The Age of Energy Gases
The Age of Energy Gases
The Age of Energy Gases
Adapted in 1999 from a presentation by Robert A. Hefner III at the 10th Repsol-Harvard Seminar on Energy Policy in
Madrid, Spain, on June 3, 1999, this article examines the history of various primary energy fuels, reports the abundance of the
natural gas resource base and predicts the energy mix well into the 21st century, forecasting a continuing transition towards
decarbonization and towards more decentralized, more mobile, sophisticated and highly e0cient energy technologies fueled
by the more clean and chemically simpler fuels of natural gas and hydrogen. ? 2001 International Association for Hydrogen
Energy. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction have, like coal in its heyday, captured more than 75% of the
global energy market. 1
It is likely that natural gas is by far Earth’s most abun-
dant hydrocarbon, exceeding in quantity both coal and oil.
Though conventional wisdom holds that natural gas re-
sources rank third behind coal and oil, recent studies of the 2. Where we have been
origins of natural gas, the abundance of methane in the solar
system, the pervasive nature of natural gas in the Earth’s For more than 100 years, free markets and the ingenuity
lithosphere [1,2], and the vast quantities of methane trapped of humankind worked e0ciently to decarbonize our energy
in gas hydrates [3,4] requires that this old thinking be vig- systems. This transition can be seen in Fig. 1 “U.S. Primary
orously challenged, if not overturned. Yet, forecast after Energy Substitution” 2 that shows the natural transition from
forecast of world energy production for the 21st century wood to coal to oil and the beginning of natural gas. It was
shows natural gas remaining below both coal and oil and, only starting in the 1950s, when governments began to tinker
in the second half of the 21st century, often even nuclear. with price controls and later, reacting to the “sky is falling”
This brief paper expresses a signi9cantly di:erent view of cries of shortages by the energy industry, allocated fuels
our energy future: That increasing consumption of energy among sectors of consumers, that we once again began to
gases (methane and eventually hydrogen) will displace oil, recarbonize the energy system. The government intervention
coal and nuclear as the world’s principal source of energy. is clearly shown by the signi9cant distortion over the past
I believe we are entering the “Age of Energy Gases” [5] three decades of the formerly natural sine curves of transition
and that by about 2050 the consumption of energy gases
will surpass both coal and oil and, by the end of the 21st
century, the energy gases—methane and hydrogen—will
2 After Cesare Marchetti and Nebojsa Nakicenovic of the In-
∗ Tel.: +1-405-858-9800; fax: +1-405-858-9898. ternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg,
E-mail address: (R.A. Hefner III). Austria.
0360-3199/02/$ 20.00 ? 2001 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 6 0 - 3 1 9 9 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 7 9 - 9
2 R.A. Hefner III / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 1–9
as seen in Fig. 1. Only now, after signi9cant deregula- was running out of natural gas in the midst of natural gas
tion, are the systems beginning to return to their natural resource abundance, but the natural gas the United States
order. was running out of was either natural gas that was produced
For a period of 20 years, beginning in the 1950s, strin- in association with the generally declining oil production of
gent, politically motivated low price controls led to natu- the times and found because of the non-regulated and prof-
ral gas supply shortages, coupled with arti9cial increases itable price of oil, or natural gas from very shallow 9elds
in demand. While criticizing the Soviet Union for its con- that could be found and produced pro9tably at very low reg-
trolled economic system, the United States, with abundant ulated prices.
