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Bianca 1
Bianca 1
Lateral and Longitudinal Dynamics Control of a Fixed Wing UAV by using PID
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2 authors, including:
Şaban Ulus
Erciyes Üniversitesi
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Şaban Ulus on 11 January 2019.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are taking more attention in both civilian and army applications in the
world. One of the most important thing in UAV applications is to make an autonomous, fast and stable
control of a UAV. In this study, one of the fixed wing UAV model (Ultrastick -25e) is analyzed and
aerodynamic parameter coefficients of the UAV model which needed for dynamic equations are acquired
from literature. For that reason, firstly, as a classical control techniques of a fixed wing UAV, PID
controller is applied and transfer functions of different state variables are derived by using state-space
model. PID gains of state variables according to different control inputs are obtained by using Matlab
tuning and Ziegler-Nichols methods. Optimum PID gains, rise time, settling time, peak overshoots of the
roll, pitch and yaw dynamics are obtained. Future studies will give a chance to compare classical PID
controller results and modern control techniques in terms of altitude, roll and heading angle controller of
the UAV model.
Keywords: Fixed wing, PID controller, unmanned aerial vehicle, Ziegler-Nichols.
UAVs are commonly known as drone or remote-control aircraft and they have been very popular for both
academic and practical applications during past few decades because of their mobility, cost and application
areas. UAVs are especially used in army applications such as reconnaissance and surveillance and armed UAV
applications and also they have a safe and low cost operation in terms of pilot needs [1], [2]. In addition to that,
UAVs have different types and sizes according to their subtask such as mapping, crop monitoring and spraying
pesticide in agriculture, photography, cargo transport etc.
According to their mission and capacity, different types of UAVs can be used, and UAVs are classified in to
two groups like fixed-wing and multi-rotor applications. They have different advantages and some
disadvantages according to their subtask. Fixed-wing UAVs are mostly chosen for high speed and heavy
payload applications but not capable to stay in a position while rotary wings have capability to stay in a
stationary position. Multi-rotor aircrafts are not suited to lift heavy payload. Many studies are investigated in
this part to understand UAV types and missions [ 3], [4], [5].
The main objective of this research is to design an optimum PID controller and compare PID parameter setting
techniques for UAV which will be used in real time applications. The UAV is a fixed-wing aircraft and it will
be used in agricultural areas such as crop monitoring, spraying etc. To achieve an effective flight, it is needed
to develop an autonomous system to process multiple functions at the same time, in an effective and stable
manner [6], [7], [8]. In addition, it is necessary to develop stable and fast system under different conditions and
even when there is no connection between UAV and ground station [9]. In UAV applications, autopilots need
PID controller by implementing proportional, integral and derivative (P, I, D) terms. To have a stability of the
flight, PID parameters must be chosen well suited to the system dynamics. [10].
In this study, it is chosen a UAV model which is called “Ultra-stick 25e” from the previous studies in Minnesota
University UAV research group. All system parameters and sizes are obtained according to chosen UAV model.
The UAV model has a rudder, aileron, elevator control surfaces and an electric motor to drive propeller.
Corresponding author: Erciyes University, Mechatronics Engineering Department, 38039, Melikgazi/KAYSERI,
Erciyes University, Mechatronics Engineering Department, 38039, Melikgazi/KAYSERI, TURKEY.
The Ultrastick-25e UAV model is chosen to design a PID controller and its’ aerodynamic characteristics and
specifications are used in this study. The UAV model has fixed wing and its wingspan is 1.2 m and its weight
is 1.9 kg. Table 1 represents some properties of the given UAV model and Figure 1 shows the aircraft axis and
control surfaces [11].
m.(u qw rv) X a X g X c X p X d
m.(v ru pw) Ya Yg Yc Yp Yd
m.( w qu pv) Z a Z g Z c Z p Z d
g g
L I x . p ( I y I z )qr I xz ( pq r ) La Lg Lc Lp Ld (1)
M I y . q ( I x I z ) pr I xz ( p 2 r 2 ) M a M g M c M p M d
g g
N I z . r ( I x I z ) pq I xz (qr p) N a N g Nc N p Nd
X, Y, Z indicate force equations and L, M, N define the roll, pitch and yaw moments respectively. I is the
inertial moment in the x, y, z axis and m is the gross weight of the UAV. Velocity components are u, a, v in the
x, y, z axis.
