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Question Bank: Unit-I Basics of Operational Amplifiers 2 Marks Questions

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Question Bank

2 marks questions

1. What do you mean by a band-gap referenced biasing circuit?

The biasing sources referenced to VBE has a negative temperature coefficient and VT has a positive
temperature co-efficient. Band gap reference circuit is one in which the output current is referenced
to a composite voltage that is a weighted sum of VBE and VT so that by proper weighting, zero
temperature coefficient can be achieved.

2. Define thermal drift.

The bias current, offset current & offset voltage change with temperature. A circuit carefully nulled
at 25oC may not remain so when the temperature raises to 35 oC.This is called thermal drift. Often,
offset current drift is expressed in nA/ oC and offset voltage drift in mV/ 0C.

3. Define supply voltage rejection ratio (SVRR)

The change in OPAMP’s input offset voltage due to variations in supply voltage is called the supply
voltage rejection ratio. It is also called Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) or Power Supply
Sensitivity (PSS)
4. Define an operational amplifier.
An operational amplifier is a direct-coupled, high gain amplifier consisting of one or more
differential amplifier. By properly selecting the external components, it can be used to perform a
variety of mathematical operations.

5. Mention the characteristics of an ideal op-amp.

Open loop voltage gain is infinity.
Input impedance is infinity.
Output impedance is zero.
Bandwidth is infinity.
Zero offset.

6. Define input offset voltage.

A small voltage applied to the input terminals to make the output voltage as zero when the two input
terminals are grounded is called input offset voltage.

7. Define CMRR of an op-amp.

The relative sensitivity of an op-amp to a difference signal as compared to a common –mode signal
is called the common –mode rejection ratio. It is expressed in decibels. CMRR= Ad/Ac

8. What is frequency response of Op-amp?

The plot showing the variations in magnitude and phase angle of the gain due to change in frequency
is called frequency response of Op-amp. The plot is used to find the bandwidth and cut-off

frequencies of Op-amp.

9. Define Unity Gain Bandwidth of Op-amp.

For a certain frequency of the input signal, the gain of the Op-amp reduces to 0 dB. This means 20
log |AOL (f) | is 0dB i.e. |AOL (f) | = 1. Such a frequency is called gain cross over frequency or unity
gain bandwidth (UGB).

10. Define slew rate.

The slew rate is defined as the maximum rate of change of output voltage caused by a step input
voltage. An ideal slew rate is infinite which means that opamp’s output voltage should change
instantaneously in response to input step voltage.

16 marks questions
1. Wilson current source circuit and widlar current source circuit.
2. Explain Block diagram of op-amp (8) Internal Stages of Op-amp.
3. Explain the operation of differential amplifier, DC analysis of differential amplifier,
Differential amplifier with constant current source, Differential amplifier active load.
4. Elaborate on AC & DC characteristics of Op-amp.
5. Analyse the open loop and closed loop characteristics of Op amp


1. Mention some of the linear applications of op – amps.

Adder, subtractor, voltage –to- current converter, current –to- voltage converters, instrumentation
amplifier, analog computation ,power amplifier, etc are some of the linear op-amp circuits.

2. Mention some of the non – linear applications of op-amps.

Rectifier, peak detector, clipper, clamper, sample and hold circuit, log amplifier, anti –log amplifier,
multiplier are some of the non – linear op-amp circuits.

3. Define virtual ground property of Op-amp.

Concept of virtual ground says that the two input terminals of the Op-amp are always at the same
potential. Thus if one terminal is grounded the other can be assumed to be at ground potential, which
is called virtual ground.

