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Making friends

In Unit 1, you learn how to . . .

use the simple present and present of be (review).
give responses with too and either.
talk about yourself, your family, and your favorite things.
start a conversation with someone you don’t know.

use actually to give or “correct” information.

Before you begin . . .

Match the pictures with the words. Write the
free time studies

home and family work

Imagine you want to get to know someone.
What questions can you ask about each topic?
Lesson A
Getting to know you
1 Getting started
Complete the questionnaire. Use your own information.

1. What’s your name?
1. Are you a full-time student?

2. What does your name mean?

a. If yes: What’s your major?

3. Do you have a middle name?

b. If no: What do you do for a living
4. Are you named after someone?
2. How do you get to work or class?

5. Do you like your name?

3. How long does it take?


1. Where do you live?
1. Do you have a lot of friends?

2. Do you like your neighborhood?

2. Are your friends from school, work
, or
your neighborhood?
3. Do you live alone or with your famil
3. What are your friends like?
4. Do you have any brothers or siste
4. Do you and your friends get toget
5. Where are your parents from? her a lot?

5. What do you do when you get toget


2 Speaking
p g naturallyy Stress and intonation
A DVD-ROM Watch Speaking naturally 1.

Do you have a nickname? Are you from a big family? What do you do for fun?

Yes. People call me Jimmy. Yes. I have four sisters. I go to the movies.

B 002 Listen and repeat the questions and answers above. Notice the stress on the important
content word. Notice how the voice rises, or rises and then falls, on the stressed word.

C 003 Listen to the questions in B again. Give your own answers.

Unit 1 Making friends
3 Grammar Simple present and present of be (review)
A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 1.

B Listen and repeat. Notice the affirmative, negative, and question forms

of the verb be and other verbs.

Are you from a big family? What’s your name? Is it Leo?

Yes, I am. I’m one of six children. Yes, it is. My name’s Leo Green.
No, I’m not. There are only two of us. No, it’s not. My name isn’t Leo. It’s Joe.
Are you and your friends full-time students? Where are your parents from? Are they from Peru?
Yes, we are. We’re English majors. Yes, they are. They’re from Lima.
No, we’re not. We’re part-time students. No, they’re not. My parents aren’t from Peru.

Do you have any brothers and sisters? What does your brother do? Does he go to college?
Yes, I do. I have a brother. Yes, he does. He goes to the same college as me.
No, I don’t. I’m an only child. No, he doesn’t. He works at a bank.
Do you and your friends get together a lot? Where do your parents live? Do they live nearby?
Yes, we do. We go out all the time. Yes, they do. They live near here.
No, we don’t. We don’t have time. No, they don’t. They don’t live around here.

C Write a question for each answer.

1 A What’s
1. your favorite color? 5 A
5. ?
B Red. B We usually go out to dinner or see a movie.
2 A ? 6 A
6. ?
B No, I’m not. I have one sister. B No, they don’t. They don’t have time.
3 A
3. ? 7 A
7. ?
B No, I don’t. I don’t drive. B No, I hate mornings. I’m not a morning person.
4 A
4. ? 8.
8 A ?
B He works in a store. B Well, I have a part-time job. I work Saturdays.
you D Write your own answers to the questions in C.

4 Listening and writing What’s the question?

A 005 Listen to Tom’s answers to these questions. Number the questions 1 to 6.

“Do you have any pets?” “What’s your favorite name?” “Who’s your favorite actor?”

“What do you do “When do you spend time “Do you go out a lot
on weeknights?” with your family?” on weekends?”
you B Write your own answers to the questions in A. Then write and answer three follow-up questions.
How do you spell that? M-E-R-V-E.
My favorite name is Merve. Why do you like that name? I think it sounds nice.
Do you have a favorite boy’s name? Yes, Tolga.
Practice lesson A Getting to know you
1 About you 1
A Complete the chart. Use the words in the box.
class fun movies only child TV
college major neighborhood parents

Home and family School Free time


B Answer the questions. Use your own information. Use short answers.
1. Are you an only child? Yes, I am. or No, I’m not.
2. Is your neighborhood quiet?
3. Do you live with your parents?
4. Do you have a big TV?
5. Do you and your friends go to college?
6. Are you a French major?
7. Does your best friend like action movies?
8. Is your English book interesting?

2 You and me
Complete the conversation. Use the verb be. Use contractions where possible.

Koji Hi. I 1’m Koji.

Evren Hi. I 2 Evren. Where 3 you from, Koji?
Koji I from Japan. How about you?
Evren Turkey, from Izmir.
Koji Oh, my friends Can and Sevda 5 from Turkey, too.
Evren Really? your friends here now?
Koji No, they not. Uh, I guess they 8 late.
Evren the teacher here?
Koji Yes, she . She 11 over there.
Evren She looks nice. What her name?
Koji I think it Ms. Barnes.

Unit 1 Making friends
3 I’m Rudy.
Answer the questions.

1. Is Rudy from San Francisco? 2. Are his friends English majors?

No, he’s not. He’s from Los Angeles.

3. Do his friends study in the evening? 4. Is he from a large family?

4 About you 2
Write the words in the correct order to make questions. Then write your own answers.

1. name / What’s / first / your ? What’s your first name?

2. full-time / a / Do / have / you / job ?

3. live / best friend / Does / your / nearby ?

4. weekends / What / do / on / you / do ?

5. Where / you / for fun / go / do ?

6. best friend / your / like / What’s ?

Lesson B
Things in common
1 Building language
A 006 Listen. What do these friends have in common? Practice the conversations.
1 2 3

A Dogs are so noisy, and A I don’t watch much television. A I love shopping. I can shop
they always wreck things. B No, I don’t either. for hours! Too bad I can’t
I’m just not an animal A I mean, I watch pro football. afford anything new.
lover, I guess. B Yeah, I do too. But that’s B I know. I can’t either.
B Well, I’m not either. I’m about it. I’m broke.
allergic to dogs and cats. A Yeah, I am too.

it out
B Complete the answers. Use the conversations in A to help you.
1 A I’m not a football fan. 2 A I love shopping. 3 A I can’t have a pet.
B I’m either. B I too. B I can’t .

2 Grammar Responses with too and either

A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 2.

B 007 Listen and repeat. Notice the form of the responses with be, other verbs, and can.

I’m allergic to cats. I watch pro football. I can shop for hours!
I am too. I do too. I can too.
I’m not an animal lover. I don’t watch much television. I can’t afford anything new.
I’m not either. I don’t either. I can’t either.
People also respond with Me too and Me neither (or Me either).

C Write responses to these statements. Use too or either. Did you know . . . ?
1. I watch a lot of TV. I do too. 4. I’m not a sports fan. In conversation, people say
2. I’m allergic to some foods. 5. I don’t have a pet. Me either more often than
3. I can’t afford a new car. 6. I can shop all day. Me neither.

About Me either.
you D Write a conversation between you and a friend. Use the
sentences in C. Write your own answers. Me neither.

A I don’t watch a lot of TV.

B I don’t either. or Really? I watch TV all the time.
Unit 1 Making friends
3 Building vocabulary
A Make a list of words and expressions for each topic.

TV shows clothes food weekend activities

B Complete the chart with your favorites from your list in A. Think about what a friend likes.
Write conversations between you and a friend.

My favorite . . .
weekend activities TV shows food clothes
sleep late

A I sleep late on the weekends.

B I do too.
you C Complete the sentences with your likes and dislikes. Then write responses from a
family member.

Who has the same tastes as you?

You Your family member.
1. I can’t stand soap operas . (type of TV show) I can’t either.
2. I often . (weekend activity)
3. I love to wear . (item of clothing)
4. I don’t like too much. (color)
5. I’m not a fan. (sport)
6. I hate . (type of food)

4 Vocabulary notebook Webs of words

See page 18 for a new way to log and learn vocabulary.

Practice lesson B Things in common
1 What doesn’t belong?
Circle the word that doesn’t belong in each group.

1. apples butter mangoes strawberries 4. baseball basketball singing volleyball

2. CD jacket jeans sweater 5. cat dog fish pet
3. black color green red 6. dessert juice milk water

2 We’re the same.

Write responses to these statements. Use too or either.

1. I’m a soccer fan. 2. I can’t stand doing the laundry.

I am too.

3. I can sing karaoke all night. 4. I’m not a good cook.

5. I don’t like shopping. 6. I love to swim in cold water.

Unit 1 Making friends
3 First date
Complete the conversation. Use the expressions in the box.
Use each expression only one time.

I am too. I do too. I can too. Me too. Really?

I’m not either. I don’t either. I can’t either. Me neither.

David You know, I’m always nervous on first dates.

Lesley 1 I am too.
David So, tell me about yourself, Lesley. What do you like to do?
Lesley Well, I go to rock concerts.
David 2 I’m a big fan of U2.
Lesley 3 They’re my favorite group. I mean, I can
listen to their music for hours.
David Do you have all their CDs?
Lesley No, I don’t. I don’t have All That You Can’t Leave Behind.
David 5 But I want to buy it.

Lesley What do you do on the weekends?
I mean, do you eat out a lot?
David No. I don’t usually go to restaurants.
Lesley 6 I like to eat at home.
David Oh, are you a good cook?
Lesley Uh, not really.
David 7 But I like to cook.
Lesley Do you ever cook Italian food?
David Sure. But I’m allergic to cheese, so I can’t eat pizza.
Lesley 8 I’m allergic to cheese, too!
David That’s amazing! We have a lot in common.
Do you like sports?
Lesley Uh, no, not at all.
David 9 I’m a big sports fan. I watch sports all weekend.
Lesley Huh. I can’t stand sports.

4 About you
Write your own responses to these statements.

1 A I always eat chocolate for dinner. 4.
4 A I don’t have a pet.
B I do too. or Me too. or Really? I don’t. B

2 A I’m not a baseball fan.

2. 5 A I’m allergic to bananas.

3 A I can’t drive.
3. 6 A I can cook Italian food.

Lesson C
Do you come here a lot?
1 Conversation strategy Starting a conversation
A Which topics can you talk about when you meet someone for the first time?
Check ( ) the boxes.

your salary your family the weather someone’s appearance

your health where you live your problems things you see around you

B 008 Now listen. What topics are Eve and Chris talking about? Write the answer.

Eve Ooh, it’s cold tonight.

Chris Yeah, it is. But actually, I kind of
like cold weather.
Eve You do? Really? . . . Boy, there are
a lot of people out here tonight.
Chris Yeah, it gets pretty crowded on
Eve Do you come here a lot?
Chris Yeah, I do, actually.
Eve So are you a big hip-hop fan?
Chris Yeah, I am. Are you?
Eve Actually, no, but my brother’s in
the band tonight.
Chris Oh, really? Cool. . . . By the way,
my name’s Chris.
Eve Nice to meet you. I’m Eve.

Notice how Eve starts a conversation with a stranger. She talks about “Ooh, it’s cold tonight.”
the things around them, like the weather and the club, and asks general
“Do you come here a lot?”
questions. Find examples in the conversation.

C Practice the conversation in B. Then write a sentence to start a conversation for each situation below.
1. You meet someone new at a party. The food is really good. This food is delicious!
2. It’s a very hot day. You’re just arriving at work.
3. You’re in a long line at a movie theater. It’s a cold day.
4. You’re working out at a new gym. The music is very loud.
5. You’re in a new English class. You meet someone during the break.
6. You’re at the bus stop on a beautiful day. Someone arrives and smiles at you.

10 DVD-ROM Interactive activities

Unit 1 Making friends
2 Strategy plus Actually
You can use Do you come You can also use actually to
actually here a lot? “correct” things people say or think.
to give new A So, you’re American?
or surprising B Well, actually, I’m from Canada.
Yeah, I do,
Did you know . . . ?

In conversation, actually is one of

the top 200 words.
A Match each conversation starter with a response.
1. I like your jacket. d a. Actually, I feel a bit cold.
2. Do you come here by bus? b. Yeah. I actually look forward to it.
3. Is that your newspaper? c. No, I walk, actually. It takes an hour.
4. Do you like this class? d. Thanks. It’s from Peru, actually.
5. Do you live around here? e. Uh . . . actually, no, it’s not. Go ahead and take it.
6. Boy, it’s warm in here. f. Yes, right around the corner, actually.

you B Imagine someone says the things above to you. Write your own responses.
1 Thanks, my brother bought it for me.

3 Listening Sally’s party

A 009Listen to six people talk at Sally’s party. Which conversation
starters are the people responding to? Number the sentences 1 to 6.

“Gosh, the music “Mmm. The food

really is loud, huh?” looks good.”

“Are you a friend

“This is a great party.”
of Sally’s?”

“Is it me, or is it “I don’t really know

really hot in here?” anyone here. Do you?”

B Now listen to the complete conversations. Check


your answers in A.

C 011 Listen again. What is Sally’s job? What are her


Practice lesson C Do you come here a lot?
1 Starting a conversation
Complete the conversations. Use the conversation starters in the box.

Is this your first English class here? You look really nice today. That’s a beautiful jacket.
Hey, I don’t know you. Do you live around here? Boy, the food is great. And this cake is really wonderful.
Is it me, or is it kind of noisy in here? Ooh, it’s cold. Can I close the window?

1 A
1. oh, it’s cold. Can I close the window? 2 A
B Sorry, I just opened it. I’m a little warm, B Thanks. Actually, it’s from China.

3 A 4.
4 A
B Thank you. It’s my grandmother’s recipe. B Yes, it is. What about you?

5 A
5. 6 A
B Yeah, it’s pretty loud! Is this your first B Uh, no, I don’t. I’m actually visiting from
time here? Ankara.
Unit 1 Making friends
2 Actually, . . .
Circle the correct response for each conversation starter.

1. I don’t know anyone here. Do you? 5. This TV show is really interesting.

a. Actually, I know everybody. a. It’s a movie, actually.
b. Actually, I don’t know you. b. Actually, it was my grandfather’s.

2. So, are you British? 6. Do you work around here?

a. Actually, where are you from? a. No, I have a job, actually.
b. I’m Australian, actually. b. Actually, I’m a full-time student.

3. Boy, it’s hot today. 7. It’s a beautiful day. I love warm weather.
a. Actually, I think it’s OK. a. You do, actually.
b. Well, actually, I do. b. Actually, I kind of like cold weather.

4. I like your jacket. Is it new? 8. The bus is really late today.

a. Actually, I like them, too. a. It’s late every day, actually.
b. No, it’s my sister’s, actually. b. Actually, the bus is late.

3 First day of class

Imagine it’s the first day of summer school classes. Write a response to each conversation starter.

1. I don’t know anyone here. I don’t either. By the way, I’m James.

2. This is a really big class.

3. Is it warm in here, or is it me?

4. Do you have an eraser?

5. Are you a friend of Meg’s?

6. I really like your cell phone.

7. Our teacher is really cool.

Lesson D
Making conversation
1 Reading
A Which of these are good suggestions for social conversations? Check ( ) the boxes.
Don’t look at the other person. Have some good topics to discuss.
Keep quiet when the other person is talking. Talk about yourself a lot.
Ask questions that start with what, where, how, or when.

B Read the magazine article. Do you agree with all of the ideas in the article?
Circle the ideas you agree with.

Don’t be boring. Don’t just say “Yes” or “No”

when you answer a question. Give some
interesting information, too.

Don’t talk all the time. Ask, “How about you?”

and show you are interested in the other
person, too. People love to talk about themselves!

Have some topics ready to start a conversation.

Say something about the weather or the place
you’re in. Talk about the weekend – we all have
something to say about weekends! Ask information questions. Ask questions like
“What do you do in your free time?” or “What
Make the conversation interesting. Know kind of food do you like?” Use follow-up questions
about events in the news. Read restaurant and to keep the conversation going. But don’t ask too
movie reviews. Find out about the current music scene many questions – it’s not an interrogation!
or what’s new in fashion or sports.
Be positive. Negative comments can sound
Be a good listener. Keep eye contact and say, rude. And if you don’t want to answer a
“Yes,” “Hmm,” “Uh-huh,” “Right,” and personal question, simply say, “Oh, I’m not sure
“I know.” And say, I can answer that,” or “I’d rather not say.”
“Really? That’s
interesting.” Smile! Everyone
It encourages loves a smile.
people to talk. Just be relaxed, smile,
and be yourself.

Unit 1 Making friends
C Read the article in B again. Find the things below. Write a sentence about each item.
1. an interesting topic of conversation 4. a question to show you’re interested in the other person
2. an example of an information question 5. something you can say to show you’re listening
3. a suggestion you would like to try 6. something to say if someone asks you a difficult question

1 An interesting topic of conversation is the weather.

2 Writing How to improve your . . .

A Write ideas about each topic.

How to improve your social life How to improve your English How to improve your study skills
Go out. Be friendly.
Take up a sport or hobby.

it a short
h t magazine
g i article
ti l lik
like the example below. Use a topic and your ideas from A to help you.

Document 1
Help note
How to Improve Your Social Life
Do you feel lonely? Do you want to make new friends? Punctuation
Here are some ideas to help you.
• Use a CAPITAL letter to start a sentence.
1. Be friendly. Talk to people at school and work. Smile
and say, “Hi. How are you?” to new people.
• Use a comma ( ) before quotation
marks ( ) and in lists.
2. Go out a lot. Go to coffee shops, bookstores, clubs, “”
and sports events. Try to start conversations with
• Use a period ( ) at the end of a
people around you. statement and a question mark (?)
at the end of a question.

3 Write about it Friendly conversation

Write your own answers to the questions below.

Do you ever start conversations with strangers?

Do you think it’s odd when a stranger talks to you?
Are you a talkative person?
Do you think you talk too much?
Are you a good listener?
Are you usually the “talker” or the “listener”
in a conversation?
What do you like to talk about?
What topics do you try to avoid?

Practice lesson D Making friends
1 Getting together
A Look at the title of the article in B. Check ( ) the activities you think are in the article.
do aerobics go shopping play tennis
exercise at the gym join a club take a dance class
get together and talk listen to music watch a movie

B Read the article. How many of your ideas in A are mentioned? Check (✓) them.
World of Friends

Making Friends



Friends are important to all of us. They share But how can you meet new people? Think
our good days and our bad days. They are about your interests and the things you
interested in us and our problems. But how like to do. Do you have a hobby? Well, join
do you make new friends? Here are some a club. Do you want to learn to dance? Then
suggestions. sign up for a dance class. Start a conversation
with people you meet at these places – you
When you meet new people, find out what
already have something in common.
you have in common. Ask questions like,
“What do you do in your free time?” or “What When you start conversations with people,
do you like to do on the weekends?” If you smile and be friendly. Make eye contact, and
have things in common, you can do those don’t forget to give compliments. People
activities together. It’s fun to share your love to hear that they look nice or that you
favorite activities with someone. If you both like their things, so be positive. Always listen
like movies, make a date to watch a movie. to what the other person says, and ask
Or simply plan to get together one evening follow-up questions.
and talk – you don’t have to spend money
When you make new friends, don’t forget
or go out to expensive places. Just spend
your old friends! Introduce your new friends
time together.
to your old friends, too. After all, the more,
the merrier!

C Read the article in B again. Match the two parts of each sentence.
1. Friends are important because g a. when you meet new people.
2. Ask questions about general things b. spend money – just spend time together.
3. It’s good to find out c. and encourage him or her to talk.
4. It’s not important to d. nice things about themselves.
5. Join clubs or take classes e. what activities you both like.
6. Listen to the other person, f. to meet people and make new friends.
16 7. People love to hear g. they are interested in us and our problems.
Unit 1 Making friends
2 Suggestions, please!
A Read this e-mail to Marcy, the editor of Friends magazine, and her reply.
Correct the punctuation.

e-mail e-mail

Dear Marcy,
What can I do?

B Read these questions. Write three suggestions for each question.

1. Dave I’d like to make friends, but I don’t know how. Do you have any suggestions?

2. Niki I feel shy around new people. How can I improve my conversation skills?

Unit 1 Progress chart

Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. To review, go back to
these pages.
= I know how to . . . = I need to review how to . . .
make statements with the simple present and with present of be 2, 3, 6, and 7
ask questions with the simple present and present of be 2 and 3
use too and either to agree 6 and 7
name words to describe lifestyle, home and family, and work 2 and 3
and studies
strategies start conversations when meeting someone for the first time 10 and 11
use actually to give and “correct” information 11
use correct punctuation 15

DVD-ROM Quiz 1 17
Vocabulary notebook Webs of words
Learning tip Word webs
You can use word webs to organize your new vocabulary.

1 Complete the word webs for clothes and food. Use the words in the box.

jacket bread skirt sweatshirt pineapple jeans rice yogurt


clothes food

2 Now make word webs about colors and TV shows. Write a sentence
about each word.

I never wear purple. I watch cartoons on

Saturday mornings.

purple cartoons

colors TV shows

On your own
Choose a letter of the alphabet.
Think of words that begin with that letter.
Think of: a color
a food
an activity
an item of clothing
Then write a sentence. Use the four words.

I play tennis and eat pineapple in pink pants.

In Unit 2, you learn how to . . .
use different verb forms.
use object pronouns, and the pronouns everybody and nobody.
talk about your hobbies, interests, and taste in music.
say no in a friendly way.

use really and not really to make statements stronger or softer.

Before you begin . . .

Which magazines would you like to buy? Check
(✓) the boxes.
Lesson A
Leisure time
1 Getting started
A Listen to Eric’s answers in the interview below. What are the questions?

Number the questions 1 to 5. Then write the questions in the interview.

Are you good Are you interested in Can you play a musical
at sports? learning new things? instrument?
What else do you enjoy What are your
doing in your free time? hobbies?

Meet our new reporter for the College News. . . .

The College News interviewed Eric Kane, our new reporter.
Eric is a full-time student majoring in journalism. We asked
him about his hobbies.

1 College News: What are 3 CN:

your hobbies?
Eric Kane: Well, I enjoy writing. EK: Yeah, I play the saxophone,
I like to do a bit of creative writing and I can play the piano a little,
every day – in the evenings mostly. but not very well. I’d like to play
Someday I want to write a novel, in a jazz band or something. And
but for now it’s just a hobby. I like to sing, but I really can’t sing
at all.

2 CN: 4 CN: 5 CN:

EK: Let’s see, what else? Well, I EK: Not really. I prefer to watch EK: Yeah. I love to do new stuff all
design cards. I’m good at drawing, sports on TV. I like to play pool. the time – learn new skills, you
and I’m really into computer graphics, Is that a sport? I guess I jog know. I’m really excited about
so I sit and learn new programs, and occasionally. But I hate going to writing for the College News.
I play around with them. the gym and working out.

B 013Now listen to the complete interview. What does Eric like to do? What does he hate doing?
Write the answers.
it out
C Complete these sentences. Which sentences are true for you? Check (✓)the boxes.
1. I can the piano. 3. I enjoy to music.
2. I like sports on TV. 4. I’m not good at new computer programs.
Unit 2 Interests
2 Grammar Verb forms
A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 3.

B Listen and repeat. Notice the verbs that are followed by a verb, to + verb, and verb + -ing.

After prepositions, the verb form is verb + -ing.

Verb to + verb Verb + -ing Preposition + verb + -ing

I can play the piano. I love to swim. I love swimming. I’m good at drawing people.
I can’t play very well. I like to play pool. I like playing pool. I’m not interested in skiing.
I can’t sing at all. I hate to work out. I hate working out.
I prefer to watch TV. I prefer watching TV.
I’d like to play jazz. I enjoy reading.
Did you know . . . ?

In conversation, I like / love / hate

C Complete the questions. Use the correct form of the verbs given. to + verb is more common than
1. Can you whistle (whistle)? I like / love / hate + verb + -ing.
2. Do you enjoy (cook)? I like to . . .
3. Are you good at (skate)?
4. Do you like (play) board games? I like . . .ing
5. Can you (swim)?
6. Are you interested in (join) a meditation class? I love to . . .
7. Do you prefer (exercise) alone or with friends? I love . . .ing
8. Would you like (learn) a martial art?
I hate to . . .
D Write your own answers to the questions in C. I hate . . .ing
1 I can’t whistle very well.

3 Survey
Complete the chart with information about your family and friends. Then write sentences.

What are their interests?

Who . . . Name Interests
is a good dancer? Irem likes to dance the tango
likes to read or write poetry?
enjoys driving?
hates doing exercise?
can ride a horse?
is good at learning languages?
would like to learn German?
takes guitar lessons?

Irem is a good dancer. She likes to dance the tango.

Practice lesson A Leisure time
1 What do they like to do?
Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. Sometimes there is more than
one correct answer.

cook dance draw play read work out

1. Pam and Victor aren’t interested in reading 2. Ian would like every day. He
books. They both prefer to read / reading doesn’t like in the gym at all.
magazines. They really enjoy reading He enjoys at home with a video.
fashion magazines.

3. Sun Hee can’t now. She’s 4. Tom isn’t good at people.

interested in and would like He can’t people at all, but
the tango. he can animals very well.

5. Amy and Dave usually like , 6. Erica can’t the guitar very well.
but they hate Italian food. She enjoys the guitar, but she’s
They prefer Chinese food. not very good at it.

Unit 2 Interests
2 At home
Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box.

bowl go ski try

exercise play swim watch

Linda You and I watch too much TV. We need some exercise.
James I know, but I don’t really enjoy 1 exercising .
Linda But you like 2 tennis, right?
James Yeah, but these days I prefer 3 tennis on TV.
Linda How about bowling? We can both .
James Yeah, but it’s always pretty noisy.
Linda I guess you’re right.
James Well, you’re good at 5 . And the pool
is nearby.
Linda But it’s always crowded.
James Oh, I know! We both like 6 .
Linda Actually, I can’t stand the cold and snow.
James Really? Well, are you interested in 7
something new?
Linda Sure. I’d like 8 to the new Thai
restaurant in our neighborhood.
James Great idea, Linda. Let’s talk about exercise tomorrow.

3 About you
Answer the questions. Write your own answers.

1 A What are you good at?

B Well, I’m pretty good at learning languages. I can speak English and French.

2 A Would you like to play a musical instrument?


3 A What movie do you want to see?


43 A Is there anything you really hate doing?


5 A What activities do you enjoy doing on the weekends?


6 A What are you bad at?

Lesson B
1 Building vocabulary
A 015 Listen. Number the types of music 1 to 8.

rock music hip-hop and rap pop music classical music

country music folk music jazz Latin music

B Complete the chart with the words in A. Use your own information. Then write sentences.

I love . . . I like . . . I don’t care for . . . I can’t stand . . .

rock music classical music

I love rock music. I don’t care for classical music.

2 Speaking naturally Saying lists

A DVD-ROM Watch Speaking naturally 2.

Jim What kinds of music do you like?

Sam I like classical, and hip-hop, and jazz. Sylvia I like pop, and rock, and folk, . . .

B Listen and repeat the sentences above. Notice that Sam’s list is complete,

but Sylvia’s list is not.

you C Now write a complete answer and an incomplete answer to Jim’s question. Practice
saying your answers out loud.
Unit 2 Interests
3 Building language
A 017 Listen. What does Carla think of the band? Practice the conversation.

Alex Listen. What do you think of this song?

Carla It’s good – I like it. Who is it?
Alex A new band . . . some local guys. Do you like them?
Carla They’re local? Really? They’re pretty good. Who’s the
lead singer? I like her. She sounds like Mariah Carey.
Alex Yeah, everybody says that. It’s my friend Lori.
Carla Who’s the guy singing with her? I’m not sure about him.
Alex Uh . . . actually, that’s me. I’m in the band, too.
it out
B Complete the sentences. Use the conversation in A to help you.
1. She sounds like Mariah Carey. I like . 3. Are they a local band? I like .
2. Who’s the guy? I’m not sure about .

4 Grammar Object pronouns; everybody, nobody

A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 4.

B Listen and repeat. Notice the forms of the subject and object pronouns. Notice the form of

the verb with everybody, nobody, everyone, and no one.

I’m a singer. That’s me on the CD. It’s a nice song. I like it. Everybody
You’re a musician? I’d like to hear you. We play in a band. Come listen to us. Everyone
likes pop.
She’s pretty good. I like her. They’re local guys. Do you like them? Nobody
He’s not a good singer. I don’t like him. No one

C Complete the questions with object pronouns. Complete the Did you know . . . ?
answers with everybody or nobody.
In conversation,
1 A I listen to hip-hop a lot. Do you listen to 1 it
1. , too?
everybody and nobody
2 Everybody
B Yes. in my school listens to hip-hop. are more common than
2 A Ricky Martin – he was on TV last night. Do you know 3
2. ? everyone and no one.
B Of course I do. 4 knows Ricky Martin. everybody
3 A I like Alicia Keys. She’s a good singer. What do you think of 5
3. ? everyone
B Oh, almost 6 is a fan of Alicia Keys.

4 A My favorite band is U2. I think they’re great. Do you like 7

5. ? nobody
B Yeah. They’re the best. 8 plays rock like they do. no one
you D Write your own answers to the questions in C.
1 Yes, I do. I think everybody likes hip-hop music.

5 Vocabulary notebook I really like to sing!

See page 36.
Practice lesson B Music
1 All kinds of music
Look at the pictures. Circle the correct type of music.

1. hip-hop and rap / 2. jazz / pop music 3. hip-hop and rap / 4. rock music /
folk music Latin music Latin music

5. classical music / 6. country music / jazz 7. folk music / pop 8. rock music /
country music music classical music

2 What’s new?
Complete Kevin’s e-mail. Use the correct pronouns.


1 me

3 4

8 9


Unit 2 Interests
3 Talking about music
Complete the questions. Use object pronouns. Then write your own answers.

1 A Gwen Stefani is a great singer. She’s pretty, too.

Do you like her ?
B Yes, I do. She’s amazing.

2 A You know Justin Timberlake, right? I think he’s great.
What do you think of ?

3 A You know, I’m not a fan of rap. How about you?
Do you ever listen to ?
Gwen Stefani
4 A Hey, the band Outkast performed on TV last night.
They’re really cool. Do you know ?

5 A My mom and dad love Sarah Chang. She’s their favorite

violinist. Do your parents like ?

6 A Do you like Latin music? Jeff and I have tickets for the
Shakira concert. Do you want to go with ?

7 A I don’t usually like country music, but I love the Dixie

7. Outkast
Chicks. Do you know ?

4 About you
Answer the questions. Use object pronouns.

1. Do you like Alicia Keys? Yes, I like her a lot. She has some great songs.
2. What do you think of the Rolling Stones?
3. Do you like Sertab Erener?
4. Do you listen to pop music very often?
5. What do you think of folk music?
6. Do you and your friends ever go to concerts?
7. What do you think of Tarkan?
8. Do you know the band Coldplay?

Lesson C
I really like making things.
1 Conversation strategy Saying no in a friendly way
A Cir
cle t he answ
s er tha
at sa
s ys no i n a mo
more f ri
d y way.
dl way.
wa y
A Do you have an anyy ho
B No
No.. / No
No, no
n t reallly

B 019Now listten
N e . Wh
a hob
at obbi
b es d
bi doo Sa
rah an
andd Ma
tt h
Wr ite
ite th
e an
Matt What are you knitting, Sarah?
Sarah A sweater. It’s for my brother.
Matt Nice. Do you make a lot of things?
Sarah Yeah. I really enjoy knitting. I guess
it’s my main hobby. Do you have
any hobbies?
Matt Um, no. I don’t really have much
time for hobbies. But I like to
take photos. Do you do any
Sarah No, not really, um . . . I’m not really
into photography. I prefer knitting,
sewing, . . . I really like making
things. But I’d love to see your
pictures sometime.
Matt Oh, well, I have some on my
computer. Stop by my desk after
lunch, and I can show them to you.

Notice how Sarah and Matt say more than just no when “Um, no. I don’t really have
they answer questions. They want to be friendly or polite, much time for hobbies. But
so they say more. Find examples in the conversation. I like to . . .”

C Practice the conversation in B. Then match the questions with the answers.
1. Do you have a lot of hobbies? e a. Uh, no. I’m not really good with my hands.
2. Do you like making things? b. Not really. I’m not very mechanical.
3. Are you interested in cooking? c. No, I don’t. A friend of mine collects coins, though.
4. Are you into photography? d. Well, no. I don’t even have a camera.
5. Can you knit or crochet? e. No, not really. I don’t have a lot of free time.
6. Do you collect anything? f. Not really, but I like to bake cakes and things.
7. Are you good at fixing cars? g. No, but my sister can. She makes her own sweaters.
D Write your own answers to the questions in C. Use really if necessary.
1 Not really, but I enjoy shopping.

28 DVD-ROM Interactive activities

Unit 2 Interests
2 Strategy plus Really
I don’t really have Not really can
You can use really I really enjoy knitting.
much time for hobbies. also be a polite way
to make statements
to answer no.
stronger and to
make negative
statements softer.

Did you know . . . ?

In conversation, the top verbs

used with really are: enjoy,
like, know, think.
Write your own answers to these questions. Use really or not really.
1. Are you interested in sports? 4. Are you good at doing crossword puzzles?
2. Are you into computers? 5. Can you do anything artistic, like draw or paint?
3. Do you enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles? 6. Would you like to learn a new skill, like carpentry?
1 Well, I really like soccer. or Not really. I don’t really play any sports.

3 Listening Different hobbies

A Look at the pictures. Circle the things you would like to do.

collecting teddy bears gardening making jewelry playing golf

B Listen to Jeff, Eva, Kim, and Phil. What are their hobbies? Write their names

under the pictures.

C 021Listen again and complete the chart. You can check ( ) more than one name
for each question.

Jeff Eva Kim Phil

1. Who makes money on his / her hobby?
2. Who spends a lot of money on it?
3. Who isn’t very good at his / her hobby?
4. Who isn’t very enthusiastic about it?

Practice lesson C I really like making things.
1 Saying no
Complete the conversations. Use the sentences in the box.

Uh, no. He’s lazy and just watches TV all day. Not really. My mom knitted it for me last year.
Actually, no. My sister got it at the bakery. No, but he has a big cap collection.
Well, no. I prefer to make peanut butter cookies. No. I’m not really good with my hands.
Uh, no, he just plays computer games! Not really. He does crossword puzzles, though.

1 Jenny I really like your sweater. Is it new?
Keiko 1 Not really. My mom knitted it for me last year.
Jenny Can you knit or crochet?
Keiko 2 But I bake a little.
Jenny Oh, did you make this cake?
But I like to make cookies sometimes.
Jenny Me too. Do you ever make chocolate chip cookies?
My new boyfriend loves them!

2 Mike I want to buy a Yankees baseball cap for my brother.

Greg Why? Is it his birthday?
Mike 5
Does your brother collect anything?
Greg My brother? 6
Mike Really? Does he have any hobbies?
Greg 7
Mike Oh, yeah? My brother is on the computer all the time.
Greg Oh, does he do computer graphics?

2 No, not really.

Complete the conversations. Make them more friendly. Use not really.

1 A Are you into the Internet?

1. 3 A I really enjoy my piano lessons. Would
B Not really. I don’t have a computer. you like to learn the piano?
B No.

2 A What a great photo! Are you interested 4.
4 A Look at these flowers. They’re so
in photography? beautiful. Do you enjoy gardening?
B No. B Well,
Unit 2 Interests
3 Yes and no
Answer the questions in a friendly way. Use really or not really.

1.1 A Are you good at fixing things? 5.

5 A Are you into winter sports, like skiing?
B No, not really. I’m not good with my hands. B No,
C Yes. I’m really good at fixing cars. C Yes,

2.2 A Do you make your own clothes? 6.

6 A Do you and your friends enjoy cooking?
B No. B Uh, no.
C Yes, C Yes,

3.3 A Does your best friend collect anything? 77. A Are your friends into computer games?
B No, B No.
C Yes, C Yes,

4.4 A Does your best friend speak Russian? 8.

8 A Are you interested in photography?
B No, B No.
C Yes, C Yes,

4 About you
Answer the questions. Write your own answers. Use really or not really.

1. Are you into sports? Yes, I really like soccer and volleyball. or No, not really. I prefer
to do something artistic.

2. Would you like to learn a new skill?

3. Do you have a lot of hobbies?

4. Can you knit or sew?

5. Are you artistic?

Lesson D
Hobby groups
1 Reading
A Read the Web page. Which hobby groups are you interested in? Check (✓) the boxes.

B Read these messages. Match the messages with the hobby groups in A. Write the group.

1 From: sushifreak Group: cooking 5 From: bookworm Group:

I want to learn how to make Japanese food. I enjoy collecting and reading old books, especially
Do you have any easy recipe ideas? children’s books. Please send your old books to
me at P.O. Box 614, Salt Springs, Ohio, 45640.

2 From: literockfan Group:

I want to get tickets for the Billy Joel concert in 6 From: concernedmom Group:
Washington, D.C. I can pay cash or trade my tickets My son wants to be a race-car driver. Is this safe?
for the Cher concert in Baltimore in June. Where can I find out more about this?

3 From: handyman Group: 7 From: grungeking Group:

Hi. I make wooden boxes and bowls. I’d like to sell I want to find a good place for vintage clothes and
my stuff, but I don’t know much about the business jeans. I live in Las Vegas. Any ideas?
side of things. Can you help me?

8 From: daredevil Group:

4 From: petlover Group: I’d like to try rock climbing, but I don’t want to go
We have a beautiful gray cat – free to a good home alone. Is anyone in San Francisco interested in
in the New York area. We can’t keep her because climbing with me? I prefer to go on weekdays,
I just found out I’m allergic to cats. if possible.

C Look at the first line of these replies to the messages. Who are they for? Write the screen names.

