Thermodynamics - Deriving The Maxwell Relations PDF
Thermodynamics - Deriving The Maxwell Relations PDF
Thermodynamics - Deriving The Maxwell Relations PDF
Deriving the
Maxwell Relations
Posted by Youssef Moawad (/) on:
02/06/2018, in Physics
A thermodynamic potential is some quantity used to represent
some thermodynamic state in a system. We can define many
thermodynamic potentials on a system and they each give a
different measure of the "type" of energy the system has. In this
article, we will consider four such potentials.
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The first thermodynamic potential we will consider is internal
energy, which will most likely be the one you're most familiar with
from past studies of thermodynamics. The internal energy of a
system is the energy contained in it. This is excluding any energy
from outside of the system (due to any external forces) or the
kinetic energy of a system as a whole. This is only the energy of the
system due to the motion and interactions of the particles that make
up the system.
Let's consider the first law of thermodynamics, which gives us a
differetial form for the internal energy:
dU = δQ + δW
dU = T dS − P dV
H = U + PV
This represents the total heat content of a system and is often the
preferred potential to use when studying many chemical reactions
which take place at constant pressure. This is because when
pressure is constant, the change of enthalpy is equal to the change
in internal energy of the system.
There's definitely much more to be said about the usefulness of
using enthalpy in certain processes, but I will leave it here and
move on to find its differential form. Really all you need to know
about enthalpy to continue is its mathematical definition given
Let's try to find dH from the above expression:
dH = dU + d(P V ) = dU + P dV + V dP
What I've done here in the last step is use the product rule for the
differential to expand d(P V ) into P dV + V dP . We can now use
the differential form of the internal energy dU = T dS − P dV to
substitute for dU :
dH = T dS − P dV + P dV + V dP
⇒ dH = T dS + V dP
where in the last step, −P dV cancels P dV and we're left with that
result. This is the differential form of enthalpy. We can apply the
same idea we applied to internal energy here to find the natural
variables of enthalpy. We can see that dH = 0 when dS and dP
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are zero. So entropy, S, and pressure, P, are the natural
variables of enthalpy, H.
F = U − TS
dF = dU − d(T S) = dU − T dS − SdT
dF = T dS − P dV − T dS − SdT
⇒ dF = −P dV − SdT
G = H − TS
dG = dH − d(T S) = dH − T dS − SdT
dG = T dS + V dP − T dS − SdT
⇒ dG = V dP − SdT
This is the differential form of the Gibbs free energy. We can see
that pressure, P, and temperature, T, are the natural variables of
the Gibbs free energy, G.
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∂U ∂U
dU = ( )V dS + ( )S dV
∂S ∂V
We can now equate the two expressions for dU (the above and the
differential form), to see that:
∂U ∂U
( )V dS + ( )S dV = T dS − P dV
∂S ∂V /
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From here, we can equate the coefficients of dS and dV :
( )V = T
( )S = −P
∂ ∂U ∂T
)S ( )V = ( )S
∂V ∂S ∂V
that we can indeed flip the order of differentiation freely. This is due
to the equality of the mixed second order partial derivatives. This is
important because now will consider the second equation,
( )S = −P
∂ ∂U ∂P
)V ( )S = −( )V
∂S ∂V ∂S
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∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
)V )S U = )S )V U
∂S ∂V ∂V ∂S
∂T ∂P
( )S = −( )V
∂V ∂S
And this is indeed our first Maxwell Relation. All the others follow
similar logic to the one applied here but using the other three
thermodynamic potentials.
∂H ∂H
dH = ( )P dS + ( )S dP
∂S ∂P
∂H ∂H
( )P dS + ( )S dP = T dS + V dP
∂S ∂P
( )P = T
( )S = V
Differentiating both sides of the first of these expresssions with
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respect to P while keeping S constant, we get:
∂ ∂H ∂T
)S ( )P = ( )S
∂P ∂S ∂P
∂ ∂H ∂V
)P ( )S = ( )P
∂S ∂P ∂S
∂T ∂V
( )S = ( )P
∂P ∂S
dF = −P dV − SdT
Consider F = F (V , T )
∂F ∂F
⇒ dF = ( )T dV + ( )V dT
∂V ∂T
∂F ∂F
⇒ ( )T dV + ( )V dT = −P dV − SdT
∂V ∂T /
∂F ∂F
Youssef Moawad > Blog ⇒ ( )T = −P , ( )V = −S
∂V ∂T
∂ ∂F ∂P
⇒ )V ( )T = −( )V ,
∂T ∂V ∂T
∂ ∂F ∂S
)T ( )V = −( )T
∂V ∂T ∂V
∂P ∂S
⇒ −( )V = −( )T
∂T ∂V
And finally:
∂P ∂S
⇒ ( )V = ( )T
∂T ∂V
dG = V dP − SdT
Consider G = G(P , T )
∂G ∂G
⇒ dG = ( )T dP + ( )P dT
∂P ∂T
∂G ∂G
⇒ ( )T dP + ( )P dT = V dP − SdT
∂P ∂T
∂G ∂G
⇒ ( )T = V , ( )P = −S
∂P ∂T
∂ ∂G ∂V
⇒ )P ( )T = ( )P ,
∂T ∂P ∂T
∂ ∂G ∂S
Youssef Moawad > Blog )T ( )P = −( )T
∂P ∂T ∂P
And finally:
∂V ∂S
⇒ ( )P = −( )T
∂T ∂P
In this post we derived the four most common Maxwell Relations.
There are summarised here:
∂T ∂P
( )S = −( )V
∂V ∂S
∂T ∂V
( )S = ( )P
∂P ∂S
∂P ∂S
( )V = ( )T
∂T ∂V
∂V ∂S
( )P = −( )T
∂T ∂P
Keep in mind that these are not the only Maxwell Relations we can
find. Indeed, there are other thermodynamic potentials that we can
define over a system, each one bringing a Maxwell Relation. In
addition, there could be other physical quantities that potentials we
discussed here could depend on. For example, we might have a
system affected by some magnetic field, in which case, we would
have to take that into account for internal energy. And this would
change our Maxwell Relation.
Maxwell Relations are useful because often times there are
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quantities in which we are interested, perhaps like ( ∂P
)T , which
In a future post, we will use these Maxwell Relations to derive
relationships between the heat capacities of systems. So be on the
lookout for that sometime soon. There's also a mnemonic that helps
with remembering the Maxwell Relations about which I may write a
brief post.
I hope you found this post informative! Please do feel free to leave
a comment below or contact me directly (/contact) to give me some
feedback. Feedback is always appreciated and will help improve
the blog and future articles. Thanks!
Update (16/04/2018): A Mnemonic to Remember the Maxwell
Relations is now up, here (/blog/mRelationsMnemonic).
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