4. What is Voltage follower?

 voltage is called voltage follower
 -amp if the inverting input and the output terminals are shorted and if any signal is
Applied at the non-inverting terminal, it appears at the output without any change.
 follower, unity gain amplifier, buffer amplifier or isolation

5. Calculate the output voltage V0 of the circuit shown in fig. 1

6. Draw the circuit diagram of voltage follower using IC 741.

7. For the op-amp shown, determine the voltage gain.

8. List the features of instrumentation amplifier.

High gain accuracy
High gain stability with low temperature co-efficient
Low dc offset
Low output impedance

9. What are the applications of V-I converter?

Low voltage dc and ac voltmeter
Zener diode tester

10. What do you mean by a precision diode?

The major limitation of ordinary diode is that it cannot rectify voltages below the cut – in voltage of
the diode. A circuit designed by placing a diode in the feedback loop of an op – amp is called the
precision diode and it is capable of rectifying input signals of the order of milli volt.

11.What are the limitations of the basic differentiator circuit?

At high frequency, a differentiator may become unstable and break into oscillations. The input
impedance decreases with increase in frequency , thereby making the circuit sensitive to high
frequency noise.



12. Write down the condition for good differentiation.

For good differentiation, the time period of the input signal must be greater than or equal to R f C1
T > R f C1 Where, Rf is the feedback resistance C f is the input capacitance

13. What are the applications of comparator?

Zero crossing detector
Window detector
Time marker generator
Phase detector

14. What is a Schmitt trigger?

Schmitt trigger is a regenerative comparator. It converts sinusoidal input into a square wave output.
The output of Schmitt trigger swings between upper and lower threshold voltages, which are the
reference voltages of the input waveform.

16. Define logarithmic and antilogarithmic amplifier.

-amp circuit in which the output is proportional to the logarithmic of the input is called
logarithmic amplifier. It employs a diode or a transistor in the negative feedback path.
-amp circuit in which the output is proportional to the antilogarithmic of the input is called
logarithmic amplifier. It employs a diode or a transistor in the input stage.

17. List the applications of Log amplifiers.

Analog computation may require functions such as ln x, log x, sin h x etc.
These functions can be performed by log amplifiers
Log amplifier can perform direct dB display on digital voltmeter and spectrum analyzer
Log amplifier can be used to compress the dynamic range of a signal

18. What is a filter?

Filter is a frequency selective circuit that passes signal of specified band of frequencies and
attenuates the signals of frequencies outside the band.

19. What are the advantages of active filters?

Active filters used op- amp as the active element and resistors and capacitors as passive elements.
By enclosing a capacitor in the feedback loop , inductor less active filters can be obtained
Op-amp used in non – inverting configuration offers high input impedance and low output
impedance, thus improving the load drive capacity.



20.What are the requirements for producing sustained oscillations in feedback circuits?
For sustained oscillations,
The total phase shift around the loop must be zero at the desired frequency of oscillation, fo. ie,
AB =0 (or) 360°
At fo, the magnitude of the loop gain | A β | should be equal to unity

16 marks questions

1. What is meant by voltage follower?

2. Determine the output voltage vo for the following circuit.

2k U2
2k OUT



3. Explain the operation of the Schmitt trigger.

4. Describe Logarithmic and anti-logarithmic amplifier
5. Explain Precision rectifier and its applications -Clipper and clamper circuits
6. Analyse of low pass Butterworth filters.
7. Elaborate on I to V and V to I converters and applications
8. Explain application of op-amp as integrator and differentiator
9. Discuss the need for an instrumentation amplifier? Explain three op-amp instrumentation
amplifier with diagram (16)


2 marks questions
1. What is a four quadrant multiplier?
In a multiplier circuit, if both the inputs are allowed to swing in both positive and negative directions
the multiplier is called as a four quadrant multiplier.

2. Mention some areas where PLL is widely used.

Radar synchronization
Satellite communication systems
Air borne navigational systems
FM communication systems




3. List the basic building blocks of PLL

Phase detector/comparator
Low pass filter
Error amplifier
Voltage controlled oscillator

4. What are the three stages through which PLL operates?

Free running
Locked/ tracking

5. Define lock-in range of a PLL.

The range of frequencies over which the PLL can maintain lock with the incoming signal is called
the lock-in range or tracking range. It is expressed as a percentage of the VCO free running

6. Define capture range of PLL.

The range of frequencies over which the PLL can acquire lock with an input signal is called the
capture range. It is expressed as a percentage of the VCO free running frequency.

