As we know we use core java to develop stand alone or desktop application, but as of now, we know that technology
has grown so much that only standalone application will not be enough, i.e., for example if we take WhatsApp, will
we use WhatsApp if we are not able to send any data, no right, so that’s why connecting the java application to the
database becomes essential. that’s why we need Advance java that is J2EE-java enterprise edition which is used to
develop web application. We know that every web application is connected with database.
What is database?
Database is a centralized place which is used to store data, and we can access that data by using SQL.
Here JDBC comes into picture.
What is JDBC?
JDBC is an acronym for Java Database Connectivity, it is an API which helps to connect a java program or application
to the database.
What is API?
API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is nothing but an intermediate software that allows two
applications to talk to each other.
Driver: It converts java instructions into Database specific / understandable instructions and vice versa.
Connection: It is an interface, a network route / socket is required to connect java application to database and vice
versa. So, a connection has to be established hence we require connection object.
Statement: To send our queries to database and receive result from database to java application we need something
like transportation medium, hence statement is used. It acts as a transportation medium.
Result Set: Once the query is sent to database it is processed, executed and result is produced, that result need to be
stored. Hence, we create an object of result set. The result set holds the set of results of SQL queries.
JDBC Architecture
Java Application: It is a java applet or a servlet that communicates with a data source.
JDBC API: The JDBC API allows Java programs to execute SQL statements and retrieve results.
Some of the important classes and interfaces defined in JDBC API are as follows:
JDBC Driver Manager: It plays an important role in the JDBC architecture. It uses some database-specific drivers to
effectively connect enterprise applications to databases.
JDBC drivers: To communicate with a data source through JDBC, we need a JDBC driver that intelligently
communicates with the respective data source.
To connect java to database there are seven main steps that are
1.Import packages
4.Create statement
5.Execute Query
7.Close connection
1.Import packages - we know in java by default only java.lang packages we will be imported but to perform
operations on database we need some of the classes and interfaces which belongs to java.sql package so first we need
to import that by using import java.sql.* statement.
2.Load and register driver - we will be using drivers to communicate to database. Depending on the type of database
we are using we have to download corresponding jar file or we can create maven project and add dependencies, after
that we have to use Class.forName("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver");
i.e., Class class has a method forName which will load the driver based on the path. Once after loading and
registering now we have to establish connection.
3.Establishing connection - To establish connection between java and database we use Connection interface.
i.e., Connection connection=DriverManager.getconnection("URL","UN","PWD");
Since we cannot create an object for an interface so instead, we can provide implementation to the methods of
interface and initialize reference variable with that class object. It is already done by someone and they have stored it
in DriverManager class, it has a method getConnection which accepts "URL","UN" and "PWD" as the parameters.
After this we will get connection with the database, then we have to create statement.
5.After preparing the statement we have to Execute Query for that we have three methods
1. Execute - return type- boolean, tells if changes done or not, used in the case of DDL i.e., any changes done to table.
2. ExecuteUpdate - return type- int, tells number of rows affected, used in the case of DML i.e., any changes in values
or table data.
3. ExecuteQuery - return type- Resultset i.e., in the tabular form, used in the case of DQL i.e., fetching values.
6.Once after query execution we have to fetch the result / resultset - for that we use rs.next() and then we will store
the value of column in a variable, depending on datatype we will create variable and store the values then we can
print that variable.
7.Once after the communication with the database done, we have to close the connection in order to avoid any data
leakage or we have to close connection because without closing existing connection new connection can’t be created.
Also, if we don’t close connection performance of the application will also decrease.
At the time of creating statement object, we are not required to provide any query.
Statement st = con.createStatement() ;
whenever we use execute method , every query will be compiled and executed.
Statement is preferred to use whenever a programmer is about to execute different queries at the same time.
In prepared Statement , at the time of creating preparedstatement object, we are required to provide query.
preparedstatement is preferred to use whenever a programmer wants to execute same query multiple times.
Batch-Processing :-
Batch processing allows you to group related sql statements(Queries) into a batch and submit them as one
request to database, and after execution submits as one response…
Creating Database
package jdbcPackage;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
Creating Table
package jdbcPackage;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
package jdbcPackage;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Scanner;
static Scanner scanner=new Scanner(System.in);
Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://","root","root");
boolean b =true;
System.out.println("1.Insert 2.Retrive All 3.Retrive Based on ID 4.Delete record 5.Update record 6.Exit");
case 1:
String name=sc.next();
String rate=sc.next();
prep.setInt(1, id);
prep.setString(2, name);
prep.setString(3, rate);
System.out.println("Values Inserted...");
case 2:
Statement st=con.createStatement();
while (rs.next())
String stud_name=rs.getString(2);
String stud_rate=rs.getString(3);
case 3:
int a=sc.nextInt();
prep.setInt(1, a);
ResultSet rs = prep.executeQuery();
String stud_name=rs.getString(2);
String stud_rate=rs.getString(3);
case 4:
int a=sc.nextInt();
System.out.println("Values Deleted...");
case 5:
PreparedStatement st=
int a=sc.nextInt();
st.setInt(4, a);
int id=sc.nextInt();
String name=sc.next();
String rate=sc.next();
st.setInt(1, id);
System.out.println("Values Updated...");
case 6:
System.out.println("*************THANK YOU*************");
default :