Specification For Ultrasonic Inspection of Al-Alloy Plate For Pressure Vessels
Specification For Ultrasonic Inspection of Al-Alloy Plate For Pressure Vessels
Specification For Ultrasonic Inspection of Al-Alloy Plate For Pressure Vessels
(6.4 mm) during calibration, initial scanning, and discon-
tinuity evaluation. The recommended minimum inside
dimension of the nozzle is 1.0 in. (25 mm) greater
than the maximum dimension of the crystal surface in
the search unit. Provisions also should be included for
adjustment of search unit inclination within 1 deg. in
two vertical planes that are perpendicular to each other.
NOTE 3 Nozzles containing either sealed or unsealed openings
may be used for inspecting plate provided the test results obtained
with either device are equivalent to those obtained by the immersion
5.4.3 Contact Scanning Unit During tests by
the contact method, the search unit is supported and
positioned manually on the entry surface of the inspected
plate. However, special xtures for contact scanning
may be employed provided their use ensures confor-
mance to the requirements in this specication.
5.5 Couplant Clean, deaerated water at room
temperature is the recommended couplant for tests either
by the immersion method or by the liquid-column
coupling technique. Inhibitors or wetting agents or both
may be used. For tests by the contact method, the
recommended couplant is clean, light-grade oil.
NOTE 4 Other coupling liquids may be employed for inspecting
plate provided their use does not adversely affect test results.
6. Personnel Requirements
6.1 The testing operator performing the ultrasonic
examination prescribed in this standard shall be qualied
and certied to Level I Ultrasonic Testing in accord-
ance with the ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-
6.2 The required documentation supporting qualica-
tion and certication of ultrasonic testing operators
shall be established by the certifying agency and shall
be available upon request by the purchaser.
7. Condition of Plate
7.1 The entry and back surfaces of the inspected
plate shall be sufciently clean, smooth, and at to
maintain a rst back reection amplitude greater than
50% of the initial standardization amplitude while scan-
ning an area in the plate that does not contain signicant
isolated ultrasonic discontinuities.
7.2 The inspected plate shall be at room temperature
during the test.
8. Procedure
8.1 Preferred Method The ultrasonic test may be
performed by either the liquid column coupling, the
direct contact, or the immersion methods. However,
the immersion method is preferred.
8.1.1 Maintain the couplant distance so that the
second couplant reection is to the right of the rst
back reection on the instrument cathode ray tube
(CRT). The couplant path shall not vary more than
in. (6.4 mm) during calibration, initial scanning,
and discontinuity evaluation.
8.2 Test Frequency When using any of the three
methods listed in 8.1, the recommended test frequency
is 5.0 MHz. Other test frequencies between 2.0 MHz
and 10.0 MHz may be employed when necessary to
minimize possible adverse effects of plate thickness,
microstructure, and test system characteristics upon test
results and thereby maintain a clean, easily interpreted
A-scan screen pattern throughout the inspection.
8.3 Sensitivity Standardization Standardize the
sensitivity level of the test system operating at the
selected frequency by adjusting the instrument gain
control to obtain a rst back reection amplitude of
75 5% of the vertical limit exhibited by the A-scan
indicator when the search unit is positioned over an
area free from signicant discontinuities in the plate
to be inspected. During test by either the immersion
method or the liquid column coupling method, adjust
the angular alignment of the search unit to obtain a
maximum number of back reections before the nal
sensitivity level is established.
8.4 Scanning With no further adjustments of the
instrument gain controls, locate the search unit over
one corner of the plate to be inspected so that the
edge of the crystal in the search unit is about 1 in.
(25 mm) from either edge of the plate.
8.4.1 Subsequent to checking the angular alignment
of the search unit with respect to the rolled entry
surface to ensure a maximum rst back reection,
proceed to scan the plate continuously by moving the
search unit at a constant scanning rate not exceeding
12 in. (305 mm)/s from the initial starting position to
the opposite edge in a direction perpendicular to the
predominant rolling direction of the plate.
8.4.2 During the scan, note the occurrence of
isolated discontinuity indications and monitor the ampli-
tude of the rst back reection by continuously observ-
ing the A-scan indicator screen.
SB-548 1998 SECTION II
NOTE 5 Auxiliary monitoring devices may be employed in the
test system to enhance detection reliability during the scan.
8.5 Scan Index When the initial scan is completed,
move the search unit over a predetermined scan index
distance in a direction parallel to the predominant
rolling direction of the plate and proceed with a second
scan along a line parallel to the initial scanning direction
while observing the test pattern on the A-scan indicator
screen. Calculate the scan index distance as follows:
Scan index distance (in.), S
p 0.8 + D
Scan index distance (mm), S
p 20 + 0.7 D
p actual crystal diameter.
8.5.1 Continue the inspection by constantly observ-
ing the test pattern on the A-scan indicator while
successively scanning the plate at a constant scanning
rate in a direction perpendicular to the predominant
rolling direction of the plate and indexing the search
unit through the index distance calculated in 8.5.
8.5.2 During the inspection procedure, check the
test system sensitivity standardization periodically by
noting the amplitude the the rst back reection when
the search unit is repositioned over the reference area
of the plate and by adjusting the instrument gain control
as required to maintain the sensitivity standardization
specied previously in 8.3.
8.6 Scanning Rate When the screen pattern on
the A-scan indicator is monitored visually by the test
operator during the inspection, the scanning rate shall
not be greater than 12 in./s.