Hobby Group Message Board

1 To: daredevil 4 To:

I’m interested in climbing. I’m not very There’s a great magazine called Race Track,
experienced, but . . . and . . .
2 To: 5 To:
I have a great Asian recipe book. It’s called I have three extra tickets. I prefer cash, but . . .
Simply Asian, and . . .
3 To:
6 To:
Maybe you can advertise your stuff in a local
I have a lot of hardbacks and paperbacks. . . .
store, or . . .

Unit 2 Interests
2 Listening and writing Favorite Web sites
A Listen to Joe and Lisa. What kind of Web site are they talking about?

Why does Joe like it? Write the answer.

B 023 Listen again. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. 25,000 / 55,000 people visit the Web site each day.
2. Joe likes to read the articles / messages on the site.
3. Today’s article is about hiking in the U.S. / different countries.
4. Lisa prefers to sleep in a tent / stay home.
5. Joe wants to enter the competition to win a bike / tent.

you C Write your own answers to the questions below.
What’s your favorite Web site?
What’s interesting about it?
What other Web sites do you go to a lot?
Do you ever use Web sites for shopping? banking?
doing research?
Do you have your own Web page or Web site?

3 Writing Messages
Choose a hobby group from the web page on page 32. Write your own message and question.
Use the message and help note below to help you.

Help note
Hobby Group Message Board

To: Music group Linking ideas

From: Athenafan
• Add an idea:
Hi. I’m a big fan of Athena, especially
I listen to music, and I like movies.
the lead singer. I really like him, and I
want to know more about him. What are I also like books, especially children’s books.
his interests? I don’t like jazz or rock music.
• Contrast two ideas:
I also like another band. . . . I like climbing, but my friends don’t.
• Give a reason:
We can’t keep her because I’m allergic to cats.

Practice lesson D Hobby groups
1 Two popular hobbies
A Read the article. Check ( ) the pictures that the article describes.
1 2 3

There are many hobbies and hobby sites on And what about chess? It’s cool now, but in
the Internet. Camping and chess sites are two the past not many young people played the
of them. Although these two hobbies are very game. A lot of young people got interested
different, they have one thing in common: both in learning chess when they saw it in the first
are very popular with young people. Why? Harry Potter movie. And many celebrities enjoy
playing chess. Bono, Moby, and Sting are all
One reason camping is so popular is because good at playing the game. Young people often
it’s cheap. There are campgrounds around the follow what celebrities do, even if it’s chess!
world, and they’re all different. Some have indoor
swimming pools, restaurants, and game rooms. More and more schoolchildren are learning
Others don’t even have water! But the areas near the game. Many schools have chess clubs, and
campgrounds are almost always beautiful. there are national competitions every year.
And people can play chess on computers, too.
Camping is relaxing. Campers can get up early in That means a person can compete against a
the morning and cook breakfast with their friends computer, or can even play against another
or family. They can spend the day swimming, person on the Internet somewhere else in the
fishing, going hiking in the mountains, looking at world. You can play chess anywhere – even
wildlife, or just sitting in the sun. There’s usually when you’re camping!
no noise, no traffic, and no stress. Campers usually
sleep very well at night.

B Read the article in A again. Are these sentences true or false? Write T (true) or F (false).
Then correct the false sentences.

1. Camping and chess have nothing in common. F They have one thing in common.
2. Camping is popular because it’s cheap and stress-free.
3. Campers hardly ever sleep well at night.
4. Many young people played chess in the past.
5. The first Harry Potter movie helped make camping popular.
6. Many schools now have chess clubs.
7. You can go camping on the Internet.
Unit 2 Interests
2 My favorite hobby
A Complete the message. Use and, but, or, also, or because.
Message Board

Rock climbing
One of my hobbies is rock climbing. I go once 1 or twice a month
with my friends. We prefer to climb the mountains near my house 2

they are really beautiful. We usually go to Bear Mountain 3 to

Kennedy Park. I prefer Kennedy Park 4
itʼs nearer. Kennedy Park
has a great campground.
Itʼs great to be outdoors, 6 the weather isnʼt always very good.
If itʼs raining 7 snowing, climbing can be very dangerous
the rocks get wet and slippery.
I can 9 go rock climbing indoors, especially during the winter.
Sometimes my friends 10 I go climbing at the mall, 11
itʼs not the same. I just go once a month, usually on a Saturday 12

B Write about one of your hobbies


One of my hobbies is

Unit 2 Progress chart

Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. To review, go back to
these pages.
= I know how to . . . = I need to review how to . . .
make statements with different verb forms 20 and 21
ask questions with different verb forms 20 and 21
use object pronouns, and the pronouns everybody and nobody 25
name at least 8 common interests 20 and 21
name at least 8 hobbies 20, 21, 28, and 29
name at least 8 kinds of music 24 and 25
strategies say no in a polite and friendly way 28 and 29
use really and not really to make statements stronger or softer 29
use and, but, or, also, or because to link ideas 33

DVD-ROM Quiz 2 35
Vocabulary notebook I really like to sing!
Learning tip Word chains Favorite music
Link new words together in word “chains.”
The top five types of music
people talk about are:
1 Complete the word chains. Use the words and expressions in the box. 1. rock 4. rap
2. classical 5. country
playing chess bake cakes listen to rock music 3. jazz
skiing play the guitar writing poetry

I’m good at and and .

I don’t like to or or .

2 Complete the word chains. Use your own ideas.

I’m good at and and .

I enjoy and and .

I can’t or or .

I hate to and and .

I’d like to and and .

I’m not interested in or or .

On your own
Think of different things you are
interested in. Link them together. Use the
last letter of each word or expression to
start the next word.
How many words did you use?

In Unit 3, you learn how to . . .
use the simple present and present continuous.
use if and when in statements and questions.
talk about health, remedies, sleep habits, and stress.
encourage people to talk by making comments and

asking follow-up questions.
use expressions like Wow! and You’re kidding!
to show surprise.

1 2


Before you begin . . .

Match the pictures with the sentences. Write the numbers. Then circle the things you do.

Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Sleep at least seven hours a night.

Take regular breaks to cope with stress. Get a checkup once a year.
Lesson A
Healthy living
1 Getting started
A 024 Listen and read. Who do you think has a healthy lifestyle? Why?

Um . . . right now I’m trying to Well, I walk everywhere I go

Well, I generally don’t eat a lot
lose weight before my school because I don’t have a car, so
of junk food, and I don’t eat red
meat at all. And right now I’m reunion, so I’m drinking these diet I think I get enough exercise.
doing karate. It’s getting me in drinks for dinner. –Mei-ling Yu
shape quick. –Carmen Sanchez
–Brian Jones

Not really. I kind of eat everything Yeah, we exercise six days a

Um . . . to be honest, I’m not
I want. I don’t do anything to stay week. We go swimming every
doing anything right now. I’m
in shape. I’m just lucky, I guess. other day, and in between we go
studying for exams this month, so
to the gym. And once in a while,
I’m eating a lot of snacks, and I’m –Lisa da Silva
we go hiking.
not getting any exercise at all.
–The Parks
–Michael Evans

it out B Complete the sentences. Use a simple present or present continuous verb.
1. I usually to the gym twice a week. 3. I generally healthy food.
2. This month, I a lot of snacks. 4. I karate right now.
Unit 3 Health
2 Grammar Simple present and present continuous
A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 5.

B Listen and repeat. Notice the forms and use of the verbs in the simple present

and present continuous.

Use the simple present to talk about Use the present continuous to talk about
“all the time” and routines. “now” and temporary events.

How do you stay in shape? What sports are you playing these days?
I walk everywhere. I’m doing karate. It’s getting me in shape.

Do you get regular exercise? Is she trying to lose weight?

Yes, I do. I exercise six days a week. Yes, she is. She’s drinking diet drinks.
No, we don’t. We don’t exercise at all. No, she’s not. She’s not trying to lose weight.

C Complete the conversations. Use the simple present or Did you know . . . ?
present continuous form of the verbs given.
In conversation, the simple
1 A How 1 do you cope (cope) with stress? present is more frequent,
B Well, I 2 (take) a course in aromatherapy right now, especially with like, love,
and I 3 (enjoy) it. But everybody in my family is pretty know, need, and want.
relaxed. We 4 (not get) stressed very often.
2 A What kind of exercise you usually (do)?
B I (like) swimming. My wife and I
usually 7 (go) to the pool every day in the summer.
Right now it’s cold, so I 8 (not swim) at all. But my
wife (go) every day, even when it’s cold.
3 A you (eat) a lot of fast food these days?
B Well, I (love) it, but right now I
(try) to eat a balanced diet. It’s hard because
my husband 13 (not like) fruit and vegetables.

About D Write your own answers to the questions in C.


3 Listening and writing Unhealthy habits

A These people are talking about their unhealthy habits. Listen and complete

the sentences.

1. Ian: “I’m trying to cut down on and .”

2. Kaylie: “I want to give up , but I can’t. It’s very hard.”
3. Martin: “I everywhere. It’s bad, I know. I never .”
4. Silvia: “I a lot. I late almost every night.”

B 027 Listen again. Do you agree with the last thing each person says? Write your answer.

I agree with Ian. I think it’s good for you. or I don’t agree with Ian because . . .
Practice lesson A Healthy living
1 Staying in shape
Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of the verbs given.

1 Sandra You always 1 look

1. (look) great, Ashley. How 2 do
you stay (stay) in shape?
Ashley Well, I 3 (not eat) any junk food these days. And I
usually (exercise) three or four times a week.
Sandra That’s great. What kind of exercise 5 you usually
(do)? I mean, 6 you (take)
an aerobics class?
Ashley No, but I just started a Latin dance class at Dance World.
I really 7 (love) it. Actually, I 8 (walk)
there now. you (want) to come?
Sandra Uh, thanks, but I’m kind of busy right now.
Ashley Really? Where 10 you (go)?
Sandra I (go) to The Good Life.
It’s my favorite place to eat.
Ashley Oh, is that a health-food restaurant?
Sandra Actually, no, . . . it’s an ice-cream store.

2 Doctor You’re not in very good shape, Ken. Are you eating right?
Ken Well, I 12 (want) to give up red meat, and
I (try) to eat a balanced diet, but it’s hard.
Doctor you (eat) a lot of vegetables
these days?
Ken Oh, yes. I 15 (eat) vegetables every day.
I 16 (love) French fries.
Doctor Oh. 17 you (get) enough exercise
these days?
Ken To be honest, not really. I’m really busy.
I 18 (take) a class three days a week.
I 19 (learn) to bake cakes.
Doctor But what about exercise? 20 you (do)
any exercise these days?
Ken Well, I 21 (walk) to the video store every
other day. And I (play) pool twice a week.

Unit 3 Health
2 Susan’s lifestyle
Look at the picture. Then answer the questions. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box.

do karate eat fruit play tennis

drink water exercise try to lose weight

1. What is Susan doing now to stay healthy? 2. What else does she do to stay healthy?
a. She’s drinking water. a.
b. b.
c. c.

3 About you
Are these sentences true or false for you? Write T (true) or F (false).
Then correct the false sentences.

1. F I’m drinking a lot of milk these days.

I’m not drinking a lot of milk these days. I’m drinking a lot of soda.
2. My best friend eats junk food every other day.

3. I’m not taking a dance class right now.

4. I sleep for five hours a night.

5. My friends have a lot of stress in their lives.

6. My family doesn’t get any exercise at all.

Lesson B
Aches and pains
1 Building vocabulary
A Listen and repeat the sentences. Do you have any of these problems right now?

Circle the problems.

I have a fever. I think I have a bad cough. I have a stomachache. I have a toothache.
I’m getting the flu. I’m coughing a lot. I often get stomachaches.

I hardly ever get headaches, I have a cold and a sore I feel sick. I often get I have allergies and
but I have one now. throat. I get a lot of colds. sick when I eat shellfish. I sneeze all the time.

sort B Complete the chart with the words in A. Then write sentences.

I never . . . I hardly ever . . . I sometimes . . . I often . . .

get colds have allergies

I never get colds, but I often have allergies.

2 Speaking naturally Contrasts

A DVD-ROM Watch Speaking naturally 3.

A What’s the matter? Do you have a cold?

B No, I have a headache. I feel terrible.
A That’s too bad. I hope you feel better.
B Thanks.

B Listen and repeat the conversation above. Notice how stress shows the contrast

between headache and cold, and between better and terrible.

C Write your own conversation using a different health problem. Then read your conversation
out loud.
Unit 3 Health
3 Building language
A 030 Listen. What does Sonia want to make for Mark? Practice the conversation.

Mark Hello?
SoniaHi, Mark. How are you feeling?
Mark Awful. I still have this terrible cold.
SoniaThat’s too bad. Are you taking anything for it?
Mark Just some cold medicine.
SoniaHmm. I never take that stuff when I have a
cold. But if I get a really bad cold, I drink hot
vinegar with honey. I can make you some.
Mark Oh, no thanks! I don’t feel that bad!
it out B Complete the sentences. Use your own information.
1. I take medicine when .
2. If I have a really bad cold, I .

4 Grammar Joining clauses with if and when

A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 6.

B 031 Listen and repeat. Notice the use of if and when to join clauses.

What do you take when you have a cold? What do you do if you get a really bad cold?
I don’t take anything when I have a cold. If I get a really bad cold, I drink hot vinegar with honey.
When I have a cold, I don’t take anything. I drink hot vinegar with honey if I get a really bad cold.

C Write true sentences about you. Use when and the words given.
1. have a fever / take medicine 4. feel sick / lie down for a while
2. get a stomachache / stay in bed 5. have a sore throat / drink hot tea with honey
3. have a cough / go to the doctor 6. have a headache / take aspirin

1 When I have a fever, I usually take medicine. or I never take medicine when I have a fever.

D Write conversations between you and a friend. Use if and the ideas below.
What do you do if you . . .
1. have a bad cold and have to go to work? 4. have an upset stomach after you eat?
2. feel sore after exercising? 5. feel tired and run down?
3. have a high fever? 6. have to cough or sneeze at a concert or movie?

1 A What do you do if you have a bad cold and have to go to work?

B Well, if I have a bad cold, I usually take a lot of tissues to work.
A Really? If I have a bad cold, I just stay home.

5 Vocabulary notebook Under the weather

See page 54.
Practice lesson B Aches and pains
1 What’s the matter?
A Circle the six other health problems in the puzzle. Look in these directions ( ).

! 4 / / 4 ( ! # ( % 7 !
" # + & - 5 5 / % 2 & ,
3 / 2 % 4 ( 2 / ! 4 $ ,
2 5 ) 6 $ % ) ( $ 5 * %
6 ' * 0 , ! 2 5 0 , ! &
% ( # 3 ( % ! $ ! # ( %
3 ) / 4 " * 7 , 3 ! . 6
/ ( , & / 6 ! / 5 " $ %
" % ! , , % 2 ' ) % 3 2
' ! . ' $ # + 3 7 . # (
3 4 / - ! # ( ! # ( % )
2 - 2 , 4 . & 2 ' # 3 2

B Write sentences about the picture. Use the words in A to help you.

1. Joe 2. Taro 3. Chad 4. Amy 5. Jim and Liz 6. Sara 7. Joyce

1. Joe has a fever. 5.

2. 6.
3. 7.

Unit 3 Health
2 I feel sick.
Look at the pictures. Write questions and answers. Use the words given.

Ann / the flu

Dan / a cold

1. What does Ann do when she has the flu? 2.

When Ann has the flu, she stays in bed. If

Pat / a toothache

Rick / a headache

3. 4.
when if

3 About you
Complete the conversations. Use the words given. Write your own answers.

1. You What do you do when you’re sick?
(when / are sick)
Friend When I’m sick, I stay home and watch movies all day. How about you?

2. You
(if / have a bad cough)
Friend I chat on the Internet instead of on the phone if I have a bad cough. And you?

3 You
(if / get a stomachache)
Friend If I get a stomachache, I drink water. I don’t eat a lot. How about you?

4 You
(when / have a fever)
Friend When I have a fever, I take aspirin. I don’t go out. What about you?
Lesson C
How come you’re tired?
1 Conversation strategy Encouraging people to talk
A Which are the best responses to keep the conversation going? Check ( ) the boxes.
A I’m so tired. B Yeah, I know. Oh! Why is that?
Yeah. Me too. Oh, I’m sorry.
Really? How come? You look tired. Are you busy at work?

B 032 Now listen. Why is Adam tired? Write the answer.

Adam I’m so tired.
Yuki Really? How come?
Adam Well, I’m working two jobs this
semester, so I’m getting up at, like,
5:30 to study.
Yuki You’re kidding! Two jobs? Wow.
Adam Yeah. Just for a couple of months.
I’m working in a supermarket after
class, and then I have my regular
job at the restaurant till 11:00.
Yuki Oh, that’s late. So, what time do
you go to bed?
Adam About 1:00 . . . 1:30.
Yuki Gosh. So you’re only getting about
four hours’ sleep? That’s not much.

Notice hhoow Yuk

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t ons.
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C Practice the conversation in B. Then match the sentences with the responses.
1. I need a lot of sleep. d a. I can’t either. Do your windows have blinds?
2. I can’t sleep if there’s light in my room. b. That’s not much. Are you getting enough sleep?
3. I usually go to bed early during the week. c. At the office? How long do you sleep?
4. If I can’t fall asleep, I usually read. d. Really? How much sleep do you need?
5. I often take a nap after lunch. e. That’s good. Do you wake up early, too?
6. I only sleep about five hours a night. f. That’s a good idea. What do you read?

D Write a conversation between you and a friend about sleep habits. Use the ideas in C.
1 A I don’t really need a lot of sleep.
B Really? Me neither. How much sleep do you need?
A About five hours a night.
46 DVD-ROM Interactive activities
Unit 3 Health
2 Strategy plus Showing surprise
Use expressions like these to show I’m working two jobs.
surprise in informal conversations: You’re kidding!
Oh! Gosh!
Really? Oh, my gosh!
Wow! You’re kidding!
Oh, wow! Are you serious?
No way! No!
In formal conversations, use Oh! or Really?

Did you know . . . ?

A Listen to these people. Write the missing words you hear.

Then practice the conversations. In conversation, Oh and Really

1 A I love sleeping late on the weekends. I get up around 2:30 are in the top 50 words. Wow
on Saturdays. and Gosh are in the top 500.
B ? ! What time do you go to bed?

2 A This magazine says too much sleep is bad for you.

B ? I sleep 10 hours a night. Is that bad?

3 A I have the same dream every night.

B Every night? ! What do you dream about?

B Listen to six people talk about their sleep habits.


Write a response to each person. Use the expressions in the box above.

1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

3 Write about it Sweet dreams?

Write your own answers to the questions below.

Are you feeling tired today? If so, why? Do you ever have vivid dreams or nightmares?
Do you sleep well, usually? Do you remember your dreams?
What do you do if you can’t sleep? Do you snore or talk in your sleep?
Do you ever wake up during the night? Are you a sleepwalker?
What is your bedtime routine?

Practice lesson C How come you’re tired?
1 It’s my allergies.
Complete the conversation. Use the sentences in the box.

Headaches too? Do you take anything? Oh, no! Do you sneeze a lot?
You’re kidding! How come? Gosh, that’s terrible! So, what are you studying?
Are you serious? You can’t study? Really? But how can you study when you feel sick?

Joan What’s the matter, Gary? Your nose and eyes are red.
Gary Oh, it’s my allergies. I always feel this way in the spring.
Joan 1 Oh, no! Do you sneeze a lot?
Gary Oh, yes. I sneeze all the time. And I get headaches.
Gary Not really. Actually, I don’t like to take medicine.
Gary Well, if I take medicine, I can’t study.
Gary Well, you see, when I take medicine, I always fall asleep.
Gary It’s hard, but I need to. I have a big test next week.
Gary I’m studying to be a doctor.

2 You’re kidding!
Read the conversations. Circle the correct response to show surprise.
1. My wife talks in her sleep. 5. My grandfather goes running six days a week.
a. My wife does too. a. No way! How old is he?
b. Wow! What does she say? b. I see. He’s very healthy, right?

2. I love getting up early on weekends. 6. I often dream about food.

a. I always get up early. a. I do too. I always dream about ice cream.
b. Early? I like to sleep late. b. Food? Are you hungry when you go to bed?

3. I take two or three naps every day. 7. I have three part-time jobs.
a. Oh! Are you sleeping enough at night? a. It’s important to work hard.
b. I know. And you snore, too. b. Really? Aren’t you tired a lot?

4. I eat a lot of chocolate when I can’t sleep. 8. If I can’t sleep, I always listen to rock or hip-hop.
a. Me too. I love to eat chocolate at night. a. Me too. I also listen to pop music.
b. You’re kidding! I can’t sleep when b. Gosh! Why not classical or jazz?
I eat chocolate.
Unit 3 Health
3 No way!
Write responses to show surprise. Then write follow-up questions.

1 A My friends Chuck and Tina exercise when they can’t sleep.

B No way! What kind of exercise do they do?
2 A My best friend never remembers her dreams.
3 A I sometimes sleep at the office.
4 A Sometimes I fall asleep on the train on my way home from work.
5 A My brother has the same nightmare once a week.
6 A My father sleepwalks every night.
7 A I never use an alarm clock.
8 A My brother goes running right after he eats dinner.

4 About you
Answer the questions. Write your own answers.

1. Are you feeling sleepy right now?

2. How often do you take naps on weekdays?

3. Do you ever sleep in class or at work?

4. Are you sleeping well these days?

5. What do you do when you wake up at night?

6. Do you dream in color?

Lesson D
Ways to relax
1 Reading
A Do you ever get stressed? How do you feel when that happens? Check ( ) the boxes,
and add your own ideas.

I get stressed when . . . When I’m stressed, I . . .

I’m studying for an exam. I have a deadline. feel tired and irritable.
I’m late for an appointment. . get a headache.
I have no money. . .

B Read the leaflet. How many of your ideas in A are mentioned? Check (✓) them.


Unit 3 Health
C Read the leaflet in B again. Answer the questions.
1. How can you tell if you are stressed? 4. Which relaxation ideas in the leaflet do you like?
2. Why can stress be serious? 5. Do you think the leaflet is helpful? Why or why not?
3. What can you do if you feel stressed?

2 Listening Time to chill out

A Look at the pictures. Circle the things you do to relax.
a b c d

B 035 Listen to four people talk about relaxing. Number the pictures 1 to 4.

C 036 Listen again. What else do they do to relax? Write the activity under the picture.

3 Writing Advice on health

A Write a question about a health problem. Use the ideas below to help you.
I’m feeling stressed I can’t sleep at night.
about my exams. Help! What can I do?

I want to get in shape. I get colds all the time.

What can I do? Any suggestions?

B Now write your own response to your question in A.

I’m feeling stressed about my exams. Help! Help note

If you’re feeling stressed about your exams, Commas after if and when clauses
imagine that you are taking the exam and that • Use a comma here:
you are relaxed. If you’re feeling stressed, try these ideas.
When you feel stressed, go to the gym.
When you feel really stressed, go to the gym or • Don’t use a comma here:
swim. Exercise can help you! Go to the gym when you feel stressed.

Practice lesson D Ways to relax
1 The practice of yoga
A Read the article. Answer the questions.

1. Where does yoga come from? 3. Can you practice yoga alone?
2. Is yoga good for stress? 4. Do children do yoga, too?

East Meets West

The ancient Eastern art of yoga is more than people in the survey (90%) practice poses and
5,000 years old. It’s a combination of relaxation, breathing exercises. Half of them also meditate.
stretching, breathing, a vegetarian diet, positive
thinking, and meditation. Where do Americans do yoga? Many people
in the survey (48%) take classes at a local yoga
Yoga originated in India, but today studio. Others (39%) do it at home, either
it is becoming more and more alone or with friends. A few people (9%) have
popular in the United States. Why do a private teacher.
Americans do yoga? One survey of
yoga enthusiasts found out. And how long do people do yoga? Most people
in the survey (57%) do it for half an hour or
A majority (55%) of the people an hour at a time. Some (41%) do yoga for an
in the survey practice yoga hour and a half. They all say it doesn’t matter
because they want to relax. how often you do it – it’s just important to do
Some people do yoga to stay it. And it seems everyone is doing it these days.
in shape. And other people It’s even popular with children!
do yoga when they feel
depressed, have headaches, Yoga keeps people
or have a lot of stress. Yoga healthy because it
is also helpful for people who makes them strong
have trouble sleeping. and helps them relax,
sleep, and cope with
What do people do stress. So what about
when they practice you? Would you like
yoga? Most of the to try yoga?

B Read the article in A again. Then answer the questions.

1. What kind of diet do yoga teachers recommend? a vegetarian diet

2. Why do Americans do yoga? Give three reasons.
3. What percentage of people in the survey practice poses and breathing?
4. Do most Americans in the survey do yoga at home?
5. According to the article, how long do most people do yoga?
6. Would you like to try yoga? Why or why not?
Unit 3 Health
2 Healthy lifestyles
A Read the article. Add commas where necessary.

Healthy Habits
Take yoga classes. When you practice yoga you stay in shape and relax at the same time.

If you can’t sleep drink a glass of warm milk.

Sing at home or in your car if you want to have a lot of energy.

When you listen to music choose happy music.

If you have a headache take aspirin with a cup of hot tea.

Do something you love when you have a lot of stress.

B Write a short article about sleep, food and diet, or exercise. Give three suggestions.

Unit 3 Progress chart

Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. To review, go back to
= I know how to . . . = I need to review how to . . . these pages.
Grammar 38 and 39
make statements with the simple present and present continuous
ask questions with the simple present and present continuous 38 and 39
use if and when in statements and questions 43
Vocabulary 38 and 39
name at least 8 healthy habits
name at least 4 unhealthy habits 38 and 39
name at least 6 health problems 42 and 43
strategies keep a conversation going with comments and follow-up questions 46 and 47
use expressions like Wow! or You’re kidding! to show surprise 47
use commas in if and when clauses 51

DVD-ROM Quiz 3 53
Vocabulary notebook Under the weather
Learning tip Learning words together
When you learn a new word or expression, write down What’s the matter?
other words you can use with it.
The top five health problems
people talk about are:
1. cold 4. flu
1 Complete these expressions. Use the words in the box.
2. headache 5. fever
a break better home in bed medicine sick 3. allergies

feel stay take

2 Complete the chart. Use the verbs in the box. You can use some verbs more than once.
be do feel get go (to) have see stay take

be sick allergies a vacation

exercise a headache a cough

a checkup home healthy

stressed in shape a doctor

On your own
Go to a drugstore, and look at the
medicine. What health problems are
they for? Can you remember the names
of the health problems in English?

Video The Stoop Sale Episode 1: Act 1
Before you watch
A Label the pictures with the words in the box.
a board game a cookbook golf clubs in-line skates
a painting pots and pans weights

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

B Match the questions with the answers.

1. What’s your favorite kind of music? a. No, I can’t. But I’d like to learn. I love art.
2. Can you paint? b. No, sports aren’t really my thing.
3. Do you like cooking? c. I love jazz and country music!
4. Do you play any sports? d. Yes, I am. I don’t use them anymore.
5. Are you getting rid of these skates? e. Yes, I do, but I’m not cooking a lot these days.
I’m too busy.

While you watch
A Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. The friends are having a stoop sale weekend.

a. this b. next
2. A stoop is the stairs a building.
a. in front of b. behind
3. At a stoop sale, you sell stuff.
a. old b. new
4. David says it’s a great way to make .
a. friends b. money
5. David is a .
a. salesman b. reporter

B Circle a or b to answer the questions.

1. Gio loves board games. How does David feel about board games?
a. He loves them, too. b. He doesn’t like them.
2. David can’t skate. What about Gio?
a. He can skate well. b. He can’t skate, either.
3. What does Yoko think of golf?
a. She likes it. b. She doesn’t like it.
4. How does David feel about golf?
a. He likes it, too. b. He doesn’t like it, either.
5. How does Alex feel about golf?
a. He loves it. b. He doesn’t like it very much.
6. What do Yoko and Liz think of Alex’s painting?
a. They like it. b. They don’t like it.
7. What does Gio think of the painting?
a. He likes it, too. b. He doesn’t like it very much.

Video The Stoop Sale Episode 1: Act 2
Before you watch
A Match the words. Draw lines. Then write the words.
country sale 1. country music
diet clubs 2.
golf music 3.
junk racket 4.
stoop drink 5.
tennis food 6.

B Circle the correct verb form to complete the sentences. Sometimes both answers are possible.
1. I like / I’m liking country music. What about you?
2. I don’t feel very well. I think I get / I’m getting the flu.
3. Hi. Do you live / Are you living around here, or do you visit / are you visiting?
4. I don’t want any French fries. I try / I’m trying to lose weight.
5. I usually go / am going to the gym every day. What about you?
Do you go / Are you going to a gym?
6. Right now, I study / I’m studying for my final exams next month.

C Complete the chart. Use the expressions in the box.

Are you into music?

This is a great party.
Nice meeting you.
Are you kidding?
Have a great day.
No way!
Do you live around here?
I’m sorry, I think I need to go.
Wow! Are you serious?

Starting a conversation Expressing surprise Ending a conversation

Are you kidding?

While you watch
A Are these sentences true or false? Check ( ) True or False. Then correct the false sentences.

Matt Fred Liz Alex Yoko

1. David is in bed. He has a cold. True False

David is in bed. He has a fever.
2. Matt likes Liz’s CD. True False

3. Matt lives far away. True False

4. Fred exercises twice a week. True False

5. Matt is a good singer. True False

6. Fred drinks a lot of coffee. True False

7. Liz thinks Fred is an interesting guy. True False

B Watch the video. Complete the conversations. Use the expressions in the box.
actually cool no way really actually wow

1 Alex Well, 1 actually , I’m a personal trainer.

Fred ? Do you make a lot of money doing that?
Alex Uh . . .

2 Matt 3
, I’m a musician, too.
Liz ! What do you play? Or . . . are you a singer?
Matt No. I can’t sing at all. I play the piano.
Liz . What kind of music do you play?
Matt Well, I play jazz.
Liz ! And you live nearby. Maybe we can practice
together sometime.
Matt Sure. That sounds great.

Video The Stoop Sale Episode 1: Act 3
Before you watch
A Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.
1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

cold cough drugstore headache

medicine sore throat stressed tissues

1. I can’t eat or drink! I have a really bad .

2. Oh, no! I think I’m getting a again.
3. I have a bad .
4. We need some aspirin. Could you go to the and get some?
5. We need some .
6. I’m taking some for my cough.
7. I have a .
8. Sam has exams, and he’s working very hard. He feels very .

B Complete the conversations with two responses. Use each response only one time.
1 A How are you? a. I’m feeling better.
B a f b. No problem.
2 A I think I have a cold. c. No, I don’t think so, thanks.
B d. Oh, no!
3 A Do you need anything? e. Oh, yes. Could you get some milk, please?
B f. I’m OK, I guess.
4 A Could you go to the drugstore? g. OK. Thanks!
B h. Sounds good.
5 A
5. I can make you some tea, if you want. i. Sure.
B j. That’s too bad.

While you watch
A Check (✓) all the correct answers.

1. At the beginning of the act, David and Alex talk about .

David’s health David’s daily schedule the stoop sale

Alex’s health Alex’s daily schedule David’s newspaper article

2. On the telephone, Alex and Yoko talk about .

David’s health Yoko’s health medicine

Alex’s health Liz’s health exercise

3. After the telephone call, David and Alex talk about .

in-line skates a tennis racket

skating lessons tennis lessons

B Listen for these parts of the conversation. Circle the correct answers.
1 Alex Hey, David, how are you?
David I feel better. / I’m feeling better.

2 David Oh, no. That’s too bad.

Alex Yeah. You know, I get up / I’m getting up at 5:30 every day to go to work these days.

3 Alex What about your article for the newspaper, “A Stoop Sale: Step-by-Step”?
David I want to write / I’m still writing it, but I’m stressed about my deadline.

4 Yoko Hi, Alex. It’s Yoko. How are you?

Alex OK, I guess. Actually, I think I have a cold. How do you feel / are you feeling?

5 Alex Really? You’re kidding.

Yoko No, I’m not. I have a cold. And Liz coughs all the time / is coughing a lot.

Checkpoint Units 1–3
1 Can you complete this conversation?
Complete the conversation. Use the simple present or present
continuous form of the verbs given.
Teri Hi. How 1 are you doing (do)?
Ruth Not bad. Actually, I 2 (have) a cold again. But I’m OK.
Teri Oh, that’s too bad. So, what you (do) today?
Ruth My classmate Sally’s here. We (plan) an end-of-term party.
Everybody (want) some live music this year.
How about you? 6 you (do) anything
special today? you (listen) to a CD?
8 9
Teri No, that (be) my brother. He (play)
his guitar. He (practice) every morning.
Ruth Hey, 11 (be) he free on Saturday?
he (want) to play at our party?
We (need) somebody like him.
Teri you (kid)? He’s only 10!

2 How can you say no?

Complete the sentences. Use object pronouns. Then write your own answers to the
questions. Use really and not really.
1. I hate colds, and I get them a lot. Do you get a lot of colds?
2. Some friends and I go to a jazz club every Monday. Do you want to join next week?
3. I have to go to the hospital tomorrow. Can you come with ?
4. My dad wants to paint the house next weekend. Can you help ?
5. I love listening to Norah Jones. She’s great! Do you like , too?
6. I’m reading a book about martial arts. Would you like to borrow sometime?

1 Not really. I don’t really get sick too often.

3 How many words do you remember?

A Complete the chart.
Types of music Types of TV shows Hobbies you and Clothes you don’t Health problems
you really like you often watch your friends have like to wear you sometimes get
ro c k

B Write your own conversations. Use words from the chart in A.

A So, who are your favorite bands? I mean, who do you listen to?
B Well, I really like rock music.


4 What do you have in common?

Complete the sentences with activities. Then write your own conversations.

1. I like . 3. I’m not good at . 5. I hate .

2. I don’t enjoy . 4. I can’t . 6. I’m interested in .

1 A I like to play softball. How about you?

B Oh, I do too. I play on a team on weekends.
A Really? I just play with some friends after work. Actually, we have a game tonight. . . .

5 Surprise, surprise!
Complete the conversation. Use the sentences in the box.

What instruments do you play? Are you serious? How’s school?

Not well, but I’d love to play in a band. Yeah? I am too. No way! What kind of music?
Me too. I have my first piano lesson today! What do you want to do?

Alice Hi, Carl. How are things? Alice Saxophone and trumpet. But I really
Carl Great. 1 How’s school? need to find someone to play with me.
Alice Uh, actually, I’m not at school this year. Carl I play the piano. 6
Carl So, what are you doing? Alice You play the piano? That’s great. Maybe
Alice Well, I’m looking for a job right now. we can practice together sometime.
Carl Really? 3 I’m free this Friday.
Alice Well, I’d like to play music in clubs, but – Carl 7 What’s your phone number?
Carl Alice It’s 555-9003. OK, so call me. Oh, look at the
Alice Well, I play jazz. time. Sorry, I have to go.
Carl No! 5 Carl 8

6 What can you say or do . . . ? Self-check

How sure are you about these areas?
Write your own answers to the questions below.
Circle the percentages.
What can you say when . . . grammar
you meet your new neighbors for the first time? 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

a new student joins the class and seems nervous? vocabulary

20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
the person next to you on the subway looks sick?
conversation strategies
you meet someone interesting at a party? 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
you have an umbrella at a bus stop on a rainy day, and
the person next to you is getting very wet?
Study plan
What can you say when you meet new neighbors for the first time? What do you want to review?
“Hello. How are you? Would you like some coffee?” Circle the lessons.
1A 1B 2A 2B 3A 3B
1A 1B 2A 2B 3A 3B
conversation strategies
62 1C 2C 3C
In Unit 4, you learn how to . . .
use going to and the present continuous to talk
about the future.
use indirect object pronouns.
talk about birthdays, celebrations, and favorite holidays.

use “vague” expressions like and everything.
give “vague” responses like Maybe and It depends.

Before you begin . . .
Match the pictures with four of these words or expressions. Write the numbers.

a graduation a wedding the birth of a baby

an engagement a retirement a wedding anniversary

Lesson A
1 Getting started
A 037 Listen and repeat the months and the days of the month. When is your birthday?
Write sentences.

My birthday’s in May. or My birthday’s on May tenth. or My birthday’s on the tenth of May.

January May September
February June October
March July November
April August December

Days of the month

1st first 17th seventeenth
2nd second 18th eighteenth
3rd third 19th nineteenth
4th fourth 20th twentieth
5th fifth 21st twenty-first
6th sixth 22nd twenty-second
7th seventh 23rd twenty-third
8th eighth 24th twenty-fourth
9th ninth 25th twenty-fifth
10th tenth 26th twenty-sixth
11th eleventh 27th twenty-seventh
12th twelfth 28th twenty-eighth
13th thirteenth 29th twenty-ninth
14th fourteenth 30th thirtieth
15th fifteenth 31st thirty-first
16th sixteenth

Alicia It’s Mom’s birthday on the first. Remember? She’s going to be 50!
Dave Oh, that’s right. What are you going to get her?
Alicia I’m going to buy her something special, like a necklace. Then it’s Mom and
Dad’s anniversary on the tenth.
Dave Right. We usually give them something.
Alicia We? You mean, I do! Let’s, um, send them some flowers.
Dave OK. Then it’s my birthday on the twenty-third.
Alicia Yeah, I know. I’m going to get you the same thing you got me – nothing!

