Silicon Vertically Integrated Nanowire Field Effect Transistors
Silicon Vertically Integrated Nanowire Field Effect Transistors
Silicon Vertically Integrated Nanowire Field Effect Transistors
), where
is the vacuum
is the dielectric constant of the gate SiO
is the inner radius of the gate electrode, and r
is the
nanowire radius, assuming a cylindrical channel. However,
these simplified expressions neglect the influence of the top
portion of the nanowire channel which lacks a conformal
gate electrode. In our calculation, we have taken this into
account through numerical integration of the capacitance in
the gated and nongated portions of our device geometry. The
hole mobilities obtained at -2.5V
, range from 7.5 to 102
with an average mobility of 52 cm
These hole mobility values are also comparable to those
reported for unfunctionalized p-type silicon nanowires (20-
325 cm
, and within the same order of magnitude
to the best reported values of p-type SOI MOSFETs (180
. We further note that this estimate represents
a lower limit of our true device mobility, since our model
assumes that every nanowire is in ohmic contact with
negligible contact resistance.
The I
, and S can be extracted by plotting the I
on a logarithmic scale (Figure 3C). The I
ratio is
the ratio of I
at current saturation (I
) to I
at depletion
). I
ranges from 10
to 10
for all devices. The
minimization of the subthreshold slope is necessary for low
power switching applications in digital electronics. The S
value for a typical device having a 300 gate oxide shell is
120 mV/decade. Although this is approximately double the
theoretical room temperature limit of 60 mV/decade, it is
already much smaller than typical values obtained for
nanowire devices with back-gate or top-gate geometries
(typically >300 mV/decade, with the minimum reported
Figure 3. VINFET device characteristics. (A) I
vs V
at V
) -2.5, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, and -0.5 V from bottom to top. Inset shows the
full I
vs V
spectrum at V
) -1.5 V. (B) I
vs V
with V
ranging from -2.5 to -0.25 V in 0.25-V steps, from top to bottom,
respectively. The curves collected in (A) and (B) are from a device having 131 nanowires connected in parallel. (C) I
vs V
at -1.25V
(red) and -0.25V
(blue), for a device having 20 nanowires collected in parallel, and measured with V
varying negative to positive to
negative V
values at a 10 mV/s rate. This device has minimal hysteresis, a subthreshold slope of 120 mV/decade, and an I
. (D) Output characteristics of an inverter circuit (right) fabricated with a p-type VINFET device with 20 nanowires connected in
parallel and an external 200 M resistor. An inverter gain of 28 is determined from the first derivative of this plot with respect to V
Nano Lett., Vol. 6, No. 5, 2006 975
value to be 140 mV/decade).
Further reduction of S
can be accomplished by using thinner gate oxides and high-k
materials as the gate dielectric, as S values down to 70 mV/
decade have been experimentally shown in lithographically
defined vertical transistors.
Finally, we have been able to successfully fabricate Si
VINFETs with 6.5 nm Si nanowire channel diameters and
gate lengths that range from 300 to 350 nm (Figure S5,
Supporting Information). These ultrathin channel transistor
devices clearly demonstrate the ability to further scale down
the device dimensions. Interestingly, with reduced dopant
density, these 6.5 nm VINFETs exhibit ambipolar behavior.
Such ambipolar behavior has been previously observed for
low-boron-doped silicon nanowires (n
) 2 10
created via a lithographic etching process.
The full I
vs V
curves for all devices have a small
nonlinearity at negative V
and are rectifying with an order
of magnitude decrease in current at positive V
(inset in
Figure 3a). Such nonlinearity in the positive and negative
is expected as there are two different contacts to the
silicon nanowire: a degenerately doped p
Si contact to the
base of the nanowire and a NiSi contact to the medium-
doped Si nanowire drain. This nonlinearity is partly due to
the large resistance of a Schottky barrier at the p-type
nanowire drain. Decreasing the contact resistance will result
in better transistor performance by effectively increasing g
, and . This could be achieved by tuning the doping
gradient profile along the length of the nanowire, through
the creation of more highly doped silicon in the contact
Nevertheless, the minimization of series contact
resistance at the sub-20-nm scale still remains a significant
challenge for the semiconductor industry.
To demonstrate the feasibility of using these devices for
digital logic applications, we have also fabricated an inverter
circuit using resistor-transistor logic. This structure (Figure
3D) was fabricated by connecting a 200 M resistor to one
of our p-type VINFET devices in series. When the input
voltage is ca. -0.9 V, the output voltage switches between
the source (0 V) and the drain voltages (-3.5 V). A large
voltage gain of 28, which is extracted through differentiat-
ing the input and output voltage (left inset in Figure 3D),
indicates that these are high-performance devices and are
suitable for use in microelectronic applications. The ideal
inverter resistor should have a resistance between the on and
off state transistor resistances.
Therefore, future on-chip
logic integration is possible by using properly gated VIN-
FETs as resistors can be easily fabricated via source
patterning SOI substrates.
Our prototype Si VINFET devices represent a novel
platform for silicon nanowire electronics that combines the
epitaxial growth of silicon nanowires with top-down fabrica-
tion. These first-generation, unoptimized devices already
show transport properties that are within the same order of
magnitude as standard planar MOSFETs and other nanowire
based devices. Previous device modeling has also suggested
that this device structure is competitive with advanced
nanoelectronic devices, yet the difficulty in lithographically
defining high-aspect ratio vertical Si channels at the sub-
100-nm size scale has hindered the research and implementa-
tion of this architecture. The in-place, vertical growth of
silicon nanowires represents a promising solution to this
problem. The three-dimensional device architecture could
further increase the transistor density through the additional
ability to integrate multiple gates and source/drain connec-
tions along the length of these high aspect ratio channels.
Future optimization of the processing, device geometry, and
dopant concentration, the use of high-k dielectrics, as well
as reduction of the gate length can make these devices
competitive with FINFETs and other current advanced solid-
state devices in the sub-10-nm regime.
Note Added in Proof: During the review of this paper, a
conceptually similar nanowire device was reported (Schmidt,
V.; Riel, H.; Senz, S.; Karg, S.; Riess, W.; Gosele, U. Small
2006, 2, 85-88).
Acknowledgment. We thank Dr. Yi Cui, Dr. Wenjie
Liang, and Dr. Matt Law for helpful discussions. This work
was supported in part by the Beckman Foundation, and the
Department of Energy. J.G. thanks the National Science
Foundation for a graduate research fellowship. A.I.H. thanks
the National Science Foundation for an IGERT graduate
research fellowship. Work at the Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory was supported by the Office of Science, Basic
Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Science of the U.S.
Department of Energy. We thank the National Center for
Electron Microscopy, Dr. J. Beeman and Professor E. E.
Haller, and the UC Berkeley Microfabrication laboratory for
use of their facilities.
Supporting Information Available: Descriptions of
nonlithographic positional control of silicon nanowires,
VINFET fabrication procedures, and threshold voltage
analysis. This material is available free of charge via the
Internet at
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