Sutter Health: Developing A Contracting Model To Support Lean Project Delivery
Sutter Health: Developing A Contracting Model To Support Lean Project Delivery
Sutter Health: Developing A Contracting Model To Support Lean Project Delivery
Building Program
In 1994, after the Northridge earthquake caused significant damage to healthcare
facilities in Southern California, the California Legislature enacted SB 1953 – the
Hospital Facilities Seismic Safety Act. In summary, as currently applied, SB 1953
requires significant structural seismic upgrades to be accomplished by January 1, 2013.
In reality, because of the nature of the required improvements, in most cases it is more
cost effective to replace existing facilities, rather than seismically retrofit.
Sutter Health's building program, initially undertaken in response to SB 1953, was
expanded to include a more comprehensive assessment of long-term facility
requirements based upon community needs, community growth and healthcare trends.
In addition to the mandate of SB 1953, Sutter Health made the decision to expand
access to healthcare in the communities it serves by building ambulatory care centers,
cancer treatment facilities, and medical office buildings. Each region developed
proposals to create facilities that would meet the community's healthcare needs and
improve the patient experience.
As currently contemplated, the program includes $5.5 billion of design and construction
to be completed by 2012. This includes acute care facilities permitted by California's
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD)(where permitting can
take upwards of 20 months), non-acute outpatient facilities (surgery centers), medical
office buildings, parking structures, as well as significant remodels of newer structures
that do not require replacement.
From senior management's perspective, the overall program goal is to successfully
traverse the risks associated with a program of this magnitude, reliably deliver these
projects to their communities, and maintain Sutter Health's superb financial ratings. In
support of these goals, an executive management team composed of Robert Mitsch
(Vice President, Real Estate), David Chambers (Director, Planning, Architecture and
Design), and David Pixley (Director, Project Management and Development) was tasked
with expanding the Facility Planning and Development Department (FPD) to support the
program and put systems in place to manage the task.
Mr. Lichtig is an attorney with McDonough, Holland & Allen, P.C. and is Special Counsel to Sutter
Health. He can be reached via e-mail at
In developing the necessary systems, FPD focused on increasing the reliability that
projects — including some that would take upwards of five years to design, permit and
construct — would be delivered:
• on time or early
• within budget or less
• without claims
• safely (without creating patients), and
• without burn-out of FPD staff2
In attacking these challenges, FPD developed internal "Standards of Practice,"
standardizing practices that worked well in the past, but also sought to innovate and
adopt new practices to support its goals. As a result, Sutter Health has moved to
implementing Lean Project Delivery.
The combined demands of constructing healthcare, education and other public and private facilities
has created a demand for design and construction services that is unprecedented in Northern
California. One challenge facing Sutter Health and other owners will be assuring that its work is
attractive enough for quality contractors and subcontractors in a time of heightened demand. This is
coupled with a growing scarcity of qualified construction trades people to actually perform the field
construction. The problem of a shrinking workforce is not limited to California but is prevalent
throughout the western United States.
Adopted by Sutter Health as the foundation of its lean initiative, the Five Big Ideas were developed and
brought to the Sutter Health community by Hal Macomber and Greg Howell.
has been signed by members of FPD and Sutter Health's design and construction
1. Collaborate; really collaborate, throughout design, planning, and execution.
Constructable, maintainable, and affordable design requires the participation
of the range of project performers and constituencies. Since abandoning the
master-builder concept, and separating design from construction, we have been
patching a poorly conceived design practice. Value engineering, design assist,
and constructability reviews mask an underlying assumption — that design can
be successful when separated from engineering and construction. Design is an
iterative conversation; the choice of ends affects means, and available means
affects ends. Collaborative design and planning maximizes positive iterations
and reduces negative iterations.
2. Increase relatedness among all project participants.
People come together on AEC projects as strangers. They too often leave as
enemies. Healthcare facilities projects are complex and long-lived, requiring
ongoing learning, innovation, and collaboration to be successful. The chief
impediment to transforming the design and delivery of capital projects is an
insufficient relatedness of project participants. Participants need to develop
relationships founded on trust if they are to share their mistakes as learning
opportunities for their project, and all the other projects. This will not just
happen. However, we are learning that relationships can be developed
3. Projects are networks of commitments.
Projects are not processes. They are not value streams. The work of
management in project environments is the ongoing articulation and activation
of unique networks of commitment. The work of leaders is bringing coherence
to the network of commitments in the face of the uncertain future and co-
creating the future with project participants. This contrasts with the
commonsense understanding that limits planning as predicting, managing as
controlling, and leadership as setting direction.
4. Optimize the project not the pieces.
Project work is messy. Projects get messier and spin out of control when
contracts and project practices push every activity manager to press for speed
and lowest cost. Pushing for high productivity at the task level may maximize
local performance but it reduces the predictable release of work downstream,
increases project durations, complicates coordination, and reduces trust. In
design, we incur rework and delays. In the field, this means greater danger.
We have a significant opportunity and responsibility to reduce workers'
exposure to hazards on construction projects. Doing so can bring about greater
than 50% improvements in the safety on the work site. As the leading
community-based healthcare system in northern California we are committed to
do all that is possible so that the people who build these projects are able to go
home each night the way they came to work. The way we understand work and
manage planning can increase that messiness or reduce it.
