Semi-Active Flutter Control of A High-Aspect-Ratio Wing Using Multiple
Semi-Active Flutter Control of A High-Aspect-Ratio Wing Using Multiple
Semi-Active Flutter Control of A High-Aspect-Ratio Wing Using Multiple
MR dampers
Jia-liang Hu, Li Zhou
College of Aerospace Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Nanjing,
210016 China
This paper presents a semi-active flutter control strategy for a high-aspect-ratio (HAR) wing using multiple
magnetorheological (MR) dampers. In this paper, the aeroelastic behavior of the system is first investigated by
establishing the aeroelastic equations of a HAR wing-aileron system. The strip theory is employed for calculating the
unsteady aerodynamic loads. Then the semi-active aeroelastic control system with multiple MR dampers is modeled. The
clipped-optimal control algorithm is performed for controlling the MR dampers to suppressing the flutter of the
aeroelastic system. A passive flutter control of the system is also performed for the purpose of comparison. Numerical
simulation results show that the semi-active control strategy based on multiple MR dampers holds promise in
suppressing the flutter of the HAR wing-aileron system.
In recent years, application of semi-active control technology which combines advantages of both active and passive
control in civil engineering and other control problems has been widely developed. In particular, the semi-active control
based on MR dampers has attracted considerable attention[1-3] for its simple mechanism, low energy requirement, high
robustness and flexible control algorithm. Hence, it is quite natural to extend the application of semi-active control based
on MR dampers to suppress flutter of aeroelastic systems in aerospace engineering.
To date, investigations have showed the effectiveness of semi-active flutter suppression. Various semi-active control
devices and control strategies have been developed to achieve the goal of linear and nonlinear flutter control. Yang et
al.[4] have performed both theoretical and experimental investigations for a scheme of “flutter taming”, a semi-active
control scheme of structural nonlinear flutter. Agneni et al.[5] have presented a procedure for modeling and analysis of
the effectiveness of shunted piezoelectric devices in increasing damping of aeroelastic systems, and have performed an
application of semi-active control on an aeroelastic system, showing a significant performance in the reduction of the
gust response level. An electro-magnetic controllable dry friction damper has been designed by Tang et al.[6, 7] and both
of theoretical and experimental studies of airfoil gust response alleviation have been conducted to demonstrate its
Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2007,
edited by Masayoshi Tomizuka, Chung-Bang Yun, Victor Giurgiutiu, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6529,
65291C, (2007) · 0277-786X/07/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.716013
In this paper, multiple MR dampers are used for the purpose of flutter control of a HAR wing-aileron system. The
clipped-optimal control algorithm is performed for controlling the MR dampers to suppressing the flutter of the
aeroelastic system. A passive flutter control using viscous dampers, instead of the MR dampers, is also performed for
comparison. Numerical simulation results show that the semi-active control strategy based on multiple MR dampers
holds promise in suppressing the flutter of the HAR wing-aileron system.
The aeroelastic system to be investigated in the present paper is illustrated in Fig. 1. A cantilevered elastic HAR wing
with aileron is subjected to unsteady aerodynamic loads due to low-speed air-flow. As shown in the figure, a rectangular
wing is considered and it is assumed that the length of the aileron is equal to the semispan l.
Elastic axis
l Hinge axis of aileron
The structural variable of HAR wing-aileron is expressed as qs = {W(y, t) ĭ(y, t) Ȍ(y, t)}T, where W(y, t), ĭ(y, t), Ȍ(y, t)
are defined as the wing bending deformation, wing torsion deformation and aileron deflection deformation, respectively,
and define Dq w 2W w) w< ½ . Then the kinetic energy and potential energy of the entire wing-aileron system
s ® 2 ¾
¯ wy wy wy ¿
can be written as
ªM SD SE º ª kh 0 0 º
« » « »
Ms M s ( y) « SD ID I E b(c a ) S E » and K s K s ( y) «0 kD 0 ».
