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Assessment of Road Traffic Noise in Minna Metropolis

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Assessment of Road Traffic

Noise in Minna Metropolis
Umar Alfa1*; O D Jimoh2; S.S Kolo3
Department of Civil Engineering Federal University of Technology, Minna

Corresponding Authors:- Umar Alfa1*

Abstract:- This study focuses on the assessment of road and increasing standards of living, has made road traffic
traffic noise in Minna metropolis, recognizing noise a prominent concern in urban and rural environments.
transportation's pivotal role in economic growth while This study delves into the assessment of road traffic noise in
highlighting its negative impacts on the environment and Minna metropolis, Nigeria, shedding light on its diverse
human health, particularly noise pollution. Traffic noise, repercussions.
constituting a significant portion of urban noise, has
become a key research area for engineers and scientists Exposure to high noise levels, both in the short and long
due to the escalating number of vehicles on the roads, term, presents grave concerns. Long-term exposure to noise
including older vehicles emitting excessive noise. The can result in severe health issues, such as hearing
investigation encompassed three areas in Minna city: impairment, circulatory system damage, and cardiovascular
Kpakungu, Mobil roundabout, and Kure market. Noise problems. The association between high ambient noise levels
levels were measured using calibrated sound level meters, and hearing loss is well-established, particularly among daily
positioned 1.2 meters above ground level and 1 meter commuters exposed to noisy highway medians for extended
away from the roadside to minimize potential errors. periods. Furthermore, hypertension and an elevated risk of
Traffic counts encompassed various vehicle types, from 2- ischemic heart disease have been linked to long-term noise
wheelers to buses and trucks. The study employed the exposure.
Calixto model, which considers total vehicle count and the
percentage of heavy vehicles, to predict noise levels. The In the short term, excessive noise in transit stations
observed noise levels were then compared with creates an unpleasant environment for passengers, hindering
calculated/predicted noise levels (Leq). Regression communication, concentration, and comfort. Additionally, it
analysis was conducted in all areas, resulting in affects the effectiveness of public announcements, potentially
correlation coefficients (R2) that demonstrated strong jeopardizing passenger safety. The adverse station
correlations. Kpakungu displayed the highest R2 of environment may deter potential riders from using these
0.9738, followed by Mobil with 0.911, and Kure Market stations, undermining the substantial investment made in
with the lowest but still significant R2 of 0.8931. These constructing these transportation lines.
findings suggest that the Calixto model is applicable to
Nigeria's road conditions and can serve as a valuable tool Given the prevalence of noise exposure in Minna, this
for noise level prediction in transportation planning and study holds significant importance. Traffic noise is a
environmental management. dominant noise source in both urban and rural settings,
posing a growing public concern. Noise's adverse impacts on
Keywords:- Traffic Noise, Leq, Heterogeneous, Traffic Flow, health, including hearing disabilities, sleep disturbances, and
Noise Level, Distance. cardiovascular effects, necessitate thorough examination.
This research addresses the need to assess and mitigate traffic
I. INTRODUCTION noise, aligning with international and national standards.

Transportation is a fundamental component of a nation's The primary aim of this study is to assess road traffic
economic growth and societal development, facilitating the noise in Minna metropolis. The specific objectives of the
movement of people, goods, and services across various study are to measure the hourly traffic volume of different
modes, including land, air, and water transport. However, axle loads (2-axle, 3-axle, and 4-axle, both light and heavy),
while transportation plays a pivotal role in progress, it also determine the noise levels at transit stations and relevant
brings about adverse consequences, notably noise pollution. noise parameters, including Traffic Noise Index (TNI), Noise
Noise pollution, characterized as "undesirable sound," poses Climate (NC), and Noise Pollution Level (Lnp) for all study
significant environmental and health challenges, impacting locations. develop a road traffic noise prediction model based
human well-being and quality of life. on the percentage of heavy vehicles and regression analysis
to predict noise equivalent levels (Leq) using the Calixto
Among the sources of noise pollution, transportation, model.
encompassing motorcycles, vehicles, aircraft, and rail
transport, stands out as a major contributor. The escalating This research focuses on evaluating the extent of noise
number of vehicles on the road, driven by population growth exposure experienced by people and commuters in

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Kpakungu, Kure Market, and Mobile areas of Minna. The vehicles. The materials use for this research Work are Sound
study also assesses how this exposure aligns with level meter(Extech SDL600), Stopwatch and Reflective
international and national noise standards, contributing to our jacket
understanding of and strategies to mitigate traffic noise in the
region.  Research Methods
To achieve the study's objectives, the following
II. METHODOLOGY methods were employed:

The study, titled "Assessment of Road Traffic Noise in  Study Area Indication:
Minna Metropolis," took place in Minna, the capital of Niger Minna, located 162 km from Abuja, experiences a
State, Nigeria. It aimed to evaluate equivalent noise levels climate between the Sahel and Guinea Savanna regions,
(Le) and noise indices, including L10, L50, and L90, at characterized by distinct dry and rainy seasons. The town's
various locations in Minna, including Kpakungu, Mobil, and population has steadily increased, with a notable rise in
Kure Market. The study involved assessing the noise vehicle numbers.
generated by mixed traffic while categorizing the types of

Fig 1 Map

 Study Area Noise levels were measured within the same time frame
as traffic counts using a calibrated sound level meter. The
 Traffic Count: instrument was placed on a tripod at a height of 1.2 meters
Traffic volume at Kpakungu, Mobil, and Kure Market and positioned 1 meter from the roadside.
locations was assessed from 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM over three
weeks at each site. Vehicle counts included scooters,
motorcycles, kekenapep (3-wheller, light vehicles (4-axle),
and heavy vehicles such as buses and trucks.

 Road Traffic Noise Monitoring:

IJISRT23SEP293 www.ijisrt.com 2393

Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Noise Index Levels: L10, L50, and L90 represent
percentiles of noise levels exceeded during measurement
periods. Leq values were calculated for each hour using a
sound level meter.

Noise Level Parameters: TNI, Lnp, and NC were

derived from observed noise indices and played a role in
quantifying noise pollution levels.

 Development of Model for the Prediction of Noise

A noise prediction model was developed to estimate
noise levels, aiding in planning and designing a noise-free
environment. The Calixto model was used, considering the
percentage of heavy vehicles and a weighting factor (n) to
predict equivalent noise levels (Leq). The model's validation
was done using regression analysis and correlation
Fig 2 Road Traffic Noise Monitoring coefficient (R2) values.
Sound Level Meter (SLM)
Calixto Model: The Calixto model was adapted for
 Data Processing Nigeria road conditions by adjusting the weighting factor (n)
to 10. The relationship between observed and calculated Leq
 Noise Descriptors values was expressed through a regression equation:
Various noise descriptors were calculated, including
Leq, L10, L50, L90, TNI (Traffic Noise Index), Lnp (Noise Leq = 14log[Q(1 + 0.1 × VP)] + 12.5976
Pollution Level), NC (Noise Climate), Q (Traffic volume),
and P (Percentage of heavy vehicles). These descriptors
helped assess the extent of noise pollution resulting from
heavy traffic in the study locations.


Fig 3 Average Daily Traffic for Kpakungu

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 4 Average Daily Traffic for Kure Market

Fig 5 Average Daily Traffic for Mobil

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Traffic Count: 15,479veh/day, followed by cars, vans, and pickups at
The traffic count data reveals significant congestion on 12,624veh/day. Tricycles, buses, and heavy vehicles
the studied roads in Minna. Motorcycles have the highest contribute 8,967veh/day, 4,361veh/day, and 339veh/day,
volume at 12,589veh/day, followed closely by cars, vans, and respectively. Congestion occurs in the afternoons and
pickups at 9,984veh/day. Tricycles, heavy vehicles, and evenings, surpassing recommended township road limits. At
buses also contribute, with 7,696veh/day, 1,603veh/day, and Mobil, motorcycles top the count at 14,184veh/day, trailed by
445veh/hr, respectively for kpakungu. This congestion cars, vans, and pickups at 11,220veh/day. Tricycles, buses,
persists throughout the day, exceeding the recommended and heavy vehicles account for 8,400veh/day, 258veh/day,
limits for township roads, which specify an average traffic and 140veh/day, respectively. Similar congestion patterns
volume between 8,000-10,000veh/day when truck traffic emerge in the mornings and evenings, exceeding township
exceeds 15 percent (Highway Manual, 2013). Similar trends road traffic volume limits.
are observed at Kure Market, with motorcycles leading at

Fig 6 Average Hourly Weekly Noise Level at Mobil

Fig 7 Average Hourly Weekly Noise Level at Kpakungu

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 8 Average Hourly Weekly Noise Level at Kure Market