7. Define Pull-in time.

The total time taken by the PLL to establish lock is called pull-in time. It depends on the initial phase
and frequency difference between the two signals as well as on the overall loop gain and loop filter

8. Mention some typical applications of PLL:

Frequency multiplication/division
Frequency translation
AM detection
FM demodulation
FSK demodulation.

9. What is a voltage controlled oscillator?

Voltage controlled oscillator is a free running multivibrator operating at a set frequency called the
free running frequency. This frequency can be shifted to either side by applying a dc control voltage
and the frequency deviation is proportional to the dc control voltage.

10. Define VCO.

A voltage controlled oscillator is an oscillator circuit in which the frequency of oscillations can be
controlled by an externally applied voltage.

11. On what parameters does the free running frequency of VCO depend on?
External timing resistor, RT
External timing capacitor, CT

The dc control voltage Vc.

12. Give the expression for the VCO free running frequency.
fo = 0.25 / RT CT

13. Define Voltage to Frequency conversion factor.

Voltage to Frequency conversion factor is defined as,
Ky = fo / Vc= 8fo /Vcc
where, Vc is the modulation voltage required to produce the frequency shift fo

14. Define FSK modulation.

In digital data communication, binary data is transmitted by means of a carrier frequency. FSK
employs two different carrier frequencies one for logic 1 and other for logic 0 states ofbinary data
signal. This process is called FSK modulation.

14. Define free running mode.

In a PLL if the error control voltage is zero then the PLL is said to be operated in free running mode
and its output frequency is called its center frequency f0.

16 marks
1. Elaborate on Gilbert multiplier cell/ Four quadrant multiplier.
2. Explain Analog multiplier using emitter coupled transistor.
3.Analyze the analog multiplier IC with a neat circuit diagram. Discuss its applications.
4.Discuss the Operation of PLL & applications of PLL.
5.With a neat functional diagram, explain the operation of VCO. Also derive an expression for fo.


1. Explain in brief the principle of operation of successive Approximation ADC.

The circuit of successive approximation ADC consists of a successive approximation register (SAR),
to find the required value of each bit by trial & error. With the arrival of START command, SAR sets
the MSB bit to 1. The O/P is converted into an analog signal & it is compared with I/P signal. This
O/P is low or High. This process continues until all bits are checked.

2. Where are the successive approximation type ADC’s used?

The Successive approximation ADCs are used in applications such as data loggers & instrumentation
where conversion speed is important.

3. What is the main drawback of a dual-slop ADC?

The dual slope ADC has long conversion time. This is the main drawback of dual slope ADC.

4. State the advantages of dual slope ADC:

It provides excellent noise rejection of ac signals whose periods are integral multiples of the

integration time T.

5. Define conversion time.

It is defined as the total time required to convert an analog signal into its digital output. It depends on
the conversion technique used & the propagation delay of circuit components. The conversion time
of a successive approximation type ADC is given by
T(n+1) where T---clock period
Tc---conversion time n----no. of bits

6.. Define resolution of a data converter.

The resolution of a converter is the smallest change in voltage which may be produced at the output
or input of the converter.
Resolution (in volts)= VFS/2n-1=1 LSB increment. The resolution of an ADC is defined as the
smallest change in analog input for a one bit change at the output.

7. Define accuracy of converter.

Absolute accuracy:
It is the maximum deviation between the actual converter output & the ideal converter output.
Relative accuracy:
It is the maximum deviation after gain & offset errors have been removed. The accuracy of a
converter is also specified in form of LSB increments or % of full scale voltage.

8. What is settling time?

It represents the time it takes for the output to settle within a specified band }.LSB of its final value
following a code change at the input (usually a full scale change). It depends upon the switching time
of the logic circuitry due to internal parasitic capacitance & inductances. Settling time ranges from
100ns. 10μ s depending on word length & type circuit used.

