Fabrication and Characterization of Vertically Stacked Gate-Ail-Around Si Nanowire Fet Arrays
Fabrication and Characterization of Vertically Stacked Gate-Ail-Around Si Nanowire Fet Arrays
Fabrication and Characterization of Vertically Stacked Gate-Ail-Around Si Nanowire Fet Arrays
Abstract- We describe the fabrication of vertically SiGe selective etching leaves vertically-stacked Si nanowires.
stacked Silicon Nanowire Field Effect Transistors (SiNW Hydrogen annealing is then used to change the SiNW shapes
FETs) in Gate-All Around (GAA) configuration. Stacks
from rectangular to circular, thus yielding channels with less
with the number of channels ranging from 1 to 12 have
been successfully produced by means of a micrometer scale surface roughness and improved controllability.
lithography and conventional fabrication techniques. It is An alternative approach for the fabrication of vertically-
shown that demonstrator Schottky Barrier (SB) devices fab- stacked SiNWs [11] is based on producing a scalloped trench
ricated with Cr /NiCr contacts present good subthreshold in bulk silicon by means of Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE).
slope (70mV/dec), IoN/loF F ratio 2:10 and reproducible Sacrificial oxidation steps are performed to reduce the dimen-
ambipolar behavior.
sions of the trench. Thanks to scalloping, the Si trench is
Index Terms-nanowire, FET, multichannel, ambipolar, totally consumed in its thinner parts, leaving a vertical stack of
vertical integration
suspended SiNWs. Although the DRIE process defines trenches
of micrometer dimensions, the iteration of oxidation steps is
I. INTRODUCTION capable for reducing the structures to suspended nanowires
removal. The nanowires are free and sligt hly bent due to residual
st ress. In thi s sample the number of vertically stacked nanowires
D Silicon SiO2 amounts to 12 . b) Anoth er ar ray with 3 vertically stacked SiNW
• Photoresist Polysilicon
Fig. 1. Pro cess flow of vertically stacked Si-NW FET . a) A
photoresist line is defined on t he Si wafer. b) A Bosch process is
performed to produce a scalloped tre nch. c) Wet oxidation . d) A
5 J.Lm t hick photoresist is spin-coated in order to fill t he cavities
formed around the t rench. e) T he oxide removal step free th e SiNWs
withouth removing the oxide at th e bottom of the cave. f) SiNWs are
vertically stacked and electrica lly isolated from t he substrate. g) A
high quality dry oxide is formed. h) LPCVD polysilicon deposition.
i) Gate patterning
T hree dimensional SiNW FET arrays have been fabricated in Fig. 3. a) Single nanowire surr ounded by 500 nm thi ck polysilicon
vertical stacks with the number of channe ls var ying between gate ; Lg ~ 200 nm. b) Gate stack cross-section showing t he Si core
1 and 12 (see Fig. 2). Initially, the formed SiNWs have diam- surrounded by 20 nm gate oxide and polysilicon.
et ers ranging from 70 nm to 200 nm , several t echniques can
~ 10-' ~ \
Iss - 70mV/dec ]
~ 10 -
~: o
0: o
~ Iss- 250mVldcc , 0
~ 0
, 0
r" ...
0.5 ::~
E::l : ".~
- 0.5
- ""
Fig. 4. a ) Long nanowi re channels with two parallel gate const ruc-
t ion . b) Gat e st ac k crossection showing t hree Si NW chan ne ls. - I
l---,li.{b - YgS= I LY I
YgS= 1.5 [VJ
~ PO IYSi v Vgs= 2 LVJ
0 2
Vds [VI
1.5 x 10
v/ R E F E R E NC E S
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