the information about the material
S - Silicon
MM - Monolytic microphone The serial number is a combination of one letter (D or I) and a three digit number,
running from 001 to 999, assigned by Pro Electron.
D - Discrete model without signal conditioning
I - Integrated model without signal conditioning
4.9 Codification and registration system for EEPROMs for chip cards of the
synchronous type according to ISO/IEC 7816-10
The following procedures are used in accordance with those agreed by the Pro Electron
Working Group EEPROM on this subject.
H1 H2
B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1
Byte H1-bit B1 is 1
The remaining 15 bits in H1 and H2 represent information on the chip type and
application, and are owned by the chip manufacturer.
4.9.1 Codification and registration for memory cards at present is limited to synchronous
4.9.2 Codification and registration by Pro Electron will only be undertaken for members of Pro
4.9.3 The application for a code to be registered has to be made by the chip manufacturer to
Pro Electron. The chip manufacturer consequently will include the code provided and
registered by Pro Electron into the EEPROM. Because of the non-transparent nature of
the code, application terminals need to read and check all 16 bits.
4.9.4 It is strongly recommended that only the basic chip type should be registered for an
4.9.5 Each chip manufacturer can only apply for a maximum of 200 codes. (Combination of H1
and H2) -due to the limited coding possibilities in the available 16 bites.
4.9.6 Once per year the members will be asked by PE for confirmation of the usage of their
registered codes.
4.9.7 For future registration, the existing list for H1 and H2 as provided by the Working Group-
Doc.EEPROM 38, will be taken into consideration.
4.9.8 According to ISO/IEC 7816 the byte transmission order is H1, H2, H3, etc. The bit
transmission order per byte is from B1 (least significant bit) to B8 (most significant bit).
4.9.9 Any deviation from the above rules need to be agreed upon by the PE Working Group
Annex A
A.1 General
All applicable items in the first column of the format are required for registration. Where agency
designations have not been established, defining data must be supplied. Complete items in
Section VIII only if product is integral tube/yoke and neck component combination. All values are
nominal unless otherwise specified.
C. Electron Gun
1. Configuration (delta or in-line) Any change
2. Type of focus (unipotential) bipotential, Any change
tripotential, etc)
Any change in excess of 1.0 mm
D. Neck Diameter
Any change
E. Screen Structure (dot, line, etc)
A. Tube Dimensions
1. Overall length Any change in excess of 6,5 mm
2. Neck length (YRL to end of base) Any change in excess of 3,2 mm
C. Bulb Nomenclature
1. Funnel (agency designation) Any change in equivalent
2. Panel (agency designation) agency number if not
3. Anode contact (agency designation) Any change in equivalent
agency number
V. X-Radiation Characteristics
C. Anode Voltage
1. Absolute-maximum value Any decrease in excess of 10% Any increase in excess of 10%
2. Typical value Any change in excess of 2kV
VII Drawings
New Sixth Symbol
18 Any change in adjustment required for tube to operate in a different geographical location also requires a new sixth
Annex B
All applicable items in the first column of the format are required for registration.
Where agency designations have not been established, defining data must be supplied.
All values are nominal unless otherwise specified.
A. Tube Dimensions
1. Overall length Any change in excess of 15 mm
2. Neck length (YRL to end of base) Any change in excess of 10 mm
IV Implosion Protection
A. Implosion Protection may be listed as one Any change in listed items, except
of the following an alternation implosion protection
1. None system may be specified if it is
2. Tension band (s) mechnically interchangeable
3. Filled rim without a change of symbol
4. Rimband (s) and tension band (s)
5. Bonded sheet
6. Other (specify)
V. X.-Radiation Characteristics
C. Anode Voltage
1. Absolute-maximum value Any decrease in excess of 10 % Any increase in excess of 10%
2. Typical value Any change in excess of 2KV
E. (Grid n°......or Cathode) Voltage for Visual Any change in excess of 20% Any change in excess of 20%
Cutoff of (Focused Spot or Raster) at outside listed range inside listed range
Typical Anode Voltage and Grid n° 2
Voltage and Grid n° 2 Voltage of .....V
VII. Drawings
Annex C
C.1 General
All applicable items in the first column of the format are required for registration. Where agency
designations have not been established, defining data must be supplied. All valves are nominal
unless otherwise specified.
C. Type Y-Deflection
Segmented Plates System (yes or no) Any change
or Delay-line System (yes or no) Any change
A. Tube Dimensions
Overall length Any change in excess of 15 mm
2. Distance from tube face to side pin Any change in excess of 8 mm
C. Bulb Nomenclature
1. Bulb Any change in equivalent agency
(Agency designation) number if not interchangeable
G. Grid n°1 Voltage for Visual Cut-off of Any change in excess of 20 % outside Any change in excess of 20 %
Focused Spot at Typical Third and Second listed range inside listed range
Anode Voltage and Grid n° 2 Voltage
V. Geometrical Correction
VI. Drawings
Annex D
Former system of version letter for integrated circuits
(for reference only)
For reference purposes only, below is listed the former system used for the Version letter of
Integrated circuits (4.2.4)
D.2 For packages the following letters are recommended general shape:
Optionally one letter to indicate a minor electrical variant of the basic type.
Note: the letter has no fixed meaning except “Z” which means customised wiring.
C Cylindrical
D Ceramic DIL
P Plastic DIL
T Miniature plastic
U Uncased
The first letter indicating a general shape has a fixed meaning as listed below, a
second letter may be added to indicate a version of the general shape. This second
letter has no fixed meaning, except for: C = metal-ceramic; G = glass ceramic; M =
metal; P = plastic.
First letter: General shape Second letter: Material
C Cylindrical C Metal - ceramic
D Dual-in-line (DIL)
E Power DIL (with external heat sink)
F Flat (leads on 2 sides)
G Flat (leads on 4 sides) G Glass – ceramic (cerdip)
H QUAD Flat Pack (QFP)
J DIL bent SIL
K Diamond (TO-3 family)
M Multiple-in-line (except Dual-,Triple- and M Metal
P Plastic
Q QUIL Quadruple-in-line
R Power QUIL (with external heat sink)
S Single-in-line (SIL)
T Triple-in-line
W Leaded chip carrier (LCC)
X Leadless chip carrier (LLCC)
Y Pin grid arrays (PGA)
Remark : To avoid confusion, when the serial number ends with a letter, the hyphen is used preceding the
PCF1105WP = digital IC, PC family, oper. temp. - 40° to + 85°C, serial number
1105, plastic leaded chip carrier.
GMB74LS00A-DC = digital IC, GM family, oper. temp. 0° to + 70°C, company
number 74LS00A, ceramic DIL package.
TDA1000P = analogue circuit, no standard temp. range, serial number 1000,
plastic DIL package.
SAC2000 = solitary digital circuit, oper. temp. - 55 to +125°C, serial number
Note - Some companies have been using version letters and/or two letter-suffix, which differ from the Pro
Electron definitions. In case of confusion Pro Electron may be contacted.