Electric Machine Design (Module-4)
Electric Machine Design (Module-4)
Electric Machine Design (Module-4)
Constructional Details:
Similar to DC machines an induction motor consists of a stationary member called stator and a
rotating member called rotor. However the induction motor differs from a dc machine in the
following aspects.
1. Laminated stator
2. Absence of commutator
3. Uniform and small air gap
4. Practically almost constant speed
The stator
The stator is the outer stationary part of the motor, which consists of
The outer cylindrical frame of the motor or yoke, which is made either of welded sheet
steel, cast iron or cast aluminum alloy.
The magnetic path, which comprises a set of slotted steel laminations called stator core
pressed into the cylindrical space inside the outer frame. The magnetic path is
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phase connected in either star or delta. Fig 1 shows the cross sectional view of an
induction motor. Details of construction of stator are shown in Figs 4-6.
The rotor
Rotor is the rotating part of the induction motor. The rotor also consists of a set of slotted
silicon steel laminations pressed together to form of a cylindrical magnetic circuit and the
electrical circuit. The electrical circuit of the rotor is of the following nature
Squirrel cage rotor consists of a set of copper or aluminum bars installed into the slots, which
are connected to an end-ring at each end of the rotor. The construction of this type of rotor
along with windings resembles a ‘squirrel cage’. Aluminum rotor bars are usually die-cast into
the rotor slots, which results in a very rugged construction. Even though the aluminum rotor
bars are in direct contact with the steel laminations, practically all the rotor current flows
through the aluminum bars and not in the lamination
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Wound rotor consists of three sets of insulated windings with connections brought out to three
slip rings mounted on one end of the shaft. The external connections to the rotor are made
through brushes onto the slip rings. Due to the presence of slip rings such type of motors are
called slip ring motors. Sectional view of the full induction motor.
Some more parts, which are required to complete the constructional details of an
induction motor, are:
Two end-flanges to support the two bearings, one at the driving-end and the other at
the non driving-end, where the driving end will have the shaft extension.
Two sets of bearings to support the rotating shaft,
Steel shaft for transmitting the mechanical power to the load
Cooling fan located at the non driving end to provide forced cooling for the stator
and rotor
Terminal box on top of the yoke or on side to receive the external electrical connections
Figure 2 to show the constructional details of the different parts of induction motor.
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Introduction to Design
The main purpose of designing an induction motor is to obtain the complete physical
dimensions of all the parts of the machine as mentioned below to satisfy the
customer specifications. The following design details are required.
4. Performance characteristics.
In order to get the above design details the designer needs the customer specifications
Rated out put power, rated voltage, number of phases, speed, frequency, connection of
stator winding, type of rotor winding, working conditions, shaft extension details etc.
In addition to the above the designer must have the details regarding design equations based on
which the design procedure is initiated, information regarding the various choice of various
parameters, information regarding the availability of different materials and the limiting values
of various performance parameters such as iron and copper losses, no load current, power
factor, temperature rise and efficiency
Output Equation: output equation is the mathematical expression which gives the
relation between the various physical and electrical parameters of the electrical machine.
For a 3 Φ machine m = 3
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= 2.22 f ΦZphKw
f = PNS/120 = Pns/2,
Zph = no of conductors/phase
Tph = no of turns/phase
kw = winding factor
η = efficiency
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Co = Output coefficient
Limitations :
For 50 Hz machine, 0.35 – 0.6 Tesla. The suitable values of Bav can be selected from
design data hand book.
• Reduced size
• Reduced cost
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Normal range 10000 ac/m – 450000 ac/m. The suitable values of q can be selected from design
data hand book.
Choice of power factor and efficiency under full load conditions will increase with increase in
rating of the machine. Percentage magnetizing current and losses will be lower for a larger
machine than that of a smaller machine. Further the power factor and efficiency will be higher
for a high speed machine than the same rated low speed machine because of better cooling
conditions. Taking into considerations all these factors the above parameters will vary in a
range based on the output of the machine. Similar to Bav and q, efficiency and power factor
values can be selected from Design data hand book.