5. Tightly couple action with learning.
Continuous improvement of costs, schedule, and overall project value is
possible when project performers learn in action. Work can be performed in a
way that the performer gets immediate feedback on how well it matched the
intended conditions of satisfaction. Doing work as single-piece flow avoids
producing batches that in some way don't meet customer expectations. The
current separation of planning, execution, and control contributes to poor
project performance and to declining expectations of what is possible.
While the focus of this paper is on the commercial strategies employed by Sutter Health
in moving towards a "relational contracting model," that discussion cannot proceed
without mentioning the other efforts undertaken in support of the initiative.
Sutter Health began by hosting the Sutter Lean Summit, a three-day event held during
March 2004, in Concord, California. The first two days, attended by over 225 members
of FPD and the design and construction community, focused on an introduction to lean
principles structured around the Five Big Ideas. The third day convened company
leaders to discuss the leadership challenges that would emerge during this effort.
The Summit was followed by:
• on-going training for FPD staff, including both formal workshops, weekly
conference calls, and monthly initiatives
• implementation of the Last Planner System™ (LPS) on five projects of differing
size and complexity. Implementation included Sutter Health sponsored two-
day kick-off sessions which trained the project team in the tools of LPS and on-
going project coaching to help the team put the concepts in action.
• a Sutter Health sponsored web-based portal, styled as a "wiki" — a community-
based body of knowledge — for sharing information, tools and experiences.
• members of the design and construction community meeting with FPD staff in
Vendor Forums for facilitated conversations on topics of interest to the
• Sutter Health formed a Lean Executive Leadership Group, a think-tank of
leading industry executives participating in Sutter Health's program, to meet
periodically and share information, successes, and challenges.
Through these efforts, Sutter Health has sought to develop a collective awareness and
understanding of the concepts inherent in Lean Project Delivery, while also building as
sense of community. This has served to provide new foundations for project-based
collaboration and has increased the relatedness of the parties.
Sanvido, Victor E. and Konchar, Mark D. 1999. Selecting Project Delivery Systems: Comparing Design-
Build, Design-Bid-Build and Construction Management at Risk, at p. 51.
In support of these efforts, Sutter Health anticipates that the CM/GC and trades will
have a seat at the table throughout design. It expects that major portions of the
project will garner the participation of design-collaboration or design-build
subcontractors (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire, Curtain wall, skin). Again, the
design process is structured to encourage the sharing of intermediate design documents,
rather than just handing off large batches of drawings at extended intervals.
By involving the constructors early, Sutter Health requests that constructability and
buildability be addressed throughout design, in essence being treated as a design
criteria. Similarly, the team is expected to engage in design reviews with an eye
toward value analysis and value engineering –- constantly exploring whether other
construction options will better serve Sutter Health's value proposition.
While always having required over-the-shoulder pricing to inform design decisions,
Sutter Health has recently moved to experimenting with Target Value Design.5 In
support of the primacy of designing and constructing each project within budget, the
design team accepts significant design-to-budget obligations, which cause the Architect
and CM/GC to collectively focus on the quality of the documents available for pricing
and the quality of the cost modeling that is developed by the CM/GC and its trade
Sutter Health also expects that the design and construction team will collectively create
the Conditions of Satisfaction. The parties are expected to develop a joint site/existing
condition investigation plan, proposing the level of investigation that the team
recommends as prudent. In addition, the team jointly develops the scope for third-
party consultants and collectively assess the resulting work product to evaluate it for
completeness and sufficiency to inform design and construction.
Finally, in order to assure that a commercial strategy supporting Lean Project Delivery
is carried through to all levels of the project team, Sutter Health reviews the
subcontract terms to confirm alignment with Sutter Health’s commercial and Lean
Project Delivery policies. Similarly, because traditional project management bonus
terms for CM/GC firms can motivate by local, rather than system-wide, optimization,
Sutter Health’s contract provides that for bonuses to be considered a Cost of the Work,
they must be reviewed and approved by FPD’s project manager. By way of example,
the CM/GC might bonus based upon cash flow, which could cause work to be installed
without regard to the LPS.
Target Value Design is similar to Target Costing, but may be broadened to encompass additional design
criteria beyond cost, including time, work structuring, buildability, and similar issues. For a discussion
of Target Costing see Ballard, Glenn and Reiser, Paul (2004). The St. Olaf College Fieldhouse Project:
A case Study in Designing to Target Cost. Proceedings of the 12th Annual IGLC Conference.
help inform the parties' negotiations by providing an informed, objective view of the
facts and circumstances surrounding the dispute.6
If these earlier efforts have been unsuccessful, the agreements call for mandatory
mediation, with the cost to be shared equally by the parties. The mediation must occur
with 30 days, unless all parties agree otherwise. Failing resolution, the parties may
resort to the litigation process, with the prevailing party recovering attorneys' fees and
These dispute resolution procedures are designed to encourage the parties to freely
share information and negotiate a resolution at the lowest level possible. It is also
sensitive to preserving the on-going relationship between project personnel and
contracting companies, since most project participants are performing on multiple
projects within the system. The goal is to resolve disputes, while preserving the
Sutter Health has successfully used the Independent Expert procedure to produce a negotiated solution
to a significant design-related claim. The assessment of the Independent Expert helped inform the
Owner's position, resulting in a negotiated settlement and payment in excess of $100,000 to settle a
and rated, with the overall portion of the incentive pool to be paid to the team based
upon performance on the non-cost performance criteria.