Basic of Ion Exchange Part-2
Basic of Ion Exchange Part-2
Basic of Ion Exchange Part-2
for Residential
Water Treatment
Part 2
By Michael C. Keller
In our February issue, Keller explained the This is an oversimplified but accurate ex- tion in rinse is dependent on the system
histor y of ion exchange, the manufacturing planation. design (it must have good distribution).
and softening processes, disinfection and Countercurrent regeneration can be The reason for greater efficiency is due
standard removal methods. We now bring a technique used to improve efficiency; to the fact that the rinse water has hard-
you part two, which begins with a look at however, the main benefit to countercur- ness. Any reduction in rinse volume will
efficiency factors. rent regeneration is the reduction of leak- reduce the amount of exhaustion that
ages as compared to cocurrent regenera- occurs during the rinse cycle. When less
Efficiency rinse water is used, less ex-
In many parts of the country, Table 3. Comparative evaluation— haustion occurs during the
drought has caused the water treatment fine mesh vs. standard mesh regeneration, so there is
industry to look for more efficient meth- more capacity during the
Standard resin Fine mesh resin
ods to soften water. California is in that service cycle.
operating operating
process (in some counties) and has en- As stated pr eviously,
capacity capacity
acted laws (in other counties) requiring the greatest benefit to a
(kgr/cf) (kgr/cf)
softeners to have an efficiency rating of countercurrent system is
Regeneration level salt efficiency salt efficiency
3,250 grs./lb. of salt. These laws were lower leakage. In a cocurrent
(lbs./cf @ 10%) (kgr/lbs. of salt) (kgr/lbs. of salt)
implemented to reduce the amount of salt system the brine is intro-
being sent to the drain. This goal cannot 5 22.2 / 4.44 23.9 / 4.78 duced in the same direction
be attained when using high salt dosages. 10 29.0 / 2.90 31.5 / 3.15 as the service flow. When the
The lower the salt dosage, the greater the 15 31.3 / 2.09 34.0 / 2.27 bed is exhausted and salt is
efficiency of the unit (See Table 3—no- 20 33.6 / 1.68 36.6 / 1.83 passed through the system,
tice that standard resin when regenerated top to bottom, a heel of ex-
25 35.7 / 1.43 39.0 / 1.56
with 5 lbs. of salt/cu.ft. can achieve an hausted resin is left at the
efficiency of 4.44 kgr./lb. of salt, while Softening cycle – downflow 3 gpm/cf bottom of the unit. A coun-
10 lbs./cu.ft. will attain only 2.9 kgr./lb. Regeneration – upflow 0.5 gpm/cf tercurrent unit which runs
of salt). Resin bed depth – 24 inches opposite to a cocurrent sys-
Fine mesh resin will also increase Operating capacity end point – 10 ppm total hardness tem will leave a heel of ex-
efficiency. This is the result of better ki- hausted resin on top of the
netics. The resin has greater surface area, tion (See Table 4). With countercurrent unit. When the system goes back on line,
so the exchange of hardness onto the regeneration, the brine solutions r un op- the heel of hardness must pass through
resin is mor e efficient. Laboratory test- posite the service flow. Ca-
ing has shown that fine mesh resin gives pacity is not incr eased Table 4. Countercurrent water softening
approximately 10 percent more capacity during the actual brining of for high hardness and high solids
than standard softening resin. The ex- the resin; it occurs during the
haustion band formed during the service rinse cycle. In a cocurrent Conventional
cycle contains both exhausted and regen- system, the total rinse can be (Cocurrent) Countercurrent
erated resin. Standard resin may have a 5-10 bed volumes or 40-80 Influent —TDS 1,500 ppm 1,500 ppm
10-inch exhaustion band, while fine mesh gallons. The rinse in the —TH 700 ppm 700 ppm
resin has a 9-inch exhaustion band. For countercurrent system may Regenerant (NaCl) 10 lbs./cu.ft. 7.5 lbs./cu.ft.
this reason, the fine mesh resin system be as low as 2-5 bed volumes
Hardness leakage 25-30 ppm 1-2 ppm
will have one more inch of usable resin. or 15-40 gallons. The reduc-