B 038 Listen. What gifts are Alicia and Dave going to buy? Practice the conversation.

it out C Complete the sentence. Use your own information.
A What are you going to do for your next birthday?
B I think I’m .
Unit 4 Celebrations
2 Grammar Future with going to; indirect objects
A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 7.

B Listen and repeat. Notice the use of be + going to to talk about the future. Notice the word

order with indirect objects as nouns and pronouns.

I’m going to buy something special. Indirect objects

You’re going to get a present. I’m going to buy my mother something special.
She’s going to be 50. Alicia isn’t going to give Dave anything.
We’re going to send some flowers. Let’s send Mom and Dad some flowers.
They’re going to have a party.
Indirect object pronouns:
What are you going to do for your birthday?
me, you, him, her, us, them
I’m not going to do anything special.
Are you going to have a party? I’m going to buy her something special.
Yes, we are. We’re going to invite all our friends. Alicia isn’t going to give him anything.
No, we’re not. We’re not going to do much. Let’s send them some flowers.

C Complete the questions. Use be + going to. Then write your own answers. Use
indirect object pronouns where necessary.

1. Are you going to do anything special for your next birthday?

2. you invite your friends over for a party?
3. someone bake you a birthday cake?
4. your parents buy you something nice?
5. How old your parents be on their next birthdays?
6. What you give your father for his birthday?
How about your mother? And your best friend?

1 Yes. My friends are going to buy me dinner at a Thai restaurant.

3 Speaking naturally going to

A DVD-ROM Watch Speaking naturally 4.

What are you going to do tonight? Are you going to go to the movies? I’m going to stay home.

B 040 Listen and repeat the sentences above. Notice the ways of saying going to.

C 041 Listen. Match the two parts of each question. Then write your own answers.
1. Are you going to e a. spend your next birthday with?
2. How many cards are you going to b. send anyone flowers this year?
3. Are you going to c. send this year?
4. Who are you going to d. send anyone a card this month?
5. Are you going to e. buy anyone a gift this month?

1 Yeah, my brother. His birthday is on the fifth. I think I’m going to buy him a watch.
Practice lesson A Birthdays
1 What month is it?
A Write the months in the correct order.


B Complete the sentences. Use the correct numbers.

1. January is the first month of the year. 4. July is the month of the year.
2. March is the month of the year. 5. October is the month of the year.
3. June is the month of the year. 6. December is the month of the year.

2 When’s her birthday?

Look at the dates. Then write each person’s birthday two ways. 2
1. Halle Berry’s birthday is on August fourteenth.
Halle Berry’s birthday is on the fourteenth of August.

Jackie Chan 4/7
Halle Berry 8/14 4


5. Drew Barrymore 2/22

Jude Law 12/29

6. 5

Ronaldo 9/22
Sofia Coppola 5/14

Unit 4 Celebrations
3 Future plans
Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of be + going to and the words given.

1 Sam What 1 are you going to do (you / do) this weekend?
Diane I 2 (see) my grandmother. We 3 (have)
a birthday party for her.
Sam That’s nice. So, 4 (it / be) a big party?
Diane No, not really. We (not do) much. It 6 (be)
just the family. Mom (bake) her a cake. Then her friends
(take) her dancing. She’s a tango teacher.
Sam Your grandmother’s a tango teacher? Cool.

2 Yumi That was Jun on the phone. He can’t take us to Sarah’s party.
Kara Oh, no. Why not?
Yumi No car. His parents are going to the mountains, and they 9 (take)
the car.
Kara Well, we can’t drive. 10 Dan (be) there?
Yumi Yes, but he (not go) until after work.
Kara Well, it looks like we (walk). Wear comfortable shoes!

4 Happy birthday!
Complete the card. Use the correct pronouns.

hleen, (you / h
Dear Kat y o u ul
in Istanb

! I’ m s e nding I a r e
thday k and
Happy bir rom Turkey. Halu owing
d f r e n t s are sh ther
this c a r
p a r e n t s. His p a
e s ig h t s . His mo
visiting h
is ) all th ) some
( t hem / u3 s (her / him .
ght them
s o n ic e. I brou k , a n d she loves
is Yo r
from New how
presents ( y ou / me)
teaching to send
His m o t h e r is S h e ’s going e get
e T u r k is h fo o d .
c o o k b o o k when w
to mak us) a ke
(them / e , s o I can ma want
k lo v e s kun e f
e a t h o me. We
lu f
home. Ha (him / her) kune p arents, b
ut we
is se
in g s p e c ial f o r h
) a n y t h ing becau
meth m
to do so 7 (us / the
can’t giv !
w o n ’t let us (you / m
they 8
b o u t y o u? Can I y o ur birthd
How a ke y f o r
from Tur

Lesson B
Special days
1 Building vocabulary
A Look at the pictures. What do people do on these special days? Write two ideas below
each picture. Use the expressions in the box. Then add your own ideas.

blow out candles on a cake go out for a romantic dinner shout “Happy New Year”
give someone chocolates go to see fireworks sing “Happy Birthday”
exchange rings go trick-or-treating wear a cap and gown
get a degree or diploma have a reception wear a costume

1 2 3

Halloween Valentine’s Day birthday

wear a cos

4 5 6

graduation day New Year’s Eve wedding day

you B Write a conversation between you and a friend. Write about special days or events you are going
to celebrate this year.

A I’m going to have a Halloween party in October.

B Is everybody going to wear costumes? or Are you going to go trick-or-treating, too?
Unit 4 Celebrations
2 Building language
A 042 Listen to Marcella’s phone message. What are her plans for New Year’s Eve?

Voice mail Hi. This is Laurie. Please leave a message after the beep. Thanks for calling.
Marcella Hi, Laurie. This is Marcella. Listen, what are you
doing tomorrow night? A group of us are going out
for dinner and then to a big New Year’s Eve party.
Do you want to come? We’re meeting at the restaurant
at 8:30, and we’re probably going to go to the party
around 11:00. It’s going to be a lot of fun. So call me
back, OK? Oh, and by the way, they say it’s going to
snow tomorrow, so be careful. Bye.

it out B Find Marcella’s plans. Find the weather prediction. Circle the verb forms she uses.

3 Grammar Present continuous for the future; going to

A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 8.

B 043 Listen and repeat. Notice which verb forms you can use for plans and predictions.

You can use the present continuous or going to to talk about plans.
The present continuous is often used for plans with specific times or places.
What are you doing for New Year’s Eve? What are you going to do for New Year’s Eve?
We’re going to The Sea Grill for dinner. We’re going to go somewhere for dinner.
We’re meeting friends there at 8:30. We’re going to meet some friends at a restaurant.
You can also use going to for predictions.
It’s going to be fun. (NOT It’s being fun.) It’s going to snow tomorrow. (NOT It’s snowing tomorrow.)

C Match each plan with a prediction. Then write a follow-up question.

1. My best friend’s getting married in May. c a. I think he’s going to love it!
2. We’re going trick-or-treating on Halloween. b. She’s going to be a great lawyer.
3. My parents are going to get me something special c. It’s going to be a fun wedding.
for graduation. d. It’s going to rain, but we don’t care.
4. My sister’s graduating from law school soon. e. I think they’re going to get me
5. I’m going to get my dad a tie for his birthday. a laptop.

1 Where are they having the reception?

you D Write a conversation between you and a friend. Write about your plans for next weekend.
A What are you doing on Friday night?
B I’m meeting a friend. We’re going to go to a club.

4 Vocabulary notebook Calendars

See page 80.
Practice lesson B Special days
1 Good times
Look at the pictures. Write the special event. Then complete the sentences. Use the expressions
in the box.

blow out the candle go out for a romantic dinner shout “Happy New Year”
exchange rings go trick-or-treating sing “Happy Birthday”
get a diploma have a reception wear a cap and gown
give her chocolates see fireworks wear costumes

graduation day
1. Ana
A and dh
her classmates
l t are 2. The
Th waiters
it are going
i tto 3. All dC
Allen and i are going
Carine i tto
going to wear a cap and gown . .
When they call her name, Ana’s and bring Erin a cake. She’s After dinner, Allen’s going to
going to get a diploma . going to make a wish and .

4. Bruce and d Sheila

h il are going
i to h d and
5. Ahmad d Keisha
i h are going
i 6. John
h and d Rudy
d are going
i to
a big party. They’re going to to get married. During the of their
on the wedding, they’re going to favorite comic-book characters.
beach. Then at midnight, they’re . After When they’re ready, they’re
going to . the wedding, they’re going to going to
. in the neighborhood.
Unit 4 Celebrations
2 A busy week
Read George’s calendar. Write a sentence about each plan. Use the present continuous.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Mother’s Day - 8:00 - Tennis Lunch with Yoga before 2:00 - 5:00 -
Have lunch with Meet Ann after work Joe work Go to Keith Go to
Mom. for dinner. and Karen’s Jennifer’s
wedding. graduation

1. On May eighth, George is having lunch with his mother.


3 What’s going to happen?

Write sentences about the pictures. Use be + going to or be + not going to and the words given.

1. It’s not going to be sunny. 2. 3.

(sunny) (trick-or-treating) (flowers)

4. 5. 6.
(fireworks) (diploma) (snow)
Lesson C
Festivals and things
1 Conversation strategy “Vague” expressions
A W haat doo you tthi
h nk
hi k t he
e u nd
l ne
ed ex
pressiion mean
pr ns ? Ch
ns? Che
ecck ( ) tw
e wo id
We hav
We a e a lolott ooff ffes
esti v lss an
a d ththin
inggss likke tthhat
in at.
ho iess cceelleebr
ioonss hhoolida
holi days
ys Ray Are you going to the fiesta this
B 044
04 Noww l issten.
n W ha
at h
ens du
du ri
i ng
g t he fiesta
Tina I don’t know. It depends.
Wrr iitte th
W he a
What is it exactly?
Ray Well, it’s just, um . . . it’s a
festival. It’s lots of parades and
stuff like that. Everybody gets
dressed up, you know. . . .
Tina You mean in costumes?
Ray Yeah. There are hundreds of
cute little kids in purple and
silver outfits with makeup and
everything. . . .
Tina Uh-huh. Uh, I’m not big on
Ray And there’s good food. You can
get all kinds of tacos and things.
Do you want to go?
Tina Hmm. Well, maybe.

Notice how Ray uses “vague” expressions like and everything

“You can get all kinds of
and and things (like that). He doesn’t need to give Tina a complete
tacos and things.”
list. Find examples in the conversation.

Did you know . . . ?

C Practice the conversation in B. Then read the
conversations below. Write two meanings for each In conversation, people often say and stuff in very informal situations.
“vague” expression. Use the ideas in the box. and stuff and things

anniversaries concerts dancing holidays sing “Happy Birthday”

candles cultural events folk songs see old friends spend time at home

1 A Do you go to a restaurant to celebrate birthdays and stuff ? anniversaries, holidays

B Yeah, we know a nice place. They bring out cakes and everything.
2 A Are you into traditional music and stuff like that?
B Yeah, we have a lot of music festivals and things like that around here.
3 A What are you doing for New Year’s?
B I’m going home. I really want to see my family and everything.
72 DVD-ROM Interactive activities
Unit 4 Celebrations
2 Strategy plus “Vague” responses
You can use responses Are you going to the I don’t know. It depends.
like these if you’re not fiesta this weekend? What is it exactly?
sure about your answer:
I don’t know.
Did you know . . . ?
I’m not sure.
Maybe. In conversation, I don’t know and
It depends. I’m not sure are more common
responses than Maybe and It depends.
I don’t know.
I’m not sure.
you Write a conversation about a festival or holiday. Answer these
It depends.
questions. Use “vague” responses if you need to.
When is it?
What does it celebrate?
How do people celebrate?
Do they eat any special foods?
Do they wear costumes or put up decorations?
How are you going to celebrate it next time?

A When is Mardi Gras?

B It depends. It’s on a different day every year.

3 Listening Celebrations around the world

045 Look at the pictures of these two festivals. Then listen and answer the questions.

1 2

Santa Lucia Day Bonfire Night

What country is it in? It’s in Sweden.
When is it?
What do people do?

Practice lesson C Festivals and things
1 “Vague” expressions
Complete the conversations. Use and everything or and things (like that). Leave two blanks
empty in each conversation.

1 Maya What are you doing on New Year’s?

Brittany Well, my family’s having dinner at my grandmother’s
house 1 . You know, a big dinner with
ham and mashed potatoes 2 and everything .
Maya Sounds great! Do you have pies ?
Brittany Yeah, but I’m trying to lose weight. There’s all this
holiday food, like cookies 4 . It’s really
hard to be on a diet.
Maya Yeah, I have the same problem. And I work at a
bakery 5 . So let’s enjoy the holidays
and diet next year.
Brittany Great idea! I’m hungry. Let’s go out and eat some
cake, ice cream, 6 .

2 Carol Can we do something romantic for our anniversary

this year 7 ? Can you give me
chocolates, send me flowers, 8 ?
Bill Sure, I can do that .
Carol And I’d like to go out for a nice dinner.
Bill Well, it depends. Where do you want to go?
Carol Somewhere with violin music and candles
Bill OK. . . . Uh, do you want a present, too?
Carol Of course! I’d like some jewelry, some clothes,
Bill Oh. When’s our anniversary again?
Carol On the twenty-fifth.
Bill Well, I need to get a weekend job to pay for all this.

3 Sonia Hey, the Rodeo Days festival starts tomorrow

. So, what is it exactly?
Pete Well, every February, kids dress up in cowboy
costumes. They wear hats and ride horses, and
there’s a parade 13 . Are you going?
Sonia Maybe. I don’t know, I’m not big on cowboys
Pete Well, it’s really kind of fun. And people are going
to sell jewelry and T-shirts 15 .
Sonia I can go shopping there? Wow, I’m going to have
74 a lot of fun at this festival 16 .
Unit 4 Celebrations
2 About you
Answer the questions. Use the responses in the box. Then add more information
or a question.

It depends. Maybe. I don’t know. I’m not sure.

1. Are you going to celebrate your birthday with a party and everything?

I don’t know. I think I’m going to go for dinner with my girlfriend.

2. What do you want to do this weekend?

3. Are you going to send your mom some flowers on her birthday?

4. Do you want to go see the fireworks tonight?

3 Scrambled conversation
Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.

But you can also shop for cool Chinese gifts and things.

Would you like to go to a Chinese festival?

OK. So, what do people do?

There’s going to be free food? Great, I’d love to go.

Well, I don’t know. I’m not big on dances and stuff like that.

Well, at least the food is great, and it’s free.

Uh, maybe, but I don’t have money for shopping right now.

It’s for Chinese New Year.

Lots of things, like lion dances and everything!

I’m not sure. What kind of festival is it exactly?

Lesson D
1 Reading
A Make a list of words related to these celebrations.
weddings birthdays New Year’s Eve

weddings: bride, groom, flower girl

B Read the article. How many of your words in A are mentioned? Check (✓) them.

e to
Tim New Year
a b a by’s first bir th
day, parents
In Kore a o n pencils in
iwan , thread, and
Children in Ta put thing s lik e m o n ey
up the
N ew If th e baby picks
love Chinese front of the ir b a b y. be rich.
o r sh e is going to
Year because money, it me
a n s h e
long life for
they know th
ey th re ad means a
Choosi n g th e e a ns h e o r
to get o o si ng a pencil m
are going the baby, a n d c h
hong bao fro
e is g o in g to be a good
their relatives.
Hong bao are
w ith
money insid
ye to the old
o r, p eo p le say good-b
In Ecu ad s dressed
ing life- size dummie
year by b urn g people
e s o n b ig b onfires. Youn
in old cloth ns
es, or skeleto
ss up as w idows, witch th e New
dre for
fo r m o n ey for fireworks
and as k
Year’s celebra gdom, Austr
alia, and
U n ite d K in hing
In the wear “somet
Weddings North America, brides hing borrowed,
In Colombia, g new, somet
old, somethin d luck.
e b rid e an d so m et h in g blue” for goo
th a nd
groom each the bride
nd le. th e fe m a le friends of
light a ca In Turke y, s. After
lig ht n a m e s in si de her shoe
Then they write their bride looks
nd le in g c eremony, the
a th ird ca the w e d d longer read
r an d e r sh o e s. If she can no
toget he inside h ns that
th e e r fr ie n d s’ n ames, it mea
blow o ut one of h arried next.
th ey ar e no w one friend is going to get m
eans that
third candle m
first two. This e their lives tog
in g to sh ar
76 and are go DVD-ROM Interactive activities
Unit 4 Celebrations
C Read the article in B again. Underline these things:
1. three traditions about money 3. three traditions using fire
2. three traditions about clothes 4. the words for two people who get married
you D Write your own answers to the questions below.
What traditions do you have for weddings? What do brides wear?
Which birthdays are special? How do people celebrate them?
What traditions do you have for New Year’s? What brings good luck?

2 Listening and writing Congratulations!

A 046 Listen to the people open their invitations to these events. Complete the invitations.
1 2
PO 1  ON6 
BU 2  NK AT 7  PM
=^H^bdcVcY?ja^Z! 2360
>Éb[^cVaangZVYnidZciZgiV^c>Éb]Vk^c\ $EAR*OHNAND*ESSIE

#H^bdc!XVcndjbV`ZhdbZ 9 10
HZZndji]Zc! & J?GELClaine )RISAND$EREK

B Invite a friend to a special event. Write an invitation. Use the invitations in A to

help you.

Help note

Writing personal notes

Less formal More formal
Start like this: Dear (name), Dear (name),
Hi (name),
End like this: Take care, Best wishes,
See you, Best regards,
Love, All the best,

Practice lesson D Traditions
1 Celebrating mothers
A Read the article. Then add the correct heading to each paragraph.
Traditional ways to celebrate History of the holiday When is Mother’s Day?
Ideas for Mother’s Day Why people celebrate Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day
1 4
Why people celebrate Mother’s Day
In many countries, there is a special day of the year Although many countries celebrate Mother’s Day
when children of all ages celebrate their mothers. at different times of the year, the holiday has
On this day – Mother’s Day – children tell their one purpose – to show love and appreciation for
mothers that they love them, and thank them for mothers. For example, on Mother’s Day morning,
their love and care. some children bring their mothers breakfast in
bed. Others give their mothers gifts they made
especially for this holiday. And adults buy their
Mother’s Day is not a new celebration. Historians mothers flowers or send them cards.
say that it started as a spring festival in ancient 5
Greece. The modern festival of Mother’s Day
probably comes from England in the 1600s, when What are you going to do next Mother’s Day?
people had a day off from their jobs to visit their Maybe you can use some of these ideas to make
mothers on a day they called “Mothering Sunday.” your mother feel special.
They took small gifts and a special cake called • make or buy your mother a beautiful
“simnel cake.” In the United States, Mother’s Day Mother’s Day card
became an official holiday in 1914.
• write her a letter telling her why you
appreciate her
People in different countries celebrate Mother’s • do a special chore for her
Day on different days. In Australia, Brazil, Italy,
Japan, Turkey, and the United States, it’s on • make her a special meal
the second Sunday in May, whereas in France or bake a cake
and Sweden, it’s on the last Sunday in May. In • buy her some flowers
Argentina, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the or her favorite candy
second Sunday in October, whereas in Spain and
• plant a flower or tree
Portugal, it’s on December 8th.
somewhere she can see it

B Read the article in A again. Answer the questions.

1 Where
Wh did the idea off M
h id Mother’s
h ’ D Day come ffrom originally?
i i ll ?
2. Which country started the tradition of giving presents on Mother’s Day?
3. What was Mother’s Day called in England?
4. When do Brazil and Japan celebrate Mother’s Day?
5. What are three traditions on Mother’s Day?

Unit 4 Celebrations
2 Making plans
A Complete the notes and invitations.
A note to a friend A message to your neighbor A letter to your teacher

Hi Steve,
I’m having a party
on Saturday night. I’m having a party on I can’t come to class
Everybody’s going to Friday. We’re going to tomorrow. I have a fever
and a headache, so my
be there. Hope you can have a band. I hope
mother is taking me to
make it. it’s not too noisy.
the doctor.
Please join us.
See you then.

B Write to these people about a special celebration. Use the notes in A to help you.
A note to a teacher A message to a friend A letter to your grandparents

Unit 4 Progress chart

Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. To review, go back to
these pages.
= I know how to . . . = I need to review how to . . .
Grammar 65, 68, and 69
use going to for the future
use indirect objects and indirect object pronouns 64 and 65
use the present continuous for specific future plans 69
Vocabulary 64 and 65
name the months of the year
name the days of the month (ordinal numbers 1–31) 64 and 65
strategies use “vague” expressions like and everything and and things 72 and 73
use “vague” responses like Maybe and It depends 73
start and end invitations and personal notes 77

DVD-ROM Quiz 4 79
Vocabulary notebook Calendars
February blues
Learning tip Linking events with dates
The month people talk about
You can write down some of your new vocabulary on a calendar.
least is February. The month
It’s a useful way to learn the names of special events and celebrations.
people talk about most is July.

1 Complete the calendar. Use the words in the box.

card vacation Eve February fireworks November graduation anniversary
May dinner flowers September Halloween retirement Valentine’s gown

11th – Mom’s birthday. Buy her 1st – Summer starts.

flowers and a cake. 22nd – Dad’s 65th birthday
and party

14th – Day! 16th – Summer party and

at night
23rd – Suzanne’s birthday. Go out
for . 10th – Jack and Betty’s wedding
. Send them a
1st – April Fools’ Day
31st –
4th – My birthday!
29th – Family reunion for
2nd – End of exams
21st – School . 31st – New Year’s
Rent a cap and . party

2 Now make your own calendar. Write important dates and plans.

On your
o r oownn
Buy a wall calendar. Circle your
important dates, and write the things
you are going to do in English. Put it on
the wall so you can see it.
Growing up
In Unit 5, you learn how to . . .
use the simple past in statements and questions (review).
use time expressions to talk about the past.
use all, most, a lot of, a few, etc.
talk about memories of childhood, school, and your teenage years.

correct yourself with expressions like Wait, Actually, and I mean.


3 Before you begin . . .

Match the pictures with the expressions. Write the numbers.

a first close friend sleepovers with friends

learning to swim getting into trouble

Do you have memories like these?
Lesson A
1 Getting started
A Listen and read. Where was Ling born? Where does she live now? Practice the


Ramon That’s a great baseball shirt, Ling.

Are you from Seattle?
Ling Um, kind of. I lived there, but
I wasn’t born there.
Ramon Oh, yeah? Where were you born?
Ling In São Paulo, actually.
Ramon São Paulo? Brazil?
Ling Yeah. My parents were born in
Hong Kong, but they moved to
São Paulo in 1986, just before
I was born.
Ramon Wow. How long did you live there?
Ling Until I was six. Then we moved to
the U.S.
Ramon To Seattle?
Ling Yeah. We lived there for 10
years, and we came here to San
Francisco about three years ago.
Ramon Huh. So did you grow up bilingual?
Ling Well, we always spoke Chinese
at home. I couldn’t speak English
until I went to school. And actually,
I can still speak a little Portuguese.

it out B Complete the sentences. Use the conversation in A to help you.
1. Ling’s family left Hong Kong 1986.
2. Ling lived in São Paulo six years.
3. Her family stayed there she was six.
4. They moved to Seattle. they came to San Francisco.
5. They moved to San Francisco three years .
Unit 5 Growing up
2 Grammar be born; simple past (review); time expressions
A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 9.

B 048 Listen and repeat. Notice the forms of the simple past and the related time expressions.
Where were you born? Where were your parents born?
I was born in São Paulo. They were born in Hong Kong.
I wasn’t born in Seattle. They weren’t born in the U.S.

Did you live there for a long time? How long did you live in São Paulo?
Yes, (I did). I lived there for six years. We lived there until I was six. From 1986 to 1992.
No, (I didn’t). I didn’t live there long. We didn’t leave until 1992. Then we came to the U.S.
Did she move here last year? When did they come here?
Yes, (she did). She moved in May. They came here about three years ago.
No, (she didn’t). She moved in 2002. They came when Ling was sixteen.

C Complete the sentences. Use your own information. Saying years
1906 = “Nineteen oh-six”
1. I learned to ride a bicycle in 1988 , when I was seven .
1988 = “Nineteen eighty-eight”
2. My best friend was born ago, in .
2007 = “Two thousand (and) seven”
3. I went to elementary school until ,
2015 = “Twenty fifteen”
from to .
4. My family last went on vacation together in , when .

D Complete the questions. Then write your own answers.

1. Where your mother born? 4. you and your best friend ever fight?
your father born there, too? you ever get in trouble?

2. Where you grow up? 5. Who took care of you when you little?
you born there? your mother have a job?

3. Who your best friend in school?

How long you best friends?

3 Speaking naturally did you

A DVD-ROM Watch Speaking naturally 5.

Where did you go on vacation? What did you do? Did you have fun?

B 049 Listen and repeat the questions above. Notice the ways of saying did you.

you C 050 Listen and complete the questions. Then write your own answers.
When you were a child, . . .
1. did you ? 4. how long did you ?
2. where did you ? 5. did you ?
3. who did you ? 6. what did you ?
Practice lesson A Childhood
1 What’s the year?
Write the years in numbers or words.
1. twenty ten 2010 5. 1982 nineteen eighty-two
2. nineteen oh-four 6. 2006
3. two thousand eight 7. 2013
4. nineteen seventy-seven 8. 1998

2 Talking about the past

Complete the conversations. Use was, wasn’t, were, weren’t, did, or didn’t.

1 Rick So, Dina, 1 did you grow up here in Miami?

Dina Yes, I , but we 3 born here.
My sister and I 4 born in Puerto Rico,
and we moved here when we 5 kids.
6 7
Rick you study English when you
in school in Puerto Rico?
Dina Yes, we 8 – for a few years – but we 9
really learn English until we came here.
Rick Wow! And now you speak English better
than I do – and I 10 born here!

2 Thomas When 11 were you born, Grandma?

Grandma I 12 born in 1929.
Thomas Really? 13 you born here in Los Angeles?
Grandma No, I . Your grandfather and I 15
both born in China.
Thomas So when 16 you come to the U.S.?
Grandma My family move here until I 18
13 years old.
Thomas you go to school in China?
Grandma No, I . My parents 21 rich,
so I had to work.
Thomas And when 22 Grandpa born?
Grandma He born in 1928, but he says
he really born until 1947.
Thomas Why does he say that?
Grandma Because that’s when he met me.

Unit 5 Growing up
3 A life story
Complete the story. Use the words in the box. You can use some
words more than once.

ago for from in last long then to until when

This is a picture of my best friend, Mi Young. I took it a few years 1 ago .

Mi Young and I met 2 1995. We were very young 3 we became
friends. Mi Young is a very interesting person. She was born in Busan, South
Korea, 4 1990. Her family moved to the U.S. 5 she was three
years old. They lived in Chicago Mi Young was fifteen. 7 they
moved to New York City. I cried a long time after they moved.

Mi Young didn’t live in New York 9 because she came back to Chicago for
college she was eighteen. We were roommates at the University of Chicago 11
four years – 12 2008 13 2011. We graduated 14 year. Eight months 15 , Mi Young
got a great job in Phoenix, Arizona, and moved there. I really miss her! But guess what? Two months
, I got a job there, too. I’m moving there 17 two weeks, and I can’t wait!

4 About you
Write the words in the correct order to make questions. Then write your own answers to
the questions.

1. you / When / born / were ? When were you born?

2. Where / born / your / were / parents ?

3. grow up / you / Where / did ?

4. best friend / Who / your / was / ago / five years ?

5. a child / you / move / when / Did / ever / were / you ?

6. you / play video games / Did / when / you / little / were ?

7. long / you / were / elementary school / How / in ?

Lesson B
Favorite classes
1 Building language
A 051 Listen and read. What languages did these people study in school? Circle the languages.

What languages did you learn in school?

All the students in my high Well, years ago, most people
school had to take English – learned Russian, and only a
it was required. And I few people took English.
needed English to get I studied both. (Warsaw)
into my university. (Tokyo)
Keiko Mirka

I took Spanish last year, and A lot of my classmates dropped

most of my friends did, too. French after ninth grade. Almost
There are a lot of Spanish all of them – except me. But then
speakers around here, so later, some of them had to take
it’s kind of useful. evening classes because they
Brad (Los Angeles) Paul needed it for work. (Lagos)

it out
B Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. Most / Most of my friends are fluent in English. 2. A few / A few of people in my city know Russian.

2 Grammar Determiners
A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 10.

B 052 Listen and repeat. Notice the use of of before the, my, them, us, etc.

General Specific
All children learn a language. All (of) the children in my town take English. All of them . . .
Most Canadians need French. Most of the people in my office know French. Most of us . . .
Some students take Spanish. Some of the students in my class take Greek. Some of us . . .
A few people are good at Latin. A few of my classmates got As. A few of them . . .
No students like exams. None of my friends failed the exams. None of them . . .

A lot of people speak English well. A lot of the people in this city speak English. A lot of them . . .

About Did you know . . . ?

you C Complete the sentences. Use determiners to make true sentences.
1. my friends studied English in junior high school. In conversation, people usually
2. my friends speak two languages. say everybody and nobody, not
3. college students major in languages. all people or no people.
the colleges here teach several different languages.
4. students take two languages in high school.
86 In my class, us studied two languages.
Unit 5 Growing up
3 Building vocabulary
A 053 Listen and repeat the subjects. Which subjects are you interested in? Circle them.

music social studies science

choir history chemistry
band geography physics
orchestra economics biology

mathematics physical .ERI

geometry education (P.E.)
algebra art
calculus track drama
computer studies

B Complete the
he chart with the word
words in A. Use your own information.

I like / liked . . . I don’t like / didn’t like . . . I’d like to study . . .

algebra geography

4 Writing What were your best subjects?

Complete the questions with different subjects. Then answer the questions with your own information.
Write about you and your friends.

1. Did you study chemistry ? Yes, I studied chemistry. Most of my friends studied chemistry, too.
2. Were you good at ?
3. Did you get good grades in ?
4. Were your classes hard?
5. Did you enjoy ?
6. Did you hate ?

5 Vocabulary notebook I hated math!

See page 98.

Practice lesson B Favorite classes
1 What’s the subject?
A Circle the word that doesn’t belong. Then write the general category of the subjects.
1. history chemistry economics geography social studies
2. gymnastics dance art track
3. geometry computer studies algebra calculus
4. literature biology chemistry physics
5. choir band drama orchestra

B Read the clues. Write the answers in the crossword puzzle.

1. In this math subject, you see the letters
x and y a lot.
1. 2. 3.
7. I can run fast and jump high. I’m good a l g e b r a
at this P.E. subject. 4. 5.

8. Students sing in this music class.

9. In this subject, you study about people
and things from a long time ago.
10. Students learn to be actors when they
study this subject. 7.


2. In this class, you study the countries of
the world and their oceans, rivers, and 9.
3. You draw and paint in this class.
4. This subject is a science. You learn
about plant and animal life.
5. In this subject, teachers ask students to 10.

read novels, stories, and poems.

6. In this class, students play classical
music on instruments.

Unit 5 Growing up
2 How did we do?
A Write the determiners in the correct order in the chart below.
a few all a lot of most none some

1 2 3 4 5 6

100% 0%

B Read the test results. Complete the sentences. Use the determiners
in the box. Use each expression only one time.

Chemistry English Geography Geometry

Passed 55% 100% 90% 15%
Failed 45% 0% 10% 85%

A few A few of All of A lot of Most of None of Some Some of

1. Some students in the class passed chemistry. them failed chemistry.

2. the students passed English. the students failed it.
3. the students passed geography. students failed it.
4. the students passed geometry. people failed it.

3 About you
Answer the questions. Use determiners. Write your own answers.

When you were in high school, what was a subject . . .

1. most of your friends liked? Most of my friends liked P.E.
2. all of the students had to study?
3. a lot of students hated?
4. some of your classmates loved?
5. no students ever failed?
6. a few students were always really good at?
7. none of your classmates liked?
8. a lot of students got good grades in?
9. some students dropped?

Lesson C
Well, actually . . .
1 Conversation strategy Correcting things you say
A Think of possible ways to complete these replies. Complete the sentences.
A How old were you when you moved here? A Who took you to school on your first day?
B I was seven. Actually, no, I was . B My mom. No, wait, my took me.

B Now listen. What does Ben remember


about his first day of school? Write the answer. Ben Look at these old photos. My mom sent
them to me.
Jessica Oh, is this you?
Ben Yeah, with my best friend. We were
in kindergarten together.
Jessica Oh, . . . you were cute! Do you
remember much about kindergarten?
Ben Not really. Well, I remember my first day
of school. Actually, I don’t remember
the day, but I remember on the way
home I missed my bus stop.
Jessica Oh, no!
Ben Yeah. And I kept riding around until
I was the last kid on the bus.
Jessica So how did you get home?
Ben Well, the teacher, I mean, the bus driver,
had to call and find out my address and
everything, and he took me home.
Jessica So that was when you were five?
Ben Yeah. Uh . . . no, wait. . . . I was only
four. I started school early.

Notice how
ow Ben
en corre
ctss thee thhings
g he sa
yss w
ithh ex
s on
si onss liike
“No, wait. . . . I was only four.”
es e: Well;; Acctu
ll tual l ; No
ly No,, waaiitt. Fi
ndd exa
m le
mp less in tthe
he ccon

C Practice the conversation in B. Then match the sentences with the corrections. Choose three
sentences that are not true for you. Say them out loud, then correct them.

1. I don’t remember anything about my childhood. e a. Actually, no, I was 11 when I quit.
2. I started gymnastics when I was five. b. Well, they were OK, but I was always scared.
3. I hated swimming lessons. c. Well, most of them, not all of them.
4. I lived with my grandparents for a year. d. No, wait. I was six.
5. I played piano until I was 10. e. Well, actually, I remember a few things.
6. All my friends were very nice. f. No, wait. Actually, it was two years.

90 DVD-ROM Interactive activities

Unit 5 Growing up
2 Strategy plus I mean
You can use I mean to Well, the teacher,
correct yourself when you I mean, the bus
say the wrong word or driver, had to . . .
name. This is just one
use of I mean.

Did you know . . . ?

A Correct the underlined words to complete the questions.
Use the words on the right. In conversation, mean is one of the top 100 words.
About 90% of its uses are in the expression I mean.
When you were a child, . . .
1. did you read a lot of cartoons, I mean, comic books ? stuffed animals
2. did you have a motorbike, I mean, a ? checkers
3. how often did you visit your parents, I mean, your ? friend
4. did you go skiing in the winter, I mean, ? mountain bike
5. were you afraid of cats, I mean, ? skating
6. did you have an imaginary classmate, I mean, ? comic books
7. did you collect animals, I mean, ? dogs
8. were you good at playing chess, I mean, ? grandparents
you B Write your own answers to the questions in A.
1 Yes, I did. My favorite was . . .

3 Listening and writing I don’t remember exactly . . .

A 055Listen to people talk about their childhood memories. Underline the words
the people correct. Write the corrections on the lines.
1. When I was three, we moved to another city for a few years. four
2. I played softball until I was in sixth grade, and then I got interested
in other sports, like football.
3. My mother made clothes for me and my brother. One time, she made me some
dark blue shorts. They were awful.
4. I met my best friend in 1996. We were in high school together.
5. All the kids teased me in school because I had an unusual name. But one kid
was really nice to me.

you B Write a conversation between you and a friend about childhood memories. Use:
well; actually; no, wait; and I mean.

A I got into trouble one time. No, wait. Two times.

B Really? What did you do?

Practice lesson C Well, actually . . .
1 Correcting things you say
Complete the conversations. Use the sentences in the box.

Actually, no, it was 2002. Well, no, I guess I spent some weekends with my grandparents.
Well, at least most of them didn’t. Well, not perfect, actually. My dad lost his job.
No, wait. I was 9. Well, not all of them. Josie speaks three languages.
Well, actually, it was dark brown. No, wait. . . . Her name was Mrs. Santos.
Actually, no, I was 18 when I quit.

1 A All my friends are bilingual. They all speak two languages.

Well, not all of them. Josie speaks three languages.
B That’s amazing!

2 A My best friend and I had sleepovers every weekend when we were kids.

B That sounds like fun.

3 A We moved to Rio de Janeiro when I was 10.

B So you were pretty young.

4 A I was on a swimming team until I was 16.

B That’s the reason you swim so well.

5 A My brother and I had a perfect childhood.

B Really? But you were generally pretty happy, right?

6 A My cousin lived with us for a year – in 2003, I think.


B That was your cousin Alice, right?

7 A My favorite teacher in elementary school was Mrs. Santana.

B Oh, yeah? My favorite teacher was Mr. Stiller.

8 A When I was little, none of my friends had pets.

B But you had a dog, right?

9 A I had black hair when I was born.

B Really? I was born with no hair at all!

Unit 5 Growing up
2 I mean
Complete the questions. Use I mean to correct the underlined words. Then answer the questions.
Use your own information.

1. When you were a child, what was the name of your first professor, I mean, teacher ?

2. Were you six or seven when you started high school, ?

3. In elementary school, did you have lunch in the school café, ?

4. As a kid, what was your favorite sport, ?

Did you like checkers?

5. When you were young, did you play any music, , like the piano?

3 About you
Complete these sentences. Use your own information.

1. I started school when I was three. Actually, no,

when I was five .

2. The name of my elementary school was Park Elementary.

No, wait. . . . .

3. My first teacher’s name was Miss Parker, I mean,


4. I always got good grades in every subject.

Well, .

5. Most of my childhood friends liked classical music.

Well, no, .

