Thesis & Report Guide: Bob Smoot
Thesis & Report Guide: Bob Smoot
Thesis & Report Guide: Bob Smoot
Bob Smoot
Smoot College
University of Oxford
Supervised by
Professor What Whoever
Submitted: Crinklemas Term,
May 31, 2012
B. S. Smoot,
Smoot College
This thesis is dedicated to ...
This should be just a couple of paragraphs to set the scene and provide the
impact of your work by enticing people to read your publications and allows
automated search engines (which sometime use only the title and abstract)
to index your work for accurate discovery (and hence citation). The following
First, you need to lay it out in a logical order, like your thesis - intro/motivation,
Motivation: Why do we care about the problem and the results? If the
statement rst to indicate which piece of the larger problem you are
your work, the diculty of the area, and the impact it might have if
tion)? Be careful not to use too much jargon. In some cases it is appro-
priate to put the problem statement before the motivation, but usually
this only works if most readers already understand why the problem is
Approach: How did you go about solving or making progress on the
tion, or analysis of eld data for an actual product? What was the extent
of your work (did you look at one application program or a hundred pro-
specic, faster, or otherwise better than something else. Put the result
statistical analysis only. If you do use `signicant, quote the p-value and
the test (as well as the data on which the test was performed). Compare
must be vague, you are only given license to do so when you can talk
you should not provide numbers that can be easily misinterpreted, but
on the other hand you don't have room for all the caveats.
(i.e. shortcut that saves time, money, eort), or simply serve as a road
sign indicating that this path is a waste of time. (All such results are
(thesis, paper, report). It can't assume (or attempt to provoke) the reader
vague statement. It must make sense all by itself. Some points to consider
Meet the word count. If your abstract runs too long, either it will be
Your purposes will be better served by doing the dicult task of cutting
yourself, rather than leaving it to someone else who might be more in-
the best possible manner. An abstract word limit of 150 to 200 words is
given journal. Generally check with the journal. In your thesis you must.
Do not dene abbreviations in a title, only in the text, the rst time it
and keywords that people looking for your work might use. Be sure that
those exact phrases appear in your abstract, so that they will turn up
over-use buzz-words or your article will sound like you are trying to be
is really applicable.
poses. They are used to facilitate keyword index searches, which are
is commonly used. However, they are also used to assign papers to review
So make sure that the keywords you pick make assigning your paper to a
ics, use your chosen topic area as one of the keyword tuples). You may
abstract, see below for an article I published in the Journal of Biomedical
techniques are brushed over because the medical doctors reviewing this would
not be that interested in the specic techniques in the abstract. You cannot
do this for a technical journal - you will have to name the types of algorithms
you used, like `four-layer perceptron with a sigmoid activation function'. Note
Reducing false alarm rates for critical arrhythmias using the arterial
blood pressure waveform.
Over the past two decades, high false alarm (FA) rates have remained an
important yet unresolved concern in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). High FA
of care for the patient. False arrhythmia alarms are commonly due to single
channel ECG artifacts and low voltage signals, and therefore it is likely that
critical (yellow) arrhythmia alarms were not considered in this study. Mul-
tiple expert reviews of 5386 critical ECG arrhythmia alarms from a total of
447 adult patient records in the MIMIC II database were made using the
using morphological and timing information derived from the ABP signal was
then tested.
An average of 42.7% of the critical ECG arrhythmia alarms were found to be
false, with each of the ve alarm categories having FA rates between 23.1%
the false alarms, with FA reduction rates as high as 93.5% for asystole and
81.0% for extreme bradycardia. FA reduction rates were lowest for extreme
reduction rates were all 0%, except for ventricular tachycardia alarms (9.4%).
The FA suppression algorithm reduced the incidence of false critical ECG ar-
rhythmia alarms from 42.7% to 17.2%, where simultaneous ECG and ABP
data fusion to reduce false ECG arrhythmia alarms in a clinical setting, but
the non-zero TA reduction rate for ventricular tachycardia indicates the need
true alarms, the algorithm could be implemented for all alarms except ventric-
ular tachycardia. Under these conditions the FA rate would be reduced from
ciated annotated alarms is a new and valuable research resource for algorithm
Include funding agencies, and any scholarships you won, people who helped
1.3 AT X?
Typesetting: Word or L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3.1 AT X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reasons to use L 3
1.3.2 What about comments and track changes? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 AT Xsoftware
Installing the L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4.1 Editor choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.8.2 4YP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.8.3 M.Sc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.8.5 D.Phil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3.2 Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.5 Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5.1 Labels, Legends, Units and Captions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.6 Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.7 Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.8 Footnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.9 Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.10 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.11 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2 Authorship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.7 Copyright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.9 Patents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.13 Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
B List of publications and presentations 43
C.2 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
List of Figures
1.1 AT X. Taken
Graph to show relative estimated time wasted using Word or L E
from: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
List of Tables
2.1 Variable Boundaries for physiological parameters used in this study. . . . 22
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
The point of this `thesis' is to provide some guidance on how to lay out and typeset your
thesis. It also provides some tips on the general process, but is not a guide to the rules
and regulations governing your research, or how you should organize yourself.