Separation of D and L
The output equation gives the relation between D2L product and output of the machine. To
separate D and L for this product a relation has to be assumed or established. Following are the
various design considerations based on which a suitable ratio between gross length and pole
pitch can be assumed.
As power factor plays a very important role the performance of induction motors it is advisable
to design an induction motor for best power factor unless specified. Hence to obtain the best
power factor the following relation will be usually assumed for separation of D and L.
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Using above relation D and L can be separated from D2L product. However the obtained
values of D and L have to satisfy the condition imposed on the value of peripheral speed.
Peripheral Speed
For the normal design of induction motors the calculated diameter of the motor should be such
that the peripheral speed must be below 30 m/s. In case of specially designed rotor the
peripheral speed can be 60 m/s.
Design of Stator
Stator slots: in general two types of stator slots are employed in induction motors viz, open
clots and semiclosed slots. Operating performance of the induction motors depends upon the
shape of the slots and hence it is important to select suitable slot for the stator slots.
(i) Open slots: In this type of slots the slot opening will be equal to that of the
width of the slots as shown in Fig 10. In such type of slots assembly and
repair of winding are easy. However such slots will lead to higher air gap
contraction factor and hence poor power factor. Hence these types of slots are rarely
used in 3Φ induction motors.
(ii) Semiclosed slots: In such type of slots, slot opening is much smaller than the
width of the slot as shown in Fig 10 and Fig 11. Hence in this type of slots
assembly of windings is more difficult and takes more time compared to
open slots and hence it is costlier. However the air gap characteristics are
better compared to open type slots.
(iii) Tapered slots: In this type of slots also, opening will be much smaller than
the slot width. However the slot width will be varying from top of the slot to
bottom of the slot with minimum width at the bottom as shown in Fig. 10.
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Selection of number of stator slots: Number of stator slots must be properly selected at the
design stage as such this number affects the weight, cost and operating characteristics of the
motor. Though there are no rules for selecting the number of stator slots considering the
advantages and disadvantages of selecting higher number slots comprise has to be set for
selecting the number of slots. Following are the advantages and disadvantages of selecting
higher number of slots.
Based on the above comprise is made and the number of slots/pole/phase may be selected as
three or more for integral slot winding. However for fractional slot windings number of
slots/pole/phase may be selected as 3.5. So selected number of slots should satisfy the
consideration of stator slot pitch at the air gap surface, which should be between1.5 to 2.5 cm.
Stator slot pitch at the air gap surface = τss= πD/Sss where Sss is the number of stator slots
Hence turns per phase can be obtained from emf equation Tph = Eph/ 4.44fΦkw
Generally the induced emf can be assumed to be equal to the applied voltage per phase
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winding factor kw may be assumed as 0.955 for full pitch distributed winding unless otherwise
Number conductors /phase, Zph = 2 x Tph, and hence Total number of stator conductors Z = 6
Tph and conductors /slot Zs = Z/Ss or 6 Tph/Ss , where Zs is an integer for single layer winding
and even number for double layer winding.
Conductor cross section: Area of cross section of stator conductors can be estimated from the
stator current per phase and suitably assumed value of current density for the stator windings.
Sectional area of the stator conductor as = Is / δs where δs is the current density in stator
A suitable value of current density has to be assumed considering the advantages and
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Hence higher value is assumed for low voltage machines and small machines. Usual value of
current density for stator windings is 3 to 5 amps.
Based on the sectional area shape and size of the conductor can be decided. If the sectional
area of the conductors is below 5 mm2 then usually circular conductors are employed. If it is
above 5 mm2 then rectangular conductors will be employed. Standard bare size of round and
rectangular conductors can be selected by referring the tables of conductors given in Design
data Hand book. In case of rectangular conductors width to thickness ratio must be between 2.5
to 3.5.