« SE I E b(c a ) S E IE » «0 0 k E »¼
¬ ¼ ¬
b b
Į +
ab cb
Elastic axis
Hinge axis of aileron
According to the Rayleigh-Ritz method, W(y, t), ĭ(y, t) and Ȍ(y, t) can be written as
°W ( y , t ) ¦ w ( y)h (t )
i 1
i i
°° ND
® ) ( y, t ) ¦ I ( y )D (t )
i i (2)
° i 1
° ND
°< ( y , t )
¦\ ( y)E (t )
i 1
i i
ª w1 w2 wNh 0 0 0 0 0 0 º
« »
A A( y ) «0 0 0 I1 I2 IND 0 0 0 » (5)
« »
«¬0 0 0 0 0 0 \1 \2 \ NE »¼
The deformation of one partition of HAR wing is different from the others, which is respect to its location along span
wise. It is described by the variables wr(y),Ir(y) and ȥr(y), which can be represented by different vibration shape
functions due to the constraint conditions of wing and aileron. Here, the variables are defined as
S (Or l )
° wr ( y ) U (Or y ) T (O l ) V (Or y ), r 1 ~ Nh
° r
° (2r 1)Sy
®Ir ( y ) sin 澤 r 1 ~ ND (7)
° l
° (r 1)Sy
°\ r ( y ) cos l
澤 r 1 ~ NE
where the Krylov functions are
1 1
°° S (O y ) >cosh(O y) cos(O y)@ , T (O y) >sinh(O y) sin(O y)@
2 2
® (8)
°U (O y ) 1 1
>cosh(O y) cos(O y)@ , V (O y) >sinh(O y) sin(O y)@
2 2
d ª w(T V ) º w (T V )
« » Qi 0, i 1 ~ N h ND N E (9)
dt ¬ wqi ¼ wqi
ª § 1 ·º T T T TT T ½
ME U b 2 ® « 2T9 T1 T4 ¨ a ¸ » UbD 2T13b 2D 5 4 10 U 2 E 4 11 UbE 3 b 2 E T1bh¾
¯¬ © 2 ¹¼ S 2S S ¿
ª §1 · T b º
UUb 2T12C ( s ) «U D h b ¨ a ¸ D 10 U E T11 E » (13)
¬ © 2 ¹ S 2 S ¼
where ȡ and U denote the freestream density and velocity of the air-flow, respectively. According to Jones approximation,
C(s) can be written as
0.0075 0.1005 Z1 Z2
C ( s ) 0.5 b b 0.5 b b (14)
s 0.0455 s 0.3 s P1 s P2
b b b b
where xa1 and xa2 are state variables of aerodynamic loads. According to the strip theory which is well known to
over-predict the unsteady aerodynamic loads,[11] the aerodynamic loads of the entire HAR wing-aileron can be expressed
P( y) ½
l° T °
Fa ³0 A ® M D ( y) ¾ dy (16)
°M ( y) °
¯ E ¿
Na Na Na
where M ¦A (M s M a ) A , C ¦ ª¬ A Cs A UA T (Ca Cc ) A º¼ , K ¦ ª¬B T
K s B U 2 A T (K a K c ) A º¼ ,
i 1 i 1 i 1
T ª P1 0 º
X ai ^xi
a1 xai 2 ` , P ( y ) « 0 P2 »¼
, ī s ( y ) U 2 A T H , ī a1 ( y ) S1 A and ī a 2 ( y ) US 2 A .
ª º ª º ª º
« S Sba T1b » «0 S T4 » «0 0 0 »
« » 2 « » 2 « »
Ma U b 2 « Sba Sb 2 (0.125 a 2 ) 2T13b 2 » , Ca U b «0 Sb(0.5 a ) T16 b » and K a U b «0 0 T15 » .
« 1 » « 1 » « 1 »
« T1b 2T13b 2 T3b 2 » «0 T17 b T4T11b » «0 0 T18 »
¬ S ¼ ¬ 2S ¼ ¬ S ¼
Define state space variable of the system, X = q T ^ q T X a1T X aNa T ` , the state space form of aeroelastic
X = A s (U ) X (18)
ª 0 I 0 0 0 º
« M 1 K 1 1 1
M C M ī s ( y1 ) M ī s ( y2 ) M ī s ( yNa ) »»
« ī (y ) ī a1 ( y1 ) P ( y1 ) 0 0 »
A s (U ) « a2 1 » (19)
« ī a 2 ( y2 ) ī a1 ( y2 ) 0 P ( y2 ) 0 »
« »
« »
«¬ ī a 2 ( y Na ) ī a1 ( y Na ) 0 0 P ( y Na ) »¼
The aeroelastic stability analysis is performed firstly. The aeroelastic eigenvalues obtained from solving the aeroelastic
equations determine the stability of the system. When the real part of any one eigenvalue become positive, the entire
system becomes unstable. Here, the number of partitions is Na=20, and the numbers of structural modes which are
mentioned in Eq. (2) are Nh=2, NĮ=1 and Nȕ=1 respectively. A summary of the structural parameters which are utilized in
the stability analysis and following numerical simulations is given in Table 1.
Fig. 3(a) and (b) show a typical graphical representation of the eigenanalysis in the form of real eigenvalues vs. the flow
velocity and also a root-locus plot for the aeroelastic system. There is an intersection of the real eigenvalues with the
velocity axis at Uf=12.5m/s, the critical flutter velocity, as shown in Fig. 3(a). As shown in Fig. 3(b), the flutter mode
which is influenced by the aileron deflection structural mode becomes unstable at the critical flutter velocity. The
corresponding flutter oscillatory frequency is Ȧf=0.753Hz.
