D2784-11 Azufre Oxy Hidrógeno
D2784-11 Azufre Oxy Hidrógeno
D2784-11 Azufre Oxy Hidrógeno
crack the gas expansion valve. Light the burner with an alcohol Solution B:
lamp, and insert the burner into the combustion chamber 0.16 g methylene blue, 0.2 mL of 0.5 M HCl, water to make 500 mL
(chimney). 9.4 Fleisher’s Methyl Purple Indicator Solution.5,9
8.5 Burn a quantity of sample in accordance with Table 1. 9.5 Barium Perchlorate (0.005 M)—Dissolve 1.95 g of
NOTE 5—In burning materials with sulfur concentrations greater than barium perchlorate trihydrate5,9 in 200 mL of water and add
50 µg/g, restrict sample sizes to give quantities that will not contain more 800 mL of isopropanol. Adjust the apparent pH to about 3.5
than 250 µg of sulfur for the turbidimetric finish or more than 150 µg for with perchloric acid, using a pH meter.
the barium perchlorate finish. Alternatively, aliquots of the absorber 9.6 Perchloric Acid,5,10 70 %.
solutions which do not contain more than these maximums can be used.
9.7 Sodium Hydroxide, Standard Solutions (0.03 M)—
NOTE 6—Minor adjustment of the gas flow rates can be necessary to
maintain those recommended by the manufacturer. Prepare by mixing 7 parts of water with 3 parts of standard 0.1
M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution. Concentrate 400 mL of
8.6 After a sufficient quantity of sample has been burned, 0.03 N NaOH solution by evaporating to 30 mL, and determine
turn the bottom valve of the cylinder off. Allow the remaining any sulfate present in accordance with Appendix A1, Turbidi-
gas in the tubing and gas expansion valve to burn itself out. metric Procedure for Sulfate of Test Method D1266. If sulfate
Turn the heat off on the gas expansion valve. Disconnect the is found, corrections must be made for any sulfur introduced by
tubing from the sample cylinder and reweigh the sample the reagent in the alkali titration following combustion.
cylinder to the nearest 0.05 g. Leave the absorber solution in 9.8 Methylene Blue.
the assembled lamp unit. The same absorber solution will be
used for the scavenger-rinse burning. Allow the expansion 10. Preparation of Working Curve
valve to cool to ambient temperature. 10.1 Into separate 30-mL beakers pipet each of the aliquots
8.7 If the oxy-hydrogen burner permits, flush the tubing and of the standard sulfate solution given in Table 2. See 6.3. To
valve with 10 mL of scavenger-rinse and burn without discon- each aliquot add sufficient water to make 3.4 mL, 12 mL of
necting the tubing. Otherwise disconnect the tubing and burn in isopropanol (total volume 15.4 mL) and 3 drops of mixed
the normal liquid mode. For the lamp burning collect the thorin-methylene blue indicator solution. Titrate as indicated
rinsings in a standard lamp sulfur (see Test Method D1266) below. For each sulfur level given in Table 2, titrate three of the
flask. Insert a standard burner equipped with a wick into the corresponding aliquots. Plot the millilitres of titrant used
flask and carry out the combustion as described in Section 7 of versus micrograms of sulfur. Draw the best straight line
Test Method D1266. through points. Check at least two points on the curved at least
8.8 For the oxy-hydrogen burners, when all of the rinsings every 10 days.
are consumed, shut down the burner as recommended by the
manufacturer. 11. Procedure for Analysis of Solutions
8.9 After the rinsings have been burned in the lamp, remove 11.1 Quantitatively transfer the absorber contents to a
it, turn off the CO2-O2 supply, and turn off the vacuum pump. 500-mL Erlenmeyer flask, using ion-free water for rinsing. Add
8.10 For oxy-hydrogen blank determinations burn a hydro- 2 drops of Fleisher’s methyl purple indicator solution to this
carbon stock with a very low or nondetectable sulfur content.
Make at least two of these prior to the analysis of samples with
trace sulfur contents to ensure that the blanks are small and 8
The sole source of supply of the solution known to the committee at this time
constant. Subtract from the total sulfur figures any blank so is Hach Chemical Co., Ames, IA.
