Answer in Your Notebook Each Question and Make A Drawing To Illustrate It
Answer in Your Notebook Each Question and Make A Drawing To Illustrate It
Answer in Your Notebook Each Question and Make A Drawing To Illustrate It
2. What was the caste system and how did it affect life in South
It is a social system in which personal status is awarded for life,
therefore in caste-organized societies the different strata are closed
and the individual must remain in the social stratum in which he was
The characteristics that differentiate the different social strata are: race,
religion, etc. that he accidentally acquires at birth and with which he
cannot change.
Caste societies can be seen as a class society in which social class is
acquired at birth. Caste systems reject close relationships with
members of other castes.
This "purity" of castes is usually maintained by inbreeding rule,
marriage must be between people of the same social group.
3. Why was the literary legacy of the Aryan civilization
The language of the epic texts Majábharata and Ramaiana, and the
classic Sanskrit described by the grammarian Pánini - after 400 a. C. -
it is considered a different language from Vedic Sanskrit.
Historical records only exist after the end of the Vedic period, and they
were very scarce throughout the Middle Ages in India. The end of
Vedic India was marked by cultural, linguistic and political changes.
4. What is Hinduism?