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Optical Fibers: Fiber Is TIR (Total Internal Reflection)

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 Fiber optics is an overlap of science and technology which deals with

transmission of light waves into optical fibers, their emission and
 It is a waveguide through which light can be transmitted with very
little leakage through the sidewalls.
 These are essentially light guides used in optical communications as
 The principle behind the transmission of light waves an optical
fiber is TIR( Total internal Reflection)
 They are transparent dielectrics and able to guide visible and
infrared light over long distances.

 An optical fiber is cylindrical in shape

 It has two parts a) inner part and b) outer part.
 The inner part is made of glass or plastic and its cylindrical in shape,
it is called core. Core is having high refractive index.
 Outer part is a concentric cylinder surrounding the core, and is called
cladding. Cladding is also made of same material with little lesser
refractive index.
 The polyurethane jacket is used to enclose cladding which safeguards
the fiber against chemical reaction with surroundings and also
 Many fibers which are protected by individual jackets are grouped to
form a cable. A cable may consist of one to several hundred such


It is the principle behind the transmission of light waves in an optical fiber
which is a well known optical phenomenon in physics.
A ray AO, travelling in a medium of refractive index n 1 is separated by the
boundary XX1 , from another medium of lower refractive index n 2. So n1 > n2

The incident ray AO makes an angle θ1 with the normal in the medium of
refractive index n1. The same AO undergoes refraction into the medium of
refractive index n2 and it bends away from the normal, since n1 > n2 . θ2 is
the angle made by the refracted ray with the normal.

If we increase θ1 for certain value of θ1= θc called critical angle, θ2 = 90, for
such a case, the refracted ray grazes along the boundary of separation
along OB1 while incident ray is along BO.

If θ1> θC , incident ray CO always gets reflected back into the same medium
in which it is incident on the boundary. These takes place as per the law of

For refraction, we have the Snell’s law

n1sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2
For θ1= θC and θ2 = 900
n1sin θC = n2 sin 900 = n2 (sin 900 = 1)

−1 n2
θC = sin [ n ]

Explain mechanism of light propagation in optical fibers.
Explain how optical fibers work as waveguides.
“Optical fibers are the devices used to transmit light effectively along any
desired path.”

 Optical fibers work on the principle of total internal reflection (TIR)

 For total internal reflection there are two essential conditions, they
1) The light ray must pass from denser to rarer medium.
2) The angle of incidence must be greater than the critical angle i > c
 A waveguide is a tubular structure through which energy of some
sort could be guided in the form of waves.
 The waveguide as a light guide. also called fiber waveguide or fiber
light guide
 An optical fiber consists of a core and cladding.
 In any optical fiber the refractive index of cladding is always lesser
than that of its core to achieve TIR, i.e. R.I cladding < R.I of core
 When a light is incident at one end of the fiber, it undergoes total
internal reflection and finally emerges at the other end of the fiber. It
is found that intensity of emergent light is almost same as that of
incident light. In this way optical fibers transmit light effectively
along any desired path.



Q: Explain with a neat diagram Acceptance angle and numerical

Aperture of an optical fiber. Hence derives an expression for
numerical aperture.

 Consider a ray AO entering into the core at an angle θ0 to the fiber

axis. Then it is refracted along OB at an angle θ1 in the core and
further falls at critical angle of incidence (equal to 90 - θ1) at B on the
interface between core and cladding. Since the incidence is critical
angle of incidence, the ray is refracted at 900 to the normal drawn to
the interface i.e. grazes along BC.
 Any ray that enters into the core at an angle of incidence less than θ0
will have refractive angle less than θ1 because of which its angle of
incidence 900-θ1 at the interface will become greater than the critical
angle of incidence and hence undergoes total internal reflection.
 On the other hand any ray that enters at an angle of incidence greater
than θ0 , will have to be incident at the interface at an angle less than
the critical angle, it get refracted into the cladding region. Then it
travels across the cladding and emerges into the surroundings and
will be lost.
 If now OA is rotated around the fiber axis keeping θ0 same, it
describes a conical surface.
 Therefore if a beam converges at a wide angle into the core, then
those rays which are funneled into the fiber with in this cone will
only be totally internally reflected, and thus confined within for
θ0 is called waveguide acceptance angle or the acceptance cone
half angle.
Sinθ0 is called Numerical aperture (N.A) of the fiber.
“The light gathering capacity of an optical fiber is known as
Numerical aperture.’