u Xu Xw 0 g 0 u X XT
w Zu Zw u0 0 0 w Z ZT
q Mu Mw Zu Mw Mw Zw Mq Mwu0 0 0 q M Mw Z MT Mw ZT (2)
0 0 1 0
0 0 0
sin( ) cos( ) 0 u0*cos(0) 0 h 0 0
0 0
Equation (3) defines the lateral state space model of a UAV. The variables in the matrix frames can be derived
from different resources and detailed formulas are obtained from Nelson [13].
According to given eqs. above, for 40 km/h flight speed, calculated state space models for both longitudinal
and lateral dynamics are obtained and shown in Fig. 2. A_long indicates longitudinal state variables while A_lat
indicates lateral state variables. B matrix defines control input matrix in Fig. 2.
Figure 2. Longitudinal and Lateral State Space Values
All the transfer functions are extracted by using MATLAB toolbox from given ss models. Some of the transfer
functions are listed below according to different control inputs such as throttle, elevator, aileron and rudder. It
is obtained totally 20 transfer functions from each state variables and control inputs for longitudinal and lateral
motion but just a few of the transfer functions are presented below. Subscripts t, e, a, r indicates throttle,
elevator, aileron and rudder respectively.
Optimum PID results are investigated according to ZN setting and MATLAB tune methods. Ideal MATLAB
tuning structure is depicted in Fig. 4. ZN method can also be called as continuous cycling method or ultimate
gain tuning method. The gain is gradually reduced or increased until the system response oscillates
continuously. A main design criteria is the decay of oscillation to 1/4 of its initial value.
In this section, MATLAB Tuning and ZN setting results for PID controller structure are presented. First, all
transfer functions are evaluated in terms of MATLAB tuning algorithm. Step input is applied to each control
inputs of throttle, elevator, aileron and rudder. After obtaining tuning results, ZN method is applied to PI, PD,
PID controller structure to compare and choose best results for transfer functions. Results are presented in
figures below and PID responses of the two methods are given in Table 2 and 3. Some of the longitudinal PID
results for elevator deflection is given in Fig. 5-6-7-8.
Figure 5. “Matlab Tune – ZN PID” step response for elevator control input and airspeed output
Figure 6. “Matlab Tune – ZN PID” step response for elevator control input and downward speed output
Figure 7. “Matlab Tune – ZN PID” step response for elevator control input and pitch rate output
Figure 8. “Matlab Tune – ZN PID” step response for elevator control input and pitch angle output
Figures between 9-12, show some of the lateral PID controller results for both Matlab tuning and ZN setting
Figure 9. “Matlab Tune – ZN PID” step response for aileron control input and body velocity output
Figure 10. “Matlab Tune – ZN PID” step response for aileron control input and roll rate output
Figure 11. “Matlab Tune – ZN PID” step response for aileron control input and yaw rate output
Figure 12. “Matlab Tune – ZN PID” step response for aileron control input and roll angle output
In Table 2, step responses of the longitudinal transfer functions for both Matlab tuning and ZN methods are
given. Only elevator (de) control surface is shown as a control input in Table 2.