a:ordable natural gas resources, nearly regulated its clean- At the Aspen Institute in 1978 [7], prestigious members
est fuel out of existence, just as the Soviet Union did many of the energy industry gathered and listened to the pre-
of its agricultural products. During the days of price con- sentations of woe predicting the end of natural gas in the
trol, natural gas, as compared to oil on a Btu basis, sold for United States. They were led by Dr. Richard Gonzalez, a
only 30% of the price of oil [6]. Yet natural gas in the free consulting economist for Exxon, who simply said, “We are
market would tend to bring a premium because it is a more running out, and it will be soon”. Two years earlier Exxon
e0cient and cleaner fuel than coal or oil; thus, the upward had estimated a rather pathetic 287 Tcf of remaining natural
distortion in natural gas consumption beginning in the 1950s. gas resources, and considered about 650 Tcf to be wildly
Both the oil companies and the natural gas companies truly optimistic [8]. And, in 1977, John D. Moody of Mobil
believed the United States was running out of natural gas Oil Corp. (and then President of the American Associa-
and therefore, would not be able to sustain its rapidly in- tion of Petroleum Geologists) published in a congressional
creasing use. This became the “herd mentality” of the times. statement an equally woeful estimate of 443 Tcf of undis-
Their largely misconceived views were held principally for covered potential natural gas in the United States and, in
three reasons: 9rst, the oil companies historically considered the same congressional statement, said: “We have arrived
regulated and uneconomic natural gas to be, at best, an un- pretty much at a consensus among responsible estimators
wanted by-product of oil production; second, the natural gas of some 400 to 600 Trillion cubic feet as the undiscovered
companies were not producers because historically there had potential for gas in the United States” [9]. As a small inde-
been plenty of the oil by-product, natural gas, for the natural pendent, not considered to be among Moody’s “responsible
gas companies to transport and therefore, there was no need estimators”, who was I to try to counter this tidal wave? But
for the stringently regulated natural gas transportation com- my 1978 Aspen Institute presentation estimated that about
panies to take the natural risk required by producers; and 1500 Tcf of natural gas was yet to be found in the US, most
third, the politically motivated, low price regulations sapped of it not associated with oil, and at reasonable and compet-
the entrepreneurial spirit to develop ways to 9nd natural gas itive prices [10]. Over many years, I attempted to counter
when it was not associated with oil. Yes, the United States these pervasive arguments of scarcity in Congress eighteen
R.A. Hefner III / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 1–9 3
times 3 by presenting my case of natural gas resource abun- readily transported energy commodity since the beginning
dance. On April 26, 1984, before the Committee on Energy of the 20th Century. Estimations of US natural gas resources
& Natural Resources of the United States Senate, I said: have radically altered over the past few decades, as seen in
“I predict the remaining U.S. natural gas resource base to estimates by the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
be between 1000 and 1500 Tcf and that of North America The USGS’s 1975 estimate of mean undiscovered recov-
to be at least double that ¿ 2; 000 − 3; 000 Tcf ”. 4 My ef- erable natural gas resources was 484 Tcf [11], their 1981
forts were to no avail. Before the same Senate Committee in estimate was 594 Tcf [12], their 1989 estimate was only
1984, Charles B. Wheeler, Senior Vice President of Exxon, 399 Tcf [13], but by 1995 their estimate was 1; 074 Tcf
said: “We estimate the volume of as-yet-undiscovered gas [14]. The abundance of the natural gas resource base has
from conventional sources in the United States to be about been a0rmed in the past several years by a number of other
300 Tcf ”. 5 [13]. governmental and institutional entities as well. In 1992 the
Of course, a major part of the problem was that until the National Petroleum Council estimated natural gas resources
early 1970s natural gas was considered at best a marginally at 1295 Tcf [15] and in a 1997 publication the US Depart-
economic by-product of the oil industry. The large-scale nat- ment of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA)
ural gas transmission system of the United States was built estimated resources at 1246 Tcf [16]. And the Gas Research
after World War II. Only during the past 20 years has natural Institute, from just 1993 to 1998, raised its “current” esti-
gas begun to achieve independent economic value, whereas mate from 1102 to 1951 Tcf and its “advanced” estimate
oil has been largely non-regulated and has maintained sig- from 1390 to 2214 Tcf [17,18]. Also, Enron Corp., the lead-
ni9cant intrinsic value as an important, easily traded and ing integrated natural gas company in the US, estimated in
1991 that the natural gas resource base was 1200 Tcf [19],
then raised their estimate to 1303 Tcf in 1993 [20] and to
3 Robert A. Hefner III’s Congressional testimonies: February 1405 Tcf in 1997 [21]. In 1993, in my article “New Think-
19, 1972, before the Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Af- ing About Natural Gas”, which appeared in the US Geolog-
fairs; March 2, 1972, before the Senate Committee on Interior and ical Survey’s Professional Paper 1570, I raised my estimate
Insular A:airs; April 10, 1972, before the House Committee on to the 3000 to 4000 Tcf range [22].
