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While the above program serves to il- 6. Imagine a 4 x 4 square game board. denote the numerals 10 to 15. Further-
lustrate some of the trickier CHIP-8 The keypad is also a 4 x 4 matrix. more, 4 divides into 8 exactly; so you
statements, it is not a good example of Program accepts a hex key, then can represent an 8-bit binary number
the power and efficiency of the places a symbol in corresponding with 2 hex digits, without having any
language. To see that, one has to position on screen. bits left over; unlike the OCTAL (base,
analyse a more complex, graphics 7. As above, but alternating between 8) system, which has had many
oriented program, such as an animated two different symbols. programmers pulling out their hair!
video game. It is good experience to 8. Invent a two-player game based on Thus we can easily convert between
"dis-assemble" one or more of the the above principle, and program binary and hex, simply by grouping bits
games provided, to see how the your computer to win against a into fours: e.g.:-
programmer tackled the problem. You human opponent. What is 2610 in binary?
should therefore deduce: which Once you can do the above, you're 2 6 F 0
numbers are instructions and which are ready for Lunar Lander,LIFE, Blackjack, Answer = 0010 0110 1111 0000
data; what each variable is used for; and other favourites. Add a 2k RAM (from above table)
and what is stored in various memory board and you can try for CHESS or What is 01111100 in hex?
workspaces; etc. (Kaleidoscope and STAR-TREK. 0111 1100
TV-Typewriter not recommended for Answer = 7
starters.) Flowcharting is also a handy APPENDIX: HEXADECIMAL As well, 16=4x4, and 4+4=8, and
programming tool that will increase There's nothing complicated about PTAs have 8-bit ports, which makes 16-
your expertise. it, but it might help if you had 8 fingers key keypads ideally suited. So HEX is
I have presented only a very sketchy on each hand. Then you could count very convenient all round, and easy to
description of how to write programs. from 0 to 15 (instead of 0 to 9) before master once you memorize the above
A lot of practical experience is the only having to use carry. HEX is convenient table!
way to learn and become proficient. because each digit can be represented
Test the operation of each of the in- by exactly 4 binary digits (bits), without
structions in a short routine, so that its having any missing codes or extraneous
operation becomes clear. Before codes:-
attempting any complex video games, ADVERTISER PAGE
Decimal Binary HEX Abacus Computer Store facing 42
try some of these simpler exercises:-
0 Anderson Digital Equipment
1. A program that waits for a key 0 0000
1 Pty Ltd SC, facing 66
depression, then displays the cor- 1 0001
2 ASP Microcomputers facing 80
responding hex digit on the screen. 2 0010 B. S. Microcomp
3 facing 73
(Looping indefinitely.) 3 0011 Butterworths Pty Ltd
4 facing 63
2. Same as (1), but rejects keys A to F by 4 0100 Calculator Supertharket facing 35
returning to monitor. 5 0101 5
Computerland IFC
3. Show an 8 x 8 symbol of your choice 6 0110 6 Computerland Melbourne facing 81
on the screen and make it move left 7 0111 7 Computerware facing 45
when key 4 is held down and right 8 1000 8 Dick Smith Elecronic Group OBC
when key 6 is held (using EX9E or 9 1001 9 Edible Electronics facing 42
EXA1). 10 1010 A Embryonic Systems Pty Ltd facing 55
4. Make the above 8 x 8 symbol move 11 1011 Informative Systems facing 72
randomly about the screen. 12 1100 J. R. Components facing 66
5. Program the game of MM. Show 21 13 1101 Microprocessor Applications facing 34
objects on the screen. Two players 14 1110 Rynared Services Pty Ltd facing 73
take turns to remove 1, 2 or 3 ob- 15 1111 Texas Instruments Australia
jects. Player to take last object(s) Ltd following 49
wins. Tandy International Electronics
The symbols A to F are used to
facing 54, 69
Warburton Franki facing 62
Microprocessors & Personal Computers 1-130
Editor's Note: 6802 chip has on-board clock
Shortly after the DREAM 6800 was combination. This is now the preferred
first described, in the. May, June, July apProach.
and August 1979 issues of Elecl
tronics Australia, there was a serious The 6802 requires a slightly
shortage of 6875 clock chips modified board and we know of at
manufactured by Motorola Inc., USA. least one firm, J. R. Components, who
are supplying a complete kit based on
A short-term solution was provided the 6802 and including a modified
by an "out-rigger" clock unit describ- board. Readers contemplating con-
ed in the August 1979 issue (page struction should keep the above
104 bf this handbook) and this is still a history in mind when buying a kit and
valid approach for those who may ensure that the board supplied is
prefer it. suitable for whichever processor is
A little later a more elegant solution
appeared: the 6802 microprocessor The address of J. R. Components is
which carries its own on-board clock PO Box 128, Eastwood, NSW, 2122.
chip and replaces the 6800/6875 Phone (02) 85 3385.

106 Microprocessors & Personal Computers

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