6. When I was a child, my favorite holiday was Halloween,

I mean, .

7. I remember all my classmates in kindergarten.

Well, actually, .

8. A lot of my friends did gymnastics after school.

No, wait. . . . .
Lesson D
Teenage years
1 Reading
A Make a list of words related to the word teenager.

teenager: parties, loud music, fights with parents

B Read the interview. Which of Jennifer’s answers are funny? Which are interesting?

What’s your best memory from

teenage years?
I guess it was a trip I took every sum
mer wit h
my youth group. It was a time to
travel, be wit h
close friends, and be away from my
d parents.

And your worst ?

I think going to school was the wor
st. I’m not a
social type, and it gave me all kin
ds of anx iety.
What’s one thing you remember
Jennifer works
in publishing.
about school?
We asked her about I remember that everybody tried
to be different,
her memories of but they tried to be the same, also
being a teenager. What was your favorite subject?
My favorite subject was psycholog
y. I loved
ana lyzing my friends.
Did you enjoy being a teenager? Were you ever in trouble? Why?
It was mostly OK, but I had some I got detention lots of times becaus
diff icu lties, e I was late
like everyone else. When you’re a for school every morning, but I nev
teenager, er got in
you’re unsure of yourself. a rea l trouble.

What were the fashions then? How did you spend your free tim
I was a teenager in the ’80s, and so Actual ly, I spent a lot of time driv
the clot hes ing around
were ver y colorfu l. I was a fashion in friends’ cars, honking at people’
rebel, s houses as
though – I always wore black, and we drove by. e I also spent time reading,
I wore a play ing wit h my dog and cat, or torm
lot of cheap silver jewelry. Often enting
I wore my younger sister.
vintage clot hing. b
What do you miss about your
What kind of music did you listen teenage days?
My tastes were varied – I was a clas NOTHING ! Except my jeans size
sica l .
violinist, but I listened to punk roc
k and new What’s one piece of advice you
wave music. I had all my “weird”
tapes, and I was never wit hout the would give to today’s teenagers ?
m. c
Get off your computer, and turn
off the TV!

Unit 5 Growing up
C Read the interview in B again. Add these missing sentences to the interview.
Write the numbers.
3 I tried my best to look different.
1 I have no idea now why we did that!
4 I hardly ever listened to the radio.
2 I was always happy to get home, though.
5 And you’re always trying to fit in.

2 Listening A long time ago

056 Listen to Colin talk about being a teenager in England. Complete the sentences. Circle a, b, or c.

1. Colin was a teenager a. in the ’40s. b. in the ’50s. c. in the ’60s.

2. He quit school when he was a. 13. b. 14. c. 15.
3. His first job was a. in a factory. b. in a store. c. on a farm.
4. His main interest was a. music. b. buying clothes. c. watching TV.
5. His main regret is that he a. spent a lot of money. b. didn’t take classes. c. didn’t have fun.

3 Writing An interview
A Write five interview questions about being a teenager.
1 Did you get into trouble?
2 Were you a good student?

B Write your own answers to the questions in A.

1 Did you get into trouble?
No, not really, except for the time I spent all
my money on a car. My parents were very angry
with me about that.

Help note

Linking ideas: except (for), apart from

We agreed on most things except for the car.
We didn’t agree on much apart from my best
friend. They liked her.

Practice lesson D Teenage years
1 Small-town story
A Read the story. Then number the pictures in the correct order.
a b c d


Kathy Montaño grew up in the small town My mother always did special things for our
of Bagdad, Arizona. She interviewed several birthdays. One year she gave me a purple party.
Mexican Americans in Bagdad about their Everything was purple, even the drinks! She
childhood. This is the story of Yolanda Sandoval. also made me a purple dress. That was the best
party I ever had. I invited all my friends – except
“My name is Yolanda Sandoval. I was born in for Bobby. I was angry with him at the time.
Cananea, Mexico, on June 13, 1922. My parents
brought me to Bagdad when I was six months My brothers and I loved the movies. We thought
old. My father’s name was Francisco Sandoval, they were wonderful. A man named Angel Ruiz
and my mother’s name was Cecilia Bernal. always showed cowboy movies at the local
theater, and we went to all of them. He charged
I was their first child. I have four younger five cents for a movie. Sometimes we didn’t have
brothers. My mother gave Rafael, my third the five cents, but he let us see the movie anyway.
brother, her name as a middle name. Apart from
Rafael, no one had a middle name. My mother What about school? What subjects did I study?
was very gentle and patient. She died when I was I had to study English for four years, science for
16. My father was very kind but strict. two (I took chemistry and biology), and a foreign
language for two years. I took Spanish, of course!
What did my father do for a living? He worked Spanish was easy for me, so I got good grades. I
in a mine. He didn’t talk much about his work, also studied U.S. history, home economics, and
maybe because he didn’t like it. My mother didn’t physical education. I loved school!”
go to work. She stayed home to take care of us.

B Read the story in A again. Then complete the sentences.

1. Kathy Montaño interviewed several people in her town about .
2. Yolanda Sandoval came to Bagdad when she .
3. Yolanda’s father didn’t talk much about his work because .
4. On Yolanda’s birthday one year, her mother gave her .
5. At the local movie theater, Yolanda and her brothers saw .
6. Yolanda studied English for .
Unit 5 Growing up
2 When I was a teenager
A Answer these questions about your first year in high school. Use except (for)
or apart from.

1. Did you like your teachers?

I liked all my teachers except for my history teacher, Mr. Crown.
2. Did you always do your homework?

3. Did you enjoy your high school subjects?

4. Did you get along with all your classmates?

5. Did you and your best friend do a lot of things together?

B Write about some of your favorite activities when you were a teenager.

When I was a teenager, I lived in

My friends and I loved to

Unit 5 Progress chart

Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. To review, go back
= I know how to . . . = I need to review how to . . . to these pages.
Grammar 82 and 83
make statements and ask questions with the simple past and past of be
talk about the past using time expressions 82 and 83
use determiners: all (of), most (of), a lot of, some (of), a few (of), 86 and 87
no, none of
Vocabulary 82 and 83
say years
name at least 12 school subjects 87
name at least 5 general subject categories 87
strategies correct things I say with expressions like Actually and No, wait 90 and 91
use I mean to correct myself 91
use except (for) and apart from to link ideas 95

DVD-ROM Quiz 5 97
Vocabulary notebook I hate math!
Learning tip Grouping vocabulary Talk about school
You can group new vocabulary in different ways to help you
remember it. For example, group things you can or can’t do, The top four school subjects
or things you are interested in or not interested in. people talk about are:
1. math 3. physics
2. science 4. history
People say math almost 10 times
1 Complete the chart. Use the school subjects in the box.
more than mathematics.
biology chemistry English geography history
math physics P.E. art music

I’m / I was good at . . . I’m not / I wasn’t very good at . . . I can’t / I couldn’t do . . . at all.

2 Now complete this chart. Use the school subjects above, and add more.

I like / liked . . . I hate / hated . . . I’m not / I wasn’t really interested in . . .

On your own
Walk around a large bookstore, and look at
the different sections. How many subjects
do you know in English?

Around town
In Unit 6, you learn how to . . .
use Is there? and Are there? to ask about places in a town.
use location expressions like across from and outside.
use Can and Could to offer help and ask for directions.
talk about stores and favorite places in your city or town.

check information by repeating key words, using
“checking” expressions and asking “echo” questions.

Before you begin . . .
Match the pictures with the sentences. Write the numbers.

“There’s a lot to see.” “It’s great for shopping.”

“It’s easy to get around.” “There’s a lot of nightlife.”

What else can you say about each place?

Lesson A
Out shopping
1 Getting started
A 057 Listen and read. What is the woman looking for? Practice the conversation.

Woman Excuse me, please. Is there

an Internet café near here?
Jack Uh . . . there’s one on Main
Street – across from the big
department store. It’s right
up this street.
Woman Thanks. Oh, and are there
any cash machines around
Jack Yeah. There are some ATMs
over there outside the bank,
just across the street.
Woman Oh, yeah. I see them.

it out B Complete the questions and answers. Use the conversation in A to help you.
1 Boy Is there a video arcade 2 Man any pay phones
near here? around here?
Jack Yes, there’s on Beach Jack Yes, there are in front
Street. of the Happy Planet Internet Café.
Unit 6 Around town
2 Grammar Is there? Are there?; location expressions
A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 11.

B Listen and repeat. Notice the use of any and one in questions and answers with Is there?

and Are there?

Is there an Internet café near here? Are there any cash machines near here?
Yes, there is. There’s one on Main Street. Yes, there are. There are some outside the bank.
It’s across from the department store. Yes, there’s one over there.
No, there isn’t (one). No, there aren’t (any).

Location expressions
C Look at the map on page 100. Complete the questions with
Is there a or Are there any. Complete the answers with one, some,
any, and location expressions.
Driver 1 Is there a bank around here? behind in front of
Jack Yeah, there’s 2 one right 3 on Main Street.
It’s 4 the deli. Do you see Sam’s Deli –
just the street? next to between
Driver Oh, yeah. Can I park there? I mean, 6
parking lot?
Jack Well, there’s 7 just 8 the
bank, but the entrance is 9
inside outside
Driver public restrooms there? Main

Jack No, there aren’t 11 . But there’s a department First First

store Main and Third. I’m sure there are
13 on First Street on the corner of
there, 14 the store.
Main and First
Driver Thanks. Oh, and supermarket anywhere?
Jack Uh, there’s 16 over there – 17
the bank.

D Write your own conversation about these places from the map across (the street) from
on page 100. Use the conversation in C to help you. opposite

a jewelry store restaurants a karaoke club gas stations an electronics store

3 Speaking naturally Word stress in compound nouns

A DVD-ROM Watch Speaking naturally 6.

bookstore restroom pay phone

B 059 Listen and repeat the compound nouns above. Notice the stress pattern.

C 060 Listen and complete the questions. Then practice saying the questions.
1. Are there any good near your home? 4. Is there a in this neighborhood?
2. Is there a big around here? 5. Is there a good near your home?
3. Are there any outside this building? 6. Are there any around here? 101
Practice lesson A Out shopping
1 Where . . . ?
Look at the map. Write two answers for each question.

1. Where’s the bookstore? It’s on Pine Street, between the bank and the drugstore.
It’s across the street from the gas station.
2. Where are the pay phones?

3. Where’s the parking lot?

4. Where are the ATMs?

5. Where’s the gas station?

6. Where’s the drugstore?

Unit 6 Around town
2 Looking for places
Write questions. Use the words and expressions given. Then look at the map on page 102,
and complete the answers. Use there’s one, there are some, there isn’t one, or there aren’t any.

1 A Is there a drugstore around here? (drugstore / around here ?)
B Yes, there’s one on the corner of Pine Street and Second Avenue.

2 A (parking lot / near here ?)
B on Oak Street, behind the bookstore.

3 A
3. (video arcades / anywhere ?)
B over there, next to the electronics store.

4 A
4. (museum / in this town ?)
B No, sorry, .

5 A
5. (public restrooms / near here ?)
B No, public restrooms near here, but there are some
inside the department store on Pine Street.

6 A (pay phones / around here ?)
B Yeah, sure, on Third Avenue.

3 About you
Write questions about the places given. Then answer the questions with true information about
your neighborhood.

1 A (a good coffee shop)Is there a good coffee shop in this neighborhood?
B Yes, there is. There’s Emily’s on the corner of Center Avenue and First Street.

2 A (a big department store)

3 A (any Internet cafés)

4 A (a convenience store)

5 A (any cheap restaurants)

Lesson B
Getting around
1 Building vocabulary
A Listen to the conversations, and follow the directions on the map. Underline all

the expressions for directions. Then practice the conversations.

A Excuse me, could you give me directions to the C Are you lost? Can I help you?
Rock ’n’ Roll Museum? D Yes, thanks. Can you tell me how to get to
B Sure. Go straight ahead for two blocks. You’re Panther Stadium?
going to see a ferry terminal. Make a right and C Sure. Go to the end of the next block, and turn
go down the street about a block. It’s on the left. right. Walk up two blocks. You can’t miss it.

it out B Number the lines of the directions in the correct order. First find your location on the
map, and then find your destination.

1 You’re just outside the parking garage. You ask: 2 You’re in the Ocean View Hotel. You ask:
“Could you tell me how to get to the aquarium?” “Can you give me directions to Symphony Hall?”
The aquarium is going to be on your right. Then make a right.

You’re going to see a ferry terminal. Turn left again at the corner, and walk up a block.

Go straight ahead for two blocks. It’s right there, on the left.
When you go out of the hotel, turn left.
Make a left.
Walk up the street about one block.
Unit 6 Around town
2 Grammar Offers and requests with Can and Could
A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 12. Did you know . . . ?

B Listen and repeat. Notice how to use Can in offers

062 In conversation, Can you . . . ? is more
and requests and Could in requests. common than Could you . . . ? for
requests. People use Could you . . . ?
Offers Requests to make their requests more polite.
Can I help you? Can you help me?
Can you . . .?
What can I do? Can you tell me how to get to the aquarium?
How can I help? Could you give me directions? Could you . . .?

C Some people are asking for directions at the Visitors’ Center on the map on page 104.
Complete the questions, and write directions for each person.
1 A you tell me how to get to Panther Stadium?
B Sure. Just go .

2 A you give me directions to the Shakespeare Theater? Is it far from here?
B Uh, it’s not far. Walk .

3 A you recommend a place to go running?
B Let me think. There’s a running path in Floral Park. Go .

4 A I help you?
B Yes, thanks. Is this the right way to Blue Water Park?
A Yes, just go .

3 Listening and writing Finding your way around

A Look at the map on page 104. Listen to the conversation. Where do the people want to

go? Number the places 1 to 4.

you B Write four conversations. Ask and answer questions about
your neighborhood. Use the questions below to help you.

Could you recommend a cheap restaurant around here?

Is there a place to go skateboarding or biking near here?
Can you tell me how to get to the subway or to a bus stop?
Could you give me directions to the nearest video arcade?

A Could you recommend a cheap restaurant around here?

B Sure. Try Ann’s Diner. When you leave the building, turn left. Then . . .

4 Vocabulary notebook Which way?

See page 116.

Practice lesson B Getting around
1 Places in town
Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

aquarium museum running path stadium visitors’ center

hotel parking garage skateboard ramp theater water park

You can . . .
1. see sea animals at an aquarium . 6. see art and interesting old things at a .
2. swim in an outdoor pool at a . 7. ask for information at a .
3. go jogging on a . 8. leave your car at a .
4. go skateboarding on a . 9. watch a baseball game at a .
5. see a play at a . 10. sleep at a .

2 Where am I going?
Some people are at the Sea View Hotel. Where do they want to go? Look at the map.
Complete the conversations with the names of the places.

1 A Can you tell me how to get to the ?
B Sure. When you leave the hotel, turn right. It’s on the next block. It’s there on your right.

2 A Can you tell me how to get to the

2. ?
B Yes. Go out of the hotel, and turn left. Turn left again at the corner, go one block,
and turn right. It’s on your left.

3 A Can you help me? I’d like to go to the .
B Yes. Turn right out of the hotel. Go straight for another block, and make a left.
Walk two blocks. It’s on your right, next to the restaurant.

Unit 6 Around town
3 Directions, directions
Rewrite the sentences to make requests. Then look at the map on page 106, and
write directions.

1 You’re at the Visitors’ Center. “Tell me how to get to the museum.”(Could)

A Could you tell me how to get to the museum?
B Turn left. Walk straight ahead for a block.
The museum is going to be right there on the left.

2 You’re at the museum. “Give me directions to the aquarium.” (Could)

3 You’re at the aquarium. “Tell me how to get to the pool.” (Can)

4 You’re at the pool. “Recommend a good place for skateboarding.” (Can)

5 You’re at the skateboard ramp. “Give me directions to the Visitors’ Center.” (Can)

4 Can you help me?

Write requests and offers.

1. Make an offer: Ask how you can help the person.

How can I help you?

2. Make a request: Ask for directions to the aquarium.

3. Make a request: Ask for help.

4. Make an offer: Ask someone what you can do.

5. Make a request: Ask someone to recommend a good place to go running.

Lesson C
Excuse me?
1 Conversation strategy Checking information
hatt ar
ha aree th
e be
s way
st ayss to
o check
he k i n for k (✓) tw
o mation? Check t o re
r sponse
A Ex
c se me. Iss tthe
cu here
heree a mal
ll arou
ndd her
e e?
B H h?
Hu h? A malll? Did youu say
ay a mall?

B 0
06Now l is
064 i te
n.. W ha
hatt is t he
h re to do n
e a r tth
he ho
hot el?
Wr ite th
ite the
e an
e. Concierge Hi. Can I help you?
Kate Yes. What is there to do
around here? Within walking
Concierge Within walking distance? Well,
the Center Mall is a 15-minute
walk from here.
Kate Fifteen or fifty?
Concierge Fifteen. They have a lot
of good stores and movie
theaters. Or if you want to go
see a play, there’s . . .
Kate I’m sorry? A play? Um . . . no,
I think a movie sounds better.
Did you say the Center Mall?
Concierge Yes, it’s right down this street.
The new John Woo movie is
playing – I heard it’s good.
Kate Excuse me? The new what?
Concierge The new John Woo movie.
It got great reviews.

Notice how Kat

a e an
andd th
e co
ie rge
rge “It’s a 15-minute walk from here.” “Checking” expressions:
“Fifteen or fifty?” I’m sorry?
ecck in
a io
at on.
n Theheyy re
peata w
at wor
ds a
Excuse me?
a qu
on or us
on usee “cche
i g” exp
in preessio
Did you say . . . ?
Fin exa xamp
less in
n tthe
he con
onvev rssat
ve atio
What did you say?

C Practice the conversation in B. Then match the questions with the checking responses. Then answer
the questions about your town or city.
1. Could you give me directions to the airport? c a. Did you say Indian or Indonesian?
2. Is there an Indonesian restaurant near here? b. I’m sorry? Did you say a bookstore?
3. Do you have a number for a cab company? c. Sorry, what did you say? The airport?
4. Where is there a bookstore around here? d. Excuse me? Did you say cab?
5. Are there any good concerts on this week? e. Concerts, did you say?

108 DVD-ROM Interactive activities

Unit 6 Around town
2 Strategy plus “Echo” questions
In an “echo” question, The new John Woo Excuse me? Here are some more examples:
you repeat something movie is playing. The new what? A The video arcade is on Beach Street.
you heard, and you B I’m sorry, it’s where?
add a question word
A It opens at 10:00.
to check information
B Excuse me? It opens at what time?
you didn’t hear.

Did you know . . . ?

In conversation, when people ask

others to repeat information, they
A Complete the conversations with “echo” questions. say I’m sorry? more often than
Use the question words in the box. Excuse me?

how far how much what what kind what time where I’m sorry?
Excuse me?
1 A
1. There are lots of street performers in the city right now.
B I’m sorry, there are a lot of what ?
2 A There’s a miniature golf course about 15 minutes away.
B Excuse me, it’s ?
3 A The best outdoor pool around here is at Ocean Beach.
B I’m sorry, it’s ?
4 A
4. There are great gift shops in this neighborhood.
B I’m sorry, there are of shops?
5 A
5. The movie theater opens at 10:15 a.m.
B Excuse me, it opens at ?
6 A Rides in the amusement park cost $5.
B They cost ?

B Write three conversations like the ones in A. Start with a true sentence about your
neighborhood. Then write an echo question to check the information.

A There are some nice stores in this neighborhood.

B I’m sorry, there are some what?

3 Listening Tourist information

A 065Listen to the beginning of six conversations. What do you think each person says
next to check the information? Number the sentences 1 to 6.

“Excuse me? “Did you say Greek?” “I’m sorry? What time?”
Thirteen or thirty?”
“Cookies and what, “I’m sorry, any “Did you say
did you say?” what? Concerts?” bicycles?”

B Now listen to the complete conversations, and check your answers in A. What other

information does the clerk give each person? Make notes.

Practice lesson C Excuse me?
1 Checking information
Complete the conversations. Check the information.

1 A Hi. Where to?

1. 3 A Can I help you?
B I’m going to 830 Center Street. B Yes, please. What time does the next show
A I’m sorry? Did you say 813 Center start?
Street? A At 7:15.
B No, 830. That’s on the corner of Center and B
Main – on the left side of the street. A 7:15.
B And what time does it end?
A It ends at 9:05.
B Yes, the left side.
A Yes, that’s right.

2 A Could you tell me how to get to

2. 4 A Can you give me directions to a pet store?
Atlantic Bank? B
B A No, not a bookstore – a pet store. I want to
A Yes. Do you know it? buy some new fish for my aquarium.
B I think so. Go straight ahead for three blocks, B Oh. Let me think. I think there’s a pet store
and turn left. The bank is on the right. at Bay Street Mall.
B No. Turn left. The bank is on the right. B Bay Street Mall. It’s about half an hour
from here.

Unit 6 Around town
2 Questions, questions
Complete the conversations. Write an “echo” question for the underlined expressions.

1 A The concert tickets cost $60 each.

B They cost how much?

2 A There’s a great bicycle path in the park.


3 A The stadium is on State Street.

4 A The aquarium closes at 8:30 on Friday nights.


5 A Let’s go to the museum. It’s just a few blocks away.


3 I’m sorry?
Complete the “echo” questions.

1 A
1. A new deli opened right across the street from us.
B I’m sorry, a new what opened?
A A new deli.
B Great! Now I don’t have to cook!

2 A Tim spent almost $500 on theater
tickets for his family.
B Excuse me? He spent ?
A Almost $500.
B Wow! I hope the play’s good!

3 A
3. I really want to leave at 6:00.
B Sorry? You want to leave at ?
A At 6:00.
B Uh-oh. We’re late!

4 A
4. Howard is going to the aquarium today.
B I’m sorry? He’s going ?
A To the aquarium. You know, the one on Main Street.
B Oops! I told him I’d meet him there.

Lesson D
Exploring the city
1 Reading
A Are there any interesting places to walk around your city? Where are they? Make a list.

B Read the walking-tour guide. Follow the tour on the map.

San Francisco’s Chinatow

n is the largest Chinese
community on the West Co
ast of the U.S. and is 3. Across from the cathedral on
now home to over 14,000
people. Chinese settlers St. Mary’s Square – a
California is
came here as early as 1846 quiet park with a statue
, opening businesses
near Portsmouth Square. of the Chinese revolutio
nary leader Sun Yat-sen
4. Opposite the cathedral on Gr
ant, the Ching Chung
Temple welcomes vis
itors and has year-roun
d guided tours.
5. Continue north on Grant, and
turn right on Clay
Street. Then turn left int
o Portsmouth Square,
watch local people pla and
y cards or Chinese ch
6. Take the footbridge across Ke
arny Street to the
Chinese Culture Cent
er. Here there are exhib
of Chinese and Chine itions
se-American art, as we
permanent display of ll as a
Chinese musical instru
It’s well worth a visit. me nts.

7. Return to the square, and

turn left onto Washing
Street. On the left is the
Chinese Telephone Ex
Now a bank, the exch
opened in 1909. Opera
had to speak English an
1. The tour begins at the Chinese dialects.
d five
Chinatown Gate at the
intersection of Bush Str
and Grant Avenue. Wa
lk north 8. Continue west on Washington
on Grant – a busy stree , and
t of turn right into Ross All
shops selling souvenirs ey. Near the end
, of the block is the Golde
jewelry, artwork, furnit n Gate Fortune
ure, Cookie Company, wh
cameras, and electron ere you can sample
ics. the fortune cookies.
2. At the corner of California and
Grant, look around
Old St. Mary’s Cathed
ral (1891) and its displa This is where your tour
y of ends.
historic photographs
of 19th-century China We hope you enjoyed
town. your tour
of San Francisco’s Chin

Unit 6 Around town
C Read the guide in B again. Write the answers to the questions below.
1. Where can you do these things, according to the guide?
a. look at old photographs c. buy Chinese art
b. listen to someone talk about a temple d. eat a well-known dessert
2. Where is the best place to take interesting pictures, do you think?
3. Which three places would you like to see on this tour? Why?

2 Write about it What are some of your favorite places?

Think about your town or city. Write your own answers to
the questions below.
Is there . . .
a good place to sit and watch people go by?
a fun place to spend a rainy afternoon?
a cheap (but good) place to eat?
a quiet area to go for a walk or a jog?
a good place to shop for electronic products?
an interesting museum?
a neighborhood with lots of cultural events?
a neighborhood with lots of interesting nightlife?

3 Writing A walking-tour guide

Write a guide for a walking tour for an area in your town or city. Write about three different
places. Give directions, and explain why they are worth a visit.
Document 1

A Walking Tour of Rockville Help note

The tour begins at Monterey Park. It’s
Giving directions
a beautiful park with a big lake. It has
beautiful flower gardens all year. The tour begins at .
Turn right on Street.
Enter the park on Lincoln Avenue. Walk Return to . . . / Walk back to . . .
along the road until you get to the lake.
Walk north for two blocks.
Find a nice park bench. It’s a good place
to sit and watch people. Continue east on Street.

Walk back to the entrance, and turn right

on Lincoln Avenue. . . .

Practice lesson D Exploring the city
1 Life down under
A Look at the pictures. What does the article talk about? Check ( ) your guesses.
an amusement park a place that looks like the moon
an underground hotel a drive-in movie theater
a rock ’n’ roll museum an opal mine

B Read the article. How many of your guesses in A are mentioned? Check ( ) them.

Coober Pedy – the Opal Capital of the World

Welcome to the desert town There are many underground homes, as well as
of Coober Pedy in the outback underground hotels, museums, opal shops, art
of Australia. The name Coober galleries, and, of course, opal mines.
Pedy comes from the We recommend that you visit these places when you
Aboriginal words kupa piti, c
come to Coober Pedy:
which mean “white man in opal
a hole.” We hope you’ll come visit. The
T Opal Mine & Museum is a unique underground
museum about the history of the town. It includes a
Explorers first found opals in this area on February 1, model underground home and a small opal mine.
1915. In 1946, an Aboriginal woman named Tottie Some of the world’s finest opals are on display here.
Bryant dug out a large and valuable opal. After that,
a lot of people came to Coober Pedy to mine opals. The Moon Plain is a large
rocky area unlike anywhere
During the 1960s, many European immigrants came else. It looks like the
to work here, and Coober Pedy quickly became a moon – or another planet!
large modern town. Today, Coober Pedy is the It was the set for many
world’s main source movies, including Mad Max
of high-quality opals Beyond Thunderdome; The
and a unique tourist Adventures of Priscilla,
destination. Queen of the Desert ; and The Red Planet. It is about
It’s so hot in Coober 15 kilometers (9 miles) northeast of Coober Pedy.
Pedy that a lot of Coober Pedy Drive-In is an open-air movie theater.
people live You can see four movies a month here – every other
underground! weekend on Friday and Saturday nights.

C Read the article in B again. Then match the two parts of each sentence.
1. The name Coober Pedy means d a. the set for many movies.
2. Tottie Bryant found b. a very big and valuable opal.
3. Coober Pedy became a modern mining c. its underground homes, museums,
town when stores, and mines.
4. At present, Coober Pedy is the world’s main source d. “white man in a hole.”
5. As a tourist place, Coober Pedy is famous for e. immigrants came to work in the mines.
6. The Moon Plain was f. of high-quality opals.
Unit 6 Around town
2 Walking guide
A Read this New Orleans walking tour. Look at the map, and write the missing words.
Start at #1. This is the Garden District Book Shop. Anne Rice, a famous
author from New Orleans, calls this her favorite bookstore. 1
Prytania Street

Now go to #2. Take Prytania Street 1 four blocks to Philip Street.

Philip Street
Second Street
Turn 2 on Philip Street. Take Philip Street one

Fourth Street
to Coliseum Street. 4 a right on
Coliseum Street. These homes are called the Seven Sisters. They’re
on the right. A man wanted his seven daughters to live close to him. Coliseum Street

First Street
He built these seven houses for them as wedding gifts.

Third Street
Now go to #3. Go 5 on Coliseum Street, and walk to
the end of the block. left on First Street. Go 7 Chestnut Street
for one block. It’s right there, on the 8 . This is the
Brevard-Mahat-Rice House, where Anne Rice lives and works.

B Think of two tourist attractions in your town or city. Write directions

from one to the other.

Start at

Unit 6 Progress chart

Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. To review, go back
= I know how to . . . = I need to review how to . . . to these pages.
Grammar 100 and 101
use Is there? and Are there? to ask about places in a town
use across from, behind, between, etc., to describe location 101
make offers and requests with Can and Could 104 and 105
Vocabulary 100, 101, and 104
name at least 15 places in a city or town
strategies check information by repeating key words and using “checking” 108 and 109
ask “echo” questions to check information 109
write a guide giving directions 113

DVD-ROM Quiz 6 115

Vocabulary notebook Which way?
Learning tip Drawing maps Is there a bank around here?
Draw and label a map to help you remember directions.
People say around here 50 times more
frequently than near here.
1 Use the map to number the directions to the bank below.
Walk one more block.

Turn right. Post Office

Walk up one block.

Make a left.

It’s on the left, just past the

post office.

You are here.

2 Now draw your own map. Show the way from your home to a place you often go to.
Then write the directions to go with the map.

Directions from my home to

1. My map




On your own
Find a map of your town or city.
Highlight the route from one place
you know to another. Then write
directions. Learn the directions.


Video The Birthday Party Episode 2: Act 1
Before you watch
A Match the pictures with the sentences.

1. c 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

a. He’s baking a cake. e. She’s leaving work.

b. They’re playing soccer. f. She’s mailing some letters.
✓ c. They’re making pasta. g. He’s talking on the phone.
d. It’s arriving at 5:45. h. They’re planning a party.

B Read the conversations. Are the actions happening now, or will they happen in the
future? Check (✓) the boxes.
Now In the future
1 A What are you doing?
B I’m writing a letter.
2 A What are you doing tomorrow?
B I’m playing basketball with a friend.
3 A What are you making for dinner tonight?
B I’m probably making pasta with chicken.
4 A Who are you talking to?
B I’m talking to my father.

While you watch
A Check (✓) the topics that David, Liz, Yoko, and Alex talk about.
1. American stuff
Italian stuff

2. flowers

3. a special present
a special guest

4. the menu for the party

the decorations for the party

5. a traditional cake
a popular dessert

6. the guest list for the night of the party

the plan for the night of the party

7. a mistake about the date of the party

a change in the date of the party

B When are these things going to happen? Write the number for each event under the
correct day.

1. pictures arrive 3. Yoko prepares food 5. Alex picks up cake

2. special guest arrives 4. Alex talked to Gio 6. party happens

C Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Gio isn’t home / homesick. 6. Gio knows / doesn’t know about the party.
2. Gio’s mother / sister is sending the pictures. 7. Alex can / can’t bake cakes.
3. Liz is picking up the special guest at the 8. Alex can / can’t keep Gio busy on the
airport / train station. night of the party.
4. Yoko is / isn’t busy and can / can’t talk long. 9. The party is on the 25th / 26th.
5. Yoko is making pasta, grilled vegetables, 10. Liz / David is going to call everyone back.
and pizza / hamburgers for the party.

Video The Birthday Party Episode 2: Act 2
Before you watch
A Complete the chart. Use the words in the box.
✓ algebra basketball classes costumes fireworks float football
graduation parade soccer subject uniform volleyball

School Sports Festivals and celebrations


B Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

came got grew had met

moved took was ✓were wore

1. We were on the same volleyball team.

2. I up in France, but my family
to California when I 16.
3. My brother and I along well.
4. He to visit me last year.
We a great time.
5. I history and geography in high school.
6. Everybody a uniform at my school.
7. My parents in high school.

C Match the questions with the answers.

1. Where were you born? a. Probably math. I was good
2. Did you play sports when you were a kid? at math.
3. Did you get along with your brothers and sisters? b. Yes, we got along well.
4. What was your favorite subject at school? c. In California, but I grew up
5. Did you study any languages? in New York.
d. Yes, I did. I studied German
and Italian.
e. Yes. Volleyball and basketball.

While you watch
A Match the sentences with the pictures.
a. We did everything together.
b. Is that really you?
c. What are you doing here?
d. Who’s that with you?
✓e. Happy Birthday!
f. I was a good student.

1. e 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

B Listen for these topics. Cross out the word in each list that isn’t mentioned.
1. Carnevale 2. Sports 3. School subjects
costumes baseball algebra
dancing basketball business
fireworks soccer English
float volleyball German

Video The Birthday Party Episode 2: Act 3
Before you watch
A Match the pictures with the correct location expressions.
a. at the end b. between c. on the corner

1. 2. 3.

B Look at the map. Write the name of the place for each location.

1. It’s at the end of Elm Street.

2. It’s on Oak Street, between First and Second Avenues.
3. It’s on Elm Street, between Second and Third Avenues.
4. It’s on the corner of Elm Street and First Avenue.

C Number the lines of the conversations in the correct order.

1 It sounds great! 2.
2 OK. Thanks!
Like what? I’m sorry? What?
Well, there are a lot of nice shops and 1 Excuse me. I’m looking for Luca’s.
great restaurants. Oh. That’s on Elm Street. It’s not far.
Yes, it’s great. There’s so much to do. Go straight ahead for a block. Make a
1 Do you like living in your right, and it’s at the end of the street.
neighborhood? Luca’s Restaurant.

While you watch
A Number the scenes in the correct order.

a. b. c.

d. e.

B Are these things in the neighborhood? Check (✓) the boxes.

Is there . . . Are there any . . .

1. an aquarium? Yes No 5. dance clubs? Yes No

2. a garden? Yes No 6. department stores? Yes No

3. a museum? Yes No 7. gift shops? Yes No

4. a running path? Yes No 8. music festivals? Yes No

C Check (✓) Gio or Monica to answer the questions.

Who . . . Gio Monica
1. likes art?
2. has a map?
3. doesn’t want to go to the garden?
4. has the idea to go shopping?
5. has to move soon?
6. finds some great stuff?
7. forgets the map?
8. sees a sign for an apartment?

Checkpoint Units 4–6
1 Unscramble the questions.
Write the words in the correct order to make questions. Then write your own answers.

1. doing / are / next weekend / What / you ?

What are you doing next weekend?
2. after work / going to / you / go shopping / Are ?

3. it / rain / tomorrow / going to / Is ?

4. you / here / Did / another city / from / move ?

5. last year / you / did / on vacation / go / Where ?

6. What / your / in school / favorite / was / subject ?

7. Are / a lot of / in / fun places / neighborhood / there / your ?

1 I’m going to go out for dinner with my friends.

2 Can you complete this conversation?

Complete the conversation. Use the words and expressions in the box. Use capital letters
where necesssary.

where is there a I mean was born until did you say I’m not sure
what him and everything one my grandfather actually

A 1 Is there a good music store around here?

B There’s on the corner of Fifth and Oak.
A It’s 3 ?
B On Fifth Avenue, 4 , Sixth Avenue, and Oak.
A Sixth Avenue? A couple of blocks away?
B Yeah. They have all kinds of music, and you can watch
music videos and do karaoke 6 .
A You can do ?
B Karaoke. I went last week. Well, 8 , I didn’t
go inside, but it looks great. Do you want to go?
A Now? 9 . What time does it close?
B It doesn’t close midnight.
A Oh, OK. I can get a video for his birthday.
B You buy music videos? How old is he?
A Well, he 13 in 1945, so how old is that?
B I don’t know. I never could do math.

3 What can you remember?

A Complete the chart. Write four words in each category.

Events you are going Important dates Places in town Subjects you’re never
to celebrate this year for you you go to often going to study
Halloween May 1st – my the bank biology

B Write sentences about your family and friends. Use the words in the chart in A.
Most of us are going to celebrate Halloween.

4 Get it right!
A Complete the questions. Use the words in the box.
walk 1. What’s your city, I mean, your neighborhood like?
best 2. Are you going to any birthday parties, I mean, this year?
neighborhood 3. Can you give me directions to a bank around here? I mean, a ?
weddings 4. When did you learn to swim? I mean, when did you learn to ?
cash machine 5. What was your worst, I mean, subject in school?

B Write your own conversation. Use the questions in A, “vague” expressions,

and “echo” questions.
1 A What’s your city, I mean, your neighborhood like? How sure are you about these areas?
B Well, I like it. There’s a lot to do. We have a lot of Circle the percentages.
cafés and restaurants and everything. grammar
A I’m sorry. A lot of what? 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
5 Do you know your city? conversation strategies
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Write directions from your house to three places nearby.

1 To the music store: Cross the street, turn

Study plan
left, and walk up three blocks. The music What do you want to review?
store is on the right, next to the bank. Circle the lessons.
4A 4B 5A 5B 6A 6B
4A 4B 5A 5B 6A 6B
conversation strategies
124 DVD-ROM Progress check 1 4C 5C 6C
Going away
In Unit 7, you learn how to . . .
use infinitives to give reasons.
use it in sentences like It’s easy to do.
ask for and give advice and suggestions.
talk about vacations and getting ready for a trip.

respond to suggestions.
use I guess to sound less sure about something.

Before you begin . . .
Match the pictures with the expressions. Write the numbers.
things you always take on a trip different ways to travel

fun things to shop for on a trip fun places to relax on a trip

Then write an example of each activity above.
Lesson A
Getting ready
1 Getting started
A Look at Rita’s “to do” list. What other things do you need to do before a trip? Make a list.