Interior and Insular A:airs; November 8, 1972, before the Sen- As we attempted to seek deregulation of natural gas
ate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation; March prices in Congress, one of my principal adversaries was
21, 1975, before the House Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Mr. Zareski of the Federal Power Commission, 6 who pub-
Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; January 27, 1976, lished the pitiful, but generally typical declining natural gas
before the House Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Commit- projections seen in Fig. 2 “Weeping Willow” (Various US
tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; March 24, 1977, before
Natural Gas Production Forecasts vs. Actual Production
the House Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Committee on In-
terstate and Foreign Commerce; May 12, 1977, before the House
Capability). Even the American Gas Association (AGA)
Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Committee on Interstate and did not realize that its mid-1970s “optimistic” natural gas
Foreign Commerce; May 24, 1977, before the House Committee projections were actually pessimistic. I wondered why, so I
on Ways and Means; June 13, 1977, before the Senate Committee went to the AGA to 9nd out how it had calculated its pro-
on Energy and Natural Resources; July 15, 1977, before the Sen- jections. Wishing to project the highest, reasonably possible
ate Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly, Committee on the quantities of natural gas that could be found and produced,
Judiciary; September 22, 1977, before the House Subcommittee on the AGA economists had used the highest historical natural
Energy and the Environment, Committee on Interior and Insular gas 9nding rates per well drilled. But they had failed to re-
A:airs; April 23, 1981, before the Senate Subcommittee on Energy alize that the highest historical 9nding rates for natural gas
Regulation, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Novem-
were achieved during 1950s when oil companies, solely on
ber 6, 1981, before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural
Resources; March 11, 1983, before the Senate Subcommittee on
the basis of oil economics and with no thought of natural
Energy Regulation, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; gas as a commodity with intrinsic value, were exploring
March 24, 1983, before the House Subcommittee on Fossil and and drilling rather shallow geologic environments where
Synthetic Fuels, Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 14, their geologists expected to 9nd oil, not natural gas. In
1983, before the House Subcommittee on Fossil and Synthetic Fu- those days, geologists avoided areas where natural gas was
els, Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 26, 1984, before expected. So, although the AGA projection was indeed
the Senate Subcommittee on Energy Regulation, Committee on more optimistic than most other forecasts for natural gas,
Energy and Natural Resources. it had little relevance to future natural gas extraction. It
4 Robert A. Hefner III’s testimony before the Committee on En-
included no consideration of natural gas to be found not
ergy and Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Energy Regulation,
in association with oil or in domains in which natural gas
United States Senate, Second Session, 98th Congress, April 26,
1984, p. 5.
is proli9c and oil does not exist, such as much of the vast
5 Charles B. Wheeler, Senior Vice President, Exxon Co., USA, in
Fig. 2. “Weeping willow”: various US natural gas production forecasts vs. actual production capability.
volume of rocks in overthrust belts and at depths below The culmination of this collective wisdom of the 1970s
which oil is generally absent. and 1980s of shortages and price escalation, that was
The general belief in the shortage of the natural gas sup- caused as a result of decades of distortion of the market-
ply caused an equal number of price forecasters, just as the place through government intervention by price controls,
forecasters of natural gas resource shortages, to suggest there led to the Fuel Use Act 8 that virtually prohibited the use
would be signi9cantly increasing price trends, as shown in of natural gas for base load power generation and industrial
Fig. 3—“Price Explosion vs. Actual Price” (Forecasts of consumption. By way of this legislation the US government
Future US Natural Gas Wellhead Prices Made from 1980 forced the recarbonization of America’s energy system.
through 1993). The collective wisdom of the day was that The best example of America’s recarbonization is from my
even on the chance that there was enough natural gas to state of Oklahoma.
