Earthquake Eng - G. - Waves & Measures
Earthquake Eng - G. - Waves & Measures
Earthquake Eng - G. - Waves & Measures
1.3. Waves & Measures
"seismic waves
seismic waves" are the vibrations resulting as a result
of the energy released from the earthquake
These waves travel outward from the source of the
earthquake along the surface and through the Earth at
earthquake along the surface and through the Earth at
varying speeds depending on the material through
which they move.
Body Waves Primary (P)
Secondary (S) SV
Reliegh (LR)
Surface Waves
Love wave moves the
ground side to side in a
horizontal plane parallel to
the earth’s surface
Ra leigh wave
a e like rolling
ocean wave, the pieces of
rock distributed by a
Its motion
It ti i restricted
is t i t d to
t Rayleigh wave move both
near the ground surface. vertically and horizontally
in a vertical plane
Love wave
Rayleigh wave
Propagation of Waves
Propagation of Waves
Crustal Earthquakes Up to 30 Km
M d t Earthquakes
Moderate E th k 20-50
20 50 Km
Velocity of S wave
K - Bulk Modulus
- Soil Rigidity
- Density
S Waves
1-8 (4)
Love W
Releigh Waves
d- Focal Distance
Duration of Ground motion and Frequency content
1.3.2. Earthquake Measures
Measured for the Amount of Strain Energy Released
Logarithm (Base 10) of
maximum amplitude
measured in micrometers of
the earth record obtained
from Wood-Anderson
seismograph corrected to
distance of 100 km
Less than 5 No structural
damage is expected
Felt quite noticeably by people indoors, especially on the
upper floors of buildings. Many do not recognize it as an
III. Slight (3)
earthquake. Standing motor cars may rock slightly. Vibration
similar to the passing of a truck. Duration estimated.
i il t th i f t k D ti ti t d
Felt indoors by many people, outdoors by few people during
h d A i h k d Di h i d d
the day. At night, some awakened. Dishes, windows, doors
IV. Moderate (4) disturbed; walls make cracking sound. Sensation like heavy
truck striking building. Standing motor cars rock noticeably.
Dishes and windows rattle alarmingly
Dishes and windows rattle alarmingly.
XI. Very
XI Few, if any masonry structures remain standing.
Few standing Bridges
Disastrous (8+) destroyed. Rails bent greatly.