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Fosroc Conplast F292: Foam Cement Admixture

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Fosroc Conplast F292 constructive solutions

Foam cement admixture

Uses Typical properties

For the production of foamed low density mortars. Typical Appearance : Clear liquid
applications include trench filling for road reinstatement, Specific gravity : Typically 1.10 at 20oC
lightweight roofing screeds and the filling of undesirable voids
such as old sewers and solvent tanks. Compatibility with other admixtures

Conplast F292 should not be mixed with other admixtures. The

Advantages Fosroc Technical Service Department can give advice on the
„ When used with approved foam generating equipment, use of other admixtures in the same finished mortar.
produces a consistent pre-foam which is stable under the Compatibility with cements
alkaline conditions of cement mortars.
Conplast F292 is compatible with Portland cement. Consult
„ Easily controlled additions of pre-foam to pre-batched
the Fosroc Technical Service Department for advice on use
mortar allows close control of finished product density.
with special cements or cement replacement materials.
„ Suitable for production of a wide range of finished densities.
„ Foamed mortar provides an easily placed lightweight Limitations
product at an economic price. Conplast F292 should not be diluted with water which is below
Description 10oC in temperature. If water temperatures below 10oC are
encountered, the water can be warmed to above 10oC by
Conplast F292 is concentrated solution of selected surfactant means such as the use of an immersion heater. Dilutions of
materials which is diluted with water before use. Used with Conplast F292 should not be allowed to cool to below 10oC.
the approved Fosroc Foam Generator, Conplast F292
produces a consistent pre-foam that is stable under alkaline Low temperatures significantly reduce the foaming
conditions and therefore suitable for use in the production of effectiveness of the product. Dilutions should not be made with
foamed mortars. concrete wash water or water from other sources containing
high levels of calcium ions.
Foamed mortar has many uses, including trench filling during
road reinstatement, lightweight roofing screeds and void Dosage
filling. The materials is highly mobile, being able to flow for
The dosage of Conplast F292 required will vary, depending on
long distances under its own hydrostatic head, and is therefore
the desired final mortar density and the original starting material.
particularly suitable for filling old sewers and solvent tanks.
Further details on a suitable procedure for determining the
By controlled variation of the amount of pre-foam added to a required quantities are given later in this sheet. Typical
pre-mixed mortar, the production of a desired density finished dosages are in the range 0.6 to 2.0 litres of undiluted material
product can be achieved. The minimum attainable density will per cubic metre of finished mortar over a density range of 1500
vary for particular mix designs and performance requirements. to 600 kg per m3. The use of dosages outside this range may
Typical finished densities of down to 1000 kg per m3 can be be suitable in certain circumstances. In these cases the
obtained with 1:1 sand:cement mortars and down to 600 kg Fosroc Technical Service Department should be contacted for
per m3 with 1:2 sand:cement mortars. Local materials may advice.
give values above or below these values. It is important that
the specific requirements of a particular mix are considered
and trials performed to ensure compliance.
Conplast F292
Fosroc Conplast F292