10 12
Imag. part of eigenvalue (Hz)
Real part of eigenvalue
-20 4
0 10 20 30 -30 -20 -10 0 10
Flow velocity (m/s) Real part of eigenvalue
Plunge (m)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pitch (deg)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Aileron deflection (deg)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (sec)
where e3={0 0 1}T, and the damping force of one MR damper at the span wise location yDj is denoted fD(yDj).
X A s (U ) X B D u (21)
ª 0( Nh ND N E )u N D º f D ( yD1 ) ½
« » ° f (y ) °
1 T 1 T ° D D2 °
where B D « M A( yD1 ) e3 M A( yDN D ) e3 » and u ® ¾.
« » ° °
¬« 0(2 Na )u N D ¼» ° f D ( yDN ) °
¯ D ¿
How to decide the span wise locations of MR dampers is an important problem. Considering the vibration shape
functions that assumed in Eq. (7), two MR dampers are located at y=l/3 and y=l, where the maximum relative
deformation between the aileron and wing occurs.
The MR damper used in this study was modeled by Yi et al.,[13] and the equations governing the force f predicted by this
model are as follows
f c0 x D z
° n 1 n
° z J x z z E 0 x z Ax
®D D a D b u (22)
°c0 c0 a c0b u
°¯u K (u v)
° ª y º ½°
fc L1 ®K c ( s ) « » ¾ (23)
¯° ¬ f ¼ ¿°
where L{ } is the Laplace transform and the controller Kc(s) can be obtained from the LQG strategies.
To induce the MR dampers to generate approximately the desired control forces, the command signal is selected as
follows. When a MR damper is providing the desired force, the voltage applied to the damper should remain at the
present level. If the magnitude of the force produced by the damper is smaller than the magnitude of the desired force
and the two forces have the same sign, the voltage applied to the current driver is increased to the maximum level so as
to increase the force produced by the damper to match the desired control force. Otherwise, the commanded voltage is
set to zero. The algorithm for selecting the command signal is graphically represented in Fig. 5 and can be concisely
stated as
vi Vmax H ^( f ci fi ) fi ` (24)
vi = Vmax
vi = 0
vi = 0
vi = 0 fi
vi = 0
vi = Vmax
where CD is the size of viscous damper which can be obtained as follows.[15] Considering the system, an optimal
feedback controller K can be obtained from the LQG strategies. Thus, a quasi-optimal damper size can be obtained by
minimizing the following objective function
J = K K = tr ^(K K ) T (K K )` (26)
0.01 0.02
Plunge (m)
Plunge (m)
0 0
-0.01 -0.02
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0.2 0.2
Pitch (deg)
Pitch (deg)
0 0
-0.2 -0.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Aileron deflection (deg)
10 5
0 0
-10 -5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Fig. 6. Time history behavior of the wing tip (U=12.5m/s) Fig. 7. Time history behavior of the wing tip with
: uncontrolled : clipped-optimal control clipped-optimal control (U=15.5m/s)
The result of clipped-optimal control at the critical flutter velocity U=12.5m/s is shown by the superimposed graph in
Fig. 6. The figure shows the time histories of the responses of the wing tip with clipped-optimal control and without
control. Fig. 7 shows the result at a higher velocity U=15.5m/s. The control signals and desired control forces of MR
dampers at U=15.5m/s are shown in Fig. 8(a) and (b).
Numerical result shows that the critical flutter velocity of the aeroelastic system with clipped-optimal control is 17.6m/s,
which is increased by 40.8%, showing that the application of clipped-optimal control using MR dampers in suppressing
the flutter of HAR wing-aileron system is proper and effective.
0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
5 10
0 0
-5 -10
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Time (sec) Time (sec)
0.01 0.02
Plunge (m)
Plunge (m)
0 0
-0.01 -0.02
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0.2 0.2
Pitch (deg)
Pitch (deg)
0 0
-0.2 -0.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Aileron deflection (deg)
10 10
0 0
-10 -10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Fig. 9. Time history behavior of the wing tip (U=12.5m/s) Fig. 10. Time history behavior of the wing tip with passive
: uncontroled : passive control control (U=15.5m/s)
In this study, a semi-active flutter control strategy for a HAR wing-aileron system using multiple MR dampers is
presented. The clipped-optimal control algorithm which has been applied in many semi-active vibration control problems
is performed for controlling the MR dampers to suppressing the flutter of the system. For the purpose of comparison, a
passive flutter control of the aeroelastic system is performed through the use of viscous dampers instead of MR dampers.
A model of the semi-active aeroelastic control system with multiple MR dampers is established. Though the numerical
simulation analysis and the compare with passive control, the feasibility, propriety and effectiveness of the semi-active
control strategy in suppressing the flutter is illustrated. The critical flutter velocity of the aeroelastic system with
This research is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.50478037 and
No.10572058, by the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education under Grant No.20050287016. These
supports are gratefully acknowledged.
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