Disclaimer: First you should remember this document (and template) is only a guide,
not a dictator. Parts may not suit you, be relevant to you or may be out of date. Details
will vary based on your report type, supervisor and sub-department. Always check the
details with your department before blindly following this guide. I take no responsibility
for any use of the information provided here. it was approximately correct when I wrote
it, but things change and I don't have the time to constantly update this. If you nd an
background and motivation for the problem plus a review of existing approaches to solve
the problem you are introducing. Make sure to dene the problem. The chapter often
Figure 1.1: A
Graph to show relative estimated time wasted using Word or L TEX. Taken from:
ends with a description of the contents of the rest of the thesis, explaining the 'story' you
AT Xby at least
tool (like Word or Open Oce), I predict you will wish you had used L E
the end of your second year, if not before. Why? See gure 1.1.
Word is a practical tool for writing short and simple documents but becomes too
complex or even unusable when using a wysiwyg system. Granted, there's a small eort
required up-front to learn the typesetting commands, but hopefully I've included an
The only time a wysiwyg type-setting tool is practically useful is for working with
people who are going to contribute signicantly to your paper and you are not using
mathematics or many images. Some clinical journals may even require you to use Word.
However, in general, most journals accept (and like) L E
AT Xrst.
understand some more about L E
1. Powerful and simple bibliography tools - combined with Jabref (see section 2.4.1)
2. Portability and re-usability. My latex from 1989 still works. Converting wysiwyg
documents from 2 years ago is problematic. In fact, when I swap from my laptop
to desktop, (both running XP, although one virtualized) the small changes in Oce
versions mean my document formatting changes each time. You will reuse parts of
your thesis as you move from the CDT Summer Report to the PRS transfer report
to the main D.Phil. thesis. Each time you will likely reuse parts of your thesis.
Placing parts of your thesis into a journal template is far easier in L E
4. Quality of images. You are forced to make your images and text separate. This
leads to far superior images that are not altered in quality by the wysiwyg system.
6. Easy to comment out sections and restore later, and add notes to self.
but only you are the maintainer of your thesis. No-one but you should be editing your
thesis, so there's no need for it. Use a source code control system (like subversion) for
your thesis, and you will never lose a le or comment again.
However, you may want to add comments (and your supervisor or helpful post-doc
may be encouraged to do so) by using the custom commenting commands in the main
template. These are \todo{} (TODO: red) and \comment{} (green), Anything placed in
the curly braces of these commands will be colour coded accordingly. They are then easy
to nd later and help your supervisor know what are you comments and questions.
Anyway, Acrobat Reader (version 10 and above) allows you to add comments directly
to the PDF, so there's really little excuse to use track changes now.
in your calendar to do this daily (or at the least, weekly). (Assume your hard disk will
crash and you lose your USB back-up one week before your report is due.) Do not back
up data that can be regenerated - it become unmanageable and it wastes disk space. Just
If you do not have access to a source code control system, then I suggest you use
your les and roll-back to earlier versions. You can also share the directory with your
If you are wondering what exact changes took place to a chapter or piece of source
has actually changed. This is particularly good for tracking incremental versions, and
merging versions that you made on dierent computers. (You can just drag and drop the
A lab book should be dated and initialed each day (in case there is a dispute about
when an idea was rst conceived). Some funding agencies require your lab diaries to be
For computational-based research, a better option can be a digital lab book. Google
docs make an excellent backed-up progress report with automatic time stamping and
authorship. They are great for collaboration and tracking changes. (You can even embed
Email is another way to back up such information, but is not good for versioning,
Whichever method you choose to track your progress, and organize your daily thoughts,
you should make sure that you get in the habit of doing this. Consult your supervisors
though - they may not be happy with the above suggestions, particularly if you may be
Note that you should not use these methods to record sensitive informa-
data (e.g. data containing names, dates, retina images, ngerprints, full face photos, etc.)
hard drives or portable media. This includes your laptop or desktop computer. You
should encrypt a partition of your hard drive and make sure the data are copied only to
this partition. Above all, check with your supervisor regarding the policy on where data
should be stored. Some data should not be taken out of the location from where it was
and post-docs, things I found on the Internet, and my own experience and papers/thesis.
