Characterization of Nanofiltration Membranes With PDF
Characterization of Nanofiltration Membranes With PDF
Characterization of Nanofiltration Membranes With PDF
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Z. Kovács ∗, W. Samhaber
Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz,
Welser Straße 42, A-4060 Leonding, Austria.
∗ Corresponding author.
Email address: (Z. Kovács).
molecule, and thus, it gives only a rough estimation of the membrane’s ability
to remove dissolved uncharged components.
driving force [9].
2 Theory
σ 1 − exp Jv
R= , (1)
1 − σ exp Jv
where the two membrane parameters are the reflection coefficient σ and the
solute permeability coefficient Ps .
R = 1 − cp /cr , (2)
2.2 Models of hindered transport
The modelling of solute transport through the membrane is based on the ex-
tended Nernst–Planck equation accounting for diffusion, convection and elec-
tromigration. For uncharged species, when electrostatic effects are negligible,
the transport equation for the molar solute flux js is given as the sum of the
diffusive and the convective terms as follows
js = Kc cV − Dp , (3)
Dp = K d D∞ . (4)
Kc = (2 − Φ) 1 + 0.054λ − 0.988λ2 + 0.441λ3 , (5)
2 3
Kd = 1 − 2.30λ + 1.154λ + 0.224λ , (6)
Φ = (1 − λ)2 . (7)
The model assumes a fully developed solute velocity inside the pores and as-
sumes a Hagen-Poiseuille type parabolic profile. The solvent velocity in cylin-
drical pores with constant circular cross-sections can be obtained from the
Hagen-Poiseuille law:
where x/Ak is the ratio of effective membrane thickness to membrane porosity,
ηp is the solvent viscosity in the pore, ∆P is the applied pressure, and ∆π is
the osmotic pressure difference across the pore.
The bulk solvent properties can significantly differ from the properties of thin
liquid layers present in narrow pores. In a recent study of Bowen et al. [11],
the ratio of bulk solvent viscosity η0 and pore viscosity ηp was expressed as a
function of pore size rp in the following form:
= 1 + 18 (d/rp ) − 9 (d/rp )2 , (9)
Eq.(8) can be introduced into Eq(3), and since the solute flux can be rewritten
as js = cp V , the integration of the concentration gradient across the membrane
thickness yields:
Kc Φ
R=1− , (10)
1 − (1 − Kc Φ) exp (−P em )
Kc V ∆x
P em = , (11)
Kd Dp Ak
Rlim = 1 − Kc Φ. (12)
A similar approach to Bowen et al. [7] was used by Nakao et al. [12] to develop
the steric-hindrance pore (SHP) model, which was later applied by Wang et
al. [13] to predict the separation performance of NF membranes. In the SHP
model, the phenomenological coefficient σ obtained from the Spiegler–Kedem
analysis is linked to the membrane morphological parameter λ as follows:
h i
σ = 1 − 1 + λ2 (1 − λ)2 2 − (1 − λ)2 (13)
Note that as far as neutral solutes are considered, Eq.(13) only differ from
Eq.(12) in the analytical expressions for Kc and Kd described in Eqs. (5).
More detailed description of the SHP model can be found in other studies
It should be pointed out that these models assume a spherical solute transport
in paralel cylindrical membrane pores with identical and constant circular
cross-sections. Pore size distribution is not considered in this paper.
Several measures of the molecular size are known such as the Stokes radius, the
diameter derived from the hydrodynamic volume or from molar volume, the
effective diameter, and the molecular width [15]. Among them, the effective
diameter was found by Van der Bruggen et al. [16] to be the most suitable for
describing filtration phenomena, as it reflects the projection of the molecule
on the membrane. An empirical correlation between the effective radius rE
and the molecular weight Mw was determined as follows [15]:
rE = 0.0325(Mw)0.438 . (14)
The Stokes radius rS for the uncharged molecules at a given molecular weight
Mw can be determined by using the following empirical relation given by
Bowan et. al. [17]:
Finally, the relation between the diffusivity and molecular size can be calcu-
lated with the Stokes–Einstein equation:
D∞ = . (16)
6rS πη
3 Experimental
Table 1
Membrane specifications given by the manufacturers
Name DK GE (G-5) GH (G-10) NP030 NP010
Manufacturer GE W&P Technologies Microdyn-Nadir
Material of sepa- proprietary permanently hydrophilic PES
ration layer
Retention of un- 150-300 1 1000 2 2500 2 70–90 3 25-45 3
charged solutes
Pure water flux 5.5 ± 25% 1.2 ± 25% 3.2 ± 25% 1–1.8 5–10
[L/h/m2 /bar]
Classification NF UF UF NF NF
1 MWCO [Da] characterized on glucose and sucrose
3 Lactose rejecton [%] (test conditions: 4% solution, 40 bar, stirred cell (700 rpm), 20 o C)
Table 2
Molecular weights, effective and Stokes radii, and diffusivities of neutral solutes in
aqueous solutions at 25 o C.
