Ijesca: Factors Affecting Traffic Noise Based On Road Environment Aspects
Ijesca: Factors Affecting Traffic Noise Based On Road Environment Aspects
Ijesca: Factors Affecting Traffic Noise Based On Road Environment Aspects
The purpose of this study is to analyze factors affecting traffic noise on arterial and collector roads
in Kendari. The factors are road environment aspects, including building density, tree density, leaf
lush volume, types of road environment ground surface, as well as temperature. Analytical
approach with simple and multiple regression methods was used with SPSS software ver. 22.0. The
results show that based on the determination coefficient, partially, tree density has the highest
effect by 19%, then leaf lush volume 9.7%, temperature 9.1%, building density 8.7%, and types of
road environment ground surface 5.8%. However in this study, the factors significantly affecting
the noise are only tree density, leaf lush volume, and temperature. It is based on the value of sig-
< 0.05. Simultaneously, the variability of noise levels can be explained by the variables of tree
density, leaf lush volume, and the air temperature by 31.1%, while 68.9% is explained by other
factors not examined in this study
Keywords: factors; effects; road environment; noise
Article history: Received 20 September 2015, last received in revised 11 Ocktober 2015
variables used include the total volume of environment parameters, weather parameters,
vehicles, speed, percentage of truck vehicles, and residence parameters [8]. The study of
length and width of road, Gradients, and factors affecting the noise in a region is not
observation distance. The measuring distance only seen from the aspects of traffic, but it is
of noise from the road side is 3m [3]. also required a study of road environment
Simple and multiple regression model aspect. Therefore, later it can be used as
of local traffic effects on noise levels for information in the handling of noise either in
arterial roads in Bali with the locus of Ngurah source or propagation path of the noise.
Rai By-Pass and Sunset Street used 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
independent variable of traffic volume (MC, A. Research Location
LV, HV), speed (MC, LV, HV) , and distance The research was conducted in
from observation point to the nearest and Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi (Indonesia) with
furthest center line [4]. From the results of the locus of arterial and collector roads
another study, effects of the green system on becoming a major center for the movement
the noise level in three landscape conditions: of traffic including public transport
tree plants, shrubs, and trees-shrubs distribution channels. The selection of
combination, a combination of trees and Kendari as the research location because this
shrubs with average leaf lush of 75% evenly city was one of the medium-sized cities with
distributed from ground level to a height of 5 the characteristics of heterogeneous traffic, in
meters can reduce the noise by 8.2 dBA, or which the growth rate of motor vehicle was
about 25% [5]. The composition of vegetation quite high, at an average of 19% per year.
consisting of trees, shrubs and bushes can
reduce noise up to 12.25% and decrease the
temperature to 8.18% [6].
Noise characteristics of a road should
be different with the characteristics of noise
in another way. This difference occurs
because the traffic noise level is determined
by many factors, such as motor vehicles
passing through (number of vehicles, types of
vehicles, average speed of vehicles),
characteristics of the road, and other
conditions in the surrounding road [7]. Traffic Figure 1. Location and Point of Research
noise is influenced by a number of parameters Sample
that do not depend on the vehicle itself, such
as; traffic parameters, road parameters,
Leq = L50 + 0,43 (L1 – L50) Where, Dph is tree density (%), Pki is width of
(1) leaf canopy (m), Ps is observation segment
length (m). Leaf volume calculation used the
Where, Leq is equivalent continuous noise equations in Table 1 [9].
(dBA), L50 is noise exceeded 50%, and L1 is
noise exceeded 1%.
Table 1. Leaf Lush Volume Based on
Canopy Shape
From Figure 4, it can be concluded that ground surface 5.8 %. However in this study,
there is no heteroscedasticity symptoms the factors significantly affecting the noise are
because the plots are evenly spread above only tree density, leaf lush volume, and
and below axis 0 without forming a specific temperature. It is based on the value of sig-α
pattern. < 0.05.
Tree obstruction is a factor that makes
it difficult to identify in detail the effects of
ground surface types on noise, because the
sound of vehicle received by SLM has been
absorbed by the trees. Therefore, to analyze
the effects of ground surface, it needs to
perform measurement in a place without
obstacles. Likewise, of the effects of building
density, the placement of SLM should be in
the range of 1-5m reflective distance from
building wall and without obstruction from
the source of noise.
Figure 4. Scatter Plot Diagram
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