Alicia Are you ready for your trip to

Puerto Rico?
Rita Yeah, kind of. But I still have a
lot to do! I need to go shopping
to get a new suitcase, and I
still have to go online to find a
cheap flight.
Alicia Is it easy to find bargains on
the Internet?
Rita Well, it’s not too hard. You just
have to do some research.
Alicia So, where are you going exactly?
Rita Well, first I’m going to San Juan
to see my relatives, and then
we’re all going someplace to go
Alicia That sounds exciting.
Rita Yeah. It’s going to be fun.

B 067 Listen and read. What is Rita going to do on her trip? Practice the conversation.

it out C Complete the sentences. Use the conversation in B to help you.
1. Rita’s planning a trip to Puerto Rico her relatives.
2. Rita still has to go on the Internet some research on cheap flights.
3. It’s not hard bargains online.
Unit 7 Going away
2 Grammar Infinitives for reasons; It’s + adjective + to . . .
A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 13.

B Listen and repeat. Notice you can use an infinitive (= to + verb) to


give a reason and after expressions with It’s + adjective.

I’m going to Puerto Rico to see my relatives. Is it easy to find bargains online?
I need to go shopping to get a suitcase. It’s easy to do.
I have to go online to find a flight. It’s not hard to do.

Did you know . . . ?

C Imagine you are planning a trip to a foreign country.
Write sentences about things you have to do. Use the expressions In conversation, the top five
given. Then match the sentences with the questions. adjectives in the structure It’s
to . . . are hard, nice,
1. I need to get a phrase book to learn some expressions.
easy, good, and important.

1. get a phrase book / learn some expressions e a. Is it hard to get a visa?

2. call the embassy / ask about a visa b. Is it safe to pay online with a credit card?
3. go on the Internet / get a flight c. Is it easy to get around?
4. call a travel agent / get a hotel room d. Is it safe to carry a lot of cash?
5. buy a guidebook / find out about trains e. Is it necessary to know the language?
6. go to the bank / change some money f. Is it good to make reservations in advance?

D Write your own conversation about getting ready for a trip. Use the sentences and
questions in C to help you.

A I’m going to Brazil, so I need to get a phrase book to learn some Portuguese.
B Is it necessary to know Portuguese?
A Well, I think it’s nice to say hello and thank you and things like that.

3 Speaking naturally Reduction of to

A DVD-ROM Watch Speaking naturally 7.

Is it expensive to visit your country? Well, it’s hard to find cheap hotels.

B 069 Listen and repeat. Notice the reduction of to in the sentences above.

C 070 Listen and complete the questions. Then practice saying the questions.
1. Do you need to speak the language ?
2. Is it OK ?
3. Do you have with you all the time?
4. Is it safe late at night?
5. Can you use a credit card in restaurants?

D 071 Listen again and answer the questions out loud.

Practice lesson A Getting ready
1 What are they going to do?
A Match the sentences.

1. Jim and Ann are planning to go to Ecuador. d a. He needs to find out about visas.
2. First, Jim needs to call the embassy. b. She wants to buy a good guidebook.
3. Then he’s going to go on the Internet. c. They want to pick up an airport bus
4. Ann has to go to a bookstore. schedule.
5. Then she’s going to the library. d. They’re going to learn Spanish.
6. Jim’s going to go to the bank. e. He’s going to look for a cheap flight online.
7. Jim and Ann are going to go to the mall. f. They have to buy some suitcases.
8. They’re going to the bus station. g. He needs to change some money.
h. She wants to do research before they go.

B Write one sentence for each pair of sentences in A.

1. Jim and Ann are planning to go to Ecuador to learn Spanish.







Unit 7 Going away
2 Reasons for getting away
Match the expressions with the plans and reasons. Draw lines. Then write the sentences.

Plan Reason
I’m planning to go online to buy train tickets
I’m going to go to Chile to go snorkeling
I want to go to the beach to go skiing
I’d like to fly to Shanghai to try the regional food
I need to eat at local restaurants to learn some expressions
I’m not going to get a Korean phrase book to see old friends

1. I’m planning to go to the beach to go snorkeling.






3 Message board
Complete the questions. Use the words and expressions given. Then answer the questions
with true information about your town or city.

Visitors’ Center Message Board

1. From: clueless Is it important to bring a guidebook ? (important / bring a guidebook)

From: travelsmart Yes, it is. But it’s more useful to bring a phrase book.

2. From: nocreditcard ? (safe / carry cash)

From: travelsmart

3. From: walksalot ? (good / rent a car)

From: travelsmart

4. From: concernedtourist ? (easy / find good restaurants)

From: travelsmart

5. From: nightowl ? (hard / get around at night)

From: travelsmart

6. From: advanceplanner ? (necessary / make hotel reservations)

From: travelsmart

Lesson B
Things to remember
1 Building vocabulary
A 072Listen and repeat the words. Which items are good to take on a beach vacation?
Circle 10 things.
a tent

a towel

a bathing suit
a sleeping bag

a first-aid kit

makeup a pair of scissors


a brush sunscreen a flashlight


a toothbrush pajamas batteries

a hair dryer soap a razor

B Complete the chart with the words in A. Then add your own ideas.

On a camping trip On a business trip To stay overnight with a friend

a tent
You need

a hair dryer
You don’t need

Unit 7 Going away
2 Building language
A Listen. Jenny’s going on a camping trip. What’s her

mother’s advice? Practice the conversation.

Mom Jenny, maybe you should take some insect

repellent. . . . Oh, and take a flashlight, and
don’t forget to pack some spare batteries. . . .
Why don’t you take my jacket? It’s a good idea
to have something warm. . . . Now, you need
to take a hat. You could borrow your dad’s.
But don’t lose it. . . . Oh, and Jenny, do you
want to pack some other shoes?
Jenny I’m sorry, Mom. Did you say something?
I can’t hear you with my headphones on.

it out B Read the conversation in A. Underline the eight ways
to make suggestions in the conversation.

3 Grammar Advice and suggestions

A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 14.

B 074 Listen and repeat. Notice you can give advice and suggestions with these verbs
and expressions.
What should I take? Do you want to pack some Did you know . . . ?
Should I take these shoes? other shoes?
In conversation, You should . . .
You should take a hat. Why don’t you take a hat?
can be very strong. People
You shouldn’t take high heels. It’s a good idea to pack a jacket. sometimes soften it by saying:
You could borrow your dad’s hat. Take a flashlight. I think you should . . .
You need to have warm clothes. Don’t forget to pack some batteries. Maybe you should (just) . . .
You should probably . . .

C Write suggestions for the trips below. Complete the sentences.

1. backpacking in Australia 3. a language course in Canada
“I think you should take a lot of sunscreen .” “You need .”
“It’s a good idea .” “It’s a good idea .”
“Maybe you should .” “You could .”

2. a trip to Paris 4. a hiking trip in the Andes

“Don’t forget .” “You should probably .”
“Why don’t you ?” “Maybe you shouldn’t .”
“You could .” “Take .”

4 Vocabulary notebook Travel items

See page 142.
Practice lesson B Things to remember
1 What is it?
A Write the names of the things in the pictures.

1. a tent 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

B Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. Then write the answers.
1. You use toothpaste with your toothbrush to clean your teeth.
a. soap b. a tent c. toothpaste

2. You use at the beach if you don’t want to get a sunburn.

a. makeup b. sunscreen c. a pair of scissors

3. You wear when you go to bed.

a. pajamas b. a bathing suit c. sandals

4. Most people use to wash their hair.

a. soap b. a brush c. shampoo

5. When you go camping, you use in your tent because you don’t have a bed.
a. insect repellent b. a flashlight c. a sleeping bag

6. A lot of men use to remove the hair on their faces.

a. a brush b. a razor c. a towel

7. If you are hurt or sick while camping, get medicine from .

a. batteries b. a towel c. a first-aid kit

8. Bring extra with you to get power for your flashlight or radio.
a. batteries b. pajamas c. makeup

9. Wear to keep your feet cool when it’s hot.

a. sunglasses b. sandals c. a hat

10. People sometimes wear on their faces to look good.

a. sunscreen b. makeup c. insect repellent

Unit 7 Going away
2 I think you should . . .
A Complete the conversations. Use the expressions in the box.
bring more than one credit card take insect repellent
pack a lot of light clothes use a lot of sunscreen

1 A We’re going hiking in the mountains this weekend. What should we take?
B Well, you should take insect repellent .

2 A I’m planning a skiing trip to Erzurum. The snow is great there.
B But it’s easy to get a sunburn. You should .

3 A I want to go to Antalya on my next vacation.
B You should .

4 A My mother and I are planning a shopping trip to Levent.
B You really should .

B Write the sentences in A a different way. Use I think, maybe, and probably.
1. I think you should take some insect repellent.

3 Travel suggestions
Look at the brochures. Write three suggestions for people going on the trips.


1. Don’t forget to pack a 2. 3.

bathing suit.

Lesson C
That’s a great idea.
1 Conversation strategy Responding to suggestions
A LLoo
k at the res
p ns
ess to th
the su
gg t ion. W ho re
ti eal
tss to go h ik
g Che
heck ✓) th
k (✓ he an
A We sho
hould go hikingg togeeth
er ssom
B Th
That sounnds
ds li
l ke funn. C Well, I’dd like
kee to,
o, buutt . . . D I gguues
ess w
wee cou
d, m
B 075 Now
ow llis
n.. W ha
hat wo
wou ld
wou d Ch
C ri
riss lii ke
k e to d
o? Wh
at do
oees Ad
a m t hi
h i nk
k?? Wr
Wr iitte th
he an
a sw
e s.

Chris You know, we should take a few days

off sometime.
Adam Yeah, we should. Definitely.
Chris We could go to Mexico or something.
Adam That’s a great idea.
Chris We could even go for a couple of
Adam Well, maybe. I guess we could, but . . .
Chris You know, we could just quit our jobs
and maybe go backpacking for a few
months. . . .
Adam Well, I don’t know. I’d like to, but . . .
I guess I need to keep this job, you
know, to pay for school and stuff.
Chris Yeah, me too, I guess.

Notice how Adam responds For suggestions you like: For suggestions you don’t like:
to Chris’s suggestions with That’s a great idea. Maybe.
expressions like these. Find That sounds great. I guess we could, but . . .
examples in the conversation. I’d love to. I don’t know.
I’d like to, but . . .

C Practice the conversation in B. Then match the suggestions with the responses.
1. You should come skiing with me sometime. b a. That’s a great idea. How’s your French?
2. Why don’t we go somewhere on Sunday? b. Oh, I’d love to. Are you a good skier?
3. We could go camping together sometime. c. I don’t know. It’s kind of far.
4. Let’s go traveling in Asia next year. d. I’d like to, but I already have plans.
5. We should go to Paris to see the Louvre. e. Maybe. I don’t have a tent, though.
6. Why don’t we go to Australia sometime? f. I guess we could. Where in Asia?

134 DVD-ROM Interactive activities

Unit 7 Going away
2 Strategy plus I guess
You can use I guess when I guess I need to Yeah, me too,
you’re not 100% sure about keep this job. I guess.
something, or if you don’t want
to sound 100% sure.

076Listen. Do you hear I guess? Check ( ) where you hear I guess. Did you know . . . ?
Then practice the conversations.
In conversation, I guess is
1 A You know, 1
1. my favorite kind of vacation is going camping. one of the top 20 expressions.
B Really? That sounds like fun 2 . We should do that sometime.
A Yeah. we could go next summer.

2 A 4
2. it gets pretty cold in Canada in the winter.
B Oh, yeah. It’s freezing cold sometimes. But 5 it’s fun
in the snow. You can ski and stuff.
A Yeah, 6 I’d probably like the snow.
3 A I’m going to Lake Tahoe next weekend. Do you want to come?
B Well, 7 I could go. Oh, wait, 8 I have an exam next week.
But I could study in the car 9 .
4 A You know, 10
4. we don’t get away very often.
B Yeah. Two weeks’ vacation a year isn’t enough 11 .
A But we could go away on weekends or something.

3 Listening and writing It’s good to travel.

A Guess the missing words in these sentences. Write notes.
1. “Everyone should travel to sometime.”
2. “Everyone should learn .”
3. “World cultures should be a required in .”
4. “It’s a good idea to travel with .”
5. “You should about a place before you go there.”
6. “It’s nice to try in a new country.”

B Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences in A. Check (✓) the

ideas that are the same as yours.

C Do you agree with the sentences in A? Write your answers.

I guess I agree with the first sentence. I mean, it’s good to visit other countries.

Practice lesson C That’s a great idea.
1 Responding to suggestions
Who really likes each suggestion? Circle the correct response.

1. Let’s go to Tsukiji for sushi tomorrow.

a. That’s a great idea.
b. I don’t know. I don’t really like fish.
2. We should go hiking together sometime.
a. I’d love to! When?
b. Maybe someday.
3. Why don’t we get some tickets and see a show?
a. I don’t know. Aren’t tickets pretty expensive?
b. That sounds like fun. What do you want to see?
4. Would you like to go shopping for souvenirs this morning?
a. That sounds like a good idea. Where do you want to go?
b. Yeah, maybe we should do that sometime.
5. Let’s drive through South America next summer.
a. I’d like to, but I need to get a part-time job.
b. That’s an interesting idea. When do we leave?

2 That sounds great.

Write two responses to each suggestion. Use the clues to help you.
(+ = you want to; – = you don’t want to).

1 A Let’s drive up to the mountains next weekend.

B (+) That sounds great. When should we leave?
(–) I don’t know. It’s pretty cold this time of year.

2 A We could go backpacking this weekend.
B (+)

3 A Why don’t we go snorkeling sometime?

B (+)

4 A We should go camping next spring.

B (+)

5 A Why don’t we just stay home, watch TV, and relax over vacation?
B (+)

Unit 7 Going away
3 I guess . . .
Add I guess to one blank in each of these conversations.

1 Maria Would you like to go dancing tomorrow night?
Nick I can’t . I have to work, but I guess I could go Sunday night.

2 Lucy Why don’t you come to Istanbul with me in May? It would be fun.
Emi I should get away. But my final exams are in May .

3 Tania I’m hungry. Let’s try that new Mexican restaurant downtown.
Sylvia We could try it, , but I really want some Italian food .

4 Olivia I went to India last summer, and the food was amazing! I loved it!
Chad Oh, it’s really good . I could make some Indian food tonight.

5 Marc Mandy and I have four tickets to a Broadway show on Friday.
You and Mari should come with us.
Taka We could, , but we don’t have a babysitter.

6 Ming We should travel while we’re still young.
Jack Yeah, , but where would we go? We don’t have any money !

4 Let’s see a movie.

Write the words in the correct order to make questions. Then write your own answers.
Use I guess.

1. tonight / Let’s / after class / see a movie .

Let’s see a movie after class tonight. I guess we could. I don’t have any plans.

2. drive / Why / to the beach / don’t we ?

3. grandmother / visit / this weekend / Let’s / your .

4. don’t we / in the mountains / go camping / Why ?

5. could / We / a couple of weeks / for / to Europe / go .

6. want to / meet / Do / my / you / parents ?

Lesson D
Interesting places
1 Reading
A Do you ever stay in hotels? What’s fun about staying in a hotel? Make a list.

You don’t have to cook or make your bed. You can sit by the pool to relax.

B Look at the article quickly. Where are these unusual hotels? Then read the article.
Which hotel would you like to stay in? Check (✓) the hotel.

Somewhere different . . .
Three of our fearless travel reporters checked out some very unusual hotels.

Salt, salt, everywhere . . .

The Hotel de Sal Playa in
Bolivia is certainly different. It’s
almost completely made of salt –
the walls, tables, chairs, and even
the beds. Everything except the
toilets! While we were there, we
visited Fisherman’s Island with its
fabulous 12-foot cacti. It’s fun to
rent mountain bikes to go and see A place to chill out . . .
the salt hills, lakes, and hot springs.
Just be sure to take sunglasses – the It’s a pretty long way to go to stay at
sun gets extremely bright. the Ishotellet (Ice Hotel) – 100
miles north of the Arctic Circle in
Sweden. But it’s definitely worth
Dive into the lobby . . . the effort. It’s hard to imagine
Most divers go underwater to see sleeping on an ice bed, but with a
fish and coral reefs. But in Florida, reindeer skin and a good sleeping
in the U.S., you can also stay at the bag, I was warm. And my wake-up
world’s only underwater hotel. It call came with a hot drink. You can
takes about an hour to dive down always go to the sauna to get warm,
to the Jules Undersea Lodge. Then too. The hotel has an art gallery, a
you swim up into the pool in the chapel, a movie theater, a disco,
lobby to check in. The rooms are and a fabulous ice fireplace in the
small, so you should only take a few lounge. Make sure you check out of
things. Fortunately, the hotel packs the hotel before it melts in the
them in a waterproof container and spring! But don’t worry – they
takes them there for you. rebuild it every winter.

Unit 7 Going away
C Read the article in B again. Underline the answers to these questions.
1. How do you get to the Jules Undersea Lodge?
2. How long does it take to get to the Jules Undersea Lodge?
3. What are three interesting things to see near the Hotel de Sal Playa?
4. Why do you need sunglasses at the Hotel de Sal Playa?
5. What facilities do they have at the Ice Hotel?
6. Why do they have to rebuild the Ice Hotel every year?

2 Listening and writing Recommendations

A Look at these hotels. Which hotel would you like to visit? Circle the hotel.
1 2 3

The Cave Hotel The Lighthouse Hotel The Spa Hotel

B Read the advice about staying at these hotels. Match the advice to the hotels.

Then listen and check your answers.

1. You should bring lots of books and board games for rainy days.
2. Wear flat shoes so you can climb the ladder to your room.
3. Be sure to take everything you need. It’s miles from anywhere.
4. I really recommend the hot-air balloon ride.
5. Don’t spend too much time in the water.
6. It’s a good idea to have some binoculars to watch the dolphins.

C Imagine that you are staying at one of the hotels in A. Write a postcard to a friend about your stay.

Help note

Writing postcards
Start like this: Dear (name), / Hi there!
Say if you are enjoying your stay: I’m having a great / fabulous / awful time here in . . .
Describe the place, food, or weather: The food / weather / hotel is . . .
Say something you did: It’s a great place to . . . / Today I . . .
Say something you are going to do: Tomorrow I’m going to . . .
End like this: See you soon! / See you next week! / Love,
(your name)

Practice lesson D Interesting places
1 A trip of a lifetime
A Read Joel’s Web journal. Then circle this information in the text:
1. the animals he saw 2. the lakes he visited 3. the mountain where he hiked

I just returned from an exciting tour of Kenya. It was the trip of a lifetime – there was so much to see!
My tour group spent the first two days at Masai Mara, driving around to see
animals in their natural environment. We got close to elephants, cheetahs, and
zebras, and we took some excellent photographs! On the third day, we went to
Lake Naivasha. We stayed in little huts near the lake, where we could see local
birds and hippos. I was surprised to find out that hippos kill more people than
any other animal. That night we did some stargazing. The night was clear and
perfect – I’ve never seen so many stars!
The next morning, we visited Lake Nakuru, where we saw a rare black rhino
and hundreds of pink flamingos. That night, we camped in a place where we
heard lions walking around near our campsite! Luckily, we never saw them,
but we did not sleep very well. On day five, we took a trip to Thompson's
Falls. It was hard to climb to the top, but it was worth the effort – the enormous Thompson’s Falls
waterfall was beautiful. We had a nice picnic lunch by the water.
The next day, we went to Mount Kenya, where we visited a Masai village.
That night, we tried to do some traditional Masai dancing, and believe me,
we looked very funny! We spent the seventh day hiking on Mount Kenya,
and afterwards we made a trip to the local Kikuyu school. We talked to the
students and teachers there and learned about their projects. Then we ate
irio together, a traditional Kikuyu dish.
Back in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital city, we had a tour of the city. Then we took
our guides out to dinner to thank them for showing us their beautiful country.
The next morning, we made the long journey home. I was tired, but very
sorry to leave. Visiting Kenya was my best vacation ever.
Masai dancers

B Read the Web journal in A again. Write sentences with two activities that Joel did in each place.
1. Masai Mara He drove around to see animals and took some photographs.
2. Lake Naivasha
3. Lake Nakuru
4. Thompson’s Falls
5. Mount Kenya
6. the Kikuyu school
7. Nairobi
Unit 7 Going away
2 A postcard from Ireland
A Read Annie’s postcard. Then match the postcard sections with the correct sentences.

• Say something you

are going to do. Dear Beth,
• Describe the place, I’m having a fabulous time here in Ireland.
food, or weather. We are staying in Baltimore, a picturesque
Beth O’Hara
fishing village.
• End with a closing. 40 W. 20th St.
Today we went kayaking and saw birds Apt. 6C
• Start with a greeting. and seals.
New York, NY 10011
• Say something you did. Tomorrow our guide will take us to some U.S.A.
• Say if you’re enjoying beautiful beaches and to an old castle.
your stay. It’s going to be a lot of fun.
See you next week!

B Write a postcard to a friend about an imaginary visit to another place.


Unit 7 Progress chart

Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. To review, go back
= I know how to . . . = I need to review how to . . . to these pages.
Grammar 126 and 127
use infinitives to give reasons
use It’s + adjective + to . . . 126 and 127
ask for and give advice and suggestions 131
Vocabulary 126 and 127
name at least 5 things to do to get ready for a trip
name at least 12 things to pack for different kinds of trips 130 and 131
strategies respond to suggestions I like and don’t like 134 and 135
use I guess when I’m unsure about something 135
format and use correct expressions in a postcard 139

DVD-ROM Quiz 7 141

Vocabulary notebook Travel items
Learning tip Writing notes about nouns
When you write down a new noun, it’s a good idea to write notes about it.

its pronunciation and stress phrase book (ph = /f/)

if it’s a countable or an uncountable noun sunscreen (uncountable)
a map (countable)
the spelling of the singular and plural forms a hairbrush, hairbrush es
if it’s always plural sunglasses (always plural)
how to make a plural noun singular a pair of sunglasses (singular)

1 Match the travel items with the notes. Mark the stress on each A pair of shoes
word by underlining the stressed syllable.

d The top items people talk

1. bathing suit a. (sc = /s/), plural, a pair of (singular)
about with a pair of are:
2. batteries b. (sounds almost like close), always plural
1. shoes 5. glasses
3. clothes c. (sch = /sk/), countable
2. pants 6. stockings
4. schedule d. (ui in suit sounds like oo in too), countable
3. shorts 7. socks
5. scissors e. ies = y (singular) 4. jeans 8. gloves

2 Add two more travel items. Then write notes about each word.

Items Notes
1. pajamas
2. toothpaste
3. shampoo
4. razor

On your own
Look through some travel brochures, and
find two different types of vacations. List
10 items you need for each one.

At home
In Unit 8, you learn how to . . .
use Whose . . . ? and mine, yours, his, hers, etc.
order adjectives before nouns and the pronouns one and ones.
talk about your home, your belongings, and your habits.
use Do you mind . . . ? to ask for permission and

Would you mind . . . ? to make requests.
agree to requests in different ways.

in the closet
on a shelf

on the desk in a box

1 2

under the bed

on top of the dresser

on the floor

in a drawer

Before you begin . . .
Look at the pictures. What do you keep in these places?
Make a list.
Lesson A
Spring cleaning
1 Getting started
A 079 Listen and read. John and Sandra are cleaning out their closet. What do they find?
Practice the conversation.

John There’s so much stuff in here!

Are all these things really ours?
I mean, whose bathing suit is this?
Is it yours or your grandmother’s?
Sandra Hey, it’s mine, and I like it.
John And whose clothes are these?
Sandra Oh, they’re my sister’s. She’s
storing some things here while
she’s away. The jewelry’s hers, too.
Ugh, look at these awful earrings.
She has such weird taste.
John But those are yours. I bought them
for you!
Sandra Oh, you did? Sorry. I guess they’re
not so bad.

it out B Complete the conversations. Use the conversation in A to help you.
1 A stuff is this? 2 A Is this bathing suit yours? 3 A Are these your sister’s earrings?
B It’s ours. B Yes, it’s . B Yes, they’re .
Unit 8 At home
2 Grammar Whose . . . ?; possessive pronouns
A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 15.
Did you know . . . ?
B Listen and repeat. Notice how to ask who things belong to with
In conversation, 20% of
whose. Notice how to say who things belong to with possessive pronouns.
the uses of mine are in
Whose bathing suit is this? It’s my bathing suit. It’s mine. the expression friend(s)
Whose jewelry is this? They’re your earrings. They’re yours. of mine.
Whose clothes are these? It’s her jewelry. It’s hers.
They’re his shoes. They’re his.
They’re our things. They’re ours.
It’s their stuff. It’s theirs.

C Complete the conversations. Use possessive pronouns. Then

write your own answers to the questions.
1 A Where do you keep your photos?
B Well, I keep 1 mine in a box under my bed.
My sister keeps in an album. My parents
put in frames on the wall, and my brother
throws 4 on the floor!

2 A Do you ever lose your keys? I’m always losing 5

2. .
B No. We always keep 6 on top of the refrigerator.

3 A What do you do with your old clothes?
B Sometimes I give things to a friend of 7 .
My sisters keep for years. But my mom gives
to charity.
4 A How long do you keep your credit card receipts?
B Just till the bill comes. How long do you keep 10 ?
A I keep 11 for months.

3 Speaking naturally Grammatical words

A DVD-ROM Watch Speaking naturally 8.

A Where do you keep your CDs?

B On a shelf next to my CD player. Where do you keep yours?
A In a pile on the floor by my bed.

B Listen and repeat the conversation above. Notice how grammatical words like

do, you, your, my, a, the, in, on, next to, and by are reduced in these sentences.

you C Write your own conversations about the things below. Use the conversation in A to help
you. Read your conversations out loud.
CDs magazines DVDs passport / ID sports equipment
Practice lesson A Spring cleaning
1 Whose is it?
A Complete the chart with the correct pronouns.
Subject pronouns Object pronouns Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns
I me my mine

B Look at the pictures. Write questions and answers. Use whose and possessive pronouns.

11 A Whose suitcases are those? 2 A

2. 3 A
B They’re ours. B B

44 A 5.
5 A 6.
6 A

Unit 8 At home
2 After the party
Circle the correct words to complete the conversation.

Karen Wow! What a mess.

Matt Are all of these things 1 our / ours?
Karen No, they’re things people forgot when they
left the party last night.
Matt Well, I’m looking for 2 my / mine jacket.
Karen Is this jacket 3 your / yours?
Matt No, that’s not 4 my / mine. 5 My / Mine jacket
is blue. I guess that’s Felipe’s.
Karen No, it’s not 6 him / his. Felipe’s jacket is gray.
Matt Oh, well. Wow! Look at those DVDs. Whose are they?
Karen I think they’re your parents’. Yeah, these are
their / theirs. We borrowed them when we were
at 8 their / theirs house last weekend.
Matt Oh, yeah, . . . right. Hey, whose CDs are these?
Are they Jan’s?
Karen No, they’re not 9 her / hers. Can’t you read?
They say “Andy.”
Matt No, I can’t. I lost 10 my / mine glasses, too!
Karen Wait a minute. Is this 11 your / yours jacket?
Matt Yes, thanks! You’re amazing. Now, do you
think you can find 12 my / mine glasses?

3 About you
Are these sentences true or false for you? Write T (true) or F (false).
Then correct the false sentences.

1. I can never find anything in my closet. F

I can usually find things in my closet but not in my drawers.
2. All of my CDs are in a box on top of my desk.

3. I put things like my I.D. card in a drawer in my dresser.

4. There’s a box on the floor under my bed with photos and letters in it.

5. I put all my old magazines and books on a shelf in the closet.

6. I keep stuff like shampoo, brushes, and my hair dryer in a drawer.

7. My shoes are on a small shelf on the floor of my closet.

Lesson B
Things at home
1 Building vocabulary
A 082 Listen and repeat the words below. Check ( ) the things you like.

Bedroom Bathroom
clock shower



Living room Kitchen



lamp dishwasher faucet

coffee table

cushions oven
end table

B Complete the chart with things in your home. Use the words in A to help you. Then
write true sentences about the things in your home.

Living room Kitchen My room Other

sofa microwave

In my living room, there’s a sofa, a couple of armchairs, and a coffee table.

Unit 8 At home
2 Building language
A 083 Listen and read the conversations. Which items do the people like? Practice the conversations.
1 2

Meg Hmm. The rug in the middle is nice, Jon Those small round speakers are cool.
and I like that red one, too. Which one Andy Which ones? The little silver ones?
do you like? Jon Yeah. The ones on the right.
Lia I like all of them. They’re all nice.

it out
B Complete the answers to these questions. Use the conversations in A to help you.
1 A Which rug does Meg like? 2 A Which speakers does Jon like?
B She likes the rug 1
. B He likes the little silver 3
She likes the red 2 , too. on the right.

3 Grammar Order of adjectives; pronouns one and ones

A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 16.

B 084 Listen and repeat. Notice the order of adjectives and the use of the pronouns one and ones.
Usual adjective order: I like the green rug. Which one do you like?
opinion, size, color, shape, nationality, material I like the blue one in the middle.
They have beautiful Turkish rugs. Those speakers are cool. Which ones do you like?
I like the big red rug. I like the silver ones on the right.
I want those cute little round speakers. Did you know . . . ?

In conversation, people usually use just

C Write conversations. Complete the sentences. Then add an answer. one or two adjectives before a noun.
1 2 3

A I like the big round clock A I don’t like the . A I’d like to buy the .
on the left . Which one Which do you like? Which would you like?
do you like? B B
B I like the little black one
on the right.

4 Vocabulary notebook The ABCs of home

See page 160.
Practice lesson B Things at home
1 Rooms and things
A Circle the 18 other home items in the puzzle. Look in these directions ( ).

1 ! 2 - # ( ! ) 2 1 7 4 " !
2 5 " ( 4 + 6 0 ' ( - , ! *
, % # ! 2 0 % 4 5 + ) 9 4 +
% + & 3 3 ! , 1 7 % 2 2 ( #
3 $ ) 3 ( 7 ! 3 ( % 2 & 4 #
% 2 3 4 / 6 - / ! 0 / " 5 5
2 % # / 7 4 0 & % - 2 ' " 2
# 3 / 6 % . . ! & ! 5 # % 4
! 3 ! % 2 " 5 + 2 7 # , / !
" % - ) # 2 / 7 ! 6 % : ! )
) 2 1 5 8 , 3 ) . + ) + : .
. - . ) ' ( 4 3 4 ! . $ % 3
% 3 % # 5 3 ( ) / . 3 2 8 :
4 / ) , % 4 2 % 3 9 , 6 ! $
3 & ! # / & & % % 4 ! " , %

B Read the clues and write the rooms in the center of the webs. Then complete
the webs with the words in A. Some words can be used more than once.

1. I sleep in this room. 2. I cook and sometimes eat in this room.



3. I wash my face and brush my teeth 4. In this room, I listen to music, watch TV,
in this room. and relax.

Unit 8 At home
2 I like that one.
Look at the pictures. Complete the questions with one or ones.
Then add an answer. Use two adjectives.

1 A I like the Thai sofa. Which one do you 2.
2 A I like the white dresser. Which do
like? you like?
B Oh, I like the big Italian one. B

3 A I like the square mirrors. Which

3. 4 A I love the big clock. Which
4. do you
do you like? like?

3 Susan’s living room

Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. small / living room / There’s / a / sofa / in / her / red

There’s a small red sofa in her living room.
2. has / square / some / cool / cushions / She / on the sofa

3. end table / a / There’s / beautiful /on the left / Japanese

4. a / TV / She / big / on the wall / has / black

5. in front of / There’s / a / the / coffee table / sofa / long / dark

6. are / on the floor / some / cotton / nice / rugs / There

Lesson C
Do you mind . . . ?
1 Conversation strategy Asking politely
A In which request is someone (a) asking you to do something? (b
( ) asking permission to do something?
Write a or b.
Would you mind opening the window? Do you mind if I open the window?
Ben Hello! Come on in.
B Now liisten
085 st n. What does Be
en as
sk Je
i a?
Write the an
nswerr. Jessica These are for you, Ben. Are the others
here yet?
Ben Oh, thank you. No, not yet. So just make
yourself at home. Can I take your coat?
Jessica Sure. Thanks. This is a great apartment!
Do you mind if I look around?
Ben No, go ahead.
Jessica Oh, I love this antique table.
Ben Yeah, it’s great, but it’s not really mine.
It’s my mother’s.
Jessica It’s beautiful.
Ben Yeah, thanks. Listen, I hate to ask this,
but would you mind helping me in the
kitchen? I’m running a bit late.
Jessica No, not at all. What can I do?
Ben Well, . . . could you chop the onions?
Jessica No problem. I’m happy to help.

Notiicee how Je
ho J ss
ssiicaa us
u es Do you mind ind . . . ? ttoo as
in ask foforr “Do you mind . . . ?”
s onn, an
and Be
Benn ususes Would youu mi m ndnd . . . ? ttoo as
ask “No, go ahead.”
Je ssic
icaa to do soome
g. Alsso no
ce tha
hatt th
they aansnsw weer no to
w “Would you mind . . . ?”
s ow
sh o tthe
heyy aggree.
e. FFin
nd ththe ex
ples iinn th
the co
e satiati
on.. “No, not at all.”

C Complete the requests. Then write three conversations between you and a friend.
Use the ideas below. Agree to the requests.
1. use your phone? 3. open a window? 5. get a glass of water?
2. put on a CD? 4. take a cookie? 6. turn on the TV?

A Do you mind if I use your phone?

B No, go ahead.

D Write requests. Ask a friend to do these things:

1. answer the door for me 3. set the table for me 5. help me with the dishes
2. hand me the newspaper 4. make some coffee 6. feed the cat

1 Would you mind answering the door for me?

152 DVD-ROM Interactive activities
Unit 8 At home
2 Strategy plus Agreeing to requests
Answer Yes to agree to requests Answer No to agree to requests
with Can and Could: with mind: Did you know . . . ?

Can I use your phone? Do you mind if I use your phone? In conversation, Do you mind
Yes. / Sure. / Go (right) ahead. No, go (right) ahead. / No, not at all. ing? and Would you mind
if I . . . ? are possible but not
Could you chop the onions? Would you mind helping me in the kitchen? very common.
Yes. / Sure. / OK. / No problem. No, not at all. / Oh, no. No problem.

Complete the answers. Then practice the conversations.

1 A I hate to ask this, but would you mind turning off your cell
phone during dinner?
B . But do you mind if I make
just one quick call?

2 A Do you mind if I use your computer to check my e-mail?

B . Go right ahead.

3 A Can I borrow your cell phone for a few minutes?
B Well, I’m expecting a call, but .

4 A Would you mind helping me with dinner tonight?
B . What are you making?

5 A Could you get some milk when you go to the supermarket?
B . What kind do you want?

3 Listening Could I ask a favor?

A 086Listen to the first part of four conversations. Can you guess each request?
Complete the sentences.
Agrees Doesn’t agree
1. Can you get me a ?
2. Do you mind if I borrow some ?
3. Would you mind getting me the ?
4. Do you mind if I borrow one of your ?

B 087Now listen to the complete conversations. Check your answers in A. Does each person
agree to the request? Check ( ) the boxes.

Practice lesson C Do you mind . . . ?
1 Asking politely
Complete the questions. Use Would you mind or Do you mind if.

1.1 A Do you mind if I borrow your dictionary?

B No, not at all. Go ahead.

2.2 A answering the phone for me?

B Oh, no. No problem.

3 A closing that door?
B No, not at all.

4.4 A I take off my shoes?

B No. Go right ahead.

5 A I use your computer for a minute?
B No problem.

65 A handing me the potato salad?
B No problem. Here you are.

77. A playing that song again?

B I’d be happy to.

8 A I eat the last piece of apple pie?
B Not at all. Go ahead.

9 A
9. I turn on the news for a minute?
B No, not at all.

10 A turning down the music a little?

B No problem. Is this OK now?
Unit 8 At home
2 No problem.
Circle the correct responses to complete the conversation.

Mother Rudy, can I talk to you?

Rudy 1 Sure. / No, not at all. You don’t sound too happy,
Mom. What’s the matter?
Mother It’s your room. It’s a mess. Could you please clean
it before your grandparents get here?
Rudy 2 Oh, no. / OK. I can do it now.
Mother Oh, and would you mind taking your weight-training
things out of the living room?
Rudy 3 No, go right ahead. / No, not at all. But do you mind
if I do it after I clean my room?
Mother No. / Sure, I’d be happy to. Actually,
I should probably call your grandparents to make sure
they’re not lost. Do you know their cell-phone number?
Rudy Yeah, I’ve got it on my phone.
Mother Oh, in that case, can I borrow your phone?
Rudy 5 Oh, no. No problem. / Sure, go ahead.
Mother Where is it?
Rudy Uh . . . I don’t know. I think it’s here somewhere. . . .

3 Requests, requests
Complete the conversations. Write a response for each request.

1 A I don’t usually stay up this late. Would you mind bringing me some coffee?
B No, not at all. But I have to make some first.

2 A Do you mind if I come over to your house tonight? I want to watch the soccer game.

3 A This kebab is really spicy. Could you get me a glass of water?


4 A Can I borrow your phone? I’d like to call my friend in Australia.


5 A Sorry, I can’t hear you. Would you mind turning down the music a little?

6 A Is it dark in here, or is it me? Do you mind if I turn on the lamp?


7 A Boy, I’m starving. Can you make me something to eat?


8 A Could I borrow your silver necklace? I have a party to go to tonight.

Lesson D
Home habits
1 Reading
A How many of these statements are true for you? Check (✓) the boxes.
I make my bed every morning. I always turn off the light when I leave a room.
I do the dishes right after I eat. I keep my magazines for about six months.
I organize my books and CDs. I use a dozen different cleaning products.