Solute Mw [g/mol] rE 1 [nm] rS 2 [nm] D∞ 3 [10−9 m2 /s]
n–Butanol 74.1 0.21 0.24 1.03
D–Ribose 150.1 0.29 0.33 0.74
D–Glucose 180.2 0.32 0.36 0.68
D–Lactose Monohydrate 360.3 0.43 0.49 0.50
Polyethylene glycol 570–630 0.54 0.62 0.39
Dextran ≈ 900 0.64 0.75 0.33
1 calculated with Eq.(14); 2 calculated with Eq.(15); 3 calculated with Eq.(16)
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the lab-scale membrane system
and a stopwatch. Concentrations of solutes were determined by total organic
carbon analyzer (TOC 500, Shimadzu). All experiments were carried out at
25 oC.
The measured permeate fluxes versus applied pressure for the five membranes
are shown in Fig.2. The slopes of the curves are equal to the hydraulic perme-
ability of the respective membranes, which indicates that the osmotic pressure
effects of the solutes are negligible due to the low feed concentrations.
For each sets of measured data of flux Jv and the rejection R, Eq.(1) was used
to compute the values of the membrane parameters σ and Ps with nonlin-
ear two-parameter fitting in a least-squares sense. The σ corresponds to the
maximum rejection at infinite volume flux. The results of the SK analysis are
illustrated in Fig.3 using the permeation data of lactose as an example.
Prior to the steric pore model analysis, two main steps were performed. First,
the reflection coefficients of the 6 solutes were determined for the 5 membranes
using the SK model. Second, the Stokes radii rS and the effective radii rE
of all solutes were calculated from Eq.(15) and Eq.(14), respectively. Thus,
using the solute radius and the respective reflection coefficient allow us to
determine the hypothetical pore size for each membrane. The DSP model
using Eq.(10) or alternatively, the SHP model using Eq.(13) can be fitted to the
x 10
0.8 GH
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
trans−membrane pressure [Pa] 6
x 10
Fig. 2. Measured fluxes of lactose solution (symbols) and predicted fluxes based on
pure water permeability (solid lines) for the 5 membranes.
0.8 GH
rejection [−]
0 2 4 6 8
permeate flux [m/s] −5
x 10
Fig. 3. Experimental data (symbols) of lactose rejection as function of flux for the
5 membranes. Solid lines were fitted using the SK model.
The predictions of the DSP and the SHP models compared with the experi-
mental data are shown in Fig.4 and Fig.5, respectively. The quality of the fit
can be described with the coefficient of determination R2 defined as
σ [−]
0.4 GE
0.2 NP010
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Stokes radius [nm]
Fig. 4. Relationship between reflection coefficient (e.g. limiting rejection) and Stokes
radii of solutes. The optimal estimates for the pore radii of the five membranes were
provided from the model proposed by Bowen et al. using Eq(12). Solid lines illustrate
model predictions with the best fitting rp values.
σ [−]
0.2 NP030
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
effective radius [nm]
Fig. 5. Relationship between reflection coefficient (e.g. limiting rejection) and effec-
tive radii of solutes. The optimal estimates for the pore radii of the five membranes
were provided from the SHP model using Eq(13). Solid lines illustrate model pre-
dictions with the best fitting rp values.
where σ, σ ∗ and σ̄ are the experimental, the modelled, and the mean of the
experimental values, respectively. Using the determined pore sizes in the mod-
els allows us to compute the size of the molecule that has a limiting rejection
of 90% and thus, the empirical relations described in Sect.2.3 can be used to
Table 3
Estimated hypothetical pore sizes of the five membranes obtained from SHP and
DSP models using experimental data of neutral solutes.
