Congestive Heart Failure: Case Presentation and Discussion ON
Congestive Heart Failure: Case Presentation and Discussion ON
Congestive Heart Failure: Case Presentation and Discussion ON
This is a case of F. J., a 75 years old widow male from Talisayan. He is farmer and a
Roman Catholic
Difficulty of Breathing
Five months prior to admission (PTA), patient had gradual onset of failure symptoms-
dyspnea, PND and 3 pillow orthopnea. Patient sought consult at a private hospital where she
was advised for admission but went HAMA instead and was given the unrecalled home
Three weeks prior to admission, patient noted gradual onset of progressive bipedal
Few hours prior to admission, patient’s dyspnea increased in severity which prompted to
Patient is a known hypertensive for eight years now with maintenance medication of
No allergies noted
Patient has no family history of hypertension, diabetes, cardiac disease and other
heredofamilial diseases.
Patient lives with his daughter and his daughter’s nuclear family. Patient denies smoking,
alcoholic drinking or illicit drug use. Patient’s usual diet consist of fish and vegetables.
Throat Throat (or mouth and pharynx): No frequent sore throat or gum bleeding.
excessive thirst.
General Patient is awake, alert, conscious and oriented to 3 spheres. Patient is not in
respiratory distress.
Skin Warm to touch with dry skin. No clubbing and smooth nails.
Eyes Anicteric Sclerae, pink palpebral conjuctivae. Pupils 3mm, round and
Ears Good hearing acuity, ears without discharge and deformities. No tenderness.
Nose Pink nasal mucosa, clear nasal cavity. Slightly flat nose. Septum at midline.
No sinus tenderness.
Thorax and With symmetrical chest excursion. No scars, lumps and tenderness. Lungs
precordium. PMI at 6th ICS midclavicular line. Normal rate and regular
orthopnea degrees
patient is 75 years old male with known hypertension. In this presentation alone, given that the
age of the patient and his comorbid strongly predisposes him to a cardiac or a renal condition
given that these two has a direct relationship together. Second, as stated in the history of present
illness, the patient experienced the classic failure symptoms which were difficulty of breathing,
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, orthopnea and edema in which aside from suspecting a heart
failure, we could also suspect a kidney disease. Moreover, as seen in the physical examination,
the patient has elevated blood pressure, respiratory finding of fine crackles on both lung fields
and cardiac findings of elevated JVP and displaced PMI. Altogether, these signs and symptoms
may be due to damage to the kidneys caused by hypertension which resulted in congestion due to
inability to excrete waste from the body thus the secondary clinical diagnosis of chronic kidney
disease- chronic due to its time frame. However, chronic kidney disease cannot explain the fine
crackles and displaced PMI (although in some patients with hypertension, a displaced PMI may
be seen). Moreover, evidences supporting a clinical impression of chronic kidney disease such as
changes in urine output and facial edema are lacking in this case which is why heart failure has
been considered as primary clinical diagnosis in this patient. The signs and symptoms could
easily be explained by the patient’s underlying hypertension which then cause an abnormality in
cardiac structure or function thus resulting in congestion. It is also vital to state that the signs and
the patient
the patient
presence of
Y be visualized to
assess for
In this patient, I shall be doing chest xray to confirm the primary clinical diagnosis.
A chest xray is a safe, noninvasive and painless test that uses a small amount of radiation to take
radiation through the chest, and an image is recorded on special film or a computer. If the chest
xray confirms cardiomegaly, pulmonary vascular redistribution, interstitial edema and/or pleural
2. ECG- to determine the cardiovascular status and assess hypertrophied heart chambers. Left
ventricular hypertrophy
3. Chest Xray- showed an enlarged cardiac silhouette and edema at the lung bases, signs of
4. 2DEcho- recommended in the initial evaluation of patients with known or suspected heart
failure. Ventricular function may be evaluated, and primary and secondary valvular abnormalities
Data on how the patient was treated is not available. Ideally the patient should be
decongested. Excess fluid retention must be controlled by dietary sodium restriction and
CHF therapy which is proven to prolong life in patients with symptomatic CHF along
with betablockers and aldosterone antagonists. Digoxin may also be useful in heart
failure caused by marked systolic dysfunction and those with atrial fibrillation.
Management of the patient should be evaluated by re assessing the goals of the treatment
1. Sodium restriction
2. Fluid restriction
Since hypertension can cause heart failure in the long run, we must advise hypertensive
patients to seek consult of a physician for follow up annually. Diet modification should be
also observed. We must also advise individuals with a strong family history of cardiac
Jameson, Larry, et. al. 2018 Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Heart Failure p.