far as I know, there is no standard Oxford thesis template or guidelines on how to lay
out these documents. So I've done what all students do, and taken an aggregate of the
most recent accepted theses and added my own thoughts. Feel free to tweak, but make
sure you check this in the same manner to ensure you don't stray too far (0.1 standard
4th year projects (4YPs), CDT Summer Reports, Probationary Research Status (PRS)
1 2
Transfer Reports , M.Sc., M.Phil., and D.Phil . This means you will need to comment
out certain sections that do not relate to your report type. The in-line comments in the
The template is divided into several les you will need to edit:
and will automatically include all the other les. You do not need to edit this unless
you want to. When you compile this template, you will generate a PDF document
declaration.tex - A declaration that this is all your own work, except where
dedication.tex - Self-explanatory.
conclusions.tex - Self-explanatory.
gant.tex - A Gant chart showing the major tasks and when you will do each one
1 At the end of your rst year of your D.Phil. you are required to present a report describing
your rst year of research, and a proposal for the next 2+ years to complete the D.Phil.
2 Ph.D.
refs.bib - The master le containing all the publications you want to cite.
2010. Check with your department to make sure - don't take this document as the nal
To change this template from its current single spaced version, to the 11pt Arial text
required for some reports change the `documentclass' declaration in the main TeX le to
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{phv} % arial fonts
\linespread{2} % for double spacing
The report must be between 8 and 12 pages long (including abstract, all appendices, etc.).
Do not attempt to change the font size/type or margins, or you will be ask to rectify the
Do follow the standard style instructions, and pay particular attention to placing the
correct information in the right sections. Results should not appear in the methods, and
methods should not appear in the introduction or the results sections. It seems obvious,
but I see it all the time. The layout is the standard scientic form:
Introduction: Set out what the motivation for the study is, and briey what you
Background: Detail what others have done before as a benchmark.
chronology of your thoughts and every detail that didn't work. Step back and
think how you can present the work in the most coherent and succinct manner. Do
Results: List your results in the same order as your methods, with corresponding
sections. There must be a methods section for every result section. Do not analyse
or interpret them at this stage. Do make sure you describe the results in enough
Discussion: Now you can interpret the results and discuss them in the context of the
background work. Compare your results to those of the rest of the eld and explain
why they are better or worse, and whether the results are directly comparable. Also
list the limitations of your study and what the next logical steps are.
Conclusions: Sum up the study and results, and its relevance importance.
1.8.2 4YP
These are expected to be 50 pages, (including all appendices, frontmatter etc.), although
they can be shorter. Content over quantity. In March 2011, these were the instructions
Printing: The deadline for submitting a report to the Engineering Science Print
Room (Thom Building room 1.03) for printing by the Department is Friday of week 2 of
Trinity Term. You can submit your report for printing in the form of a WORD, pdf or
You are allowed a maximum of 10 pages of colour printing per copy of your report.
(For joint reports each student contributing to the report is entitled to 10 pages of colour
within each copy of that report.) If you have more you are liable to be charged at a rate
of 25p per page. Even a single coloured line on a graph will be counted as a colour page!
It is not permissible to use spare funds from your project allowance to pay for colour
Submission: Three copies of the fourth year project report must be submitted to
Economics and Management], c/o Clerk of the Schools, Examination Schools, High Street,
Oxford, by noon on Friday of 4th week of Trinity Term 2011. This is a strict deadline
The report must not exceed 50 pages (including all diagrams, photographs,
not less than 20mm all round, and type face of Arial 11 point font with double
line-spacing. The report must be the candidate's own work and should include a signed
statement to this eect. A declaration of authorship form is attached for this purpose
and must be bound into the report after the title page, but need not be included in the
page count. Your risk and COSSH assessments must also be bound into the report, but
(i) your name and project title are on the report, but not your candidate number.
(ii) you have consulted the University's web site on plagiarism and how to avoid it:
Finally, it is your responsibility to ensure that your work is handed in to the Exami-
1.8.3 M.Sc.
Theses submitted by candidates in Engineering Science must not exceed 200 pages for
the Degree of M.Sc. (by research). They should be double spaced on A4 paper in normal
size type (Times New Roman, 12 point), the total to include all references, diagrams,
For taught masters courses it can vary. The regulations for the Biomedical Engi-
neering (BME) Taught M.Sc. indicate a maximum of 60 pages. All pages should be
numbered, have margins of not less than 20mm round, and type face not less than 11 pt
font with line spacing of no less than 8mm. The spacing of 8mm (
mm) is generally
thought to be `double spaced'. The full regulations for this course can be found online
the submission of a report and an oral examination. The details in this subsection
concerning this process are taken from the doc distributed by the Director of Graduate
Studies in 2010.