SHP model DSP model
using effective radius using Stokes radius using Stokes radius
membrane rp[nm] MWCO R2 rp[nm] MWCO R2 rp[nm] MWCO R2
GE 0.46 290 0.954 0.52 280 0.951 0.70 380 0.912
DK 0.39 200 0.940 0.44 200 0.925 0.55 230 0.807
GH 0.73 840 0.980 0.85 820 0.976 1.14 1100 0.923
NP030 0.59 520 0.915 0.68 500 0.917 0.93 700 0.934
NP010 0.80 1040 0.973 0.93 1010 0.976 1.29 1400 0.949
calculate the MWCO from the solute radius. The obtained data of rp , MWCO
and R2 are listed in Table 4 for three different approaches. Overall, very good
approximates of the measured data are given by both models. However, the
pore sizes estimated by the DSP model are considerably bigger than the SHP
model predictions. There is also a significant difference in the estimated pore
size values depending on which measure of the solute size was employed in the
SHP model.
The overall fittings of the studied two models are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7.
The estimated pore radii of the membranes listed in Table 4 and the Stokes
radii as the measure of solute size were used to compute σ for each solute
and for each membrane. Then, σ was plotted as a function of λ. As shown in
Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, the experimental values of σ are in good agreement with the
estimated σ values irrespective of which solute and membrane was applied.
σ [−]
0.2 NP010
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
λ [−]
R =0.9419
σ [−]
0.2 NP010
after Bowen et al.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
λ [−]
direct estimation of the pore size without the necessity of a prior SK analysis.
The pore size can be obtained by fitting to the experimentally determined
set of applied pressure and rejection data, or vice versa, the rejection of a
noncharged solute for a given applied pressure can be calculated if the pore
size of the membrane is known. This latter concept was applied to estimate
the R of the different solutes as a function of ∆P using the prior determined
pore radius listed in Table 4. The model prediction is plotted together with
the experimental data in Fig. 8 for the membrane GE as a representative
rejection [−]
0 1 2 3 4
∆P [Pa] 6
x 10
Fig. 8. Rejection of solutes as a function of permeate flux for the membrane GE. The
curves were computed using Eq.(10) and assuming membrane pore radius rp = 0.70
5 Conclusions
The hypothetical pore radii of five commercial NF membranes (DK, GE, GH,
NP030, NP010) were evaluated from permeation experiments using different
noncharged solutes. Thermodynamical analysis of experimental data was per-
formed in order to obtain the reflection coefficients of each solute. This phe-
nomenological parameter was linked to the membrane structural parameter
using two steric pore flow models. The overall best-fitting solution in a least-
squares sense was computed for each membrane by fitting the pore size radii
to the sets of experimental data of reflection coefficients and solute radii. Pre-
dictions of both DSP and SHP models were found to be in a good agreement
with the experimental data. However, there is a significant difference in the es-
timated pore size values depending on which model is used and also on which
measure of the solute size is employed. The provided values of membrane pore
size can be applied to predict the rejection of any noncharged solute for a
given applied pressure.
[4] S. Allgeier, Membrane filtration guidance manual, Tech. Rep. EPA 815-R-06-
009, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water (2005).
[9] K. Kosutic, L. Katelan-Kunst, B. Kunst, Porosity of some commercial reverse
osmosis and nanofiltration polyamide thin-film composite membranes, J. Mem.
Sci. 76 (168) (2000) 101–108.
Table 4
Symbol Name Unit
cp Permeate concentration mol/m3
cr Retentate concentration mol/m3
d Thikness of oriented solvent layer m
D∞ Diffusion coefficient at infinite dilution m2 /s
Dp Hindered diffusion coefficient within the pore m2 /s
js Molar solute flux mol/m2 /s
Jv Volumetric permeate flux m/s
k Boltzmann constant (1.38 · 10−23 ) J/K
Kc Convective hindrance factor –
Kd Diffusive hindrance factor –
Mw Molecular weight g/mol
P em Modified Peclet number –
Ps Solute permeability m/s
R Rejection –
Rlim Limiting rejection –
rE Effective radius of solute m
rp Pore radius m
rS Stokes radius of solute m
T Temperature K
V Solvent velocity m/s
x Axial position within the pore m
Greek symbols
∆P Applied pressure Pa
∆π Osmotic pressure difference across the pore Pa
∆x Membrane thickness m
Φ Steric partitioning coefficient –
η0 Bulk dynamic viscosity Pas
ηp Dynamic viscosity within pores Pas
λ Ratio of solute to pore radius –
σ Reflection coefficient –