The average hourly noise levels at Kpakungu, Kure 12:30 PM due to increased vehicular activity and vendor
Market, and Mobil were observed over three weeks. In music. There's a minor drop between 12:30 PM and 3:30 PM,
kpakungu, it's evident that noise levels increase from 8:30 followed by an evening peak as commuters return.
AM to 12:30 PM due to heightened activities, including
higher vehicle movements, increased horn usage, and louder In Mobil, noise levels follow the same trend, with an
music from vendors. A slight dip occurs between 12:30 PM increase from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM, a decrease between
and 4:30 PM as vehicle activity decreases, followed by 12:30 PM and 3:30 PM, and a subsequent rise in the evening
another rise in the evening, attributed to commuters returning due to returning commuters. These patterns reflect daily
from work, school, and the market. Kure Market displays a variations in noise levels influenced by local activities and
similar pattern, with noise levels rising from 8:30 AM to vehicular movements.

Fig 9 Noise Indices L10, L50 and L90 at Study Location(S)

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The noise indices, L10, L50, and L90, were examined and maximum values of 80 and 80.5 in the morning and
over 12 hours at Kpakungu, Kure Market, and Mobil evening, respectively. L90 exhibited peak values of 74.16 in
Roundabout. At Kpakungu (Figure 9), L10 exhibited its the afternoon and 76 in the evening, with a minimum of 73
highest value of 87.13 in the morning, followed by 83.4 in during the morning. At Mobil Roundabout, L10 reached its
the afternoon, and a minimum of 81.93 in the evening. L50 maximum value of 85.92 in the morning, followed by 85.4 in
showed a similar pattern, with the minimum during the the evening, and a minimum of 82.66 in the afternoon. L50
afternoon and maximum values in the morning and evening. showed a similar trend, with a minimum in the afternoon and
L90 for 12 hours demonstrated peak values of 74.16 in the maximum values in the morning and evening. L90 indicated
morning and 74.9 in the afternoon, with a minimum of 73.6 peak values of 76.92 in the morning and 80.25 in the
during the afternoon. In the case of Kure Market (Figure 9), evening, with a minimum of 73.26 during the afternoon.
L10 displayed its highest value of 85 during the afternoon, These indices reflect variations in noise levels throughout the
followed by 85 in the evening, and a minimum of 84 in the day in these areas.
morning. L50 showed a minimum of 76.89 in the afternoon

Fig 10 Noise Parameters TNI, NC and LNP Variation for all the Study Area

At the Kpakungu study location, various noise of 88.92 dB(A) and 80.86 during the morning and afternoon,
parameters were analyzed (Figure 10). The Traffic Noise indicating variations in traffic noise. The NC ranged from 5.8
Index (TNI) ranged from a minimum of 77.3 dB(A) during dB to 10.0 dB, reflecting sound level fluctuations. Lnp, with
the afternoon to a maximum of 95.5 dB(A) and 79.3 during a threshold of 72 dB(A), displayed a minimum of 86.77
the morning and evening, indicating fluctuations in traffic dB(A) during the afternoon and a maximum of 95.05 dB(A)
noise. The Noise Climate (NC) showed variations between and 90.11 dB(A) during the morning and evening,
8.35 dB and 12.84 dB, reflecting the range of sound level respectively. Both TNI and Lnp exceeded the threshold
fluctuations over time. The Noise Pollution Level (Lnp), with values in this location as well.
a threshold value of 72 dB(A), exhibited a minimum of 85.4
dB(A) during the morning and a maximum of 99.1 dB(A)
and 87.83 dB(A) during the morning and afternoon,
respectively. Both TNI and Lnp exceeded the threshold
values. In the Kure market area, TNI fluctuated between a
minimum of 82.0 dB(A) in the evening and a maximum of
85.5 dB(A) and 88.3 during the morning and afternoon,
indicating traffic flow variations (Figure 10). The NC ranged
from 9.00 dB to 11 dB, showcasing sound level fluctuations
over time. Lnp, with a threshold value of 72 dB(A), reached a
minimum of 89.9 dB(A) during the afternoon and a
maximum of 93.1 dB(A) and 90.83 dB(A) during the
morning and evening, respectively. Both TNI and Lnp
exceeded the threshold values.

In the Mobil area (Figure 10), TNI exhibited a Graph 1 Noise Level Versus Predicted Noise Level for
minimum of 73.2 dB(A) during the evening and a maximum Kpakungu Area

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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