B Read the article. How do your home habits compare with the ones in the article? Check (✓) the
statement that is true for you.
I am very typical.
I am not very typical.

AT HOME Do you make your bed every day? Do you try to save electricity at home? Are you a
pack rat? Read about the home habits of Americans – are they the same as yours?

74% of people make their beds every morning. Are you an organized person? 13% of
5% never do. And 3% actually change their people alphabetize their books and
sheets every day. CDs, or organize them in some way!
Do you wash the dishes right after eating? The average home has 13 cleaning
58% of Americans do, but 5% let theirs sit products around the house.
for two or more days!

How long do you save Are you careful about saving Men do 29% of the 419
magazines? About half electricity? 25% of people turn million loads of laundry
the population throws off the light when they leave a washed each week. Almost
away old ones after room. 8% never do. Four out all unmarried men do at
six months. But 20% of five leave the lights on when least one load a week.
keep them for years they go out at night.
and years.

C Read the article in B again. Complete the sentences.

1. 74% of people in the U.S. make their beds every morning.
2. 58% of them right after eating.
3. of Americans never turn off the light when they leave a room.
4. of them organize their books and CDs.
5. 50% of all Americans after six months.
6. Almost all unmarried men in the U.S. .

Unit 8 At home
2 Listening and writing Evening routines
you A Look at the pictures. Do you do any of these things when you get home every day?
Circle the pictures.
a ba c d

e f g h

B Listen. What does Mario do when he gets home? Number the pictures in A

in the order he does things.

C Write your own answers to the questions below.

What do you do as soon as you get home? Do you watch TV while you’re eating?
Do you change your clothes first? Do you do the dishes right after dinner?
What do you do next? Do you have a snack before you go to bed?
What do you do before you have dinner? What’s your bedtime routine?

As soon as I get home I get something to drink.

D Write a short article about the evening routines in your family.

Document 1
Help note
Evening Routines
First things first Ordering events
Most of the people in my family change their clothes as soon as they • To show a sequence:
get home. My sister has some juice or soda first and then changes.
We all do different things next. Most of us eat a snack, but my father
first, next, (and) then
never eats before dinner. • Before a noun:
Dinnertime before / after
Everyone eats dinner at home. Most of us watch TV while we are
during = “at the same time as”
eating. My mother doesn’t watch TV during dinner. No one does the
dishes right after dinner. • To link actions:
Time for bed when
All of us watch TV before we go to bed. Some of us go to bed
as soon as = “immediately after,”
early, and some of us go to bed late, after we watch the news. We all
read for about half an hour when we go to bed. “right after”
while = “at the same time as”
before / after

Practice lesson D Home habits
1 Cat habitat
A Quickly read the article about a cat charity in Amsterdam. Where do the cats live?

All aboard, furry neighbors!

Have you ever lived next door to a boat? How about a boat full of cats?
Amsterdam, the largest city in the Netherlands, is full of canals. There are
many different kinds of boats on the canals. Some of them carry people
and goods, some have shops or restaurants on them, while others are houseboats – boats
that people live on. But not only people live on these houseboats. Cats do too, at least on two of them.
It all began in 1966 with a stray cat, her kittens, and a kind woman named Henriette van Weelde. One rainy
night, Henriette heard a cat crying outside her house. She opened the door and saw a wet mother cat
trying to protect her kittens from the rain. Henriette felt sorry for the poor animals, so she let them live with
her. Soon another stray cat joined them, and then more. Henriette quickly became known as the “cat lady.”
Before long, the cats filled Henriette’s house. Then they filled her garden. And
the cats kept coming. What could she do with them all? She saw the answer
to her problem floating on the canal – a houseboat. People could live on
houseboats, so why couldn’t cats? In 1968, Henriette bought her first “cat boat.”
Soon, even more stray cats moved in, and then people came who wanted to
help – the first volunteers. But after just three years, the houseboat was full of
cats. So Henriette bought another boat! More people were visiting, not just to
bring cats in, but also to adopt a pet or just to look. After all, a houseboat for
cats is not a common sight!
Today, Henriette’s two cat boats are still in the same place on the canal. And
the Cat Boat Foundation that Henriette started years ago is not only an official
Dutch charity but also an international tourist attraction!

B Read the article in A again. Answer these questions.

1. What are the boats in Amsterdam for?They carry people. They have shops and
restaurants on them, and people live on them.
2. Why did Henriette van Weelde take in the first stray cat?

3. What did Henriette do when her house and garden filled with cats?

4. Who helped Henriette take care of the cats?

5. What are two reasons people visit Henriette’s cat boats?

Unit 8 At home
2 A typical Sunday
A Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. Then write the words.
1. First , Danny wakes up around noon on Sunday. ( First / As soon as)
2. He sleeps for 30 or so minutes more he gets out of bed. (before / after)
3. , he takes a quick shower, gets dressed, and goes downstairs. (Then / While)
4. , he goes into the kitchen and makes a huge breakfast. (When / Next)
5. he’s eating breakfast, he reads the sports section of the paper. (During / While)
6. He checks his e-mail messages he finishes his breakfast. (when / next)
7. He watches football on TV he’s off the computer. (as soon as / then)
8. He usually falls asleep once or twice the game. (during / while)
9. the game is over, Danny goes upstairs and takes a long nap. (Then / After)

B Write true sentences about your Sunday afternoons. Use first, next, then, before, after,
during, as soon as, while, and when.

1. First, I

Unit 8 Progress chart

Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. To review, go back
= I know how to . . . = I need to review how to . . . to these pages.
Grammar 144 and 145
ask questions with Whose
use possessive pronouns 144 and 145
order adjectives before nouns and before the pronouns one and ones 149
use location expressions after nouns and pronouns 149
Vocabulary 143
name at least 6 places to keep things in my home
name at least 15 home items for different rooms 148
strategies request permission politely to do things with Do you mind . . . ? 152 and 153
make requests politely with Would you mind . . . ? 152 and 153
agree to requests in different ways 153
order events using sequencing words 157

DVD-ROM Quiz 8 159

Vocabulary notebook The ABC’s of home
Learning tip Alphabet game
Make learning new words into a game! Choose a topic
and try to think of a word for each letter of the alphabet.

1 Label the pictures. The first letter of each word is given for you.
1 2 3 4

a b c d

2 Now complete your own alphabet chart. Think of something in your home for each

a armchair j s
b k t
c l u
d m v
e n w
f o x
g p y
h q z
i r

On your own
Make labels for different things in your home.
Don’t throw the label away until you can
remember the new word.


Things happen
In Unit 9, you learn how to . . .
use the past continuous for events in progress in the past.
use myself, yourself, himself, etc.
talk about accidents and things that went wrong.
react to other people’s stories.

use the expression I bet . . . .

3 Before you begin . . .

Match the pictures with the expressions. Write the numbers.

lost something damaged something

forgot something broke something

Lesson A
When things go wrong . . .
1 Getting started
A 089 Listen and read. Why is each person having a bad week?

Are you having a bad week?

Sean Davis

“workActually, yes. I was going to

on the train Monday morning,
and I was talking to this woman.
I guess I wasn’t paying attention,
and I missed my stop. I was half

an hour late for a meeting with my
new boss.

Julia Chen

Oh, definitely! A friend of mine
deleted all my music
files yesterday when she was using
my computer. I tried for hours to

find them, but nothing worked.
I lost everything!

Roberto Moreno

“a friend
Yeah, kind of. A couple of days ago,
and I were trying to look cool
in front of some girls at the mall. We

weren’t looking, and we walked right into
a glass door. I was so embarrassed.

it out B Circle the correct verb forms to complete the sentences. Use the information in A to help you.
1. Sean 1 talked / was talking to a woman on the train, and he 2 missed / was missing his stop.
2. Julia’s friend 3 deleted / was deleting her files when she 4 used / was using Julia’s computer.
3. Roberto and his friend 5 tried / were trying to look cool when they 6 walked / were walking
into a glass door.
Unit 9 Things happen
2 Grammar Past continuous statements
A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 17.

B Listen and repeat. Notice the affirmative and negative forms of the past

continuous verbs.

Use the past continuous to set the background for a story or tell about events in progress
in the past. Use the simple past for completed actions in the past.
I was talking to a woman, and I missed my stop. I wasn’t paying attention.
We were trying to look cool, and we walked into a glass door. We weren’t looking.
A friend of mine deleted all my files when she was using my computer.
Did you know . . . ?
When my friend was using my computer, she deleted all my files.
In conversation, the most
common verbs in the past
C Complete the stories. Use the past continuous or simple past
continuous are talk, do, go, say,
form of the verbs given.
try, get, and tell.
1. A few weeks ago, when I 1 was making (make) dinner, my friend
(call). I completely 3 (forget) about the
food on the stove, and I (burn) everything!

2. I 5 (damage) my parents’ car last week. I 6

(drive) to work, and I 7 (run) into a stop sign. Now I have
to pay for the repairs.

3. Last week, I 8 (hurt) my foot when I 9 (do)

aerobics. I don’t know why, but I just 10 (fall). I felt so stupid.

4. I 11 (have) lunch in a restaurant yesterday when the server

accidentally 12 (spill) water all over me! It was embarrassing,
but then I 13 (get) my lunch for free.

5. My friend and I 14 (talk) at work, and we 15

(not pay) attention. Suddenly we realized the manager 16
(stand) right beside us. He and the whole office 17 (listen) to us!

3 Speaking naturally Fall-rise intonation

A DVD-ROM Watch Speaking naturally 9.

I was running for a bus last week, and I fell.

When I was going home yesterday, I ran into an old friend.

B 091 Listen and repeat the sentences above. Notice that the intonation falls and then
rises slightly at the end of the first part of each sentence. This sets the background.
you C Think of something that happened to you this week. Practice telling the story out loud.
Practice lesson A When things go wrong . . .

1 What were they doing?

Circle the correct form of the verbs to complete
these stories.

1. A friend and I 1 ran / were running in the

park, and these guys 2 rode / were riding
their bikes behind us. We didn’t hear them
because we 3 listened / were listening to
music. Anyway, we 4 decided / were deciding
to stop because I was tired, and one of the
guys 5 bumped / was bumping right into me.
And then they just 6 rode / were riding away!

2. An embarrassing thing 7 happened / was happening

when I 8 studied / was studying singing at university.
At my first concert, when I 9 walked / was walking
to the stage, I 10 saw / was seeing a concert hall full of
people. I 11 got / was getting so scared that I completely
forgot / was forgetting the words and then the music
to my song. So I just 13 stood / was standing on the stage,
and then I 14 said / was saying, “Thank you.” After that, I
walked / was walking off and 16 went / was going home.

2 Interruptions
Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box.

do eat go run spill tell

delete get ring send talk try

1. I was doing the laundry when the phone rang .

2. Chris a joke when Maria to the party.
3. Jeff accidentally all of Yuri’s files when he to fix her computer.
4. Ryan and I lunch when our server coffee all over us.
5. Ming and Wei home to Beijing, but the airline their suitcases to Paris.
6. Trish on her cell phone, and she right into me.

Unit 9 Things happen
3 Telling anecdotes
Write sentences about the pictures. Use the past continuous and the simple past.

1. A guy was having his lunch in the park. He was reading


4 About you
Complete the sentences. Use your own information.

1. I was going to work last week when I saw my boss in a bright red sports car .
2. When a friend of mine called the other day, .
3. Last week, I was eating dinner and .
4. I was talking to some friends once when .
5. When my best friend walked into the room the other day, .
6. I was trying to look cool once .
Lesson B
Accidents happen.
1 Building vocabulary
A Listen and repeat the words and sentences below. Circle the words and

expressions you already know.

thumb eye face
finger elbow nose
shoulder neck hand
I broke my arm.


I got a black eye.


I sprained my ankle.
knee leg

I cut my finger.


toe foot I hurt my back.

B Complete the chart. Write true sentences about accidents that happened to you or
people you know.

break sprain cut hurt

I broke my leg. My dad cut his hand.

you C Write stories about the accidents in your chart. Practice telling your stories out loud.
I broke my leg when I was 10. I fell when I was riding my bike.
Unit 9 Things happen
2 Building language
A Listen. What happened to Barry? What was he doing?

Practice the conversation.

Nicole So how was your ski trip? Did you have a good time?
Barry Yeah, I guess. I sort of had an accident.
Nicole Oh, really? What happened? Did you hurt yourself?
Barry Yeah, I broke my leg.
Nicole Oh, no! How did it happen? I mean, what were you doing?
Barry Well, actually, I was talking on my cell phone. . . .
Nicole While you were skiing? That’s kind of dangerous.
Barry Yeah, I know. But I was by myself, so I was lucky I had
my cell to call for help.

it out
B Read the conversation in A. Circle the past continuous questions.
Underline the simple past questions.

3 Grammar Past continuous questions; reflexive pronouns

A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 18.

B Listen and repeat. Notice the question form of the past continuous verbs

and the reflexive pronouns.

Past continuous Simple past I myself.

Were you skiing with a friend? Did you hurt yourself? You yourself.
No, I wasn’t. I was by myself. Yes, I did. He hurt himself.
What were you doing (when you fell)? What did you do? She herself.
I was talking on my cell phone. I called for help. We ourselves.
They themselves.

C Match the sentences with the follow-up questions. Did you know . . . ?

1. I burned myself last night. c a. Oh, no! Who was driving? In conversation, 10% of uses
2. Did you notice my black eye? b. Did you hurt yourself? of yourself are in the question
3. My dad hurt himself at the gym. c. Oh, were you cooking? How about yourself? Almost
4. I fell out of bed last night. d. Yeah. How did you get it? 10% of uses of myself are in the
5. My sister sprained both her wrists. e. He did? What happened? expression by myself.
6. My mom and I had a car accident. Was he lifting weights?
f. How did that happen? What was she doing?

D Write a conversation about a situation in C.

A I burned myself last night.
B Oh, were you cooking?
A No, I was making some tea, and I . . .

4 Vocabulary notebook From head to toe

See page 178.
Practice lesson B Accidents happen.
1 Parts of the body
A Complete the crossword puzzle. Write the names of the parts of the body. 1

f a c e

9 5


7. 8.

9. 10.


7 11


B Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. Then write the answers.
1. I can’t move. I hurt my back . 6. I got a black . I can’t see clearly.
a. thumb b. back c. arm a. eye b. head c. neck
2. It’s hard to walk. I broke my . 7. I can’t bend my arm. I hurt my .
a. nose b. leg c. shoulder a. elbow b. hip c. knee
3. I cut my . It hurts to smile. 8. It’s hard to wash dishes. I cut my .
a. finger b. toe c. face a. knee b. foot c. hand
4. I sprained my , so it’s hard to write. 9. I hurt my . I can’t turn my head.
a. wrist b. ankle c. chest a. thumb b. neck c. wrist
5. It hurts to wear high heels. I broke my . 10. I broke my . It’s hard to breathe.
168 a. finger b. shoulder c. toe a. nose b. hip c. eye
Unit 9 Things happen
2 How did you hurt yourself?
Look at the pictures and the answers. Write the questions.

1 A How did she hurt herself?

1. 2.
2 A
B When she was making tea, she burned B When we were running, I fell and
her hand. sprained my ankle.

3 A 4.
4 A
B They hurt their backs when they were B He was chopping vegetables for dinner
lifting some heavy boxes. when he cut his finger.

3 A wonderful day
Complete the conversation. Write the questions. Use the past continuous and the words given.

Mom Hi, honey. How was your day?

Alicia Well, I hurt myself. A ball I kicked hit me in the head.
Mom Oh, no! 1 What were you doing?
Alicia Well, I was playing soccer with some friends. I was looking
in the other direction.
Alicia Well, I was looking at a guy. I guess I wasn’t paying attention.
Alicia This really cute guy named Jason.
Alicia No, he wasn’t playing with us. He was just standing there.
Alicia In front of the field. He was talking on the phone. Anyway,
I kicked the ball, the ball hit Jason, and then it hit me.
Mom That’s terrible!
Alicia Not really. Now I have a date with him on Saturday!
Lesson C
That’s really funny!
1 Conversation strategy Reacting to a story
A Choose the bes
estt re
r sponses to this stor
y. Check ( ) the boxes.

A Onne ti
t mee I aarr
rriived an hour early for B Oh, that’s funnyy.
er aatt my boso s’
s’ss ho
usee – I go
gott th
thee Yeah? Gooodd.
me w
me wro
ronng. Andd hhee wwas
as ttak
aking a shhowower
er How
Ho w embabarr
s ng!
T at
Tha ssou
o ndds nice.
B Now
095 ow li
st en.. W
en Whhat h
ap to
Write th
he an
sw e.
Matt I was making Mexican food for
a bunch of people one time. . . .
Emily Oh, I love Mexican.
Matt Anyway, everything was ready,
and I picked up this big pot of
rice, and I burned myself, and
I dropped it right in the middle
of the floor upside down!
Emily Oh, no.
Matt I freaked!
Emily Oh, I bet.
Matt So anyway, I just ran out to the
restaurant down the street,
bought some rice, put it in a
bowl, and served dinner.
Emily I bet no one even noticed.
Matt They didn’t. I was only gone for
five minutes.
Emily That’s really funny.

Notice how Emily reacts to Matt’s story. She comments “I was making Mexican food . . .”
on the things he says to show she is interested and
listening. Find examples in the conversation. “Oh, I love Mexican.”

C Practice the conversation in B. Then match the sentences from a story with the reactions.
1. I was working as a server at Pierre’s last year. c a. Oh, no. I bet he was upset.
2. Yeah, it’s a fancy place with sofas and everything. b. That was lucky.
3. Well, it’s not cheap. Anyway, I was serving coffee to c. Oh, I hear it’s a nice place.
this guy one day, and I spilled it all over his suit! d. It sounds expensive.
4. Yeah – but wait. Then I found out the guy was Pierre! e. You’re kidding!
5. Yeah, and he was pretty mad. But he didn’t fire me! The owner?

170 DVD-ROM Interactive activities

Unit 9 Things happen
2 Strategy plus I bet . . .
You can start a statement . . . and I served I bet no one You can also use I bet
dinner. even noticed.
with I bet . . . when as a response to show you
you are pretty sure about understand a situation.
something. Matt I freaked!
Emily I bet.

Did you know . . . ?

In conversation, bet is one of the top

600 words. Over 60% of its uses are
A Write a response for each story. Use the sentences in the box.
in the expression I bet . . . .
I bet you were surprised. I bet she was really embarrassed.
I bet your parents weren’t too happy.

1 A A friend of mine was staying at a hotel one time, and
she was walking back to her room in the dark,
and she fell in the pool!
B .

2 A I got on a plane one time and fell asleep right away.
And when I woke up, I realized I was on the
wrong flight.
B Oh, .

3 A I was on a trip with my parents a few years ago, and
we were flying home. Anyway, we got to the airport,
and I realized my passport was still at the hotel.
B Oh, no. .

B Now write a different response to the stories in A. Use I bet.

3 Listening Funny stories

A 096 Listen to the stories. Number the responses 1 to 4.

Oh, no! That’s

I bet. That’s Oh! That’s funny. Oh, I bet that
amazing. was boring.

B 097 Listen again. Write a different response for each story.

1. 3.

2. 4.

Practice lesson C That’s really funny!
1 I bet you felt bad!
Number the lines of the conversations in the correct order.

1. Australia? That sounds like a fun trip.
You won’t believe what I did last week. I was riding
my bike with a friend in City Park.
Yeah – there’s more. I wasn’t paying attention
and ran right into a woman in front of me.
Yeah, it is. Anyway, my friend and I were
talking about going to Australia.
Oh, that’s a beautiful park.
I bet she wasn’t too happy!

2 Yeah. So I jumped out of bed, got dressed,
and ran all the way to school.
You’re kidding! That late?
I bet no one even noticed.
Yeah, I was. And when I got to class, I saw
that I was wearing different sneakers!
Guess what I did? I woke up late this
morning, and it was after 10:30.
The whole way? I bet you were

3 I know. The horse fell right on top of
her, and she couldn’t get up. But my
father was nearby.
Yeah, it was. My dad took her to the
hospital, and she’s OK now.
Do you remember my cousin, Courtney?
Well, one day last summer she was
riding her horse when the horse fell.
That was lucky!
Oh, my gosh! That’s awful.
I bet you’re happy about that.
Unit 9 Things happen
2 I bet . . .
Complete the conversations. Write a response with I bet.

1 A I was looking around in the mall the other day, and I walked right into a glass door!
I was so embarrassed.
B I bet no one even noticed.
2 A My sister wasn’t paying attention when she was getting her newspaper this morning,
and she locked herself out of her apartment.
3 A My little sister borrowed my new laptop last night, and she dropped it!
Can you believe it? It’s broken.
4 A I went to a concert with some friends last weekend, but I was so bored that
I fell asleep!
5 A Yesterday, I was singing loudly in the car. I forgot that the back windows were open.
Everyone on the street heard me.
6 A Guess what? I just won a trip to Hawaii in a radio contest!

3 And then what happened?

Complete these stories. Then write a response.

1 A I was walking to work one morning, and I thought I saw my old friend from junior high school
I ran after him and called his name. When I got there, and saw
across the street.
the guy’s face, I knew he wasn’t my friend. I didn’t know this guy at all.
B Oh, no! I bet you were embarrassed.
2 A I was taking a taxi once, and I was in a hurry. I wanted to pay the driver with some cash from
my wallet but

3 A Last year, I thought everyone had forgotten my birthday. Well, when I got home, I opened the
door and

4 A My brother was driving my dad’s car in a bad storm one night and

Lesson D
Good things happen.
1 Reading
A Write a list of good things that happened to you recently.

I found $20. An old friend called me. I passed my driver’s test.

B Read the newspaper column. What good things happened to these people?

Around Town by Nelson Hunter

Acts of Kindness When I was shopping at the mall last week, I lost my
A few weeks ago, I was walking wallet with all my money and credit cards in it. I spent a
to my car in the parking lot, when long time looking for it with no luck. I was really upset
someone came up to me and said he because it had my spare house key and my address
enjoyed reading my weekly column. in it, too. Anyway, later that day after I got home, my
“But,” he said, “you always write doorbell rang. It was a young man, and he had my
about everyone’s bad experiences. wallet. Apparently, he saw it on the ground when he was
Why don’t you ask people to talk walking into the mall. He drove all the way to my house
about their good experiences, too?” to give it to me! I couldn’t believe it! I was so lucky!
So I asked readers to write in and tell me about all the – Andrea Keane
good things that happened to them recently. I got hundreds of
replies. Here are three of them: After class each week, I often go to the local donut
shop and get some coffee before I go home. When I was
I was coming home from a party really late at night, leaving the store last week, the owner gave me a bag
and I missed the last train home. I didn’t have enough of donuts from the day before to take home for free.
money for a cab, and I didn’t want to walk home in the She said I was a good customer, and she didn’t want to
dark. I was standing outside the train station, and I throw them out. When I got home, I shared them with my
guess I looked worried because a woman came up and roommates! – John Jones
asked me if I needed any help. She offered to share a
cab with me and to pay for it! She said she didn’t like So, thank you for all the letters. For next week, I want to
being by herself at night, either. I was so grateful. hear about any funny stories you have. What funny things
– Abby Walters happened to you recently?

C Read the newspaper column in B again. Are these sentences true or false? Check True or False.
Then correct the false sentences.
bad True False
1. Nelson Hunter usually writes about good things that happen to people.
2. Abby Walters had to pay for a cab home when she missed her train.
3. Andrea was worried because if someone found her wallet, they could get
into her house.
4. A young man found Andrea’s wallet when he was leaving the mall.
5. John ate the bag of donuts by himself.

Unit 9 Things happen
2 Listening and writing Happy endings
A 098 Listen to two stories. Answer the questions.
Gary’s story Pam’s story
1. Where was Gary? What was he doing? 1. Where was Pam going?
2. Who did he meet? 2. What was her problem?
3. Why did he forget his briefcase? 3. How did she get help?
4. What did he do when he got to work? 4. How did the woman offer to help?
5. Does this story have a happy ending? 5. Does this story have a happy ending?
Why? Why not? Why? Why not?

B Write one of the stories in A. Use your notes to help you.

C 099 Listen again and check your story. Did you remember everything?

3 Writing Anecdotes
A Write 10 to 12 sentences about a good thing that happened to you recently. Make sure your sentences
are in order.

I was walking to work last week. The light changed.

It started to rain. I had to wait for a really long time.
I didn’t have an umbrella. A young man came up to me.
I put a newspaper over my head and ran. He offered to share his umbrella.
I got to the corner. He walked with me all the way to work!

B Write a letter to Nelson Hunter’s column. Use your sentences in A.

Help note
Dear Nelson,
Last week, I was walking to work when Linking ideas with when and while
it started to rain. I didn’t have an umbrella,
• You can use when or while to link a longer
so I put a newspaper over my head and ran.
“background” event and another action.
When I got to the corner, the light changed,
• While emphasizes the length of time an
and I had to wait for a really long time. While
I was waiting, a young man came up to me and action or event takes.
offered to share his umbrella. He walked with • When also shows events that happen one
me all the way to work! It was so nice after another.
of him.

Practice lesson D Good things happen.
1 What was it?
A Read the story. Then circle the best title.

S trang
ge L
An Unusual Server
The Dangers of F
A few years ago, while I was driving across eastern Canada, something
very unusual happened. I still don’t understand what happened.
While I was driving at night through thick, heavy fog, I noticed
flashes of light in the sky. They were moving from the sky onto
the road in front of my truck. I was driving slowly, and I couldn’t
see very well, but those lights were as bright as daylight, and
they were blue. It was definitely not lightning.
Now here's where the story gets weird. I was getting tired of
driving in the fog, so I pulled off the road and stopped at
an all-night restaurant for travelers.
I walked in and sat down at the counter. When the server came
to my table, she laughed and asked me how I got such a bad sunburn.
I didn’t know what she meant, but my face suddenly felt really hot. I went into the restroom and looked at
myself in the mirror. My face was bright red! I splashed cold water on it and held a towel to my skin. My
hands were also burned. I was very puzzled and a little frightened.
I went back to my table and ordered something to eat. I was feeling weak and extremely tired, and I wasn’t
hungry anymore. After I forced myself to eat a few bites of food, I checked into a nearby motel, where I slept
for about 24 hours. After that, I didn’t see any more light flashes, and the “sunburn” on my face and hands
disappeared after a few days. Even now, I wonder about those flashes of light – I’ll never forget them!

B Read the story in A again. Are these sentences true or false? Write T (true) or F (false).
Then correct the false sentences.
1. The unusual event happened a few months ago. F
2. The man saw the flashes of light while he was driving one foggy night.

3. He noticed his sunburn before he went into the restaurant.

4. The server was frightened by the man’s appearance.

5. The man ate a big meal at the restaurant because he wasn’t hungry.

6. After the man checked into a motel, he slept for a long time.

7. The man didn’t see any more light flashes after that night.

176 8. The burns disappeared on his face after a few years.

Unit 9 Things happen
2 Two unusual events
A Read about two unusual events. Complete the stories. Use when or while.

1 Years ago, 1 when my friend and I were in 2 I had a strange experience a couple of
junior high school, we decided to write our names months ago. It happened one night 4 I
on a one-dollar bill for fun. We spent the money was sleeping. It was probably about two in the
and forgot about it. Then, one night about 20 morning 5 I woke up to loud music.
years later 2 I was waiting for a bus, I saw 6
I looked around, I saw that the CD
a dollar bill on the street. I picked it up, and my player on my computer was running. I clearly
name was on it. It was the same bill we wrote on! remember turning it off 7 I went to bed.
I think of it now, I’m amazed!
– Evren Yilmaz, Izmir
– Ken Leonard, Los Angeles

B Write about an unusual event that happened to you or to someone you know.

A really unusual thing happened to

Unit 9 Progress chart

Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. To review, go back
= I know how to . . . = I need to review how to . . . to these pages.
Grammar 162 and 163
make past continuous statements
ask past continuous questions 167
use reflexive pronouns 167
Vocabulary 166
name at least 12 parts of the body
name at least 6 injuries 166 and 167
strategies react to and comment on a story 170 and 171
respond with I bet . . . 171
link ideas with when and while 175

DVD-ROM Quiz 9 177

Vocabulary notebook From head to toe
Learning tip Sketches
Draw and label pictures to help you remember new vocabulary.

1 Label the sketch. Use the words in the box.

eye Take my hand . . .
head 2 4 The top 10 body parts
face people talk about are:
neck 5 1. hand 6. arm
2. eye 7. mouth
3 3. head 8. ear
6 4. face 9. back
5. leg 10. knee

2 Now make a sketch of a body from head to toe.

Label the parts of the body.
On your own
Before you go to sleep each night, think of the
name for each part of your body. Start at your
head, and work towards your toes. Can you think
of each word in English before you fall asleep?

Video What Do You Need? Episode 3: Act 1
Before you watch
A Look at the picture. Check (✓) the items you see.

✓ an armchair a desk an oven

a bed some dishes a refrigerator
a clock a dresser a stove
a coffee table a lamp some towels
a coffeemaker a microwave a TV

B Match the expressions with the pictures.

a. gets dressed b. gets up c. has coffee d. makes dinner e. makes the bed f. watches TV

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

While you watch
A Check (✓) the items Gio needs to buy. Put an ✗ next to the items he doesn’t need
to buy. Then answer the question.

an armchair sheets and pillows a coffeemaker a microwave

a desk towels pots and pans a TV
a bed a dresser dishes

What three things does Gio decide not to buy right away?

B Listen for the ways David and Gio make and respond to suggestions.
Complete the sentences.
1 David Is there a microwave?
Gio No, there isn’t.
David Oh, you 1 get one. A microwave is really convenient.
I mean, you’re pretty busy. You don’t have a lot of time to cook.
Gio Well, I don’t know. 2 ....
2 David Anyway, you have an armchair for the living room, but you
buy a TV, right?
Gio Yeah, I do. Wow. 4 , David. . . .
3 David Just start with the basics – you know, the things you really need.
Gio Well, 5 that’s just the bed, the pillows and sheets,
and the towels . . .
David . . . and the dishes. Yeah, you don’t 6 buy a dresser
right away. You leave your clothes in your suitcase
for now.

Video What Do You Need? Episode 3: Act 2
Before you watch
A Read the clues. Then complete the crossword puzzle. Use the words in the box.
aunt cookies flight
gift grandparents phrase book
shoes socks suitcase
3. train trip uncle

5. 6.



9. 10.

Across Down
1. I don’t usually wear in my house. 1. You carry clothes in a .
2. I gave my friend a for her birthday. 2. Your father’s parents are your .
3. Kim has a business to Chicago soon. 6. I like to eat as a snack.
4. I got a for my trip to Spain. 10. My Arthur is my father’s brother.
5. I wear with my shoes.
7. I once traveled by across Canada.
8. The to Japan is very long.
9. My Luisa is my mother’s sister.

B Match the questions with the answers.

1. Are you excited about your trip? b a. No, not really. I found my flight online.
2. Do you still have a lot to get ready? ✓ b. Yes, definitely! I can’t wait.
3. Why don’t you bring a phrase book? c. I’m going to rent a car.
4. Is it expensive to fly to Europe? d. That’s a good idea.
5. How are you going to get around? e. Yeah, I still need to go shopping.

While you watch
A Check (✓) the topics Yoko talks about.

vacation Japanese friends speaking Japanese a plane ticket a funny story

shopping Japanese relatives a passport gifts an injury

B Listen and complete the conversations. Use the sentences in the box.
a. I bet your mom was really embarrassed. d. That was lucky.
b. Oh no! You’re kidding! e. Uh-huh.
c. Oh, that’s terrible. ✓f. What happened?

1 Liz What’s so funny?

Yoko I’m thinking about our last trip to Japan.
My mother and I went together.
Liz f
Yoko Well, we were going to visit my
grandparents in Nikko, and we were late
for the train.
2 Yoko Well, guess what? It was the wrong train.
Yoko We went in completely the wrong direction.
So we had to turn around and go back.
3 Yoko . . . we were exhausted, and we fell asleep right away. When I woke up,
I realized we were already at our stop.
Yoko No. We had to run off the train really fast! We got off just in time.

Video What Do You Need? Episode 3: Act 3
Before you watch
A What were these people doing right before they had these problems? Match the
sentences with the pictures.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.
a. He was trying to go online.
b. He was cooking dinner.
c. She wasn’t paying attention.
d. She was doing aerobics.
e. He was lifting a heavy box.

B Match the questions with the answers.

1. Could I use your phone? a. No problem. What are you making?
2. Do you mind if I open a window? b. Go right ahead. It’s on the desk.
3. Would you mind helping me with dinner? c. No, go ahead. Actually, my favorite
4. Could I borrow a dollar? show is on!
5. Do you mind if I turn on the TV? d. No, not at all. It is a little warm.
e. Sure. Here you go.

While you watch
A Are these sentences true or false? Check (✓) True or False.

1. Yoko’s new flight leaves at midnight. True False

2. Liz put a new program on her computer. True False
3. Alex had an accident at the café. True False
4. Liz and Gio planned to go to the movies, but Liz forgot. True False
5. Gio lost his backpack. True False
6. David needs a shirt. True False
7. Liz needs to go to the computer store. True False
8. David has an accident in the kitchen. True False

B Listen for these requests. Match the requests with the responses.
1. Do you mind if I use your computer? I want to check on a. Not at all.
the new flight information. b. Come on!
2. Our TV is broken. Do you mind if I watch the game here? c. No, go right ahead.
3. Oh, um, can I use your phone? I have to call one of my classmates. d. You can try.
4. Do you mind if I borrow a shirt? I’m going out later. e. Sure.
5. Listen, could you watch the stove for me while I run to the store? f. Oh, Liz. I’m sorry.
6. Um, Alex? Can you watch the stove for me? g. Oh, no. No problem.
7. Would you mind watching the stove for a minute?

C Complete the conversation. Use the expressions in the box.

a. Make yourself at home. b. Not at all. c. Really? d. What happened?

Alex I sort of had an accident. I mean, I hurt my knee at the gym.

Yoko 1
Alex It’s embarrassing. I was teaching aerobics. I wasn’t looking, and
I ran into a wall.
Yoko 2
Alex I felt pretty stupid. It hurt a lot. Anyway, can I ask you guys a favor?
Our TV is broken. Do you mind if I watch the game here?
Yoko 3
Liz 4

Checkpoint Units 7–9
1 Can you complete this conversation?
A Complete the conversation. Use the simple past or past continuous form of the verbs given.
Marty How 1 did you get (get) that black eye?
you (fall) or something?
Kevin Not exactly. I 3 (crash) into a tree.
Marty You’re kidding! How 4 that (happen)?
Kevin Well, I 5
(ride) my little brother’s bicycle. And his
friends (watch) me and 7 (laugh) at me.
Marty Why 8
they (laugh)?
What 9 you (do)?
Kevin I 10
(not do) anything. But the bike is
kind of small.
Marty And I bet you 11 (try) to look cool, too.
Kevin I guess. I 12
(look) at the kids behind me.
And I (not see) the tree ahead of me.
When my brother (shout), “Watch out,”
I 15 (turn) around, but it was too late.
Marty Oh, no! 16 you (hurt) yourself?
Kevin Well, I 17
(not break) anything. I just
(feel) stupid.

B Practice saying the conversation in A out loud.

2 What’s in the bathroom?

A Look at the picture for 10 seconds, and try to
remember where things are. Then close your book.
Write sentences about the picture.

There’s a toothbrush on the sink.

B Write a puzzle. Write clues about six items

in the picture. Look at your puzzle in a month’s time.
Can you remember the names of the items?

You use it to clean your teeth.

(A toothbrush or toothpaste.)


3 Can you use these expressions?

Complete the conversation. Use the words and expressions in the box.
Use capital letters where necessary.

whose yours one red would you mind I bet by myself no, not at all
mine hers it was bright do you mind if I guess yourself

Karen 1 Do you mind if I come in? You look busy.

Trish No, make 2 at home. 3
handing me that paintbrush? The red 4 .
Karen 5
Trish Thanks. So, what do you think?
Karen Uh, nice. I love the 6 7
Did you and your roommate do this together?
Trish No, actually, I did it all 8 . Nadia’s away this week.
Karen Oh, is she? 9
this was a lot of work.
Trish Actually, no. 10
very easy to do.
Karen 11
room is this? Is it 12 or Nadia’s?
Trish This one is 13
, and 14 is on the right.
Karen Uh, does Nadia like these colors?
Trish I don’t know. But I do! 15 I have an eye for color.

4 Suggestions, please!
Write a conversation between you and a friend. Write suggestions for
solutions to these problems.

“I always get a bad sunburn in the summer.”

“My bedroom is always a mess.”
“I’m going camping in June, but I don’t have any equipment.”
How sure are you about these areas?
“Ouch! I think I just sprained my wrist.”
Circle the percentages.
A I always get a bad sunburn in the summer. grammar
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
B Why don’t you . . . ?
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
conversation strategies
5 Do you mind . . . ? 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Write a conversation between you and a friend. Imagine you are in a car
on a road trip. Ask permission and make requests. Use the ideas below, Study plan
and add your own. What do you want to review?
Circle the lessons.
drive slow down look at the map
listen to the radio open the window borrow some sunscreen 7A 7B 8A 8B 9A 9B
listen to a CD stop for a snack eat one of your cookies vocabulary
7A 7B 8A 8B 9A 9B
A Do you mind if I drive? conversation strategies
186 B No, not at all. 7C 8C 9C
In Unit 10, you learn how to . . .
make comparisons with adjectives.
use more and less with nouns and verbs.
talk about different ways of communicating.
manage phone conversations.

interrupt and restart conversations on the phone.
use just to soften things you say.