Every graduate student studying for a research degree in Engineering Science is re-
quired to register in the rst instance as a Probationary Research Student. During your
rst (research) year, you will receive an e-mail from the department informing you that
One of these will be a specialist in an area close to the topic of your research and the
other will be in a totally dierent eld. Towards the end of the rst year of research you
will submit a report to this committee and attend an oral examination to demonstrate
your ability to carry out work leading to the M.Sc.(R) or D.Phil. degree.
In your report you will need to provide evidence that you have:
1. The necessary academic and other abilities to carry out original research of high
take 2 years for an M.Sc.(R) or 3 years for the D.Phil. from the start of your work
in Oxford.
4. The necessary resources for your research. Your supervisor will normally take re-
If your written transfer report and your performance in the oral examination are sat-
isfactory, you will be sent a GSO.2 form, so that you may formally apply to the University
for change of status to M.Sc.(R) or D.Phil. student.
Your transfer report should cover much of your work in the rst nine months of your
research and be submitted to the Assistant to the Director of Graduate Studies not
later than eleven months after commencing graduate work in Oxford. For
the majority of students who start in Michaelmas Term, the submission deadline is 1st
September, for Hilary Term the submission deadline is 1st December and for Trinity
The report should not exceed a maximum of 60 pages from front cover to last page
(including all diagrams, photographs, references and appendices). All pages should be
numbered, have margins of 20mm-30mm all round (ALL margins should be 20 mm-30
mm. The measurements taken are 20 mm - 30 mm from the top of the page to the top
of the rst sentence and likewise, from the bottom of the page to the bottom of the nal
sentence), type face of Times New Roman 12 font, and be in double-line spacing.
Before your report is printed and bound, it must rst be checked by the Departmental
Graduate Studies oce to ensure that it conforms to the regulations governing the correct
length and presentation. This can be done by e-mailing an electronic copy of your report
1.8.5 D.Phil.
The ocial rule in the Examination Decrees and Regulations (Grey Book) on thesis
The thesis must be typed or printed on one side of the paper only, with a margin of
1.25 to 1.5 inches (32 to 38mm) on the left-hand side of each page. Theses in typescript
should present the main text in double spacing with quotations and footnotes in single
spacing. In the case of word-processed or printed theses where the output resembles that
of a typewriter, double spacing should be taken to mean a distance of about 0.33 inch
or 8mm between successive lines of text. Where a word processor produces output which
imitates letterpress then the layout may be that of a well designed book. Candidates are
advised that it is their responsibility to ensure that the print for their thesis is of an
adequate denition and standard of legibility.
For good legibility you should use a 12 point font .
In addition to the rule in the Grey Book, see notes produced by the Graduate Studies
Oce Preparation and submission of thesis and abstracts submitted for the degrees of
D.Phil., M.Sc. (by research) and M.Litt. (ref. GSO1/Notes 2 Prep and Sub.). In
particular see 6. Regulations of Boards and Committees (xvii) Physical Sciences (b)
Word limits:
Theses submitted by candidates for the Degree of D.Phil in Engineering Science and
Physics (except Theoretical Physics) must not exceed 250 pages, A4 size, double spaced
in normal-size type (elite), the total to include all references, diagrams etc.
Some sub-departments (e.g. Physics) consider that 100 - 150 well-written pages should
be sucient .
4 ibid
Chapter 2
Previous Work in the Field
2.1 Content of chapter 2
Chapter 1 should describe the physiology of the problem in much more detail, and perhaps
provide previous attempts to solve the problem you are addressing. This may wait until
existing work in the eld. You need to show you are fully aware of previous work in this
(and related) areas, and are not simply repeating this work. Cite all relevant works, and
explain what they did and then later explain why what you are going to do either builds
the above label command, so we would reference it by using the command: \ref{sec:crossref})
which generates a number reference thus: 2.3.
add a label (e.g. for an equation \label{eq:hyperbolic_orbit}) and then you cite it
like this:
Latex will automatically generate the appropriate number (and link) for the \ref com-
mand and insert it after the abbreviation Eq.. Note that the equation is abbreviated.
This is not required, but you should just be consistent. Similarly, gure is abbreviated
to Fig. but table is usually kept as Table. Careful when referring to more than one
equation or gure!
2.3.2 Indexing
You can also index a given term using \index{term} and the makeindex command.
for each citation and an associated tag. These are stored in your bible and are called
anything.bib (where anything can be ... well ... almost anything. In this template it is
author = {Tsiotou, A. G. and Sakorafas, G. H. and Anagnostopoulos, G. and Bramis, J.},
journal = {Medical Science Monitor},
keywords = {Blood Coagulation Disorders, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome},
mendeley-tags = {Sepsis},
month = {March},
number = {3},
pages = {RA76--85},
pmid = {15735579},
title = {Septic shock; current pathogenetic concepts from a clinical perspective},
url = {},
volume = {11},
year = {2005}
Don't be alarmed here - these can be generated automatically. Try something like
with @article and then an open curly brace. This tells bibtex that the rest of the text
to the nal closed curly brace refers to a journal article and so to format it accordingly.
