Christmas: Vergara Carrera Alan Josimar 656
Christmas: Vergara Carrera Alan Josimar 656
Christmas: Vergara Carrera Alan Josimar 656
Christmas (Latin: Nativitas, "birth")? is one of the most important Christian festivals,
along with Easter and Pentecost, which celebrates the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
This feast is celebrated on December 25 by the Catholic Church, the Anglican
Church, some other Protestant churches and the Romanian Orthodox Church, and
on January 7 in other Orthodox Churches, and who did not accept the reforms
made to the Julian calendar, to pass to our current calendar, called the Gregorian,
the name of reformer, Pope Gregory XIII.
Anglophones use the term Christmas, which means' mass (mass) of Christ. " In
some Germanic languages such as German, the party called Weihnachten,
meaning 'Night of Blessing'. The Christmas festivities are proposed, as its name
suggests, celebrate the nativity (ie birth) of Jesus of Nazareth.
Holiday Traditions
Christmas is the most famous Christian holiday, even though the Church considers
most important Easter. And for this reason is one that contains more traditional:
• The Christmas meal consists of a midnight feast in honor of the birth of Christ
which took place at that time, similarly to the Jewish feast of Passover.
Traditionally eat turkey, cod, pork, lamb and other dishes, depending on where it is
held or family traditions.
• The Nativity, Christmas Nativity or Birth involve the representation of the birth of
Jesus, using a model of Bethlehem and its surroundings, in which the main figures
are the stable where Jesus was born, the Holy Family, animals and shepherds,
also the 3 wise men and a star with a trail that is also often placed atop the
Christmas tree. According to tradition St. Francis of Assisi was its inventor. In
Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Paraguay,
Venezuela, Peru and Chile, the figure of the Child is not placed until the arrival of
Christmas, when he celebrated his birth, and after being "lulled 'is placed between
Joseph and Mary.
• The Advent wreath, crown made from cypress or pine branches tied with a red
ribbon on which are placed four candles are usually red which mark the four
Advent Sundays before Christmas Day, families gather around him every Sunday,
light a candle and recite prayers and carols in preparation for the birth of Jesus.
This tradition is more recurrent in the Catholic Church and the crown must be
Christmas Lighting
Have also become a sign of the Christmas season, where the streets, avenues,
squares, parks, rivers, lakes and mountains are transformed into beautiful settings
for the enjoyment of locals and visitors. Most Western cities, and a good part of the
East, bright lighting and colorful place, some of great beauty, the streets, especially
in the busiest streets in addition to Christmas trees of great size, cribs, etc.. Also
people put Christmas lights on the balconies and windows of their homes.
Especially striking are the ornaments and Christmas lights in Germany, the United
States and some cities in Eastern Europe and Latin America.
Dec. 25, are located in the customs of the peoples of antiquity celebrated during
winter solstice (from 21 December), any party connected to God or the gods of the
sun as Apollo and Helios (in Greece and Rome), Mitra (in Persia), Huitzilopochtli
(in Tenochtitlan), among others. Some cultures believed the sun god was born on
21 December, the shortest day of the year, and the days became longer as the god
grew older. In other cultures it was believed the sun god died that day, only to
return to another cycle.
Allegory of Christ as the sun god Helios or Sol Invictus Driving his carriage. Third
century mosaic C. of the Vatican grottoes in the Basilica of San Pedro on the roof
of the tomb of Pope Julius I.
• The Romans celebrated on 25 December, the feast of Natalis Solis Invicti "or"
Birth of the unconquered sun ", associated with the birth of Apollo. December 25
was considered as a day of winter solstice, which the Romans called haze, when
Julius Caesar introduced his calendar in 45 a. C., Dec. 25 should be located
between 21 and 22 December our Gregorian calendar. In this event, the early
Christians took the idea on December 25 as the date of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Another Roman festival called Saturnalia, honoring Saturn, lasted about seven
days and included the winter solstice. For this celebration, the Romans postponed
all business and warfare, there were exchanges of gifts, and temporarily freed their
slaves. Such traditions are similar to the current Christmas traditions and were
used to establish a link between the two holidays.
Capac Raymi Celebration was led by the Inca emperor. Reference made by
Guaman Poma.
• The Germans and Scandinavians celebrated on December 26 the birth of Frey,
the Norse god of the rising sun, rain and fertility. In these celebrations decorated
an evergreen tree, representing the Yggdrasil or World Tree, a custom which
became the Christmas tree, when Christianity came to northern Europe.
• The Aztecs celebrated the winter, the arrival of Huitzilopochtli, the god of the sun
and the war in Panquetzaliztli month, roughly equivalent to the period from 7 to
December 26 in our calendar. "For this reason and taking advantage of the
coincidence of dates, the first missionaries, Augustinian religious promoted the
substitution of characters and so pre-Hispanic god disappeared and kept the
celebration, giving Christian features."
• The Incas celebrated the rebirth of the sun god Inti and the feast was called
Capac Raymi or Festival of the powerful sun by extension also covered and gave
name to the month, hence this was the first month of the Inca calendar. This feast
was the counterpart of June Inti Raymi, since December 23 is the austral summer
solstice and the Inti Raymi happens in the southern winter solstice. In the austral
summer solstice the sun reaches its greatest power (it's old) and dies but is reborn
to reach maturity in June, then declines until December, thus completing the life
cycle of the Sun This party had a connotation of birth, as they performed a
ceremony of initiation into adulthood of young men of the empire, such initiation
was known as Warachikuy.
La Navidad es una de las fiestas más importantes del Cristianismo que celebra el
nacimiento de Jesucristo en Belén. Esta fiesta se celebra el 25 de diciembre por la
Iglesia Católica, la Iglesia Anglicana, algunas otras Iglesias protestantes y la
Iglesia Ortodoxa Rumana; y el 7 de enero en otras Iglesias Ortodoxas, ya que no
aceptaron la reforma hecha al calendario juliano, para pasar a nuestro calendario
actual, llamado gregoriano, del nombre de su reformador, el Sumo Pontífice
Gregorio XIII.
La Navidad es la fiesta cristiana más popularizada, pese a que la Iglesia considera
que es más importante la Pascua. Y por tal motivo es la que contiene más
La Cena de Navidad
Novena de Aguinaldos
Las Piñatas
Las Chocolatadas
Alumbrados Navideños
Alegoría de Cristo en forma del dios solar Helios o Sol Invicto Conduciendo su
carroza. Mosaico del siglo III d. C. de las grutas vaticanas en la Basílica de San
Pedro en el techo de la tumba del Papa Julio I.
Celebración del Capac Raymi, era liderada por el Emperador Inca. Alusión hecha
por Guamán Poma.