9. Explain in brief stability of a converter:

The performance of converter changes with temperature age & power supply variation . So all the
relevant parameters such as offset, gain, linearity error & monotonicity must be specified over the
full temperature & power supply ranges to have better stability performances.

10. What is meant by linearity?

The linearity of an ADC/DAC is an important measure of its accuracy & tells us how close the
converter output is to its ideal transfer characteristics. The linearity error is usually expressed as a
fraction of LSB increment or percentage of full-scale voltage. A good converter exhibits a linearity
error of less than }.LSB.

11. What is monotonic DAC?

A monotonic DAC is one whose analog output increases for an increase in digital input.

12. Find the resolution of an 8-bit DAC.

Resolution =1/( 28 -1) =1/ 255



13. Which is the fastest A/D converter and why?

`Flash type A/D converter is the fastest ADC, because the fast conversion speed is accomplished by
providing 2n-1 comparators and simultaneously comparing the input signal with unique reference
levels spaced 1 LSB apart.

14. What are limitations of Flash type ADC?

Flash type ADC employs 2n-1 comparators for conversion which makes it costlier which tradeoffs in
the speed of conversion.

15. Name the essentials parts of a DAC.

Analog input signal, D/A converter circuit, Switches for DAC.

16. What are advantages and disadvantages of R-2R ladder DAC?

istors are required
can be expanded by adding more sections of same R/2R values.

This avoids any slowdown effects by stray capacitances.


17. What is a sample and hold circuit? Where it is used?

A sample and hold circuit is one which samples an input signal and holds on to its last sampled value
until the input is sampled again. This circuit is mainly used in digital interfacing, analog to digital
systems, and pulse code modulation systems.

18.Define sample period and hold period.

The time during which the voltage across the capacitor in sample and hold circuit is equal to the
input voltage is called sample period. The time period during which the voltage across the capacitor
is held constant is called hold period.

19.What are the specifications of data convertors?

conversion time, settling time, accuracy, linearity, monotonic etc.

16 marks questions

1. Explain the operation of sample and hold circuit .

2. Explain the operation of FLASH type ADC.
3. Weighted resistor type D/A converter, R-2R ladder type D/A converter – Voltage mode and
current mode
4. Dual Slope type A/D converter , Single slope type A/D converter
5. Sample and Hold circuits for A/D converter
6. Explain A/D convertors using any two methods - successive Approximation ADC.




2 mark questions

1. Define 555 IC?

The 555 timer is an integrated circuit specifically designed to perform signal generation and timing

2. Draw the Pin diagram of IC 555.

3. List the basic blocks of IC 555 timer?

4. Give the classification of voltage regulators:

5.Mention some applications of 555 timer:

pulse generator
ramp and square wave generator



mono-shot multivibrator
burglar alarm
Traffic light control.

6.List the applications of 555 timer in monostable mode of operation:

Missing pulse detector
Linear ramp generator
Frequency divider
Pulse width modulation.

7.List the applications of 555 timer in Astable mode of operation:

FSK generator
Pulse-position modulator

8. What is a multivibrator?
Multivibrators are a group of regenerative circuits that are used extensively in timing applications. It
is a wave shaping circuit which gives symmetric or asymmetric square output. It has two states either
stable or quasi- stable depending on the type of multivibrator.

9 .What do you mean by monostable multivibrator?

Monostable multivibrator is one which generates a single pulse of specified duration in response to
each external trigger signal. It has only one stable state. Application of a trigger causes a change to
the quasi-stable state. An external trigger signal generated due to charging and discharging of the
capacitor produces the transition to the original stable state.

10.What is an astable multivibrator?

Astable multivibrator is a free running oscillator having two quasi-stable states. Thus, there is
oscillations between these two states and no external signal are required to produce the change in

11. Give the classification of voltage regulators: What is a voltage regulator?

A voltage regulator is an electronic circuit that provides a stable dc voltage independent of the load
current, temperature, and ac line voltage variations.

12. What is a linear voltage regulator?

Series or linear regulator uses a power transistor connected in series between the unregulated dc
input and the load and it conducts in the linear region .The output voltage is controlled by the
continuous voltage drop taking place across the series pass transistor.

