Sieve Analysis
Sieve Analysis
Sieve Analysis
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Use this test method to determine the particle size distribution of aggregate samples, using standard U.S. sieves with square openings. Use Part I to determine a weight-based, dry-sieve analysis for an aggregate sample. Use Part II to determine a weight-based, sieve analysis for an aggregate sample requiring a washed sieve analysis. Use Part III to determine a volume-based, sieve analysis for an aggregate sample. Perform a volumetric sieve analysis when aggregates with differences in bulk specific gravity greater than 0.3 are blended. The values given in parentheses (if provided) are not standard and may not be exact mathematical conversions. Use each system of units separately. Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the standard.
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9
Sample splitter, quartering machine, quartering cloth, or shovel and a smooth surface. Set of standard U. S. sieves, meeting the requirements of Tex-907-K. Mechanical sieve shaker. Balance, readable to 0.1 g, with accuracy to 0.5 g. Drying oven, capable of attaining the temperature specified in the test procedure. Various pans. Scoop. Brass wire brush. Bristle brush.
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3.2.1 3.2.2
For fine materials (major portion passing No. 8 [2.36 mm] sieve) thoroughly blend sample and take small portions from several places in the pan to make up the test sample. For control testing, create the test sample for all size aggregates by blending small portions taken from several places in the pan. For plant control testing, weigh aggregates in the same proportions as used in the bituminous mixture being produced, then combine and sieve to yield the combined aggregate gradation. Reverse Sections 3.6 through 3.2 when this proves more practical.
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Table 1Minimum Size of Samples Nominal Maximum Size of Particles, Passing Sieve*** Minimum Weight of Field Sample, g (lb.)** Fine Aggregate No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm). 4500 (10) 4500 (10) Coarse Aggregate 3/8 in. (9.75 mm) 1/2 in. (12.5 mm) 3/4 in. (19.0 mm) 1 in. (25.0 mm) 1-1/2 in. (37.5 mm) 2 in. (51.0 mm) 4500 (10) 4500 (10) 4500 (10) 6800 (15) 9000 (20) 13,600 (30) 1000 g (2 lbs.) 1500 g (3 lbs.) 2000 g (4 lbs.) 3000 g (6 lbs.) 4000 g (8 lbs.) 4000 g (8 lbs.) 500 (1.1) 500 (1.1) Minimum Weight of Sample for Test, g (lb.)*
Use this procedure to determine a weight-based, dry-sieve analysis for an aggregate sample.
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.5.1
Follow the steps in Section 3 to prepare the material sample. Accurately weigh the total sample to the nearest 0.1 g. Record this weight as WT under Section 8. Place the set of sieves, with the largest opening on top, into a pan and pour the aggregate onto the top sieve. Separate the material into a series of particle sizes using the sieves required by the material or project specifications. Use a mechanical shaker if available. If a mechanical shaker is not available, proceed to Section 5.6. Establish a shaking time for different types of aggregates that will assure proper sieving of the material without degradation.
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When the required mechanical shaking time is complete, hand sieve by lateral and vertical motion of the sieves with a jarring action that keeps the material moving continuously over the surface of the sieves. Continue hand sieving until no material passes through the sieve. Proceed to Section 5.7. The entire sample may be hand sieved using the following steps. Hand sieve by lateral and vertical motion of the sieves with a jarring action that keeps the material moving continuously over the surface of the sieves. Continue hand sieving until no material passes through the sieve. Brush particles clinging to each sieve into the next lower sieve with a bristle brush. Ensure no material is lost. Determine the individual weights to the nearest 0.1 g of aggregate retained on each sieve and record these weights. Place an empty pan on the scale and tare or zero out its weight. Pour the retained aggregate into the empty pan and record this weight. Re-tare the pan for the next size sieve or tare a new pan if required to keep the material separate. Repeat this process until the weight of the material on each sieve and the retaining pan (typically the material passing the No. 200 sieve) has been recorded. Report the percentages to the nearest 0.1% for each size of aggregate retained on each sieve as set forth by the specification requirements. Refer to Section 8 and Section 9. Make the original sieve analysis a 'total retained' analysis by weighing the material cumulatively, placing the material retained on one sieve directly on top of the previously weighed material from the larger size sieve, already on the balance. Note the difference. Take care to prevent loss of material during the sieving operation. However, if there is a small discrepancy (less than 0.2%) between the original dry weight of sample and the sum of the weights of the various sizes assume the small amount as particles passing the smallest size sieve and use the original weight. If the discrepancy is large (greater than 0.2%), check the weights of the various sizes or rerun the analysis with a new sample to correct the error.