Area of stator slot: Slot area is occupied by the conductors and the insulation. Out of which
almost more than 25 % is the insulation. Once the number of conductors per slot is decided
approximate area of the slot can be estimated.
Slot space factor = Copper area in the slot /Area of each slot
This slot space factor so obtained will be between 0.25 and 0.4. The detailed dimension of the
slot can be estimated as follows.
Size of the slot: Normally different types of slots are employed for carrying stator windings of
induction motors. Generally full pitched double layer windings are employed for stator
windings. For double layer windings the conductor per slot will be even. These conductors are
suitably arranged along the depth and width of the winding. Stator slots should not be too wide,
leading to thin tooth width, which makes the tooth mechanically weak and maximum flux
density may exceed the permissible limit. Hence slot width should be so selected such that the
flux density in tooth is between 1.6 to 1.8 Tesla. Further the slots should not be too deep also
other wise the leakage reactance increases. As a guideline the ratio of slot depth to slot width
may assumed as 3 to 5. Slot insulation details along the conductors are shown in Fig. 12.
Conductor insulation
Slot liner
Coil separator
Coil insulation
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Proper slot insulation as per the voltage rating of the machine has to be provided before
inserting the insulated coil in the slots. This slot insulation is called the slot liner, thickness
of which may be taken as 0.5 mm to 0.7 mm. Suitable thickness of insulation called coil
separator separates the two layers of coils. Thickness of coil separator is 0.5 mm to 0.7 mm
for low voltage machines and 0.8 mm to 1.2 mm for high voltage machines. Wedge of
suitable thickness (3.5 mm to 5 mm) is placed at the top of the slot to hold the coils in
position. Lip of the slot is taken 1.0 to 2.0 mm. Figure 13 shows the coils placed in slots.
Length of the mean turn is calculated using an empirical formula lmt = 2L + 2.3 τp + 0.24 where L is the
gross length of the stator and τp is pole pitch in meter.
Resistance of stator winding: Resistance of the stator winding per phase is calculated using
the formula = (0.021 x lmt x Tph ) / as where lmt is in meter and as is in mm2. Using so
calculated resistance of stator winding copper losses in stator winding can be calculated as
Flux density in stator tooth: Knowing the dimensions of stator slot pitch, width of the slot
and width of the stator tooth flux density in the stator tooth can be calculated. The flux density
in the stator tooth is limited to 1.8 Tesla. As the stator tooth is tapering towards the bottom, the
flux density is calculated at 1/3rd height from the narrow end of the tooth. The flux density at
the 1/3rd height from the narrow end of the tooth can be calculated as follows.
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Area of all the stator tooth per pole A't = b't x li x number of teeth per pole
Maximum flux density in the stator teeth may be taken to be less than 1.5 times the above
Depth of stator core below the slots: There will be certain solid portion below the slots in the
stator which is called the depth of the stator core. This depth of the stator core can be
calculated by assuming suitable value for the flux density Bc in the stator core. Generally the
flux density in the stator core may be assumed varying between 1.2 to 1.4 Tesla. Depth of the
stator core can be calculated as follows.
Using the design data obtained so far outer diameter of the stator core can be calculated as
Design of Rotor:
There are two types of rotor construction. One is the squirrel cage rotor and the other is the slip
ring rotor. Most of the induction motor are squirrel cage type. These are having the advantage
of rugged and simple in construction and comparatively cheaper. However they have the
disadvantage of lower starting torque. In this type, the rotor consists of bars of copper or
aluminum accommodated in rotor slots. In case slip ring induction motors the rotor complex in
construction and costlier with the advantage that they have the better starting torque. This type
of rotor consists of star connected distributed three phase windings.
Between stator and rotor is the air gap which is a very critical part. The performance
parameters of the motor like magnetizing current, power factor, over load capacity, cooling and
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noise are affected by length of the air gap. Hence length of the air gap is selected considering
the advantages and disadvantages of larger air gap length.