meet demand, it would be too expensive, so there was no In 1976, before the Fuel Use Act, Oklahoma used its
alternative to coal or nuclear. All estimators had projections abundant domestic natural gas to produce 95% of its elec-
of US natural gas prices curving up to the sky at approxi- tricity [24]. Oklahoma was one of the nation’s low cost, low
mately the same rate that supplies were curving down to the emission producers of electricity. It was only after the Fuel
depths. These forecasts are shown by the “Weeping Wil- Use Act, that prohibited the use of natural gas in new power
low” and the “Price Explosion” 9gures. Of course, none of facilities, that Oklahoma began to import coal from
this approached reality. As early as 1983, I presented three Wyoming to produce its electricity. Oklahoma now pro-
testimonies to Congress that natural gas prices had already duces 68% of its electricity by burning coal [25] and has
begun to decline and would continue to decline. 7 In 1993, lost its auspicious title of being one of the nation’s lowest
GHK made an estimate that natural gas prices would av- cost, cleanest and most e0cient producers of electricity.
erage $2.39 in 1999 [23], much too close a call to be any
more than a bit of luck, but what was important was that
our estimate was in the right direction.
Fig. 3. “Price explosion vs actual price”: forecasts of future US natural gas wellhead prices made from 1980 through 1993.
Like the US as a whole, the Fuel Use Act recarbonized from a chart recently published by Dr. John Edwards 9 [33]
Oklahoma (see Fig. 1). of the University of Colorado. I say this because unless gov-
ernments once again step into legislate energy markets, I be-
lieve free markets coming into existence around the world
3. Where we are going will once again work their magic to decarbonize the energy
system over the next 150 years and usher in what I call the
The past is easy to summarize, but I believe to predict Age of Energy Gases. My opinion is that nuclear will go
where we are going requires unbounded thinking and the nowhere—it’s ultimately dirty and too capital intensive (a
courage of conviction to report where the real facts lead. recent US Gas Research Institute publication said: “virtu-
In my opinion, virtually all of the projections I see these ally all of the existing nuclear capacity in the US is sched-
days of the estimates of fuel consumption and the mixture uled for retirement by 2030” [28])—and coal will go back
of fuels to meet demand through the 21st Century are as to its naturally declining percentage of the market. China
much in error as they were in the 1970s. I say this for three and India are generally thought to be the coal exception.
fundamental reasons. First, like Herman Kahn in his 1976 However, in India, Phase 1 of Enron Corporation’s huge
book The Next Two Hundred Years [26], I do not believe Dabhol power plant south of Bombay started up just re-
in straight-line population growth. I, too, am of the opin- cently 9red by naphtha, not coal; and when the $1.87 bil-
ion that rates of population growth are not likely to be sus- lion Phase 2 of the project starts up in late 2001, the entire
tained. I believe that the Information Age will disseminate plant—including Phase 1—is slated to be 9red by natural
so much educational information to so many people around gas [29]. So, I believe they, too, will turn to natural gas
the world that birthrates will begin to fall during the next sooner than is forecast. China has plenty of easily accessi-
century. Second, I believe that Amory Lovins [27] is on the ble coal, and where there is coal there is natural gas, so I
right track and that we will 9nd e0ciencies in the energy believe China is heavily endowed with natural gas. I base
system well beyond our imagination. Amory’s predictions this judgment not only upon China’s enormous quantities of
of e0ciency, coupled with population decreases, possibly coal and the coal=gas relationship, but also upon research I
near the middle of the 21st century, will mean that demand conducted in the mid-1980s on China’s natural gas resource
as a whole will not be as large as projected. Third, in my base, which I found to be signi9cantly abundant. However,
opinion, these projections are wrong because the fuel mix,
based upon misconceptions of the quantity of the remaining 9 Dr. John D. Edwards, adjunct geology professor, Energy and
fuels resource base, will not come close to what is typically Minerals Applied Research Center (EMARC), Department of Geo-
and so often depicted in forecasts such as those shown in logical Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. From
Fig. 4—“Conventional Energy Production Forecast”, taken chart “Estimates of 21st century United States energy supplies”.