5.5.3 5.5.4 5.6 5.6.1 5.6.2 5.7 5.8 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8.3 5.8.4 5.9 5.10
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Use this procedure to determine a weight-based, sieve analysis for an aggregate sample, requiring a washed sieve analysis.
Follow the steps in Section 3 to prepare the material sample. Note 2Test a minimum of two samples from each stockpile when developing a mixture design in accordance with Tex-204-F. Weigh the total dry sample to the nearest 0.1 g and record the weight as WT under Section 8. Place the sample in a wash pan and inundate with clean potable water. Gently mix the water into the sample with the hands to break up clay lumps or "sand balls" and loosen the coating of fines on the coarse aggregate. Rinse any sample particles clinging to the hands back into the wash pan. Soak the sample a minimum of 10 minutes. A sample that contains very high clay content may require overnight soaking. After soaking, remix the sample with the hands as noted in Sections 7.4 and repeat Section 7.5. Place a set of sieves, a No. 8 (2.36 mm) and a No. 200 (75 m), in a pan or over an open sink. Flush the wetted sample over the set in small batches to prevent overloading (clogging) and damage to the No. 200 (75 m) sieve. When the material retained on the No. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve is adequately washed, remove it and place in a clean drying pan. Continue to wash the material retained on the No. 200 (75 m) sieve until the wash water runs clean. Then place it in the drying pan with the previously cleaned No. 8 (2.36 mm) material. Continue the process until entire sample has been washed over the set of sieves. After the final wash, the sieves must be rinsed over the drying pan. After the fines have settled, decant excess water from the drying pan and dry the washed sample to a constant weight.
7.7 7.8
7.11 7.12
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Weigh the dried washed sample and record the weight as Ww under Section 8. Determine the sieve analysis of the dried washed sample as described in Part I. Report the percentages to the nearest 0.1% for each size of aggregate retained on each sieve as set forth by specification requirements. See Sections 8 and 9. Take care to prevent loss of material during the sieving operation. However, if there is a small discrepancy (less than 0.2%) between the original dry weight of sample and the sum of the weights of the various parts assume the small amount as particles passing the smallest size sieve and use the original weight. If the discrepancy is large (greater than 0.2%), check the weights of the various sizes or rerun the analysis with a new sample to correct the error.
Dry Sieve Analysiscalculate the percentages by weight retained between consecutive sieves:
X W = 1 100 W T
Where: W = Percentage by weight retained between consecutive sieves X1 = Weight of oven dry aggregate passing one sieve size and retained on the next smaller sieve size or pan WT = Total weight of original dry sample which equals the sum (X1 + X2, etc.) of all the weights of aggregate retained on sieve sizes and includes the portion which passes the smallest size sieve used. 8.2 Washed Sieve Analysisthe calculations are the same as for dry sieve analysis except the percent finer than the No. 200 (75 m) is:
(WT WW ) 100 WT
Where: WW = Total weight of the washed dry sample WT = Total weight of the original dry sample. Note 3A small amount of additional passing No. 200 (75 m) material is usually found during the sieve analysis performed after washing. Add this to the pass No. 200 (75 m) percentage calculated above.
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Use Sieve Analysis of Non-Surface Treatment Aggregates in Excel to calculate both a dry or washed sieve analyses. Use Sieve Analysis of Surface Treatment Aggregate in Excel to calculate the sieve analysis of aggregates for surface treatment applications.
Use this procedure to determine a volume-based, sieve analysis for an aggregate sample. Perform a volumetric sieve analysis when aggregates with differences in bulk specific gravity greater than 0.3 are blended.
11.1 11.1.1 11.1.2 11.1.3
Apparatus listed in Section 2, with the addition of the following items: Glass graduates, 68 fl. oz. (2000 ml), with 0.68 fl. oz. (20 ml) graduations; and 8.45 fl. oz. (250 ml), with 0.07 fl. oz. (2 ml) graduations. Wide-mouth funnel. Water or other appropriate liquids.
12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.4.1 12.4.2
Follow the steps in Section 3 to prepare the material sample. Place the set of sieves, with the largest opening on top, into a pan and pour the aggregate onto the top sieve. Perform a sieve analysis on the aggregate sample by separating the material into a series of particle sizes using sieves required by the material or project specifications. The use of a mechanical sieve shaker is the preferred method for separating the materials into the specified sizes. If a mechanical shaker is not available, proceed to Section 12.5. Establish a shaking time for different types of aggregates that will assure proper sieving of the material without degradation. When the required mechanical shaking time is complete, hand sieve by lateral and vertical motion of the sieves with a jarring action that keeps the material moving continuously over the surface of the sieves.
