Research On The Characteristics of Overseas Schools Run by Chinese Universities in The Background of "The Belt and Road"
Research On The Characteristics of Overseas Schools Run by Chinese Universities in The Background of "The Belt and Road"
Research On The Characteristics of Overseas Schools Run by Chinese Universities in The Background of "The Belt and Road"
Second International Symposium on Business Corporation and Development in South-East and South Asia under B&R Initiative (ISBCD 2017)
Li Zhifei
Li Hongmin* International Cooperation & Exchange Office
Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, YUFE
International Cooperation & Exchange Office
Kunming, China
Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, YUFE
Kunming, China
to improve the competitiveness of the institution. Now it estate, equipment and other large fixed assets during the
becomes a typical case in the cooperation in school-running construction process, Rangsit University, the Thailand partner,
between domestic and foreign universities and plays a certain was relied on in terms of utilizing its existing school-running
positive role in promoting international exchanges of Chinese conditions and advantages in source of students, sharing
higher education and opening wider to the outside world under relevant school-running facilities, and rapid entry into the
the Belt & Road Initiave. Based on the BBS’s experience, this implementation stage of school-running program through
paper analyzes the problems facing by such overseas integration of resources and aversion of risks. In this way, the
institutions when creating their own competive school-running "YUFE model" of overseas school-running activity was
characteristics. And several suggestions for the improvement successfully explored.
of overseas school-running activities and reinforcement of
school-running characteristics are proposed. B. Disciplines and specialties
Discipline and specialty construction with characteristics is
II. MAIN PRACTICES OF BBS TO FOSTER ITS SCHOOL not only the key to the development of a university, but also
CHARACTERISTICS an index to measure the quality and level of one. We can say,
School characteristics refers to " the distinct characteristics the preponderant discipline of a university is where its
formed in the institutions of higher education in the long comparative characteristic lies.
process of running which adapt to the social and economic At present, such problems as small school-running scale,
development, conforms to the education law of development, relatively single disciplines and specialties exist in the
and benefit its own survival and development[2]. Cultivating overseas school-running programs of Chinese colleges and
school characteristics is an important part of educational universities and most disciplines and specialties do not meet
development and the main embodiment of education's high the highest international levels except that traditional Chinese
quality development[6]. It is believed in the Scheme for the medicine & acupuncture, Chinese language & culture, martial
Assessment on Undergraduate Teaching of Higher- arts & sports and other traditional disciplines and specialties
Educational Universities/Colleges (Trial) issued by the China possessing obvious advantages that can not be replaced by
Ministry of Education that the characteristics of a other countries. The setup of discipline serves as an important
university/college are embodied in the following four levels: link that realizes the docking of overseas school-running
(1) the general principle of management, the idea and theme of institutions with the socio-economic development of targeted
running; (2) features on education, the education model, the countries of prospective students and ensures the personnel
talent feature; (3) the characteristics of teaching -- the course training to meet the social needs of such countries. At the time
system, the teaching method and the solution of important of establishing overseas institutions, whether it is possible to
questions in teaching reform; (4) the characteristics of insist on the demand-led principle, focus a keen sight on
teaching management -- scientific and advanced teaching overseas market, actively adapt to the demands of overseas
management system and operation mechanism, etc. market, create famous disciplines with innovative thinking,
As prescribed by the definition of MOE China, BBS had create disciplines having zero distance with the market and
made attempts and practices as follow: highlight the advantages and characteristics of their own is
directional matters of determining whether such institutions
can meet the social needs.
A. School-running pattern
Different to the establishment of branch schools in other During the initial planning of BBS, full considerations are
regions within Mainland China, colleges and universities have given to the actual conditions of economic and social
to undertake high financial risks in the process of setting up development in Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.
overseas institutions. It is expressly stipulated in China's Positioning at the cultivation of international professionals (for
current fiscal policy that public colleges and universities are students from Southeast Asia and South Asia countries and
not allowed to invest in running schools in foreign regions & regions) in finance, law and other fields with the possibility of
countries. Most of the funding required for running schools in obtaining undergraduate and master's degrees of China, and
foreign regions & countries depends on the collection of social satisfaction of the needs of Thailand and other South Asia and
funds. In this case, if the school funding can not be guaranteed, Southeast Asian countries for highly qualified business
colleges and universities are likely to be faced with huge professionals, YUFE's outstanding disciplines of finance &
losses, and even forced to terminate overseas school-running investment and ASEAN international trade law are optimized
programs. Foreign counterparts have experienced a lot of such as the first batches of pilot disciplines, by which source of
lessons. For example, the branch school of UNSW (University students in southeast and South Asian countries are absorbed,
of New South Wales) in Singapore only lasted for two months, and the dilemma of cross-border enrollment are quickly
and a total loss of US$38 million was caused. The branch surmounted.
school of MSU (Michigan State University) in Dubai has lost
several millions of U.S. dollars and stopped enrolling C. Teaching staffs
undergraduates since 2010. It remains uncertain whether this It is crutial for running a university to have a batch of
school will continue to operate[7]. Based on the above teachers of high quality. The characteristics of disciplines and
conditions and experiences, ideas and methods complying specialties are mostly formed by the features of their teachers.