13. What is a switching regulator?

Switching regulators are those which operate the power transistor as a high frequency on/off switch,
so that the power transistor does not conduct current continuously. This gives improved efficiency
over series regulators.

14. Give some examples of monolithic IC voltage regulators:

78XX series fixed output, positive voltage regulators

79XX series fixed output, negative voltage regulators

723 general purpose regulator.

15. What is the purpose of having input and output capacitors in three terminal IC
A capacitor connected between the input terminal and ground cancels the inductive effects due to
long distribution leads. The output capacitor improves the transient response.

16. Define line regulation.

Line regulation is defined as the percentage change in the output voltage for a change in the input
voltage. It is expressed in milli volts or as a percentage of the output voltage.

17. Define load regulation.

Load regulation is defined as the change in output voltage for a change in load current. It is
expressed in millivolts or as a percentage of the output voltage.

18. What is meant by current limiting?

Current limiting refers to the ability of a regulator to prevent the load current from increasing above a
preset value.

19. Give the drawbacks of linear regulators:

The input step down transformer is bulky and expensive because of low line frequency.
Because of low line frequency, large values of filter capacitors are required to decrease the ripple.
Efficiency is reduced due to the continuous power dissipation by the transistor as it operates in the
linear region.

20. What is the advantage of switching regulators?

Greater efficiency is achieved as the power transistor is made to operate as low impedance switch.
Power transmitted across the transistor is in discrete pulses rather than as a steady current flow.
By using suitable switching loss reduction technique, the switching frequency can be increased so
as to reduce the size and weight of the inductors and capacitors.

21. Define drop-out voltage of a fixed voltage regulator.

It is the minimum voltage that must exist between input and output terminals. It is defined as the
ratio of the r.m.s input ripple voltage to the r.m.s output ripple voltage. It is expressed in decibels

22. What are the advantages of switched capacitor filters?

high value of resistors can be easily simulated using small value capacitors, of the order of

a monolithic IC chip.



23. Define video amplifier.

A video amplifier has to amplify signals over a wideband of frequencies, say upto 20MHz. It is a RC
coupled amplifier with bandwidth from d.c. to high frequency upto few megahertz.

24. What is opto coupler?

An opto-isolator, also called an optocoupler, photocoupler, or optical isolator, is "an electronic
device designed to transfer electrical signals by utilizing light waves to provide coupling with
electrical isolation between its input and output". The main purpose of an opto-isolator is "to prevent
high voltages or rapidly changing voltages on one side of the circuit from damaging components or
distorting transmissions on the other side

25. What is LM380?

It is a power amplifier produced by national semiconductor. It is capable of delivering 2.5 W min, to
8 ohm load.

26. Mention the advantages of opto-couplers:

Better isolation between the two stages.
Impedance problem between the stages is eliminated.
Wide frequency response.
Easily interfaced with digital circuit.
Compact and light weight.
Problems such as noise, transients, contact bounce, are eliminated.

27. What is an isolation amplifier?

An isolation amplifier is an amplifier that offers electrical isolation between its input and output

28. What are the types of optocouplers?

LED and photo transistor,

29. Give two examples of IC optocouplers?

-coupler IC

30. List the applications of Isolation amplifier.

 -noise environments.
 -end processing.

16 marks
1. Wien Bridge and RC phase oscillator using IC741
2. Triangular and saw tooth wave generator

3. Working of ICL 8038 function generator

4. Discuss in detail the operation of Astable multivibrator, Monostable multivibrator.
5. Explain functional block diagram of IC 555 timer.(8)
6. In detail discuss the 723 IC general purpose voltage regulators.
7. Explain the operation of switching regulators. Give its advantages.
8. Explain the functional diagram of LM 380 power amplifier.
9. Explain the operation of ICL 8038 function generator. Give its advantages.
10. Explain the operation of(1) opto electronic ICs, (2) audio amplifier (3) video amplifier (4)
Opto-couplers and fiber optic ICs


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