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Prior Knowledge ● have been reading the book for quite some time now

● have sufficient knowledge of the content of the book

Lesson Students will be able to … come up with their own discussion
Objective(s) questions to pose to the rest of the class.
Students will be able to … critically think about the questions that are
posed and thoughtfully respond.
Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.11-12.1.C
Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that
probe reasoning and evidence; ensure a hearing for a full range of
positions on a topic or issue; clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and
conclusions; and promote divergent and creative perspectives.
Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying
a clear and distinct perspective, such that listeners can follow the
line of reasoning, alternative or opposing perspectives are
addressed, and the organization, development, substance, and
style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and a range of formal
and informal tasks.
Assessments Discussion Participation
Academic/Social/ ● The document linked has the scores for each student
Linguistic ● IEP accommodations:
○ C - prepare student beforehand for a participation
based assignment. Address class as a whole to
encourage students who have not spoken yet to speak
● ELL accommodations:
○ N, B, K, G - low reading WIDA scores - none
○ B, K - low writing WIDA scores - check over students’
shoulders when they are writing discussion questions
to see if they are understanding the assignment
○ K - low speaking WIDA scores - give student the
opportunity to answer discussion questions one-on-
one with me another time.
○ J - low listening WIDA score - restate directions as
students are thinking of discussion questions

Time Learning Task Methods or Procedures

2 mins settle in Get into your seats and ready for class
20-25 Reading Start reading section 4 and taking notes in your
mins individual reading packet.

Your quiz for this section (40 pages of reading) will

be on Thursday.
4 mins transition Use this time to get students to close their
computers and explain the following activity.

We will have a snowball discussion. Each of you will

write down 2 discussion questions on seperate
sheets of paper, crumble them up and throw them
into the middle of the room. I will gather them up
and read them to the class. You all will answer them
as if you are just having a discussion with a friend.

WRITE YOUR NAME on your question, I will ask the

questions and make note of the people that talk
during the class discussion. This is a graded activity,
the more you talk, the more points you get. If there
is one person talking too much, then invite other
people into the conversation.

What makes a good discussion question? This

should be a question that creates conversation, not
just a yes or no question. You should have to explain
your reasoning behind your opinion.

Example: (think of your #9 questions yesterday

during the quiz, these are discussion questions) It
does not have to be a QUESTION per say, but asking
to explain something. Something that will bring a lot
of opinions into consideration.
“Are there any similarities between Dana and Alice?
How do you see Rufus treating Dana and Alice - does
he treat them similarly and differently? Explain your
5 mins Discussion Questions - thinking/writing Write down your two discussion questions on the
two pieces of paper that you were given. Once you
have done this, wait for further instruction.
3 mins Toss your questions Everyone get up out of your seat and make a large
circle around the room, take your 2 pieces of paper
with you.
Crumble up your questions separately and toss
them into the center of the room.
I will walk into the center and gather the pieces of
paper and take them out of the circle with me.
20-25 Discussion I will ask the questions from the pieces of paper and
mins students will answer them.

Note to self: Stay out of the circle and encourage

students to speak as though they are just talking to
one another. Only speak up when asking the
questions and if there are many moments of silence.
Encourage students to speak who have not already.
All of the questions will eventually be asked after a
couple of class periods of doing this.

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