Instructions for use

When foam production is required, the valve on the delivery unit
Conplast F292 should be diluted with potable water and used is turned from the re-circulation to the delivery position and a
to produce a pre-foam that is mixed into a pre-batched mortar. pre-foam will be produced. The pre-foam is added into the back
Varying the amount of foam added to a mortar allows the of the ready mix drum with the drum on fast spin. The rotation
production of a range of densities of finished product. of the drum blends the pre-foam and mortar together to produce
the finished foamed mortar. Fast spin should be maintained
Conplast F292 is not intended for direct addition to mortar and
for 2-4 minutes after the addition of the pre-foam to ensure
use in this manner will not produce foamed systems.
complete blending.
The Fosroc Foam Generator has been designed to produce a
Foam generation can be stopped at any time by returning the
pre-foam system. This equipment is recommended for use
valve at the delivery unit to the re-circulating position.
with Conplast foam admixtures. All information in this data
sheet is based on the use of this equipment. When blending of the pre-foam and mortar is complete, the
foamed material is ready for placement. The mortar is self
Dilution and preparation levelling and can be flowed into place directly, or down trenches,
gullies or pipes. The foamed mortar can also be pumped using
Dilute Conplast F292 by taking 4 litres of admixture and diluting
standard concrete pumping equipment. Contact the Fosroc
to 100 litres with water; this can easily be done in the holding
Technical Service Department for further information.
tank of the Fosroc Foam Generator, using the volume graduation
Initial mortar mix proportions
Dilution should be made using potable water at a temperature
A sand:cement mortar should be pre-batched into the ready mix
above 10oC. Concrete wash water is not suitable. If the locally
truck. Best results will be obtained with finer sands with a high
available water has a high hardness it is recommended that the
proportion of material passing a 300 µm sieve. The use of
diluted material produced is used immediately.
sands containing large amounts of coarse material, larger
With the system set to re-circulation, the pump on the generator than 2 mm in diameter, may lead to a less stable foamed
can be switched on. The pump can remain switched on even product, particularly at the lower densities.
when foam is not immediately required but if this is done the
If densities down to 1000 kg per m3 are required, it is
valve at the delivery unit should be kept in the re-circulation
recommended that the batched mortar should be a 1:1
position until foam is required. If more than the initial 100 litres
sand:cement mix. If densities below 1000 kg per m3 are
of diluted material are required, the generator holding tank can
desired it is recommended that a 1:2 sand:cement mortar
be topped up at any time. The volume graduation marks on the
should be used. Trials should be performed to check that the
level tube provide a usual means of measurement for this
combination of strength and density desired are obtained.
purpose. Topping up should be done by adding 1 litre of
Mortar mix proportions may be varied from the suggested
Conplast F292 diluted to 25 litres with potable water each time.
starting values above if so indicated by the results obtained in
During topping up, the valve at the delivery unit should be
the trials.
switched to the re-circulation position for two minutes to ensure
an even mixing.
Initial mortar workability

Foam addition procedure The delivered mortar should be batched to have a workability
equivalent to a collapse slump prior to the addition of the foam;
After production, foamed mortar will be of a fluid, self levelling
the water content to give this will typically result in a water:cement
consistency and therefore it is not usually practical to transport
ratio in the range 0.4-0.5 but may vary depending on the sand
it from plant to site. It will normally be most convenient for the
grading. Where appropriate to the needs of a particular job or
pre-foam to be added on site to a mortar delivered in a ready mix
necessary due to the water demand of local materials, values
truck. If foamed mortar is transported for long distances in the
outside these limits may be used.
truck drum, or if there are significant time delays between the
addition of the pre-foam and the placement of the foamed The workability of the delivered mix is particularly critical to the
mortar, some breakdown of the foam may occur. This will amount of foam required for a desired final density. Mixes of
increase density and reduce yield. lower workability than that suggested above may cause
difficulties in blending the pre-foam into the mortar and, therefore,
extended mixing periods may be required. If the pre-foam does
not blend into the mortar after three to four minutes fast spin,
a small quantity of water should be added into the back of the
truck and the fast spin period repeated.
Conplast F292 - Page 2 of 4
Fosroc Conplast F292

Calculation of required foam quantity 2) For the first truck of a pour, read off the lower curve on Figure 1 the
suggested addition time for the finished density required. The value
obtained is the addition time for each cubic metre of original mortar.
Add the total pre-foam required and measure the density produced
(a suitable method of density measurement is detailed below).

3) If the density obtained is higher than that desired then more pre-foam
can be added. To estimate the additional amount required, determine
where on the Figure the measured density and actual addition time
meet and then move parallel to the existing lines until the final desired
density is reached. This point will then indicate the total pre-foam
addition time required, again for each cubic metre of starting mortar,
and the extra time needed can be calculated by the difference
between this value and the addition time so far.

4) For subsequent trucks of the same pour and using the same
materials, the addition time per cubic metre of original mortar should
be the same as for the first truck. If the volume of original mortar varies
between trucks the total pre-foam addition time must be modified to
allow for this. It is recommended that the foamed density should be
checked for each truck individually to ensure compliance with
The Fosroc Foam Generator produces a pre-foam at a consistent
expansion and output rate. The most convenient means of Density measurement
measurement of addition is to time the process.
The density of the foam material can be measured by using a spring
Figure 1 shows, on the horizontal axis, typical foam addition balance and a container of known volume (approximately 5 litre is
times that will be required to produce a finished foamed material suitable). The weight of foamed material to fill the container will allow
of the target wet density, read off the left hand axis, for each cubic the calculation of a wet density. The dry density of the foamed material
metre of an original mortar of 2200 kg per m3 density. In practice will typically be 50 – 100 kg per m3 lower than the wet density. It is
this can be used for most mortar mix designs without major recommended that wet density measurement is always used as a
variation. routine quality control check.