The next item you will encounter is a tag that is specic to this particular reference - in
name and year) will appear in the brackets like this: [1]. In some versions of latex, the
PDF le will hyperlink this to the references at the end of the document.
Note, depending on the latex environment, you may have to run the bibtex command
separately to generate the bible, and then rerun the latex command twice to allow the
tool for managing your bib les (or databases). You can import and export multiple
formats, including Endnote. You can also do automatic searches and retrieve the bibtex
Jabref also supports searching within the references, including your own notes.
2.5 Figures
AT Xdocument using the
Chapter 1 illustrated how to insert a gure into a L E \includegraphics
AT Xtakes care of the positioning for you, but you can tell it your preferences.
command. L E
After the \begin{figure} command, you can add a location order preference in square
So, if you write \begin{figure}[tbp] AT Xwill attempt to place the gure at the top
of the page. If there is no space, then it will try to the bottom, then the next page, and
principles hold.
Each gure must have a caption below it, which is basically self-contained and de-
scribes the gure contents, including all variables plotted, and what the reader should be
looking for - i.e. the point you are trying to make. Do not put a title on the gure (like
you do in Matlab), since the caption should contain all the descriptive langauge.
Do not write something like `see text for details'. This is a pointless statement.
Obviously the text contains the details, but the reader should be able to understand the
gure by reading the caption. Of course, the caption is just a summary and should not
repeat the text, and should not generally grow to take up more than 34 lines at most.
dierent media (PPT, HTML, PDF, etc). The best formats are PNG, (lossless) JPEG,
PDF, EPS and Matlab's native FIG format. The PNG and PDF are useful when you
compile directly to PDF. The EPS format is useful when compiling direct to postscript.
The FIG format is useful (assuming you are using Matlab) because it saves all the data
used to generate the gure, and allows easy manipulation of the fonts, zoom, axes etc
after the fact. Your supervisor / external examiner will require such adjustments, so you
One of my colleagues was asked by her external examiner to increase the font size on
every gure in her thesis. That meant re-running every single experiment in her D.Phil!
AT Xsource.
reference label is placed inside the caption in the L E
The data types are in colour, but not distinct shapes. When you print this in
black and white, (or if you have a slight colour blindness) then the plot will become
Figure 2.1: Combining several plots into one
(a) 15 min segments, slid by 3 min with 1 (b) 15 min segments, slid by 3 min with 5
(c) 30 min segments, slid by 5 min with 1 (d) 30 min segments, slid by 5 min with 5
meaningless. Assume black and white printing.
There are no units on the axes (in parentheses after the parameters).
The numbers on the axes and the parameter labels are far too small.
The Matlab gures still have their titles - these should be removed and all informa-
The presentation of the data is misleading. The scales are dierent on each graph,
The data types are at least consistent between graphs. It's important that if colours
are used, then they mean the same thing from graph to graph.
Each subplot is labelled a, b, c, d .... you should never say 'the upper plot' or the
left plot.
On this latter point, be aware that you should never make statements about the gure
which refer to its position in the text. It can move around, and so will your text as you
expand and edit. For example, the phrase 'in the gure below' is not acceptable. When
you do refer to the gure, make sure you use the \ref{} command and the same name
Finally: always make sure you have referenced every gure at least once. Never leave
a gure hanging in the document without a good reason for it being there and a full
explanation of its contents. To check, just search (using the command line tool `grep' for
example) through all your TeX les for the number of times a label is used. (Also check
2.6 Tables
Tables are treated like gures, except that they are pure text, and are numbered sepa-
rately. Note that all terms in a table, as for gures, need to be dened in the caption
if they were not already in the text. Symbols (such as † to indicate signicance) should
also be dened.
Table 2.1: Variable Boundaries for physiological parameters used in this study.
2.7 Equations
AT Xseems fairly natural after a short period of time.
Equation writing in L There are
of bananas, c the number of cakes, and n is a prime number. Note that all terms are
dened directly before or after the rst time they are used.
The above equation is generated with the text $a^n = b^n + c^n$. Note that the
Note also that in-line equations are not numbered. So if you ever want to refer back
A full list of symbols you might use in equations can be found in David Carlisle's
symbols.tex le . or here:
\cos 2\theta & = & \cos^2 \theta - \sin^2 \theta
Note the position of the label inside the equation environment. You can refer to an
when you are listing derivations. To do this you can do the following:
(\frac{1}{N})^2 \cos 2\theta & = & \frac{1}{N^2} \cos^2 \theta - \sin^2 \theta \\ \non
\cos 2\theta & = & \cos^2 \theta - \sin^2 \theta \\ \nonumber
& = & 2 \cos^2 \theta - 1.
