MSSQL 2 Mysql
MSSQL 2 Mysql
MSSQL 2 Mysql
' uncomment the following lines if you are using Office 97,
' which does not have the Replace function include; please
' note that this Replace function is much slower than the
' built-in version in Office 2000/VB6
' to replace all occurrences of a string within a string
' Function Replace(tmp, fromStr, toStr)
' Dim leftOff&
' Dim pos&
' leftOff = 1
' Do While InStr$(leftOff, tmp, fromStr) > 0
' pos = InStr$(leftOff, tmp, fromStr)
' tmp = Left$(tmp, pos - 1) + toStr + Mid$(tmp, pos + Len(fromStr), Len(
' leftOff = pos + Len(fromStr) + 1
' Loop
' Replace = tmp
' End Function