The Mysql JDBC Driver
The Mysql JDBC Driver
The Mysql JDBC Driver
JDBC allows us to connect our Java programs to a database.
JDBC can work with a variety of different types of databases. A JDBC Driver connects Java
to a particular type of database. In our case, well need a JDBC driver for MySQL. We will
use the Connector/J driver from available at:
Choose the Platform Independent option and download the driver. The download will be a
zip file including Java source code and a JAR file with the source pre-compiled. Ignore the
source code, we are only interested in the JAR file. Go ahead and store the mysql-
connector-java-5.1.33-bin.jar file somewhere handy.
When creating a project which uses JDBC youll need to tell Eclipse where your JDBC
driver is. You can do this by right-clicking on the project folder in Eclipse and select
Properties. This will bring up the projects properties window, switch to the Java Build
Path section and select the Libraries tab:
Click on the Add External JARs button on the right side of the window. Find and add the
mysql-connector-java-5.1.28-bin.jar file.
When working with JDBC well need the same pieces of information we needed when
working with MySQL directly. Make sure you have the following information which you
should have received via e-mail:
To make grading easier for the TAs, weve created a special Java file you will use to store
this information called Heres what it looks like:
* CS108 Student: This file will be replaced when we test
* your code. So, do not add any of your
* assignment code to this file. Also, do not modify
* the public interface of this file.
* Only change the public MyDBInfo constants so that it
* works with the database login credentials
* that we emailed to you.
public class MyDBInfo {
As you can see it consists of a number of public static Strings which correspond to your
username, password, database name, and the database server. Replace the strings in this file
with your actual data. Notice that your password is directly integrated into your Java
program, which is why you should not be using your regular SUNetID password as your
MySQL password.
In the previous handout on MySQL we created a table of metropolises and stored it in our
MySQL database. We will now take a look at a program which accesses that table. Just as a
reminder, here is what the table looked like:
| metropolis | continent | population |
| Mumbai | Asia | 20400000 |
| New York | North America | 21295000 |
| San Francisco | North America | 5780000 |
| London | Europe | 8580000 |
| Rome | Europe | 2715000 |
| Melbourne | Australia | 3900000 |
| San Jose | North America | 7354555 |
| Rostov-on-Don | Europe | 1052000 |
Here is a program which prints the metropolis and population data from the table:
import java.sql.*;
try {
while( {
String name = rs.getString("metropolis");
long pop = rs.getLong("population");
System.out.println(name + "\t" + pop);
} catch (SQLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Okay, lets go ahead and break down what this program is doing. First notice that we need to
import from java.sql.*.
Next as you can see, we go ahead and create some variables to keep track of your account,
password, etc drawing the values from the MyDBInfo file we saw a moment ago.
We now need to make sure that our JDBC driver is loaded. Thats done with the line:
This line makes sure that Java knows about the driver. It must be placed within a try catch
block. You can see the corresponding exception which needs to be caught,
ClassNotFoundException, at the end of the program.
Our next step is to create a connection between our Java program and the database. We do
this by creating a Connection object:
We use the DriverManager class (which only contains static methods). Its getConnection
method needs the URL of the server, along with your account name and password. The URL
should look something like this:
This method and subsequent SQL-related methods may throw SQL Exceptions and must be
placed within a try catch block with a catch for SQLException.
Once we have our connection setup, we create a Statement object which can be used to
execute standard SQL statements.
We follow up with a SQL statement to set the current database we are working with, and
then do a SELECT on the metropolises table within the database.
The results of the SELECT are stored into a ResultSet object. We can use the ResultSet
object to go through the rows in the table returned by the SELECT. The next method
returns true if more result rows exist, and it moves the current row forward. You can see we
access individual data items within the row using getString and getInt passing in the name of
the column we are interested in:
while( {
String name = rs.getString("metropolis");
int pop = rs.getInt("population");
System.out.println(name + "\t" + pop);
JDBC provides a number of different methods which allow us to work with the Result Set.
The Result Set allows access to a single row from the results at a time. Lets take a look at
some of the more important methods available. Keep in mind that complete documentation
check is available in the online JavaDocs ResultSet is in the java.sql.* package. All of the
methods described have the potential to throw a SQLException.
next() and previous() as you might expect move the cursor backwards and forward.
next returns false if the cursor has moved beyond the last row in the result set.
previous returns false if the cursor has moved beyond the first set.
first() and last() move the cursor to the beginning and end respectively of the result
set. They both return false if there are no rows in the result set.
absolute(x) moves to a specific row within the set. Set rows are numbered starting
with row 1 (i.e., indexing is not zero-based).
beforeFirst() moves to just before the first row. The can be combined with next to
get to the first row:
ResultSet rs = ;
rs.beforeFirst();; // this moves us to the first item
afterLast() moves to just after the last row and can be used with prev to get the last
ResultSet rs = ;
rs.previous(); // this moves us to the last item
getRow() returns the current row number. The following code can be used to get the
number of rows:
ResultSet rs = ;
int rowCount = rs.getRow();
ResultSet rs = ;
ResultSet rs = ;
The executeQuery method shown previously can only be used for querying. Methods which
modify the database should use the executeUpdate method. For example the following line
will delete metropolises from North America:
"DELETE FROM metropolises WHERE continent = \"North America\"");
When youre all done with the database, please close the connection.
If you skip this step, the database connection will close after a set timeout interval completes.
However the Stanford server only allows a limited number of collections, and you and your
fellow classmates may get locked out if you open connections faster than they can timeout.