The sole source of supply of the solutions known to the committee at this time
obtained. The remainder is the net micrograms of sulfur from
is Fleisher Chemical Co., Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044.
the sample. Likewise subtract any sulfur obtained in the lamp 10
The sole source of supply of perchloric acid known to the committee at this
combustion blank from the total figure. time is G. Frederick, Smith Chemical Co., P.O. Box 23344, Columbus, OH 43223.
TABLE 2 Preparation of Working Curve NOTE 9—It is helpful to match end point colors with solutions saved
Sulfur, µg 40 80 120 240 300 from prior standardization titrations performed within the last 15 min and
Aliquots, mL 0.40 0.80 1.20 2.40 3.00 well stirred to prevent drop-out of the colored barium sulfate precipitate.
People having a low red-green color sensitivity find that using the blue
light of Test Method D156, sharpens the end point very considerably.
solution and titrate to a faint green end point with 0.03 M NOTE 10—The end point can be checked by again adding 40 µg of
NaOH solution (Note 8). Add 1 mL more of the 0.03 M NaOH sulfur (0.4 mL standard sulfuric acid) and retitrating to the end point.
solution to the solution and reduce the volume to 2 to 3 mL by 11.5 From the working curve, find the total sulfur titrated to
evaporation on a hot plate in sulfate-free environment. the nearest 1 µg. Subtract the 40 µg added.
(Warning—Do not boil.) DO NOT BOIL DRY. Cool the 11.6 For blank determinations, repeat the operations in 8.3
solution to room temperature and measure its volume in a and 8.7, and burn a hydrocarbon stock with a very low or
10-mL graduate (Note 8). Adjust the volume to 3.0 mL by nondetectable sulfur content. Burn for the same length of time
adding ion-free water. as the sample in the normal liquid mode. Subtract from the
NOTE 7—The volume of sodium hydroxide should not exceed 2 mL. sulfur figures in 11.5 any blank so obtained. This is the net
More indicates that the sulfur or halogen content is excessive or that there micrograms of sulfur from the sample.
is a serious air leak in the apparatus.
NOTE 8—For high or completely unknown sulfur contents, the concen- TURBIDIMETRIC FINISH
trated absorbent can be quantitatively transferred to a 5-mL volumetric
flask, adjusted to 5 mL, and aliquots used. Each aliquot is then subse- 12. Apparatus
quently made up to 3 mL as in 11.1. Continue as in 11.2. 12.1 Photometer—Preferably a spectrophotometer having
11.2 Transfer the absorbent to a 30-mL beaker, rinse the an effective band width of about 50 nm, and equipped with a
graduate and the 500-mL boiling flask successively with two blue-sensitive phototube for use at 450 nm, or alternatively a
6-mL portions of isopropanol, and add the rinses to the beaker. filter photometer equipped with a color filter having a maxi-
11.3 Pipet 0.40 mL of the standard sulfate solution (40 µg of mum transmission at approximately 450 nm.
sulfur) into the beaker. Add 2 drops of the thorin-methylene 12.2 Absorption Cells, having an optical path length of 5
blue mixed indicator solution. Adjust the resultant gray-green cm. With use the cells may become coated with a film. To
color by adding 0.1 M HCl dropwise to the solution until the remove this film, wash the cells with a detergent, using a soft
color changes to bright green. brush. After cleaning, rinse thoroughly with water.
11.4 The 2-mL buret containing standard barium perchlor- NOTE 11—The procedure as written assumes an absorbance change of
ate should have its tip positioned just below the surface of the about 0.10 for each 100 µg of sulfur in 50 mL of solution measured in a
solution in the beaker. The solution must be stirred by a small 5-cm cell. Photometers employing cells of shorter optical paths will not
bar on a magnetic stirrer or with a small propeller stirrer. A give the precision of measurement stated in this method.
white background and good white light may be helpful in 12.3 Scoop, capable of dispensing 0.30 6 0.01 g of barium
obtaining a precise end point. Add the barium reagent at a chloride dihydrate as specified in 13.2.
steady rate of 0.1 mL in 5 (61) s until the end point is indicated
by a rapid, though slight, color change from green to a bluish 13. Reagents
gray (Note 9). Shut off the buret at the point of greatest rate of 13.1 Alcohol-Glycerin Mixture—Mix 2 volumes of dena-
color change (Note 10). tured ethyl alcohol conforming to Formula No. 3A of the U.S.
ASTM Manual 7, Manual on Presentation of Data and Control Chart
Analysis, ASTM International, W. Conshohocken.
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(D2784–06) that may impact the use of this standard.
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