Oscar Wilde Webquest
Oscar Wilde Webquest
Oscar Wilde Webquest
R.I .P.
Oscar W ild e (18 54-190 0)
Welcome to our time travel project: the Oscar Wilde WebQuest! The following internet-based
research project will introduce you to Oscar Wilde and life during the Victorian Age (1830-1901) in
England. In fact, in this WebQuest we are going to learn about the life and times of Wilde, his
contributions to literature and the legacy he has left behind. Oscar Wilde was not only a popular writer
(and still is), but he was also a controversial figure in his day, as you will soon find out.
Today, you and your group are going on a WebQuest to find out about the myths and legends
surrounding Oscar Wilde. Your task will be to create the front page of an informative as well as
entertaining newspaper for the upper class society of Victorian England from the date of Oscar Wilde's
death. You may title the newspaper anything you wish.
You will form groups of five or six people. Each member of the group is responsible for one particular
part of the front page. Each group should assign one person each to the following roles and tasks (in
groups with six members, two will be responsible for the advertisements):
one political news story relevant to the time of Oscar Wilde’s life and death (this article should be based
on research about the relevant period, should include a small illustration or photograph and should be
written by you)
one lifestyle article relevant to the time of Oscar Wilde’s life and death (this article should be based on
research about the relevant period, should include a small illustration or photograph and should be
written by you)
two advertisements (create products to advertise or find products that were commonly used at the time, if
possible with picture or graphics; be creative)
an obituary of Oscar Wilde, including your favourite quote and a picture (write this obituary based on your
research on Oscar Wilde, mentioning important dates, controversies and accomplishments)
Select a member of your group who is responsible for putting the final product together
and giving it a consistent layout!
The final product should be handed in as
a paper copy and a pdf-file.
Here is a list of web sites that will be useful to you on your WebQuest:
This web site claims to be the official web site of Oscar Wilde.
This web site is an excellent resource! There is social/political information available about the Victorian
Era. It also offers an extensive biography of Oscar Wilde.
An article about Wilde’s rise and fall and its relation to the Victorian Era.
In many cases, if you have to research a new topic, this should be your point of departure. Don’t forget
to follow the links if they seem relevant to your topic.
This web site provides a wealth of material related to the Victorian Era, including information on
lifestyle and history.
This site contains advertisements from the 1900's and up. This web site will give you ideas about
products to advertise. Note: Many of these ads are for American products and Oscar Wilde lived in
Britain. However, you can use American advertisements as examples because many of the same
products were fashionable in Britain at the time.
This web site deals provides a collection of Victorian advertisements.
This web site offers insight into the content and style of Victorian magazines. It contains a subsection
on advertisement.
This is the History Channel web site. There is a lot of information on the Victorian Era.
This web site contains information about the many controversies associated with Oscar Wilde--including
the infamous trials that made Wilde a martyr because of morality. This site also offers many pictures.
Always remember: Stay focused and don’t get lost in the vastness of the world-