Of Information: Anti-Bribery Corruption Candidate Disclosure Questions
Of Information: Anti-Bribery Corruption Candidate Disclosure Questions
Of Information: Anti-Bribery Corruption Candidate Disclosure Questions
Citi has in place policies and procedures to support its compliance with various anti-corruption laws. In order to be
considered further, please respond as fully and accurately as possible to the questions presented below. _Any false or
incomplete information, misrepresentation. or material omission may affect any offer of employment or employment
status. The information you provide will be reviewed, maintained, and used within Citi in connection with your
application for Citi employment and in accordance with applicable laws.
□ YES 18NO
a. If yes. provide the:
• Dates of service
• SGOname
3. Are you a Referral of a current Senior Commercial Person ("SCP") (e.g., Chief Executive Officer, Board of
Directors voting member, Chief Financial Officer, or senior-level investment banker or investment officer
managing the Investments of a commercial business organization)?
□ YES Ii] NO
a. If yes. provide the:
• SCP name
• "Relative" means spouses, domestic partners, civil union partners, parents, grandparents, great-
grandparents, children, grandchildren, siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, wards, or
equivalent relationships. and any person (other than a tenant or domestic help or employee) who shares the
person's household. Relative also includes "in-laws" and "step" in these same relationships.
1 2
• ·senior Government Official" or "SGO" is a Government Official or U.S. Public Official who occupies an
influential position within a government entity and makes, or has the ability or authority to make, decisions
for or on behalf of a government entity in relation to transactions. assets, funds, and/or direction of a
government entity with relation to business with Citi.
This does not include a Government Official or U.S. Public Official who is in a junior or non-managerial
position that does not have influence over any business conducted with Citi. Examples of Government
Officials and U.S. Public Officials that generally are not considered SGOs include non-managerial police
officers, firefighters, correctional officers, postal employees, clerical workers, teachers, librarians, and public
transportation employees.
-Government Official" is an elected or appointed official, employee, or representative of a non-U.S. government entity
(which includes the executive, legislative, administrative, military, or judicial branches of a government: a political party: or a
government-owned, government-controlled, or government-funded corporation, institution. or charity) at any level, and may
include, without limitation., employees of self-regulatory organizations for the financial services industry (even if the self•
~ulatory organization is not government-sponsored) and members of a royal family.
·u.s. Public Official" means any person holding either elected or appointed office at the U.S. federal, state, or local level,
and his/her staff. This includes officials, directors and employees of regulatory organizations, agencies, authorities.
commissions and boards, public employees' pension funds, and educational institutions that are established or operated by
a federal, state, or local Government Entity. In many jurisdictions, the definition includes the official's or employee's family.