1 2 1
( ) cos 2θ = cos2 θ − sin2 θ (2.2)
N N2
cos 2θ = cos2 θ − sin2 θ
= 2 cos2 θ − 1.
1 1 (ζ − z) − (ζ − z − h)
ζ − z − h − ζ − z = (ζ − z − h)(ζ − z)
(ζ − z − h)(ζ − z)
≤ .
|ζ − z|2
2.8 Footnotes
footnotes are generally for you to insert in passing information that may be pertinent,
but distracts the reader from the main argument . Use sparingly and try not to make
2 Just like this sentence, which is an example of how you generate a footnote.
them lengthy.
One place where you perhaps should use footnotes is in the introduction to a chapter
when you introduce the work you are about to present. If it has been published, or is
in preparation, insert a footnote explaining this, and giving the exact reference. This
helps the examiner know if anyone else has veried that section of the thesis. Note that
the reference will be repeated at the end of the thesis too in section B. Don't make the
2.9 Appendices
These are like large footnotes. Large data tables or long derivations can go in an appendix.
2.10 Abbreviations
Abbreviations should be dened the rst time you use them, and then subsequently you
should stick to the abbreviated form. (Since an abstract is self contained, abbreviations
must be dened therein and again in the main text.) Do not abbreviate a term you use
2.11 Glossary
A glossary of technical terms (particularly from a related eld such as physiology) can
be useful.
appendix with exactly what each one means. This is particularly important if you use
This is also a good exercise to help you identify where you have dened your variables
and if you have used more than one symbol for the same variable, or one symbol for
several variables.
Chapter 3
Data Used in Thesis and Preprocessing
In this chapter you should include a detailed description of all the relevant public data
sets available, and justify why you did or did not use them. Then describe what data
you collected and why. Also include any steps you took to remove 'erroneous' data and
presentation of other person's thoughts or writings as one's own. This includes material
which is available on the world-wide web and in any other electronic form.
This also includes algorithms and computer code, even if you are translating them into
another language. Of course, some algorithms are so standard (such as the FFT) that
they do not require citation, although the specic implementation does require credit.
From my point of view, this is just good scientic practice, since not all FFTs are the
same. It's important that the algorithm has been benchmarked and the specic version
is noted in case bugs are found later which invalidate or weaken your conclusions.
one or more other students to produce work which is then presented as one's own in a
the collaboration. Neither is acceptable. Even if you are working in teams, you must
3.2 Authorship
Many journals do not even specify what constitutes authorship on a scientic article. I
excellent description: An `author' is generally considered to be someone who has made
of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) have been involved in drafting the
manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) have given
nal approval of the version to be published. Each author should have participated suf-
ciently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content.
All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an
son who provided purely technical help, writing assistance, or a department chair who
provided only general support. List the source(s) of funding for the study, for each au-
thor, and for the manuscript preparation in the acknowledgments section. Authors must
describe the role of the funding body, if any, in study design; in the collection, analysis,
and interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; and in the decision to submit
Dierent elds consider the subject of authorship in dierent manners though. Clin-
ical publications often carry authors who `just' collected the data to provide sucient
credit for the enormous eort this involves. You will probably be expected to co-author
with other researchers and academic or clinical sta. Unless the article is in a completely
unrelated discipline, you will be expected to pass all potential publications through your
college or group meetings). This is to protect the professional reputations of all involved.
If you wish to claim sole authorship of a work (such as an article or patent), this can be
considered by your supervisor in the rst instance, and then if there is a disagreement,
There is one caveat here. If you do not answer emails in a reasonable period of time
(or leave a forwarding email), your supervisor may choose to publish some of your work
without your agreement. This is to ensure that research progresses despite your omission.
design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, or who was involved
in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content, but
who does not meet the criteria for authorship should be named in an acknowledgments
section. Please also include their source(s) of funding. Please also acknowledge anyone
who contributed materials essential for the study. The role of a medical writer must be
should obtain permission to acknowledge from all those mentioned in the Acknowledg-
3.4 References, citations and `personal communications'
It is important that all (key) relevant materials are cited in your publication. This
includes anyone who's work you have used, and any work you have considered but rejected.
When citing the work you should be careful to indicate why you have used or rejected
the material. Note that if the source you cite is not primary, you need to cite the
primary source as well (or instead). Note, you cannot cite a paper to justify or explain a
technique which does little more than cite another paper to justify or explain a technique.