Figure 1 also shows, on the right hand axis, the volume of original
mortar required to produce a foamed mortar of the target wet
density desired, again based on an original mortar density of Unless extremely tight control is exercised, which will require extra time,
2200 kg per m3. It is clearly important that there is sufficient free the density of a foamed mortar is likely to vary by +100 kg per m3. The
space in the drum to accommodate the volume increase with variability should be allowed for in estimating the possible volume of
foam addition. The original weights should be determined with material required.
this in mind.
Certain factors may also lead to changes in density and therefore
The values obtained from Figure 1 should only be taken as a reduced yield. Losses will not always occur but their possibility should
guide, as a number of factors may affect the finished density and be taken into account. Possible causes include; delays in discharge
therefore the amount of pre-foam required for a desired value. from a truck, transport of foamed mortar over long distances such as may
If finished densities below those given on the Figure are required, occur if pre-foam is added at a ready mix plant instead of on site, and
then addition levels should be determined for each case. pumping.

Figure 1 should be used as follows: If foamed concrete is placed against a dry substrate there is the
possibility of foam collapse due to the suction of moisture out of the
1) Determine the desired finished density and the amount of
foamed mortar. If this situation exists, the substrate should be wetted
original mortar batched in the ready mix truck. The amount
before placing the foamed mortar to reduce the likelihood of the problem.
batched can most easily be obtained from the batch ticket.

Conplast F292 - Page 3 of 4

Fosroc Conplast F292

Cleaning and disposal For further information see the relevant Material Safety Data
Spillages of Conplast F292 should be absorbed onto sand,
earth or vermiculite and transferred to suitable containers.
Care should be taken in the disposal of excess or waste
material, due to the high bacteriological oxygen demand. Conplast F292 has a minimum shelf life of 12 months provided
Disposal should be carried out in accordance with local water the temperature is kept in the range of 10oC to 50oC. Prolonged
and waste authority regulations. storage below 10oC may result in a slight turbidity or separation
of the product. This will be evident in the form of a cloudy
Compressive strength solution or a separation of the material. If this occurs the
affected material should be warmed gently and thoroughly
The compressive strength of a hardened foamed mortar is
remixed to restore the normal clear appearance. The
proportional to its density and also to the cement content of the
performance of the product will not be affected if this procedure
original mortar. Lower density finished products will have
is observed.
lower compressive strengths.
Should the material become frozen, it must be completely
A number of factors, such as water:cement ratio and materials
thawed and thoroughly remixed before use.
used, can have an effect on the compressive strength. Trials
should be performed using the conditions that will apply in Technical service
The company provides a technical advisory service for non-
site assistance and advice on evaluation trials and dispensing
Health and safety
Conplast F292 does not fall into the hazard classifications of
Conplast F292 is available in 210 and 25 litre drums. Suitable
current regulations (see notes 1 and 2 below). However, it
foaming equipment can be supplied.
should not be swallowed or allowed to come into contact with
skin and eyes. Further information

Suitable protective gloves and goggles should be worn. Technical data and guidance can also be provided on a wide
Splashes on the skin should be removed with water. Prolonged range of admixtures, including accelerators, retarders, water
contact with the skin should be avoided, as some degreasing reducers, workability aids, air-entraining agents,
of the skin may occur. In case of contact with eyes rinse waterproofers, mould release agents, surface retarders, curing
immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. If membranes and other special materials.
swallowed seek medical attention immediately - Do not
induce vomiting. Note 1 : CPL Regulations 1984 supply – Schedule 1.
Note 2 : HSE Publication Guidance Note EH40.

Conplast F292 is water based and non-flammable.

* Denotes the trademark of Fosroc International Limited

See separate data sheet

Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for
the Supply of Goods and Service. All Fosroc datasheets are updated on a regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to
obtain the recent version.

Head Office
telephone: (+9714) 2039699 fax: (+9714) 2859649 email:
Al Gurg Fosroc LLC agf@fosroc.com

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www.fosroc.com Kuwait, Boodai

Oman, Al Amana
telephone: 4817618
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email: kuwait@fosroc.com
email: oman@fosroc.com
Qatar, Tadmur telephone: 4432365 fax: 4419517 email: qatar@fosroc.com

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