With , you can have a business
With , you and a friend can use meeting with people in different places.
your computers like phones, but you can also see
each other.

Instant Message

ravegrl28: RU going to the party 2night?

lv2shop: Yes. Wut RU going 2 wear?

B I u Link

Send Cancel
With , you can send
written messages on your cell phone.

With , you can have a

written conversation online. You can write
something to a friend and get a response Before you begin . . .
instantly. Complete the sentences with the words below.
Check (✓) the ways of communicating you use.
text messaging a webcam
video conferencing instant messaging
Lesson A
Keeping in touch
1 Getting started
A 100 Listen and read. How do these people keep in touch?

How do you keep in touch with people?

Tim Henry

Mayumi Sato

Alma Jones
I usually use e-mail. It’s quicker I like to write letters. I know regular I send text messages to my
and easier than anything else. mail is slower than e-mail, but friends all day. It’s more fun
But I get a lot of spam. There’s letters are more personal. And I than calling. And you can
nothing worse than spam when never send those e-cards. I just send photos, too. Too bad
you’re really busy. think it’s nicer to get a real card. I can’t do it in class.

Paco Rodriguez

Kayla Johnson

Well, at work we use video conferencing. It’s I use a webcam to keep in touch with
less expensive than a business trip. And more my parents. They think it’s better than
convenient. And you don’t get jet lag, either! the phone because they can see me.
I guess it’s more interesting.

it out B Are these sentences true or false? Check ( ) True or False. Then correct the false sentences.
True False
1. Alma says e-mail is slower than anything else.
2. Tim thinks real cards are nicer than e-cards.
3. Mayumi thinks text messages are less fun than phone calls.
4. Kayla says video conferences are more expensive than business trips.
5. Paco’s parents think webcam calls are better than phone calls.
Unit 10 Communication
2 Grammar Comparative adjectives
A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 19.

B 101 Listen and repeat. Notice the spelling of comparative adjectives and the use of than.
Adjective + -er E-mail is quicker than regular mail. It’s easier, too. Notice:
(short adjectives) It’s nicer to get a real card than an e-card. slow slower
more + adjective Letters are more personal than e-mail. nice nicer
less + adjective Video conferences are less expensive than trips. easy easier
big bigger
good better Webcams are better than regular phone calls.
bad worse Spam is worse than regular junk mail. But:
fun more fun

Did you know . . . ?

C Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form
of the adjectives given ( = more; = less). In conversation, the top adjectives after
1. E-mail is cheaper ( cheap) than regular mail. more are expensive, convenient,
2. E-cards are ( hard) to open than real cards. important, interesting, and fun.
3. It’s ( convenient) to send a letter than an e-mail.
4. E-mail is good, but instant messaging is ( good).
5. Webcam calls are ( nice) than phone calls.
6. Text messages are ( fun) than phone calls.
7. It’s terrible to lose your cell phone, but it’s ( bad) to lose your laptop.
8. Cell-phone calls are ( expensive) than regular phone calls.
you D Do you agree with the sentences in C? Write your own answers.
I agree that e-mail is cheaper than regular mail, but computers are more expensive than paper.

3 Speaking naturally Linking

A DVD-ROM Watch Speaking naturally 10.

With e-mail, it’s easier to keep in touch with people.

Text messages are less expensive than phone calls.

It’s nicer to get a real card than an e-card.

B 102 Listen and repeat the sentences above. Notice how the marked words are linked.
you C 103 Now listen and repeat these questions. Then listen again and answer the questions out loud.
1. Are you good at keeping in touch with people?
2. How do you keep in touch with friends and family?
3. Do you use a cell phone every day?
4. Do you ever send or get e-cards?
5. How often do you get instant messages or text messages?
Practice lesson A Keeping in touch
1 Bigger and better
A Complete the chart. Use the comparative form of the adjectives in the box.
bad cheap easy hard noisy quick
big convenient expensive important old slow
boring cool fun interesting personal small
busy difficult good new popular useful

Adjective + -er / -ier more / less + adjective Irregular adjectives


B Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjectives given.

1. Postcards are slower (slow) than e-mail.

2. Cell-phone service is (expensive) than regular phone service.
3. Instant messaging is (easy) than text messaging.
4. I think e-cards are (convenient) than regular cards.
5. To me, regular photos are (nice) than digital photos.
6. I think junk mail is even (bad) than spam.
7. It’s (important) to have a phone than to have a computer.
8. Online newspapers are (good) than regular newspapers.

C Complete the conversation. Use the comparative form of the adjectives given.
Yakup I love my new laptop. It’s so much 1 (good) than my old desktop.
Loni Yes, but regular computers are (cheap) than laptops.
Yakup Yes, but they’re 3 (useful) than laptops because you can’t take
them to the library or on a trip.
Loni Well, maybe laptops are 4 (cool) than desktops, but my big
computer is (quick) than most laptops.
Yakup Yeah, but it sure is a lot 6 (heavy)!

Unit 10 Communication
2 Desktops are less convenient . . .
Look at the pictures. Cross out the wrong word in the sentences. Write the correct sentence.

1. Jason thinks desktop computers are more 2. Sandra thinks e-cards are more fun than
convenient than laptops. postcards.
Jason thinks desktop computers are
less convenient than laptops.

3. Robert’s grandparents think instant 4. Jay and Sun Hee think video conferences are
messaging is easier than phone calls. more boring than long business meetings.

3 I don’t think so!

Complete the conversations. Disagree with the statements.

1 A I think VCRs are harder to use than DVD players.

B Really? I think VCRs are easier to use than DVD players.
2 A To me, regular cameras take better pictures than cell-phone cameras.
3 A I think radios are more useful than TVs.
4 A It’s easier to understand a voice-mail message than a written one.
5 A It’s hard when your cell phone doesn’t work, but it’s worse when your computer is broken.
6 A In my opinion, text messages are more popular than phone calls.
Lesson B
On the phone
1 Building vocabulary
A 104 Listen and read. What problems does John have getting through to Sandra?
1 5
Receptionist Sun Company. Sandra Hello?
John Could I speak to John Hi, Sandra. Guess what!
Sandra Bell, please? Sandra Hello? John? I can’t
Receptionist One moment, hear you. We have a bad
please. connection. Call me back
on my office phone.

Voice mail Sandra Bell is
on the phone. Please leave
a message.
John Hi, Sandra. This is
John. Call me back at
the office.

Sandra Sandra Bell.
John Hi, Sandra. It’s John.
Did you get my message?
Sandra Uh, yes, I think so.
Oh, hold on. I have another
call. Call me later, OK?

4 6
Man Village Bakery. Sandra Sandra Bell.
John Oh, I’m sorry. I think John Sandra! Listen.
I have the wrong number. My boss has two
Man No problem. tickets to . . . Oooh!
We got cut off.

B Read the questions and write the answers in the chart. Use the conversations in A
to help you.

What can you say when you . . .

hear a lot of noise on the line? We have a bad connection.
start a voice-mail message?
ask to speak to someone?
call a stranger by mistake?
want someone to return your call?

Unit 10 Communication
2 Building language
A Listen. Why was John calling?

Practice the conversation.

John Finally! It’s hard to get ahold of you.
Sandra You’re not that easy to reach, either.
John You spend a lot more time on the phone
than I do.
Sandra That’s because I get more calls.
John You just talk more! Anyway, I was calling
before ’cause my boss had free tickets to
the Sting concert tonight.
Sandra Oh, great! What time?
John Well, it’s too late now. He gave them to
someone else.
Sandra Oh, no! Why didn’t you send me a
text message?

it out
B Now look at these sentences. Find the sentences
in the conversation in A with a similar meaning.
1. John I spend less time on the phone than you.
2. Sandra You get fewer calls than I do.
3. John I talk less than you do.

3 Grammar More, less, fewer

A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 20.

B 106 Listen and repeat. Notice the use of less, fewer, and more.

With countable nouns With uncountable nouns With verbs

I get more calls than you (do). I spend more time on the phone. She talks more than he does.
You get fewer calls than I do. You spend less time on the phone. He talks less than she does.

you C Complete the sentences. Use your own information. Did you know . . . ?
Use more, less, or fewer.
In conversation, fewer is not very
1. I use a regular phone than a cell phone.
common. People use it more in writing.
2. I spend time on the phone than my parents do.
3. When I’m on the phone, I talk than I listen.
4. I make calls during the day than at night.
5. I get phone messages than e-mails.
6. I do text messaging than instant messaging.
7. I write letters than I did two years ago.

D Write conversations between you and a friend. Use the sentences in C to help you.
A I use a regular phone less than a cell phone.
B Oh, me too. I always have my cell phone with me, and . . . 193
Practice lesson B On the phone
1 Phone situations
A Complete the expressions. Circle a, b, or c.
1. have a bad a. message b. connection c. number
2. call me a. number b. connection c. back
3. have another a. call b. number c. mistake
4. leave a a. back b. message c. call
5. have the wrong a. number b. mistake c. connection
6. hold a. on b. in c. call
7. get cut a. back b. on c. off

B Complete the sentences. Use the expressions in A.

1. Sheila called me at work, but I was in an important
meeting and couldn’t talk. I asked Sheila to
call me back later.

2. Rick can’t hear Andrea because there’s too much

noise on the line. They .

3. William needs to talk to Jessica, but she’s not

home. He wants her to return his call, so he’ll
have to .

4. Jim wanted to call his brother, but he accidentally called

someone he didn’t know. He .

5. I have problems with my cell phone. Every time I

walk into my bedroom, I hear a tone and then I

6. I called Mike, but his wife said he was upstairs

watching TV. She asked me to
while she called him to the phone.

7. I work at home, and I get a lot of phone calls. So if you

call me, you usually have to hold on because I often

Unit 10 Communication
2 How do they respond?
Circle the correct response to complete the conversation.

1. I can’t hear you. We have a bad connection.

a. I have another call.
b. Call me back on a different phone.

2. Please leave a message.

a. Hi, Arzu. This is Bahar. Call me at home.
b. Arzu is on the phone.

3. Can you hold on, please?

a. Sure, no problem.
b. I got cut off.

4. Oh, I’m sorry. I think I have the wrong number.

a. One moment, please.
b. No problem.

5. Good morning, Cambridge University Press.

a. Would you like to leave a message?
b. Could I speak to Sally Smith, please?

6. Did you get my message?

a. Yeah, I think I did.
b. No problem.

3 More than you!

Complete the conversations. Use more, less, or fewer.

1 Ilhan Wow! Look at my mailbox. It’s full. I get 1 more junk mail than you do.
Emin Yeah, but you only had two spam messages last week. I had twenty!
I get 2 spam than you do.

2 Julie Oh, no! My cell-phone bill is really high this month! I need to talk 3 than
I did last month.
Paula Let me see. $60? That’s not bad. Mine was $95.
My cell phone costs me 4 money than yours!

3 Dan I only had two text messages last month. I get 5 text messages than phone calls.
Eric I don’t really like to use my cell phone too much. Actually, I like instant messaging
than text messaging.

4. Miki Would you turn that computer off? You spend 7 time online than anyone I know!
Larry Well, I’m bored. You’re always watching TV. You could watch 8 TV, you know!

5 Ben Oh, no! The server is down again! I need to change my provider to yours. You seem to
have a lot 9 problems with your Internet service provider than I do.
Paul I don’t know. My provider breaks down 10 than your provider, but your service
has 11 useful features than mine has.
Lesson C
What were you saying?
1 Conversation strategy Dealing with interruptions
A How
o do you
ou interruptt a co
on polit
ol it
itelly? Cirrcl
e t wo exx pres
sionss be
on b lo
l w.
A Hi
Hi,, ho
howw aarre you?
B Good. Oh, just a minute – so
s meon
o e’
e s at
a thee doo
r! C
an you hol
oldd onn?

B 107 Now listen. What does Maria

a wan
nt to tel
elll Lu
cy? Wr
cy Writ
itte th
e an

Lucy Hello?
Maria Hi, Lucy. It’s Maria.
Lucy Hey. How are you doing?
Maria Great! Guess what? You
remember that photo
contest I entered?
Lucy Yeah? Oh, just a minute.
There’s someone at the
door. . . . So, you were
Maria Well, I won a trip to
Mexico. . . .
Lucy No way! Oh, sorry. Hold
on a second. I just need
to switch phones. . . . So,
what were you saying?
Maria Well, it’s a trip for two,
and I was just calling to
ask . . . do you want to
come with me?
Lucy Are you kidding?
Of course!

Notice how Lucy interrupts the Interrupting a conversation: Restarting the conversation:
conversation and comes back to it Just a minute / second. What were you saying?
with expressions like these. Find Excuse me just a second. You were saying?
examples in the conversation. I’m sorry. Hold on (a second). Where were we?
Could / Can you hold on a second? What were we talking about?

C Practice the conversation in B. Write a conversation between you and a friend.

Interrupt and restart the conversation. Use the ideas below to help you.
your dinner is burning you just spilled your coffee
the bathtub is overflowing your cell phone is ringing

196 DVD-ROM Interactive activities

Unit 10 Communication
2 Strategy plus just
You can use Just a minute. I was just calling
the word just to ask . . .
to make the I just need to
things you say switch phones.

Did you know . . . ?

Add just to two places in each of these phone conversations. In conversation, just is one of the top 30 words.

1 A Hello.
1. 3.
3 A Is this a good time to talk?
B Hi, Dad. It’s me. Is Mom there? B Sure. I need to turn down the TV. What’s up?
A Yeah. But hold on a second. She’s A I was calling to ask about your new job.
upstairs. I need to call her. How do you like it?

2 A Do you have a minute? I want to tell

2. 4.
4 A Hi. How are you? I’m calling to say hello.
you some interesting news. B Oh, hi. Listen, can I call you back?
B One second. I want to close the door. I have to finish something.
OK, so what were you saying?

3 Listening Sorry about that!

A Listen to these phone conversations. Why is each person calling?

Write the answers below the pictures.

1 2 3

B 109 Listen again. Check ( ) the reason for the interruption in each conversation.

1. It started to rain. 2. He needed to find his wallet. 3. There was a bad connection.
He got another call. Someone waved at him. The game started.
It was his turn to play golf. He wanted to drink his soda. The pizza arrived.

4 Vocabulary notebook Phone talk

See page 204.

Practice lesson C What were you saying?
1 Exciting news
A Complete the chart. Use expressions from the phone conversation.
Ellen Tommy? It’s Ellen. You won’t believe it!
Tommy Sorry, Ellen. Can you hold on a minute? I have to
turn the radio down. . . . OK, what were you saying?
Ellen Remember that job interview I had last week?
Tommy Sure, I do. Oh, just a second. My cell phone’s
ringing. . . . So, where were we?
Ellen My job interview last week. They called this
morning and – oops! Excuse me just a minute.
I spilled my tea. . . . What was I saying?
Tommy They called about the job. . . .
Ellen Yeah, right. I got the job! I start next month.
Tommy Next month? That’s great! Oh, just a minute. I need
to switch phones. . . . OK, so you were saying?
Ellen This is the exciting part! Can you wait just a
second? I need to turn off the stove. . . . All right.
Where was I?
Tommy The exciting part about your new job.
Ellen Right! They want me to work in their London office!
Tommy That’s amazing! Congratulations, Ellen!

Interrupting a conversation Restarting a conversation

1. Can you hold on a minute? 1. OK, what were you saying?
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

B Complete the conversations. Use expressions from the chart in A.

1 Nolan Hi, Tolga! I have some good news.
Tolga Oh, I’m sorry. I have another call.
Nolan Sure, I don’t mind.
2. Abby Kyle, it’s Abby. I’m at the supermarket and . . .
Kyle Just a second. I have to turn off the TV.
Abby I was saying, I’m at the supermarket. Can you come pick me up?
3 Muriel Hey, it’s me. I’m calling because I’m – oops! Hold on, I dropped
my briefcase. . . .
Brett You’re calling because you’re . . .
Muriel Oh, yes, I’m working late. I’ll be home around nine tonight.
Unit 10 Communication
2 I just need to . . .
Rewrite the sentences. Use just.

1. I need to ask you a few questions. I just need to ask you a few questions.
2. Sure. Can you wait a minute?
3. I have to answer the door.
4. Could you hold on a second?
5. I need to turn off the faucet.
6. I want to answer a call on another line.
7. I’m calling to find out about your test.
8. I have to tell you one thing.

3 Hold on a second.
Complete the conversation. Use the instructions given and just, where possible.

You Hello?
John Hi, it’s John! How are you doing?
You 1 Hey, John! I’m fine. Can you hold on a second? I just want to turn down the music.
So, what were you saying?
(Respond. / Interrupt to turn down the music. / Restart the conversation.)
John I was just calling to ask about your new job. How’s it going?

(Talk about your new job. / Interrupt because there’s noise on the line. / Switch phones. / Restart the conversation.)
John You like your job. Hey, guess what! I started a guitar class last week. It’s a lot
of fun, and I’m really learning a lot.

(Respond. / Interrupt to close the window. / Restart the conversation.)

John My guitar class. Well, anyway, do you have any plans for this weekend?

(Talk about your plans. / Interrupt to answer the door. / Restart the conversation.)
John I just wanted to see if you’d like to see a movie or something Saturday night.

(Accept the invitation. / Ask if you can call him back later because your apple pie is burning.)
John Sure, no problem. Talk to you later.

(Thank him for calling. / Say good-bye.)

Lesson D
1 Reading
A Match these text messages with their meanings.

Excellent! I love you. Tomorrow. Are you OK? Thanks. Great!

B Read the article. Underline four reasons why text messaging can be useful.

If you’re one of the 70% of cell-phone

users who use text messaging, you Generally, texting is cheaper than making phone
know that C U L8R means “See you calls. It’s also more direct, since you can send or get
later.” “Texting” is now the new information without having to ask and answer polite
way to talk (or “tlk”), especially for “How are you?” questions.
young people. But why is that?
And it’s more discreet, too. No one can hear your
“conversations,” and you can receive text messages
There’s no doubt about it, text almost anywhere — at work, in meetings, or in
messages are for personal class. You can also use texting in noisy places like
communication. Only 10% of nightclubs, where using a cell phone is difficult.
messages are work related,
and the peak hours for
texting are between 10:30 Because it’s quicker to “write” without apostrophes
and 11:00 at night! and vowels, texting has its own language. And it’s
fun to use the symbols. There’s
Most users (64%) say texting a best-selling dictionary
is a good way to send (or “DXNRE”) for texting
romantic messages — it’s called Wan2tlk?
easier to say “I love you”
in a text message than in Some people say that texting
a phone call. Maybe that encourages bad punctuation
explains why more people and spelling. On the other
now use texting to send hand, more teens are writing
Valentine’s Day messages. than ever before. Now, that
has to be a good thing!

C Read the article in B again. Answer the questions.

1. What do people use texting for?
2. Why does texting need its own language? How is it different from “real English”?
3. What are some of the advantages of text messaging?
4. Why do some people think text messaging is bad?
Unit 10 Communication
2 Listening Text messaging
110Read these sentences about text messaging. Then listen to Ally, and check ( ) the
sentences she agrees with.

It’s convenient. It’s less embarrassing than talking on the phone in public.
It wastes time. It’s annoying. It makes phones “beep” a lot.
It’s fun. It’s quicker than a phone call.
It’s good for emergencies. It’s difficult. The symbols are hard to learn.

3 Writing The pros and cons

A Choose one of these ways of communicating. Make a list of its advantages and

e-mail regular mail instant messaging text messaging

Advantages of cell phones Disadvantages of cell phones

• Cell phones are useful. • They’re annoying.
• They’re convenient. • They ring during concerts
• You can make calls and movies.
from anywhere. • People talk in a loud voice.

B Now write a short article on your topic. Use your list in A

and the help note below to help you.

Document 1
Help note
The Pros and Cons of Cell Phones
Cell phones are very popular these days, especially with Writing an article
young people. Most people have them. • Write an introduction to the topic.
Cell phones are very useful. They are more convenient than • Write about the advantages.
regular phones because you can make calls from anywhere.
• Write about the disadvantages.
However, cell phones are also annoying. People often talk in However, . . . / On the other hand, . . .
a loud voice when they use them in public. Sometimes cell
phones ring during concerts and movies. • Write a conclusion, giving your views.
I think . . . / In my opinion, . . .
In my opinion, cell phones are very useful, but people
should be more polite when they use them in public.

Practice lesson D E-communication
1 What’s a blog?
A What is a blog? Check ( ) the answer. Then read the article.
a computer support Web site a weather information Web site an online diary about a particular topic

Do you have a blog? Do you know someone who does? every two weeks just to keep in touch with her friends about
Chances are you do. Blogging is one of the most popular her life.
forms of modern publishing.
People write blogs for other reasons, too. The Internet
A Web log – or “blog,” for short – is a kind of online diary that contains a lot of information, and it can be very helpful to find
features one person’s ideas and opinions. The entries are out which sites have
updated regularly, and they can be from a few sentences to more information
several paragraphs long. Blogs are usually about one main than others. Many
topic, such as politics, sports, or entertainment. The site often bloggers are people
has links to other interesting Web sites, as well as a place for who want to share
readers to post their own comments and feedback. information about
The first blogs were created in the 1990s to list the interesting useful Web sites.
sites people found on the Internet and comment on them. Other bloggers are
There weren’t many blogs because a computer expert had writers who want
to create them. However, this changed in 1999, when free people around the
blog-building software first became available. Suddenly, it world to read their
was easy to start a site. Between 2000 and 2001, the number personal ideas and
of blogs increased more than 600%. In 2005, there were opinions. People can publish their writing more quickly
more than 5 million blogs. on a blog than in a book or magazine. Moreover, they
are their own editor – they can publish whatever and
What kind of person has a blog? Interestingly, more women whenever they want.
than men have active blogs on the Internet. Less than half of
all bloggers are men. In addition, typical bloggers are young. Blogging is one of the fastest-growing forms of publishing,
More than 90% of bloggers are under 30 years old. In fact, and because every blogger can have instant readers,
the average blogger is a teenage girl who updates her site blogging is probably here to stay!

B Read the article in A again

again. Answer the questions

1. When and why did the first blogs appear?The first blogs appeared in the 1990s to share
information about interesting Web sites.
2. Why was there such a big increase in blogs after 1999?

3. Who is the average blogger? What does this person write about?

4. What are two reasons that people write blogs?

Unit 10 Communication
2 Pros and cons
A Read the article in 1A again. Then match each section to the correct paragraph.
a. On the other hand, blogging is not always a good way to build a reputation.
There are many millions of blogs on the Internet. A blogger doesn’t know
1. Introduction to the
topic of blogging if anyone is reading the blog until someone posts a comment.

b. Blogging is a popular form of e-communication. Many people write blogs, and even
2. Advantages
of blogging more people read them. There are both advantages and disadvantages to blogging.

c. I think that blogging is useful because it provides information to large numbers

3. Disadvantages
of readers.
of blogging

d. Blogs are helpful to Internet users because they help them find the Web sites that
4. Conclusion
are better than others. Blogs are also useful for writers because people all over
the world can read and comment on their writing.

B Write a short article on a form of e-communication. Include an introduction,

the advantages, the disadvantages, and a conclusion giving your opinion.

is very popular these days.

Unit 10 Progress chart

Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. To review, go back
= I know how to . . . = I need to review how to . . . to these pages.
Grammar 188 and 189
make comparisons with adjectives
use more, less, and fewer with nouns and verbs 193
Vocabulary 187 and 188
name at least 6 kinds of electronic communication
use at least 5 different phone expressions 192 and 193
strategies interrupt and restart conversations on the phone 196 and 197
use just to soften things I say 197
write an article including the advantages and disadvantages 201
of a topic and a conclusion with my views

DVD-ROM Quiz 10 203

Vocabulary notebook Phone talk Hold on!

People mostly say Hold on to leave a

Learning tip Learning expressions phone conversation for a moment.
One way to learn expressions is to make a note of the
situations when you can use them. Hold on.
Hang on.

Just a minute.
1 Match the expressions with the situations.
1. “I’m sorry. I have the wrong number.” b a. You can’t hear someone clearly.
2. “There’s no answer.” b. You call the wrong number by mistake.
3. “We have a bad connection.” c. You come back to a conversation after an interruption.
4. “The line is busy.” d. The phone rings and rings, but nobody answers it.
5. “Where were we?” e. The person you are calling is talking on the phone.

2 What expressions can you use in these situations when you are on the phone?
How many can you think of for each situation? Complete the chart.

You have problems getting hold of someone. You ask to speak to someone.

You have problems with the call while you’re talking. You say why you’re calling.

You ask if it’s a good time to talk. You restart the conversation.

You need to interrupt the conversation. You can’t talk now, but you can talk later.

On your own
Make a phrase book for different situations –
10VN .01
for example, making calls. Carry it with you,
and learn the phrases.

In Unit 11, you learn how to . . .
use have and have got to describe people.
use phrases with verb + -ing and prepositions to identify people.
talk about what people look like.
show that you’re trying to remember a word.

use You mean to help someone remember something.

1. Jennifer 2. Donald 3. Andrea 4. John 5. Erica 6. Bruce

Before you begin . . .

Match the pictures with the expressions. Write the numbers. Find someone who . . .

is short is young is thin has long hair has dark hair

is tall is old is heavy has short hair has blond hair

Lesson A
Family traits
1 Getting started
A Listen and read. Alice and Heather are meeting Heather’s sister at the airport.

Find Heather’s sister in the picture. Then practice the conversation.

Alice What does your twin sister look like, Heather Six foot three. I’m serious.
Heather? Do you look alike? I mean, Alice No kidding! So does she have curly black
are you identical twins? hair like you?
Heather No, we look totally different. Hayley’s a Heather No, she’s got straight blond hair and blue
lot taller than me. She takes after my dad. eyes. And she’s thinner than me, too.
Alice How tall is she? I mean, she’s really skinny.
Heather Six three. Alice She sounds like a model.
Alice Huh? . . . How tall is she? Heather Actually, she is a model!

it out B Write questions about Heather and Hayley. Use the conversation in A to help you.
1 A ? 2 A
2. ? 3.
3 A ?
B No, they don’t look alike. B Well, she’s tall and thin. B She’s six foot three.
Unit 11 Appearances
2 Grammar Describing people; have got
A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 21.

B 112 Listen and repeat. Notice the questions and answers with look like, have, be, and have got.
What does Hayley look like? Do Hayley and Heather look alike? have got = have
She’s tall and thin. No, they look totally different. Who’s got curly hair?
I do. I’ve got curly hair.
Who does she look like? What color is Hayley’s hair?
He’s got blond hair.
She looks like her father. It’s blond.
How tall is her father? Does she have curly hair? Who’s got = Who has got
He’s six (foot) seven (inches tall). No, she has straight hair. I’ve got = I have got
He’s two meters five. (No, she’s got straight hair.) He’s got = He has got

you C Answer the questions. Use your own information. Did you know . . . ?
1. How tall are you? Are you taller than the other people Don’t confuse these questions in conversation:
in your family? What’s she like? = What kind of person is
2. What color are your eyes? What color is your hair? she? What does she look like? = Can you
3. Who do you take after in your family? How are you alike? describe her?
4. What does your mother or father look like?
5. Who’s got very short hair in your family? Does anyone have very long hair?
6. Does anyone in your family look like someone famous?
7. Are any of your friends over six feet tall? How tall is your best friend?
8. Do you know any twins? Do they look alike?

1 I’m five ten. I’m taller than my dad – he’s five seven.

3 Speaking naturally Checking information

A DVD-ROM Watch Speaking naturally 11.

Asking for
A What’s his name? A How old is he? A What color is his hair?

B Joshua Murray. B Ninety-five. B White.

A What’s his name? A How old is he? A What color is his hair?

B Listen and repeat the questions and answers above. Notice how the stress

and intonation are different in the checking questions.

you C Write a conversation between you and a friend. Write information and checking
questions about your friend’s family. Then read the conversation out loud.

A What’s your sister’s name?

B Her name’s Sam.
A What’s her name?
B Sam. It’s short for Samantha.
A How tall is she?
Practice lesson A Family traits
1 What’s wrong?
Look at the pictures. Correct the three mistakes in each description.

1. Teresa is old. She’s a little heavy. She’s got long blond hair.
She looks a lot like Megan. She’s wearing a black sweater.
Teresa isn’t old. She’s young.

2. Megan is young. She’s very thin with long

curly hair. She looks a lot like Teresa. She’s
wearing a white sweater.

2 Do you look alike?

Complete the conversation. Write the questions. Use the answers to help you.

Kari Did you meet my brother Bob at the party last night?
He’s home for spring break.
1 Do you look alike?
Kari No, we look totally different.
David 2 ?
Kari Actually, he takes after my mom. I look like my dad, I guess.
David 3 ?
Kari He’s six four. He’s a lot taller than me.
David 4 ?
Kari No, he doesn’t. It’s very curly. But it’s blond like mine.
David 5 ?
Kari He’s got green eyes.
David 6 ?
Kari He’s 21. Hey, there’s Bob now! Let’s go say hi!

Unit 11 Appearances
3 A family portrait
Look at the picture. Answer the questions.

Kevin Joey Dick





1. Who does Karen take after, Sharon or Dick? She takes after Sharon.
2. Who’s got dark hair?
3. Who’s got straight hair?
4. Do Kevin and Joey look alike?
5. Who do Kevin and Joey take after?
6. Who’s got no hair?

4 About you
Answer the questions. Use your own information.

1. Are you taller or shorter than your parents?

I’m taller than my mother, but I’m shorter than my father.
2. Who does your father take after, his mother or his father? How?

3. Do you look more like your father or your mother? How?

4. How many people have dark hair in your family?

5. What famous person do you look like? In what way do you look alike?

Lesson B
1 Building vocabulary
A 114 Listen and repeat the sentences below. Then check ( ) the features you like.
Write your own sentences.

I like mustaches. I like muscular people.

1 2 3 4

He has a beard She has pierced ears. He has a shaved She wears braces.
and a mustache. head. He’s bald.

5 6 7 8

She has long He wears his hair She’s got freckles She wears her
fingernails. in a ponytail. on her nose. hair in cornrows.

9 10 11 12

She wears glasses. He’s very muscular. She wears braids. He’s got spiked hair.

B For each feature, think of someone you know, and write a sentence.
My boss has a beard and a mustache.
My mother has pierced ears.

Unit 11 Appearances
2 Building language
A Listen. Find Rosa’s roommate and Rosa’s brother in the

picture. Practice the conversation.

JasonSo, is your new roommate here?

RosaYeah, she’s right over there.
JasonOh, which one is she?
RosaShe’s the woman standing by the table.
JasonThe one with short hair?
RosaNo, the woman with the ponytail.
JasonOh, she looks nice. And who’s that guy
talking to her? He looks kind of weird.
Rosa You mean the guy in the yellow pants?
That’s my brother Jimmy.
it out B Complete these sentences about the picture.
1. Rosa’s the woman the curly hair.
2. Jason’s the guy next to Rosa.
3. Jimmy’s the guy the yellow pants.

3 Grammar Phrases with verb + -ing and prepositions

A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 22.

B 116 Listen and repeat. Notice how to identify people using verb + -ing or the prepositions below.

She’s the woman standing by the table. Which one is your roommate?
wearing (the) black pants. The woman with the long hair.
Who’s the guy talking to Rosa’s roommate?
She’s the one by the table. With the yellow pants? That’s her brother.
with the long hair. Who’s the guy in the blue shirt?
in the black shirt. Which one? The one with glasses? That’s Jason.

C Look at the people on page 205. Match the questions and answers.
1. Who’s the tall man in the striped shirt? a. She’s the short one wearing the skirt.
2. Who’s the woman standing next to Donald? b. With his hand in his pocket? That’s John.
3. Who’s the man in the suit? c. With the black pants? That’s Donald.
4. Who’s Erica? d. Wearing jeans? That’s Bruce.
5. Who’s the muscular guy in the sweater? e. The tall blond one? That’s Jennifer.
6. Which one is Andrea? f. The one with long hair talking to John.

4 Vocabulary notebook What do they look like?

See page 222.

Practice lesson B Features
1 What is it?
A Read the clues and write the features.
1. These can make a person’s teeth straight. braces
2. This grows on a man’s chin.

3. These are tiny braids close to a person’s head.

4. People wear these to help them see better.

5. These have tiny holes for wearing jewelry.

6. People who do weight training usually get this way.

7. These are little brown spots on a person’s face or body.

8. This grows under a man’s nose.

9. This is what we call a person with a shaved head.

10. Some women think these make their hands look pretty, and they
sometimes paint them red.

11. People with long hair often wear it in one of these to keep their hair
out of the way.

12. Young people sometimes like this style where the hair is short and
stands up.

B Answer the questions. Write your own answers.

1. Do you think men should have pierced ears? No, I don’t. I don’t think men should wear jewelry.
or I think it’s OK. Men wear rings and bracelets, so it’s OK to wear earrings, too.

2. Who did you know with freckles when you were young?

3. Did you ever wear braces on your teeth?

4. Which is better, being muscular or being thin? Why?

5. What are your two favorite ways to wear long hair?

6. Who do you know with a shaved head?

Unit 11 Appearances
2 Which one?
Look at the picture. Write a sentence about each student. Use the words given
and a descriptive phrase.

Kareem Anna


Luigi Kazu


1 A Which one is Lisa? (check)

B Lisa is the one in the black jeans checking her grades.
2 A Which one is Julio? (stand)
3 A Which one is Mei-ling? (listen)
4 A Who is Luigi? (write)
5 A What about Ivy, which one is she? (sit)
6 A So which guy is Kareem? (wear)
7 A Which one is Anna? (talk)
8 A Is Kazu here? Who is he? (read)
B 213
Lesson C
What’s his name?
1 Conversation strategy Trying to remember words
A These people are trying to remember something. Match their questions with the responses.
1. “My sister wears those tiny braids . . . what do you call them?” a. “David Beckham?”
2. “I saw that British soccer star at a café today. Uh . . . what’s his name?” b. “A sweatband?”
3. “For tennis, do you wear a – what do you call it – around your head?” c. “Cornrows?”

B 117 Now listen. What does Lori tell Jin Ho about their old classmate? Write the answer.

Lori Do you remember that cool guy in

our class last year? Oh, what’s his
name? You know . . . he always
wore those baggy pants with all the
pockets. What do you call them?
Jin Ho You mean cargo pants.
Lori Yeah. And he had long hair and a funny
little beard . . . what do you call that?
Jin Ho Do you mean a goatee? . . .
Oh, I know. You mean Max!
Lori That’s right, Max. Well, don’t look
now, but he’s sitting right behind
you. And he’s wearing a suit and
tie and everything.
Jin Ho A suit and tie? No way!
Lori Yeah, and he’s got short hair.
He looks different!

Notice how Lori uses expressions like What’s his / her name?
these when she can’t remember a name or What do you call it / them?
a word. Find examples in the conversation. What do you call that . . . / those . . . ?

C Practice the conversation in B. Then complete these conversations.

Use the expressions in the box above to help you.
1 A Do you remember when everyone wore those shoes –
– the ones with really thick soles?
B Oh, yeah. Platform shoes. I had some. They hurt my feet!
2 A Who was that musician, ? With his
hair in those long, twisted things, ?
B Oh, dreadlocks? You mean Bob Marley.

3 A That’s a really cool watch. Is it a – – an

underwater watch?
B Yeah. A diving watch.
214 DVD-ROM Interactive activities
Unit 11 Appearances
2 Strategy plus You mean . . .
You can say You mean . . .
or ask Do you mean . . . ? Do you mean
to check what someone is talking a goatee? . . .
about, or to suggest a word or name. Oh, I know. You
mean Max.

What words are these people trying to think of? Write the answer. Use You mean . . .
or Do you mean . . . ?

1 A I’m going to buy a pair of those baggy pants with lots of pockets.
B You mean cargo pants.
2 A My brother has long hair, and he wears it in a, uh . . .

3 A My friend has these cute little spots on her nose.

4 A When I was a kid, I wore those things on my teeth.


5 A What’s the word to describe a person with no hair?


6 A What do you call twins when they look exactly alike?


3 Listening and writing Celebrities

A Listen to Jan and Liz talk about photos of celebrities in a magazine. Who are

they talking about? Number the pictures 1 to 6.

Julia Roberts Penélope Cruz Lucy Liu Cameron Diaz Gwyneth Paltrow Nicole Kidman

B Write a conversation between you and a friend about celebrities. Use You mean . . .
and Do you mean . . . ?

A I really like that movie director from Taipei. His movies are very different.
B Oh, do you mean Ang Lee? Yeah, I love his films.

Practice lesson C What’s his name?
1 I can’t remember.
Complete the conversations. Use the questions in the box.

What’s his / her name?

What do you call it / them?
What do you call that thing / those things?

1 Katherine Hey, I got tickets to the big soccer game on Sunday.

Burak Cool. Who’s playing?
Katherine Well, it’s an all-star game. That really famous
Brazilian star is in it. 1 What’s his name?
Burak Do you mean Ronaldo?
Katherine Maybe. What does he look like?
Burak He’s got a bald head. . . . Well, not bald exactly. He
cuts all his hair off. 2
Katherine A shaved head. No, that’s not him.
Burak Maybe you’re thinking of Rivaldo. Rivaldo
Katherine I’m not sure. The player I like the most has
long hair, and he wears it in those long twisted
things. 3
Burak Oh, I know who you mean – Ronaldinho.
They’re called dreadlocks. But he doesn’t look
like that anymore.
Katherine Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Ronaldinho – no wonder I
can never remember his name!