Condition for propagation;

Let n0 , n1 , n2 be the refractive indices of surrounding medium, core and
cladding respectively.
For refraction at the point of entry of the ray “AO” into the core, we can
apply Snell’s law, i.e., at point A
nosin θ0 = n1 sin θ1 -------- (1)
At the point B
The angle of incidence =900-θ1
Apply Snell’s Law
n1 sin (900-θ1) = n2 sin 900
n1cos θ1 = n2 (sin 900= 1)
Cos θ1= n ------- (2)

Equation (1) can be written as

Sin θ0 = n sin θ1

= n √ ¿ ¿ θ 1)

= n √ 1−¿ ¿)2

n1 n12−n22

√√ n12
0 n1
Sin θ0 =

If the medium surrounding the fiber is air then no=1
Therefore, Sin θ0 =√ n21−n22
N.A = √ n21−n22

If θi is the angle of incidence, then the ray will propagate if θi < θ0

(Or) sin θi < sin θ0
(Or) sin θi < √ n21−n22
sin θi < N.A
→Condition for propagation
Note: for light propagation, angle of incidence is less than θ0


The fractional index change ∆ is the ratio of the refractive index difference
between the core and cladding to the refractive index of core of an optical
n1−n 2
∆= ---(3)


From equation (3) (n1 – n2) = n1 ∆ ------- (4)
N.A = √ n12−n 22
= √ ¿ ¿+n2) (n1-n2)
= √ ¿ ¿+n2) n1 ∆ from eq(4)
Since, n1 ≈ n2 , (n1 + n2) = 2n1
i.e N.A =√ 2 n12 ∆
N.A = n1 √ 2 ∆


MODE is,
 The pattern of motion in a vibrating body.
 The light ray paths along which the waves are in phase inside the
 In simple terms these modes can be visualized as the possible
number of allowed paths of light in an optical fiber.
Through it is expected that all the rays which enter into the core at an
angle less than the acceptance should travel in the core, it is not even
theoretical. By the application of Maxwell’s equation, we can get to know
that , out of the light that enters into the core within the waveguide
acceptance angle, only the light waves in terms of certain number of modes
will be sustained for propagation in the fiber.

“The number of modes supported for the light propagation in the optical
fiber is known as V- number.”
V – Number is given by
V= λ √ n12−n 22
Where, d is the diameter of the core, 𝛌 is the wavelength of light
n1 is the R.I of the core n 2 is the R.I of the cladding
(Or) V= λ N.A
If the fiber is surrounded by a medium of R.I n0, then the expression is
πd n12−n22

For V>>1
V= λ
√ n0

Number of modes =


 Optical fibers are classified into 3 major categories based on the

materials used for making optical fibers, number of modes
transmitted and the R.I profile of the fibers.
 In any optical fiber, the whole material of the cladding has a uniform
refractive index value but the refractive index of core material may
either remain constant or subjected to variation in a particular way.
(R.I of the core changes in graded index multimode fiber)
 The curve which represents the variation of refractive index with
respect to the radial distance from the axis of the fiber is called the
Refractive Index Profile.
Optical fibers are classified into 3 categories namely:
a) Single mode fiber
b) Step index multimode fiber
c) Graded index multimode fiber

Single mode fiber:

 Here core material has uniform refractive index value.

 Cladding also has uniform refractive index but of little lesser value
than that of core. This results in a sudden increase in the value of R.I
from cladding to core.
 R.I profile takes the shape of a step.
 Diameter of the core is 8 to 10 μm.
Diameter of the cladding is 60- 70 μm
Since the core is very narrow, it can guide just a single mode. Hence it
is called single mode fiber.
 These are the most extensively used ones and constituent 80% of all
the fibers that are manufactured.
 They need lasers as the source of light
 It is less expensive, but very difficult to splice.
 Used in submarine cable system.

Step index multimode fiber:

 Here, the core material has uniform refractive index value.

 Cladding also has uniform refractive index but of little lesser value
than that of the core. This results in a sudden increase in the value of
R.I from cladding to core.
 R.I profile takes the shape of a step.
 Diameter of the core is 50 to 200 μm.
Diameter of cladding is 100- 250 μm
 Here the core material has a much larger diameter, which supports
propagation of large number of modes.
 R.I profile is also similar to single mode optical fiber.
 Uses LED or laser as source of light.
 It is least expensive all and is used in data links which has lower band
width requirements
Graded index multimode optical fiber:

 It is also denoted as GRIN.

 The geometry of GRIN is same as that of step index multimode fiber.
 The special feature of the core is that its R.I value decreases in the
radially outward direction from the axis, and becomes equal to that
of the cladding at the interface. But the R. I of the cladding remains
 Diameter of the core 50 to 200 μm.
Diameter of cladding 100- 250 μm
 Uses LED or laser as source of light
 Application is in the telephone trunk between central offices.