Table 2. Step Response Results of the Matlab Tune and ZN Settings for Longitudinal Motion
Matlab Rise Peak Peak Overshoot Settling Ziegler Rise Peak Peak Overshoot Settling
Time Time (s) Value (%) Nichols Time Time Value (%) Time (s)
du/de 0,106 0,285 1,155 18,742 0,748 du/de PD 0,298 0,825 1,260 38,014 2,348
du/de 0,304 0,756 1,135 13,541 3,684 du/de PID 0,310 0,875 1,475 47,500 4,794
dw/de 5,009 7,969 1,081 8,052 9,208 dw/de PI 0,006 0,017 1,770 77,039 0,342
dw/de 0,017 0,038 1,134 19,006 0,064 dw/de PD 0,008 0,019 1,147 16,329 0,034
dw/de 5,020 7,987 1,080 8,037 9,211 dw/de PID 0,007 0,018 1,409 40,894 0,114
dq/de PI 0,042 0,100 1,088 24,753 5,734 dq/de PI 0,008 0,020 1,092 10,603 0,035
dq/de 0,000 0,026 0,892 inf 34,805 dq/de PD 1,678 0,052 0,834 inf 36,292
dq/de 0,042 0,101 1,090 24,851 5,764 dq/de PID 0,013 0,032 1,075 8,808 0,055
dΘ/de 41,418 123,745 0,998 0,000 56,580 dΘ/de PI 0,008 0,023 1,758 75,834 0,230
dΘ/de 0,042 0,100 1,088 24,753 5,734 dΘ/de PD 0,008 0,019 1,235 24,613 0,033
dΘ/de 26,215 86,445 0,998 0,000 36,756 dΘ/de PID 0,008 0,020 1,266 26,570 0,034
Table 3 represents step responses of the lateral transfer functions. Aileron input (da) is given in Table 3 for both
Matlab Tuning and ZN methods.
Table 3. Step Response Results of the Matlab Tune and ZN Settings for Lateral Motion
Peak Settling
Matlab Rise Peak Overshoot Ziegler Rise Peak Peak Oversho Settling
Time Time
TUNE Time Value (%) Nichols Time Time Value ot (%) Time (s)
(s) (s)
db/da PI 1,375 3,313 1,114 11,401 5,070 db/da PI 1,302 3,417 1,503 50,284 14,505
db/da PD 0,195 0,408 1,044 11,072 0,535 db/da PD 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
db/da PID 1,730 3,912 1,066 6,629 5,031 db/da PID 1,336 3,438 1,496 49,621 14,579
dp/da PI 0,069 0,153 1,141 15,414 0,238 dp/da PI 0,045 0,104 1,174 18,114 0,172
dp/da PD 0,000 0,074 0,909 inf 68,463 dp/da PD 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
dp/da PID 0,074 0,161 1,096 10,992 0,242 dp/da PID 0,054 0,121 1,154 16,057 0,199
dr/da PI 2,965 7,725 1,035 3,515 4,767 dr/da PI 1,697 6,158 1,591 59,067 24,172
dr/da PD 0,257 1,950 1,190 88,652 5,300 dr/da PD 3,118 9,582 0,234 0,000 4,533
dr/da PID 1,958 8,939 0,998 0,000 3,252 dr/da PID 1,824 6,235 1,560 56,038 24,331
dϕ/da PI 1,695 3,769 1,131 13,087 5,782 dϕ/da PI 1,278 3,339 1,501 50,074 14,168
dϕ/da PD 0,069 0,153 1,141 15,414 0,238 dϕ/da PD 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
dϕ/da PID 1,834 4,108 1,074 7,367 5,485 dϕ/da PID 1,279 3,341 1,501 50,059 14,170
In this study, “Ultra-stick 25e” fixed-wing UAV model is chosen to design PID controller structure. The UAV
model and its aerodynamic parameters obtained from previous studies to build state space model. 40 km/h
airspeed is analyzed for a cruise flight condition and all transfer functions are obtained according to 40 km/h
Two different PID parameter setting algorithms like Matlab Tuning and ZN methods are applied to compare
results and chose optimum ones. Results show that Matlab Tuning was not capable to reach step response very
quickly at some transfer functions. ZN results have less settling time in general even if it has more overshoot.
PID structure has less steady state error even if, PD has a quick response in some cases. It is obvious that both
methods have some advantages and disadvantages. ZN methods need more time to catch optimum P, I, D
parameters while Matlab Tuning choose parameters automatically. It is seen that for some transfer functions,
parameters can be set by using ZN methods even if MATLAB tuning was not successful.
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