2 Brittany Guess who I just saw at the airport! That singer, the
one with the great voice.

Ashley Sorry, that could be a lot of people. Can you give me

more information?
Brittany You know, she plays the piano and writes her own
Ashley Norah Jones?
Brittany No, not her. This singer sometimes wears her hair in
those little braids. 5
Ashley Do you mean cornrows?
Brittany Yeah, right. And sometimes she wears an earring that
looks like a, uh . . . 6
Ashley I don’t know what you call it. Anyway, you’re talking Alicia Keys
about Alicia Keys, right?
Unit 11 Appearances
2 Oh, you mean . . .
Complete the conversations. Use You mean . . . or Do you mean . . . ?
Then match the pictures with the conversations. a

1 A Who is that Mexican actress – the one who played b
Frida Kahlo in that movie?
B Oh, you mean Salma Hayek. d

2 A I really like those tennis players . . . what are their names? Yao Ming Black Eyed Peas
They’re sisters with the cool tennis outfits.
B c
3 A Do you want to go see that hip-hop band? You know, the
one with the female lead singer.

4 A My friend just loves that Chinese basketball player. You Johnny Depp
know – the really tall one.
Salma Hayek
B e

5 A I’m crazy about that actor – what’s his name? – the really
good-looking guy in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Venus and Serena Williams

3 Describe it.
Look at the pictures. Complete the descriptions without using the actual word(s).
Then respond with You mean . . . or Do you mean . . . ?

1. those shoes that make women look really tall .

1 A My sister loves to wear
B Do you mean high heels?

2 A My brother has that hair .

3 A I just bought some of those pants .

4 A My father has .

Lesson D
How we looked
1 Reading
A Make a list of words about hair and hairstyles.

spiked hair bleached hair bangs

B Read the article. Which hairstyles do you like? Make a list.

Unit 11 Appearances
C Read the article in B again. Are these sentences true or false? Check (✓) True or
False. Then correct the false sentences. True False
1. Before Elvis Presley, guys wore their hair in a pompadour.
2. In the ’60s, the Beatles had very short hair.
3. In the ’70s, curly hair and long hair were fashionable.
4. Everybody wore French braids in the ’80s.
5. In the ’90s, more people started to change the color of their hair.
6. Musicians and singers started some of the fashions in the last 50 years.

2 Listening Next year’s fashions

Listen to a fashion editor answer questions about the styles for next year.

Complete the chart.

For men For women

1. general look
2. clothes
3. accessories
4. hair

3 Writing This year’s “look”

A Answer the questions.
1. What clothes are in fashion today? 4. What jewelry and accessories are popular?
2. What are the “trendy” hairstyles? 5. What do you like about today’s “look”?
3. What makeup is everyone wearing? What don’t you like?

B Write a fashion article describing the current “look.” Use your notes in A.
Document 1
Help note
Suits and Ties for Everyone!
Suits and ties are the “in” thing for this
Describing new trends
season, and not just for men! It’s now Short hair is now in style or fashionable. Long hair
fashionable for women to wear colorful ties is out of style. Glasses are becoming popular. It’s
with their suits and pantsuits. . . . fashionable for women to wear . . .
Less formal expressions
Short hair is “in.” Long hair is “out.” Tattoos are the
“in” thing right now. They’re very trendy.

Practice lesson D How we looked
1 Image makeovers
A Look at the pictures. Match each picture with a year. Then read the article, and check
your answers.

1985 1990 1995 1996 2000

1 2 3 4 5

Image overhaul, again and again

Party girl, glamorous movie star, or conservative 1995, she even changed the color of her eyes to brown
mother of two? Madonna’s image has changed more for the film Evita.
times than we can count. Throughout her long career, After the birth of her first child, Lourdes, in 1996,
she has managed to stay ahead of everyone else and set Madonna had another makeover, taking on the new image
new style trends every step of the way. of a mother. Then Madonna married British film director
When she first started out as a club singer, she was Guy Ritchie and had her second child, Rocco, in 2000.
wearing funky lace dresses, black rubber bracelets, and During her “Drowned World” tour, her husband and
lots of necklaces. By 1985, she was so popular that many children traveled with her, and the changes in Madonna’s
young girls were copying her look. The news media lifestyle, as well as her appearance, became clear to
began to call these girls “Madonna Wannabes,” or girls everyone. She no longer went to parties after concerts
who “want to be” like Madonna. but went straight back to her hotel to spend time with her
In 1987, the singer began her “Who’s That Girl?” children. Gone was the wild girl of her early career. She
world tour. The new album and music videos showed a was now someone who placed family first. She once said,
radical transformation for the former party girl. She cut “Love is more important than fame, money, and being with
her long hair and dyed it blond, as she took on a more beautiful people.”
classic look. After more than 20 years of singing and acting,
Madonna continued to change her image as she Madonna is still one of the world’s most popular stars.
began to appear in movies. For the film Dick Tracy in Her fans are always amazed at how she can make so
1990, she became a glamorous blond movie star. In many changes and never go out of style.

B Read the article in A again. Then correct these sentences.

1. Madonna started out as a country singer.
2. In the ’80s, many older women copied Madonna’s style.
3. In 1987, Madonna started wearing rubber bracelets and changed her hair color.
4. Madonna dyed her hair for her role in Evita.
5. She adopted a mother image after her second child was born.

220 6. These days, fame and money are more important than her family.
Unit 11 Appearances
2 What’s “in”?
A Read the article. Replace the underlined words. Use the words in the box.
fashionable “in” in style “out” out of style popular the “in” thing trendy

Plan your new look!


B Write a short article about new fashion trends. Use the expressions in A.

Unit 11 Progress chart

Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. To review, go back
= I know how to . . . = I need to review how to . . . to these pages.
Grammar 206 and 207
use have got to describe people
use phrases with verb + -ing and prepositions to identify people 211
Vocabulary 210 and 211
name at least 14 expressions and adjectives to describe people
strategies show that I’m trying to remember a word 214 and 215
use You mean . . . and Do you mean . . . ? to help someone 215
remember something
use expressions to describe trends 219

DVD-ROM Quiz 11 221

Vocabulary notebook What do they look like?
Learning tip Writing true sentences
Use your new vocabulary in true sentences about you or people you know.

1 Look at the pictures. Match the sentences with the people.

1. He has short hair and green eyes. d 6. He’s short and a little heavy.
2. She has short hair. 7. She has freckles.
3. He’s bald, and he wears glasses. 8. She has long hair and big brown eyes.
4. She’s wearing earrings. 9. He’s tall and thin with blond hair.
5. She wears her hair in braids. 10. She has curly hair.
a b c d e

2 Write three sentences about each of these people. What do they look like?
1. a family member

2. a friend from work

3. a close friend

4. yourself

5. another person

On your own
Look at three different people this week.
You can be at home, in a store, on the bus,
at a restaurant – anywhere. What do they
look like? Think of how to describe them.
Then write sentences.

Looking ahead
In Unit 12, you learn how to . . .
use will, may, and might to talk about the future.
use if and when and the present tense to refer to the future.
talk about plans and organizing events.
use will to make offers and promises.

say All right and OK to agree to do something.

3 4

Before you begin . . .

Match the pictures with the expressions. Write the numbers.
2 travel to another country move to a new city

buy your own place get a new job

Which of these things do you think you are going to do in the next
five years?
Lesson A
What’s next?
1 Getting started
A 120 Listen and read. What plans does each person have for next year?

What are your plans for next year?

1 2 3

Christy Lewis Laura Chang Paul Reade

“Well, I’m graduating from “I’m not sure. I might look for a “Well, my friends are going to travel
college next June, so I guess I’ll better job. Before that, though, around Europe for two months.
look for a job. I know it won’t be I’m going to ask my boss for a I hope I’ll be able to go with
easy to find one – so I may go on promotion. But I probably won’t them. But it’ll be expensive, and
for a master’s degree. We’ll see.” get one, so . . .” I might not be able to afford it.”

4 5

Jim and Katie

“We’re going to
have a baby in
March, so both of
us will probably Joe Etta
take some time
off from work. I’m “I’m going to retire – I’ll be 65 in June –
sure the baby will and my wife’s already retired. So we’ll
keep us both very probably move to Florida in the fall, or
busy.” maybe Arizona. We won’t spend another
winter here – that’s for sure!”

it out B Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. Use the information in A to help you.
1. Christy is going to / may study for a master’s degree.
2. Laura thinks she’ll probably / she probably won’t get a promotion.
3. Paul might go / is going to Europe with his friends.
4. Jim and Katie are going to / might have a baby.
5. Joe and his wife will probably / are going to move to Florida.
Unit 12 Looking ahead
2 Grammar Future with will, may, and might
A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 23.

B 121 Listen and repeat. Notice the different ways to talk about the future.

You can use will to give facts or You can use may and might (or will*) to show you are
predictions about the future. not 100% sure about the future.
It’ll be expensive to travel around Europe. I may go on for a master’s degree.
The baby will keep us busy! I might not be able to afford it.
I’ll be 65 in June. We’ll probably take some time off from work.
It won’t be easy to find a job. Maybe we’ll move to Arizona.
I’ll = I will won’t = will not *Use will with expressions like I guess, I think, maybe, and probably.

Avoid will to talk about plans or decisions already made. Use the present continuous or going to.
I’m going to Europe next year. I’m going to visit Paris. (NOT I will go to Europe next year. I will visit Paris.)

you C Write your own answers. Use will, may, might, and going to.
1. What are you going to do at the end of this month?
2. Are you going to look for a (new) job this year?
3. Are you going to study for a degree or certificate?
4. Do you have plans to move to a new apartment?
5. Do you think you’ll be able to take a vacation next summer?
6. Are you going to travel abroad in the next couple of years?
7. Do you think you’ll live in another country someday?
8. Do you think you’ll ever be rich or famous? Why or why not?
9. What are your goals for the next five years?

1 I’m going to take a vacation. or

I’m not sure. I might look for a job.

3 Speaking naturally Reduction of will

A DVD-ROM Watch Speaking naturally 12.

your best friend will always be your friend? (friend’ll)

the teacher will be a millionaire someday? (teacher’ll)
Do you think your parents will ever move to another city? (parents’ll)
all your friends will have children? (friends’ll)
anyone in the class will be famous someday? (class’ll)

B 122 Listen and repeat the questions above. Practice the reduction of will to ’ll.

you C 123 Now listen again and answer the questions out loud.

Practice lesson A What’s next?
1 Things that go together
Complete the expressions. Use the words in the box.

a baby busy for a new job from college some time off
abroad for a master’s degree for a promotion rich and famous to another city

1. travel abroad 6. graduate

2. have 7. look
3. become 8. move
4. take 9. study
5. keep 10. ask

2 We might move!
Complete Rachel’s e-mail using the words and expressions given. Sometimes you have to
change the order of the words.

Hi Sarah!
Tomorrow my dad (going to / ask) for a promotion at work, so our
family (will / move / probably) to Peru next summer. If we do, we
(visit / will be able to) Machu Picchu and go to Lake Titicaca anytime
we want. I’m a little scared, though. I’m sure it (be easy / won’t)
to move to another country where the language is different. I can’t speak
Spanish, so I probably (make / won’t) new friends quickly. Also, my
brother (might not / come) with us. He’s studying for his master’s
degree, and I don’t think he (going to / take) time off from school.
I think I (going to / be) lonely at first. I hope all of us learn Spanish
before we leave!

Call me soon!


Unit 12 Looking ahead
3 Planning ahead
Write the words in the correct order to make statements. Then look at the pictures, and correct
the false statements.

1. She / going / look for a job / to / after graduation / is

She is going to look for a job after graduation.
She’s going to study for a master’s degree after graduation.

2. He / going / Mexico / is / to

3. California / They / to / move / will

4. wants to be / She / rich and famous

5. thinks / He / be an English teacher / he’ll / after graduation

6. later this year / They / travel abroad / will

Lesson B
1 Building vocabulary
A Listen and repeat. Do you know anyone with these jobs? Do you know anyone who

wants to have these jobs? Write true sentences about people you know.

My neighbor is a firefighter. He loves his job. My cousin wants to be a dentist.

firefighter sales representative doctor dentist



police officer


business executive

letter carrier electrician

computer specialist


B Complete the chart with jobs from A. Write your own answers. Then write sentences.

Who . . .
has an interesting job? has a rewarding job? has a difficult job? earns a lot of money?
journalists police officers

I think journalists have an interesting job. or

228 I guess police officers have a difficult job because it’s so dangerous.
Unit 12 Looking ahead
2 Building language
A 125 Listen. What is Beth’s problem? Practice the conversation.
Andrew I can’t believe we just have one more year of college!
Beth I know.
Andrew What are you going to do when you graduate?
Beth Well, I may go to law school if I get good grades next year.
Andrew Oh, I’m sure you will.
Beth Well, you never know. My parents will be disappointed
if I don’t go into law. They’re both lawyers.
Andrew Wow. That’s a lot of pressure.
Beth Yeah. And after I graduate, I’ll be able to work in their firm.
Andrew Uh-huh. Well, that’s good.
Beth Yeah, but I don’t really want to be a lawyer. . . . I want to be a journalist.
I guess I need to decide before I go home for the summer.
Andrew Well, good luck!

it out
B Complete these sentences about Beth. Use the conversation in A to help you
choose the correct verb form.
1. Beth may go to law school when she from college – if she good grades.
2. Beth needs to decide before she home for the summer.

3 Grammar Present tense verbs with future meaning

A DVD-ROM Watch Grammar 24.

B 126 Listen and repeat. Notice the use of the present tense verbs to talk about the future.

In complex sentences What are you going to do when you graduate?

about the future, use If I get good grades, I may go to law school.
the simple present My parents will be disappointed if I don’t go into law.
after if, when, after, After I graduate, I’ll be able to work in their firm.
and before. I need to decide before I go home for the summer.

C Circle the correct words. Then complete the sentences. Use your own information.
Then practice saying your sentences out loud.
1. When I finish / I’ll finish this exercise, I’m going to .
2. Before I go / I’ll go to bed tonight, I’ll probably .
3. Maybe I’ll next weekend if I have / I’ll have time.
4. When my English is / will be totally fluent, I hope I’ll be able to .
5. If I earn / I’ll earn a lot of money in the next 10 years, I may .
6. In the future, if I don’t / won’t have a good job, I might .
7. I hope I’ll be able to after I retire / I’ll retire.

4 Vocabulary notebook Writers, actors, and artists

See page 240.
Practice lesson B Jobs
1 What do they do?
Write the names of the jobs under the pictures.

1. assistant 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14.

15. 16. 17. 18.

Unit 12 Looking ahead
2 What are your plans?
Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of the verbs given.

1 Emily How’s your job going?

Beth All right, I guess. It’s just not very interesting. That’s why I 1 ’m taking night
(’m taking / ’ll take)
classes. After I 2 my degree next year, I 3 for a promotion.
(get / ’ll get) (probably may ask / ’ll probably ask)
Emily When you 4 a promotion, will you earn more money?
(get / won’t get)
Beth Sure. But I 5 any definite plans before I 6 my degree.
(don’t make / won’t make) (have / will have)
Emily Night school sounds like hard work.
Beth Yeah, it is, I guess. But next year at this time, I hope I 7 a manager.
(am / ’ll be)
When I 8 a manager, I can relax.
(’m / will be)

2 Adam What are you going to do after we 9

2. college?
(finish / will finish)
Neil I’m not sure. I 10 go to graduate school. How about you?
(will / may)
Adam Before I 11 any decisions, I think I 12 to my parents and ask
(make / will make) (talk / ’ll talk)
them for advice. If they 13 help me, I’ll start my own business.
(can / will be able to)
Neil Sounds good. When your business 14 successful, will you give me a job
(is / will be)
after I 15 ?
(graduate / will graduate)
Adam Sure. If you 16 nicely.
(ask / will ask)

3 About you
Complete the sentences. Use after, before, if, or when and your own information.

1. I’m sure my family will be really happy if I get a master’s degree .

2. I may study .
3. I hope I’ll be able to .
4. I might not get to .
5. I guess I won’t .
6. I’ll probably earn a lot of money .
7. I’ll be disappointed .

Lesson C
I’ll drive.
1 Conversation strategy Making offers and promises
A Reaad th
t e cco
e sa
t ion
ti n. Ci
Ci rc
le t he
le he ttwo
wo o
ff ers.
er s.
A Leet’
t’s ha
have din
have inne
nerr at my plplac
e. I’l
’lll or
derr a pi
OK. I’I ll bbri
ng som
o e sos da
A OKK. Can
Can yo youu bu
buyy po
to ssal
ad,, to

B Now
ow l is
127 i te
en. W hat do
d ess Eve offer to do
ow about Ma
k? WrWrit
e th
e an
a sw
werrs. Eve I’m really looking forward to
the picnic tomorrow.
Mark Me too. . . . Uh, do you want me
to drive this time?
Eve No, I’ll drive. I won’t drive too
fast! I promise. I can’t afford
another speeding ticket.
Mark All right. But will you remember
to put gas in the car before
we go?
Eve Of course I will. We only ran out
of gas that one time!
Mark OK. So, I’ll buy some sandwiches
and potato salad and stuff. Could
you bring your beach chairs?
Eve All right. And . . . I’ll bring my
beach umbrella.
Mark Great. And if you want, I’ll call
you in the morning and remind
you about the gas.

Notice howw EEvve

ve and Mar
arkk us
u e I’’ll
ll and I w n’t to mak
woon’ ake
ke “I’ll drive.” (an offer)
offfeers and proomi
s Finnd ex
s. exaaam
pless in thhe co
onn. “I won’t drive too fast!” (a promise)

C Practice the conversation in B. Then match one friend’s comments with the other friend’s
offers and promises.
1. How are we going to get there? I can’t drive. d a. I will. I’ll make some chicken sandwiches.
2. Do we have to leave early? I might oversleep. b. Don’t worry. I’ll plan a short walk if you want.
3. I’m not sure I have the right kind of boots. c. Yes. I won’t forget. I promise!
4. Will you remember to bring a map this time? d. That’s OK. I can. I’ll borrow my parents’ car.
5. Who’s going to bring the food? e. I have an extra pair in your size. I’ll bring them.
6. Are we going to hike all day? I’m not in shape. f. If you want, I’ll call you when I wake up.

232 DVD-ROM Interactive activities

Unit 12 Looking ahead
2 Strategy plus All right and OK
You can use All right Could you bring your
or OK
K when you beach chairs? All right.
agree to something.
OK. Did you know . . . ?

OK is about six times more

frequent than All right in

All right.

Answer the questions. Use All right or OK, and make an offer with I’ll. Then practice
the conversations.

1 A Could you take a look at my computer today? I think it has a virus.
B All right. I’ll stop by your desk after lunch. .
2 A Can you call me sometime this weekend? I need to ask a favor.
B .
3 A I want to buy a digital camera. Can you help me choose one?
B .
4 A I’m going to paint my apartment next weekend. Could you
help me?
B .

3 Listening and writing Promises, promises

A 128 Listen to Mike and Jill organizing a class reunion. What does each of them say
they’ll do? Complete the sentences.

1. Jill says she’ll or everyone.

2. She promises she’ll remember to bring .
3. She says she’ll online and pay .
4. Mike says he’ll .
5. He says he’ll try not to .
6. He promises he won’t forget to bring his and his .

B Make a list of things to do when you plan a party. Then write a conversation between you
and a friend about party plans.

A We should reserve a party room at a restaurant.

B OK, I’ll call and do that. Which restaurant?

Practice lesson C I’ll drive.
1 Promises, promises
A Complete the conversations. Use the responses in the box.
I’ll make the salad. If you want, I’ll call and remind you.
I won’t forget. I’ll wake up on my own.
I won’t be late. I’ll call you at 5:30, just in case.
I won’t oversleep. I’ll let you borrow one of them.

1. Liam Hey, Elaine! We’re having a class dinner this
Saturday. Can you bring something?
Elaine Sure. 1 I’ll make the salad.
Liam Great! But don’t forget the dressing like last time.
Elaine At least, I hope not.
Liam 3
Elaine Yeah, that might be good. Thanks.

2 Jerry Remember to set your alarm clock tonight.
We’re leaving at 6:00.
Kevin Uh, I don’t have an alarm, but it’s all right.
I promise.
Jerry I don’t know. You might oversleep.
Kevin Don’t worry. 5
Jerry You know, I have two alarm clocks.

Kevin It’s OK. 7 Really.

Jerry 8
Kevin Maybe I should just stay at your place
tonight. That way you won’t worry!

B Complete the conversations. Use will or won’t and the words given.
1 A Will you remember to call the plumber this afternoon?
B Yes. I won’t forget. (not forget)
2 A Oh, no! I forgot my cell phone. I have to call my brother for a ride home.
B Don’t worry. (drive)
3 A I’m so hungry, and I left my lunch at home.
B That’s OK. (lend some money)
4 A I don’t know what kind of computer to buy.
B If you want, (help).
5 A Who’s going to take care of the children while I go grocery shopping?
B (do), but I have to leave by 4:00.
6 A I don’t want to ride with you because you’re never on time!
B Don’t worry. (not be late)
Unit 12 Looking ahead
2 A surprise party
Complete the conversation. Use the responses in the box.

OK. I can take them to the post office on my way to work.

All right. I’ll make a chocolate one.
OK, I guess. But how can you be tired? You didn’t do anything.
Uh . . . all right. I’ll pick her up on my way home. Anything else?
OK, no problem. I have plenty of space.
All right. I know the perfect thing to buy!

Nicole Can we have Lynn’s surprise party at your place? Mine’s too small.
Tara 1 OK, no problem. I have plenty of space.
Nicole And I’m a terrible baker. Could you make the cake?
Tara 2
Nicole Could you also mail the invitations for me?
Tara 3
Nicole And while you’re doing that, would you mind getting Lynn a gift?
Tara 4
Nicole Oh, and can you bring Lynn to the party that night?
Tara 5
Nicole Yeah, just one more thing. I need a nap. Can you wake me up in an hour?

3 A busy weekend
Complete the conversations. Respond to the requests. Then make an offer using your own ideas.

1. Could you make your special chicken recipe for us? All right. I’ll make a salad, too.

2. Can you help me pick out some music?

3. Could you pick me up on Saturday morning?

4. Can you help me do the shopping?

5. Could you help me pack my stuff?

Lesson D
In the future . . .
1 Reading
A What will life be like in the future? Will it be better or worse for most people?
Write three ideas.

I think life will be better. People will be healthier, and we’ll have better medicine.

B Read the article. Are any of your ideas in A mentioned? Check (✓) them.

Unit 12 Looking ahead
C Read the article in B again. What ideas does the article mention?
Check ( ) the correct boxes.
1. People will get taller, but they’ll also be fatter.
2. People will probably use ultrasound to lose weight.
3. Everyday items will connect to the Internet.
4. Computers in our refrigerators will choose our food for us.
5. Fewer people will work in an office.
6. By 2030, there will be more car accidents.
7. Computers will become smarter than human beings.

D Read the ideas in C. Will they make our lives better or worse? Write your own answers.
1 Our lives will be worse if we get fatter. We’ll have more health problems. We’ll need more doctors to
take care of us.

2 Listening and writing I can’t wait!

A Listen to Sue and Bob discussing these predictions from the article. Who

says each prediction is a good idea? Check ( ) Sue or Bob.

Prediction Who says it’s a good idea? Why is it a good idea?

Sue Bob
1. a “smart” refrigerator
2. a videophone
3. a self-driving car
4. a computer chip in the brain

B 130 Listen again. Write one reason why Sue or Bob thinks it’s a good idea.

C Write a short article about one of the predictions. Will it make our lives better or worse?
Why? Give three or four reasons.

Document 1
Help note
“Smart” Refrigerators
Scientists predict that people will have “smart” refrigerators in the Listing ideas
future. Scanners will read bar codes on food and . . . .
I think this will make our lives better. First, you won’t need to go First, you won’t need to . . .
grocery shopping anymore, so . . . . Second, you’ll never come home Second, you’ll never . . .
and find an empty refrigerator. . . . Next, scanners will tell you if the Next, scanners will . . .
food is bad, so you won’t get sick. . . . Finally, you’ll be able to . . . Finally, you’ll be able to . . .

Practice lesson D In the future . . .
1 Travel planning
A Read the article. Then circle the best title.
Travel Now

Travel planning is changing; there are now frequent-flyer miles, bonus points, e-tickets,
and flexible-date searches. More and more people make their own reservations on the
Internet today, and in the future there will probably be fewer traditional travel agents.
Big airlines and hotels are also encouraging people to make reservations for their trips online.
Many offer discounts to people when they make the reservations directly with them. Companies
also save a lot of money if people book online because they don’t have to employ as many people.
The number of Customer loyalty programs, such as frequent-
flyer programs, is also growing. People who use the same airline
every time they travel get points or “miles.” They can then use
these points to get money off future trips. If customers buy
e-tickets online, they get even more points!
However, more than 60% of people who use the Internet to
find a vacation still buy their ticket through a travel agent. This
is because some people prefer to buy a paper ticket from a real
person than an “e-ticket.” But most experts agree that booking
“do-it-yourself” vacations will be more popular in the future, and
the way we plan our travel could change in a variety of ways.
First, flexible-date searches allow travelers to choose when they travel, depending on the price of the
trip. This could mean more people organizing last-minute vacations, as people with flexible schedules
are able to save money. Second, people will be able to design their own tours. They can also make
their plans available online to other travelers who might like to go on the tour too.
Next, since Web sites are cheap to run, more people will be able to start their own specialized online
“agency.” Finally, with all the choices and information available online, people will be able to make
better decisions about when and where they go on vacation.
Although there are now fewer traditional travel agents, some people will always want to sit down
with a real person and plan their trips. Many experts believe that the future of travel is about giving
customers more choices and making things cheaper too!

B Read the article in A again. Write four ways that the Internet will affect travel planning.
238 4.
Unit 12 Looking ahead
2 Life in the future
A Read the paragraph. Add First, Second, Next, and Finally to the paragraph to list the

Twenty years from now, I think Tokyo will be the ideal place to live. I think the public
transportation system will be the best in the world. It will go everywhere, so people won’t need

to drive cars. There won’t be any traffic jams or parking problems. There will be more space for

trees and parks. When there are more trees, the air will be clean and fresh. People in Tokyo will

be healthy and live long, happy lives. I think Tokyo will be an example for all cities.

B Write a short article about one of these topics. Use First, Second, Next, and Finally to list
examples within the article.

• The ideal city of the future • Everyday life in the future

• Health in the future • The environment in the future

Unit 12 Progress chart

Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. To review, go back
= I know how to . . . = I need to review how to . . . to these pages.
Grammar 224 and 225
use will, may, and might to talk about the future
use the present continuous and going to for the future 224 and 225
use the simple present in clauses with if, when, after, and before 229
to refer to the future
Vocabulary 224 and 225
name at least 8 new expressions for work, study, or life plans
name at least 15 different occupations 228 and 229
strategies use will to make offers and promises 232 and 233
use All right and OK to agree to do something 233
use First, Second, Next, and Finally to list ideas 237

DVD-ROM Quiz 12 239

Vocabulary notebook Writers, actors, and artists
Learning tip Grouping vocabulary
Write new vocabulary in groups. You can group words by their endings Talk about jobs
or by their meanings. You can group expressions by different topic areas.
The jobs people mention most
in conversation are lawyer,
teacher, and doctor.
1 Look at these jobs. Group them by their endings. How many other
jobs can you add to each list?

actor journalist dentist electrician letter carrier architect

artist musician writer paramedic travel agent librarian
nurse police officer doctor receptionist firefighter assistant

-er / -or -ant / -ent -ist -ian other


2 Think of expressions for these different topics, and add a topic of your own.
How many expressions can you think of for each one?

Work Home and family Education

get a promotion have a baby take an exam

On your own
Make a list of 20 people you know. What jobs
do they do? Write their jobs in English. How many
new words do you learn?

Video What’s the Plan? Episode 4: Act 1
Before you watch
A Label the pictures with the words in the box.

answering machine cell phone instant message

e-mail regular mail text message

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

B Complete the conversation. Use the sentences in the box.

Don Could I speak to Jane, please?
Jane This is Jane. Can you hold on a second?
Don Oh, hi, Jane. 2 ✓ Could I speak to Jane, please?
Jane Don! How are you? Did you get my message?
Don I’m fine. 3 This is Don.
Jane What message? No, I guess I didn’t. What were you saying?
Don Well, I wanted to invite you . . .
Jane Oh, sorry, Don. I have another call.

Don Sure.
Jane I’m sorry. 5
Don Well, I was just calling to invite you to lunch!

While you watch
A Who does these things? Check ( ) Gio, Liz, Matt, or Yoko.
Who . . . Gio Liz Matt Yoko
1. can’t understand a message?
2. sends an IM (instant message) to Liz?
3. calls Liz on her cell phone?
4. promises to call someone back?
5. calls Liz on her home phone?
6. left a message on the answering machine?
7. calls Liz back?

B Circle a or b.

1. Yoko is in . 5. Matt has a for Liz.

a. Japan b. California a. job b. gift
2. Yoko has . 6. They need to meet .
a. a cold b. jet lag a. tonight b. in two days
3. Gio tells Liz to say to Yoko. 7. Gio wants to have with Liz.
a. good luck b. hi a. lunch b. dinner
4. Liz met Matt weeks ago. 8. Liz is going to send soon.
a. a few b. two a. an invitation b. a letter

C Number the parts of the conversation. Then underline expressions that interrupt a conversation.
a. Gio I bet. Say hi for me.
Liz I will. . . . Anyway, what’s up?
b. 1 Liz Oh, um . . . my cell is ringing. Hold on a sec. . . . Hello?
Gio Hi, Liz. It’s Gio!
Liz Gio! Hi. Guess what? I’m chatting with Yoko online.
c. Liz Um, actually, can I call you back?
Gio Sure.
Liz Just a second, Yoko!
d. Gio Really? How is she?
Liz Good. She’s a little tired, though.
e. Gio Well, I was calling to ask . . .
Liz Oh! Hey, Gio. I’m sorry. Can you hold on a second? I have a call on my other phone.
Video What’s the Plan? Episode 4: Act 2
Before you watch
A Unscramble the letters. The first letter of each word is given for you. Write the words.
1. The concert costs $50? That’s very expensive ! (XEESVIPNE)
2. The test was very e . I’m sure I got an “A.” (SAYE)
3. That train is really f . It only took 20 minutes to get here. (TSAF)
4. I want to be e for the concert. It starts at 7:00, so let’s arrive at 6:15. (YELAR)
5. The bus is really c for me; there’s a bus stop near
my apartment. (NNTVOCEIEN)

B Underline the adjective and circle the comparative adjective form in

each sentence.
1. Kate is a good singer, but Liz is better.
2. Let’s drive to the concert. My car is fast. It’s faster than the bus.
3. My history class is easy. It’s easier than my Italian class.
4. I can come early – around 6:00. Or should I come earlier than that?
5. The concert on Thursday is expensive, but the concert on Saturday is more expensive.
6. The bus is convenient, but the train is more convenient.

C Match the sentences with the responses.

1. I’m looking forward to Sara’s party. e a. Definitely. It’s her birthday!

2. What time are you going? b. Uh, how about some chocolates?
3. I’ll drive if you want. c. Oh, around 8:00.
4. Should we bring something? d. No, that’s OK. I’ll pick you up.
5. I’ll pick up a present. What should we get? e. Me too. It’s going to be fun.

While you watch
A Circle a or b. Circle c. don’t know if the answer isn’t mentioned. Then check (✓) Alex
or Gio.
1. The concert is on .
a. Friday b. Saturday c. don’t know
2. Alex is .
a. driving b. taking the bus c. don’t know
3. Gio thinks $30 is .
a. a good deal b. expensive c. don’t know
4. Gio has to go because he’s .
a. meeting Yoko b. seeing a movie c. don’t know
5. They are getting Liz .
a. a card b. flowers c. don’t know
6. Liz forgot her .
a. shoes b. music c. don’t know
7. Alex finds the .
a. tickets b. keys c. don’t know
8. Gio arrives at Alex’s apartment .
a. early b. late c. don’t know

Who . . . Alex Gio

1. offers to drive to the club?
2. promises to be on time?
3. offers to get the flowers?
4. promises to bring Liz her shoes?

B Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Gio and Alex will pay more / less than $15 to get in to the concert.
2. If Gio meets Alex around 7:00 / 7:30, they will be on time for the concert.
3. If they don’t arrive 15 / 30 minutes before the show, they could lose their seats.
4. Gio / Alex has a better idea for a present for Liz.
5. If Liz leaves the club to get her shoes, she will / won’t get back in time.
6. Liz is dressing up more / less than she usually does.
7. In the end, Alex tells Gio to come in / wait.

Video What’s the Plan? Episode 4: Act 3
Before you watch
A Look at the picture. Which person does the sentence describe? Write the answer.

Mike Patrick Susan


1. The short woman with dark curly hair Alice

2. The tall guy talking to Alice, with his hair in a ponytail
3. The woman in the black jacket, sitting down
4. The bald guy with glasses
5. The woman with blond hair wearing a suit
6. The muscular guy by the table, with spiked hair

B Match the questions with the answers.

1. What are you going to do when you graduate? e a. Actually, he may stop working
2. Do you have plans for this evening? this year.
3. Is your friend going to come to the party? b. I think it might.
4. Do you think it’ll rain tomorrow? c. I’m not sure. I’ll stay if I get
5. Are you planning to stay in your job long? a promotion.
6. When is your father planning to retire? d. No, I don’t. I’m tired. I’ll probably
just go home.
e. Oh, I’m staying in school! I’m going
to graduate school.
f. Yeah, she probably will.
What about you?

While you watch
A Match the sentences with the pictures.
a. These are for you – from us. d. More flowers! Thank you!
b. This song is for all my friends. e. I’m working all the time, but it’s good.
c. I’m just a little bored. f. We’re going to take a break, and we’ll be right back.

1. f 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

B Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Tom is the 1 big / muscular guy with 2 glasses / the goatee wearing the 3 suit / tie.
He 4 owns / works in the club.

2. Matt is the one wearing the 5 blue / black shirt. He has 6 straight / long blond hair.

3. The woman 7 standing by / sitting at the table looks a lot like Yoko, but
Yoko’s 8 shorter / taller and she 9 wears / doesn’t wear glasses.

Checkpoint Units 10–12
1 Who’s who?
A Complete the sentences. Use comparatives in sentences 1 to 4. Use prepositions in
sentences 5 and 6.

Jane Sonia

1. Jane is shorter and than Sonia.

2. Sonia’s hair is and than Jane’s.
3. They’ve both got freckles, but Jane has freckles.
4. Sonia is wearing jewelry.
5. Jane’s the one the black T-shirt, and Sonia’s the one the yellow blouse.
6. Sonia’s the one the spiked hair, and Jane’s the one the ponytail.

B Read the sentences in A. Write the sentences a different way.

1 Sonia is taller and heavier than Jane.

2 Can you guess what I mean?

A Complete the chart.

Describing faces Describing hairstyles Ways of communicating Jobs

have freckles have a ponytail send a text message electrician

B Look at the chart in A. Write true sentences with the words and expressions.
My friend has a lot of freckles.
I don’t send a lot of text messages.


3 Can you complete this conversation?

Complete the conversation. Use the words and expressions in the box. Use capital letters where

I’ve got what do you call it all right you mean just what was I saying hold on a second I’ll
this is have a bad connection wearing let’s see with where were we I’ll call you back

Greg Greg Waters.

Kenji Hello, Greg. 1 This is Kenji from the office in Tokyo. I was
calling to ask . . . What time are you arriving tomorrow?
Greg Well, I have my ticket here. 3 , I arrive at, uh, 3:30.
Kenji OK, 4 come to the airport to meet you.
Oh, 5 – I’ve got another call.
Greg ....
Kenji Hi. Sorry about that. So, 7 ? Oh, yes, I’ll meet you.
So, how will I recognize you?
Greg Well, I’m tall and 8 blond hair and –
Kenji Sorry, Greg, I can’t hear you. It seems we 9 .
Greg OK. Listen, ....
Kenji Hi. That’s better. So, 11 ?
Greg I was describing myself. So, uh, I’ll be the blond guy
sunglasses, 13 a USA T-shirt.
Kenji Uh, OK. Maybe I should wear a – ? A thing
with my name on it so you can find me?
Greg a badge. Good idea!

4 Future plans and dreams

Circle the correct words. Then complete the sentences. Use your
own information.
How sure are you about these areas?
1. When I’ll get / I get home tonight, I’m going to , Circle the percentages.
and I might , but I probably won’t . grammar
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
2. If you’ll want / you want help with your homework this weekend, 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
I’ll help / I help you. I’m not on Saturday, but I conversation strategies
may on Sunday. 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

3. I promise I’ll buy / I buy all my friends dinner if I’ll win / I win Study plan
the lottery this year. I’ll also , and I might What do you want to review?
, too. Circle the lessons.
10A 10B 11A 11B 12A 12B
4. If I ever will become / become famous, I won’t / don’t change.
I’ll still be / I’m still myself, and I won’t .
10A 10B 11A 11B 12A 12B
conversation strategies
248 DVD-ROM Progress check 2 10C 11C 12C

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