Determining Flat and Elongated Particles: Test Procedure For
Determining Flat and Elongated Particles: Test Procedure For
Determining Flat and Elongated Particles: Test Procedure For
1.1 Use this test method to determine the percentage of flat and elongated particles in coarse
aggregates. Flat and elongated aggregate particles interfere with compaction and can
result in harsh, difficult to place materials. They also break under load and prevent
development of an adequate aggregate skeleton.
1.2 The values given in parentheses (if provided) are not standard and may not be exact
mathematical conversions. Use each system of units separately. Combining values from
the two systems may result in nonconformance with the standard.
2.1 Flat and Elongated Particles—aggregate particles having a ratio of length to thickness
(L/T) greater than a specified value.
3.1 Proportional caliper device, consisting of a base plate with two fixed vertical posts and a
swinging arm mounted between them so that the openings between the arms and the posts
maintain a constant ratio.
3.1.1 Adjustable axis position to provide the desired ratio of opening dimensions for the ratios
of 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, and 1:5. Verify the ratio settings on the proportional caliper device using
a machined block, micrometer, or other appropriate device.
4.2 Reduce the sample to an amount suitable for testing in accordance with Tex-200-F.
5.1 Oven-dry the sample to constant weight, at a temperature of 230 ± 9°F (110 ± 5°C). Dry
the limestone rock asphalt to constant weight at a temperature of 140 ± 5°F (60 ± 3°C).
5.2 Sieve the sample in accordance with Tex-200-F, Part I, using a 7/8 in., 5/8 in., 1/2 in.,
3/8 in., and a No.4 sieve.
5.3 Reduce each size fraction with 10% or more retained by quartering in accordance with
Tex-200-F, until obtaining approximately 100 particles for each size.
5.4.1 Set the proportional caliper device to the proper ratio (e.g., 5:1).
5.4.2 Set the larger opening equal to the particle length. The particle is flat and elongated if the
maximum dimension perpendicular to the length and width (thickness) can be placed
through the smaller opening.
5.6 After classifying the particles into one of the groups described in Section 5.5, count and
record the number of particles in each group.
5.6.1 Divide the total number of flat and elongated particles by the total number of particles
5.6.2 Multiply by 100 and record to the nearest 0.1 percentage point.
6.1 Using the sieve analysis determined in Section 5.2, add the percentages of the sieve sizes
with 10% or more retained to determine an accumulative weighted total based on the
sample tested. Divide the individual percentage of each sieve size by the accumulative
weighted total. This is the adjusted sieve analysis of the sample tested for flat and
elongated particles. See Table 1.
6.2 Calculate the percentage of flat and elongated particles for each sieve size as described in
Section 5.6.
6.3 Multiply the adjusted sieve percentage by the corresponding percentage of flat and
elongated particles for each sieve size and for each ratio tested (e.g., 5:1). Divide this
number by 100. See Table 1.
Sieve % % % % adjusted %
6.4 Suppose the 5/8 in. sieve has a flat and elongated percentage of 5.2 for the ratio 5:1, then:
20.1% × 5.2%
= 1.05%
6.5 Sum the percentages of flat and elongated particles measured on each sieve size and
report to the nearest whole number.
7.1 Identification of the coarse aggregate tested, producer, pit location, date, and person
performing the test.
7.2 Grading of the aggregate sample, showing percentage retained on each sieve.
7.3 Weighted percentages for the sieve sizes that weigh 10% or more of the original sample
7.4 Number of particles of each sieve size tested, in respective columns: (1) flat and
elongated particles, referred to as failing particles and (2) total particles not considered as
flat and elongated, referred to as passing particles.
7.5 Percentages calculated for failing particles for each sieve size and ratio.