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Human Resource Management NU

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Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in National University

Article · September 2020

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3 authors, including:

Md. Nahid Mia

National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh


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Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 11(2):30-39
© Scholarlink Research Institute Journals, 2020 (ISSN: 2141-7024)
Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 11(2):30-39 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in National

University, Bangladesh
Md. Nahid Mia and 2Fatema Akter
Assistant Professor (Management Studies)
Marketing Department,
National University, Bangladesh.
Corresponding Author: Md. Nahid Mia
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
Human Resource (HR) is the strategic resource for any organization. So this resource should be managed
strategically. This resource is essential for both manufacturing and service industry. Like any other service
organization, HR plays a vital role for the success of any University. The main objective of the study is to evaluate
the present HRM practices of National University, Bangladesh. This study is mainly a quantitative study. The
faculties and the academic staffs from central campus of the University are considered as the population. The sample
size is 86 which is found by applying The Yamane Equation where 11 from faculties and 76 from staffs. Due to
homogenous population, stratified sampling technique has used for collecting the primary data. SPSS version 23 has
used to analyze the primary data. T- Test has used for testing the hypotheses. The study founds the poor
performance areas of NU regarding HRM functions. Moreover, the study compares the satisfaction of faculties and
academic staffs basing on some common issues. This study found that the academic staffs are more satisfied than the
faculties about NU performance regarding HRM functions.
Keywords: University, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Plan, Job Satisfaction
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow junior level is 11-13, secondary level is 14-15 and
belongs to those who prepare for it today. There is a higher level is 16-17 years. Higher secondary is
proverb that Education is the backbone of any nation. followed by graduate level education in general,
A nation can‟t sustain into global competition without technical, engineering, agriculture, business studies and
its skilled manpower. Education can convert the medical streams requiring 5-6 years to obtain a
manpower into as skilled who are capable to meet the Bachelor and Masters degree [1].
countries need. Different types of institutions like
schools, colleges, madrasa, institutes and universities The University Grants Commission (UGC) of
plays the role to make the human as a resource for the Bangladesh is the statutory apex body in the field of
nation. A lot of people work in these organizations as higher education in Bangladesh. This body is
input of conversion process to convert a human as responsible for maintaining standard and quality in all
human resource through different process. So these the public and private universities in Bangladesh. At
organization need to practice the theory and concepts present, 41 public universities, 101 private universities
of modern Human Resource Management (HRM) to and 3 international universities are operating in
fulfill the people needs involved in education Bangladesh for higher studies. Among the public
institutions. Otherwise, they will not employ their full universities, 2 universities are working as affiliating in
energies to build future skilled human resource. nature. These are National University of Bangladesh
and Bangladesh Open University [2]. Considering the
The education sector of Bangladesh is operating under number of students at the higher education level,
the Ministry of Education. Education in Bangladesh Bangladesh has now achieved fourth position in the
has three major stages. These stages are primary, world after China, India and Indonesia. More than 39
secondary and higher educations. Primary education is lakh students are enrolled in the university level [3].
a 5-year cycle, secondary education is a 7- year cycle
with three sub-stages like 3 years of junior secondary, 2 Moreover, almost all largest public universities have
years of secondary and 2 years of higher secondary. some affiliations with different colleges and institutions
The entry age for primary level is 6 years. The age for with their regular academic activities like Dhaka
Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 11(2):30-39 (ISSN: 2141-7016)
University, Rajshahi University, Chittagong University, administrative tasks. A total of 1213 academic staffs
Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) etc. are working in NU where 142 are Deputy Register, 204
Before the year 1992, all the colleges in higher are Assistant Register, 193 are Section Officer or
education level were under Dhaka University, equivalent level and the rest of them are LD and UD or
Chittagong University and Rajshahi University. There equivalent level. These total faculties and staffs are
was a complexity arises due to these affiliations. The working for the development and expansion of the
academic activities of both universities and affiliated university.
colleges were hampered due to the extra burden of
affiliations. As a result, an enormous session jam has The president of the country plays the Chancellor
created. To overcome from the session jam, two public position of the university. Chancellor appoints Vice-
universities have established in the year 1992 called Chancellor, Academic Administrative, Pro-Vice
National University of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Chancellors and Treasurer. They are appointed to lead
Open University. All colleges and institutions in higher and operate the total academic, financial and
education level were affiliated with these two administrative activities. The university has 3 Deans to
universities. From the year 1992, all of the academic operate the academic activities like The Dean of The
activities of the colleges and institutions at higher School of Undergraduate, The Dean of The Post
studies are operating under the National University, Graduate Training and Research and The Dean of The
Bangladesh and the distance educations are operating School of Curricular Development and Evaluation
under Bangladesh Open University. A total of 5, Center. NU has a department called Inspection of the
40,733 students are studying at Bangladesh Open Colleges who monitors and operates the affiliating
University in every year with 1502 affiliated centers colleges‟ academic and administrative activities. The
[4]. Recently a total of 7 affiliated government colleges university also has Controller of the Examinations,
from Dhaka city have been transferred from National Register and Proctor who are appointed by the
University (NU) to Dhaka University. The purpose of syndicate.
this transformation is to reducing excessive pressure
from NU and also to increase quality education at The university has a group of bodies to operate the
college level. university like Senate, Syndicate, Academic Council
(AC), Finance Committee (FC), Board of Advanced
The largest affiliating public university of Bangladesh Studies (BOAS) etc. The members of these bodies
is National University which has about 2,300 affiliating come from the different arena of the university and also
colleges where about 20 lakh students are studying in from the country as per NU Act- 1992. The highest
every year. Among the 2,300 colleges there are 275 body of the University for Policy Determination is
government colleges, 2000+ private colleges and 123 Senate. Senate accepts or rejects the decision of
are women colleges. In government colleges, faculties Syndicate, AC, BOAS, and FC [5].
are appointed by Public Service Commission (PSC).
The faculties of private colleges are appointed by Human Resource (HR) is the most important resource
managing committee with the approval of the college of any organizations that make the things as reality
inspection department of the university. NU has also from a dream or vision. Every organization whether it
started On-Campus academic activates from the year is large or small, production oriented or service
2006. oriented, financially strong or weak requires efficient
HR to operate its functions properly. Organization
Now NU offers graduations and master's degree from requires HR in different level like top, mid or
affiliating colleges and research based degree like functional level in order to convert the vision into
Master of Advanced Studies (MAS), Advanced MBA, reality. It is says that, A supper computer becomes
M.Phil and Ph.D degree from central Campus. PGD in workless without a superman. Here, the super man is
Library and Information Science (LIS) and Teachers‟ the employee who operates the computer. The super
training program for college teachers are also providing computer works as per the direction of employees. So it
from the central Campus. At present, NU has 78 can be easily understood that the significance of the
faculties at different departments to operate the employees to achieve the dream of organization. On the
academic and administrative activities into central other hand, we know there are four factors of
campus. Among them, 7 are professors, 11 are production like Land, Labor, Capital and
associate professors, 35 are assistant professors and 25 Entrepreneurship. This factors works as the input of
are lecturers. Among the 78 faculties 32 faculties are any operations. Though in Management, input are
Ph.D holders and 4 are M.Phil degree holders from considered broadly as man, machine, material, money,
home and abroad. Though NU deals with large number market and method which are also called 6M of
of government and private affiliated colleges where management. Along this 6M, information is also
more than 20 lakh students are studying, it requires considered as the vital input in any production or
number of academic staffs to operate the huge services oriented process [6]. If the most important

Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 11(2):30-39 (ISSN: 2141-7016)
resource „Human’ is absent or inefficient, the other decades, the intention of organization has increased to
resources will also be as ineffective or inactive. As a ensure efficient HRM practices to confirm efficient
result, it can be said that, the success of any HR. As a result, organizations invest resources on
organization is mainly depend on its employees. research to find out the best way of ensuring efficient
HRM practices. Over the years, lot of research has
Every organization whether it is production or service done on HRM practices in different field like Bank,
oriented performs its tasks to satisfy the needs of Insurance, Garments, Telecommunication etc. in order
customers. These customers may be both internal and to finding best way of managing HR. But it is a matter
external. Internal customer means the employees of the of sorrow that, the HR who works in education sector is
organization who makes ready the product or services facing different challenges related to job. The authority
in order to satisfy the external customer needs. On the of the sector is also investing less effort to know a best
other hand, the external customer means the customers way of managing the most critical resource of the
or consumers who purchase the product or service from organization i.e. „Human Resource‟. The HR of the
the organization in against of financial value. The most sector is responsible for building talent HR for future of
important asset of any organization is its customers. the nation and world also. If they are not satisfied about
Internal customer stays into inside of the organization their job, they will not invest their best effort for
and external customer stays in the outside of the building talent HR. Moreover, they need to be more
organization [7]. So to satisfy the external customer, efficient and updated so that they can lead the new
firstly it requires satisfying the internal customers‟ generation with different technology. So like other
needs. sector, the authority of the sector must work about
ensuring best HRM practices.
Organization may have efficient HR. The organization
may have also proper strategy to lead the manpower. Hypotheses Development
But if the organization fails to implement the The study has conducted basing on the following
appropriate strategy to maintain the HR, the hypotheses;
organization will fail to acquire and retain them. In : NU has HR Plan.
most of the cases, unless the HR strategy is
appropriately formulated and skillfully implemented, : NU ensures career development opportunity
the success of the organizational strategy is at risk [8]. for the faculties and the staffs.
As a result, in order to accruing and retaining the most : NU applies appropriate motivations to the
efficient HR into workplace, organization needs to faculties and the staffs towards achieving goals.
develop strategic HR plan which will give the
: NU maintains a sound relation with the
organization a distinguished position into competitive
market. faculties and the staffs.
: Faculties and staffs are satisfied about
Organization gets manpower through recruitment and university‟s overall performance regarding their job.
selection process. A newly appointed employee suffers
different types of anxiety, stress about new Objective of the Study
organization, culture and working environment. Even The main objective of the study is to evaluate the
he may not have adequate knowledge about the present HRM practices of National University,
organization working process. It is management Bangladesh. The study has also some other objectives;
responsibility to make him prepare about the  To measure the NU performance regarding
organization through applying HRM functions like HRM functions basing on faculties and
Staffing, Training and Development, Motivation and staffs perception;
Maintenance of Human Resource [9].  To compare the responses of faculties and staffs
regarding HRM functions performed by
So from the above discussion, it is clear that university University;
as an organization need to be concerned more about its  To find out the existing limitation(s) regarding
employees. To operate the universities activity efficient HRM practices.
successfully, it requires preparing themselves as an  To suggest guideline(s) in order to overcome
efficient HR. University should apply modern from the limitation(s).
Management and HRM theories to achieve its strategic
position from the competitive market. Significance of the Study
The findings of this study will be helpful to the
Problem Statement authority of National University, Bangladesh in order
HR is the most important resource for any organization to manage their HR appropriately. The
that makes thing happens. The success of any recommendations of this study can be a strategic way
organization largely depends on HR. Over the last to enhance the productivity of both faculties and

Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 11(2):30-39 (ISSN: 2141-7016)
academic staffs for the university. Moreover, the study organization depends on the workforce. Training refers
will also help to the other public and private to a planned effort by a company to facilitate
universities authority in order to design their HR plan employees‟ learning of job related competencies [13].
appropriately. Young researchers can also get a view Training develops the positive and constructive
about the present HRM practices in University level attitudes among the employees in a direction to ensure
especially in Public University. the achievement of organizational goals and objectives.
Training is also important for the teachers‟ to develop
LITERATURE REVIEW their Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA). To ensure
University a highly motivated, creative, up to date and productive
A university comes from Latin word universitas. workforce, it requires arranging training regularly
University is an institution of higher or sometimes which will help to achieve organization's goal [14]
tertiary education and research. It also awards
academic degrees in various academic disciplines. Motivation and Maintenance
Universities typically provide both undergraduate A person is not bound to invest his entire level of
education and postgraduate education [10]. Oxford energy towards job until he gets appropriate
University Press explain university is an institution of motivation. Motivation is the process that account for
higher education offering tuition in mainly non- an individual‟s intensity, direction and persistence of
vocational subjects and typically having the power to effort toward attaining the goal [15]. Motivation is the
confer degrees [11]. set of internal and external forces that cause an
employee to choose a course of action and engage in
Human Resource Management (HRM) certain behaviors. Organization can use both financial
Human Resource is the resource who converts the and non financial means to motivate the people towards
dream of organization into reality. HR plays the vital the goal.
role to achieve the vision of organization. As a result,
organizations need to be conscious toward their Rewards and Compensation
people‟s dimensions. Organization also needs to ensure Organization must attract and hire people who have
efficient HRM practices to ensure and retain the certain knowledge, skills, aptitudes and attitudes. To
efficient workforce. It is the process of acquiring, attract and retain such people, the organizations
training, appraising, compensating employees, provide rewards. Rewards, compensation and benefits
maintaining labor relations, health and safety and are closely related but different in meaning and
fairness concerns [12]. Moreover, it refers to those applications. Compensation is the financial
activities which are undertaken by an organization to remuneration given by the organization to its employee
utilize its HR effectively and efficiently. It is comprised in exchange for their work where reward is given to the
of the staffing, training and development, motivation extraordinary performance of the efficient employee.
and maintenance functions. Management of human On the other hand, organization provides benefits
resource is the critical task of any organization on which are things of value other than compensation that
which the success of any organization depends. People, an organization provides to its workers [16].
not buildings, make an organization successful. HRM
is critical to the success of organizations because Workplace Relationship
human capital has certain qualities that make it Workplace relation helps to build sound industrial
valuable. In case of business strategy, an organization relations. Industrial relations encompass a set of
can succeed if it has a sustainable competitive phenomena both inside and outside of the workplace
advantage. concerned with determining and regulating the
employment relationship [17].
Recruitment and Selection
Staffing is filling and keeping filled, positions in the Strategic HRM
organization structures. Recruitment and Selection is Strategic HRM is the interrelated practices, policies
the special form of staffing. Both the recruitment and and philosophies that facilitate the attainment of
selection is very important for the organization success. organizational strategy [18]. In competitive era, it is the
Recruitment is the process of obtaining interested task of organization to develop an efficient workforce
people/ applicants for fulfilling the organizations who will be able to carry the organizational objectives.
vacancies where selection refers fitting a round peg in a On the other hand, organization must take effective
round hole. strategy to retain the efficient HR. Otherwise, the key
competitor may hunt the talent which is also known as
Training and Development talent hunt. Moreover, organization must attract the
Training is an important function of HRM. Training efficient and talent HR from competitors. Here, the
helps to ensure an up-to-date workforce which provides practices of Strategic HRM can give an organization a
a competitive advantage over the rivals. The success of competitive advancement over the rivals.

Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 11(2):30-39 (ISSN: 2141-7016)
Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) found that reward management is more important than
HRIS is software which is used to maintain and utilize resourcing practices and training [24]
the human resources of an organization in most
efficient manner. It is a system which is used to Job Satisfaction
acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieves and Job satisfaction is basically a positive feeling of an
distribute information regarding an organization‟s individual about his job. Different factors are involved
human resources. It is both the hardware and software with employee‟s job satisfaction. One job which is
based along with people, forms, policies, procedures highly satisfactory to one may not be satisfactory to
and data. The purpose of HRIS is to provide service in other individuals.
the form of accurate and timely to the clients of the
systems. The use of HRIS should lead to valuable Teachers’ Job Satisfaction
outcomes for the organization as it decreases costs, Teachers are the pillars of the society, who help
improve communication and decrease time to students to grow up with the responsibility of taking
accomplish HR related activities [19]. their nation ahead of others. They desire security,
recognition, new experience and independence [25].
Career Growth Job satisfaction is important for every job. When
Career is a structural property of an occupation or an teachers are satisfied with their job, they can perform
organization. A final aspects of retaining human their responsibilities with more concentration and
resource is career planning. Career management is a devotion [26]. The job satisfaction of academics is
process by which individuals develop, implement and related to a number of variables of complex function
monitor career goals and strategies [20]. Few people such as demographic characters, the work itself, pay,
perform job in same organization. Efficient people work responsibilities, variety of tasks, promotional
always search best job. In this regard organization opportunities, relationship with colleagues and others.
should take adequate actions to retain and attract the Academics may be simultaneously satisfied with some
efficient HR. Career appraisal is the process by which facets of the job and dissatisfied with others.
people acquire and use career related feedback. A Compensation package, supervisory support, job
successful career depends on an effective career security, training and development opportunities, team
exploration which may be both self exploration and cohesion, career growth, working conditions,
environmental exploration. Career exploration refers to organizational culture and policies are positively
the collection and analysis of information on career associated with the academics‟ job satisfaction [27].
related issues.
Faculty member‟s satisfaction depends on several
HRM Practices issues like; training facilities along with some physical
Shree et al., emphasized in their study to have separate facilities and distribution of courses. Further it has been
HR department to conduct HR related function in found that there is no significant difference between
universities. They also highlights the need for a male and female faculty members response regarding
complete revamp of HR functions of recruitment, job satisfaction. As the job itself is not gender bias by
placement, training, appraisal, compensation and nature so it does not play a crucial role for female
employee relations, career development and faculty members while working under masculine
motivation. HRM department will manage the culture [28]. Teaching at the university level is a
functions relating to HR which will give a competitive highly honorable career and academicians are always
advantage to the academic institution over the industry boons to their societies where they are working.
[21]. Iqbal et al., shows in their study that HRM
practices of public universities are relatively better than Kishor, et al., shows in their quantitative study that,
private universities. Public university is performing majority of the Maharashtra State University teachers
better in terms of training, team work, employee have moderate level of job satisfaction [29]. Thi Lien
participation and compensation. On the other hand, shows in his study that salary and fringe benefits,
private university is performing better than public recognition and communication have influential
university in performance appraisal system. A fair relationship with lecturer job satisfaction in the linear
recruitment is essential to ensure the most talent HR for regression analysis [30]. Moloantoa et al., also
the organization [22]. Rehman et al. shows in their highlights in their study that salaries is a factor that
qualitative study that the existence of fair HR practices influences job satisfaction. Furthermore, insufficient
is not only makes teachers work better (Teacher‟s financial resources to support teaching, learning and
performance) but also generates a feeling of obligation research negatively impacts on job satisfaction [31].
to contribute towards organizational objectives
(Exchange relationship) [23]. Mutahi et al., shows in Non- Academic Staff Job Satisfaction
their study that HRM practices significantly affects Dorasamy et al., explains in their quantitative approach
performance of public universities in Kenya. They that it is a challenge to achieve the strategic objectives

Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 11(2):30-39 (ISSN: 2141-7016)
of education institutions by maintaining employee‟s secondary data has collected from different journals,
satisfaction at a lower level. Furthermore, this study articles, books, newspapers, websites etc.
also shows employees are not satisfied with the training
they receive from the education institutions [32]. Instruments of the Data Collection
Pimpong, et al., explains in their descriptive study that The primary data has collected through a structured
female staffs are more satisfied than their male questionnaire. The questionnaire was close ended in
counterparts. It also shows staffs are satisfied more nature. Questionnaire was developed according to
intrinsically than extrinsically. They suggest education Likert Scale 5 Point methods. These 5 points are
institute should offer annual bonuses to ensure extrinsic Strongly Agreed, Agreed, Neutral, Disagreed and
satisfaction [33]. Tai et al., shows in their comparative Strongly Disagreed. Every option has been considered
study, public university staffs are more satisfied than with numerical value for the analysis of data. The
private university staffs. But public university staffs are values are respectively 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1.
less satisfied in the context of organizational decision-
making and salary welfare than that off private Population
university staffs [34]. In this study, the faculties and the officers who works
in the central campus of the National University,
From the above review, it is found that a few Bangladesh has considered as the population. So the
researches are available on HRM practices in higher total population (Faculties =77 and Officers
education field especially in university. In Bangladesh,
few researches are available on HRM practices in =539 officers) is 616.
university but these are limit only on private
universities. Most of the research has conducted basing Sampling and Sample Design
only on faculties opinion. Moreover, there is absence of In this study, data has collected randomly from the
research on HRM practices in public university of population. The Yamane Equation has used to
Bangladesh. The public universities are largely depends determine the appropriate sample size.
on faculties. But in National University, both academic
and administrative activities performed simultaneously The equation is nY= . Though the population is
in large scale because of the large number of affiliating
campuses. As a result, about 1,200 non academic staffs not homogenous, stratified sampling technique has
are working in NU with faculties. That‟s why, it is very used to collect the primary data. Here the margin of
essential to investigate the HRM practices basing on error has considered as 10%. The Sample Size is as like
both the faculties and the staffs which will help to as;
ensure efficient HR in the University. This study has nY= Where,
conducted focusing the needs of both faculties and N= Total number of population;
academic staffs. = e= Margin of error (Assumed that
the margin of error is 10%)
METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY =86.03 or 87 nY = sample?
Research Design
This study is a quantitative analysis to investigate the Proportionate of the sample from two group are;
present HRM practices in National University of For strata with = 77, For strata with = 539,
Bangladesh. A total of 1 year has been consumed for
conducting the study. Among the first four months, We have = = we have = =
some literature relating HRM has been reviewed from = 0.125. =0 .875
the secondary sources. Through reviewing the literature So the = n* = So the = n* =
the research gap has been found. On the basis of
research gap, the objectives of the study have been 87*.125 = 10.87 or 11 87*0.875 = 76.125 or 76
determined. For the purpose of meeting study Among the 77 faculties ( ), there are four groups like
objectives, some hypotheses have been formulated. On Professor ( =7), Associate Professor ( =11),
the basis of objectives and hypotheses, a questionnaire
has been developed. A total of 3 months have been Assistant Professor ( =35) and Lecturer ( =24).
used to collect the primary data. Finally, using the Moreover, there are also 3 groups from 539 officers
SPSS version 23, the collected data has been analyzed. ( ), like Deputy Registrar ( =142), Assistant
The hypotheses have been tested by T-test technique.
Registrar ( =204) and Section Officer ( =193) or
Sources of Data equivalent.
In this study, both primary and secondary data has
used. Primary data has collected from the sample
respondents from the university. On the other hand,

Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 11(2):30-39 (ISSN: 2141-7016)
Proportionate of the faculty and staffs from groups are; The result also shows that the average score perceived
Faculties Staffs by faculties and staffs of NU towards “motivation” is
For strata with = 7, For strata with = 142, lower than 3 (M=2.95, SD=0.922). But the t-test
suggest that this score is significantly lower than 3 (t= -
We have = = We have = = .421, p=0.675). This indicates that the hypothesis is
rejected regarding motivation.
= 0.09 = 0.26
The result also shows that the average score perceived
So the = n* = So the = n* by faculties and staffs of NU towards “work place
11*0.09 = 0.99 or 1. =76*0.26= 19.76 or 20 relations” is above 3 (M=3.12, SD=0.922). But the t-
By applying the same By applying the same test suggest that this score is not significantly higher
formula the = 2, formula the = 29 and than 3 (t= 1.309, p= 0.194). This indicates that the
hypothesis is rejected regarding work place relations.
= 5 and =3 = 27.
On contrary, the perceived mean score of job
Analysis of the Study satisfaction is higher than 3 (M=3.58, SD=0.905). The
The collected data has analyzed by SPSS version 23. t-test also suggest that this average score perceived by
The responses of faculties and staffs have analyzed faculties and staffs of NU significantly higher than 3
both in aggregately and separately. Descriptive (t=5.956, p<0.01). Hence it can be concluded that the
statistics including mean, standard deviation, standard hypothesis is accepted regarding university‟s overall
error mean and one tail t- test have done to measure the performance regarding their job.
response of respondents. Here, the test level is
considered as 3 and the confidence level is considered Table: 1 Descriptive Statistics of the Perception of
as 95%. On the other hand, an independent t-test has Faculties and Staffs
conducted to compare the response of faculties and One-Sample Statistics
Descriptions N Mean SD Std. Error
staffs separately. Mean
HR Plan 86 3.11 0.953 .102
Limitations of the Study Career Development 86 2.89 1.019 .109
Efficient HRM practice is essential to ensure Opportunity
Motivation 86 2.95 0.922 .099
employees job satisfaction. A satisfied employee
Workplace Relations 86 3.12 0.905 .097
become as the distinguished resource for any University‟s overall 86 3.58 0.905 .097
organization. Satisfaction of the faculties and the performance regarding
employees varies from different issues. Moreover, their job
HRM practices for faculties and staffs may also vary. *SD=Standard Deviation
But this study has conducted to know the HRM Source: Calculated Value
practices focusing the both group from some common
view point. So, it is one of the major limitations of the Table: 2 T-Test
study. So there is a scope to the future researcher to One-Sample Test
conduct more research on the issue focusing both
Test Value = 3
parties‟ needs separately. This paper will help to the
Descriptions 95% Confidence
future researchers. t df
p Mean
value Difference
Lower Upper
DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS HR Plan 1.131 85 0.261 .116 -.088 .320
The result shows that the average score perceived by
faculties and staff of NU towards “HR plan” is higher Development -.987 85 0.326 -.108 -.327 .110
than 3 (M=3.11, SD=0.953). But the t-test suggest that Opportunity
this score is not significantly higher than 3 (t=1.131, Motivation -.421 85 0.675 -.041 -.239 .156
p=0.261). This indicates that the hypothesis is rejected Workplace
1.309 85 0.194 .127 -.066 .322
regarding HR Plan. Relations
University‟s 5.956 85 0.000 .581 .387 .775
The result also shows that the average score perceived overall
by faculties and staff of NU towards “career regarding
development opportunity” is lower than 3 (M=2.89, their job
SD=1.019). But the t-test suggest that this score is *df= Degree of Freedom
significantly lower than 3 (t= -.987, p=0.326). This Source: Calculated Value
indicates that the hypothesis is rejected regarding
career development opportunity.

Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 11(2):30-39 (ISSN: 2141-7016)
An independent samples t-test has conducted to that, both faculties and staffs responses mean value is
compare the perception of faculties and staffs regarding lower than 3 and the standard deviation is also closely
present HRM practices of NU. The differences equal (SD=1.01, 1.01) for career development
between the perception of faculties and staffs regarding opportunities. It represents that they have disagreed
HRM practices are presented in the following table. about career development opportunities offered by the
Staffs showed a significantly higher positive response University to faculties and staffs is satisfactory for both
regarding HRM practices than faculties. The table group. Other than career development opportunities,
shown bellow that, in all categories the perceived mean staffs response mean value is higher than 3 and also
value of faculties is lower than 3 and also lower than higher than faculty‟s response.
the staff‟s perception‟s mean value. It is also noticeable

Table: 3 Independent T-Tests

Descriptions Mean (Faculties=11) Mean (Staffs=75)
Mean SD t p Mean SD t p
HR Plan 2.52 0.75 -2.24 .02 3.20 0.95 -2.67 .01
Career Development Opportunity 2.48 1.01 -1.42 .15 2.95 1.01 -1.42 .17
Motivation 2.50 0.93 -1.74 .08 3.02 0.90 -1.70 .11
Workplace Relations 2.69 0.85 -1.73 .08 3.19 0.90 -1.80 .09
University‟s overall performance 2.94 0.91 -2.57 .01 3.67 0.87 -2.48 .02
regarding their job

Source: Calculated Value

d. transparent and equal opportunity basis for all.
The above table also shows that, the perception of Promotion need to be knowledge and experience
faculties t value is = -2.24, p value is .02 and staffs t based. The authority also needs to offer different
value is -2.67 and p value is .01 regarding HR plan. On rewards to efficient faculty or employee which
the other hand, the perception of faculty‟s t value is - can create a positive competition among others.
2.57 and p value is .01 and staffs t value is -2.48 and p Organization can apply performance
value is .02 for University‟s overall performance appraisal technique to get the best employees.
regarding their job. In other cases, the p value is above
Performance appraisal report should be given
0.05. It represents there is no significant differences
priority to promotion, transfer or any other
between the perception of faculties and staffs regarding
career development opportunities, motivation and work
e. The university also needs to confirm transfer of
place relations. employees regularly and rotationally with a
specific time period which will increase the
RECOMMENDATIONS efficiency of employees.
The following recommendations are given basing on
f. Each and every department need to be
the findings of the study;
conscious about the problems faced by faculty or
a. The university authority need to focus on employees. They need to communicate with
developing HR plan including determining HR administration. University can arrange meeting
needs, defining job description, job
with different department in order to address
specification, determining appropriate ways to
their problem. Rules and regulations need to
select the right HR and developing orientation
follow equally for all.
and socialization process for newly appointed
g. The gap between the satisfaction among
faculties and staffs. faculties and academic staff‟s should be
b. The university authority can confirm training minimized. University authority need to
opportunity continually in order to update the
concentrates about the problems faced by the
skills of man power regarding different issues
which may help to perform better. It will also
h. University can rename the existing
help to perform the tasks ethically. These tasks
„Administration Department‟ into as „Human
can easily perform by Teachers Training Resource Division‟ which main task will be
Department of NU. The faculties of the acquiring, preparing and retaining the right
university can develop a sound module for the
person at right place and time. The department
purpose. University authority also needs to
will arrange different program to develop and
ensure higher education opportunities to staffs
update the HR according to social needs.
along with faculties. Moreover, university can develop Human
c. The university authority needs to confirm Resource Information Systems software which
promotion opportunity at due time. The
will provide required information regarding man
promotion process also needs to confirm

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