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Non-Destructive Examination & Standard CF Acceptance For - Forgsd - Pipe Work Stub Pieces

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This specification details the procedure for non-destructiv<

examination applicable to forged stub pieces to be welded
into pipe work, steam chest assemblies etc. The tests
shall be carried out by the supplier after machining to
the drawing dimensions*

All surfaces shall be machined to a finish of 6.25 microns

CLA or better, produced by a broad-nosed tool to permit
ultrasonic and magnetic particle inspection*

3.1 Visual Examination:

All surfaces shall be visually examined in a clean
condition and any defects observed shall be reported.
3.2 Magnetic Particle Inspection
All surfaces shall be examined. Testing equipment,
conditions and procedures shall be in accordance with
BS_ 4124,. part 2* Techniques shall be such as to detect
defects in any direction. Testing Materials Group 1 of
B.S.4124 are not accepted (i.e.dry powder). Water based
inks are not accepted. Application of magnetic particles
shall be by the continuous method described in BS 4124.
A portable flux indicator shall be used to demonstrate
attainment of an adequate field strength. The attention
of operators shall be drawn to the precautions described
in BS. 4124 part 2 to minimise arcing and excessive
heating of the forging surface at the point of prod contact,

3*3 Ultrasonic Inspection

Testing equipment shall comply with BS.4124 part 1. The
forging shall be scanned on all external surfaces using
a., frequency of 4.5 raHz. End to end tests shall be carried
out, with single crystal longitudinal wave probes.
3.2 Ulcrasonic Inspection : (Contd.../

Racie1 tests shall be carried cut xith combined double

longitudinal wave probes. In the case of flanged forgings
the combined double probes shall be applied to the face
of the flange instead of the circumference. A test block
shall be available in ultrasonically similar steel containing
3 mm flat bottomed holes at varying depths for setting of
sensitivity and evaluation of indications.• The scanning
sensitivity shall be established by obtaining a half screen
echo from a 3 mm FBH at the maximum testing distance and
increasing the sensitivity by 12 dbs. All indications half
screen height shall be recorded. Groups of indications
quarter screen height shall be recorded.

4.1 Visual and Magnetic Particle Inspection

Cracks are unacceptable. Other defects upto 6 mm in length

and separated by 3 x L, where L is the length of the largest
defect, are acceptable provided there are not more than
three such defects in any area 150 mm x 150 mm. Any
indications outside these levels may be cause for rejection
but may be referred to Technical Services Division, BHEL
Bhopal for concession.
"2 Ultrasonic Inspection

Isolated defects up to 3 mm flat bottom hole with no probe

movement are acceptable. Groups of defects giving maximum
• indication greater than half screen height at the testing
sensitivity, and individual defects with probe movement in
excess of that established as appropriate for a 3 mm flat
bottom hole at the relevant depth may be cause for rejection
but may be reffered to Technical Services Division BHSL
Bhopal for concession. Any condition which will cause
interference with the later high sensitivity ultrasonic
examination of the fabrication weld/welds (e.g.abnormally
high "grass" level or attenuation due to coarse grain or
inclusion clouds) will be cause for rejection.

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