Effect of magnetizing current and its effect on the power factor can be understood from the
phasor diagram of the induction motor shown in Fig. 14.
Magnetising current and power factor being very important parameters in deciding the
performance of induction motors, the induction motors are designed for optimum value of air
gap or minimum air gap possible. Hence in designing the length of the air gap following
empirical formula is employed.
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Number of slots: Proper numbers of rotor slots are to be selected in relation to number of
stator slots otherwise undesirable effects will be found at the starting of the motor. Cogging
and Crawling are the two phenomena which are observed due to wrong combination of number
of rotor and stator slots. In addition, induction motor may develop unpredictable hooks and
cusps in torque speed characteristics or the motor may run with lot of noise. Let us discuss
Cogging and Crawling phenomena in induction motors.
Crawling: The rotating magnetic field produced in the air gap of the will be usually nonsinusoidal
and generally contains odd harmonics of the order 3rd, 5th and 7th. The third harmonic flux will
produce the three times the magnetic poles compared to that of the fundamental. Similarly the 5th
and 7th harmonics will produce the poles five and seven times the fundamental respectively. The
presence of harmonics in the flux wave affects the torque speed characteristics. The Fig. 16 below
shows the effect of 7th harmonics on the torque speed characteristics of three phase induction
motor. The motor with presence of 7th harmonics is to have a tendency to run the motor at one
seventh of its normal speed. The 7th harmonics will produce a dip in torque speed characteristics at
one seventh of its normal speed as shown in torque speed characteristics.
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Cogging: In some cases where in the number of rotor slots are not proper in relation to number of
stator slots the machine refuses to run and remains stationary. Under such conditions there will be a
locking tendency between the rotor and stator. Such a phenomenon is called cogging.
Hence in order to avoid such bad effects a proper number of rotor slots are to be selected in
relation to number of stator slots. In addition rotor slots will be skewed by one slot pitch to
minimize the tendency of cogging, torque defects like synchronous hooks and cusps and noisy
operation while running. Effect of skewing will slightly increase the rotor resistance and
increases the starting torque. However this will increase the leakage reactance and hence
reduces the starting current and power factor.
Selection of number of rotor slots: The number of rotor slots may be selected using the following
guide lines.
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Rotor Bar Current: Bar current in the rotor of a squirrel cage induction motor may be
determined by comparing the mmf developed in rotor and stator.
Hence the current per rotor bar is given by Ib = ( Kws x Ss x Z's ) x I'r / ( Kwr x Sr x Z'r ) ;
where Kws – winding factor for the stator, Ss – number of stator slots, Z's – number of
conductors / stator slots, Kwr – winding factor for the rotor, Sr – number of rotor slots, Z'r –
number of conductors / rotor slots and I'r – equivalent rotor current in terms of stator current
and is given by I'r = 0.85 Is where is stator current per phase.
Cross sectional area of Rotor bar: Sectional area of the rotor conductor can be calculated by
rotor bar current and assumed value of current density for rotor bars. As cooling conditions are
better for the rotor than the stator higher current density can be assumed. Higher current
density will lead to reduced sectional area and hence increased resistance, rotor cu losses and
reduced efficiency. With increased rotor resistance starting torque will increase. As a guide line
the rotor bar current density can be assumed between 4 to 7 Amp/mm2 or may be selected from
design data Hand Book.
Hence sectional area of the rotor bars can be calculated as Ab = Ib /δb mm2. Once the cross
sectional area is known the size of the conductor may be selected form standard table given in
data hand book.
Shape and Size of the Rotor slots: Generally semiclosed slots or closed slots with very small
or narrow openings are employed for the rotor slots. In case of fully closed slots the rotor bars
are force fit into the slots from the sides of the rotor. The rotors with closed slots are giving
better performance to the motor in the following way. (i) As the rotor is closed the rotor
surface is smooth at the air gap and hence the motor draws lower magnetizing current. (ii)
reduced noise as the air gap characteristics are better (iii) increased leakage reactance and (iv)
reduced starting current. (v) Over load capacity is reduced (vi) Undesirable and complex air
gap characteristics. From the above it can be concluded that semiclosed slots are more suitable
and hence are employed in rotors.