6 R.A. Hefner III / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 1–9
in the 1980s, China’s leaders did not believe my reports of close to what our future holds, and I believe their market
abundant natural gas resources for their country [30] any penetration models are on the right course, other fuels will
more than US leaders did in the 1970s. I think China will be signi9cantly displaced from the global energy system. So
indeed begin to explore, produce and consume its vast nat- when we combine lower population growth, more e0ciency
ural gas resources because I do not think the Chinese will in the energy production-consumption system and natural
continue to tolerate coal pollution; the Chinese want clean gas taking the lion’s share of the market, we see curves
air and blue skies as much as we do. Within the next two that should look dramatically di:erent and more like our
decades or so, I forecast that China will begin its conversion modi9cation of conventional forecasts, as seen in Fig. 6—
from coal to natural gas. There is certainly one thing you “A Comparison of Unbounded Thinking Energy Forecast
can say about China’s society; if the leaders want to go that and Conventional Energy Production Forecast”.
way, that is indeed the path China will pursue and pursue My own personal philosophy of our energy future emerges
with vigor. from a lifetime of energy studies and di:ers at the bottom
The Age of Oil, as best described in Daniel Yergin’s The line from any I have seen. Fig. 7—“The Age of Energy
Prize [31], is not our future, but our recent past. I believe oil Gases”—takes the IIASA forecasts a step further; it shows
has peaked in its percentage contribution to the global energy what I believe to be the elegant simplicity of energy sup-
market. So today, the only abundant, clean fuel that is contin- ply transitions. My thinking emerged from years of ques-
uing to set new consumption records [32] around the world is tioning why oil, a more e0cient, cleaner and more mobile
natural gas. Several years ago I worked closely with Cesare fuel than coal, had, at its maximum, only met about 50% of
Marchetti and Nebojsa Nakicenovic, at the International In- global market demand and how that fact related to IIASA’s
stitute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), 10 who have forecasts of natural gas growth towards 70%. What never
done wonderful work on energy forecasting outside of the made sense to me was that oil, a better fuel than coal that
momentum of herd mentality [33,34]. Since 1979 they have had su:ered little government control and regulation over
forecast, by using their “market penetration” models, that its history of use, should capture only slightly more than
the natural gas share of the market will move towards 70% one-half the percentage of the market coal had achieved,
in the 21st Century (as seen in Fig. 5—“World Primary En- which, in its heyday, was about 95%. Early in the 1990s, it
ergy Substitution”). If the Marchetti et al., forecasts are even occurred to me why that may possibly be. Our Solar System
and Earth, and for that matter the Universe, are basically
composed of two forms of matter: solids and gases. Liq-
10 The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
uids are simply a transitional state of matter. Therefore, in
(IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria, is a nongovernmental, multidisci- the big picture, I believe the Age of Oil to be only a liquid
plinary, international research institution, founded in October, 1972,
transition between the Age of Solids—animal dung, wood,
by the academies of science and equivalent scienti9c organizations
of 12 nations from both East and West, with a goal to bring to-
coal and I include nuclear—and the Age of Energy Gases.
gether scientists from around the world to work on problems of So once we combine all the solids and look at the resulting
common interest, particularly those resulting from scienti9c and curve, we have a rather smooth, natural progression from
technological development. solids through a liquid transition to energy gases. We have an
R.A. Hefner III / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 1–9 7
Fig. 6. A comparison of unbounded thinking energy forecast and conventional energy production forecast.
8 R.A. Hefner III / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 1–9
energy system that, with the exception of a short period of munications, information transfer and education, the world
government intervention, has been clearly decarbonizing for economies will become increasingly globalized and capable
over 150 years and will continue to decarbonize, leading our of sustaining economic growth while enhancing the global
global civilization for the 9rst time to sustainable economic environment, possibly even in spite of population growth.
growth. Over the last one and one-half centuries, we have Our future is bright!
moved from capital intensive, centralized, macro and immo-
bile largely unsophisticated and ine0cient energy technolo-
gies supplied by dirty and highly chemically complex fuels References
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gas-9red steam units and by gas-9red gas turbine=internal