The power loss suffered by the signal when it propagates through the fiber
is called Attenuation. It is also known as fiber loss.
Types of losses in fiber are:
i) Absorption
ii) Scattering
iii) Radiation loss
i) Absorption loss:
a. Absorption by impurities: Iron, Chromium, Cobalt and Copper
are some of the impurities generally present in the glass fiber. When
signal propagates through the fiber, a few photons associated with
the signal are absorbed by the impurities present in the fiber. This
results in power loss.
b. Intrinsic absorption: The absorption that takes place in the fiber
material assuming that there are no impurities in it.

ii) Scattering loss:

a. Rayleigh scattering:
When a signal propagates through the fiber, a few photons associated
with the signal are scattered by the scattering objects such as
impurities present in the fiber. The dimensions of the scattering
objects are very small compared to the wavelength of light. This type
of scattering is similar to Rayleigh scattering. It is found that the co-
efficient of scattering is inversely proportional to the wavelength of
the object.

b. Others: Scattering also occurs due to trapped gas bubbles,

unreacted starting materials and some crystallized region in the

iii) Radiation loss:

It is due to the bending of fibers and it can be explained as follows:
a) Macroscopic bending: They are the bends with radii much larger
compared to fiber diameter. It occurs while wrapping the fiber on a
spool or turning it around a corner. If the bending is too sharp then
the power loss becomes very high.

b) Microscopic bending: It occurs due to the non uniformity in the

fibers while manufacturing. Because of this a few modes undergo
leakage which results in power loss.

By lamberts law “The rate of decrease of intensity with distance dL is ( dP )

directly proportional to the initial intensity P”.
i.e.- dL α P ----- (1)
(-ve sign indicates that it is a decrement)
- dL ¿ α P
Where α is a constant called Attenuation co-efficient.
= - α dL
By integrating both sides we have
∫ p
= - α ∫ dL ------- (2)
An optical fiber of length L
If Pin is the initial intensity with which the light is launched into the fiber.
and Pout is the intensity of the light received as output end of the fiber.
Pout L
Equation (2) ∫ = - α ∫ dL
pin p 0

[ log p ] = - α L (Apply the lower limit and upper limit)

log e pout – loge Pin = - α L
1 P
α = - L loge out
P¿ [ ]
1 P
α=- L 10 log [
--- Bel /unit length
An optical fiber technology it is expressed α in terms of decibel / Kilometer
(dB/Km). hence it follows that
1) The length of the fiber is expressed in Km.
2) The unit of Bel is 10 dB ( 1 Bel=10 Decibel)
1 P
[ ]
α = - L log10 out X 10dB/Km


Optical fiber communication is the transmission of information by
propagation of optical signal through optical fibers over the required
distance which involves driving optical signal from electrical signal at the
transmitting end and conversion of optical signal back to electrical signal at
the receiving end.

 Firstly we have analog information such as voice of a telephone user.

The voice gives rise to electrical signals in analog form coming out of
the transmitter section of the telephone.
 The analog signal is converted to binary data (digital) with the help of
an electronic system called Coder.
 These electrical pulses are converted into optical pulses by
modulating the light emitted by an optical source, in the binary form.
This unit is called optical transmitter(converts electrical signals
into light signals)
 This optical Signal is fed into the fiber.
 Out of the incident light which is funneled into the core within the
half angle acceptance cone, only certain modes will be sustained for
propagation within the fiber by means of total internal reflection.
While propagating signal undergoes attenuation and delay distortion.
Delay distortion is the reduction in the quality of signal with time.
These effects cause degradation of the signal as the light propagates
and may reach a limiting stage beyond which it may not be possible
to retrieve the information from the light signal.
 The receiver section uses Photo detector which converts the optical
signal into corresponding electrical signal then electrical signal is
amplified and recast in the original form by means of an electrical
regenerator, which is part of receivers section.
 Lastly using the Decoder, the binary electrical signal is converted
back to analog electrical signal, which will be same information such
as voice, which was there at the transmitting end.
Advantages of optical fiber
 They carry large amount information
 Cost is low
 Not affected by lightening and sparking
 Light weight
 There is no interference between the communication and others and
also the purity of signals are unaffected
 There is no energy radiation from the fiber.
 Large bandwidth
 Power loss (0.01 db/km
Disadvantages of optical fiber
 Splicing the fiber is task
 Repair cost is high
 Time consuming
 They undergo expansion and contraction with temp that upset the
alignments which will lead to the break.
 Maintains cost is high
 Light emitting source are limited to the power
 The distance between the transmitter and receiver should keep or
repeaters are needed to boost signal

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