Copper loss in rotor bars: Knowing the length of the rotor bars and resistance of the rotor
bars cu losses in the rotor bars can be calculated.
End Ring Current: All the rotor bars are short circuited by connecting them to the end rings
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at both the end rings. The rotating magnetic filed produced will induce an emf in the rotor bars
which will be sinusoidal over one pole pitch. As the rotor is a short circuited body, there will
be current flow because of this emf induced. The distribution of current and end rings are as
shown in Fig. 17 below. Referring to the figure considering the bars under one pole pitch, half
of the number of bars and the end ring carry the current in one direction and the other half in
the opposite direction. Thus the maximum end ring current may be taken as the sum of the
average current in half of the number of bars under one pole.
Maximum end ring current Ie(max) = ½ ( Number rotor bars / pole) Ib(av)
= ½ x Sr/P x Ib/1.11
Area of end ring: Knowing the end ring current and assuming suitable value for the current
density in the end rings cross section for the end ring can be calculated as
Copper loss in End Rings: Mean diameter of the end ring (Dme) is assumed as 4 to 6 cms less than that of the rotor.
Mean length of the current path in end ring can be calculated as lme = πDme. The resistance of the end ring can be
calculated as
re = 0.021 x lme / Ae
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Equivalent Rotor Resistance: Knowing the total copper losses in the rotor circuit and the
equivalent rotor current equivalent rotor resistance can be calculated as follows.
Design of wound Rotor: These are the types of induction motors where in rotor also carries
distributed star connected 3 phase winding. At one end of the rotor there are three slip rings
mounted on the shaft. Three ends of the winding are connected to the slip rings. External
resistances can be connected to these slip rings at starting, which will be inserted in series with
the windings which will help in increasing the torque at starting. Such type of induction motors
are employed where high starting torque is required.
Number of rotor slots: As mentioned earlier the number of rotor slots should never be equal
to number of stator slots. Generally for wound rotor motors a suitable value is assumed for
number of rotor slots per pole per phase, and then total number of rotor slots are calculated. So
selected number of slots should be such that tooth width must satisfy the flux density
limitation. Semiclosed slots are used for rotor slots.
Number of rotor Turns: Number of rotor turns are decided based on the safety consideration
of the personal working with the induction motors. The volatge between the slip rings on open
circuit must be limited to safety values. In general the voltage between the slip rings for low
and medium voltage machines must be limited to 400 volts. For motors with higher voltage
ratings and large size motors this voltage must be limited to 1000 volts. Based on the assumed
voltage between the slip rings comparing the induced voltage ratio in stator and rotor the
number of turns on rotor winding can be calculated.
Rotor Current
Rotor current can be calculated by comparing the amp-cond on stator and rotor
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Area of Rotor Conductor: Area of rotor conductor can be calculated based on the assumed
value for the current density in rotor conductor and calculated rotor current. Current density
rotor conductor can be assumed between 4 to 6 Amp/mm2
Ar = Ir / δr mm2
Ar < 5mm2 use circular conductor, else rectangular conductor, for rectangular conductor
width to thickness ratio = 2.5 to 4. Then the standard conductor size can be selected similar to
that of stator conductor.
Size of Rotor slot: Mostly Semi closed rectangular slots employed for the rotors. Based on
conductor size, number conductors per slot and arrangement of conductors similar to that of
stator, dimension of rotor slots can be estimated. Size of the slot must be such that the ratio of
depth to width of slot must be between 3 and 4.