with the actual situation of YUFE were adopted in the Awaring this, BBS gets the utmost out of the teachers from
construction of BBS. That is, instead of investing in land, real two parties. Relying on its 17-year international school-
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 42
running experiences and 6 Sino-foreign cooperatively-run guaranteed the operation and management of the institution,
education programs, YUFE has created a team proficient in and provided important conditions for the exploration of
English teaching, international negotiation, program planning, management mechanism featured with Sino-foreign
operation & management and other aspects, and staffs in this integration. In the school management committee, there are
team possess a solid professional foundation and rich practical three members from YUFE, and the remaining three come
experiences, which enables the teaching staffs of BBS to from Rangsit University. All these staffs are senior
possess obvious internationalization characteristics, and management personnel from their respective universities and
guarantee the accomplishment of overseas school running with preside over teaching and foreign affairs. The director of the
quality assured in terms of teaching and management activities. management committee is assumed by a member appointed by
the Chinese side, and the deputy director is assumed by a
D. Teaching and assessment member appointed by the Thailand side. The management
First of all, students enrolled by BBS are strictly managed committee holds a conference at least once a year. In addition
according to the requirements of YUFE and Rangsit to summarizing the previous work and progress of the school,
University. After enrollment, students have to register at both it also organizes discussions about major adjustments and
universities at the same time and their information will be plans of the school and also makes arrangements for the next
entered into China Higher-education Student Information phase of work.
( for students' registration management. Through In addition, the two universities have revised the talent
the double registration, students may choose to study in training program and implementation plan for various
Bangkok during the entire studies, or go to the headquarters of specialties, determined the curriculum setting, implementation
YUFE for 1-3 academic years as exchange students and the plan, teaching plan and teaching program, drafted the teaching
credit transfer can be easily realized. quality monitoring system for teacher selection & recruitment,
Secondly, the training program, teaching outline, teaching classroom teaching assessment, teaching process supervision,
plan and curriculum system for various majors at BBS are teaching effect assessment and other requirements for overseas
jointly formulated by teachers from both sides, and graduation school-running activities, prepared the teaching manuals for
theses are also jointly instructed and reviewed by teachers overseas students, and laid down the credit swaps, reciprocal
from both sides. Core curriculums are taught and assessed by exchange programs for teachers and other operation &
YUFE's teachers accredited to Bangkok, while the qualified management mechanisms, so as to ensure the smooth
teachers for remaining curriculums are determined by both implementation of the school-running program.
sides. The establishment of the management committee and
Third, BBS actively explores the orderly quality assurance corresponding operating mechanisms has provided important
mechanism under the premise that there is no complete system institutional mechanisms for the exertion of respective
for assessing the overseas school-running quality. Until now, advantages and integrated innovation on both sides. Based on
it has established the teaching quality monitoring system for the exertion of hardware resources and daily management
teacher selection & recruitment, classroom teaching advantages in Thailand, the Chinese side is bold enough to
assessment, teaching process supervision and teaching effect realize the outputs of YUFE's advanced specialties, teaching
assessment, conducted quality self-assessments of the BBS resources and teaching staffs, and further promote the
program according to the respective internal assessment realization of such strategic objective as enabling BBS to
systems, and strengthened the internal supervision. At the become a high-level university of finance & economy with
same time, BBS is also annually reviewed by the Ministry of certain educational influence and competitiveness in South
Education of Thailand. Following the establishment of and Southeast Asia.
overseas school-running quality assessment system formulated
by the Ministry of Education of the People ’ s Republic of III. MAIN PROBLEMS FOR OVERSEAS INSTITUTIONS CREATING
China, the Chinese-side will also receive corresponding CHARACTERISTICS
assessment, so as to ensure the teaching quality. In terms of the present state of development of BBS,
creating characteristics is facing many difficulties and
E. Management and operation mechanism problems, which is mainly reflected in professional disciplines,
Based on the full integration of management experiences faculty, the school system and mechanism, etc.
and wisdom of YUFE and Thailand Rangsit University, and
under the supervision of the management committee jointly A. Disciplines
established by both sides, BBS has established the training At present, the discipline construction and professional
mode, management method, communication & consultation setting of BBS are mainly based on the schools of the parent
and assessment mechanism for the cooperative program, and university. Some of YUFE ’ s existing advantagous subjects
one department head has been respectively designated from and majors are selected. This is the pillar of the school and its
both China and Thailand for the organization and inevitable choice in the initial stage. But in the long run, the
implementation. The establishment of the management "copy" model is not conducive to formation of the school’s
committee has effectively avoided such unfavorable situations own characteristic subjects and majors, which is even likely to
as lack of coordination and relatively scattered in the previous
cause the imbalance in the supply and demand of teachers and
programs of cooperative running of schools, effectively talents.
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 42
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 42
C. To optimize the training mode of international specialty universities and foreign universities, scientific research
talents and cultivate the international talents with high- institutions, enterprises and government agencies, etc. and
level build a stable international cultural exchange hub by taking the
The cultivation of talents with international characteristics overseas school as an exchange platform; to cultivate the
is inseparable from the international training mode. When the students study in the overseas school to be international
overseas school selects the training mode for talents, it is cultural exchange ambassadors by applying an international
important to understand the characteristics of international education mode, so as to fully improve the school’s image in
students. On the other hand, the demand for talents in the the education receiving countries and regions, and even in the
international market should be studied and to build and word and help the export of the educational characteristics,
optimize the curriculum based on international market demand. culture and national soft power.
On the adjustment of the curriculum structure, it is also
necessary to cut and restructure the content of teaching in
accordance with the requirements of the profession, and pay ACKNOWLEDGMENT
attention to the combination of knowledge and skill. Upon the completion of this paper, I would like to show
my deepest gratitude to my colleagues and all those who,
D. To set up a high level interdisciplinary international directly or indirectly, have given me their valuable advice and
research and exchange platform generous support to help me work out problems during the
To rely on overseas educational institutions fully arouse course of the present paper.
the Chinese and foreign teachers' scientific research
enthusiasm; to establish effective incentive mechanism, REFERENCES
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