NOTE 6 Scanning rates greater than 12 in./s may be employed if
auxiliary monitoring apparatus is used to maintain adequate detection
8.7 Detection of Discontinuities When an isolated
ultrasonic indication of amplitude greater than 30% of
the A-scan vertical limit is encountered or when the
rst back reection indication decreases to an amplitude
less than 5% of the vertical limit at any time during
the inspection procedure, stop the scan and angulate
the search unit to obtain a maximum isolated indication
and to determine that the loss of back reection is not
caused by misalignment of the search unit with respect
to the plate.
8.7.1 To ensure that the loss of back reection is
not caused by surface interference, check the condition
of both the entry and back surfaces of the plate at the
location where a substantial (95% or greater) loss of
back reection occurs.
8.7.2 Either a maximized isolated ultrasonic indica-
tion exhibiting an amplitude greater than 50% of the
amplitude of the initial rst back reection used for
standardization, or a substantial loss of the rst back
reection indication not attributable to either search unit
misalignment or surface interference, is an indication of
an internal discontinuity.
NOTE 7 Isolated indications occurring midway between the entry
surface indication and the rst back reection may cause a second
indication at the location of the rst back reection on the A-scan
screen. When this condition is veried by checking the multiple
back reection pattern, a complete loss of the rst back reection
can be assumed.
8.8 Estimation of Discontinuity Size Note the
location of the search unit where the scan was stopped
when either an isolated indication or a loss of back
reection was observed.
8.8.1 Using a search unit containing a crystal of
effective diameter no greater than 0.75 in. (19 mm),
make an evaluation scan of an entire 6-in. (152 mm)
square area which is centered around the point on the
plate entry surface where the scan was discontinued.
The recommended index distance for this evaluation
is as follows:
(in. or mm) p 0.7 D
pis the actual diameter of the search unit crystal.
8.8.2 To determine the apparent size of the disconti-
nuity, mark each location corresponding to the center
of the search unit on the plate entry surface where a
95 5% loss of rst back reection is observed or
where the isolated indication exhibits an amplitude
equal to 50 5% of the amplitude of the initial rst
back reection established during the standardization
procedure outlined in 8.3.
8.8.3 Continue to mark the location of the search
unit at each point where either or both of the discontinu-
ity conditions specied in paragraph 8.8.2 are observed.
The entire discontinuity shall be outlined even if it
extends beyond the original 6-in. (152-mm) square
evaluation scan area.
8.8.4 The estimated discontinuity size is the area
dened by the boundary consisting of successive marks
as established by this procedure.
NOTE 8 Automatic recording devices may be used to establish
the estimated size of a discontinuity provided the recorded results
are equivalent to those obtained by the procedure presented in 8.8.
8.9 When the estimated size of a detected discontinu-
ity is determined, return the search unit to the original
stopping position and continue the initial scan to com-
plete the inspection.
9. Acceptance Standards
9.1 Upon completing the inspection procedure, mea-
sure the longest dimension of each marked area repre-
senting a detected discontinuity. Also, when an engi-
neering drawing showing the part to be fabricated from
the plate is supplied, compare the locations of the
discontinuities with the dimensions on the drawing.
9.2 If the longest dimension of the marked area
representing a discontinuity causing a complete loss of
back reection (95% or greater) exceeds 1.0 in. (25
mm), the discontinuity is considered to be signicant
and the plate shall be subject to rejection.
9.3 If the length of the marked area representing a
discontinuity causing an isolated ultrasonic indication
without a complete loss of back reection (95% or
greater) exceeds 3.0 in. (76 mm), the discontinuity is
considered to be signicant and the plate shall be
subject to rejection.
9.4 If each of two marked areas representing two
adjacent discontinuities causing isolated ultrasonic indi-
cations without a complete loss of back reection (95%
or greater) is longer than 1.0 in., and if they are located
within 3.0 in. of each other, the proximity between
the two discontinuities is considered to be signicant,
and the plate shall be subject to rejection.
NOTE 9 A template containing a 1.0-in. diameter hole and a
3.0-in. diameter hole is a convenient device for rapidly establishing
the signicance of discontinuities. If the discontinuities described in
9.2 and 9.3 cannot be totally enclosed within either the 1.0-in.
diameter circle or the 3.0-in. diameter circle, respectively, then the
plate containing such discontinuities shall be subject to rejection.
Similarly, if any portions of two adjacent discontinuities greater than
1.0 in. in length as in accordance with 9.4 appear within the 3.0-
in. diameter circle, the plate shall be subject to rejection.
9.5 A plate containing signicant discontinuities of
rejectable size shall be acceptable if it is established
by the purchaser that the discontinuities will be removed
from the plate by machining during the subsequent
fabrication process.
9.6 Upon specic consent of the purchaser, a plate
with signicant discontinuities may be accepted if re-
paired by welding.
10. Report
10.1 When required by the purchaser, a report shall
be prepared and shall include the date of test and a
list of parameters including the type (model number)
of instrument and search unit, the test method, fre-
quency, and the couplant employed for the inspection.
10.2 Preparation of a drawing showing the location
of all signicant discontinuities in the inspected plate
is recommended when the ultimate rejection or accept-
ance of the plate is to be determined by negotiation
between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
10.3 The identication of an acceptable plate is
desirable and is recommended. For this purpose, a
suitable stamp should be employed to indicate confor-
mance to this ultrasonic standard. The recommended
stamp for identifying acceptable plate is shown in Fig. 1.