It is important that the format of the references remains consistent. Although some
journals require the Harvard style, I prefer Vancouver. The following is from Biomedical
which they are cited in the text, followed by any in tables or legends. Reference citations
should not appear in titles or headings. Each reference must have an individual refer-
ence number. Avoid excessive referencing. Only articles and abstracts that have been
published or are in press, or are available through public e-print/preprint servers, may
not be included in the reference list, but may be included in the text. Obtaining permis-
sion to quote personal communications and unpublished data from the cited author(s) is
Citations in the reference list should contain all named authors, regardless of how many
there are. Web links and URLs should be included in the reference list. They should be
provided in full, including both the title of the site and the URL, an author (if known)
and the date accessed (since the web is ephemeral). Note that a thesis can be consid-
ered a peer-reviewed publication to cite, but it is of little use if the thesis is not readily
available. If a paper exists, it is best to cite that instead (or as well), or if the thesis is
3.5 IRB/Ethics approval
If your work involved living subjects other than yourself, you (or whoever collected the
data) must have obtained ethical approval for the study. Again, BMEO's policy provides
an excellent guide: Any experimental research that is reported in the manuscript must
have been performed with the approval of an appropriate ethics committee. Research
carried out on humans must be in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration, and any
statement to this eect must appear in the Methods section of the manuscript, including
the name of the body which gave approval, with a reference number where appropriate.
Informed consent must also be documented. Manuscripts may be rejected if the editorial
oce considers that the research has not been carried out within an ethical framework,
e.g. if the severity of the experimental procedure is not justied by the value of the
knowledge gained. The practice of explicitly stating which ethical body approved your
study is often not followed in engineering journals, but never-the-less you should ensure
it exists.
In the UK, you must le an ethics approval through `IRAS', which is a national stan-
dardised submission system. Sometimes waivers are granted by your instituion, based on
the fact that other ethics review committees have approved the study you are perform-
ing. Always check with your institution's ethical review body. In the United States, the
ethics review body is known as the 'Institutional Review Board', or IRB. IRB approval
is equivalent to ethics approval. Most research institutions have their own IRB.
The exception to the above guidance is if the data has been posted publicly (and
hence de-identied - see HIPAA rules for example) such as on PhysioNet. In such cases,
data can generally be freely used without ethical approval. Some countries may not agree
with this of course. Check local rules in both your country and the country of origin of
the data to be sure, and follow the most stringent of rules. Just because a country does
not require strong ethical approval does not mean you are exempt from your local rules.
3.6 Double publishing
Any manuscripts submitted to a journal must not already have been published in an-
other journal or be under consideration by any other journal, although it may have been
deposited on a preprint server. Manuscripts must not have already been published in any
journal or other citable form, with the exception that the journal is willing to consider
other language. In this case, the consent of the journal in which the article was originally
published must be obtained and the fact that the article has already been published must
be made clear on submission and stated in the abstract. Manuscripts that are derived
from papers presented at conferences can be submitted unless they have been published
as part of the conference proceedings in a peer reviewed journal. Authors are required to
or the rights of a third party. You can take concepts from previous articles and develop
them, or write expanded versions of conference articles in some journals. It varies from
journal to journal and eld to eld. Medical journals, although much more relaxed on
authorship, generally don't allow you to publish any concept (in an expanded form or
3.7 Copyright
See Cal Tech's resource for denitions and a discussion on how much you can borrow
before you are infringing on copyright. For example, you can photocopy or print a
certain percentage of many copyrighted journals or books for personal or teaching use.
Some journals require you sign over your copyright to them. I would discourage this
practice. See the webcast of Hal Abelson (from MIT) for a good justication on why we
should not trade our IP for relatively low up-front publishing costs. Other journals, such
as BioMedical Engineering OnLine allow authors to retain copyright to their work for a
slightly higher up-front publishing fee. Access then is free, and you are more likely to be
cited. (Three times as much at the last count.)
other bodies, for example a funding body, are likely to be compromised, or may appear
to be compromised, by:
that person's personal gain, or gain to immediate family (or a person with whom
the commitments and obligations that person owes to another person or body.