Total copper loss: Length of the mean Turn can be calculated from the empirical formula lmt =
2L + 2.3 τp + 0.08 m
Resistance of rotor winding is given by Rr = (0.021 x lmt x Tr ) / Ar Total
copper loss = 3 Ir2 Rr Watts
Flux density in rotor tooth: It is required that the dimension of the slot is alright from the flux
density consideration. Flux density has to be calculated at 1/3 rd height from the root of the
teeth. This flux density has to be limited to 1.8 Tesla. If not the width of the tooth has to be
increased and width of the slot has to be reduced such that the above flux density limitation is
satisfied. The flux density in rotor can be calculated by as shown below.
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Maximum flux density in the rotor teeth < 1.5 times B'tr
Depth of stator core below the slots: Below rotor slots there is certain solid portion which is
called depth of the core below slots. This depth is calculated based on the flux
density and flux in the rotor core. Flux density in the rotor core can be assumed to be
between 1.2 to 1.4 Tesla. Then depth of the core can be found as follows.
Performance Evaluation:
Based on the design data of the stator and rotor of an induction motor, performance of the
machine has to be evaluated. The parameters for performance evaluation are iron losses, no
load current, no load power factor, leakage reactance etc. Based on the values of these
parameters design values of stator and rotor can be justified.
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Iron losses: Iron losses are occurring in all the iron parts due to the varying magnetic field of
the machine. Iron loss has two components, hysteresis and eddy current losses occurring in the
iron parts depend upon the frequency of the applied voltage. The frequency of the induced
voltage in rotor is equal to the slip frequency which is very low and hence the iron losses
occurring in the rotor is negligibly small. Hence the iron losses occurring in the induction
motor is mainly due to the losses in the stator alone. Iron losses occurring in the stator can be
computed as given below.
The following steps explain the calculation of iron loss in the stator teeth
(i) Calculate the area of cross section of stator tooth based on the width of the tooth
at 1/3rd height and iron length of the core as A'ts= b'ts x li m2
(ii) Calculate the volume all the teeth in stator Vts = A'ts x hts x Ss m3
(iii) Compute the weight of all the teeth based on volume and density of the material as
Wts = Vts x density. ( density of the material can be found in DDH) (7.8 x 10 -3
(iv) Corresponding to the operating flux density in the stator teeth of the machine iron
loss per kg of the material can be found by referring to the graph on pp179 of DDH.
(v) Total iron losses in teeth= Iron loss /kg x weight of all teeth Wts ie result of (iii) x
Similar to the above calculation of iron loss in teeth, iron loss in stator core can be
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(i) Calculate the area of cross section of the core as Acs = dcs x li m2
(ii) Calculate the mean diameter of the stator core below the slots as D mcs= D + 2 hts + dcs
(iii) Compute the volume of stator core as Vcs = Acs x π Dmcs m3
(iv) Calculate the weight of the stator core as Wcs = Vcs x density
(v) Corresponding to the operating flux density in the stator core of the machine iron loss
per kg of the material can be found by referring to the graph on pp 179 of DDH.
(vi) Total iron losses in core = Iron loss /kg x weight of core Wcs ie result of (iv) x (v)
Total iron losses in induction motor = Iron loss in stator core + iron losses in stator teeth.
In addition friction and windage loss can be taken into account by assuming it as 1- 2 % of the
out put of the motor.
Hence total no load losses = Total iron losses + Friction and windage loss.
No load current: As seen from Fig 14, the no load current of an induction motor has two
components magnetizing component, Im and iron loss component, Iw. Phase relation between
these currents is shown in Fig. 14.
where p – no of pairs of poles, AT30 – Total ampere turns of the magnetic circuit at 30 0 from
the centre of the pole, Tph – Number of stator turns per phase.
Iron loss component of current: This component of current is responsible for supplying the iron
losses in the magnetic circuit. Hence this component can be calculated from no load losses and
applied voltage.
Iron loss component of current Iw= Total no load losses / ( 3 x phase voltage)
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No load Power Factor: No load power factor of an induction motor is very poor. As the load on
the machine increases the power factor improves. No load power factor can be calculated
knowing the components of no load current.