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Continue hand sieving until, by visual observation, no material passes through the sieve. The entire sample may be hand sieved using the following steps: Hand-sieve by lateral and vertical motion of the sieves with a "jarring" action that keeps the material moving continuously over the surface of the sieves. Continue hand-sieving until, by visual observation, no material passes through the sieve. Fill the glass graduate with water or other appropriate liquid, enough to cover entire sample. Make an initial reading of the liquid level and record on the 'Volumetric Sieve Analysis Worksheet.' Place the aggregate retained on the largest sieve size into the graduate. Note 4This step may be reversed if analysis involves certain absorptive aggregates. Eliminate entrapped air from the graduate, particularly after adding the fine aggregate, by gently rolling the graduate or stirring the aggregate prior to taking a reading. Read the liquid level within 20 seconds and record on the worksheet. Prior to adding each aggregate size, re-check the liquid level reading. If it differs from the liquid level recorded for the previous aggregate size, use the new reading as the initial liquid level prior to adding the next aggregate size. The object of the procedure is to measure the volume change of the liquid for each size aggregate. Determine the volume of each size of aggregate by subtracting the liquid reading prior to the addition of each size of aggregate from the liquid reading after the addition of each size of aggregate, and enter the result in column 3 of the worksheet. The difference in initial and final readings will be the total volume of the aggregate. Divide the volume of each aggregate fraction by the total aggregate volume to determine the percent retained on each sieve and enter in Column 4. This percent will be an expression of each size as a portion of the total aggregate. Total percent retained and percent passing may then be calculated from these values.
Use this procedure to determine precise data relating to aggregate compounds in which some percentage of the total volume includes material that is lighter than water or the usual suspension medium.
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Same apparatus as listed for Part III with the addition of a plunger (See Figure 1.)
Perforated Disc
Diameter to provide snug fit in graduated cylinder being used 13mm (0.5 in) dowel rod or equivalent. Dowel rod length approximately equal to depth of graduated cylinder used. Calibration mark. (Approximately 51mm [2 in] above disc.) Perforated metal or plastic disc attached to dowel rod. Note: The perforation in the disc should be small enough to permit the passage of any small floating particle.
15.1 15.2
Perform Part III, Sections 12.1 through 12.5. Fill the graduate with water or other appropriate liquid, enough to cover entire sample plus at least an additional 2 in. (51 mm). The additional 2 in. (51 mm) is required to ensure that the calibration mark on the plunger is submerged when taking a reading. Slowly lower the plunger into the liquid, permitting air and liquid to percolate through the holes in the perforated disc, until the liquid level reaches the calibration mark on the plunger handle. Trap all material beneath the plunger disc, eliminating any air prior to making readings. With the liquid level on the calibration mark of the plunger handle, read and record the liquid level from the scale on the graduated cylinder. This is the 'zero' or 'initial' reading. Remove the plunger and place the aggregate retained on the largest sieve into the graduate. Begin with the finest size when preparing more absorptive materials.
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Slowly lower the plunger into the liquid until the level rises to the calibration mark on the plunger handle. Read and record the liquid level from the calibrated scale on the graduated cylinder within 20 seconds of the aggregate being added. Check the liquid level when ready to add the next aggregate size. Record this as the initial reading and pour in the next sieve-size material. Make this reading within 20 seconds, in the same manner described above. Continue this procedure for each sieve size material. Note 5Take care when lowering the plunger into the liquid so that floating particles do not slip by the edge of the plunger disc. Make calculations in the same manner described previously under Part III. Improve the precision of this procedure by using two graduates: 7.5 fl. oz. (250 ml) graduate with 0.06 fl. oz. (2 ml) graduationsThe volumes of small amounts of aggregate of any given size can be measured with a greater precision in the 7.5 fl. oz. (250 ml) graduate. 60 fl. oz. (2000 ml) graduate with 0.6 fl. oz. (20 ml) graduationsThe volumes of the larger amounts of aggregate of any given size can be measured in the 60 fl. oz. (2000 ml) graduate.
15.12 15.13
All that is necessary is to follow the given procedure, reading the liquid level before and after each size aggregate is put into a graduate. Subtracting the before reading from the after reading will yield the volume of the sample put into the graduate.
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