Module 5: Design of Deep Foundations Lecture 20: Introduction (Section 20.1: Introduction) Objectives in This Section You Will Learn The Following
Module 5: Design of Deep Foundations Lecture 20: Introduction (Section 20.1: Introduction) Objectives in This Section You Will Learn The Following
Module 5: Design of Deep Foundations Lecture 20: Introduction (Section 20.1: Introduction) Objectives in This Section You Will Learn The Following
In this section you will learn the following
Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations
The shallow foundations are used in case of small buildings or structures, which carry lesser loads, and hence
the loads are dissipated into the soil mass at much lower depth. However when we are considering large
structures, which carry heavy loads, the loads are dissipated at greater depths where usually the soil bearing
capacity is quite high. One guideline of differentiating between the shallow and deep foundations is that in
case of the deep foundations the depth of foundations is more than the dimension of the structure (usually
the width is considered as the dimension).
Deep footings.
In this section you have learnt the following .
Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations
Classification Of Piles
Pile Classification
Piles In Clay
Piles In Sand
Codal Provision
Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations
Urban areas for future large and huge construction near the existing building.
1. Based on material
Timber piles
Steel piles
Concrete piles
Bored piles.
Fig. 5.1 Direction of load is same as the direction of batter. (Rotation of pile)
Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations
Raymond piles. (Driven cast-in-situ piles, first tapered shell is driven and then cast)
Franki Piles (Driven cast-in-situ piles, first casing is driven upto 2m depth, then cast a block within that
casing and then drive the block. When it reaches the particular depth, take out the casing and cast the piles.)
Underreamed piles (bored cast-in-situ piles, bulbs used, hence not possible to install in loose sand and very
soft clays.)
Zone of influence
On the first day some part of the pile will be driven and on the second day some part of the pile may move
up due to the gain of shear strength. This is known as the wakening of the pile. By the driving force, the
extra pore pressure generated is (5 – 7) times the of the soil. Bearing capacity of the pile is 9 . Hence
due to this property, maximum single length of the pile theoretically can be upto 25m but 10-12m is cast at a
time. Then by splicing technique the required hired length of the pile is obtained. Special types of collars are
used so that the splices become weak points. Concrete below the grade M20 is never used.
250 12
300 15
350 18
400 21
450 25
Fig.5.3 Generation of
Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations
Group of piles:
Final load at which total settlement of pile group attains a value of 25mm.
2/3 of the final load at which the total settlement attains a value of 40mm.
Fig.6 Load vs Displacement Curve for piles Fig.5.7 Loading and unloading curve for piles
Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations
Classification Of Piles
Pile Classification
Piles In Clay
Piles In Sand
Codal Provision
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