There can be situations in which the appearance of conict of interest is present even
when no conict actually exists. Thus it is important for all sta and students when
The duty to declare a possible conict applies to the perception of the situation rather
than the actual existence of a conict. However, the duty is not infringed if the situation
types of conict and Oxford University's conict of interest policy can be found here:
Basically, if you know someone involved in a project that you could inuence or could
publication, you need to declare this. It doesn't invalidate the study but not declaring
this, may cast signicant suspicion on the research at a later date. Not declaring interests
may even lead to your employment or course of study being terminated, amongst other
3.9 Patents
Patents are designed as a reward for publicly disclosing an invention from which every-
one can benet (particularly when the patent period ends). The incentive for this public
disclosure is a limited period of protection from competition. Patents also provide in-
centives for investors to back research and companies that translate the research into a
practical product. As far as I am aware, nothing stops you from developing research using
patented material, in the same way you can use any published material - you just can't
make money from it, or let others use it, unless the patents are licensed. However, patents
can limit from where you can receive funding (because of conicts of interest). Patenting
an idea may also disincentivize others to work in this area, diminishing the impact of
your research. It's also an expensive and time consuming process unless someone else is
free and you shouldn't use it. It's hard to cite it, but it still isn't yours. Licenses vary
in the extent to which you can use, copy or embed them in other code, and often their
licenses require you to inherit their licenses (`copyleft'). As Richard Stallman will tell
you, 'free' doesn't mean free as in beer, it means liberated, as in open to scrutiny, which
is what science should be. You can copyright your code, and license it to third parties,
retaining extensive rights for yourself and others. You can even patent code. If you work
in my research group, your code will probably inherit an open source license and end up
in the public domain. If you are unhappy with this idea, let me know up front. (N.B.
You can still patent the idea for which you have released open source code! If it is after
you publicly released the code, then only in the US - where you have 12 months to le a
provisional or full patent.) If you are confused about which free software license to use
(and have the liberty to choose), please see this quick look-up chart:
searchers) should be considered `public'. This means you are presenting our research (not
just yours) and so you should send your supervisor your material intended for publication
(e.g. slides) well in advance (noting any other contributors prominently in the material).
Your research reects the input of your collaborators and so they should be aware of it
in advance, and be given the chance to correct errors or contradictions. You rarely work
Generally most people like to share and work in an `open' manner, but sometimes this can
be sensitive. However, you may nd that your supervisor shares your research with select
colleagues without discussing this with you rst. (They should not have to pre-approve
Well - I hope that covers it. Feel free to drop by and discuss this with me. If you see
3.13 Disclaimer
I'm not a lawyer, and much of the information on in this document might be wrong,
particularly in dierent regions. Laws change, interpretations change and precedents are
set. So none of the information in this document should be used without consulting
a lawyer and all appropriate authorities. Do your own research as well as reading the
research and thoughts of others. Note also that the rules change over time, so check the
Chapter 4
Clever things I did to the data part 1
Main research - part 1.
Chapter 5
Clever things I did to the data part 2
Main research - part 2.
Chapter 6
Clever things I did to the data part 3
Main research - part 3. There might also be more parts ...
Chapter 7
Conclusions and future work
This chapter should summarise your results, interpretations and conclusions. Highlight
Appendix A
Timeline for completion
This section is for your PRS transfer report only. It should include a gant chart
detailing your taks and time-line to comlplete the thesis. Delete this chapter for all other
There is a spread sheet you can use to create your own Gantt chart, supplied with
To insert the chart you'll need to covert it to an image and insert it as a gure. Any
Note that you will need to edit it yourself and insert all the elements of your future
proposed work. Don't make it too general, like i) Collect Data, ii) Analyze Data, iii)
Write up. This will be laughed out and you'll have to rework your report. List the
dierent experiments you intend to do with realistic time lines. Build in time for writing
and submitting the thesis and assocaited papers (as separate items) too.
Appendix B
List of publications and presentations
Do not include this section for your short summer project.
Otherwise, this section should contain a chronological list of publications that are in
preparation, in submission or have been published if any at all. Note into which category
Make sure you indicate as a footnote, where research in a chapter has been published,
or is in submission. This helps the examiner know if anyone else has veried that section
of the thesis.
Also include a list of any presentations you have given, unless included as a conference
paper above.
For the PRS transfer report, include a list of courses and relevant lectures attended.
Appendix C
Abbreviations and glossary of terms
List all your abbreviations alphabetically here. Also, for clarity and since the nature
of your thesis is cross-disciplinary yet highly specic, a glossary of clinical terms, technical
C.1 Abbreviations
ABP: Arterial Blood Pressure - a general term for the systemic arterial blood pres-
points on teh upper body, indicative of cardiac electrical activity. Measured in mV,
C.2 Glossary
Adventiita Membranous structure, usually morbid, covering but not belonging to
an organ.
(more fully angiotensin II); angiotensin I, the inactive precursor of this, which is
Aortic stenosis progressive narrowing of the aortic valve resulting in the obstructed
passage of blood from the left ventricle into the aorta. Chronic stenosis can lead to
Arrhythmia Any variation from the normal (sinus) rhythm of the heart beat,
including preamture beats, heart block, atrial brillation and atrial utter.
Artefact (Sometimes Artifact) a product or eect that is not present in the natural
etc ...
[1] Adelais G Tsiotou, George H Sakorafas, George Anagnostopoulos, and John Bramis.
Septic shock; current pathogenetic concepts from a clinical perspective. Medical sci-
ence monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research,
11(3):RA7685, March 2005.